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File: 89 KB, 350x256, DonkeyKong64CoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9860662 No.9860662 [Reply] [Original]

The hatred for DK64 is unfounded. A lot of it comes down to a lack of understanding of how 100% completion works in the game.

People think you HAVE to get all 100 bananas for all 5 characters in each level. You don't. Only 75% of them per character per level.

Oh no there's too many things to do in the levels and they're too big.

Having such a big open world and so many things to do was unheard of on the N64 back in 1999. It was such a huge deal for a kid with ADHD from back then, you have no idea.

>> No.9860679

hating on DK64 (and 3D platformers in general) was a very late 2000s thing, the era of "that game you liked as a kid SUCKSS" cynic type "angry" or "jaded" review that was so prevalent in those years, with figures like AVGN and Yahtzee (and dumb /v/tards taking them seriously).
I remember somewhere around the early to mid 2010s, 3D platformers were sort of cherished again, I remember DK64 release on virtual console being well received and celebrated, but there were still a group of people who relentlessly hated the game. Of course there's people who don't like it or have criticism about certain things, but it got to the point people treated DK64 as if it was an actual bad game, while it still is one of the better 3D platformers ever made. The genre just never got much room to grow, it proved to be a difficult genre to make in 3D, but DK64 did it well in its mechanical execution -not as good as SM64 though, that one was mystical shinto magic at work-, but people have some understandable complaints about the design of the game, the structure such as changing kongs and the like - I don't think it's that big of a deal, it's a game to be played at your own pace, and you don't need to collect every single thing to see the ending, but whatever.
So nowadays there's the 2 different sides, people who like it, and also a big number of people who hate it, and I guess some people in between, like me. Not among my favs but I had fun with it and think it has a lot of quality.

>> No.9860705

Loved it. Never finished it but planning on picking it up again soon. People like to talk about Sega and it’s feel (the sega skybox for example) in games and I agree, I think DK64 captured some of that especially being from rainy Brit creators. It is weird seeing a complaint about a platform we/adventure game having to much content… very bizarre.

>> No.9860759

It’s just Banjo Kazooie with Donkey Kong, and I don’t think people were looking for that in a 3D follow up to the DKC games.

>> No.9860797

never liked it because it seemed amateurish and slow, not even sure a remaster would be worthwhile.

>> No.9860984

The framerate is godawful
All the Kongs move like snails in huge worlds
The game is unpolished to all fuck and full of glitches
The Kongs serve little purpose but to add padding. Look at Chunky, absolutely slow and unlocks fuck all. You could have easily incorporated his punch into DK's unlockable moveset and the game would have been better off for it.
Why would I start a game and not 100% it? Saying
>dude the game isn't bloated and shit, you just have to skip its content
is just stupid. When I play a videogame I want to explore everything it has to offer. The only games.
The level design is subpar and incorporates Rare's 'bigger is always better' which went on to plague Banjo Tooie while Kazooie's levels were far more compact and enjoyable to explore.

It wasn't a bad game, just very mediocre coming from the company that blessed us with the Donkey Kong Country trilogy on SNES which were all clearly polished and absolutely solid from all angles.

t. 101%'d the original game and the Tag Anywhere hack

>> No.9860985

>The only games
Fuck, forgot to delete that. Was going to expand on it with the character count was reaching its limit.
I was originally going to say the only games I don't do this with are games like Musous.

>> No.9861049

As an early 3D game? It's pretty good. As a platformer? It's bad. As a gameplay sequel to DKC? It's terrible.

>> No.9861054

Star Wars prequel treatment

Liked at the time

Later on in more depressing periods people retroactively claim it was hated

>> No.9861065
File: 2.19 MB, 2781x4132, 1676130650586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like DK64 but a lot of the criticism is understandable. Though the only REALLY dumb thing IMO was locking the final boss behind the coin. Imagine how fucked you'd be if you just never found the arcade machine kek

That and doing something just to find yet another mini game barrel got old.

>> No.9861075

It's literally Mario for black people.

>> No.9861083

I think much of the complaints are understandable. While I enjoyed DK64, the game is tedious as hell objectively. I think problem is that a good amount of hatred is parroted by dumb kids below 30 because they heard their favorite eceleb shit on it - you can tell they never played the game. The collectathon mechanics featured in Rare 3D platformers are still employed by more modern video games like Genshin Impact which zoomers love gobbling up and would defend without a second thought.

>> No.9861241

> this old seething nintentoddler bait
guaranteed replies.

> seemed
no. it really was like that. game was so bad you could find it many second hand stores being sold for less than mario64. during late 90s right up to the 2010s, then for some strange reason (maybe someone made a cringe youtube video about it.. i don't know) it was introduced to a new generation of retarded toddlers that never heard of it, never played it, and now it's somehow a classic despite selling poorly, costing a fortune and offering nothing to the player to keep playing that mess.