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File: 68 KB, 610x342, DuckTales-Remastered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
984897 No.984897 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think of Jake Kaufman's Ducktales Remastered OST? Did he give the original themes justice?Also two new stages.

>The Moon
>The Amazon
>The Himalayas
>African Mines
>Money Bin
>Mount Vesuvius

>> No.984909

I like it.

>> No.984915
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>The Moon

>> No.984928

He did an excellent job. He's Jake Kaufman.

Can't wait for this game to come out in two days.

>> No.984930

I usually enjoy Jake Kaufman, but this sounds too busy for me. Should have been more piano

>> No.984932
File: 29 KB, 482x800, BRETTY_GOOD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


O wow thats actually not bad, bretty gud kaufman

>> No.984937

Very excellent. That Moon theme... Mother of God!

>> No.984941

Amazing, I fucking love Kaufman. The guitar solo on The Himalayas was a nice touch.

I find it pretty cool how they did NES theme mockups for the newly added levels.

>> No.984983

Main theme:


>> No.985570

Not as good as the original NES themes.

Still a shame that this game isn't 100% original stuff or doesn't take more influence from DT2.

>> No.985635

10/10. Favourites are Amazon and Vesuvius.

>> No.987597


Full Moon theme without any shitty intro/outro


Transylvania too.

>> No.987620


Now to see if the gameplay holds up.

>> No.987642

Honestly they're really good and faithful remastered songs. Also that video intro makes me seek death

>> No.987889

Instead, shitty sound quality. Bummer.

>> No.987963
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A bit off topic but I was really expecting to see a monster inc door on the himalayas's background

>> No.988019

3rd time's the charm?



>African Mines


>> No.988038

I thought I would like the NES Moon better when I was first hearing it but once it moving the new version was actually pretty great.

>> No.988068

Did they put some wobbles into the Transylvania remix?

>> No.988074

>the moon
>cum everywhere

>> No.988087
File: 16 KB, 160x160, Hiroshige_Tonomura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic that a sound programmer, whose music making gig was short, made some unique music for a game. I don't think this kind of uniqueness would ever be found in his other game scores.

Not to big on remixes, it's far more mindblowing considering the hardware of the NES and how music actually works. Apparently making music for the NES was the single hardest thing to do, as there were no tools other than assembly to help.

>> No.988115

I would cum buckets if they made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=215tp78BSkM an alternative track to the Transylvania level.

>> No.988162
File: 36 KB, 185x185, 1361157016650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dubstep Transylvania

>> No.990176

Music ripped from the game by Slyrot:

Some 1-loops and 2-loops here and there, but it's the full set.

>> No.990463
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Here's to hoping the secrets are still in the same spots.

>> No.991829

>Moon theme will be my undoing. There's so much pressure (some externally but mostly in my head) to do it perfectly, and I rarely assess my own work as even remotely competent, let alone perfect. I'm on my third rework now, I really just hope as few people as possible are actively pissed at me / send death threats / etc..

I feel really sorry for the guy for some reason.

>> No.991850

>Apparently making music for the NES was the single hardest thing to do, as there were no tools other than assembly to help.

I do enjoy how they had to work to make identifiable, catchy music though, due to the small confines they had to work in. For the last few years its been the trend to just put in bland, orchestral ambiance that occasionally swells so you know it's supposed to be "epic", and call it a day.

>> No.991890

Yeah, back in the old days they actually had to work pretty hard to create memorable music since they had such a limited toolset. It would be very unusual to see a new game with music as catchy and as good as the original DuckTales these days.

I like the remixed music for the most part. I do think it's a little busy as someone else said, and some of the synths seem a little muted and underwhelming and lack the "punch" of the original, but overall, really good. Much, much better than the hatchet job they did for the DS version of FFIV, for instance.

>> No.992163

>swimming inna me money vault

god damn man.

also i have never raged at launchpads incompetence my childhood is coming back.

>> No.992187
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>> No.992231

What was the point of remaking this game?

Is Ducktales currently re-airing somewhere to get all the kiddies hyped up for buying it?

>> No.992239

Disney wants money. Capcom wants money. There's your answer.

>> No.992251

>that perfect sprite

i honestly don't think i have ever seen a better sprite than that

>> No.992258

>check steam
>yup its on there


>> No.992346

>Prototype Transylvania

How do I get it?

>> No.992354

What a shame. For us retro lovers this is heaven, you should support, and it's only 14 bucks too. At least buy it when it's on sale eventually after having palyed it.

Not to mention it got destroyed by a lot of "major review site" for absolutely no reason at all.

>> No.992359

WayForward is involved, so it is safe to assume thay are trying to sell it based on nostalgia.

>> No.992381

Seems good to me.

I have a hard time following 2D games made in 3D though. Something about the motion I just can't figure out why.

>> No.992406

Only the level layouts are in 3D. The backgrounds and the sprites are in 2D and everything is gorgious. Best looking retrothrowback since Wario Land Shake Dimension.

>> No.992418

Anyone elses sprites flicker when they talk in cutscenes?

>> No.992421

Not me; but it wouldn't detect my pad (I have to use Xpadder) and it crashed a couple of times (thankfully not during gameplay time)

a friend of mine had a couple of crashes when he wanted to skip cutscenes too quickly too

>> No.992425

>using ALiAS shitty rip

>> No.992429

That bothered the shit out of me. A friend sent me a review where the person who wrote it said that NES level difficulty was needed back then, and now it's bullshit and the game is garbage/the designers are lazy for making it so hard. He also complained about how slippery using his analog stick felt... sickening. I'm at least looking forward to the ClassicGameRoom review.

>> No.992430

no sir. bought it on steam the day of release.

>> No.992436

just butthurt reviewers mad they didnt get paid

>> No.992440

Even that messes with me, really wonder why. The game is very pretty. Does it real bad in newer sonic games styled like the old games.

What controller?

>> No.992442

>sprites flickering
That's authentity for ya!

>> No.992445

Jesus, the game is REALLY easy to be honest... even easier than the original.

I didn't like neither the graphics nor the musics when watching the footage but when playing it I ended up loving every bit of it >>990028

>> No.992446

not sure if serious

>> No.992450

No it looks awesome. Its a motion thing, other games do it to me too. 3D games I do fine, 2D I do fine, but the mix gives me a headache. Fucking blows, so I've been trying to find out if its something I can fix.

>> No.992452


Have you made it to Extreme yet? I just beat Transylvania on Hard and only lost a single life (seriously, FUCK that hallway before Magica with those damn ghosts, there's no room to dodge them), and was surprised it gave me so little trouble. I even found a 1-UP, so I didn't even have a net loss in the level.

>> No.992461

I'm playing on Hard as we speak

>> No.992464

>burger beagle

hell yea man.

>> No.992470


Sometimes, two square waves, a triangle wave, a noise generator, and a digital sample player all all you need. Look at Uematsu's NES music. For such primitive hardware, it sounds amazing, where the orchestral stuff lacks the heart that made the music, well, real.

>> No.992615
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>Extreme doesn't have saves

Oooh, this is interesting already. Not feeling up to trying that right now, though.


>tfw I managed to get Look Ma, No Spats! on my third try

>> No.992634

I am conflicted. I want to buy the game to show my support for remaking old games, but at the same time, it's capcom.
Is the PC version only available on Steam? My laptop is pretty cranky around that plattform.

>> No.992639


Yeah, I think it's only Steam for PC. It's also on the PSN and the Ninty eShop, with a XBLA version coming soon too, so if you have one of the current consoles, you might just want to buy it there instead.

>> No.992834

eh, I have a power PC, but I try to switch to laptops to keep myself from playing games.
I'll get it once I switched it on.

>> No.992889
File: 202 KB, 1366x768, ducktalesleaderboards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat it on Intense, and yeah, the difficulty name was fitting. Here's the changes I could notice:

>Game forces you to use the Hard Pogo
>Level design has been altered slightly to be just a bit more maddening (it really fucks with you when you don't know something has changed and a gap you could normally jump over suddenly requires a pogo jump)
>The checkpoint number is reduced massively (I think there's only three in the Amazon, for instance - beginning, temple entrance, boss)
>Some enemies are just a bit faster, just enough to screw with you
>The game is REALLY stingy with health powerups (at best I found one, maybe two per level, not counting the ones from Mrs. Beakley)
>The games gets fairly stingy with extra lives (at best one, not counting the one from Mrs. Beakley)
>You have to play through it in one sitting, no saving - which also means that once you lose your lives, it's game over and back to the start

Overall, it's a great experience. Also, my Intense run managed to get me on the leaderboards, if only temporary. Spot #11 is good enough for me. Also got all the achievements apart from the one for unlocking all the art (the last category is expensive as fuck), the one for collecting all the heart containers (because I only had one run on Normal) and the one relating to invincibility (which again only appears in Normal and lower). Feels good being the 0.1% right now.

>> No.992904

>this sounds too busy
have you never played the actual NES version of the game or something?

>> No.992917

I don't know... I'm certainly not liking the moon, the echo all over the place on it feels out of place and tacked on at the last minute, probably to make it seem more EPIC. this might work in newer games, but in a remake of ducktails where the biggest change is that the graphics got an upgrade... not so much...

>> No.993120

getting some steam updates for this . anyone know what it is?

>> No.993137


Bugfixes probably. I had an issue where the game would lock up on a black screen if I tried to close it. I had to press Alt-F4 to shut it down and the process was STILL running until I killed it in the task manager.

>> No.993156


The Moon theme is just about perfect. Like I can't imagine a better updating of it. Props all around for a great soundtrack.

>> No.993162

looks like cgi garbage

>> No.993172

Considering it's images generated on a computer, yes it is CGI.

Good job, mongoloid.

>> No.993193

Is intense above extreme? Or do you mean extreme? there is easy, normal, hard and extreme unlocked for me atm.

speaking of the leaderboards, the current #1 speedrunner is a steam friend of mine, i watched him play his latest record live, was pretty cool, but speedruns are kinda boring to being on Easy mode

>> No.993203

Yea im getting that still too. Still get it for new vegas too.

>> No.993276


Yeah, I meant Extreme.

>> No.993431

>Apparently making music for the NES was the single hardest thing to do, as there were no tools other than assembly to help.
There were definitely tools to help. Called computers. Computers existed them and there were a multitude of ways you could go about it. Say you had a C64, there were effectively trackers if you had the technicality or the patience you could write a program to sake sid files and transcribe them to the code in assembly for you. Midi was made in 1982, so you could write transcriber as you wrote the music for that and put in the proper constraints you'd play. Tallarico did midi to asc.
One guy wrote a sequencer.


The tools and options may not have been readilly apparent to non resourceful or forward thinking individuals, but they were there.

>> No.993446

Just beat The Amazon, and enjoying it so far. Never finished it in the past, played it on Gameboy but never beat any levels because I was a casual babby. Only issue I have with the remake is all the cutscenes and Scrooge's chatter during gameplay.

>> No.993452

>thread discussing music
>using dubstep incorrectly
Get out.

>> No.993486

I actually like the cutscenes. Makes me feel like I'm playing the cartoon moreso than the original.

>> No.993542

i have the Transylvania and Himalayas left.

fuck those ghosts.

>> No.993570

So what's the difficulty on this like?

Last week I played DuckTales for the first time in my adult life (25 now, but I played it back when I was too young to do anything competently) and after getting killed a few times learning the controls and picking up how DuckTales hides its secrets, I manned up and slayed the rest of the levels in one go.

Also, are the secrets still there? Because I remember rage about one of the devs (?) saying that "kids don't think that way anymore", implying they were going to make the already obvious secrets even more obvious.

>> No.993612

>"kids don't think that way anymore"
I think the same interview said they had to show hidden stuff in a cutscene because kids are retarded now.

>> No.993662

The difficulty isn't really changed much from the NES version on Normal, til you hit the new level, and then things start falling apart, due to a mixture of new boss patterns as well as new stage all together that isn't overly forgiving.

They toned down alot of platforming elements in this remake, though. Mostly all the original moving platforms that looked like they were ripped from MM2 (Falling block platforms) had their sections changed or removed.

Secrets are still in, but they changed all the original hidden treasures into heart tanks for the most part. They also restructured the levels to force you to play through just about every square inch, so you'll be bumping into the secrets much more often now than before, where you could just rush to the boss if you knew the layout. Personally not too big a fan of that, would have preferred if they put in some "NES / Legacy" layout mode, but eh, what can you do?

>> No.993706 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 297x297, 1255965670971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I used to hang out on a NES forum with Clawx, Weird edsel, NESFan and NESMonster.

Anyone of you still alive?

Or anyone else from the NESplayer days or #nes98 days?

>> No.993727


So basically "Intense" is the NES game.

>> No.993916

>No Bad or Best endings
>Hidden treasures don't have the Stage Clear jingle
Wayforward please. It was about the only reward you get for actually exploring the game thoroughly, and the jingle made it feel like you found something special. Adding a third hidden treasure doesn't cut it.

>> No.993948

>Moon piano from the credits
>Vesuvius chase sequence
>Hub world
>Bonus level
>Final Boss

>> No.993957

Just based off of the African Mine I can say I like it a lot. I'll judge the others in a sec but I'm really liking this one a lot.

>> No.993984

I'm going to troll this thread
I actually like this a lot

>> No.994414

There is an ext ra health container, but only on easy and normal. On hard and Extreme there is only 2 extra life containers (like in the original game) and the rest of the hidden chests are treasures.

Extreme is like the NES game but on Hard. The nes game on normal had more health refill items.

>> No.994562

Eh, there's a slight hint of dubstep in the middle of that track.

>> No.994575

I meant that on easy and normal there is an extra health container hidden in EVERY of the main 5 stages

>> No.995549

Why did they have to add all that fucking disrupting story to the remake?

>> No.995559

Because they have all the original VAs and because they're really good and feel like watching the cartoon?

In other news some people were complaining that the Pogo jump wasn't 100% faithful to the original game : in the original game you could either do a Pogo jump by holding the B button and activating it with Down in mid air; OR by pressing B+Down at the same time in mid air. In DT2 and in Remastered it was only possible to do with the later, but now they fixed it (only 1 day after release) so that both ways are possible, which is pretty cool.

They also fixed how from times to times (rarely though) the pogo jump wouldn't activate immediatly after pressing the buttons as well as some (rare) crashing issues, all that only 1 day after release.

How did they find time to fix that only 1 day after release? Those day-2 patches after release just feel to me like they knew about it but decided to release it without so that any torrent or pirate version made wouldn't have them... (or maybe i'm just paranoid)

>> No.996612
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>50 worthless seconds of dubstep in my Transylvania

>> No.996628

man im still having this flicker issue with sprites when they talk in cutscenes.
Do i just have a toaster?

>> No.996632

Just beat the game today, it was great. Serious contender for game of the month, but I've yet to play M&L Dream Team, so that may change.

>> No.996652 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 348x364, 1208319874922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That goes to prove that Kaufman lacks any sort of talent, so he has to compromise with wubbeth. Surprised this game's soundtrack isn't an "ironic" mix of stereotypical bleeps and bloops with orchestral music for that OLD NINTENDO GAME gimmick.

Also those final digits.

>> No.996771


Kaufman's weakness has always been, and continues to be the fact that he fucking 'rambles' musically when he does remixes or remakes. For instance, his work on the Chiptuned Rockman album was by and far the weakest because its all he did on his track. That he likes dubstep and uses it in his compositions is a matter of personal taste.

>> No.996779

Haven't played it, but I've heard good about it. Might pick up a PSN card and check it out.

I do like WayForward, though. Easily one of my top 5 favorite third-party developers of this generation.

>> No.996795
File: 8 KB, 276x183, ohgosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Callooh callay! This is the first time I'm seeing the final updated NES cart spoiler image I cleaned up a bit!

>> No.997225

>waaaaaah someone put something that sounds remotely like a genre I don't like into a track

/mu/ pls go

>> No.997659

I hate wubstep just about as much as anyone, but from what I was reading I was expecting a gigantic drop and 50 seconds of maximum wubwub screechwubbish. Instead what I encountered was a fairly subtle tinge of wub along with a little of that irritating drum pattern towards the end.

Annoying, heavens yes. Deal-breaker, no. I would play through that level with some discomfort because of the music, and it's the game's shittiest track from what I can tell, but I'm not willing to shit on the composer for it. He has done way dumber things than this.

>> No.998346

>He also complained about how slippery using his analog stick felt
this is why i'm heisitant to buy, i could get the game on steam, wii u/3ds (if it's on there) or xbox live and i prefer xbox live for downloads as i have full rights to the game but the xbox controller can't be very good for this sort of 2d game, not that that's the developers fault

>> No.998407

>but the xbox controller can't be very good for this sort of 2d game, not that that's the developers fault
Practice by playing the game. You'll also learn the levels from dying over and over.

Welcome to how gaming worked back in the days of the NES.

>> No.998425

I felt like it was more creepy frankenstein machine sounding keyboards then a full on wubdrop. It kinds blends in the background and follows the melody so I didn't really notice it at first.

>> No.998430

Only problems I really had with it was vines, but you eventually learn to do a quick roll of the left analog stick from right/left to up and it does exactly what you meant to do.

360 crosspad isn't even worth trying as usual.

I would have probably used my ps2 dualshock with usb convertor but it never fucked me up bad enough to unplug my 360 pad which I'd left plugged in.

>> No.998770

>not having a serpentine mess of USB hubs from China

Step it up, McDuck!

>> No.998786

Replying to the OP, all of those really bad, in my opinion.

African Mines in particular was totally raped. He completely lost the feel of that song. It might have been ok with better instrument choice, but the added flairs also weaken the song.

That is also the worst remix of The Moon I've heard. I don't like the moon as much as other people do, but there's far better versions of it. This is the first one I found on search, it's easily better:

Notice how good Himalayas is good because he stuck to the original instrumentation until suddenly, guitar. And then just tons of ....notes....that have nothing to do with the original song. The best part of the song at the end is barely even audible. Yep, everything he changed was a decrease in quality.

Transylvania is good simply because it wasnt changed. The spooky shit at the end? It's not consistent with the action. This is not a horror game, it's an action game.

And so forth. I think someone already said, it's too busy. It's fighting against the visuals and gameplay instead of setting the tone.

He tried but it was a failure across the board.

>> No.998802


here's another example

Again, this is the FIRST video that comes up when I type in "african mines remix" so I'm not trying to say that I like it or something.

It's mellow, it retains the jungle instrumentation and little bit of funkiness, and it stays in the background and doesn't try to compete with your attention. Obviously has some timing issues and volume issues but that's not my point.

The composer fucked up hard.

>> No.1000120


>If you ignore the flaws that define this piece, it's better!

It feels empty, and worse, it can't keep rhythm. There are several awkward patches in the percussion and the melody and beat are occasionally out of sync. I would've liked the Remastered version to have used a (better sounding synth) sax too, but that doesn'tbegin to make up for this track's flaws.

>Transylvania is good simply because it wasnt changed. The spooky shit at the end? It's not consistent with the action. This is not a horror game, it's an action game.

And yet you like a Moon theme remix that sounds like the climax of a sports movie?

> suddenly, guitar. And then just tons of ....notes....that have nothing to do with the original song.

If you want a note-for-note version of the original song, listen to the original song. Taking a little creative license is the point being remixes and arrangements.

You're entitled to your opinion, but your counters aren't very compelling.

>> No.1000240

Played through the first five stages a while ago and liked the whole soundtrack, haven't listened to (or played) the original, though.

The ridiculous amount of cutscenes (and the fact that skipping them took so much effort) was definitely a pain in the ass, though.

>original VAs
>really good
I would only say "really old". They might have been great 20 years ago when the original series aired, but Scrooge, most of the Beagle Boys and especially Magica De Spell sound completely out of place in the game.

>> No.1000923
File: 46 KB, 560x432, RXeIHMP7Uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Scrooge's VA talks
He just sounds so tired. I feel bad for the poor old bastard being dragged out to do this.

>> No.1000940

He could've said "no." I appreciate that he wanted to do this, even at his age. I was a little surprised he was still alive.

>> No.1000953

I have that poster.
Don Rosa is a great artist.

>> No.1001035

old people like to stay busy i bet he was tired of chemo and went full heisenberg.

>> No.1001079


good god you are fucking stupid

next time read the post before responding

>> No.1001153

>I can't argue over anything specific, so I'll just call you stupid! I win!

>> No.1001184


That's a Carl Barks painting, champ.

>> No.1001202 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 554x718, Darkwing-Duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for the next remake(I hope)

>> No.1001219

So as a guy who never watched the show, is it worth playing?

>> No.1001221

The original was very good whether you liked the show or not, can't speak about this remake.

I absolutely loved the show but the game's connection to it was always an afterthought to me.

>> No.1001227

All of my money.

Shit, they need to remake that fucking cartoon.

>> No.1001236

So Jake Kaufman is /vr/-acceptable now?

>> No.1001248

send me to /v/,whatever but
>trusting reviewers

>> No.1001259

that pogo sound brings back so many memories

>> No.1001294


Darkwing was pretty good. It was kind of like Mega Man Lite, and considering that Mega Man is pretty much over at this juncture, I'd gladly take Darkwing Duck.

>> No.1001526

Only when he does remixed soundtracks for retro game remakes.

>> No.1002886

Yet discussion about sequels to "retro" games are still not allowed.

>> No.1002904

check 2nd definition of the word retro in a dictionanry

>> No.1002963

Which dictionary? I'm going to assume you mean dictionary.com.
>2.of or designating the style of an earlier time: retro clothes.
The definition implies that "retro" is something new imitating something old.

>> No.1003104


The show is completely unimportant to the game. Even those who have never heard of the protagonists could quickly geet into it.

So there is this duck who is the richest man inhis world. He wants to get even richer and therefore hee travels to 5 locations searching for treasure with the goal to find as much stuff of worth as possible.

That's essentially it...