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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 37 KB, 480x360, kingsfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9851658 No.9851658 [Reply] [Original]

Beat the game. It's awesome. The level and world design is top tier, and everything that comes along with those things like atmosphere, lore, exploration, progression.

I found almost all the secrets except for one major room that wasn't even behind a locked door, it was just something I forgot to go back and check cause there were so many different directions to explore. But I did it without making my own map/notes which shows how well it's designed.

The beginning starts you off slow and easy, but it gets hectic later on with an intense maze while insane music is playing. The final area feels like a warzone and actually reminds me a lot of Diablo.

I can see why this game launched Fromsoft's whole career and spawned two immediate sequels. If I had played it as a teenager, I would've loved it, and I wouldn't have been surprised by Demon's Souls at all. The basic things that are so good about that game like the way the story is told through the world design, they were doing 15 years earlier in this game.

>> No.9851738
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>> No.9851760

the sequels are all better than the previous title, with 4 being the culmination of the formula. they're great.

>> No.9851782

Kino Field

>> No.9851932

I turned 2 and 3 on for a few minutes to see what I was in for and it looks promising. Not only do the graphics get a pretty big upgrade from 1->2 which was only the span of a year, but the start of both games seems more punishing.
In 1 nothing is very threatening at the start except the skeleton behind the hidden door. In 2 the kraken enemies are fairly tough in comparison, and that weird fish dove out of the water and one-shot me when I was crossing a little bridge.
It's gon be good.

>> No.9851937

>If I had played it as a teenager, I would've loved it, and I wouldn't have been surprised by Demon's Souls at all.
The reality is that you would have thought it was slow and boring, and that you only care about it now because of the Souls fame.
Not trying to be an asshole, but that's the most likely scenario.

>> No.9851953

>which was only the span of a year,
technology was moving so fast that it was exciting time to be alive. also huge reason why anything modern sucks and soulless now. there is no innovation anymore

>> No.9851956

He's not you.

>> No.9851967

Oh look, it's coping-kun

>> No.9851971

*with Shadow Tower Abyss being the culmination of the formula

>> No.9851972

The first King's Field is pretty horrendous but I can see myself enjoying it if I didn't know Ultima Underworld already existed

>> No.9852121

I've only played the Echo Night series

>> No.9852613

Yep, if it wasnt for souls, people would be bashing kings field series. Theyve gaslit thenselves into pretending theyre good because of it

>> No.9852629

King's Field appreciation is starting to become cringey and overblown by hipsters and faggots that want to show off what they think makes them a cultured gamer. Most of the one's talking about it don't even know it's based off Ultima Underworld, they don't even know that came exists, and if they do they haven't played it.

I expect King's Field to start appearing on TOP X best game lists as the youtubers and journalists scramble to catch onto the latest band wagon.

>> No.9852709

What is the best King's Field to start out with gameplay wise? I don't care about the story, I just want a fun gaming experience.

>> No.9852743

4 if you want smooth gameplay. Story is unrelated to kf1-3 also. It's not really a reboot because it's just entirely different. If those controls are still too antiquated then shadow tower abyss with English patch. Have fun anon.

>> No.9852747

Absolutely based post.
Fucking poser retards.

>> No.9852994

I'm sure Underworld is better, but the fact of the matter is I didn't grow up playing PC games except Chip's Challenge, Math Circus, and Diablo 2, and playing anything on DOSBox now is not worth the trouble. If you want to seethe about that you can, I lose nothing by it.
King's Field is not a PC game, it was a Playstation launch title from 1994 in full 3D and it has good controls and it's immediately engaging and fun.
I checked this out too and it seems more like a walking simulator which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The scene in the train car surprised me and is a good enough hook I will probably play it at some point to experience the story.
It's literally the opposite. If it wasn't for Souls, people like you would be praising King's Field. You've gaslit yourself into pretending it's bad because you're a /v/ tourist zoomer.
You are asking me not to play good games because of made up schizo narratives that you think I should acknowledge solely due to the peer pressure of this website. No, you are a stupid loser.

>> No.9853160

100% correct

>> No.9853224

for me, Souls definitely had an influence due to Dark Souls 2 coming around the corner when I first played King's Field, and I was crazily hyped for the game due to the false advertising they did with the graphics. But, it was actually dungeon synth that got me (more) into King's Field around 2014, because I found that there was one guy who made KF fangames who also did dungeon synth, and his music was featured in his fangame (Diadem of Maunstraut), and ended up becoming friends with the guy and playing the rest of the series.

>> No.9853269
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Abyss is a pretty cool game but it really shit the bed in terms of level design. Which, in a series that's focused on exploration, is the most important aspect. In Abyss the world design devolved into completely separate maps, which are themselves mostly linear internally, so there are two levels of increased linearity. I know Shadow Tower 1 already started that kind of world design, but the levels still felt interesting to explore and all had multiple exits to the central tower and to other levels. Its a shame because the graphics/art design/atmosphere are some of From's best at that point, and the combat is a fun change of pace.
On the other hand, KF4 had absolutely incredible level design.

Cry about imaginary youtubers more

>> No.9853308

These games aren't good, not even Shadow Tower where I can't even hit an an enemy unless I'm literally touching it, despite having a sword that should have some range. Even King's Field 1 has a longer hit range that ST but suffers from being too fucking slow to enjoy playing. I assume it's hardware limitations so the game can load what you're not looking at or some shit, but damn. They're just slant eyes Elder Scrolls with shittier gameplay but less bugs. If you want something that's actually good made in this engine, Echo Night is a pretty fun game.

>> No.9853792

Just play Daggerfall with the source port instead.

>> No.9853827

it's ironic that you mention daggerfall which wasnt even 3D. king's field is basically todd's wet dream of oblivion gameplay happening 2 games prior actual oblivion as daggerfall wasnt even 3D and morrowind was still rpg in true sense of that word. it is 12 year time difference between what todd envisioned with oblivion happening in 1994

>> No.9853828

everyone knows japs ripping off western games. shin megami tensei another example of ultima underworld ripoff
so you're not special by thinking everyone is poseur

>> No.9853902

>shin megami tensei another example of ultima underworld ripoff
it's a wizardry ripoff, poser

>> No.9853906

>ackshually Ultima Underworld
so what's next mr. trve hardcore gamer, mario 2 is achsually doki doki picnic?

>> No.9853968

You're actually early believe it or not. King's Field likes will take off within the next 12 years and THEN it'll REALLY be overblown by hipsters and faggots. You're like a proto-hipster. Ahead of the curve. You liked N'Sync before they hit it big, that sort of thing.

>> No.9855351


>> No.9855367
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>> No.9855597
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Just beat Shadow Tower for the first time. Weird ending.

>> No.9855982


If Shadow Tower Abyss had an OST.

>> No.9856041

I still need to play KF 1-3 but I have been so heavily spoiled on the absolute masterpiece that is KF4/Ancient City its kind of hard to go back to the really archaic graphics.

The trilogy of Eternal Ring, KF4, and ST:Abyss are easily some of the most immersive RPG adventuring experiences ever made, they don't force or insist themselves on the player, which is where Demons and Dark Souls 1 gets their roots from. They let the ambience and level design kind of speak for themselves and the objective of beating the last boss of the game is more important than any story, the real story is the adventure the player themselves has fumbling their way through the game.

Its the closest feeling to being Indiana Jones I have ever experienced in a game, I dont know if anybody feels like this but me. But just diving deep into this ancient civilization that goes down several layers and figuring out where to go on your own is so fucking good in KF4, I wish there were more games like it.

>> No.9856073

Nope. You are wrong and you sound jaded and miserable. Leave this site. Time is something you can never get back and you are wasting yours here shitposting about games you have no interest in.

>> No.9856074

You never had to leave the comfort of reddit. Go back where you belong and you'll feel much happier among the other soulless, joyless contrarians.

>> No.9856126

Tick tock, time's ticking old man. You'll die alone with that attitude.

>> No.9856346

>They're just slant eyes Elder Scrolls with shittier gameplay
Morrowind is probably good, I might play that someday. And I have nostalgia for Oblivion's graphics, even though it has the worst levelup system ever created and I simply did not like it all that much. Now Daggerfall, Daggerfall is just a procedurally generated hamster wheel nightmare, it is sickeningly bad, and all open world games are dogshit.

Furthermore you are an obnoxious cretin for comparing the series at all. You have the taste equivalent of face blindness. They are nothing alike in design or conception.

>> No.9856365
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>and playing anything on DOSBox now is not worth the trouble

Lol it's so hard to click on an icon... You mongoloid

>> No.9856689

Ironic that the word hipster is getting thrown around about King's Field only for people to recommend Echo Night. I guess if it has pretty graphics and zero-skill gameplay then it's cool to play an old Fromsoft game that many players either didn't hear about or would not take a second glance at.
I think I see what's going on here. Judging the distance to stab the very first enemy in Shadow Tower was too gruelling for you, so you need something more relaxing where you just walk around, solve baby puzzles, and watch cutscenes.
That game is cool but it'd be nice if you'd admit.
>but suffers from being too fucking slow to enjoy playing
Another casualty of tank controls. It's a 10-hour game, anon.

>> No.9856818

There is no judging distance with those Shadow Tower slimes, you have to be touching them and aim almost straight down to hit, King's Field doesn't have this problem. Also, stop putting words in my mouth like I was trying to shit on King's Field because I'm shit at games. I am shit at games, that doesn't make King's Field good. I play games to relax and have fun and don't want to be challenged by awkward controls or high difficulties. It's why I avoid NES games almost entirely, fuck Megaman in particular.

Tank controls I have no trouble with, I play RE and Tomb Raider just fine, King's Field just has such a slow turn that the entire game feels like playing in molasses. You just don't really have a real counterargument here, so you're resorting to everything being about my lack of skills when I never said I had any.

So yeah, I admit I'm bad at games, Echo Night is cool and King's Field is some janky ass shit for niggers who only played Elden Ring and now want to act like they're cool. I hope they blow all their disability checks on Armored Core games so they can say they got into the franchise before 6 came out, even though we all know they didn't know AC existed until that AC6 trailer dropped.

>> No.9856834

Both game I see through character eyes. I swing sword at thing. It die. Collect loot. Same game.

>> No.9856845

I tried playing 1 and 2, it was almsot impossible to control. The game wildly fluctuates between sub-10 fps to around 60 fps depending on what you are looking at, and it directly affects the game speed and the control responsiveness.

Having to move away from enemies to reposition yourself in a fight feels so fucking clunky and laggy and bad.

>> No.9856870

>I suck at video games and never played one made before 1998
The hate makes more sense with every post.

>> No.9856874
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>The final area feels like a warzone
enemies everywhere that snipe you with nuclear blasts.

>> No.9856984

It's fine, we all are gonna die, some sooner than later, and it does not depend on age only. Also, I doubt I'll die alone, are you projecting?
But yeah, I'm old enough to have played King's Field back in the 90s. I sort of enjoyed it but I did think it was slow and boring, but I enjoyed exploring a 3D map because it was novel at the time, and it had a cool dark atmosphere. I'd never claim it's as good as the Souls games, though, not even close.

>> No.9857135

>and aim almost straight down to hit
That makes it sound like you never got past the first 2 rooms with spiders and slimes.

>> No.9857171

I didn't get past the slimes because they killed me before I could hit them.

>> No.9857183

I haven't played 3 yet, but going from 1 to 2, I really feel like the combat is jankier in 2, it just feels worse to play and there usually isn't any feedback for hitting an enemy, which is really awful.

>> No.9857635


>> No.9858038
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Nah, Soulsfags are the ones complaining that it's slow and boring. The King's Field series is objectively way better.

>> No.9858384
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about to play Shadow Tower as my first of these games; is that a bad place to start?
all I know is that it's more linear, and that weapons break a lot so you can potentially fuck yourself

>> No.9858690

Ive only beaten Shadow Tower, KF4, and Shadow Tower Abyss so far. Also started KF1 (US) before but didnt beat it. But i would say ST is a solid place to start. The mechanics and level design are a bit different from the KF series but the overall feeling and gameplay are more similar than not. And the graphics are pretty good compared to the earlier KF games.

But yeah, keep the weapon durability in mind. You cant outright softlock yourself, but what i did was go too long without repairing weapons and end up having to backtrack really far to the smith then really far back to where i needed to go. Which is just tedious, so try to keep a few
backup weapons and go to the smith before entering new areas.

>> No.9858873
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it's kind of ironic. when demon's souls and dark souls 1 were new and shiny, fans of those games back then prided themselves on how those games were just like older games. now you ask the average souls fan and they're the living examples of that "oh the clunkiness" meme going around. hell the newer fans even think the older souls games are too dated to play, let alone king's field.

>> No.9859010

Saying Kings Field is just an Ultiima Underworld clone is like saying the first Silent Hill game is just a Resident Evil clone. It's true but ignores what also makes the two games incredibly different and what makes both works on their own and just shows what a giant pleb you are.

>> No.9859020

I beat KF1 for the first time after seeing a thread about it here a couple weeks ago and had a blast.

Been trying KF2 since then and I'm finding it way more tedious/difficult for some reason. I've got several keys in my inventory that I haven't found a use for, and the NPC who gives you item descriptions fucking disappeared at some point. Currently stuck on the Colosseum shit, the last guy keeps pushing my shit in.

Also fuck the Souls series. Overrated ass games.

>> No.9859036

Never post a screenshot from glitchwave here again faggot. I will literally spend the rest of my life finding out where you live and make sure the rest of your life is a living hell if I ever see you posting garbage from that dumpster fire here again. Do you understand me? I don't give A SHIT about whatever those rym trannies think and I sure as hell don't want to see it outside of that hellhole website. KILL YOURSELF. Or rather don't just yet. First shove some needles under your fingernails and tase your genitals a few times then you can walk in front of traffic because instant death is too good for you. You need to be slowly tortured before death as to be made an example of for future faggots who get out of line. Not only am I in your walls, I'm outside your bedroom window and on the foot of your doorstep and I will end you here and now if I ever see you reposting shit from that hipster tranny website.

>> No.9860792

I heard zooms beat this game on 2x speed, such autistic nonsense turns me off from the series

>> No.9860809

You never had to suck dicks yet here you are ingesting footlongs, you stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.9860825

This is the factual reality, the special needs kids in this thread only embarrass by pretending otherwise.

>> No.9860829

It’s an objective fact none of the little newfags here could have stomached it.
You’re not some magical breed you’re just inept

>> No.9860859

if this game had been made by a western developer they would have called it one of the worst games. But after dark souls got popular now all of a sudden every fromsoft game is 10/10

>> No.9861340

>it's immediately engaging and fun
If you don't mind that it runs at about 10fps, maybe about 3 when there's more than one enemy on screen. The slowdown is horrendous.
I had a good time in spite of that though, but it's not for everyone.

>> No.9861975

It's kind of hard to go back after all the refinements introduced in Elden Ring.

>> No.9862108

The seethe this post causes.

>> No.9862185
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The amount of butthurt plebs and autists in every KF/AC thread is spectacular. You guys getting filtered is the greatest seal of approval these games could ever get.

>> No.9862217
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I was looking for a decent King's Field 2 map online, and I couldn't find anything but rips of the in-game maps. I remembered that I combined all of those a long time ago into one document with layers, but looking at it, it was completely useless outside of toggling the layers. So I color-coded it, added a key, and toggled the layers as a .gif animation so it makes more sense. It's still confusing as hell, but that's just kind of how KF2 is, and it doesn't break down into discrete areas the way DaS1 does. Layers are arranged vertically, highest to lowest, though 6-8 are roughly at ground level. This was for personal use, hence it being kind of sloppy, and I didn't upscale the maps, but I figure it might be useful to someone here.

If nothing else it shows how good a job they did at creating a cohesive game world, I only had to modify a single hallway (the D connection) to make it all fit together, everything else is 1:1. Souls general didn't seem to care, so I guess I'll post it here too.

>> No.9862242
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it made a lot of posters seethe because it's true.

>> No.9862518

Ngl I've been really wanting to sit down and play Shadow Tower Abyss. I played the original ST's demo thanks to OPM's old demo disc and it scared me as a kid, and after becoming a Dark Souls vet, 'Dark Souls with guns' intrigues me to an insane degree.

Well, that, and sniping harpies out of the sky with bolt-action rifles or fighting alien knights with your samurai armor and an old Nambu.

Rurufon is cute

>> No.9862732

Nice work, but yeah it's way too 3-dimensional to be easily comprehended. It's the kind of anthill design that leads to surprising shortcuts, as opposed to something like Metroid Prime which is just corridor-intersection-corridor-intersection.

>> No.9862747

I genuinely find amazing how opinions for this series used to range from "it's shit" to "it's kinda bad but charming". It's only annoying because I find myself on the latter end, and I know it's because Fromsoft managed to dupe people into playing the same half-baked shit they've always been know to make, but now it's a "feature". You people are genuine retards.

>> No.9863158

Give it a try. It supports dual stick and theres an english patch. Just dont expect the most amazing game ever, it kind of looks like it on the surface but it has problems.
Why would From give a fuck about "duping us" into playing 20-30 year old games that arent available for sale on any modern system

>> No.9863227

I wouldn't say outright better, but I do think the KF got the adventure aspect down better than soulsborne.

>> No.9863232

Actually I played Kings Field because I only had a PS2 and it was the closest approximation to Morrowind I could find

>> No.9863648

The first game is kind of a slog but from the second one they are pretty solid

>> No.9863706

This. It's just Dark Souls for third worlders who can't run Dark Souls.

>> No.9864207

I may remake it, I animated the layers in the exact opposite order I should have. It makes more sense in game than it does looking at a map, but I always struggle to find my way back to the fountain area, which is why I made this. The biggest problem is the way the central part of the island is laid out in relation to the map. There's a corridor with a bunch of branching hallways right next to each other on the right side of 6, left side of 7, and bottom left of 4. Every part of the game is down one of those hallways, but despite the fact that they're all within 100 feet of each other, they ended up on different maps because each of them are a SotN style loading hallway, and those are where they chose to split up the map.

On the other topic in this thread, the complaints leveled at games like this are always hilarious. People definitely oversell/hype the whole "dated dungeon crawler" genre, which is why people have these extremely negative opinions, but the only real outcome seems to be that people convince themselves of asinine ideas of what good game design is. The game is supposed to be confusing, a puzzle that you have to solve. Expecting it to have action game gameplay is like demanding they add cutscenes to crossword puzzles. If you don't like puzzles, maybe just don't buy the newspaper.

>> No.9865336

Nobody cares about Ultima though, lol.

>> No.9865363

Only played 4, which one shoud I play next

>> No.9865423
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>The game is supposed to be confusing, a puzzle that you have to solve

>> No.9865436

Lemme guess, you're a Nintendo fan?

>> No.9865824
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1 > 2 = 4 > 3
>bbb-b-b-bbut muh clunky
That's the appeal.
>b-b-butubut you wouldn't have liked the game if you played it when it was new
Yeah because I was 12 and didn't have the patience required.
>muh souls muh ultima muh MUH
Who cares

>> No.9865830
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>mfw an angry souls troon tries to shit up a KF thread

>> No.9866486
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>> No.9867631

This is kind of true I had it as a kid and thought it was too slow in the 90s and just sold it back to Funcoland for Tecmo's Deception but I loved Demon's Souls from the first time I tried it at a friend's house in '09.

>> No.9867903


ADHD enemies is not a refinement

>> No.9867993
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Alright it took me a lot longer, but I beat KF2 earlier. It was fun but I think I enjoyed the first game a little more. Getting started on 3 right now.