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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 129 KB, 225x225, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9850192 No.9850192 [Reply] [Original]

Duke Nukem seems roughly forgotten in terms of old school shooters of that era. The hype for the Forever files resurfacing seems to have completely died down. Is there any hope for the franchise ever again, does anyone ever play it online in multiplayer still?

>> No.9850203

What??? Duke 3D is a popular game and gets plenty of accolades and attention. There isn't much discussion of duke beyond 3d because the sequels blow chunks.

>> No.9850208

the sidescroller sequel is pretty good though

>> No.9850218

I liked Manhattan Project and the TPS games.

>> No.9850226

a solid foundation for a thread

>> No.9850254

it is though.
it's a 1. retro game
2. that had developments a year ago that was huge
3. traditionally considered a classic
4. that gets little to no discussion now

>> No.9850264

Does everything need to have constant "hype" for you to give a shit? It's fine. Doesn't need any new games and they wouldn't be retro anyway (unless DNF 2001 becomes official)

>> No.9850294

hype around stuff can drive more discussion to stuff, does hype annoy you?

>> No.9850374

The game will get more attention once it's fixed up more.

>> No.9851019
File: 193 KB, 945x856, 1652364214722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leak of DNF 2001 proved to me they had a real good game coming along. The weapons feel great, the enemies look cool, and thew graphics for 2001 standards looks fantastic. I wish it was completed back then.

>> No.9851094

Should get out on the GameCube and Xbox.

>> No.9851116

the switch port has made it a lot more popular imo, i had always wanted to play duke 3d, i didn't think a build shooter would translate well to a handheld but all things considered it was really fucking enjoyable.

also doom 64 for switch is fucking great. i enjoyed it more than duke 3d fr

>> No.9851124

I was honestly never a duk nukkem fan at any point in my life.
I greatly enjoyed the jeffk comics and other late 90s/early 2000s web zones that poked fun at the series and its tryhard protagonist.

>> No.9851130

I loved Zero Hour growing up, been meaning to revisit it. Stand out moments were the awesome banjo music on the mine cart fps section and the awesome jack the ripper level.

>> No.9851152

The problem with the DNF2001 restoration project is that it has a militant, leftist, incompetent management pushing people away.

The sad thing is that those in charge are not technical, push political agendas that nobody really wanted all under the original promise of never doing this. Then dismissing any concerns about this, basically just pushing their transsexual agenda under the hard work of actually talented people. It's pushing technically minded developers away in a power grab and leaving no actual engine or renderer volunteers who want to be associated with or willing to work on the project. The leads themselves are banking on the hard work of people underneath them who are actually doing all the work while not actually listening or respecting people who's opinions differ from their own. That and the fact that they refuse to open source anything at this stage despite it being supposed to be something that anyone can collaborate on(not the story, the engine code, which in itself is really a power and control thing) and was eventually supposed to be released. There are good people on the project except they're powerless really to change things as the leads have absolute despotic control over other people and it's entirely nepotistic. As well as keeping the technical staff in the dark about any management decisions until after they had already made them, giving volunteers little to no input. That and managements idea's almost completely destroying the project several times, means no self respecting engine developer wants anything to do with it and the project is stagnating. There's good and talented people in the project, particularly in the creative components and the game logic/scripting but almost no engine or renderer work is being done because of how badly the developers have been treated. There are good people but just not anyone in management who are capable of steering the ship in the right direction.

t. ex-dev working on c++.

>> No.9851264

I honestly had a feeling that would happen everything nowaday gets infested with militant leftist retards. its a shame cause the game looked like it was gonna be sweet after it was polished up

>> No.9851318

>It's pushing technically minded developers away in a power grab
hey uh
im russian and this sounds a lot like stalinism, look up zhdanov doctrine https://wiki.froth.zone/wiki/Zhdanov_Doctrine
it has very similar vibes to "cancel culture" such as "career ruining" and "public shaming". if i were you and valued your freedom, i'd be very concerned about how similar all this looks

>> No.9851353

Originally the game was getting a lot of flak due to the amount of furries/trannies etc in the team. There were many internal struggles to disarray this image and try concentrate on just producing the game so there was an uneasy truce. That's all out the window now, people were elected to positions despite little to no merit for those positions then naturally wreaking havoc due to not really understanding the game, the source material or what the fans really wanted. The social media accounts and even the internal branding of the project was entirely changed to suit this agenda. I couldn't deal with it anymore so left, along with the fact I and others weren't getting our concerns addressed as the management/leaders who were opposed to this behavior stood silent or were pushed out. We deliberately wanted a non political game in the spirit of the early 2000's though being radicals I do think for them pushing an agenda was more important than the happiness of the game developers so everything started imploding. Not everyone, just a vocal minority really but unfortunately they have power over the project so I don't know what it's future will be. All I know is I don't want to be involved anymore.

>> No.9851365
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What did they mean by this?

>> No.9851368

Why do trannies and mentally ill lefties always wriggle into positions of power in this hobby?

The zdoom forums admins were exposed covering up a tranny mod grooming a 14 year old.

>> No.9851767

Good thing it is imploding then. Hopefully someday a better team can be assembled to finish this but it sucks these lunatics seem to always infest these kinds of projects.

This is why you need project leads that don't care about looking "bad" to these lunatics.

Also Ex. team member. Won't disclose my position as I am trying to stay under cover, though I will say that they were quite sneaky about their ideology.

>> No.9851780

>under cover
I meant anonymous. There are/were some very nutty people on the team that would flip out on you at the drop of a hat. Plus they lied about censoring the game at first, claiming they would respect it's era, but they ended up censoring things that were really quite mild and tame.

>> No.9851853
File: 20 KB, 320x367, DUMB ASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Randy's fault that Duke has faded into obscurity. DNF was a shitty game but Gearbox hasn't done much to revive interest in the franchise outside of:

>creating a 20th anniversary remaster that's largely inferior to the now-delisted Megaton Edition remaster that Devolver Digital did only a few years earlier, outside of having an admittedly-decent new exclusive episode, also removes most of the expansion content from the Megaton Edition
>shoehorning Duke Nukem into a Bulletstorm remaster DLC instead of making a new Duke Nukem game
>Randy openly mocking Duke Nukem and its fanbase in interviews

>> No.9851873
File: 79 KB, 690x380, 6a00d834515c2369e201a511bf0c19970c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did nobody bring up the Whoopi Goldberg disclaimer? It would be easy to include something similar and leave the "morally questionable" assets as-is.

>> No.9851901

They'll claim some bullshit about "being responsible with our voice" or some typical socialist/left wing crap like that.

That's one thing they said during one of the meeting calls.

>> No.9851931
File: 272 KB, 800x600, duk nuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duk nuk

>> No.9851958

a reference to some scrawling on a wall close to a Jack the Ripper killing

>> No.9851981

The game came out nearly 30 years ago, anon. At what point does a game no longer need constant "hype" in order not to be forgotten? I love Duke, and I discovered it from a thumbnail of a dead pigcop in the back of a GameInformer. The game gets talked about all the time on the Doom thread on this forum. A new official episode came out in 2016, and a pretty well-liked spin-off game in 2019. AMC is still being actively developed. What more do you want, man?

>> No.9851987

I'd rather not have this superiority posturing at all. "We're better than those fucks who made these old cartoons now!" Fuck off.

>> No.9852012

why was thec dead weight obliged if they were all useless and a vocal minority why didnt they get kicked to the curb

>> No.9852050

just start a new team, new project, that's the best way to go desu

>> No.9852082

>creating a 20th anniversary remaster that's largely inferior to the now-delisted Megaton Edition remaster that Devolver Digital did only a few years earlier

It's not inferior.
>outdated opengl renderer, no other renderer
>not true widescreen, it's ver-
>makes existing glitches a lot more easy to trigger + adds new glitches, as a result giving the game a "glitched mess" reputation due to speedrunners using Megaton and easily abusing shit they wouldn't in other versions
>insane latency for multiplayer

20th anniversary version
>better 3D renderer + option to use the classic renderer
>true horz+ widescreen
>not a glitchy mess
>new episode made (mostly) by original devs, which is more than what can be said about any new content for other FPS re-releases

Megaton's real pro was the 3 original add-ons indeed, and how easily it made them available and playable. The lack of their presence in 20th Anniversary is indeed a huge loss, but Randy explained it by saying the rights couldn't be secured, implying that Megaton did not have the rights to them and included it anyway.

And complaining about a bonus easter egg is stupid.

Randy hate boner is sheep mentality, you're just repeating shit that are false, that you got from someone repeating it from someone else and so on.

>> No.9852097

> Randy hate boner is sheep mentality, you're just repeating shit that are false
because gearbox has clearly known nothing but success ranging from ports known for how shit they are, and new games that nobody plays

>> No.9852119

People who are into older shooters like Doom, Quake, or Half-Life, are all aware of Duke Nukem 3D, and that it has a reputation of being good, it's not unusual to hear people refer to it as the best of the games I just mentioned (to me, that's Doom, but of the gaps here are incredibly narrow). Duke Nukem, being such a ridiculous and identifiable character, also sees a fair bit of memeing.

The people who love DN3D aren't gonna forget, and as a property there's still a certain marketability. Forever was widely regarded as AIDS, but the perception there is that it's an insane letdown as a followup to fabled DN3D, and its protracted and troubled development is the stuff of legends.

The reason the DNF leaks were big news was because the older stuff all looked a lot better than what we finally got. As for talk about that, no one topic just lingers continuously without further developments, I have no idea if any of the projects continues now, but likely they aren't continuing in 4chan threads, as simpler projects are doable that way, but it gets messy quickly with large and complicated ones.

>> No.9852124

>And complaining about a bonus easter egg is stupid.

They charged extra for it.

>> No.9852134

>its tryhard protagonist.
That's like the point, he's intentionally a very extreme and ridiculous character, he's meant to be a badass in his ways, but you're very much supposed to find him ridiculous and silly. His comically exaggerated macho persona is the contrast of levity against the setting of DN3D, which is actually very grim and gloomy when you stop and look at it. Duke is the bizarre action hero who with his brawn and cosmic ego will set this depressing world straight.

He has precious little depth as a character, but that's not the point, his personality is half of the game's presentation, and it would be a vastly different kind of game if he was just some quiet and undefined space marine.

>> No.9852136

Would anyone complain that Shantae and Shovel Knight were character DLC in Blaster Master Zero? Crying that "they should have gotten a new game instead" ?

No, the 3 people who care bought it, 1 of them left a good review, and that's there should be to it

>> No.9852145

Sounds like the people who care should either mutiny or start their own project without the shitty leads.

All the leaked shit is still around, it can still be done.

Shit like that is how the invasion of Finland was an absolute meatgrinder for the Red Army back during WW2, leadership was beyond useless, untold counts of young men sent to their death for precious little returns or reason. Even if you're a trained soldier who's properly equipped, rotten leadership will still ruin you.

>> No.9852158

Megaton is roughly comparable to Anniversary Edition in terms of quality.

Megaton had the Sunstorm expansions, which ruled because Caribbean is one of the best parts of DN3D, while Anniversary omitted them because they don't actually own the full rights to them. Anniversary adds its own new episode, and while it's not flawless, a bunch of the new levels are genuinely VERY good (because they got fucking Levelord to do some of them), and some of the optional voice commentary is actually pretty interesting.

I don't think Randy Pitchford deserves money, however, and especially not Tim 'Silver Tongue' Willits, one of the leads at Embracer, who now owns all of this. Just pirate all the expansions and use EDuke32 or Raze.

>> No.9852167


>> No.9852172

Cool, then they should be all for disclaiming how the content of the game doesn't necessarily reflect their views. If they didn't want to be associated with the content then they shouldn't be working on it.
Ah yes the only reason we acknowledge prejudice as bad is because we're showing off, being respectful and being treated with respect is for neeeerrrrds

>> No.9852183
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, maxdukedefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to Kill will always be my favorite DN game. I know 3D is the best but TtK holds a special place in my heart.

It also had a solid versus mode, I hope they remake it or at least make a modern graphics remaster.

>> No.9852186 [DELETED] 

>the switch port has made it a lot more popular imo, i had always wanted to play duke 3d, i didn't think a build shooter would translate well to a handheld but all things considered it was really fucking enjoyable.
>also doom 64 for switch is fucking great. i enjoyed it more than duke 3d
laughing at this post. The utter faggotry of nintendie paedophiles thinking that Duke nukem was ever their thing. What a cancerous gatekeeper tard herded fan boy bullshit shithole this board is. Muh fucking switch. kek what faggots

>> No.9852194 [DELETED] 


>> No.9852197

This is just them trying to be edgy


>> No.9852204 [DELETED] 

Its a shit board and you know it.

>> No.9852205
File: 56 KB, 744x919, FsjqNU7XoAERz8q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9852212

Any word on the other DNF project?

>> No.9852227

time to kill is pure kino

>> No.9852340

holy shit that is cringe.

standing up for trannies is totally out of character for duke because he loves women and trannies are a mockery of that which he loves. these freaks just want to push their ideology onto everything despite what 95% of the fanbase wants. we want our 80s action hero parody not some current year politically correct loser afraid to upset anyone.

>> No.9852424

trannies have no boobs. they wont shake it

>> No.9852428

You dumb fuck, it's solely about disparaging the original creators and providing appeasement for people who don't even give a shit about the original media or its creators. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9852462


>> No.9852518

>The game gets talked about all the time on the Doom thread
but it doesn't, i never get any replys in that thread neither. it's always doom, doom mapping, does anyone want to play doom or quake or duke, no they just want to make more and more maps. why does no one ever play games.

>> No.9852528
File: 577 KB, 673x724, duke_nukem_forever_promo_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People talk about Duke and other Build Engine stuff sporadically. But Doom is the biggest since a lot of the guys in the thread also develop maps for the community projects.

>> No.9852549

they want to make maps for me to play

>> No.9852596
File: 44 KB, 600x500, Postal2 warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why it should be restored with the writing, art concepts, etc, untouched with a disclaimer. It wouldn't be the first game to have one

>> No.9852612

Time for pounded & clapping Poison ass cheek from Final Fight

>> No.9852623

No warnings, present it as is.

>> No.9852637

It'd have to be a different team to do the restoration, then.

>> No.9852675

Doom gets most attention, but the last few threads had a lot of talk about Quake. As said, other games come up sporadically as a secondary topic for a while, stuff like Serious Sam, Half-Life, Wolfenstein 3D, or Blood. People there even made a set of levels for Blood, as well as one for Quake, and right now there's another Quake one in progress, and a Serious Sam project going on, too, which is a first.

Doom is just the favorite of most of the users. It's also a LOT easier to make maps and mods for, the Blood mapset was only like six maps or so, only a few dudes took part in it, but they put a lot of effort into it. Build is just tougher overall, because all its cool features and their implementation makes it more convoluted to put levels together, and Mapster32 is not as smooth as Ultimate Doombuilder or Trenchbroom.

Lots of people there like Duke, and I think that if you're serious, you should go ask if a few people are interested in putting together a small set of Douk maps. Be chill enough and temper expectations, I wouldn't expect a whole pile of level submissions, and some may be pretty lukewarm, but mind that /doom/ didn't map much for Doom at all until recent years, and that the early projects, 200 Minutes Of /vr/ and 300 Minutes Of /vr/, were pretty plain and simplistic maps. Maybe some of the guys who did 500ml Of /vr/ are still around though, and one or two of them would like to make a map.

Unironically be the change you want to see, you might be successful, even if starting small.

>> No.9852687

>a Serious Sam project going on
Which one?

>> No.9852729
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>> No.9852886

>DNF2001 restoration project
Who gives a shit? Like what's there to restore? Patch it up to where it's kinda playable and leave it alone. It's a product of its time and I sure as fuck don't want anyone to add some stupid new shit or change anything about it. What's the point of wasting any more time than that on this anyway unless the Duke Nukem ip is now public domain or something? People just asking to be sued.

>> No.9852914

Well, that's the thing. It wasn't playable initially or even able to run on a modern PC. The goal was to get it up to stage where it could act as a platform for mods for people who were fans.

I mean, a lot of people cared, that's one of the reason this thread exists. Why would you post in it otherwise? But with the main developers gone, I doubt it's going to get finished now.

>> No.9852923 [DELETED] 

The person see mutilated goblin trannoid like subhuman call Isabelle Belato

>> No.9852932

>modern PC
Don't care. Who doesn't have a few era correct puters for running old software?
>platform for mods
Bruh can I move and shoot and get to the end of the level and then exit the game without crashing to desktop? That's all it needs. Maybe some classic Duke quips too.

>> No.9852945

Would Nintendo have even allowed Duke Forever on any of their systems back in 2001? Nintendo was still censoring pretty hard back then and pretty much everything in the leak is either offensive or excessively violent, not to mention the nudity.

>> No.9852957

>Nintendo was still censoring pretty hard back then
They were relaxing after rated board establish in 1994. Have checked Bloodranye, ED: SR and BMXXX before.

>> No.9852958

Well, fair enough, go play the original leak then, obviously improvements or a functional game are not for you.

>> No.9853020
File: 79 KB, 720x1203, 20230425_181724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well a big part of why the zdoom community is so messed up now is because the person who originally made and developed the zdoom port itself is trans now, so it all just sort of branched out from there.

Its almost comedic just how thoroughly trans people have inflitrated EVERY game community from the indie scene to gameboy dev to duke nukem now. Maybe the boomers were right all along and video games really are a waste of time that attracts weak and useless people...

>> No.9853043

It's low hanging fruit. You don't need friends, social skills or physical abilities such as coordination or strength to play video games. Nobody judges you in front of the screen playing alone and you don't have to put in any self improvement.

Maybe Steve Jobs was right in his philosophy of technology being an augmentation of life rather than a replacement? I do know he was opposed to video games on the Apple systems and would focus instead on creativity such as music production, audio-video or graphics. And Macs were designed as a lifestyle accessory which they still are along with the iphone instead of being marketed as a replacement or a substitute for having a life. Not saying I totally agree with the Apple philosophy but it does seem that after Job's died it all went downhill and that era was the last of exciting and innovative computing with a hopeful and optimistic outlook.

>> No.9853051
File: 415 KB, 720x1043, 20230425_182750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm deleting first slice off my computer.
Fuck that gay shit.

See you guys in 15 years when another band of nutjobs tries to make Duke Nukem Forever a thing. (Third trys the charm)

>> No.9853062

>they want to make maps for me to play
Well then here you go.


>> No.9853085

Yeah but look what they did to Duke Nukem 3D on the N64. They would have chopped up Duke Forever pretty bad for a hypothetical Game Cube release. Microsoft wouldnt care though so the hypothetical Xbox release would have been fine and probably would look pretty good too.

>> No.9853114

I think though, there's just not many people left with the technical ability to do the remake that aren't burnt out by the previous project or have the will or interest to do it. The idea was to leave ideologies out of it until the game was done, then we'd all split ways and people could do what they wanted with the remaining product which would be a complete toolkit/sdk by that point complete with assets and levels and working scripts. Instead we just had an ideological power grab and complete misrepresentation. Other splinter teams have tried with DNF both the 2001 code and the completed 2011 game. Which surprisingly uses the same engine with heavy modifications though it's binary only. They all really ran out of steam and just died out so the only real way to get any traction done is to be part of the restoration project. And the leaders knew this so it was their power leverage and platform over everyone else. That's why I wrote the post was to give the message to the true fans and all the people who genuinely worked hard to get first slice and the game out the door without wanting their name put to the insanity.

>> No.9853153

>why was thec dead weight obligated if they were all useless and a vocal minority why didnt they get kicked to the curb.>

Mainly because they were friends with some of the leads who supported this kind of thing. The leads who didn't were too cowardly to openly challenge them and ended up being regulated to support roles or minor tasks. When the top is rotten, there's not much hope for the rest of the project because nepotism will always win over meritocracy. And those who opposed these things were not as power hungry or as driven as those pushing for it. Hope that makes sense.

>> No.9853161

>Yeah, I'm deleting first slice off my computer.>

>> No.9853271

makes perfect sense its a damn shame too

>> No.9853296

Because N64 use 8MB cartridge. Doom 64 have no censorship I remember.

So a hypothetical GameCube won’t be issued.

>> No.9853494
File: 732 KB, 720x938, 20230425_220852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because N64 use 8MB cartridge. Doom 64 have no censorship I remember.

You dont seem to understand, Doom 64 didn't have strip clubs or abortion clinics, two thing that were cut from Duke Nukem 64. Duke Nukem 64 even cut the chapel from the prison level and replaced the space marine easter egg with something else entirely because Nintendo didnt allow religious symbols in games published on their systems at that time. (A rule that Nintendo didnt apply fairly as seen in Castlevania III but that was still technically the rule.)

It's not a technical issue as in cartridge size, its a "Nintendo Seal of Authenticity" issue, and Nintendo certainly still held those standards during the Game Cube era which was immediantly after the N64 era.

>Duke Nukem 64 is a first-person shooting video game that was developed by 3D Realms/Eurocom and published by GT Interactive. The video game was released on November 16, 1997, due to Nintendo's policies at the time the game was heavily censored.


If Duke Nukem Forever was ever released on the Game Cube it would have been trash. Now it's going to be trash on the PC because trannies are developing it.

Maybe we actually need to go back to having strict quality standards for video games like Nintendo did through the 1980s to the early 2000s because most of the games from that era were great compared to the trash propaganda we get from developers now.

>> No.9853557

>implying it wouldn't get mogged by the other 00's fps

>> No.9853575
File: 885 KB, 1920x1080, HALOOOOOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it wouldn't get mogged by the other 00's fps

>> No.9853587

The beginning of the dark ages.

>> No.9853634
File: 18 KB, 400x400, MFAydSb_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D was literally in the same position 01 would've been with Quake releasing a couple months after. Both are still talked about fondly and it would've been the same for Forever.

>> No.9853871
File: 85 KB, 237x361, 1679682260127964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Randy hate boner is sheep mentality, you're just repeating shit that are false
Based DNF and ACM apologist.

>> No.9853982

Halo 1 is ok.

I kinda consider halo to be part of the tail end of the "90s era" fps games even though it came out in 2001 because halo is basically just a low polygon quake 2 style shooter but with higher resolution textures, specular effects, and its more story driven. Quake 2 and Halo are both hip shooting, bullet sponge enemy, boomer shooters. The Halo ring is technically a big gun too.

Later halo games are different because they came out further in the 2000s, but Halo 1 is basically a 90s shooter. I think development of halo even began in the 90s.

>> No.9853996

he's a tryhard weenie and it's laughable that anyone thought that was cool

>> No.9853998

The world was different then. We weren't so infected by the virus of post-modernism so we didn't have a kind of sardonic irony that is characteristic of modern nihilism.

>> No.9854008

tail end of 90s was 2004
just like when you dont consider 2010s until about 2012. 2010 and 2011 still considered 2000s
you really need to inspect decade closer to know when it really began to change. every decade is different and cultures of its time move differently

>> No.9854112

Post-modernism has been prevalent since the 1960s but Duke and his world is not about irony or satire, it's deliberately extravagant and excessively dramatic for a humorous affect. If anything they would be described as campy much like Evil Dead rather than post-modern like Blazing Saddles

>> No.9854387

Randy is a degenerate retard, but he shipped DNF and it was like $5 a year after release and the DLC wasn't too shit. Randy dindu

Why go after duke though? Why go after some obscure resurrection project of some dead 90s macho mascot? The games have the depth of a puddle outside of the gun play, action, and levels.

>> No.9854586

I got DNF for $5 out of a bargain bin and I still consider that a swindle. I pushed through the game once, but I hated it so fucking much and for so many different reasons that I never want to play it again. I've heard people say the expansion is better, but when the base game was a satanic blasphemy against DN3D, I don't exactly feel compelled to revisit it. I feel bitter every time DNF is brought up, and it's the only videogame which does that to me.

>> No.9854590

The tryhard is the point.

>> No.9855014

Well then I guess halo 2 is retro now. Nice.

But I get what youre saying, the trends and practices of society dont just end or change neatly when the decade does. Kinda like how disco is associated with the 70s but didnt really go away completely as a genre until like 1983. A lot of early 80s music still has that disco sound hiding in there for better or for worse.

After 83 most music seems to have went heavy into that electronic sound that is stereotypical of the 80s which I think is better than disco anyways.

>> No.9855543

Nintendo was desperate for adult games back then, since it lacked GTA.

>> No.9855547

Give examples.

>> No.9855564

Geist, the Resident Evil exclusivity deal, Eternal Darkness

>> No.9855573

Resident evil isnt adult like duke nukem is adult. Nintendo has never really cared about extreme violence, its titties that bother them.

You would never see a game like Duke Forever or Postal 2 on the Game Cube. Just try and prove me wrong (you cant)

>> No.9855574

Those games weren't on the platform because Nintendo didn't want them, but because publishers either thought they wouldn't sell, or didn't want to deal with fitting them on GameCube discs. Try to prove me wrong (you can't).

>> No.9855646

curretly playing Duke Nukem: Nuclear Winter.

Having a blast. Retro games beat the shit out of modern games in every aspect.

>> No.9855657

I know the game is censored. But say GameCube tech is bad entirely misinformed.

>> No.9855659 [DELETED] 

Duke lost
Doom won

>> No.9856330
File: 92 KB, 320x240, 1667900309190469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn this pack
even the way you can load it in dosbox feels like some dude's custom map not official addon
bmouse.exe launch duke3d.exe /gNWINTER.GRP /xNWINTER.CON

>> No.9856371
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 2044072114445900-DE54A3217AFBFD1063CE3EE01BF1766E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but what did they mean by THIS

>> No.9856402

But NW is awful

>> No.9856479

Not my favorite but Duke3D was, and still is, a really great game especially due to some of the timeless nuggets in the mapset.

>> No.9856508
File: 2.79 MB, 498x373, 80s-80s-commercials.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke is arguably very influenced by like wrestling personas of the 80s and Jim Carrey movies of the 90s. Nothing was done by halves.

>> No.9856608

Not that anon.
Objectively, yes, but it's also charming and nostalgic, reminding of both shovelware addons and shovelware holiday releases. It's also not nearly as awful as it could be looking at other Wizardworks stuff.

>> No.9856632

00's shooters fucking sucked for the most part. "Realism" that lead to enemies all being samey human enemies with the same AI and only the weapon changing, "mission/objectives", and one side, huge ass empty levels "just because we can", and on the other linear corridors.

>> No.9856651

not sure about that. serious sam and painkiller were pretty good for 2000s 3D shooters
max payne was also good, even if it's 3rd person shooter

>> No.9856708

>im russian and this sounds a lot like stalinism, look up zhdanov doctrine

Yeah, that's basically what modern cancel culture is. Everyone in eastern europe who remembers living in the socialist bloc immediately recognized it for what it is.

We even joke that the end of socialism in 1989 only really changed the type of government in name but not in practice.

>> No.9857136

Still better than 2010's and 2020's fps and indie "boomer shooters" like dusk or ion fury.

>> No.9857201

Halo CE still had a health bar too, and on higher difficulties it mattered a lot because your shield was gone in two shots, you couldn't do bullshit tactics like sitting behind an obstacle until your shield recharged (by which time the enemy Elites shield recharged too).
Heck Halo CE didn't even have net play, only local co-op - it pre-dated xbox live.

It was Halo 2 where you had no health and you could just tank everything and as long as you didn't get shot at for 5 seconds you never died.

>I think development of halo even began in the 90s.
yeah, it was supposed to be a Mac RTS game, either just set in the Marathon universe or being a prequel/sequel to it I forgot which.

>> No.9857361 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 607x159, 2023-04-27 13_02_47-DNF2001 Restoration Project ☢️ on Twitter_ _i'm here to kick ass and love trans .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke loves all the hot post op tranny gash

>> No.9857378 [DELETED] 

duke lost
trans won

>> No.9857381

im not that anon either but you also stated exactly why i like it too. played it in the winter that just passed and it was fun. i can understand being pissed off if you spent money on that back in the day but now the addon is fine and it was fun going through familiar levels with the Christmas theme.

>> No.9857386

Just leak the tools/engine from the last revision you worked on. It’s not like they can sue you for releasing code based on an illegal dump of an unreleased title. Worst thing is the old team will bitch and moan because other solo devs can now try modding DNF because the barrier of entry was lowered and now outdo their effort: who fucking cares?

>> No.9857389 [DELETED] 

Always bet on Duke

>> No.9857390 [DELETED] 

someone needs to make a mod where duke protects women from tranny perverts to put these retards in their place. how delusional do you have to be to think a tranny is a "hot woman"

>> No.9857403 [DELETED] 

Quake btfo this series

>> No.9857417 [DELETED] 

duke ain't afraid of no quake

>> No.9857479 [DELETED] 
File: 655 KB, 1072x772, 1682245405156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did it all gone so wrong?

>> No.9857506 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 676 KB, 1416x2000, newhalf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing Duke horny side, he probably hit only shemale.

>> No.9859267 [DELETED] 

Dick Cut'em.

>> No.9859792 [DELETED] 

guys can we talk about duke nukem instead of shitting on trans people
if you want to talk about trannies go to /lgbt/ or /pol/

>> No.9859796 [DELETED] 

why do trans "people" get angry at pixels?

>> No.9859815 [DELETED] 

because a decent chunk of trans people are whiney assholes who get mad at everything
not all of them are like this, but alot are

>> No.9859849 [DELETED] 

same reason you do?

>> No.9859860
File: 869 KB, 640x908, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic-related has pretty graphic content in it that wouldn't be out-of-place in DNF or even GTA. Don't forget BMX XXX also had uncensored titties on Gamecube while the PS2 version didn't.

Postal 2 would never have happened on any of the mainline consoles at the time without heavy censorship though, which is why it remained a PC exclusive. Funny thing is the Postal series eventually made its console debut on a Nintendo platform of all things. Times sure have changed.

>> No.9859973 [DELETED] 

those are polygons and they get mad at them because you can change polygons, trans people can't change because they have no womb and no eggs

>> No.9860339 [DELETED] 

thing is they arent people. the npc meme is real and 15 years ago those losers would have been emos, they just happen to be this generations losers following this generations trend. we can make fun of them all we want theyre just shitty NPCs. amazing how this generations losers are trying to make themselves a protected class. lol lmao even

>> No.9860807

you just described DNF2001 kek

>> No.9860848

Your post is tryhard.

>> No.9861971

Time to Kill is awesome

>> No.9862045
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>> No.9862273

thanks for sharing but some leaks are due

>> No.9862925

so what's exactly stopping any of the people they chased away from starting up their own "pure" vision of the project then? the leaked files are still out there they didn't go anywhere.

>> No.9863040

i hope the gulag ghosts haunt you for comparing them to temporarily embarrassed e-celebs who market their cancellation to become more popular than ever.

>> No.9863047

truth is there just isn't much to salvage and blaming trannies is just cope that dnf2001 wasn't actually anything special after so much hype and was still nothing like dn3d.

>> No.9863087

Surprisingly so, yes, for a clunky TR clone it's pretty damn good.
Unlike Land of the Babes.

>> No.9863090


tail end of 90s was September 2001. Halo, GTA III, and DMC came after.

>> No.9863634

Of all the games that tried to copy the Tomb Raider formula Time to Kill did it best. The soundtrack and general atmosphere are also top kino.

I remember it being hard as balls tho since it's basically Tomb Raider except almost every enemy has a hitscan gun

>> No.9863673

Are we forgetting the N64 had a couple of Duke games?

Come on, that's goalpost moving. Everyone just cared about the game having a big fat M on the box.

>> No.9863745

>since it's basically Tomb Raider except almost every enemy has a hitscan gun
So Tomb Raider 3?

>> No.9863878

>Try to prove me wrong (you can't).
I already did.

No one said the gamecubes hardware was bad.

>Come on, that's goalpost moving. Everyone just cared about the game having a big fat M on the box.

Nintendo has always had "M" games, they even had Doom on the super Nintendo, for the longest time the issue with Nintendo wasnt with simply having an M rating, but how you achieved that rating. For example:

shooting monsters into bits in Doom 64 = good


Strip clubs and killing captive women in Duke Nukem 64 = bad (and censored out of the N64 release)

Nintendo really doesnt seem to have these rules anymore of course, but in the past they were fine with violence but didnt like smut or controversial stuff. There is no way Duke Nukem forever would have ever been published on the Game Cube in its original form. No way.

>> No.9863910

Imagine not knowing that Duke 3D like Doom was nearly entirely a PC phenomenon and fuck all and nothing to do with kids consoles aside from a few belated PS1 releases no one cared very much about. Nintendo was pretty much completely irrelevant to Duke3Ds rise and popularity. It did not debut there or become popular there. It was a PC thing.

>> No.9863961

I wonder about that, they were so desperate for GTA they jumped at the chance of getting The Godfather and Scarface on Wii to recover some face.

>> No.9864279


The project is divided into departments. There's story, scripting/gameplay development, engine development and 3D modeling/mapping. The main dispute is between the engine/renderer devs and the management who also control the rest of the project. So basically to answer your question, nobody either has the ability to work on the engine the time or can be bothered. Anyone who has an interest is either working on it or working on something else. There's no point starting another technical only project as it tends to go nowhere without animators, artists, sound designers etc. You'll probably still get the game, it might be worth waiting until they finally decide to release the sources which I believe they should have already. It just won't be the game it could have been had the developers been given proper autonomy. But yeah, it's whatever, people have moved on. Being programmers, we have other stuff to do and limited time.

>> No.9864307

>Duke Nukem forever would have ever been published on the Game Cube in its original form

>> No.9864471

Take Two needs to STFU imo

>> No.9864498
File: 634 KB, 1078x863, Bombshell3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9864946

you mean tomb raider 2

>> No.9864950
File: 64 KB, 1280x1024, 1682790916939330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aside from a few belated PS1 releases no one cared very much about
that's the only version i was exposed to in the 90s because for kids it was impossible to operate real dos machine back in those days

>> No.9865101

The pirated steam version of megaton keeps throwing up Trojan warnings for the steamapi replacement that I’m unwilling to fuck with. I know it’s supremely autistic but all I want is the Caribbean expansion to have its own title screen like D.C. and nuclear winter. Is it possible crack your own steamapi.dll or something? I’m a total noob with these things.

>> No.9865109

Couldn't get a good link to make the basic edition run and then upgrade to the extensions.
Maybe I'll retry later on.

>> No.9865114


Why does it look so much like UT though

>> No.9865191

>Why does it look so much like UT though
Probably because it's on the Unreal engine.

>> No.9865253 [DELETED] 

Aaaaaand just like that, my interest in the restoration is gone. Have fun, freaks. You will never be women and no matter how hard you try, no one with eyes will ever accept you as anything more than a corruption and a crude caricature of God's design.

>> No.9865304 [DELETED] 

Bye kiwifaggot lmao

>> No.9865334

>to have its own title screen like D.C. and nuclear winter
sounds like autistic reason to want megaton edition
just rip grp files and run in eduke
but if you really want to have cool title screen, then how about running these addons on original dosbox version?
i personally prefer original dosbox versions, but those have their own problems like needing caribfix.com "patch" because carib.exe apparently corrupts game files

>> No.9865338

i even left myself notes now because of how confusing dosbox bug for caribbean addon was
>mount .bin in dosbox imgmount d C:\imgmount\CARIB.bin -t iso -fs iso
>install dlc, run GAMER\GAMER.EXE, activate
>make sure atomic15.iso is mounted on d:
>!!!IGNORE CARIB.EXE it corrupts files!!!
>run CARIBFIX.COM instead
of course needless to say you will need original bin+cue image for the addon, so good luck with that

>> No.9865384

what refference is this of?

>> No.9865530
File: 101 KB, 1280x1024, 1671121612748763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee i wonder. a ps1 exclusive episode on a console that also had duke 3d platformer games that resembled other very popular mascot at the time. what could that possibly be

>> No.9865793

>The main dispute is between the engine/renderer devs and the management who also control the rest of the project.
so is everything super compartmentalized where nobody knows what the other department is doing or is there some form of intermingling?

people here have been saying the same stuff about the restoration project since day one which i'm more inclined to believe >>9863047
in that it's all just cope.

>> No.9865848 [DELETED] 

>trannies run duke now
Fucking ew. Just support that game Ion Fury instead. Its getting a sequel called Phantom Fury that is using 3D graphics this time around.

>> No.9866040

Never happened, Ion Maiden exist in my head.

>> No.9866187 [DELETED] 

Must've touched a nerve, huh? Eat shit.

>> No.9867056

>The pirated steam version of megaton keeps throwing up Trojan warnings for the steamapi replacement
use this one

>> No.9867082 [DELETED] 

>triggered enough to delete a mod
>"no ur triggered!!"

Null still won't fuck you my dude

>> No.9868130

Plus it's full off booba

>> No.9868351

Why is that bra so huge?
I thought Laura's tanktop was teal

>> No.9868520
File: 116 KB, 320x240, 1659638381408117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because duke is midget. all women were giantess all this time

>> No.9868708

Atari doo-doo guy got nothing on DK Nukendo dong

>> No.9868884

Doom = Mario
Duke = Sonic

>> No.9869537

Doesn't adding new maps and voice lines already go beyond the scope of "restoration?" What happened to authenticity?

>> No.9870237

I liked the Duke Nukem 64 version. The sexual themes were diminished somewhat, but the maps were all touched up and expanded in some cases, and it had some cool weapons.

>> No.9870580

I loved the alternative ammo you can pick up like dum dum rounds and heat seeking missles

>> No.9870696

I'll tell you a secret. I finished and enjoyed Duke Forever 2011. Very underrated my take is most reviewers got filtered by some of the harder bits like the RC car and kitchen jumps. Its a good game though and while the wall titties and strip cub were meh all in all its gud. So's eat lead

>> No.9870707

The Forever rebuild is seemingly puttering along at its own pace, and now will hopefully be faster now it's been made open source. It'll be out in a playable enough state when it's out.
Otherwise, Duke had his last true showing when Gearbox slapped together the most recent version of Forever that was clunky and bad, plus Duke just wasn't funny at all this time, like his voice acting was just off too.

>> No.9870743

This >>9851981
It is widely regarded as one of the era's best shooters, if not THE era's best, its engine was among the first widely licensed engines on the market, it has several active source ports, it had several rereleases and is still avaliable for sale, several high profile mods are being developed like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOgYz34AvD0.. Even its leaked unreleased sequel gets a fan project to finish it. DN3D is not as popular as Doom as a mapping platform because of the way that engine and map editor works, yes, but it is far from being "roughly forgotten", even "in terms of old school shooters of that era".

>> No.9870751

Who the fuck needs them anyway when Eduke32 exists?

>> No.9870784

>See you guys in 15 years when another band of nutjobs tries to make Duke Nukem Forever a thing. (Third trys the charm)
Why wait?

>> No.9871032

Looks like the troons finally posted the source code as promised. Credit where credit is due; now that the barrier of entry was significantly lowered maybe another group can put out a more faithful recreation while the "Restoration" group does whatever the fuck they plan to do. Maybe the threat of competition will drive the current team to be more organized and try to put politics to the side, who knows.

>> No.9871370

I enjoy playing Duke Nukem Time To Kill on my PS1 once in a while

>> No.9871931
File: 17 KB, 632x339, 39731-Duke_Nukem_-_Zero_Hour_(USA)-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to pretend all the Babes I was saving in Zero Hour were girls from my school and then every few levels I would randomly pick a number out of how ever many Babes I had saved and then would imagine myself fucking the corresponding girl from my class as a thank you for me rescuing her.

I would then randomly pick a number between 1 and 5 to see how I fucked her (in my imagination).
1 was a handjob, 2 was a titty-fuck, 3 was a blowjob, 4 was sex and 5 was anal.

Then I would masturbate myself to completion and then go back to playing more Duke Nukem Zero Hour on my Nintendo 64.

>> No.9871946

>Looks like the troons finally posted the source code as promised

>> No.9871957

i had fun with it too but there was a lot of bullshit about it too. i found the turret sections to just be god awful and some parts of the alien hive were bad if you died and had to start at the checkpoint. the octobrain boss was actively unfun too

>> No.9872364

Based. I'd do this even today

>> No.9872370


>> No.9872534

Well they didnt do a great job drawing it lol, they made her shorts look like giant baggy street wear, and her tank top wasnt that color

>> No.9872540

I suspect it's basically nepotism. You let one tranny in your circle, then they invite all their tranny buddies until the original crew are outnumbered and have no say anymore.

>> No.9872552

They would have definitely done it.
The idea that Nintendo only wanted kid-friendly games on the gamecube is bullshit. Their competitors were simply much more focused on older markets in general.

>> No.9872794

Duke Nukem 3D is one of the most fondly remembered and talked about retro FPS games. What are you talking about?

>> No.9873390
File: 13 KB, 300x168, download (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the fucking duke nukem that no one remembers. 1 and 2.

>> No.9873549

I had them in a shareware collection CD and played them a bit as a kid. They were fine.

>> No.9873625

The first one sucked but Duke Nukem 2 was amazing.

>> No.9873629

First one was pretty good for the time too. Hell, it's still fairly playable.

>> No.9873647

I just couldn't get into it as a kid for whatever reason. So I don't have have the nostalgia to push through it. Although I never played the full game either just had the first episode on a disk of Shareware titles. Maybe I should give it another shot, I miss Duke.

>> No.9873656

> roughly forgotten
It's like the third most popular and most talked about old school shooter. there's Doom, Quake and then Duke.
And a lot of people who know about Duke Nukem never even heard of the other build engine games.
It only feels like it's in another category compared to Doom and Quake because the modding scene is smaller.

If we'd get a good new Duke Nukem game in the style of Doom 2016/Doom Eternal, it'd be one of the biggest events in years.

>> No.9873749

I couldn't really get into it as a kid either. I discovered that it's surprisingly decent when I recently decided to go through the Apogee catalog and got through first few levels.

>> No.9873775

One feature: save the bae

>> No.9873830

Duke Nukem 1 is kind of cool considering it could run on ancient 8086 hardware from the early 80's.

>> No.9873841

Gamecube had BMX XXX uncensored and PS2 didn't. Duke Nukem Forever would have been fine.

>> No.9873989

Nah, outside of Doom it's the most modded FPS of the era, still has a large community. If you mean it lacks in recent developments, that's a different deal. Randy Bobandy owns the IP and you don't want some Borderlands shit starring Dick Kickem.

>> No.9874110

Woah…do alien "impregnated" them?
GameCube size only 1.5. Won’t be issue.

>> No.9874142

That'll never happen with Gearbox.
heheh wut a mes

>> No.9874149

Reimagined Contra style port?


>> No.9875629

Go blame Captain Planet for that retarded spelling

>> No.9876673

>get reminded of Duke3D for N64
>TFW the ESRB had no problem with a dead woman's torso being cracked open and having her guts get spilt and dangle, but apparently seeing 4 brown pixels that could've been either boobs or just part of the alien coccoon is considered worse than gambling, drugs & alcohol combined for viewing by teens owning N64's
I think that now I know why shooting up schools is so popular in Burgerstan - they consider wanting to kill fellow people more natural and correct than wanting to have sex with them

>> No.9876813
File: 139 KB, 1080x1100, Screenshot_20210718-150453__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the N64 port devs made those new ultra Gorey sprites in protest. And probably as shocked as us that they passed.

>> No.9876817
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 2044072207391100-DE54A3217AFBFD1063CE3EE01BF1766E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what's really confusing is how was Duke 3D 64 so heavily censored when like a year later Zero Hour has literal digitised softcore porn pics of real women's asses?

>> No.9876830

maybe time to kill coming out between them helped.

>> No.9876929

>why shooting up schools is so popular in Burgerstan
Oh you of these "hardcore" gamer from Germany or Australia?

>> No.9876942

Fictional blood doesnt make kids want to go kill people, its just cool and makes the game more exciting
Fictional boobs make kids want to fuck and curious about things they dont need to worry about yet
Its a really simple, obvious difference, your reddit-tier observation isnt clever or new at all

>> No.9876960

Serious Sam = Bombermen
Postal Dude = Wario??

>> No.9877838

duke 3d felt ground breaking at the time.
now it feels lost to time where people would rather play games before/after.

>> No.9879105

fictional boobs wouldn't make kids want to fuck unless they were already horny

>> No.9879121

>Postal Dude = Wario??
Wario off his meds lol

>> No.9879224

Duke NuCum

>> No.9879968

I am horny

>> No.9881145

How a game should be played.

>> No.9881167
File: 114 KB, 640x480, Duke1-Episode_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 and 2.
Three episodes in the original Duke

>> No.9881445

how Psycopathic was jaycie erysdren?

>> No.9882059
File: 327 KB, 751x741, 1643715451624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shame if that indeed is the case. The biggest hope is if the project releases and then is further modded to de-faggot it.