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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 27 KB, 128x128, zsnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
984658 No.984658 [Reply] [Original]

I've come out of my rock and found that maybe I should replace my zsnes.

What does /vr/ use for emulation of super nintendo

>> No.984672

SNES9X or bsnes for super accuracy

Welcome to the light, good Anon

>> No.984745

I really wish people would look around a bit first before asking about emulators, but whatever.

you're probably fine with Snes9x. If you have an older computer bsnes isn't gonna run on it. You may also want to just download Retroarch because it uses loadable cores for a lot of emulators including playstation and with 1.0.0 it'll have an n64 core. That being said, the snes cores are based on bsnes and snes9x so, yeah.

>> No.985552

>I really wish people would look around a bit first before asking about emulators, but whatever.

especially when we have an emulation wiki linked to in the sticky for this board.


>> No.985562
File: 53 KB, 227x219, 1331995370484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats wrong with ZSNES?

>> No.985584

Nothing unless you are an anally pained purist.

>> No.985628

a real SNES and a flash cart. They're so cheap these days there's not much excuse not to use one if you're playing anything longer than ADD emu sessions.

>> No.985634

Don't fucking start.

>> No.985661

60 bucks isn't 'cheap'

>> No.985662

>using ADD as an insult

/v/ is leaking, guys.

>> No.985692

Or deaf, or blind, or just anal about having less effective UI.

>> No.985695

which flash cart would you reccomend?

>> No.985907

This flash cart stuff is starting to sound more and more appealing to me.

>> No.985952

>I've come out of my rock and found that maybe I should replace my zsnes

You're wrong, ZSNES is still king.

>> No.985960

I'm having a different, but related issue. I'm on a old laptop very often, and it uses ubuntu. This limits my emulation options by a bit, and unfortunately zsnes is the only emulator that seems to both work pretty smooth, and not be subject to crushing slowdown.

Is there some setting i'm not getting? both snes9x and bsnes hover around 20 fps at best, is there a way to leech more speed, other then basically getting a new laptop?

>> No.985967

The SD2SNES is the best there is at the moment.
It works with most expansion chips(save Super FX, S-DD1 and SA-1, which can be added later with a firmware update) and loads almost instantly. It's pretty pricey though, so a more budget alternative would be a Super Everdrive.

>> No.985968

Who knows what the emulator with the LEAST input latency is? Like, Super Nintendo connected to CRT level latency.

>> No.985973 [DELETED] 

Emulation is for filthy plebs.
No money? Mommy won't buy you an SNES?

>> No.986229
File: 952 KB, 1175x765, Screen Shot 2013-08-12 at 12.46.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Openemu (BSNES+SNES9X). Come at me bros.

>> No.986245

bsnes. snes9x has serious problems with displaying higher-end graphics - the DKC series looks like absolute shit on it.

>> No.986247

RetroArch with Snes9x-Next might do the trick, as it's a core focused on speed.

>> No.986269

I say bsnes compatibility build. Last time I worked with SNES9X I hated the clunky control mapping interface and I even permanently broke the emulator just by adjusting some settings.

>> No.986271

Maybe I'm just insane, but I honestly don't see a significant difference between most of the emulators.

People criticize zsnes because of it's low "accuracy". I played Super Mario World on it, and near as I could tell, it was pretty "accurate" to the SMW I played as a kid.

I just don't use it anymore because of the godawful UI.

>> No.986276

>Super Mario World

Well no shit. Any emulator is going to make sure they have that one 100%

>> No.986283

Hangs on first mode7 effect on Actraiser 2 for example.

>> No.986297

>Seisen no Keifu
>Ogre Battle


>> No.986298

I use higan (the new BSNES apparently) in performance build. It works very well.

>> No.986301

Super Mario World is the most popular game, so obviously most of the effort went toward making sure it played well. Same goes for the other obvious contenders like Zelda, Super Metroid, etc.

>> No.986307


So what's a game where you can easily spot the differences between emulators?

>> No.986315

I did spot the input differences for Lufia II, for example. But that's because I have played it a lot.

Byuu (the guy who made bsnes) used to have some relevant articles on his page, but it looks like he hasn't added them back yet due to remodelations.

>> No.986317

Kirby's Dreamland 3. Pseudo hi-res transparency does not work on ZSNES. Alternatively, Jurassic Park has a similar issue.

>> No.986324

Okay, so as someone who has no idea about any of this stuff, i couldn't help but notice that "Snes9x" ends with "9x". Which sounds like some ancient windows shenanigans to me.
Am i just dead wrong about that or what?

Can someone unfuck my brain here?

>> No.986325 [DELETED] 

ITT: mad plebeian zsnesfags

>> No.986328


>> No.986335

It's just a historical thing. Way back in the day, there were two competing emulators, Snes96 and Snes97. They more or less merged into Snes9x.

>> No.986392

Ah, hadn't thought of the obvious. Thanks.

>> No.986408

Sorry anon.
However, I do like being able to actually see box art. That's pretty cool.
>East Asian Omnicide
that's awesome.

>> No.986434

There are plenty of less-than-obvious glitches.

There's a level near the end of DKC2 with rotating barrels that you can control. In ZSNES you can't control the rotation, making the level a zillion times harder. If you hadn't played the game before you possibly wouldn't even realize it's a bug.

>> No.986441

bsnes because
>muh accuracy

>> No.986442

If you can run bsnes balanced core at full fps, use it (use retroarch if you hate the UI).Otherwise use snes9x.

>> No.986457

>I played as a kid.
If you compared ZSNES with a real SNES side by side, you would notice the sounds would be off on pretty much every game (maybe not SMW, since zsnes emulation has a lot of game specific hacks). No human being has the memory to hear the differences if he has not played the game in so long, however. Try playing some less popular game and it will be easier to tell.

>> No.986459

This may be a stupid question, but bsnes and higan are the same thing, right?

>> No.986462

Yeah, pretty much. Higan is really just a rebrand of bsnes.

>> No.986461

Yes, bsnes is included in higan.

>> No.986491

bsens is the snes emulator included in higan. higan also includes emulators for nes, ds, gba, etc.

>> No.986509

that being said, you don't have to use higan if you want to use bsnes. the other emulators in higan aren't as good as bsnes and some people think higan is a pain to sue. you can get bsnes in retroarch.

>> No.986539



Were the good well priced systems sold out?

>> No.986557
File: 10 KB, 158x175, 1365465734955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks neat.

>> No.986585

I'm not that guy, but I have to admit, I love macs for emulation. I mean, hell yeah, they're overpriced as fuck, but the OS runs smooth as butter. Windows is clunky as shit.

>> No.986626

Don't replace Zsnes until other emulators gave you the option to have snow flakes in the background. Accuracy may be a high point for others but I love being in the Christmas spirit all year.

>> No.986709

I've been using ZSNES since the nineties and I always thought its emulation got near-perfect when they got SuperFX support somewhere around 2004. I haven't even thought of replacing it since then.

Just read this wiki page and even though it sounded extremely butthurt I decided to give bsnes a go. Apparently it has been renamed to / included in higan so I downloaded that.

> high system requirements for freaking SNES emulation
> shitty input configuration allows you to map the same key to multiple SNES buttons and there is no way to unassign keys without erasing the entire mapping
> reset button does NOT reset to the default input configuration but erases all mappings
> "Library -> Super Famicom..." option doesn't seem to do anything, it seems to want .sfc roms only but then doesn't even recognise those.
> Instead I need to click "Import Game..."
> no menu option for fullscreen, alt+enter does nothing, Google tells me it's F11
> no online multiplayer option? There's a Server tab in the settings but it's completely inclear what that does

ZSNES still doesn't seem so bad.

>> No.986743

ZSNES emulation is nowhere close to "near-perfect" and the idea that it is such is utterly hilarious. You should read this article on bsnes and why accurate emulation (not just hacks that make something work somewhat such as ZSNES) is important. It also details some of the work that actually went into accurately emulating the SNES. ZSNES is a joke in comparison.


If you want to use bsnes I would recommend getting it through retroarch instead of higan.


>> No.986752

bsnes/higan is super accurate but I'm actually happy to use UME/MESS right now.

>> No.986762

Thanks for the links.

Don't get me wrong, I respect the BSNES developer working on getting as accurate an emulator as possible.

I'm just saying ZSNES has been good enough for me so far - and if I cared about that last bit of accuracy I could just hook up my actual SNES.

>> No.986778
File: 140 KB, 300x300, 1358505314906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZSNES is the best Super Nintendo emulator ever. Never lags, works on every SNES game ever and doesn't really matter how shitty your PC is, it'll still work grand.

>> No.986792

Does it work well on androids and other phones?

>> No.986869

SNES9x has always been objectively superior to ZSNES, everyone knows that.

Inb4 muh interface, someone actually took ZSNES, ripped out its core, and replaced it with SNES9x's superior core.

>> No.986879

>works on every SNES game

Haha no. It can't play SA-1 games properly for one.

>> No.986883

They work fine in the newest version as long as you don't mind random freezing.

Supposedly an older version works fine.

>> No.986884

Why is it always ZSNES vs BSNES?

Don't people know that middle ground SNES9x is master race?

>> No.986890

Aren't SuperFX games completely borked in Snes9x? I haven't tried so I can't be sure, but I heard the likes of Doom have serious problems.

>> No.986903

>random freezing
>works fine

No. Really SNES9x is more than fast enough for most modern devices (especially the Next variant, a speed optimized fork of SNES9x 1.52-wip) while retaining much of the accuracy that BSNES has, especially in regards to audio.

>> No.986904

ZSNES hasn't been updated in 6 years. The most groundbreaking work in SNES emulation wasn't done until last year (in bsnes, see article here >>986743). ZSNES is so far behind it's ridiculous.

>> No.986907

No. Modern versions like 1.52 and 1.53 run almost every game except a few that only BSNES can run

>> No.986914

Such as? I hope you're not talking about those Shogi games.

>> No.986921

I think he's talking about games like Speedy Gonzales and Earthworm Jim 2, which technically do run on other emulators but have crippling glitches on anything other than bsnes.

>> No.986924

ADD and Autism are two different things.

"Emulator ADD" is a term that predates /v/, and 4chan entirely. It's the syndrome people get when they have access to every game for a console in a huge ROM list, so they end up playing each game for only 3-5 minutes before getting bored and switching to another one.

>> No.986925

Yes those Shougi games used special chips only BSNES emulates, for 99% of everything else SNES9x is more than good enough.

>> No.986927


The Super UFO Pro 8 is the cheapest, and it plays 98% of games just as well as any of the others.

>> No.986931

Oh yeah, forgot about them.

I seem to recall it was largely sound issues in EJ2. Does Blargg's sound core whatchamacallit fix the issues?

>> No.986943

>Super UFO Pro 8
>Assembled by some homeless Chinese dude with a lighter and a pair of pliers.

Yeah, I wouldn't go for one of them.

>> No.986941

Looks like it does. The music does work on Snes9x.

>> No.987023

>ZSNES hasn't been updated in 6 years

Because there is no need. It just werks.

>> No.987321
File: 256 KB, 200x281, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, you zsnesfags and your pitiful delusions.

>> No.987332


>> No.987334
File: 334 KB, 800x800, Satellaview_with_Super_Famicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-anyone like SNESGT?

>> No.987335

Nobody mentioned ZMZ yet? ZSNES GUI + bsnes or SNES9x emulation core.

>> No.987341

Why the shit would anyone want to use a shitty DOS GUI over a native windows one?

>> No.987351

I used it for a time but then I moved over to Bsnes-SX2.

>> No.987731

Those ZSNES vs. BSNES/SNES9x Threads remind me of browser-threads... Everyone shall use what he likes.
I use ZSNES because I once downloaded it and I couldn't give less shits about how accurate it is if I tried as long as the games work, I will replace it then when I a game won't work properly. BUt I can totally understand whoever wants to use another emulator that is more up to date because he wants more accuracy.
So let's accept everyone's emulator choice, okay?

>> No.987885

I use SNES-9X, does fine for me. how does it compare to others?

>> No.988059
File: 98 KB, 640x480, 1368883382668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.988067

I know ZSNES is shit, but I like to use it and recommend it just to piss off the autists.

>> No.988075

/v/ is leaking.

>> No.988164


I haven't read any reports of them being unreliable. I've never handled one, but I imagine the plastic is a bit thin. Most of the retro boards seem to like them alright.

>> No.988170


That's not a fair comparison. Browsers are not all working towards a common goal of 100% accuracy.

>> No.988541

This. It's the same as lending books from the library and getting them for free via torrent.

>> No.988560

Good comparison indeed, ZSNES is the IE6 of SNES emulation.

>> No.988613

More like Netscape, old but still works. BSNES is IE6, slow, bloated and can't run anything that isn't in a specific format.

>> No.988652

With that absurdity I think we can stop comparing apples to oranges.

>> No.989497