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/vr/ - Retro Games

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984042 No.984042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What games would you consider to be far ahead of their time and why?

>> No.984160
File: 264 KB, 870x1107, Ultima-underworld-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultima Underworld

But I'm too tired to explain why. Nightie night

>> No.984196

I missed out on UU because of the software limitations. I remember sitting there fucking with it for like 10 minutes and finally realizing that it didn't even have a +moveleft or +moveright command. I just couldn't play it after getting used to WSAD. I mean you could still navigate around with arrow keys or whatever but it was too painful, too slow.

This was back in the 90s. We were some of the earliest adopters of WSAD after the early LAN players noticed that the people destroying people at deathmatch weren't even using the arrow keys. I still don't know who invented WSAD. I used to deathmatch occasionally with Steve something, he's the guy who runs Shacknews now, and the guy who found the war2 lumber bug, Dylan or something, in Austin.

Anyway its a shame because the entire concept is very bards tale, very old school dungeon diving. I loved the metro tunnels in fallout 3, so I really feel like I missed something important.

>> No.984204

oh and to answer OP Ultima 4 (and to a lesser extent 5-7) was monstrously ahead of it's time, and games like Skyrim are just starting (to attempt) to create the narrative unity and exploration of those Ultima games.

>> No.985626
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Psychic Force. Invented bursting, faultless defense, homing dashes, reverse beats, auto-combos and general air-based combat well before Arcsys/Examu popularized such mechanics.

>> No.985631

I'm still bothered that the trend grew around WASD and not ESDF, the latter is a much more logical control layout, especially when you consider that your hand is already at ESDF position for normal typing.

>> No.985650

you can control UU with WASD.

>> No.985658

Sounds like a proto guilty gear. However first auto combos was probably in art of fighting and air based combat in x-men children of the atom

>> No.985672

Trespasser could've been a milestone in game development but unfortunately was rushed and published very rough.

The graphics were pretty amazing for it's time and the game world was huge for a fps.
The noodle arm and physics were nothing short of revolutionary even if they didn't work that well.
Only a few games tried similar controls and failed.
Physics also only cought on much later.

It's a flawed game but still very playable and quite atmospheric.
It was THE major inspiration for the Far Cry series.
System Shock is a great game that is held back by graphical limitations and awkward controls.

It would've been way more atmospheric with actual 3d graphics and proper light and shadow effects.

>> No.985676
File: 176 KB, 1366x768, strife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strife is pretty damn impressive for 1996. Had actual good voice acting for most if not all major characters and even some minor ones. Your choices affected both gameplay and story, and there were often great rewards for exploring areas fully.

Also, it has the best "end conversation" dialog choice ever.

>> No.986239

I am still impressed by the game's voice acting, especially when you consider that it came out smack-dab in the beginning of all the really shitty 'game acting' stuff like Resident Evil.

I imagine that Perfect Dark is also really ahead of its time, mostly with Counter-Op in mind. The face mapping stuff would have also been amazing if it had been finished, as I don't think I've ever seen a game let players put their real face directly onto a character.

>> No.986380

>Same exact thing, just displaced one degree to the right.
>much more logical

It's more logical if you're hardcore OCD. For the rest of us, it is the definition of a non-issue.

>> No.986389

Custer's Revenge. One of the first ever porn games.

>> No.986508

The original System Shock. Revolutionary ideas, but the hardware of the era wasn't yet ready for it.

>> No.986526

Space Harrier
Daytona USA
I Robot

Some of my favorites. If you don't know them, just look at them on youtube and compare to other games of the year of release.

>> No.986543

Vinnie Vole's Existential Nightmare.

>> No.986589

Not /vr/ but shenmue.

Even today, no game has been that immersive. We're talking about "sandbox game" and "GTA-like" but even skyrim doesn't come close to Shenmue.

>> No.986602

Give it the Malba Tahan mouselook mod and it'll be just fine. With the mouselook mod, you can really appreciate how much more complex and "advanced" it is than pretty much any modern game.

>> No.986604

like half of sega's 1st party games when they were still in the hardware business

>> No.986632


> I, Robot
This. That 3d in the arcade blew away so many people, I'm still surprised it's not held in higher regard

>> No.986662

This art is awasome. May I know it's source?

>> No.986664
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Fucking A

>> No.986687


"Do you know where I can find sailors?"

>> No.986724
File: 64 KB, 256x323, Daggerfall_Cover_art.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong for me to say Daggerfall was this to me? I have yet seen a game where they presented many cities at are a size of actual cities, a landscape (despite being barren or abandon) that connect these said cities, and how they have quests that influence the faction it held or against. This does not include the customization of its character sheet or how open the main quest were and how you can literally fail it.

>> No.986726

Not him, but with ESDF you can use the Q A and Z keys with you pinky finger.

>> No.986996
File: 122 KB, 640x480, Cistern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomb Raider
Cinematic story and presentation, an isolated and lonely atmosphere, a variety of massive 3d levels, combining horizontal, vertical, and underwater traversal, basic puzzles, and combat.
For a 96 release, it had more impact on shaping the progression of 3d gaming, than SM64 did.

It's a shame Eidos whored out Lara's image outside of the games for adverts and publicity. It lead to more exposure and commercial success, but became her legacy, despite being totally at odds to the ingame mood and character.

>> No.987397


When Morrowind came out I was like "You call these cities?!? WTF?!?!"

If a game came out today that had the graphics of Skyrim and the world of Daggerfall, bricks would be shat by everyone.

>> No.987403

I was blown away by the scale and freedom of Daggerfall on my friend's computer, but it's kinda sad that it was more "ahead of its time" in the sense that it was overambitious for the technology and ability to pull it off. Still cool though.

>> No.987430

Seconding this

>> No.987470
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I prefer Astra Superstars

>> No.987480

This this this this this, my girlfriend likes skyrim I told her about daggerfall but she just doesn't understand.

>> No.987569

If you need to move your hands, even if it's from ASD to SDF, then you are wasting time. Enjoy your pointless inefficiency.

>> No.987628

It's funny because Skyrim doesn't even have very good of graphics, even the UV work is bad. I would like to see another daggerfall-scaled game, especially now that we have better technology.

>> No.987691

>Skyrim doesn't even have very good of graphics

This is one of the things that annoyed me the most. Not a TES fan in the slightest, but if there's one thing to be said about all of Skyrim's predecessors is that they pushed the sense of graphics+scope up the wazoo. Skyrim is the first to make you go "meh, its alrite".

>> No.987735

>I, Robot designer also made Missile Command and Tempest
>hasn't made a game since
>tfw when games today are headed by wannabe movie directors

>> No.987829

And how many FPS games require you to use the Z key? Q can already be pressed by the tip of your ring finger and the pinky can use shift and ctrl. Even in older games the Z key was not used much unless it was to toggle something like crouch. Only games I can even think that really used it movement wise were Thief and System Shock.

>> No.987873


>pointless inefficiency
>using a QWERTY layout that is literally specifically designed to be as inefficient as possible

I don't think you have an argument anymore, fellow time waster.

>> No.988660
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>> No.988794

No. The full controls are:
W - Run forward
A - Turn Left
S - Walk Forward
D - Turn Right
Z - Strafe Left
X - Walk Backward
C - Strafe Right
J - Jump
Q - Fly Downward
E - Fly Upward
Hold Shift to move faster and make standing forward jumps
1 - Look down
2 - Center View
3- Look Up

You can of course change the keymap when using DOSBox since text input is rare