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File: 249 KB, 950x950, 560387-medievil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
984242 No.984242 [Reply] [Original]

Why nobody cares about this game ? It had a great athmosphere and really nice music. It was also a bit easy, sure, but nobody seem to have any sort of nostalgia for it. Why did it fail in the end ? Why people are still obsessed with Banjo and Kazooi and have forgot this ?

>> No.984250

God I loved the shit out of this game when I was a kid. Granted I played the second game first and only a Russian bootleg of the first at my friends house. It was in Black and White for some reason.
I really need to replay them.

>> No.984254

There was a sequel that's fairly sought after so I think it would be considered a success by normal standards.

>> No.984256

>black and white
PAL on an NTSC display

>> No.984258

That may have been it. I'm not too sure. His Playstation was chipped and like I said it was a Russian bootleg, so who knows.

Too bad this game will never get a sequel.

>> No.984260

Yeah, but not on the long term, no one is here to share its nostalgia about it.

>> No.984268

I know what you mean, mate. I rarely see anyone talk about it. I think there may have been a ton of references to vampire/zombie related movies and the like in them too, but I was too young to notice back then.
Also it was pretty fucking funny.

>> No.984296


Underrated masterpiece. Shame we'll never get a proper sequel set in Gallowmere once more.

>> No.984297

Simply because it's just a fun game, but not fantastic. It has it share of flaws.

>> No.984301

It got a sequel, a remake and Dan was in Playstation All Stars. I reckon another game isn't completely impossible

>> No.984310

>a remake
Didn't know about this. Will check it out.
>Playstation All Stars
Yes, the one time I got to play it, I was delighted to see they didn't totally forget about Sir Dan.

>> No.984318


Mate, it was the atmosphere that made it brilliant. The gameplay had flaws yeah, but the set design, the music and the writing were top notch.

>> No.984325
File: 142 KB, 517x359, 1340320682701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way you describe it reminds me of soul reaver

>> No.984328

Well, it certainly has a few things in common with it. But where Soul Reaver is serious and tries to be poetic this is more on the goofy and funny side of things.

>> No.984335


Well they were both pretty gothic but in obviously very different ways.


I have no complaints about the gameplay of soul reaver, but yeah sure otherwise it applies. I am reminiscent of the feel that nobody in real life will ever understand your love for a game series like legacy of kain.

>> No.984339

>nobody in real life will ever understand your love for a game series like legacy of kain
I must be lucky, then. Since all my friends played and loved the shit out of it back then.

>> No.984370
File: 10 KB, 335x310, 1328749844508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are one lucky man, only one other person I know IRL played a LoK game and he has long since grown out of videogames.
Perhaps... I should leave them behind aswell.

>> No.984380

>Perhaps... I should leave them behind aswell
No need to leave something you enjoy behind. Sure, there's a lot of crap being sold as games today and you're older and got more stuff to care about now. This is still no reason to give up games.
Don't worry about this stuff so much and just do whatever you like. It's not childish to enjoy childish things but childish to being afraid of doing something childlike or however that quote goes.

>> No.984395


I am the dude who originally said about having nobody to share the love.

I have over the past few months sold almost all of my old game collection on ebay, as I am a poor mature student and I have a baby on the way. It was hard at first but I realised it really isnt so much of a loss, on the serieses I really loved such as final fantasy and LOK, I can remember everything about entire playthroughs just thinking about it. From that perspective, I have already gained everything I can from experiencing them and no longer have to hoard things just because I really enjoyed them at some stage. It was therapeutic.

>> No.984429

should i play the original or the psp remake?

>> No.985131
File: 75 KB, 640x645, 197893_42486_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is MediEvil II highly sought after? I finished it last week, and it was dissapointing at best, at least in comparison to it's predecessor. The camera, for one, was wretched, and the constant backtracking was maddening (because even the damn level bosses re-spawned!).

>> No.985160

Because a shit ton of better games came out around the same time.

It's a good game, I love it, but it never stood a chance. Had it been released at least 2 years earlier people would be jizzing all over it now.

>> No.985438

>Why people are still obsessed with Banjo and Kazooi and have forgot this ?
Because there are, like, a hundred games worth playing on the playstation and only 20 games worth anything on the n64. Also, apart from the look of it and the music, Medievil was pretty standard fare for action games at the time.

>> No.985450

Oh, hey, I just got this game in the mail a day or two ago! I was gonna start playing it tomorrow.

I heard the remake was actually pretty bad.

>> No.985481
File: 77 KB, 442x450, MediEvil_2_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't even recognise the game due to the cover. Americans get interesting boxart sometimes.

>> No.985483


You don't grow out of fun, anon.

>> No.985520

Well, Banjo Kazooie is more refined.

>> No.985670

the PAL boxart is so fucking cool

>> No.985686

The remake isn't awful, just different. Levels have been redesigned, and it's had a complete graphical overhaul. Some levels are new to the remake, some were removed from the remake, some were lengthened, etc. Worth a play I reckon, though if you're a purist for the first game you'll probably dislike it.

>> No.985714

For the same reason people don't give a shit about Maximo despite the fact it's a great fucking game, both of them are.

The spooky, atmospheric but still childlike halloween environment doesn't sell well, it's a niche thing. I fucking adore it. Ghouls 'n' Ghosts, Medievil, Maximo (Which is a Spiritual Sequel to GnG), Wanpaku Graffiti on the NES, finding games with this art style done well is slightly hard, but when you do, it's fantastically well done and ultra enjoyable.

>> No.986756

That's the cover I've come to know and love.

>> No.986850

People care dude.

Whilst in the pub recently, drinking with my parents and some of their friends, we got talking about video games.
An old friend of my fathers happened to mention that the only game he ever played was MediEvil.
His daughter had it, and he smashed that game.
Multiple playthroughs for this middle aged man.
He claimed that his daughter had lent it to a friend of hers, and he never saw it again.
He was gutted.

He cared about that game OP.
Somewhere in Norfolk, England, a middle aged man named Bob cares about MediEvil.

>> No.986962

God damn it anon. This is why I still come to this place.

>> No.986983

>Why people are still obsessed with Banjo and Kazooi and have forgot this?
Because it's one of these games that sold a lot at their age because of marketing, nice graphics and cool attitude. The fact that games like Tomba and Klonoa which didn't sold at their time as much as Medievil but were more memorable even after the passing of years must say something to you.

>> No.987034
File: 8 KB, 220x165, chicken drumstick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a powerful vidya weapon.

>> No.987779

Do you know that man's birthday? You should buy him a PS1 and a copy of the game.

>> No.987782

what? i've only ever heard people pretend the second doesn't exist.

>> No.987802

For some reason I remember that being the cover even though I am American.

>> No.987815

98 was a busy year.

Sometimes games get lost in the shuffle.

But man, FUCK that level with the deadly water.

>> No.987821

>every level

>> No.987827


That one with the Grim Reaper at the start is worse.

You know the one. Where you have to knock the knights off the edges.

>> No.988650

i actually might.

>> No.988768

Do it, man. Get him the sequel too, in case he doesn't know about it.
That's assuming this doesn't cost one arm and leg now.

>> No.988797

Best game ever, still play ME through sometimes

>> No.989248

Yeah, our cover is much more "Tim Burton quirky grimdark". I toss in more buzzwords, but I'm fresh out

>> No.989265

>baby on the way
>still a student

Enjoy your shitty stressful life and no time to yourself

>> No.989294


Pools of the Ancient Dead was one of my favorite levels in that game.

>Dat tension
>Dat music
>Dat grim backstory of the level

>> No.989702

original, remake fucked up with the camera, combat and gameplay.

>> No.991770
File: 39 KB, 220x250, Danny boy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why nobody cares about this game ?

Me, my dad, his friends and their sons were devoted fanboys who played the shit out of this game back when it first came out. My dad and I were also super obsessed with the sequel when it came out, I think he loved the series more than I did.

You are indeed very lucky, as no one I personally know has heard of Legacy of Kain.

Huh? I fucking LOVED MediEvil 2, and I definitely think it's a worthy sequel to the first game. Sure it had a more grimdark atmosphere compared to the original game but at least it still kept the humour and gothic feel, and it actually felt like MediEvil game, which is more than I can say for REsurrection.

>> No.991875

I never played the first game, but I had the sequel and loved it. What am I missing out on?

>> No.991886

I never played it but when I was out with a couple of friends they dropped a few quotes from it.
It sure ain't forgotten.

>> No.991917


I loved that game. gereat gameplay, atmosphere, music, and everything.

And the PSP remake was even better.

We meed more platformers like this. It's such an under-rated genre.

>> No.992017
File: 115 KB, 810x614, 1374776287307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played through this again recently with some chums. I haven't played the sequel in about 10 years so I'm really looking forward to it whenever I bother picking it up

>> No.992061

Can we all agree that the ant caves are the worst part of the game? Oh and that gay shit before zarok where you need to keep healing the dudes.

>> No.992069

I remember playing it at Best Buy as a kid. Good Memories.

>> No.993168

The sequel was total rubbish

>> No.993296

I'm going to fight you, mate.

>> No.994496

Is the original or psp version better?

>> No.994519

Come and get me, bitch

>> No.994526


That game was so fucking great, but there was some weird glitch or something.
Me and my friend had it, and we even got it from the same place. However, his had one difference.
The spinning scarecrow enemies on the farm level on HIS copy would instantly kill him (and thus use a life bottle) but they would only do moderate damage in my version.

>> No.994527

original by far. psp is plagued with unnecessary changes and dumb additions

>> No.994543

Man, I loved that cover.

>> No.997004

I owned this game, so sad that I couldn't buy Medievil

>> No.997186
File: 1.05 MB, 2480x3507, 1346446825621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I picked up a complete, great condition copy of the sequel just a while back for a mere $12 at a store notorious for overpricing almost anything. That said, I don't know how things are in Europe regarding it, but the sequel at the very least shouldn't cost more than twice that at maximum, depending on how much the seller wants to fuck you over. On that note, I can't find the first game at all locally.

Also, I recall a colored version of this image floating around. Don't suppose anyone might have and be willing to post it?

>> No.998994

Just finished this game about 4 minutes ago. Pretty fuckin' good.

>> No.999053

Anyone ever try beating this game without ever going to the hall of heros?