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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9844419 No.9844419 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any advantage of pc ports from retro games over emulation ?

>> No.9844429

That good feeling you get

>> No.9844430

Not really, most of the time it's worse. It is for people who, for some reason, are unable to use emulation.

>> No.9844437

Emulation is inaccurate, inconvenient, and illegal.

>> No.9844439

Emulation is accurate, convenient, and legal.

>> No.9844470

For your information, most ports of retro games are emulation. It's rare to see an actual source port released.

>> No.9844474

It's worse because you're giving some copyright squatting jew money.

>> No.9844703

False on all accounts.

>> No.9844705 [DELETED] 

True, false, and kys faggot

>> No.9844713

AND illegal.

>> No.9844735

>imprison people to protect autistic tranny programmers who need to play on the computer all day instead of getting a real job

>> No.9844774

Holy based, all programmers deserve the coal mines

>> No.9844782

cells are slightly bigger than cubicles

>> No.9844870

If PC ports of retro games on Steam are cheap and have added features than it can be worth it to get them, but 95% of the time they don't have any added features (other than stuff like savestates and rewind, which emulators also have), and no matter how cheap it is it can't compete with free.

I guess if you were using a TV with Big Picture Mode or maybe a Steam Deck (basically anything with a controller) and you didn't want to have to deal with an emulator frontend it could be worth it I guess, but the number of people who are in that scenario that are also Bubsy fans is probably pretty low.

>> No.9845768

I wish more games got the Zool Redimensioned treatment. Proper port with widescreen support and more game modes.

>> No.9845772

Ubisoft sells a version of Rayman 2 on Steam that doesn't fucking work

>> No.9845817

Isn't it just a legacy version though? But yeah, Ubisoft is lazy.

>> No.9845873

I shit you not I bought that day one because I was (actually still am) a huge Bubsy fag. Also got the Woolies Strike Back and played it for about 15 minutes before I got bored. Then I learned the Accolade name was owned by some rando Chinaman company and decided to stop supporting them.

>> No.9845934
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Depends. Shows that there's still interest in the series (worked for SaGa). Maybe if you're streaming on behalf of a corporation. Otherwise no, there isn't an advantage of an official modern re-release over standard piracy. Both would be emulating the game

>> No.9846094

>That good feeling you get

That good feeling you get by paying a group of people who didn't have anything to do with the development of the original Bubsy games money for their hard work of making the games available through some form of half-assed emulation. Just because they owned the rights to the IP. Though now Atari seems to have bought the rights to Bubsy.

>> No.9846325

Other than compatibility, no.

But Steam isn't selling the actual pc port of Bubsy. That's jus thet snes version running on a preset emulator.

>> No.9846328

all those old IPs you wished got a sequel?
they're owned by giant holding companies now
think less Shigeru Miyamoto, more Larry Fink

>> No.9846330

i always found it dumb that the put the snes version of bubsy on steam when there actually was a native pc port from back in the day (with high res graphics too) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xYMTsANw28

>> No.9846338
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My coworkers don't really play retro games, but they have the modern consoles (PS4 and Switch) so modern ports help me to introduce them to some retro games. I bought one of them Pocky and Rocky Reshrined for Christmas since she likes a lot of Japanese games but never got into the older stuff since it's before her time. Personally I'd rather just emulate everything both because it's free and for the authentic experience, but modern ports might be good for those who don't usually play these games or aren't as savvy when it comes to rom sets and emulators.

The guy at GameStop did tell me you apparently have to unlock 2-player mode though which is kind of lame

>> No.9846346

Cloud saves.

>> No.9846358

more options=more better
I fail to see what would be the disadvantage of having a pc port floating around. Especially community driven open source projects.

>> No.9846368

>all those old IPs you wished got a sequel?
>they're owned by giant holding companies now
>think less Shigeru Miyamoto, more Larry Fink

I am for owning games legally, and giving devs/ publishers your money for their work. But there are times when I do root for piracy as well. Especially in a case where the IP's are under some sort of holding company or IP hoarder, who is just trying to make a few bucks off of an old and dead IP, with little effort possible. Bubsy did try to make a comeback with two '2.5D" style platformers. But Bubsy as a whole has never really done that well. The first game was hyped really heavily by gaming magazines back in the day for being the next big mascot platformer that would overtake Sonic. Accolade were banking on the characters' success. But the game was released with middling reviews and, while the first game did sell well. It was still forgotten under many other 'me too' mascot platformers. Bubsy 2 was a dud. Nobody remembers the Atari Jaguar game. Bubsy 3D was one of the earliest 3D platformers released in general. It still came out after Mario 64, Crash and even games like Tomb Raider. It did sell well as a bargain bin title. Bubsy 3D was basically the end of Accolade and the Bubsy 3D franchise. Could Bubsy be rebooted into something better? Who knows with the current Atari inc.

>> No.9846378

looks like the fast food workers are uprising

>> No.9846479

While I prefer to just emulate, I like that companies at least make these games available to purchase. If they're for franchises I like I'll usually pick them up even though I tend to just emulate them either way. I bought the Mega Man Zero and Battle Network collections for example

>> No.9846485

The bubsy collection exists as a gag game for fans of le funny game reviewers to send to each other

>> No.9846512
File: 1.85 MB, 1200x779, 1678336577369582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paraLLEl-RDP is more accurate that Nintendo's official N64 emulation on Switch

>> No.9846817

Don't forget free entertainment, as in if you pay for any kind of corporate entertainment then you should kys.

>> No.9846868

Don't worry, now it seems Bubsy is owned by Atari, who knows if the future of Bubsy gets brighter (although I really doubt it will)

>> No.9846885

>The first game was hyped really heavily by gaming magazines back in the day for being the next big mascot platformer that would overtake Sonic
I remember the hype as a kid and also rented it and played it all weekend. I remember playing and playing and wanting to think it was good, but... it just wasn't

>> No.9846987

Spotted the Nintendo lawyer

>> No.9847276
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Depends upon the game. Sometimes the port is different enough that it can stand on its own with its unique characteristics. This one for example removes the harsh Michael Jackson sounds from the soundtrack.

>> No.9847294

I really wish retro ports always included a rom file, like in that SEGA Mega Drive collection

>> No.9847345

More often these days, the retro ports I'm seeing are just a ROM dump packaged with a barely-functional emulator, where it's usually easier to just rip the ROM file out and plug it into my own emulation setup.

>> No.9847446

If it comes with extra features or graphical enhancements that you cannot get by just using the emulator's features the answer is yes.

Otherwise it's just a way for people too stupid, lazy, or cowardly to learn how to emulate.

>> No.9847965

I bought that Bubsy two-fur pack and don't regret it. Mostly because it was less than a dollar when on sale and I said why the fuck not. I played them for a bit, had a dollar worth of fun even if they're not amazing games but I have nostalgia for them.
If the price is right I don't mind paying a dollar or so for NES/SNES roms. That's the thing, if they want me to paly $30 for a collection of 12 NES/SNES roms, that's too much. The Virtual Console pricing was too much. $1 for 8 bit games, $1.50 for SNES, $2 for N64? I'd buy games I wouldn't care to own otherwise just to have them in my library. We just never had a Steve Jobs of the gaming industry that said "your old games are worth .99 cents, and I will sell them at that price, either that or people will pirate like jobs did with iTunes". Doesn't matter since we're now moving to streaming games so we'll play all these roms in whatever streaming service succeeds in the future, it took years before spotify became a thing with tons of streaming audio services failing before it. Until then, I'll just pirate.