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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 120 KB, 941x504, IMG_20220812_170839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9856624 No.9856624 [Reply] [Original]

Powkiddy is ready https://youtu.be/Mb2FBuH_JJc


>> No.9856629


>> No.9856634
File: 58 KB, 591x720, 1 girl 1 cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% of games (5th gen and under) can be emulated even on old phones
>10% of games (6th gen) can hardly be emulated even on top of the line flagship phones
what a weird & sad state of things

>> No.9856640
File: 153 KB, 1024x768, q2ucz726b3wa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9856646

i can emulate on a laptop or nice tab
i am only interested in real hardware
but the analog pocket fuckin got me bros, i can play my carts+fpga benefits on mobile.

>> No.9856650

i only will allow 13 devices in this photo
and you know which ones they are
and that game&watch BARELY passes
a/b buttons were kinda uncomfortable (long throw distance)

>> No.9856673
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>> No.9856675
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>> No.9856680
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>> No.9856681

Usually I let people live their lives how they want, but
A) that is an ungodly number of handhelds for two hands and
B) please consider getting a real plant

>> No.9856683
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>> No.9856686
File: 251 KB, 940x1280, 7EEE95E5-E985-4BBD-BD3E-771DA15CEA21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be rude
the devices are used to play retro games
or whatever the current definition of "retro" is

>> No.9856690

what did you do to that dmg
you fuckin massacred my boy

>> No.9856691

>no original hardware
why even live

>> No.9856692
File: 449 KB, 1200x1128, retroidpocketflipheader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest flop reviews:

>> No.9856695

its a hard 'no' from me

>> No.9856701
File: 100 KB, 960x640, tls0qv9l8gd61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For game boy consoles it is a solved issue with shaders anyway and it only gets better https://retrogamecorps.com/2021/01/28/guide-handheld-screen-settings-for-rg351-devices/

>> No.9856714

they all look ok
gamegear is hard to get right
even the mcwill mod isnt perfect
am i gonna autistically chase the whale?
no but the comfy blurry memories are cherished

>> No.9856720
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, SrsCNq4ZQykq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DSi XL is really the best way hardware-wise to play GBA, GB, and GBC games. Lovely IPS screen with huge ass pixels. Too bad the majority of games have some kind of glitch with GBARunner. At least for most of them it's very minor.

>> No.9856726
File: 1.62 MB, 3269x2124, Nv4j2f0QzePA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9856730

That DMG shader is absolute shit, DMG didn't have gridlines in white areas.

>> No.9856732

im not too fond of the XL/LL
i like the smaller 3ds launch model
i would take any in a pinch though
ds flashcart+cfw is a homerun
but i tend to gravitate towards faggy stuff:
dungeon crawlers, long rpg, etc
i only "play" arcadey type stuff for a few minutes then move on

>> No.9856738
File: 1.03 MB, 1179x1545, EE2526FD-A413-42D8-9039-63B51FD0B807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not "absolute shit" but around a 7.3/10
shaders are about dialing in the best you can that is still somewhat comfy

ill try to get a good photo of the pocket screen and its scanline options, everything i saw on youtube/photos didnt translate well into what it actually looks like in person

not perfect but 8.2/10
>pic not related core doesnt have shader options yet

>> No.9856740
File: 229 KB, 1200x889, 9CzV6sDq00Jb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with the small 3DS is that you must play GB/C/A games scaled, otherwise it will be literally a game for ants. And scaled they look like shit on 3DS.
With 3DS XL you can play them unscaled with a sick border, it's 3D and the game picture is recessed behind the "virtual plastic" of the fake game boy that makes up the border. And there's a 3D effect on the fake battery light, too, it "glows" in the air in front of the screen.

>> No.9856741
File: 211 KB, 832x634, QiRA7okUByXg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a good shader, note the transparent lines between dark pixels and how white pixels make up an empty space with no lines.

>> No.9856750
File: 2.40 MB, 2019x3173, Tetris_on_Game_Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not so sure. This looks like a gridline in white area to me.

>> No.9856752

im nearsighted so i dont mind the small screen- i did replaythoughs of gen 1 & 2 via the VC rereleases and it was literally fine

maybe the text was too small but def still playable

it looks fine
ill try to grab a photo of my kitchbent backlit dmg (retains the original screen)
i know its autistic but i have some dmg that are unmolested
a few that are backlit & i think 1 ips
the ips mod gets the least use

>> No.9856753

I'm sure because I've been playing DMG since before you were born. That grid only appears if you turn the contrast way too low to shitdark levels, and that looks really bad in real life.

>> No.9856754

contrast dial is "incorrectly" tuned
but its all subjective
you would crank the dial when needed
too much sun/lighting etc

the wonderswan has a surprisingly good screen too

>> No.9856761
File: 227 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look bad contrast to me tho.

>> No.9856762

That's because you never had the real thing. It's WAY too dark. Look here for what it should look like >>9856741

>> No.9856763
File: 751 KB, 2560x1706, DSC07486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't look shitdark either.

>> No.9856764
File: 67 KB, 527x640, 5D0988A2-EBDE-4CB5-9B71-673BFCF2D919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a fan of legos
still a gamegear-chad though

>> No.9856767
File: 494 KB, 1536x2048, 2HzptcoDPXTg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's still darker than it should be, but it's better, look at the egg in your pic. There's no grid in the white parts. Also you're cherry picking photos where the contrast is set to dark. Pic related with normal contrast. Don't bother responding, I'm not interested in arguing with a dumb 19 year old about something I know for certain.

>> No.9856772

i would run "too light" or slightly too light
to the point of almost losing details
even as a kid, i would mute sound and run light to conserve battery
realistically it probably didnt help much
my pokemon obsession was killing the batteries not my settings

i dont think they will ever have a "perfect" dmg shader unless they program a slider and shadow effect that simulates ambient light sources

>> No.9856776

This one has ambient shadow and ambient reflection >>9856741

Look closely, each pixel drops a small shadow.

>> No.9856784

again im not saying the shader looks "like shit"
im just saying you are chasing a whale there were many variables at play with the original hardware
i still play on the peagreen crystal screen from time to time but purely for nostalgic reasons

a comparable display would be a calculator or one of those handheld gambling units

the original screen was ass
but for some reason i cant bring myself to remove them if they still work
my happy medium used to be carefully backlighting the original screens
but i dont feel right doing anything that isnt reversible anymore

>t chiptunefag

>> No.9856787

How am I chasing a whale when numerous such shaders already exist? The only thing missing from them is emulation of the contrast slider, I'm sure someone will add it sooner or later. Otherwise they look great, with ambient reflections and shadows and realistic motion blur.

>> No.9856789

RP3+ OTA update fixes the CPU governor/sleep trick, lot more 6th gen games are either playable or far more stable/require less speed hacks.


>> No.9856790

chasing a whale in a sense that the "better" the shader is the shittier looking the graphics are kek
im a crt user but even i will admit some titles look better emulated with a cool custom filter

tweaking on the filters is half the fun of emulation one of my favorites is VHS on openemu

>> No.9856792
File: 734 KB, 2530x1584, CQYFJ6jO3zPt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the DMG screen really was shit, there are shaders though that mimic the GB Pocket screen with the same realism, it's a bit easier to play games with that.

>> No.9856794

if you wanna spam real hardware
the japan gameboy light is the sleeper pic
quality gbp style screen and softglow backlight for darkness
i should never have sold my pokemon center gblight ;_;

>> No.9856798

Sadly I can't even find any gb light for sale in my area

>> No.9856805
File: 119 KB, 517x640, CD3E4355-B45E-4B01-9D8C-D0FAB06F3D50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter handheld thread
>filled with original hardware/discussion
when did this board become based again?
floweranon youre a bitch (joking) and if youre a girl please be my wife...

>> No.9856808
File: 111 KB, 749x1280, 3532BD2E-2B7A-4A7A-9859-BF35EE013377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold my gbl and built a custom gbp that has the same lens
it became worth too much money
it seemed silly to hoard it
i have/had bills

>> No.9856809

For me the best combo is real hardware and chink, specifically 3DS/Vita/Chink is the holy trinity. I don’t even game at my desk anymore I almost resent it, probably because I wage slave at it.

>> No.9856812

N3DS XL for Nintendo handheld (and nes/SNES) stuff, psvita for Sony handheld (and PS1) stuff, desktop/phone with controller for everything else.
This is the most optimum load out and I will not be convinced otherwise.

>> No.9856814

3ds/vita is a based combo
i do the same but rotate a psp3000
i know its not needed and the vita does psp perfectly
its for my own autism reasons

i still havent found a china device that i actually WANT
my laptop and 13" carmounted tablet are more than enough for emulation on the go

>> No.9856825

How much did you sell it for

>> No.9856828

Based except DSi LL for GB/GBC games is even better
Not that a 3DS is shit mind you

>> No.9856837

around $440usd

>> No.9856850

Fair chunk of change, sorry that you had to sell it Anon :(

>> No.9856861

ill post the gbp tomorrow
its 530am here i have rehearsal later today

>> No.9856868

Godspeed anon

>> No.9856902

>>9851392 #
Yes, at the gym during breaks. And for some reason people do gravitate towards you to watch you play over your shoulder

>> No.9856912

This is only acceptable if you're swole af

>> No.9856924

If true, what a Chad

>> No.9856947

what device?

>> No.9857175

prob a mcwill modded gamegear

>> No.9857224
File: 330 KB, 1273x867, game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That arrived quickly. The image quality floors me, what a step up from my old 001 GBA. For 65 USD, free shipping, this was a steal. That being said, I tossed aside the included 64GB micro SD. Looked like garbage.

>> No.9857261

Absolute fucking mogger, playing tg16 shmups in between RDLs

>> No.9857276

any qualms with it so far?

>> No.9857309
File: 509 KB, 743x921, game 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only two reasonably minor quibbles I have with it. One is that it's a bit quiet, as in, on the max volume setting, wearing headphones, it's not very loud. I don't really ever need it to be terribly loud, but this makes it so that you're never going to be able to drown out the ambient sounds of the train you're riding on or some such. Second, the A/B/X/Y buttons have quite a bit of travel to them. So you might find yourself pressing a button only for it not to register, since you didn't lift your finger off the button enough. Very different compared to something like the GBA SP buttons with virtually no travel. It'll take a day to get used to probably.

>> No.9857368
File: 26 KB, 587x447, powkiddy dab right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, Powkiddychads? I'm thinkin we won AGAIN. Also based PK calling Brazilians the FUCK out in the description.

>> No.9857374

>B) please consider getting a real plant

>> No.9857393

Stop shilling your outdated tendie trash already for fucks sake. Dumbass fanboy.

>> No.9857397

Are there any particular game you noticed a difference on? I tried Gungrave Overdose and didn't notice any improvement, didn't try anything else.

>> No.9857401

>And for some reason people do gravitate towards you to watch you play over your shoulder
kek. the monkeybrain playground effect never quite goes away it seems.

>> No.9857425

>stop discussing retro video games on the retro video games board
Nah, I think you should just rather neck yourself boy

>> No.9857507

Any OG 3DS owners know how to make injected PAL NES games run properly on Virtual Console? Trying to play Ufouria and while I could deal with it playing a bit faster the music sounds terrible.

>> No.9857512

No I’m not autistic enough to go through and document fps changes but the spreadsheet ppl said they’re going to start updating it if they can remove speedhacks, upscale more, change games to playable, etc

>> No.9857515

Just get a chinkheld.

>> No.9857594
File: 439 KB, 512x512, Abby Gas Station.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FGPA Everdrive>Steam Deck>Rog Ally>Aya Neo pro>>KT-R1>Retroid Pocket 3>>Anbernic RG552>Ayn Loki>Odroid>>Raspberry Pi>>Homebrewed and CFW-injected PS Vita>Miyoo Mini +>>Aya Neo regular>>Ayn Odin>Miyoo Mini>Powkiddy X28>Retroid Pocket 2/2+>Powkiddy A12>>Anbernic 353X>Anbernic 351p>>Analouge Pocket>>Anbernic 405m>Minisforum>>>Anbernic 353p>>Powkiddy RK2023>Anbernic RG35XX>Powkiddy v90>Evercade>Coolboy rs-97+>Pirate multicart>>Bittboy>Powkiddy a66>Coolboy rs-97>MiSTER

>> No.9857606

stop right there Ktroon, build quality check

>> No.9857612

seeing a lot of fake news here tbqh.

>> No.9857636

Is that all you've got, anbernigger?

>> No.9857642

how much, if any, tweaking do you have to do to get psx games to run at full speed?

>> No.9857648
File: 229 KB, 1536x860, attention acquired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first device isn't a powkiddy

>> No.9857721

That's just dull.

>> No.9857809

So... build quality is shit?

>> No.9857812

build quality is shit.

>> No.9857840

Well... that's why I use DS/3DS for emulating whatever is feasible on it. PSP is already pushing it both screen and button wise.

>> No.9857847

don't get me wrong, it's better build quality than ds/3ds at least.

>> No.9857856
File: 100 KB, 1278x993, oUIktwA9CN2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really faggot. I don't remember DS having shit ass face buttons with long travel.

>> No.9857861
File: 826 KB, 632x737, game 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Unless you think everything from the Dreamcast's controller to the PSP is built like shit. The buttons are akin to those consoles, not the light clicking style (like the SP) I was expecting. I'd say the travel is something like 15% more than it is for those aforementioned systems (DC/PSP).
Don't respond to bait posts.
None, they just work. Can edit them as much as you want regardless.

>> No.9857862

it had shit ass face buttons with short travel along with shitass screens, dpads, and build quality. it's shit build quality compared to an anbernic or retroid or something, but it's a nice little upgrade from a ds/3ds.

>> No.9857869

Anbernic and retroid are pieces of shit compared to a 3DS.

>> No.9857871

analogue right where it belongs
in its box

>> No.9857872


>> No.9857878

Just bought hte miyoo mini plus and it should get here saturday. Did I make the right choice or should I have gotten the rg35xx?

>> No.9857881

they're both fine
the rg35 is a smidge stronger, but has a worse battery
both run the same systems

>> No.9857893
File: 162 KB, 1958x1224, 1 FÜKJANI MAXIM X Nes ver ltd ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Back...

>> No.9857895

>Don't respond to bait posts
kek I was gonna say there's no way shelf anon was making those posts

>> No.9857901

what the hell is this

>> No.9857902

>disc d-pad and 6 face buttons
Alright kike you can have more of my money.

>> No.9857903

An old meme.

>> No.9857915

im not buying the "case"
im not using a 3rd party case
the box is actually nice in person
it feels soft/textured- a perfect fit
just like the night i used ribbed condoms on your mom

>> No.9857946

No, I get it. You're afraid to play it.
It's far more worth the investment as a shelf filler.

>> No.9858005

damn that GB is thicc...

>> No.9858221
File: 247 KB, 1600x1200, WhatsApp Image 2023-04-27 at 18.59.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using my Samsung Galaxy M30 smartphone, with the MOCUTE060 controller, to play some RetroArch. As for what I'm playing on it exactly, recently I'm trying out the various versions of The Lion King, I grew up with the one most people are familiar with, the 16bit one, but there are some 8bit versions which I never bothered with, and I'm getting to them now, just completed the Master System/Game Gear version, which was quite decent, and moved on to the NES version, which works, but it's the worst one so far, still playable though.

>> No.9858343

i take it to work with me
the cores could use some more updates/work

but its basically a portable neogeo/pc engine cd for me

one qualm is after about an hour or more on max brightness the display gets a bit too warm for my tastes

>> No.9858346

i would rather use a standard controller
phone emulation is v comfy but i prefer retrobit or even 8bitdo over most "phone" controller setups

i use a magnet mount or stand
whatever works for u though

>> No.9858350

someone gonna tell him?
floweranon and paperanon both are hot males

>> No.9858357
File: 3.51 MB, 3024x3024, 20220813_081417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ayn odin Chad.
What's your thoughts on the odin anon?

>> No.9858440

russ got his retroid flop bros. I have a strange feeling he's going to give it a slightly negative review.

>> No.9858447

Yeah, A no for me, and an L for Retroid company.

>> No.9858513

So I decided to buy one, and haven't used emulators in forever. Is there a ROMset that has all the games in a ZIP folder that does not include all regions, prototypes, betas, ect? I'm sick of downloading a folder and having to separate everything just to get the US releases on the SD card

>> No.9858554

I bet your dad likes you even a little bit.

>> No.9858574

I don't see a point in the odin stuff. I'm waiting for when something in the odin's price range can really do PS2 games decently. Because there's a lot of tinkering involved with it as of right now. I feel like the RP3+ can do GC games nearly as well, and some PS2 games too. So the odin isn't too enticing for me.

>> No.9858662
File: 16 KB, 237x295, okay (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about to go to bed
>still nothing from nil on the colors

>> No.9858664

kek no one is "hot" on these boards..
the paperguy might be rich but lets be realistic

>> No.9858674

What are the cheapest ones you can get?

>> No.9858679

retrobit saturn pad (wired) is like $12
then use an existing tablet\phone\toaster
wow better than most of the thread devices
aside from original hardware or i guess the memdeck

>> No.9858695

Steam deck mini when?

>> No.9858701

>Also based PK calling Brazilians the FUCK out in the description.
Anon, PK are just informing them to not miss out because brazilians buy this type of devices more from aliexpress. PK oversold the device and now increased the first batch to 500 units, but can only sell 100 units on aliexpress.

>> No.9858714
File: 247 KB, 1280x960, WhatsApp Image 2023-04-17 at 16.27.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do get the appeal, as a standard controller is definitely more comfortable and natural, the MOCUTE060 has been serving me well, but the feel of the bumpers, and the low position of both the directional and face buttons, can make it not too comfortable, it also feels quite cheap... the reason I went for it was because I wanted something that resembled a Steam Deck/Nintendo Switch/PSP/GBA form factor, horizontal with the controls on the sides. Of course I did consider a dedicated handheld, but the MOCUTE060 was about 1/4 of the price of most handhelds and controllers, at least where I live, so I thought it'd be my ideal option to see if handhelds were a thing for me or not... now I know that they are, so maybe in the future I'll allow myself to spend more on a different setup that's more comfortable, though for the time being I'm fine, though I always worry that this device won't last too long considering the mediocre built quality and low price point.

>> No.9858726


>> No.9858936

Ended up ordering the v6 modchip for my OLED Switch. Not gonna be here for awhile but once I've gotten it going I'm looking forward to emulating VB Wario Land on an OLED screen.

>> No.9858969

i would just plug an arcade stick in kek

>> No.9858998

this'll do the job. Thanks anon!

>> No.9859110

Which shader is that?

>> No.9859292

RetroArch DMG 4x

>> No.9859403
File: 135 KB, 1139x1465, f74H0a09bdV8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread for fucking real? Do people not just buy a $30 controller for their phones? Your phone is probably 10x more powerful than all the shit discussed here and it probably has a way better screen

>> No.9859462 [DELETED] 

>Xoomer pretending to be a zoomer
>Better screens
Useless for retro games. Only good for goyslops2 and nigcube
Kekdroid has sneedput lag and nigos is useless without trollstore.
Telescopic is supperior for phones.

>> No.9859513

I plan to do that, but.
1) it's simply too big and not very convenient. I'll give it to handhelds, they're just a convenient form factor. and today's phones all have ultra-wide screen format, which is pointless for retro.
2) depending on if you use USB or BT, there may be input lag.
3) controllers like razer kishi are expensive enough that you may just want to get a handheld instead.
4) like anon above said, anything but Saturn and 6th gen can be played even on old hardware.
can you not talk in memespeak?

>> No.9859519

You may be shocked to hear this my frogposting friend, but some people like playing video games on machines designed for playing video games, and leave their phone free for using as a phone. You end up having buying two devices anyway, and at least this way you aren't compromising with a stupidly wide screen with the speakers covered.

>> No.9859524

>Implying I have a smart phone

>> No.9859527

phones have dogshit latency

>> No.9859540

I use phone for DS but for everything else a handheld is better

>> No.9859541

pic is an accurate representation of frogposters

>> No.9859562

These packs are good:
Voted on by some gamefaqs users 9 years ago so you know they're not gonna be too cucked. Keep in mind the PS1 pack is 78GB and the Dreamcast pack is 128GB, every other platform there is tiny in comparison to those two.

But what I mainly like about these packs is they don't include all the shovelware (especially all the junk on GBA) so it actually becomes worth it to pick a random game to play.

>> No.9859645

Hasn't been true for many years but please do keep parroting bullshit from 2017.

>> No.9859687

Based and Chad pilled.

>> No.9859714
File: 2.31 MB, 4000x3503, ATwQdxugSrCZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in a separate thread but the blessed jannies (PBUTN) deleted it. I bought a brand new DSi XL for $180, did I overpay?

>> No.9859740

Yeah, you did. I could get one for 110€, easy.

>> No.9859747

Brand new? Bullshit.

>> No.9859748

I use it to emulate GB and GBC dear jannie bros so it's vr related, it's the reason I bought it

>> No.9859782

Ios doesnt has lag but android legit still does even with usb-c.
>Chad pilled
>Chink clamps
Tablet with stand and controller is better.

>> No.9859797

might be outing myself as a boomer but how the hell does the miyoo mini work
the game switcher records your game progress in a million different games, and even if you remove a game from the game switcher, the game still picks up the screen you left off from
how is the mini able to save your position in dozens of games at a time? does it infinitely record your progress in everything you play?

>> No.9859806

No, Android hasn't had input lag with USB since Android 10 or 11, they specifically addressed it.

>> No.9859813
File: 68 KB, 600x411, v3pWdWsLtFus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how is the mini able to save your position in dozens of games at a time? does it infinitely record your progress in everything you play?
It's like it's really my 89 yo grandpa posting here

>> No.9859827

In android games or emulators? I dont get latency in dead cells with my kishi v2, but it still sucks when I'm emulating action games

>> No.9859830

I don't get latency with RetroArch runahead

>> No.9859840

Latency can be minamized on phones with custom kernals/roms that support the peformance governor. If converting a phone to a handheld, check if you have those options. They help a ton. It also depends on the phone ssometimes. Samsung in my experience was a bit more fucky with latency and sound compared to lg.

>> No.9859951

>$180 to emulate Game Boy
Hell yes you overpaid.

>> No.9859965

And play DS games obviously but saying that is haram on this board

>> No.9860025

is it brand new or "brand new"

>> No.9860041

Could’ve gotten a normal sized one for $50. Is the size worth an extra $100?

>> No.9860072

Yes, the XL is like a different machine. It's truly incredible how it's like a totally different experience from the small DSi. Try it. It's great.

>> No.9860110

>It's great.
Alright lets not just lie to the anon.

>> No.9860145

russ verdict: it's shitted and flopped.

>> No.9860148


>> No.9860151

No box, bubble wrapped, apparently it was intended to be a demo unit. It really is absolutely spotless, the only explanation other than being new would be a repro shell, but it looks and feels 100% Nintendo so I doubt that. The buttons even had that new stiff feel for the first few hours I played and it had that factory smell.

>> No.9860225

Patiently awaiting for a 4:3 handheld that can properly emulate Gamecube and PS2 games
Soon, hopefully
Fuck widescreen jank

>> No.9860404

kek you can get it here for 50 dollars

>> No.9860463

>the Retroid Pocket Flip is winning me over
lying is sinful

>> No.9860471

okay i may have lied but in my defense it is shitted and flopped

>> No.9860473
File: 329 KB, 1048x591, 65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's still 65 in USD, chang. Also,
>that ship time
Anbernic shills are losing their minds.

>> No.9860492

the rg35xx has a shit tier battery

>> No.9860539

Anon, the price that anon commented is from the first time buyer discount. You can create a new account how many times you want to get this type of discount. There's also the store coupon which makes the price go to around 50 dollars. But yeah, that shipping timing is pretty bad.
Anbernic already upgraded the battery in the new batchs.
He confused the air intake for a speaker. There's even a image from retroid showing that is air intake.

>> No.9860557

use the coupon dumbass 15% off that makes it 50 dollars with free shipping. 3 weeks shipping to Europe, what more do you want. dumbass zoomer

>> No.9860603

>3 weeks shipping to Europe, what more do you want
One week shipping to Europe like the MM has, chinkshill.

>> No.9860653
File: 565 KB, 464x620, game 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really want an Anbernic device. From both what I've heard and seen, they seem like the knock off brand even among knock off brands. Couple that with the wonky shoulder buttons and reported battery issues, the 5XX didn't seem better than the Miyoo Mini Plus. I think the only upside of the 5XX is that the processor is a little better, but that doesn't seem useful for running more devices than the Mini can run. They have the same limitations for the most part.

>> No.9860674

then pay the higher price.

>> No.9860703

>use the coupon dumbass 15% off that makes it 50 dollars
15% of 65 is 9.75 anon...

>> No.9860728

>calls someone else a zoomer
>is so underage he has no idea how percentages work

>> No.9860787

Retroid are taking a holiday until Thursday so if it hasn’t shipped by now it’s not shipping until then


>> No.9860798

A holiday from what exactly?

>> No.9860802

Anon, you are confusing brands. The one which has the most problems in their devices that you described is Powkiddy.
Now for the RG35XX the build quality is good and really sturdy that you can even compare to the RG280V which is built like a tank. The D-pad sensitive problem is lottery if you will need to open to fix it, but the same goes for the Miyoo Mini Plus screen problem where is lottery if yours is going to come off because was not properly glued.
But if you already got the Miyoo Mini Plus just have fun playing games. Yesterday I finished Aladdin from the Mega Drive and started playing Goof Troop on my RG35XX.

>> No.9860805

the flop.

>> No.9860843

>D-pad sensitive problem is lottery if you will need to open to fix it
I wasn't aware that the 5XX had d-pad issues. What causes/caused it?

>> No.9860889

Is just sensitive inputs which happens a lot in this types of handhelds devices and joysticks. For example when you press down the input it can also register left or right at the same time. It's a easy fix where you just open the device and put a tape in the input board.
But like I said is lottery if yours will come with this problem or not.

>> No.9861008

>MIDI controller slammed right up against the wall
as per usual
posers everywhere

>> No.9861085

i do this too anon
you arent playing midi controllers 24/7
i usually leave mine on a stand now though
read the thread frogposter
plenty of people here using phones/tabs
i still would rather have original hardware for some shit though

>> No.9861136
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>He doesn't know how to write poseur

>> No.9861138

>didn't combine those kino buttons with a transparent shell
one job m8.

>> No.9861148
File: 2.35 MB, 3072x4080, 1665317696517113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It gets better. I bought the RG35XX from Chang for 52€ shipped to Germany.
Paid 50€ for the buttons, shipped from Takeshi to Germany.
I have the priciest RG35XX in Germany now.

>> No.9861151

well there's no fucking point in playing on one of these things if you don't have BESPOKE buttons. go big or go home.

>> No.9861161
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>> No.9861163

That's not a DSi.

>> No.9861164

that's shitted and flopped too.

>> No.9861171

You could have gone with practically any color, and you settle for this?

>> No.9861243

>The one which has the most problems in their devices that you described is Powkiddy.
What powkiddy, and what problems.

>> No.9861327

The answers to both of those questions are 'all of them' and also 'all of them'

>> No.9861349
File: 194 KB, 819x1119, 0kpzgqazgjwa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new miyoo patent

>> No.9861370

Did they patent the "this item is out of stock" message that comes with it?

>> No.9861387

what the fuck
are those control sticks on the bottom? that looks absurdly uncomfortable if so

>> No.9861425

Looks like a foldable RG353V.

>> No.9861454

its a no from me
its like they are actively trying to make them worse each year

>> No.9861460
File: 2.61 MB, 1080x1449, mcwill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>180$ USD
it better be the loveplus edition

>> No.9861552

Based. Finally someone is making a true successor to the v90. Didn't really need sticks but whatever.

>> No.9861651

I don't think it's such a big deal that you can only emulate half the gamecube and PS2 games on 405m. They are full speed.

Play the 50% of the library that you can, then when a device comes out that can emulate the other 50% of the library, sell the 405m.

>> No.9861668

Ive considered it for DS gameplay but I can't see it being better than on a mid-flagship phone.

>> No.9861669


direct links, nice

>> No.9861682

Pretty cool, anon. Thanks

>> No.9861704
File: 179 KB, 1349x717, rg35xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a really good deal on mine at amazon. Was fully ready to get chinked but it works perfectly. Got it in 4 days. Probably stolen since the seller only had 10 of them

>> No.9861712

Myrient is based, where I've sourced and curated all my roms except switchslop

On an unrelated note, powkiddybros are we dabbing today

>> No.9861714

>Ive considered it for DS gameplay
Why? The experience is no different from playing it on any other single widescreen device.

>> No.9861715
File: 26 KB, 587x447, powkiddy dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know we are

>> No.9861720

I kinda agree but I own 351m and 353m already and I'd rather hold out for a device that moves the needle a bit more on ps2/gc emulation. Not a anbernig device necessarily either but something just as small and minimal looking.

>> No.9861736

that little guy gets me every time

>> No.9861743


>> No.9861770
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small retro YouTuber I follow who isn't insanely annoying and focuses on Gameboy/portable gaming posted a video comparing some of these handhelds if anyones curious/wants to see a few compared.


>> No.9861967

you got fucked over

>> No.9861998

>I don’t even game at my desk anymore I almost resent it, probably because I wage slave at it.
Man I feel this. Something about playing games on the same laptop I work on is such a bummer. I’m not anti emu or anything, but damn it’s just more fun on anything else.

>> No.9862025

Seems the v90 and for xd plus are still the best china clamshells. The x18s could've been great if powkiddy stopped screwing around.

>> No.9862082

What's that in the top right? A charm? Earring?

>> No.9862092
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Kiss my piss.

>> No.9862095
File: 23 KB, 236x316, 1668874485758433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the patent?
How does a patent even work in a communist country?

>> No.9862216
File: 234 KB, 680x680, k2r9gzZ53Ytv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo anything

>> No.9862228

We need an animated version.

>> No.9862263
File: 941 KB, 2720x3564, retro mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any retro mini chads in here? Is there a way for the battery indicator to be more accurate? Like with a skin or smth.

>> No.9862265
File: 341 KB, 657x527, 1654175324738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those slider placements
This makes me want to build my own handheld.

>> No.9862294


>> No.9862427

How would you do it?

>> No.9862435

Both Opendingux and retrofw don't have a battery level meter for some reason.

>V90 and bittboy above rs97+
Is the clamshell and vertical appeal really that powerful for some people?

>> No.9862689

Just move the sliders upwards a little, move the dpad and buttons down closer to the bottom, maybe make the bottom half of the system thicker and the entire thing wider. The palms of my hands hurt if i hold a thin phone for more than a few minutes at a time. Maybe if i make a custom system i can have a good clamshell.

>> No.9862706

Unfortunate. Thanks anon.

>> No.9862763
File: 125 KB, 636x401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like white isn't going to be in the first batch of shipments since it has multicolored buttons. Or maybe I'm just being retarded again and misunderstanding, idk.

>> No.9862865
File: 3.50 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230429_182352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It probably will be. Bottom row of swatches in pic related is for the buttons, top two rows are candidates for the shells. So off-white and coloured buttons is possible.
What I don't like is nil putting the final colours to a vote. I don't want the discord retards deciding anything.

>> No.9862876

Too poor to afford a MiSTER huh?

>> No.9862896

He's planning to make all those colors available eventually (some at a higher price or something), but only 4 will be in the initial batch. My preferred color doesn't seem to be as popular among discord troons so I guess it'll be a while. The only reason I'm assuming white won't be in the first batch even though the colored buttons are displayed at the bottome is because he said
>The first batch plans three black buttons, one white button, a total of four colors

>> No.9862916

Ah, I missed that.
I just wished he'd learned his lesson about trying to please everyone. He should just say "these are the colours" and not keep teasing the others. And stop giving deadlines he can't possibly keep, but we know he can't do that.

>> No.9862920

>yet another fucking limey, one that looks like a gyppo to boot

>> No.9863048
File: 98 KB, 600x500, deebly goncerned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And stop giving deadlines he can't possibly keep, but we know he can't do that.
kek yeah I was pretty fucking floored when he claimed he was planning to have all batch 1 orders shipped by May 10th a week or so ago. Now that we've officially missed the April shipping start date he set for himself since chinks are on holiday until May, he's now created new deadlines: the 10th to start shipping metal and the 15th to start shipping plastic. I feel like these are at least more realistic than the April 10th and "by the end of April" shipping deadlines he created a while back, but still.

>> No.9863049

Who cares, you're probably barely going to even use them on that thing. I can't see them putting something super powerful in there, it'll probably be slightly more powerful than the Miyoo Mini at best.

>> No.9863321
File: 393 KB, 1088x612, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he cute.

>> No.9863324
File: 220 KB, 1024x1024, l5VYyMCca6si.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the GameXir still the best controller for Android, dear xirs?

>> No.9863328

>communistic country
>somehow, patents still exist

>> No.9863336

I'm really confused as to why they keep letting things leak through these patents when literally everyone there ignores patents and copyright anyways.

>> No.9863497

Kishi v2 looks slick, but I dont like the switch style sticks. The designers said it was done to improve dead zone, but I dont think that was a problem with the v1. The usb-c connector can also scratch depending on the phone, but it seems to only happen to the thin one's. Don't get the gamevice flex since that has alot of the problems with build quality as the kishi. If you like gamesir v1, the v2 is a good option for analong triggers.

>> No.9863630

no the best controller for android is a normal controller
xbox. switch. ps4 etc
nothing cute about unacceptable dpad placement and aspect ratio
retarded take

>> No.9863647

brilliant take

>> No.9863665

>no the best controller for android is a normal controller
>xbox. switch. ps4 etc
How the fuck is that acceptable for handheld gaming you genetically defective mongoloid

>> No.9863690

thats a W
beats every device in here
aside from original hardware autism

the only mongoloid here is your brain on consoomerism
buy buy buy
believe the shills
they literally are glowposting
too retarded and lacking self-awareness to notice

>> No.9863715

>Get asked how using a shitbox controller is better than a telescopic
>Well uhhhh... Chinkblets and cuckmounts... Duh
APEmurican education with TARDOpian migration. Instead of spic shonen, we'll do something different today.
Talking like zoomed doesn't make you less of xoomer. Who can't tell how much of a kike wielding confuckinsoomer. You say much he buy buy buys. With all that shit you use to game, I can see how much you chink, kike, nog.
>Glowposting because chinkhelds
>So buy chink phones, dickblets and cuckounts for yur retrogoyming instead guide

>> No.9863747
File: 128 KB, 853x1000, mirror gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9863752


why do you fags always do this?
do you attach your controller to your crt? to your pc screen?

yes i am less of a mouth-breathing consoomer
because i reuse the items i already have instead of buying more landfill rubbish i dont need

your spergpost proves that i am correct
also samefag>>9863747

>> No.9863791

>I'm the only correct one in your thread, because I only buy products from companies that support circumcision.
>Ctr with controller
Kino combination. Perfect pixels with no sneedput lag.
>I reus-
Your chinkblet is only 6 months old.
>Purposely adding sneedput to your phone
And some people call me a kike. You have a controller mount for easy wired, but use it for kektooth? Kek-lmao, two-step ROLF, with a sneed on the side!

>> No.9863836
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>> No.9863891

>unacceptable dpad placement
You can get it with the d-pad on top
>aspect ratio
3:2 is a very good middleground for both 4:3 and widescreen content.

>> No.9863927

it makes a save state everytime you exit out of the game. It just loads up the save state to continue when you want to. This way it can keep making save states for every game until your memory runs out.

>> No.9863946


When did the RG35XX get a battery upgrade? What's the new battery life like?

>> No.9863952
File: 22 KB, 320x240, Photo-0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it straining under the sheer weight of it, kek.

>> No.9864109

It's just using Retroarch's auto save-state on close content feature + close Retroarch on close content setting. You can get a similar setup on any device with Retroarch on it except it won't have the fancy Game Switcher interface of course. But it still works pretty nice on my RP3+ for instantly going back to Daijisho.

>> No.9864195
File: 1.33 MB, 2945x2112, IMG_20230429_211934637~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile I've been playing games
look at that background, isn't it unusual? a bit sinister and ominous having a dungeon like that as the artwork for the file selection screen in a donkey kong game

>> No.9864264

>comically large heavy item with poor battery
>still using a mobile controller instead of reading my post


>> No.9864726
File: 38 KB, 480x360, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtubers are shilling these 20 buck handheld from walmart, they are portable famiclones with 200 games.

>> No.9864894
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>> No.9864920

you asked

>> No.9864969

Motivate your answer or fuck off

>> No.9865108

Gameboy Light rapidly drains battery cells used for saving games. Very unsafe unless you use flash carts with solid state memory. This was a known issue in the 8bit music community

>> No.9865129

That's not "new" my friend.

>> No.9865132

Whats the best way to play ds/3ds games in 2023?

>> No.9865135

On a ds/3ds

>> No.9865179

DSi XL for DS games. Japanese LL models may be cheaper but the UI will be in Japanese, games will still be normal though since the carts are region free.

New3DSXL or the regular New3DS for 3DS games. XL's have a lower pixel density so some may prefer the original New3DS models with a smaller screen. I prefer the XL though, the screens are already low res anyway and I like the bigger screen.

>> No.9865203

i backup all my saves anon
i have plenty of spare batteries
never noticed any fuckups with my bleepbloopcart or ems64mb

>> No.9865206

I literally cannot even read this

>> No.9865310

New means that it hasn't been used before

>> No.9865458


>> No.9865506
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>> No.9865559


>> No.9865596
File: 47 KB, 1280x621, retroid-pocket-flip.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to be quite the bust
>very thicc
>dpad/buttons very average
>loud fan
>back firing speaker

>> No.9865815

I'm not familiar with DKC, which game is this one?

>> No.9865860

Original hardware handhelds are shit until the era of good backlighting.

>> No.9865863

Didn't ask.

>> No.9865871


>> No.9865873

New means it hasn't been opened, retard.

>> No.9865880

emulated on a widescreen device with the screens side-by-side, with the primary action screen bigger than the meme screen.

>> No.9865895

Be real with me bros, is the Analogue Pocket really that bad? I love my emu handhelds but I do want to play some original carts, but I don't care for the original systems. There really don't seem to be any modern alternatives besides the Analogue unless I learn how to take the old systems apart and mod them with new screens and shit.

>> No.9865898

I hate vertislop, but hardware emulated megadrive and neo-geo sounds pretty nice. also that screen. it's probably fine.

>> No.9865946

No, new means it hasn't been used. Unopened means it hasn't been opened. Obviously every unopened item is new/unused but not every new/unused item is unopened.

>> No.9866023

If it's been opened then dust and smoke and dander and moisture and fingerprints can all get to it even if it's never been powered on.

>> No.9866029

Well then I lucked out because the unit is absolutely pristine and everything is in great working condition
Well it's no longer that pristine because I've been playing for about 20 hours but you get the point

>> No.9866051
File: 192 KB, 640x640, Hf043fccfc222424696f57711d7d9f5cdl.jpg_640x640Q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's handheld hardware clones on aliexpress

>> No.9866064
File: 110 KB, 640x623, S28b74f57237741cbaf3ac13d855a69b3q.png_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a horizontal one

>> No.9866291

I don't understand why they changed the d-pad and buttons when everybody praised the RP3's. Are Vita D-Pads just too costly? Maybe they need Taki to save their devices after all...

>> No.9866332
File: 233 KB, 640x640, Saa5fb4beb2344c0ebe5684cecb3999d2v.jpg_640x640Q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vita d-pads are just leftover stock from Sony. There's not that many left. e-waste chinkhelds that use leftover vita shells can't get enough d-pads and went for psp style ones instead. No one is making new ones when they can just get an alternative

>> No.9866342

The RP3/+ doesn't actually use a Vita d-pad or membrane anyways you dinguses, it's just styled after it. Comparing it to an actual Vita d-pad it's a little tougher to press, has less travel, and has to be pressed further from the center to begin actuating.

>> No.9866352

It's still really good and better than the majority of d-pads other chinkhelds use, including Anbernic.

>> No.9866357

I don't disagree at all, it's a great d-pad, just saying it's still noticeably different and not from a parts bin.

>> No.9866567

>analog triggers
>programmable buttons

>thick as fuck
>tall, membrane buttons in a clamshell???
>whiny fan on a previously passively cooled chipset???
>single, backfiring speaker
>why the fuck are start and select so far from the face buttons?

One step forward, two steps back.

>> No.9866574

Clamshell is a negative. just adds weight and somehow always results in shit ergonomics.
>single, backfiring speaker
That was just Russ being retarded tbf.

>> No.9866625

They're still backfiring which is not ideal. There was plenty of room to have them on the front.

>> No.9866629

100% agreed, just saying it's not one speaker like Russ thought for some reason.

>> No.9866742

SNES emulation on 640x480 handhelds... do you just use 2x integer scaling? The aspect ratio looks too narrow, but can you get 4:3 without looking blurry as shit?

>> No.9866824

You have to use something like sharp bilinear to get the best results but even then it's not ideal. Fitting non-square pixels into square ones is always a challenge on a low res screen.

>> No.9866965

You can use the touchpads as face buttons in for tate games, its just awkward to hold if you're not resting it on something

>> No.9866973

Its not just Mainland China and HK that have been known to ignore patent and copyright laws on one way or another. Taiwan occasionally has such things happen still, as do Pakistan, Mexico, India, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, The Philippines, Venezuela, and India.

>> No.9867202

imagine buying these kek

>> No.9867207

what is with the throw distance?
you guys enjoy waiting 10,000 years for the buttons to finally bottomout and register a press?

why is it than antique controllers have it right but this landfill crap that is BRAND NEW is hot trash?

>> No.9867324
File: 2.59 MB, 2872x3568, 214111498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man if I had this as a kid it never would have left my side

>> No.9867671

The Vita dpad should be a couple of mm wider anyway and 8 way directional. Like the RHCP symbol.

>> No.9867693

But you can tilt the screen and rest the console on things/lap/table. Its a plus for good clamshells.

>> No.9867726

The argument in favor of clamshells has always been that they're the best of both worlds. You have enough room for the controls to not feel cramped but also the screen is up higher like on a vertislop so you don't have to bend your neck as much. Might not always play out that way in practice though, I agree.

>> No.9867735


>> No.9867736

what meme machine is that?

>> No.9867956
File: 12 KB, 300x168, download (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vita Question: Does anyone notice some latency when playing PSP or PS1 games? It feels like I'm a crazy person, but when I'm playing maverick hunter x or x4 it just feels a bit off. I dunno if its lag or input latency or what, but its definitely not 1:1 for whatever reason.

>> No.9867973

I seem to recall that Vita had bad input lag with PSP and PS1, yes.

I never used Vita much for emulation, it's absolutely overrated.

>> No.9867985

cool thanks for confirming!
>I never used Vita much for emulation, it's absolutely overrated.
yaaa agreed.

>> No.9868005

i havent noticed any latency on psp using pops on thps2. and i did notice latency using duckstation on pc. so that must be very telling of how good sony's pops actually was for ps1 emulator

>> No.9868163

the GameSir 2 with actual d-pad is better.

>> No.9868171

No it's shit. Gaming on your phone is stupid and shit.

>> No.9868187
File: 106 KB, 792x800, 7659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been in one of these threads before? I feel like the miyoo mini plus gets brought up every three minutes.

>> No.9868270
File: 97 KB, 960x1280, photo_2023-05-01_08-11-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were i found race emulator for neo geo pocket?

>> No.9868280

Are you hsing the bubble booter and are you using enso?

>> No.9868290
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, GameSir-X2-Bluetooth-Game-Controller-Full-Test-on-Android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to play the DS games besides an actual DS? I really like this setup because you can use the touch screen easily and this is one time where the phone's very wide screen is actually useful.

>> No.9868302

if you're playing in landscape, you might as well use usb-c.

>> No.9868305

I use old phone which has micro USB

>> No.9868310

Maybe playing in portrait would be better?

>> No.9868753

still buying a ktr1 THO.

>> No.9868857

I forgot which one was the best or worst but there's 4 ways to play PS1 on Vita. Through Adrenaline, injecting a PS1 classic bubble, ARK-4, or Retroarch. They all work differently and you might have to use POPSLoader for some PS1 games

>> No.9869002

Thoughts on Retron 5? Looking for something to play my physical library. I’m hoping to move one day and get some OEM systems and a CRT, but I couldn’t swing that in my little place right now.

>> No.9869041

My thoughts are that it's not a handheld.

>> No.9869139
File: 49 KB, 1100x730, hero-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get an LG phone (V60, G8) with the dual screen attachment, do some configuration on the Android OS for best performance, and then emulation side to get both screens just right and emulate, I'm not joking. You can still get them for an okay price but it will cost you more than a used DS since DSes were everywhere and LG phones despite LG pulling out of the market still have a good chunk of use and support left. Once those run out which they will soon, you'll need to resort to folding phones, which will be in bad shape on the used market even if you manage to find a current generation folding phone so good luck. I supposed someone can also try making a handheld like that but that's going to take a lot of hoping when these consoles are made with off the shelf near ewaste tier in the below $100 category.

>> No.9869213

Surface duo.

>> No.9869229

Alright nerds, what's the best way to play SNES games on a 3DS?
>each game injected into the official emulator
>retroarch (or some standalone emulator i don't know about)

>> No.9869250
File: 110 KB, 712x529, le vomit chan face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emulating on a 3dshit

>> No.9869261

The standalone SNES9x emulator from what I’ve heard. Haven’t tried it myself but apparently it’s even fine for the original 3ds

>> No.9869264

It's the next best thing i have for SNES emulation, otherwise i'm stuck with the PSP which has worse SNES emulation no matter where i look; Not to mention that i'm still not sure if i should try to buy these android handhelds or not, and whenever or not they're reliable.

>> No.9869280

I agree. But it feels tacky as shit emulating stuff on my phone. Still have alot of games that I don't touch. A device that prioritises gaming just feels more comfortable.

>> No.9869285
File: 539 KB, 1024x2216, translated (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nil and max zhou (anbernig boss) trashing each other in chinese ktr1 chat kek

>> No.9869354

I use gaytroarch

>> No.9869392

You can reduce the input lag by creating a bubble for the game in the PSVita home screen instead of playing inside the Adrenaline.
>I forgot which one was the best or worst but there's 4 ways to play PS1 on Vita. Through Adrenaline, injecting a PS1 classic bubble, ARK-4, or Retroarch.
From best to worst:
Creating a Bubble = ARK-4 > Retroarch > Adrenaline
The easiest way is making the bubble.
>They all work differently and you might have to use POPSLoader for some PS1 games
POPSLoader doesn't work on Adrenaline, but there's already a fix for that which also works on the PSP
You can download the eboots already with the fix on CDRomance

>> No.9869398
File: 49 KB, 795x362, revo-k2ds-blue-vs-2ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too bad anbernic never released their DS clone handheld

>> No.9869417

This one would be great. I see lot of comments praising the 2DS because of how comfortable is to play and that the D-pad position makes even better compared to the normal 3DS. But to bad about the portability.

>> No.9869430

latest precompiled:
most recent commits:

Frameskip OFF and Match 3ds refresh rate is smooth for most games.

>> No.9869435

I like that transparent blue shell.

>> No.9869470

Is that Facetime, or Weibo chat? I'd like to know

>> No.9869473

i think it's one of his qq groups. if you look in the bottom right of this page, there's two qq links

>> No.9869512

>emulating handheld games
most retarded shit ever, just play on your gameboy. if you dont have one get one you zoomie.

>> No.9869523

gayboys are shit tho.

>> No.9869528

But the analogue pocket makes them HD.

>> No.9869542

How so, insipid fucktard?

>> No.9869657
File: 983 KB, 1349x1637, brightness of a thousand suns .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both sides of the isle. I think most people do, which makes the console war tier shitposts pointless.

>> No.9869767

>just buy a screen and flashcart to only play GB/GBC for the price of a chinkheld
Nah, I'm good.
>you don't need backlight
Yes, you do, but that's beyond the point, mine died.

>> No.9869856

Console wars bros, we are so back.

>> No.9870536

We got anything that can comfortably emulate Gamecube/PS2 to the efficiency of a Steamdeck yet?

>> No.9870609

Are injects not that great?

>> No.9870625

Bros, i have ordered a RG35XX and want to gift it to my 9 year old brother.
Where do i get roms that are not english but german?

>> No.9870706

The best solution would be to grab something like the no intro set then filter out any non-German games using romcenter. There should be guides on YouTube how to use it, although I can't speak for if there's a guide specifically for German roms. At a pinch you could search for 'de' in the filename and manually sort through them. There's also the Hardware Target Game Database, which does have roms sorted by region, but YMMV on how useful that actually is.

>> No.9870721

Cheers for the pointers.

>> No.9870831

They're nice when they work, but it's just not worth the hassle when later versions (1.45) of Snes9x3ds broadly outperform injects without the clutter. You can doll it up with specific game art and borders to split the difference from injects if you want customization.

>> No.9870834
File: 380 KB, 504x720, 1682963777701078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if anyone here could help me figure out what I need to get if I want something that can properly do SNES, NES, GB, GBC, GBA and Genesis?

my friend lent me his powkiddy v90 to look at and its honestly trash, the dpad is completely horrible and it lags on many SNES games, the sound also drops in and out.

do I need to spend like $150 to get something worth buying? I just want to get something my 8 year old can play old games on and I will play it occasionally so I want it to have SNES quality d-pad and buttons, what do I need to be looking at to achieve this? thanks for any help.

>> No.9870840

anbernic has high quality controls.

personally i don't like tiny screens, 3.5 inch is too small for me so i got the 405m which has a 4 inch screen.

>SNES, NES, GB, GBC, GBA and Genesis
those are all easy peasy, everything can do those.

>> No.9870880

If you mean something aside from other handheld PCs, no. The D1200 in the GPD XP+ is quite good though, and the upcoming Aya Pocket Air is probably gonna be around that same level of performance. I've seen chinks on Baidu say something about the Odin 2 coming out in the second half of the year with a SD870, which is also about the same level of performance as the D1200. There's also the upcoming RG506 that will have a D1200, but frankly that seems even more vaporware than Odin 2.

I guess the problem with the XP+ is that while it's small compared to handheld PCs, it's still pretty big by ARM chinkheld standards. It's also just over $300. I'm expecting similar size and cost for all the upcoming devices. The Pocket Air is for sure around that size since it looks like it uses the same (or slightly modified) shell as the Aya Neo Air.

>> No.9870905
File: 45 KB, 542x602, quhtXtcbYgOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas I've spent over $3k on handhelds over the past 4 years
Just kill me please

>> No.9870918

What did you even buy? How is it possible to spend that much?

>> No.9870920
File: 997 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_20230502_175403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure that red and purple did not come out the way he was expecting at all kek. muh yellow already looks kino tho.

>> No.9870924

Switch Lite and Steam Deck, plus new unopened boxes of pretty much all DS and 3DS models, and also tons of mobile phone controllers and clamps

>> No.9870927

Post your collection.

>> No.9870980

Those aren't finished shells, though, he still needs to add the 'paint' or whatever it is that needs doing. Still, quite like some of those colours as is. That lime green one is quite spiffing.

>> No.9870982

yeah ofc, I included his comment on that at the bottom of the pic. im already happy with the yellow tho.

>> No.9870987

Sadly, if the Discord trannies get their way, we'll only have a choice between white and purple and pink. Sod the colours we actually ordered.

>> No.9870993

Powkiddychads…..we dab…….

>> No.9870996

Can't be arsed

>> No.9871004
File: 274 KB, 716x793, attention acquired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rk2023 status: kino
>x28s arriving soon looking extremely kino
>rk3588 handheld Soon™, no doubt kino
uhh, powkiddychads? I'm thinkin we already won.

>> No.9871006

all that shit, not playing them, your batteries are gonna be fucked, lol

>> No.9871009


>> No.9871021
File: 461 KB, 890x1386, kt color buttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get the appeal of colored buttons, but that white shell is just hideous also only tangetially related, but mutt snes scheme on these chinkhelds is always hideous. agreed on lime green looking great btw, not even a green guy but that one really surprised me with how good it looks. of course the transcorders had absolutely no reaction to that one kek.

>> No.9871218
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>literally skipping over half of the game's frames
is there some reason jewtubers are acting extra retarded lately? Even Russ has been saying dumb shit recently.

>> No.9871227

to be charitable (i don't know who this youtuber is), he was emphasizing the word "playable" a little earlier. So he's saying it's SO CLOSE to being playable, and his standard for that is a minimum 30fps.

>> No.9871254

>modded gba sp screen

>> No.9871261

they're shills bro. dont call that faggot by his first name like hes some trust worthy friend of yours, he isn't.
They're straight up paid shills who are told what to discuss and what not to.
You're gonna tell me ''''''Russ'''''' somehow didn't notice the rg405m has a display oversharpening issue that was only just fixed by a community member yesterday? It's not just him, not a single reviewer mentioned it, or even something like the win4's 60hz issue.
All those reviewers always leave out glaring issues that users notice day 1, it's not a coincidence. They're not out to help you, they're shills.
RGC has a good site with solid guides though tbf.

>> No.9871263

I suppose so, but the full context of the ARGH ITS SO CLOSE bit was something like "it's not 100%, but ARGH ITS SO CLOSE". To me that implied close to 100%. If I wanted to be charitable as well, I guess I could interpret that to mean 100% "playable" rather than 100% of original performance, but idk I just think he's retarded and thought the game was supposed to run at 30fps honestly.

>> No.9871268

>You're gonna tell me ''''''Russ'''''' somehow didn't notice the rg405m has a display oversharpening issue that was only just fixed by a community member yesterday? It's not just him, not a single reviewer mentioned it, or even something like the win4's 60hz issue.
I just found out the 405m has a similar non-60hz issue too and it blows my mind that not a single jewtuber noticed or at least mentioned it.

>> No.9871283

Calm down zoomster, 001 screens get replaced all the time. They were built like shit and necessitated the release of something like the 101.

>> No.9871291

yeah and call me when one of these pigs calls out the holy and sacred miyoo for screens falling out and shit

>> No.9871293

I'm so glad I sold my original model SP and bought an AGS-101 model before the prices got retarded

>> No.9871331

When someone makes money for telling you how to spend your money it's a sales gig. Internet advice and reviews haven't been legit since the early 2010's.
You can avoid this by being a late adopter and using the secondary market (before the redditors and yidtubers fuck it up for that specific item).

>> No.9871346

replace it with a oem or fuck off, they dont get replaced all the time mine's still fine you animal.

>> No.9871363

>paying more for a fucking outer lens just because my heckin' wholesome nintendo branding
Consider suicide.

>> No.9871367

>needing to replace it at all because he's a fucking retard who can't take care of his toys

>> No.9871371

replacing a broken component of a system ≠ modding

>> No.9871373

Don't feed the zoomie.

>> No.9871375

outer lens are dirt cheap what are you talking about?

>> No.9871381

The RK2023 would be perfect if it wasn't a Powkiddy device.

>> No.9871382

Exactly, I spent two dollars on mine. If you want, you can point me in the direction of an OEM replacement screen for the same price.

>> No.9871389
File: 232 KB, 500x375, ead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't have a genuine AGS101 screen modded into his purple original GBA
Cringe. There is only one perfect GBA out there, and it is mine.

>> No.9871391

you're not going to find an original one that cheap, as long as yours performs the same that's all that matters

>> No.9871393

all gayboys are shit, simple as.

>> No.9871398

>he's too young to have grown up with a soulboy

>> No.9871407

Those were my thoughts exactly. The battery in my SP isn't original but I don't give two sticks about that either. When I pulled my old SP out of the box in the attic it could barely hold a charge at all.

>> No.9871461


>> No.9872085


>> No.9872285

Disingenuous. I have an ultra 22 and it runs the entire ps2 library fine upscaled.

>> No.9872320
File: 155 KB, 1500x1343, 81MW3cte2-L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is this for emulation? It's incredibly portable, but is storage going to be an issue? 16gb doesn't sound too bad but I'll probably opt for a converter if they're available on Chinese websites sometime.

>> No.9872360

Not very. There are some flaws that were never ironed out in regard to emulation. For example, every GBA game will give you noticeable screen tearing, regardless of emulator choice. Struggles to play the SNES library too. If you already own one, it's ok for emulation, but I wouldn't buy one for emulation.
Back to /v/ little retard

>> No.9872434

Fair enough. Reading up on it, seems like the SNES emulation has gotten better. I'll give it a go, I remember being able to play GB and PS1 games with ease over 10 years ago. Found a Go in the box when moving.

>> No.9872436

Last time I tried emulation on PSP, it was definitely pretty flawed. SNES and GBA don't run full speed. But I still loved using my PSP Go back in the day, its pocketability is still unmatched.

>> No.9872446
File: 217 KB, 1024x1024, warioland-1650329550505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I can play pic related on it, it was worth the effort. It's more portable than my phone, lovely little device.

>> No.9872569
File: 1.49 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a stupid flip and I like it

>> No.9872573

what a strange design, the big blank spaces alone are uncanny to me

>> No.9872579

I wish mine would come in.

>> No.9872606

not thrilled with anything about this
can you still add scanline\filters or is it clamshell-potato?

the miyoo mini seems like something i would ALMOST pick but i need more cpu power for filter effects etc

people slam the pocket but its screen resolution is VERY nice in person and the filter effects (for SOME cores) can be very good

>> No.9872614

this looks ideal for me. i want a horizontal player so bad for comfort (i do admit mm+ 35xx look way cooler). not really into anything over ps1 and honestly dont even need wifi, but this looks kino. only have a v90 and it is wicked but i pretty much only play tetris on it cause it is a bit shit and uncomfy.

>> No.9872632

I have a pocket too but wanted Something that does PS1, Saturn, and Dreamcast. It’s surprisingly good at PSP too but that’s not retro. I do prefer the pocket for everything it plays though

>> No.9872642

>I do prefer the pocket for everything it plays though

>> No.9872684

>the miyoo mini seems like something i would ALMOST pick but i need more cpu power for filter effects etc
What kind of filters did you have in mind? Because the most recent version of onion OS I'm on has 30 to 50 different screen filters you can apply. I didn't keep track of how many there were exactly, but there's quite a few. There's one in particular that makes SNES games like Donkey Kong Country look insanely good. Very subtle effect that sort of gives it that quasi pixel pronounced crt kind of look. Hard to describe exactly but it does look mighty nice.

>> No.9872752

How's the dpad? Not interested in the Flip but I'm curious just in case they decide to use it on the RP4.

>> No.9872789

its perfectly functional, kinda feels like the dpad on the 353M if you've ever used that

>> No.9872829
File: 233 KB, 1280x960, WhatsApp Image 2023-05-03 at 00.00.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went back to the Game Gear and Master System versions of The Lion King. I grew up with the Windows version, which I could never complete because I got stuck in the Hakuna Matata level, especially thanks to the logs... anyways I went for the Genesis version in the last few years, as it was the main console I grew up with, and loved it... but I have to say, the 8bit SEGA version ain't that far behind, and that's why I went for more playthroughs, to complete them on the hardest difficulty, because I had a genuinely good time with it, the collision detection for swinging on things is somewhat better, and the level design is new, instead of just porting everything over, it's is own thing, and quite an excellent one, I definitely recommend it. Also, the fact that I could play this from the comfort of my bed, relaxed, thanks to my RetroArch (Galaxy M30 + MOCUTE060) setup makes me love these things even more, it's serving me well.

>> No.9872903

4th gen and below works great except for SNES. Most run ok enough for the hardware, special chip snes games are unplayable. PS1 works great, N64 is trash, and GBA is full of speedhacks and frameskips. Have not emulated anything on PSP since 2010 though so maybe things have improved, heard someone was still updating snes9x psp just a few years ago

>> No.9872924

ill check it out
its hard to sift through the noise on youtube
shills, buyers remorse, biases etc

>> No.9872946

why doesnt it have two screens?

>> No.9872947

I just want to play up to 16 bit, so I don't need analog sticks or fancy specs. I do want a decent screen and not too small.
Kinda crazy that there's still no handheld that fulfills my basic requirements. RG35xx and Mini + come close, but the screen is probably a bit small and the vertical form factor would probably give me cramp after a while. RG405m looks pretty good and I love the aspect ratio but the D-pad is in the wrong place (morons, what were they thinking). Which leaves the RP3+ but I'll still be playing with massive black bars on either side for my systems of choice. And it's weird that the 405m and RP3+ are triple the price of the 35xx/mini+ while giving me very little extra value as someone who only goes up to 16 bit.
Any suggestions? ktr-1 looks pretty good but it's not out yet.

>> No.9872954

353M seems like a good modern middle ground the 351P would also do what you’d want

>> No.9872957

>Hinge doesn't have notches
>Ugly as fuck empty real estate on bottom half

>> No.9872967

welp the Powkiddy RK2023 just became irrelevant

>> No.9873008

RK2023 or this thing >>9872085

>> No.9873248

Thank you for the comment, anon. I'm going to put the Master System version on my backlog to play on my RG35XX. I played mostly the SNES version so I didn't know those versions had different level design.
I also saw comments from people saying that the Mega Drive version is way better compared to the SNES version.

>> No.9873318

Every Retroid system sounds great on paper but their designs and button layouts are just so trashy I can't bring myself to spend the money on one.
I'm still mad about the RP3 start and select buttons.

>> No.9873323

Is posting a zoomer pepe while talking about both owning an overpriced phone and also playing games on it part of the joke or are you just woefully out of touch with what types of retards are out there spending hundreds of dollars on a phone?

>> No.9873329

>hundreds of dollars
My phone cost $1.3k

>> No.9873372

The worst thing about these retro handhelds is that they are incentivised not to make one that's too good because then people won't buy the next one, and as a hardware company they only make money off their devices, unlike Nintendo, Sony, or Valve who just want you to to own the system so you'll buy games from them.
So you end up with purposely designed flaws, like the RP3's Start/Select buttons being on the top for no reason other than to bother you just enough so you'll buy the next iteration that inevitably fixes that problem while adding another.

>> No.9873381
File: 139 KB, 414x390, 1624271299150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't say?

>> No.9873437

For emulation, it loses out to even something like the Miyoo Mini. It just doesn't have enough power to handle tough SNES and GBA stuff.

Not for the fucking Go you're not. Sony dropped the memory stick format for the Go and switched to M2 cards. They're about the size of a microSD, so no adapters, and were wildly unpopular so Sony dropped them before they could release anything over 16GB.
The Go is eternally locked to 32GB max and is suffering.

>> No.9873465

maybe wait for >>9872085? i think it's going to be under $100.

>> No.9873535
File: 317 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_20230503_142356[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nil's attention to detail is so Chinese that he has meticulously colour matched the yellow KT-R1 to a bootleg Game Boy Color cartridge.

>> No.9873543

any more info on the Orange Pi handheld? will it have a different dpad configuration. hate that xbox placement crap...

>> No.9873548

Powkiddychads no…..we may not dab today….

>> No.9873557

>ETA gets some nvidia AI dev kit
>anyways here we are running f zero upscale, emulation beast etc

Lmao, why make this video it’s not meant for fucking emulation SFFPCs

>> No.9873758

No problem, anon! I hope you enjoy it. I wouldn't say that the Genesis version is way better than the SNES, but I do prefer it and it's the version I recommend to people between them, because of the 2nd level, and there's a couple of reasons for that, the 1st is that the wider resolution on the Genesis makes it easier to see what's coming ahead, so it helps I'm the ostrich section, and the 2nd is a part where you're forced to swing on the hippos tails in the SNES version, poor collision detection and all, but that you can skip on the Genesis version by jumping on the nose of a hippo that's above, which for some reason doesn't work on the SNES version.

>> No.9873819
File: 174 KB, 1080x1080, (.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the X28 apparently has really good speakers that the nip says he can literally feel. If this ends up being the first chinkheld with good bass, I think I may have to get it even though I already have an RP3+. He also says the plastic has a rough finish to it which I really like the sound of.

>> No.9873843

What color are you gonna vote for m8? I'm voting for the yellow, super happy Nil decided to show it off today. Sounds like black and white are already confirmed for the first batch.

>> No.9873849

I'm not voting. I do not believe I should have a say in what colour anyone else gets and I do not believe that anyone else should have a say in what colour I get. Also: the green looks nice.

>> No.9873857

Fair enough, I think the green is my second choice at this point. If by some miracle it makes the first batch and yellow doesn't, I would probably consider switching pretty hard, which I wouldn't consider for any other color.

>> No.9873903

the screen is really nice and the games feel a bit snappier. a thing people don't talk about with the pocket is how well it does in direct sunlight I sit out on my balcony with it often and it handles glare better than any other handheld I have including the flip I just got. unfortunately the pocket isnt very flexible

>> No.9873908

I already have a miyoo mini plus which I think is fantastic, so I'm waiting more or less for the RP4 or RP4+ at this point. Because as it stands if I bought an RP3+ I'd just be spending 150 USD on Dreamcast and Saturn emulation. That's not really worth it and I don't know what a PSP is. PS2 and GC games are so hit and miss even with tweaking I'd rather wait for a RP4 that'll make PS2/GC games perform better. That'll be the jump forward for me. Oh and the RP3+ can play N64 games well I think.

>> No.9873927

>spending over a grand on a phone
You couldn't torture me into admitting something this embarrassing.

>> No.9873930

>I don't know what a PSP is.
Has tons of great RPGs including some definitive versions of classic ones like FFT.

>> No.9874015
File: 832 KB, 1260x634, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact the 505 doesn't look all that much smaller and is only like ~10g lighter is kind of shocking.

>> No.9874020

>they are incentivised not to make one that's too good because then people won't buy the next one
That's why you become a KTR Warrior. Not made by a company but just by one guy with a passion who said "Fuck it, I'll do it myself"

>> No.9874051

Not everyone is poor

>> No.9874132

>Only leh poor people cant buy 1000 burgers or 1100 britsh beans sterling bricks
>Implying poorfags arent the one's buying those gooksones or commifornia radios
Nice try, boomer. Phone carriers like total and tracfone literally sell phones that can play gamecube with zero problems at 300. Only gookohnes worth 1000 are foldings. That way, you can shitpost while watching your kinos or playing kino phone games in bed

>> No.9874146

Yeah, when I got the RG35XX I played only until the second level and stopped for some time because I was dying so much with the poor collision in the last section of the ostrich part where you have to double jump.
Now when I go back to play that game I'm going to play the Mega Drive version, because I'm done for some time with games that have poor collision detection. I finished Aladdin recently from the Mega Drive and that game was infested with this problems.

>> No.9874156

So you're saying it's ok to be a dumb little shit if you can afford it?
Thanks for the advice, little shit head.

>> No.9874183

Ah, for the ostrich double jump, make sure to do it quickly, no interval between your button presses, as soon as you jump, immediately jump again.

>> No.9874204

>Hoshi no Powkiddy-tan
Even the japanese knows the beauty of the Powkiddy logo.

>> No.9874238

Lol no it doesn't. I also have an S22 Ultra and a tab s8 (both have snapdragon 8 gen 1 chips). A lot of games run "fine"in the early levels, but even thps4 chugs to the point of unplayability in the later levels.

>> No.9874331
File: 1.39 MB, 2048x1536, 908561D3-ACA2-464E-B9B7-048BC952BBAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9874357

>bigger screen
>it's 480p
fucking lol

>> No.9874378


>> No.9874379
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What the FUCK? Classic baffling Powkiddy decisions LMAO

>> No.9874382

Is it performance art? I kneel at the Chang Warhols

>> No.9874389

What are the pros of having a bigger screen but a lower resolution?

>> No.9874446

Don't think of it as a low resolution screen, think of it as a hardware based LCD shader.

>> No.9874448

Is it just two 640x480 screens glued together?

>> No.9874459

With the news that the grey might be a little different than the renders, I may switch to team yellow or green. Both look pretty swish.

>> No.9874481

I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max that can emulate GC with laughable ease and has battery for days, but the main reason I got it is to take killer 4K HDR videos and also great photos with a single device that's always in my pocket
I'm 38, and sorry that you're poor :(

>> No.9874492

It’s probably an errata.

>> No.9874509

>Iosfone 14
Dolphin's fullspeed on my outdated shitscated ipad becuase the devs optimzed it. At least you don't get sneedput lag, but wake me up when you can sideload cemu and ps3.
You should be improving my social media apps and tubi old man.

>> No.9874523

>old man
You'll be over 30 in the blink of an eye, broccoli headed retarded child
Although I hope you kys before that

>> No.9874543

Anons, the specs is wrong even someone in the video comments said. The comment said that is 720p, but after looking he is also wrong because Powkiddy is doing the same thing that Anbernic did with the RG351P which has the screen resolution of 320*480 while people think it's 480*320.
The screen resolution for the Powkiddy x28 is 720*1280.
I can't wait to see more of this reviewers getting that spec wrong.

>> No.9874546

>Blah blah blah, leh "aging" is real guize
>Kys instead of the white man's "Kill urself faggot"
Xoomer pretending to be a boomer spotted. But keep taking candid videos so I can pirate them.
>Brocoli hair
Ah, not only are you a chink clamp user, you also support mucinx commericals. All I needed to know.

>> No.9874554

dam cuz u have a stroke fr fr?

>> No.9874557

No need to be so insecure zoomerkun.

>> No.9874581

>spend 1500 dollars on a dog turd
>get made fun of
>"N-Not everyone is poor, h-heh."

>claiming to be 38 while baiting on 4chan and using ":(" emojis
Once again you couldn't torture me into admitting something this embarrassing.

Only zoomers buy expensive phones because they're too retarded to build a computer.
We both know you're poor and young and lying about all of this, though. It's a pretty weak larp. I'll give you some more (You)s though since it bumps the thread and I want to see how much more damage control you'll post.

>> No.9874592

I don't know what to tell you, that's some pretty severe poverty induced cognitive dissonance. I really am 38 although I do look 28.

>> No.9874598

>Only zoomers buy expensive phones
Untrue. Most sneedle cattle just dont know about carrier trick in eagal land. He also didnt mention an important job, which is why its obvious he makes candid vidoes. Which I pirate.
>Confirming he does suppirt the destruxtion of the white race.
See that? See how, despite being a respected member of the working class man, these commercials despict Tom getting thrown out of his own home? Its because of you. You create demoralization and feed it to the sneedle cattle so they can pretwnd it's normal. Its also why Tom evenutally becomes almondfied with a higher pitched voice and a gayer outfit. He's trying to fight back by pretending to be one of them. But by chaning the disease carriers to black, its a warning sign to the white man telling them the only way they can win is through force, not love.
Give me your face creams.

>> No.9874635

Enough with the sticks
Just make a handheld with a dpad and buttons.

>> No.9874645


>> No.9875343

Try harder.

>> No.9875357

I just modded my 3DS and it seriously makes me so happy seeing what all I can do with it. I'm about to play Mother 3 for the first time.

>> No.9875392

Cope and seethe.

>> No.9875546
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Alright me lads, I'm in the market for some chinkheld for playing NES and SNES games mostly, with the occasional GBA. I 'ate integer scaling, simple as, so what's a good cheap device with great build quality and a nice 320x240 screen with chunky pixels?

>> No.9875652

How have you set up the RG405M? I’m using retroarch and daijisho.

>> No.9875659

You want the real chonky stuff, huh? RG300, RG350O, RG300X, TrimUI Smart for something a bit more recent.

>> No.9876268
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Years ago I went to a recycling center and found this game boy in the electronics section. Took it home and it had Super Mario 2 and worked fine. Found loads of good shit down at that recycling center. Shame I don't live there anymore

>> No.9876294

why do people like to be surrounded by so much tat?

>> No.9876753

Have you guys gone fully handheld and ditched the desktop for a powerful handheld PC?

>> No.9876771

For playing games, yes. For general browsing and work, no. That's mostly because I already had a desktop and felt like I should continue to use it until the wheels fall off, though. At some point a station to dock my handheld PC (monitor, keyboard, mouse, and laptop dock) will probably replace it.

>> No.9876994

Gameboy Pocket>>Game Boy Light>Gameboy Original.

>> No.9877238
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Gameforce 2 complete with d-pad in the wrong FUCKING location.

>> No.9877243
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>> No.9877249
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>> No.9877320
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where's the unique ergonomic shell and led light up buttons? this is so soulless
>d-pad on bottom
it's over

>> No.9877324

Finally got an email saying my flip and shipped. Now for a longer wait.

>> No.9877349
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Has anyone managed to get shaders working on Duckstation on Android? I want to make my RP3+ look like a CRT

>> No.9877414

So what the fuck's going on with firmware support with RG353P?

Jelos was the go-to for a while, but then they stopped providing builds/support for RG353 family and UnofficialOS popped up as a fork, but Jelos has builds for RG353 again?

>> No.9877513

I tried this briefly but there are too many games that simply don't play right on a handheld, even a really good one.

If you like PC focused genres or just like shooting games or RPGs PC is the way to go, trying to play Isometric style RPG's on the steam deck was a pain in the ass never mind stuff like fast paced shooters or games with tons of buttons to be pushed like immersive sims and simulator games

>> No.9877528
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>If you like PC focused genres or just like shooting games or RPGs PC is the way to go
>PC is the way to go
You mean desktop? Considering we're already talking about handheld PCs and all.

>> No.9877531

Ordered one, even if it is not good, I won't have lost a lot of money.

>> No.9877538

Yes, OK, desktop, mouse and keyboard

>> No.9877539

Use duckstation or swanstation as Retro Arch core. It has shaders

>> No.9877640

it causes seething from the shills
but the 3ds is comfy af and for rpg\dungeon crawlers its basically godtier

the screen\resolution is a bit small but i almost prefer it

>> No.9877804

The resolution isn't really a problem, the terrible screen quality is, at least on the XL models.

>> No.9877824

Resolution doesn’t scale well with most /vr/ systems, leading to terrible pixel aspect ratios or huge black borders (and tiny images)

>> No.9877834

Is there really no support for shaders on the standalone app‽

>> No.9878008

Reminds me of the RP3 except the start and select aren't retarded.

>> No.9878082

Slightly related but why would anyone use duckstation over a core if they already use retroarch?

>> No.9878220

apparently they changed their mind about it a couple months ago, so far it's been working rather well on my own RG353P

>> No.9878361

fucking yoink, been waiting for a good and cheap handheld in the same vein as the RG35XX

>> No.9878436
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im only playing on original hardware or the analogue pocket, simple as.

>> No.9878483

so you hate ps1, n64, sega saturn? dreamcast?
you dont want portable dreamcast anon?! HUH?! ;_;

>> No.9878519

Show pics if you have it. Hope you get something out of it. With 500 games there are a few good ones that play nice for sure.

>again 3.5"

>> No.9878520

what game

>> No.9878562

Dolphin Blue on Atomiswave

>> No.9878731

I'm only playing on emulators and let my original NES SNES and N64 collect dust, simple as.

>> No.9878773

I sold all my original hardware because playing on a computer or emulation handheld is a less frustrating, more pleasurable experience, simple as.

>> No.9878787

>start and select shoved in the corner below the right analog so you practically have to pull your entire right hand off the device to hit either
nah that's still retarded.

t. had an odin

>> No.9878812
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>> No.9879027

I just pay for Switch Online to play GBA games.

>> No.9879061

You're a retarded cuckold.

>> No.9879064

It's impressive how badly they fucked that up. It was announced a year ago and supposed to release Q4 last year, yet we haven't heard anything about it except a reveal for a new shell months ago. When Valve made the Steam Deck open for purchase last September I cancelled my Look order and bought the SD instead.

>> No.9879075
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the X55 can be had for $80 free shipping right now. Pretty great price but I can't stand d-pad on bottom.

>> No.9879081


>> No.9879084

Biggest problem with SD is the trash dpad

>> No.9879096

The KTR1 plastic colours have been finalised. Red, pink, lavender, yellow or retro white. Guess I'm changing my order, then, but I don't know what to, because the only other colour I really liked apart from grey was the green.

>> No.9879209

At least it's in the right location. It's not a great d-pad compared to what the chinks are turning out, but it still shits all over the PS4/5 and Switch d-pads imo. Kind of ridiculous that the chinks are now making d-pads that completely BTFO what the big multi-billion dollar megacorps involved in the console wars are putting out.

>> No.9879260

The Switch Lite D-pad is better. The problem with SD is that it's too close to the edge and it's impossible to press diagonals on it.
My favourite D-pad is still the one on my GameSir X2, it's just great. Second best is the ones on DSi/3DS.

>> No.9879291

I'll have to take your word on that because the d-pad on the Switch Pro is one of the worst d-pads I've ever used, and the regular Switch with joycons doesn't even have a real d-pad. For the SD diagonals you have to break it in as retarded as that is. Regular gameplay doesn't cut it, you have to run your thumb in circles over the thing for like 10 minutes with a good amount of pressure.

>> No.9879314

Hm, thanks, I'll try that

>> No.9879478

It's not my favorite placement for them but it's where the PSVITA placed them so at least there's some precedent for it. And I never really had a problem with the Vita start/select.

>> No.9879484
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Next thread:

>> No.9879596

i have a retroid pocket 2 with android

what should i do with it?

>> No.9879926

>the 3ds is comfy af
3DS is the least comfy official handheld I've ever had. None of the versions I've tried feel good to hold, and I don't think the controls feel that good either.

>> No.9880008

then you are a sperglord
the ds family sold hundreds of millions of units
3ds is backwards compatible, loosen your gorilla grip anon