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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9863224 No.9863224 [Reply] [Original]

Any retro software you still use to make games?

>> No.9863237

Unreal Engine

>> No.9863337

Anybody remember Click & Create? Made thousands of shitty games with that back in the day. I think it grew into Macromedia Fusion but I will always have a soft spot for it, as well as other 90s tools like OHRRPGCE.

>> No.9863343
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I fucked around plenty with Klik & Play, though it was a MUCH more constrained tool than Clickteams' C&C/Multimedia Fusion (no scrolling support for starters, which was a bummer for me as a kid since all I wanted to do was my own Mario)

>> No.9863348

The first version, right?

>> No.9863350
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>> No.9863353

How goes one to decide on what engine to use? What makes you choos one over the other?

>> No.9863375

You could make a buggy Mario type game with it by simulating scrolling. When you'd press RIGHT you move all objects to the left and vice versa. I used to love this program, still have the original CD. It's unfortunate that the new Clickteam Fusion is barely ever updated so it's full with all sorts of issues and glitches (for one, anti-virus software would flag their .exe it as a virus for months) AND to put a game on Steam you'd have to pay someone to convert the game into another EXE. You have the option to pay the Clickteam devs do it for you, heh.

>> No.9863418

It depends on what you plan to make. It's pretty easy to make a top-down RPG in RPG Maker, a VN in Ren'Py or a side-scroller in Game Maker.

These have been around for a while and are still popular.

>> No.9863427
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>Klik & Play
It's been 25 years or more since I thought about this game, but I have interesting memories of this.
I liked listening to greensleeves so much.

>> No.9863473

At what version did Game Maker start charging? Are the older versions still viable?

>> No.9863561

I want to make a game for more low end systems and i was honestly wondering if using an older engine like Unreal 2 or 3 helps with system requirements

>> No.9863569

im not sure when they started charging. you can still find version 6 online ; itll run on windows 7. Ver 6 does have the 'pro version' - but the only thing it has is particle effects... and something else.

>> No.9863724

I remember when people tried to make action RPGs on RPG Maker 2000. They tried their best, but oof

>> No.9864561
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DIV Games Studio

>> No.9864661
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Zelda classic was my go to back in the early 2000s. Most of the games people made with it were absolute shit but as a kid just having several things to play was good enough.

>> No.9864665
File: 3.00 MB, 720x405, point.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used gamemaker to make this

>> No.9864824

Not games but I dick around with tracker software. Maybe one day a retro dev will want some mod music.

>> No.9865484

A walking sim? Way ahead of its time!

>> No.9865540


>> No.9865613


>> No.9865618
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THE Marc Overmars?

>> No.9865620

Impressive anon. What was this game about?

>> No.9865628
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>> No.9867228


>> No.9867250
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does YY-CHR count? it's still the best program lol

>> No.9867753

ease of use and functionality.
what kind of game do you have on mind?

>> No.9868186
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There are still people out there pushing RPG Maker 2k/3 to its limits every day anon.

>> No.9868213
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I'm probably in the minority of people who got bummed out when the built-in Blender game engine was discontinued

>> No.9868289

From my experience BGE was very unstable and would crash frequently. It also ran like arse and the shading capabilities were very limited compared to other engines as it was based on Blender's slow-ass viewport renderer.

The Yo Frankie game eventually had to switch engines at some point due to how underwhelming BGE was, that and nobody was maintaining it.

>> No.9868401

Holy fuck, how? External hacking not allowed
I remember some Zelda attempts way way way back then in the French community. One game was Mana rabbids and some function that powers you up every x mins. It was clumsy but worked okay
There was some attempts to make a Zelda like but oof. The dungeon boss was a literal jpg. They eventually moved on to game maker and recently? made a parody of their first game, with the dungeon being other parodies like part of it parodying the dungeon/having to fill out forms of The Twelve Tasks of Asterix

>> No.9868436

Still more plot than Gone Home

>> No.9868512

Nice. I tried making point-and-click in Gamemaker too. Clicking a walkable spot is easy to get the character to go to, but I wanted it so if you click an unwalkable spot then the character would walk as close as he can get, like in the LucasArts games.

>> No.9868515

He's just demonstrating his pathfinding. The character is automatically finding his own path to the spots where you see the arrows, presumably where the player clicked.

>> No.9868603

I love the philosophy behind Blender but honestly they always had a tendency to overreach and spread themselves too thin.

>> No.9868743

I had Klik 'n' Play as a kid, I would have cut off my right arm for a copy of Pie in the Sky though.

>> No.9868841

I don't dabble in game development but shit like Space Station 13 is still in active development on Byond and Byond still gets updates from time to time. I play on a game with a small community that's unlisted (fear of DMCA takedowns or other legal issues) and has an active development receiving pretty regular updates. The guy behind the server knows the engine is dogshit and has talked many times about things he cannot fix because of the engine but it's a project in his spare time so he is not willing port or re-write the entire game in a new engine.

>> No.9868928

Clik'n'Play or whatever it was called

>> No.9868934
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And also TGF which was its successor

>> No.9868942
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No, but I remember this piece of shit

>> No.9869508

I bought DIV2, was on the dollar bin, thinking it would be easy like that Klikteam shit. All i remember doing was a space invaders clone with the Serious Sam logo as enemies

>> No.9869936

there are few people still using "blitzmax" and "pie in the sky gcs" to make games

>> No.9872168

That depends very much on your personal definition of those words. Based on your pic related yours is very lose. If loading up an old version of game maker and playing around with some examples for a few minutes is "still making games" then yeah. I'm sure a lot of people have done that.

If you use it to make games then sure. But loading a rom into le rom haxor wharez isn't making a game.

>> No.9872208

Don't forget DarkBASIC/FPS Creator.

>> No.9872240
File: 2.71 MB, 600x440, point3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Here's an earlier demo with scaling. I wasn't able to get the diagonal movement smooth so I decided to go for a maniac mansion style approach. This was years ago though, and I never really did much with either engine.

>> No.9872252

Does anyone remember these absolute trash tier platformer games called "kill the pokemon" or something?

>> No.9872258

Geniunely happy to see this even though I don't play adventure games anymore. This is very neat

>> No.9872356

one time i used tgf2 to make a presentation instead of using something like powerpoint