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9851315 No.9851315 [Reply] [Original]

Gonna play it in October, curious how anons here enjoyed it. And who should I start as, Leon or Ezra.

>> No.9852104

The naming for this triggers me because Resident Evil 3 is the actual Resident Evil 1.5 The series numbering got fucked up because Sony paid to have the main numbered titles on PSX. The actual numbering should be:

>Resident Evil
>Resident Evil 2
>Resident Evil 1.5 (or 1.9) (Nemesis)
>Resident Evil 3 (Code Veronica)

Maybe then Code Veronica would be more well-regarded, but probably not since it's a kusoge anyway.

>> No.9852125

>>Resident Evil 1.5 (or 1.9) (Nemesis)
>Resident Evil 3 (Code Veronica)

Still coping that your shitty B-Team spin-off isn't a numbered title I see

>> No.9852132

I hate Code Veronica, I'm just saying that was the original intent, and it makes a lot more sense for it to be called RE3 since it takes place after 2.

>> No.9852215

elza sets the events off for leon to follow

>> No.9852223

That's fucking retarded.

>> No.9852330

Crapcom would call a shit shoveling game a mainline entry for a few bucks, which is basically what happened anyway starting with 4.

>> No.9852385

What the fuck are you talking about, in what way is resident evil 3 resident evil 1.5
Resident evil 1.5 is the cut and scrapped early build of resident evil 2

>> No.9852421

>I'm just saying that was the original intent

It wasn't. Code Veronica was first announced at TGS 98 and was already called "Biohazard: Code Veronica" then. + It could have never been intended as a numbered titled since it wasn't on a Sony console.

>> No.9852449

Because it takes place between 1 and 2. Code Veronica was intended to be RE3. All this shit is public knowledge.

>> No.9852512

It's also the 3rd game you pedantic fucking weirdo

>> No.9852594
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Cope more, Veronica is the true third RE, your shitty gayden spinoff side-project only took its number because Capcom are greedy fucks. It's 3 in name only, its number paid, not earned. A sham. A man in a dress. You LOSE.

>> No.9852610

anyone that calls it 1.5 needs to be shot twice in the back of the head

>> No.9852650

Its proper number is 3.

>> No.9853009

Honestly it probably just should have been called Resident Evil: Last Escape and not had any numbering at all, since it's a side story game.

>> No.9853054

wow thanks for the insight you fucking retards

thanks mate

>> No.9853070

ok wise guy then why did they remake 3 but not chode veronica

>> No.9853075

Not my fault anon had to be autistic with the titling and whatnot. It is what it is. 1.5 got scrapped and turned into 2. 3 had to be on PSX, because Sony had a contract for it being on the console.

If you wanted an answer, who the fuck cares, go with who you like more for your playthrough. Shit's unfinished anyway.

>> No.9853289

i still dont quite know if the difficulty is supposed to be the same as retail. based solely on the fact elza gets the launcher while leon has to use grenades makes me think leon is supposed to be the harder game this time around

>> No.9853394
File: 778 KB, 640x480, side.story.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>side story game
>directly shows the events that lead to Umbrella's downfall
>pretty much sets up the idea for the next BOW concept in the series with the use of parasitic organisms through its antagonist

>> No.9854006

Honestly, 2, 3 and 4 should all be considered sidegames since none of them feature the protagonist of the series, Chris.

>> No.9854090

This is a complete fabrication you made up in your head.

>> No.9854092

You just took a screenshot of your fanfiction.

>> No.9854124

>side story

It's a direct sequel to both RE1 and 2, using those games story, places, and characters as a base to tell what comes differently after, with all the events being directly tied to each others and referenced.

It's a sequel in every sense of the term. Unlike Code Veronica.

This is talking about development ideas we don't even know even got past the idea stage, and there is nothing in the game various versions and protos supporting that idea.

In other words this is like saying RE1 is actually a first person game and that it actually features a cyborg and an Eddie Murphy-like comedic relief. Or that RE4 actually features ghosts and takes place on a blimp.

Or, to use a closer comparison, to claim that Devil May Cry is actually RE4.

>> No.9854128

>Or, to use a closer comparison, to claim that Devil May Cry is actually RE4.

The difference being that in that case, we know development actually started in that sense. Unlike for "Gaiden".

So saying that DMC is actually RE4 is wrong, but it's closer to the truth than saying RE3 is gaiden.

>> No.9854137
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>Could have had an interesting modern police station and cool zombie damage models.
>Got another mansion.
I can appreciate that they felt a modern police station would be a bit to sterile. If you look at the screenshot, every image looks like it has a cyan filter on it, but I just feel like they weren't trying hard enough.

>> No.9854168
File: 88 KB, 320x240, Resident_Evil_2_Preview_ROOM511_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the cyan look, it makes it look cold and sterile. But for the record the entire game isn't like this, only the inside of the police station.

Also we could have had having to escape through the lab while it's on fire.

>> No.9854170
File: 101 KB, 320x240, Resident_Evil_2_Preview_ROOM309_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example with a different colour theme in the factory area

>> No.9854172
File: 67 KB, 320x240, Biohazard_3_unused_bg_R118_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kendo, I...

>> No.9854174
File: 93 KB, 320x240, Resident_Evil_2_ROOM501_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9854179

Nobody asked retard, Nemesis (RE3) is still the best game in the series

>> No.9854180

I can't describe just how fascinating it is to me that they decided to completely redesign the police station. I'm not arguing one version is better than the others, but whatever the complains the devteam had at the time - the game being too dull, too easy, too run and gun - whatever, you would feel with the release date pressure and multiple postponments already they would've just try to rebalance the actual values, enemies and progression instead.

What a radical and seemingly unnecessary choice.

>> No.9854186
File: 292 KB, 1280x960, go back.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody asked

>> No.9854239

They thought it was too realistic, too down to earth, and therefore too boring. It didn't have the "mystical" and bit senseless feel of the RE1 mansion.

So then they just made RE1 mansion #2 in a hurry.

>> No.9854242

I don't think "in a hurry" is fair since the quality and amount of detail in backgrounds looks so much better in 2 than in 1.5. RPD really could've used another 4 or 5 small rooms however.

>> No.9854301

Who was the blonde who appears at the end of the RE2 demo disc?

>> No.9854332

What blonde? Ada meets Leon in the STARS office.

>> No.9854360

this video tries to be funny but the one who made it didn't even realize that Nemesis doesn't hit Jill there, she dodges, which makes the whole joke null

>> No.9854472

Seems influenced by t2 lol

>> No.9854483

could be. game developers dont have a single original bone in their bodies and it's always the same movies that come up again and again

>> No.9854621

>they would've just try to rebalance the actual values, enemies and progression instead.
Yeah, I always feel this was just too lazy on their behalf. Like they wanted an excuse to develop a new game engine or mechanics and forget altogether the things that made the first Resident Evil a survival horror true to its word. Just look at Dino Crisis - that thing is not "cool" to play but nails down the feeling of dread surrounded by monsters you don't have resources to defeat and need to act smart to survive the whole ordeal. Resident Evil 1.5 atmosphere always struck that feeling from day one and it's a shame they just scrapped it in favor of what we got (a game nice to play but easy as fuck and pretty forgettable in subsquent playthroughs save for its minigames).

>> No.9854765
File: 1.16 MB, 2500x1588, RE15 high res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect a big reason for the radical change in direction was that the 1.5 version was actually trying to be a somewhat spooky horror game and someone decided they really wanted a showy action game to hook a wider audience instead. "N..no it was actually shit and everyone working on it hated it!" always came off as a gigantic cope and devs lie through their teeth in interviews all the time anyway.

>> No.9856162

I feel fairly confident now saying that the changes from the redesign tilted the game much more in a methodical horror direction. Birkin's redesigned forms massively upped the body horror, the RPD's redesign mades every room & hallway distinct and added a gothic flair, quickly killing off helpful secondary characters leaving you to deal with either perfidious ones or a literal child added to the sense of isolation, turning the gorillas into blind Lickers encouraged you to try & sneak past them, etc.

That's not to say the 1.5 RPD design didn't have some standout rooms like the Helipad/Chief's Office/Reception, but the vast majority feels like indistinguishable rooms connected by indistinguishable hallways. Also the multi-floor layout & dependence on navigating office stairwells to get around just compounds this issue. The 1.5 design has a distinct "late 90's RE-clone" feel to it.

>> No.9857776
File: 604 KB, 664x1496, Screenshot (888).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still think its bullshit. they had the power to slide the detail factor. they deliberately made the rooms more bland from the earliest build. i get the overall physical quality was worse in 1.5 but they still could have kept the aesthetic. maybe lean like 15% closer to the re2 personality and keep it 85% 1.5 modern. era 1 chief office serves my point here. those walls have some serious re2 2nd floor statue puzzle hall details. redoing the majesty of the first game set a format that overall harmed the series. less so in re3 but destroyed 0. we didnt need a 2nd fucking mansion in the forest.