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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9855512 No.9855512 [Reply] [Original]

How does /vr/ feel about Nox?

>> No.9855538

A tingly feeling on my penis like when you're high and you listen to piccolos in the car while smelling freshly cut lawn grass.

>> No.9856447

Hecubah is hot.
One of my favorite ARPGs.
Conjurer early game is peak comfy.
Didn't have internet back then, so I never played a multiplayer match.

>> No.9856454

love it. there's a story, there's a good humour, there's a fun gameplay. awesome game.

>> No.9856471

I think I kept getting rekt by a meteor shower spell in the demo version. Unless I'm confusing it for something else

>> No.9856472

i've never played it
i installed this on my sons raspberry pi but they prefer playing heroes of might and magic 3

>> No.9856631 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9856682

Amazing but I had to stop playing cause it hurt my finger holding down the mouse button.

>> No.9856685

Looks good but never played.

>> No.9857290

I played Diablo 2 only some time after Nox and it took me way too long to get used to clicking where I want to go instead of just holding rmb and keep on running.
Frankly, I like that system more than having to click everywhere, but in Diablo's case it was probably intentional because what is a Diablo without a million clicks per second?

>> No.9857327

>arpg with warrior milf on the cover
i must've just never seen this on the shelf cause pre-teen me should've been aware of this

>> No.9857349
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That's because it's the Japanese cover. I'd like to hear the Japanese dub.

>> No.9857358

Easily top 100 of all time

>> No.9857379
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>what is a Diablo without a million clicks per second?

>> No.9857414
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>> No.9857707

I had this box for years... Then I got the great idea to just keep the cases and throw away all the boxes.
Had I known what kind of money idiots will pay today for these things...

>> No.9857864

I like the ending where you purify her.

>> No.9858096

amazing game, beautiful, charming art direction and music, fun and unique gameplay
wish it got more attention and i also wish that more games were made that would resemble it

>> No.9858962

i cant get this game to run on my windows 10 machine properly, any ideas anons?

>> No.9858996

My brother used to like it a lot.

>> No.9859171

I only have "Run as administrator" set for NOX.EXE and it works; it's from the GOG installer.
You could also try OpenNox, the sourceport, but I couldn't get the cutscenes to work there.

>> No.9859718

>just holding rmb and keep on running.
That's exactly how movement in Nox works too, yes.

>> No.9859720

Wizard truly is the best class.

>> No.9860612

I am still waiting for the widescreen update and UI mods for open Nox
the game has a lot of potential for its own belzebub

>> No.9860903

Yes, that is what I was saying.

>> No.9861837

Yeah but it has the same problems as all these others "HD mod of old games" stuff, in that everything just gets smaller. TO do a proper HD mod you'd have to upscale all the sprites and models.
But for now I'd just be happy if they would scale the UI, because on 1080p you can't see shit anymore.

>> No.9862007
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Good game, and Westwood's fate a shame.

>> No.9862276

I remember the installer telling the backstory during installation.
I don't know if it was also told in the manual, but I can't find it right now.

>> No.9862582

>I don't know if it was also told in the manual
No, it is not. I suppose it should be possible to extract from the installer data archive.

>> No.9862624

She doesn't look as sexy though

>> No.9862795

I just looked, it's there. Of course not the exact same words or the same moody narrator, but it's there. At least in the german manual.

>> No.9862951

I didn't find it in the English manual. Neither in the table of contents, nor with a quick skim.

>> No.9862960

Huh, I was a bit quick in my judgment.
It's in the manual on pp. 76-78, right before the characters are presented (there's also a walkthrough for each classes' first chapter in there), but this story does indeed only tell about Jandor and the big battle and how the staff was separated and such, from some historian's perspective, but it does indeed NOT tell the story as the installation does with

>> No.9862981

Damn, I did miss it somehow. Not in my best shape today. And yeah, it's only the first part.

Considering how she ended up on top, I doubt they did much if any of the raping.

>> No.9863252

>I doubt they did much if any of the raping.
Just how do you think she became like that?
And isn't it telling that Sean William Scott is the one in the end bringing her back to the "light" side?

>> No.9863256

Saved by Steve Stiffler

>> No.9863269

this is me

>> No.9863276

>Just how do you think she became like that?
By being a necromancer's child who were given over to dumb savages.

>And isn't it telling that Sean William Scott is the one in the end bringing her back to the "light" side?
No, it was Horvath's best apprentice ever turning her own magic back at her to purge her of the taint.

>> No.9863384

Based autist

>> No.9863404

the ogres were considered peaceful at some point, the village of brin was taken by complete surprise by their attack

>> No.9863445

>Didn't have internet back then, so I never played a multiplayer match.
Oh boy did you ever miss out. Quest mode was great, but the true gem was the PvP modes. Highly skilled players could use very quick one shot combos and you really needed the whole team working together. Eventually it was taken over by cheaters hacking in invulnerability gear

>> No.9863682

My parents gave me an ultimatum about all of the boxes and so, I thought, "Let me just cut up the boxes, keep the front, back and sides and that'll save SO MUCH SPACE!"
Yup. Reduced the net worth of my collection by 80% or so... But, hey! Kept the entire box... kinda.

>> No.9863819

Dumb savages can be peaceful too.

>> No.9863835

>reinstall Nox every few months
>promise myself that this time I'll go warrior
>always end picking wizard
I just can't help myself.

>> No.9864170

I never owned this game, but someone installed it on one of the PCs in the computer lab at my middle school.
I think it must have been a pirated copy. It was so unfair I have to assume I'd triggered some kind of copy protection. Every single enemy just killed you in one hit, maybe two if you were very, very lucky.
I never made it far in the game, obviously. One day I got so frustrated I completely lost track of time and ended up playing it past when I was supposed to be back in the classroom. I got dragged off to the principal's office and got the mother of all earfuls. The game was deleted from the PC, and I was grounded for a week.
I don't remember much of what I was taught in middle school, but I've never been late for an appointment since.
That's what I learned in the school of hard Nox.

>> No.9864178

Conjurer is a lot of fun too. And the only thing holding back warrior is the small number of abilities.

>> No.9864450

you dont need anything else

>> No.9864753

You absolutely need War Cry and Eye of the Wolf for battles as well. Thread Lightly is questionable but sneaking can be fun.
The problem with warrior is that you use the same 4 skills all the time. And it would have been even worse if you only needed 2 like you are saying.

>> No.9864848

War Cry is great when beating up wizard nerds.
And pretty much needed because those higher level fire mages WILL gangrape you.

>> No.9865005

Purification of women is a great calling

>> No.9865013


>> No.9865016

Where are my Conjurer bros at?

>tfw you find out that hypnotizing enemies won't give you any XP when they die so you kill everything until you don't get any XP from them anymore, but by that time they're already too weak to be useful minions or you're in another level

Granted, you get enough XP throughout the game to reach level 10 any way, but especially the earlier level-ups can't come soon enough.
Conjurer is my class, and will always be, but this just wasn't that well thought-out.

>> No.9865017
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>> No.9865448
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The intermission and death screens were pure soul.

>> No.9865607

One of my favorite games.
But when I replay as a mage I lose motivation at the swamp.

Maybe if I become senile I'll be able to enjoy it again like the first time.

>> No.9865920

The swamp isn't even that bad, I mean at least it's not the catacombs.

>> No.9866601

Have a (You) for that perfct setup.

>> No.9868082


>> No.9868174

I've tried playing it several times, but ended up quitting out of boredom every time, because the game is too easy.

>> No.9868551

When this came out, I couldn't beat it without cheats on account of being a horrible scrub back then and rarely beating any games, or beating them without cheats.

I remember choosing Conjurer for my first playthrough because charming wolves sounded badass.
It all went smooth until I had to take out the bandit camp, because it was utter rape; I somehow managed to survive that, though.
Then I stopped playing legit after the catacombs, which I somehow managed to beat with like 1HP left and resorted to cheats from then on, spamming FIST OF VENGEANCE.
It was almost two decades later I actually beat the game fair and square.

>> No.9869439

Single player wasn't quite as good as I remembered it being, but it was still lots of fun. Very cool fog of war system too.
Multiplayer was a riot and it's amazing what Westwood did with the limited amount of time they were given.

>> No.9871120

>Very cool fog of war system too.
I lol'd when I read about the TruVision(TM) system, like los detection was something revolutionary at that time.

>> No.9872304

I was thinking about purchasing this game a few weeks ago but I've never played an ARPG. What should I expect?

>> No.9872925

Singleplayer contains elements of older rpgs, level ups are infrequent and you only go to level 10, maps are full of loot and secrets to look around for with multiple "you get one chance" puzzles.

The gameplay itself is the quick and the dead. Movement and armor can both be important to different degrees depending on what you are fighting.

>> No.9873058

Wasn't doo doo death ray? I always found that hilarious.

>> No.9873073

I loved this game so much. It came with a companion disc so one of your friends could play online with you. It had multiple game modes and even custom games. The multiplayer was also way ahead of its time, you had all the spells and equipment laying about and depending on what you picked up was your class/play style. It was a Moba before Mobas were invented. The Mage spells combo potential were insane, I got disarmed, place swaped, and killed with my own weapon by a guy in less than a second.

My fav class was the conjurer, you could summon all types of cool monsters, like the Beholder and fire green kamehamehas out of nature energy. We will never see games like this again.

>> No.9873159

Swapping someone into a trap never gets old.

>> No.9873193

Vague resentment followed rapidly by a dull apathy.

>> No.9873717
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thread made me replay the game
but now i'm stuck in the sewers of dun mir, when i load my autosave i get all these effects which don't allow me to move at all
i'm playing with OpenNox

>> No.9873724

apparently it's an issue with OpenNox and invisiblity... if you have the invisibility effect applied to you on a save, and you reload that save, you get all of these random effects applied to your character
i cast invisibility again and saved, reloaded, and got a bunch of effects applied, but these ones allowed me to move

>> No.9873756

Man this is genius lets make a Nox Discord to play Multiplayer. Lets make a channel called 90s early 2000s gaming.

>> No.9873935

i prefer anonymity

>> No.9873942

Serves you right for being a gay mage.

>> No.9874087

the controls suck dick and it would've been better and more popular if they just made it an fps

>> No.9874112

...so make an anonymous profile. Discord has a built in switcher

>> No.9874194

The controls are excellent and YOU suck dick, recreationally.

>> No.9874196

i don't want to be the only one who's anonymous

>> No.9875591

Man I never had any use for like 90% of all those spells, and it seems it was because I never played MP.

>> No.9875596

One of the best multiplayer games ever, I destroyed everyone as conjuror, too bad the horrible demon company EA bought Westwood and shut down the severs only 6 months after the release of the game.

>> No.9875601

sux my cox

>> No.9876167

You can use most of them against enemies in SP just fine. If you only rely on fireballs and the two
"beams" then it loses a lot of its appeal. You are using traps at least, right?

>> No.9876253

Westwood rocks

>> No.9876395

>You are using traps at least, right?
Sometimes, but I mainly played conjurer and always had my gang of blisters with me. Meteor + poison cloud + slowdown (or whatever the conjurer version was called) never gets old.

>> No.9876985

Man I should really do another playthrough.
I wish there was a whole game as comfy as early Mage/Conjurer.

>> No.9878597
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The GOG version has some concept art download, with mainly weapons, but also a seemingly unused Yeti enemy

>> No.9878716

It started to feel grindy as the warrior during the chapter with the orcs. There were so many of them and it didn't seem like there was any strategy other than slamming into them one by one. And then with managing equipment durability it became a tedious process. But I was in love with the game's graphics and overall charm.

>> No.9878719

>and it didn't seem like there was any strategy other than slamming into them one by one
Warrior gameplay in a nutshell

>> No.9878723

Well I'm gonna add this to my list of irreplaceable multiplayer experiences I missed out on. Sounds amazing.

>> No.9878762
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...and dragons!

>> No.9878809
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Just think about it.
After the series of failures (i.e. Dune 2000, Recoil and LoL3) Westwood marathoned like a true badass: Nox, Tiberian Sun, Emperor Battle for Dune (yeah, some shat on that thing but it sure looked gorgeous), Renegade.
And then they got shut down by EA.

Nearly all dev studios famous in the 90s wrote themselves out by the early 00s and predictably died. But Westwood didn't deserve such the end.

>> No.9879318
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Green conjurer staff.
Can't remember if it also makes the DONGGG sound like those turret thingies.

>> No.9879425

westwood only did the cutscenes for dune 2000

>> No.9879905
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Well, Nox's ads weren't as nice.

>> No.9880002

>i installed this on my sons raspberry pi but they prefer playing heroes of might and magic 3
you should make a thread on how not to raise your kids into fortnite zoomers
/vr/ parenting tips

>> No.9880070

Hey, I remember that!

>> No.9880346
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The thing I never really liked about staves was how quick they deplete vs. how weak they actually were.

>> No.9881112

You should always try to carry a full second set of decent armour. It's easier with weapons because you are likely to already have at least one extra with different enchantments.

>> No.9881119

From what I remember it does. You get it near the end of the conjurer's campaign and by then its excessive power loses to its slow pre-fire delay and large charge per shot count. Shame that wizard doesn't get the death ray staff. Or the spell, for that matter.

>> No.9881126

Was Emperor even truly theirs? From what I remember they had lots of people leave by then. But I'm not sure, might be misremembering.

>> No.9881146

fireball staff is good but lighting staff and flare staff are shit

>> No.9881209
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Great game, deserved multiple sequels.

>> No.9881215

Lightning is good if it's rechargeable. Don't remember if it stacks with spell "beams" but if it does it's great. Is flare the triple projectile one? Then it's decent when you have enough enemies close by.

>> No.9881251

How's Nox/OpenNox for co-op? I've wanted to try the game out since I became aware of it over a decade ago, but it's taken until now to accrue enough people to maybe be able to get it running.

>> No.9881369

The original has NoxQuest made specifically for that. It's a different campaign, if it can even be called that, and I remember dropping it after at most an hour. Perhaps it is good when playing with someone else as intended.

>> No.9881427
File: 1.72 MB, 1440x1080, KcajTheConjurer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I just arrived at Ix as conjurer and Captain's dialogue cracked me up
>Yeah now go to Ix to find Aldwyn
>blablabla and remember to find Aldwyn

>> No.9881669

flare is the one that shoots those tiny low damage projectiles

>> No.9881993

Just one? Because there is another that shoots three of them. I just don't remember the accurate names anymore. I've started to replay the game a couple of years ago but life intervened and I still haven't restarted.

Single-shot one is actually a pretty good supplement to spells and as a chaff clearer due to how you don't waste as much charge as with the triple-shot "upgraded" version. Also if the target is running towards you any projectile impact slows it down a little bit.
The only downside is that you have to click very fast and lead the target all the time. With something like a lightning staff you just point, click once and wait.

>> No.9882016

Wasn't that staff (single/triple) with bouncing projectiles anyway? So you'd just enter a room, spray an arc and have everything bounce around until the imps were dead?

>> No.9882021
File: 1.01 MB, 781x2347, NOX_SULFUR1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staff of Sulphur, wasn't that it?
This should be the single-shot version...

>> No.9882025
File: 1.07 MB, 772x2527, NOX_SULFUR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and this the triple-shot.

>> No.9882279

Yeah. Flare does this as well but due to the time it takes to properly saturate a room and with limited bounces it doesn't quite work. But the triple-shot one could pulls that off easily. But you also don't fight in smallish rooms always so the triple-shot staff isn't always at its maximum usefulness.

>> No.9882392

flare is much less useful in the latter half of the game when even the weaker enemies have 40 health and start dodging projectiles.

An issue with the staff is to get the triple shot one you need to acquire and save nearly all gold you find and even skip out on a few spell levels to afford it when you see it or you find it for free before going to hell where is isn't useful.

>> No.9882568
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I think the lightning staff looks the coolest, as far as mage staves are concerned, though the fireball one is also cool, with its trident shape.
The problem with the staves is that they're generally pretty weak, and if they're not rechargeable, the monetary expense is just excessive.
Later in the game this is not as much of a problem anymore, as you should swim in gold from selling all the loot, but in my opinion it's just not economical.

>> No.9882918

Yes, you are supposed to upgrade.

>to get the triple shot one you need to acquire and save nearly all gold you find and even skip out on a few spell levels to afford it when you see it or you find it for free before going to hell
Pretty sure I've found the triple one way before that. But it was either a regular one or one that slowly regenerates charges.

>> No.9882919
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This is the only colorized sketch

>> No.9883026

Yea. So the kid won't be able to connect with other children of his age.

>> No.9883775
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>you are limited to one game and one game only and can never have anything else to talk about
Quintessential 4chan post.

Have a death ray staff to stay on topic. Has such an item ever existed? At least I can't remember ever finding one.

>> No.9884257
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Gotta love Aldwyn's hut, it's like the other guy's hut, but without a secret garden and not in the fucking death swamps.

>> No.9884360

hecubah literally has no porn, bros...

>> No.9884686

Damn, now I have to re-try it again.
Which class is best for a beginner, or in general? The story also differs for every pick, right?
Also... is it normal for the mage to recite the spells at lightspeed, like "AOEOE"?

>> No.9884689
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Forgot bait pic

>> No.9884862
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I think Warrior is most straightforward because you don't have to manage mana and hoard money to be able to buy spells.
Just go in there and punch stuff.
I prefer conjurer because of the badass helmet (granted, the full plate armor for the knight is cool too, but not pic related >>9881209 cool).
The stories don't differ THAT much, apart from early game. You will visit all locations eventually; then the final fight is in a different place and you get a different ending cutscene.

The spells are cast so fast by everyone, basically it's hand signs plus syllables.
Think of Naruto ninja magic.

In other news: Field of Valor gets easier and more boring on each playthrough because I have my route down pretty well and with the fireball staff the boss dies in a handful of hits. It has never been my favorite level, it's always just tedious.
Now I am providing peace and order, here in Brim. With all the loot from the catacombs and the ogre axes, I am now at 8k gold or something; more than enough to buy all the spells I need and repair the good stuff.

>> No.9885820

It does exist but it is not available in the campaign without modding. Maybe it's obtainable through some cheats, never used them and not even sure if they exist in the game.

>> No.9886271

If quest mode had more variety it would be amazing. I would love to play a modern game like that.

>> No.9886359

I would love this.

I'll be anon with you, anon.

>> No.9886639

Please never become a parent.

>> No.9887392
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Found this in the concept art section of a Nox fansite and can't quite put my finger on who exactly this artist was trying to emulate. It gives off a strong 90s indie comics vibe.

>> No.9888363

Stay mad, retard. He is right.

>> No.9889149
File: 778 KB, 748x1069, hecubah_by_iggler-da18mrw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Hecubah gf
On the one hand I wish Nox were more popular, so we'd get a bunch of Hecubah porn, but on the other hand I don't want bait threads and retarded discussions by retarded zoomers parrotting some eceleb's hot takes.

>> No.9889379

There's already the "Nox RPG Unofficial" discord server.
Which is the most official you're gonna get.

>> No.9890778

One last bump before bed, because I just found out something that increases my enjoyment of my current playthrough immensely.