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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9838979 No.9838979 [Reply] [Original]

Who touched Sasha?

>> No.9838987

Engie probably.

>> No.9839062

me :)

>> No.9839073

>Natascha is not retro because she is from a 2008 update

>> No.9839097

Now hold your horses, bucko.

>> No.9839142

It's a 2007 game, so all good

>> No.9839250 [DELETED] 

that would make the ps3 retro

>> No.9839268 [DELETED] 

>Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007

it would be if there was ever another rule change, so hopefully it will stay that way forever

>> No.9839275 [DELETED] 

I'm not gonna say it, but I'm thinking it

>> No.9840269


>> No.9840825 [DELETED] 

They really should add that the game should also no longer be updated.

>> No.9840828 [DELETED] 

>UnReal World becomes not retro despite being a 1992 game

>> No.9842263 [DELETED] 

rip in peace /vr/ct general

>> No.9842550 [DELETED] 

Why don't you retards read the rules? Legitimate question. How many of you fucks post on here and have no idea what's retro or not?

>> No.9842610 [DELETED] 

You tell me

>> No.9843128 [DELETED] 


>> No.9843143

>still updated
If you bother them enough they might fix a bug or make some fan-made stuff official. That's about it, though.

>> No.9843331

They still didn't deliver the Heavy Update even after 10 years…

>> No.9843389

Pretty awful how valve abandoned development or even a proper maintenance team. It’s just one person pushing localization files vs. a horde of angry virgin bot owners mad that they were pub stomped by a spy once.
Could’ve been going on for another 50 years, everyone loves TF2.

>> No.9844878 [DELETED] 

> Quake is no longer retro

Shut the fuck up

>> No.9845954

Sasha was touched by known scammers.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

>> No.9846023 [DELETED] 

Relax Anon, everyone knows Quake "Enhanced" =/= Quake.

>> No.9846024
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I wish Sasha touched me
And who cares if its "properly retro" its one of the poster boys for the good ole days of pc multiplayer before the zoomer apocalypse

>> No.9846146

Sasha is the stock minigun.

>> No.9846314

It breaks my heart. It's only three years younger than World of Warcraft and has already practically been abandoned by its publisher.

>> No.9846350

I pretty much only play TF2 Classic now since it's the closest to an "old school" TF2 experience while having new shit that feels like it still fits. Too bad a lot of the people who play it are complete degenerates.

>> No.9846362

is the 360 orangebox releaase the only way to play real tf2 anymore
why did valve downgrade the graphics on pc

>> No.9846363

you guys realize you can still play TF2
like, right now

I can't believe /vr/ of all places is bemoaning that a game isn't still getting updated

>> No.9846365

Nah not really mate

>> No.9846517
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Try PreFortress, shit's kino

>> No.9846643
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Weighs kilograms
Fires cartridges
Costs dollars

>> No.9847131

TF2 circa 2023 is not TF2 any more than WoW Dragonforce whatever its called is Classic WoW

>> No.9847156 [DELETED] 

Not retro fuck off

>> No.9847187

What was its last major update?

>> No.9847194 [DELETED] 

read the sticky newfren

>> No.9847393

I assume it's one of the documentary team members, as RED mercenaries wouldn't be so stupid (which is saying something) and the perimeter alarm isn't going off.

>> No.9847473
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>broke the 2007 servers to try and make them more appealing to the tryhard pyro mains that dominate the community
>now the servers are still dead but now barely even classic anymore

>> No.9847789
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Yeah I went on there and there were "friendlies" on the only server with people. Not impressed.

>> No.9849267

so kill them retard

>> No.9849275

For me it's Team Fortress Classic

>> No.9849737

TF2 still lives on within a few long-running community servers, essentially gated communities

>> No.9850437

You're sort off right.
The only untouched version of TF2 is the Orange box one on the 360.

>> No.9850484

Just go on Uncletopia

>> No.9850582

Jungle Inferno back in 2017
it hurts

>> No.9850587

>RED mercenaries wouldn't be so stupid
For the most part, yes, but I could easily see Scout doing it anyway just to be a prick.

>> No.9850621

How so?

>> No.9851032
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I did, there was nothing else to do.

>> No.9851480


>> No.9851551
File: 2 KB, 113x125, BUILDIN A SENTRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless I'm misreading this, TF2's player count levels is still quite high compared to 10 years ago. yet Valve has given up - no major update, bots are still there, there was a Trojan affecting sprays so they removed them and they are still removed.

>> No.9851582
File: 119 KB, 1000x1043, fuck lads i'm rumbled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Righteous Bison still fucked
It's always been a slightly shitty weapon, but at least it was fun and had SOME use to it back when it was first added. Now it's really shit. At least the Cow Mangler is pretty good, I stubbornly used that thing even during the period when it was nerfed into the dirt.
I have no idea what the fuck can be done with the Pomson to make it better but holy shit that thing is trash too.

>> No.9851612

I refuse to admit that TF2 is retro. No fucking way.

I don't even know why they nerfed it in the first place. It was always mediocre and gimmicky compared to shotgun and funboats.

>> No.9851749

Then how come people say TF2 is dead?

>> No.9851750

I don't get a lot of the "balance" changes they did. Shit like the Sandman and Caber make sense because, no matter how fun you think they were to use, nobody fucking likes being stunned for ten seconds or suicide meleed every time. But now you have all of these weapons that aren't viable competitively or seriously, and they're also no longer fun to just fuck around with.

Thankfully they haven't fucked up my Beggar's Bazooka.

>> No.9851754

I thought the caber was fun but now it's nerfed to the point of uselessness. Though it's one of those weapons were no one is going to be happy about.
The other weird choice was giving the shortstop an altfire shove attack for some reason.

>> No.9851804

that's awful

>> No.9852431
File: 28 KB, 864x750, 1391712942531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone always talks about how old TF2 was way better
>not a single server tries to emulate old TF2
>all of the """throwback""" mods are filled with OC garbage and modern balance changes
>the few mods that actually try to be classic TF2 are genuine ghost towns
Maybe old TF2 wasn't that great if clearly nobody wants to play it

>> No.9853146

NEVER, for the rest of my days, will I forgive Valve for what they did to the Panic Attack. They took a genuinely fun & wacky weapon in a fun & wacky FPS, & at the behest of insufferable, braindead, limp-dicked, dildo-riding, low IQ, ESports faggots who think they speak for the entire community when they're really only like 5% AT BEST, & what did they do with it? They stripped it of its pre-loading gimmick entirely, thus just making it A TOTALLY WORSE VERSION OF THE STOCK SHOTGUN, because the ESports faggots complained that the original "wasn't consistent enough" WHEN NONE OF THEM EVER EVEN FUCKING BOTHERED TO USE IT ANYWAY

>> No.9853350
File: 116 KB, 506x1274, dildo chocking faggot suffers a panic attack after mom's hard coc cums inside his urethra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually sympathize with you, but your tirade about dumb Esports nerds reminded me of this.

>> No.9853381

>gated communities
I feel like a lot of the internet is turning into gated communities nowadays.

>> No.9853686


Either scout, soldier, or engie.

Scout likes to pester heavy and probably wanted to feel cool holding Sasha.

Soldier might have just been curious.

Engie would have been purely curious about sashas specs.

None of the others would have an interest in miniguns.

>> No.9854000

we're allowed to discuss romhacks and apparently SIGIL which was 2019 released

>> No.9854086

Medic literally has an injection minigun

>> No.9854357

Old school means degenerates are as free to roam as xXxn1gg3rkill3rxXx is

>> No.9854376
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*overheals everyone in the thread*

>> No.9854396

Thanks Doc

>> No.9854453

where are the jannies when you need them?

>> No.9854460

the official servers are fucked by bots
>omg just play community servers why are you complaining
because I don't want to play with furries.

>> No.9854482

>i don't want to play with the furries on community servers, i want to play with the mexican children in casual

>> No.9854859


>> No.9854872


>> No.9855151


>> No.9855536

It IS retro, retard

>> No.9856194

if a game is played by kids on a daily basis then it's not retro
in fact, no mupltiplayer game that is well and alive is retro

>> No.9856258

probably scout, trying to see if he could lift it and pretend to be heavy weapons guy by talking in american russian accent and making minigun sounds with his mouth while shooting at imaginary enemies

>> No.9856260

>look at me babushka, i am tough guy *brrrrrrrt*

>> No.9856820

This is XB360/PS3 game.

>> No.9856959
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It was MEH

>> No.9857240
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Fuck off and help the heavy push the point. Fucking medic mains and target priority

>> No.9857241

All I am reading here is the names of 2 retro consoles

>> No.9857285

skill issue

>> No.9857287

Its so weird that this game is technically retro. This and Oblivion still throw me off when I see them posted here.

>> No.9857457

tf2 lost
trans won

>> No.9857497

and PC you stupid fuckwit

maybe you should stop using that arbitrary word then

>> No.9857531

Same honestly. I still play normal TF2 from time to time but if there's servers on the TF2C or PF2 are full of people then I'm definitely gonna hop in. You kind of have to put up with the mental illness though. You come across furries, trannies, and other kinds of crap but the freedom to dominate and make fun of them without being banned makes it worth it. PF2 is probably my favorite due to it being so radically different from TF2 while still keeping the same feeling and borrowing a lot from TFC.
I've yet to see any friendlies in either mod.

>> No.9857561

Old sandman was over-hated by comp nerds. The stun was reliant on distance traveled so the scout would have to hit you from pretty far away to get a full stun which was well deserved imo. If he hit you up close you weren't even stunned for a fraction of a sec. Now was it bullshit that you could stun uber charges? Hell yes. Was the sandman-guillotine combo a little bullshit? Perhaps. But that didn't mean that Valve had to completely nerf one of Scout's most iconic weapons into being absolutely useless.

>> No.9858024

What was the last weapon added?

>> No.9858924
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How stop new behind?
Don't work?
More gun.

>> No.9859643

bump for >>9858024

>> No.9859867

They were released as a batch.

Thermal thruster, Gas Passer, Hot Hand, and Dragon's Fury for Pyro

Secind Banana for Heavy.

>> No.9860049

i pretty much gave up on TF2 when playing the game as a multiplayer shooter like it was intended was considered "tryhard behavior" by people in the community but i still wanted to give TF2 classic a chance.

if i don't want to play with degenerates does the game have bot play?

>> No.9860131

my problem with the sandman was how you couldn't double jump with it on your kit which i felt crippled some of the scout's maneuverability.

that said it is sad that the only good scout weapon from that update got nerfed. bonk felt too situational and it always felt like it took more than two shots to kill anyone with the force a nature.

the problem is that people want to play a "vanilla" TF2 but still have all the content (i.e. weapons, maps, modes and especially cosmetics) from the newer updates especially when they get bored of the vanilla content.

every multiplayer game with a community nostalgic for the "old days" (halo 2, WoW, overwatch, etc.) is like that.

>> No.9860237

Valve board, zoomies
This website always preferred valve shit over id, bungie or 3d realms shit.
Get over it.

>> No.9860745

Tell me about Artifact, Underlords and Alien Swarm then

>> No.9860897

I can still find active servers for Halo 2 and WoW that are truly the classic versions though unlike TF2 where the only options you have are all ghosttowns

>> No.9860907

Team Fortress 2 and Half Life 1 are the only good Valve games

>> No.9860958

>halo 2
maybe all the halo 2 players are on the vista version or are sitting in custom games then because it feels like nobody plays halo 2 on the MCC matchmaking but they do seem to play halo 3 the most.

i'm actually kinda curious to what the general player pop for WoW is on private servers vs retail & classic (and to some extent what it would take to set a private server up). i know they can't be too big without blizzard shutting them down.

as for WoW classic i don't believe for a second that they're going to stop at wrath. there is nothing that can convince me otherwise.

>> No.9862143

why does comp decide the game? and why does 'competitive tf2' just like four guys and they dont even use different classes? this reflects the game even less than comp melee does

>> No.9862145

>requires steam
Fucking bootlickers

>> No.9862149

In the real world, TF2 on 360 have worse graphics, the number of players is very limited, can be only played with a controler, and most importantly, nobody at all play it. And since it's a multiplayer game, YES, that's a big problem.
>those are bots. They only play engies.

>> No.9862154

>every multiplayer game with a community nostalgic for the "old days" (halo 2, WoW, overwatch, etc.) is like that.
holy fuck this.
It remind me what TotalBiscuit said about ArenaFPS. It's not that you miss them, it's that you don't fucking play them.

>> No.9862156
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x1080, tf2 2008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone who wants to play old tf2 without playing the orange box version then search for TF2 and you will find a github download link. Its not exactly 2007 TF2 since its a 2008 build with cp_badlands and no payload or koth but its close enough. Sadly there is only one server run by that diaperfag Aar.

>> No.9862174

but i do want to play them. why are you accusing me specifically?

>> No.9862183

You snobbed Quake Chamions, UT4, and all the others.

>> No.9862196 [DELETED] 

buddy im just trying to play tf2 without having to go to steam

>> No.9862203
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>im just trying to play tf2 without having to go to steam

>> No.9862206

They ruined the game why I gotta pay attention to them? I just wanna get on that classic ish

>> No.9862234

>xbox 360 is now "retro"
this board is truly shit

>> No.9862254

Meet your match was the worst idea ever

>> No.9862408


>> No.9862708

>my problem with the sandman was how you couldn't double jump with it on your kit which i felt crippled some of the scout's maneuverability.
I think they removed that attribute before the end of 2009 and replaced it with the -15 max health penalty. The weapon was really controversial at launch but Valve ironed out most of the bullshit that year until compfags whined for no reason in 2017 and got it nerfed into complete uselessness.

>> No.9862830

despite people claiming that every shooter from 7th gen onward tried to copy halo or CoD there have been several arena FPSes that have come & gone over the past 23 years (including a few unreal & quake sequels) but all of them were scoffed at by the very market clamoring for them to come back.

the sad part is that despite all the romanticism arena shooters are pretty easy to pick up & play. arguably more so than your typical modern multiplayer shooter. but at the end of the day those people just want a time machine to go back to a time when they can pubstomp casuals without a fear of getting stomped themselves.

>> No.9862860

meant for >>9862174

>> No.9862869

I touched Sasha and she loved it.

>> No.9862898

Quite the opposite. Medictroons are known for pocketing the nolife tryhard topscoring and ignoring everyone else.

>> No.9864329

Tasted her cherry chapstick?

>> No.9864336

What do you guys think about the mod TF2 Classic? Is it good?

>> No.9864349

Play FF instead

>> No.9864392
File: 11 KB, 191x183, Boardroom-Meeting-Suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolno shit's dead
Quality and polished but ultimately boring. 2007 purists hate it for arbitrary reasons despite being able to turn off all the new stuff and only need to add one mod to make it look like the OG TF2. I just don't care too much for it because compared to Pre Fortress and Open Fortress it doesn't do anything interesting apart from 4-team at this point. Every other mod has a Civilian and Hunted, including TF2 with vscript Hunted. TF2C is just TF2 again. It's fine and still fun, just kind of underwhelming. TF2C was a pioneer in TF2 sourcemodding, I like PF2 more at this point desu, shakes up the gameplay enough to keep it fresh

>> No.9865368

In this case, QWTF is the best alternative

>> No.9865460

I've seen a lot of people mention Prefortress. What does it do better than TF2C exactly? I've played a lot of TF2C but haven't touched any of the other mods

>> No.9865678

Its like a hybrid between TF2 and TFC, loosely based off the beta footage we saw in 2006. There's some differences in the classes, like scout has a nail gun instead of a pistol, medic has an SMG, and Pyro can't airblast but alt-fire launches incendiary rockets, and a few other things. But the biggest difference is all classes have grenades giving them all kinds of new mobility and offensive options. Oh, and you have armor to manage on top of your health. The new maps are actually pretty fun too. It's different enough from TF2 to make it feel like a whole new experience, but it still feels like TF2.

>> No.9865690

I enjoy it more than normal TF2 simply because it runs 1000% better, there's no matchmaking so rounds aren't steam rolls 90% of the time, and it all runs on community servers. I can tolerate normal TF2 for maybe an hour or two at a time, while I can get hooked on TF2C for an entire day. Really feels like you're living through TF2's golden era again when playing instead of the buggy, bot-ridden, matchmaking shitfest that the game has become.

>> No.9865712
File: 66 KB, 640x480, tf1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, sadly it's dead too. All that's left that doesn't require coordination from a discord is CustomTF For the People. FortressOne kicked the bucket for better or worse, I hate the celshading and darkplaces textures in it

>> No.9865764

You could try TF2Vintage if you're that anal abour retarded shit like that

>> No.9865893

>Unless I'm misreading this
apparently a huge amount of that is bots

>> No.9865924

They broke a ton of shit in the game and then just left it.

>> No.9865925

nta but note that bots includes trade bots which idle in tf2 to sort their inventories following a trade
source: i have one of my own

>> No.9865930

I thought the TF2 economy was dead?

>> No.9865997

Such as?

>> No.9866004

Not really, far from it. Backpack.tf is very much alive

>> No.9866025

I thought there was more shit they changed in that patch in particular but I guess some of it was done in smaller patches later. Bascally they rebalanced a ton of the items in the game which made weapons like the bison and ambassador downgrades, while stuff like pbpp and snipers darwins got huge buffs. There's a reason snipers curb stomp the entire game now.

>> No.9866076

>TF2C is just TF2 again
And it's exactly what I wanted. Just TF2 again before tons of cosmetics, chaotic weapons and 24/7 Skial 2fort Orange 10x servers. It's like TF2 when it was fun.

>> No.9866112
File: 29 KB, 600x320, cross210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orange 10x servers
Orange maps were great before every single server became low grave 100% crits. And now these days they're just 10x shit.

>> No.9866216
File: 49 KB, 800x800, w2qO1Pu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine, nothing wrong with that. Me personally I just want something that shakes it up a little bit since I've been playing TF2 for 13 years now. There is definitely something to be said for barebones TF2 coupled with TF2C's level of polish. It's certainly good.

>> No.9866220

What's the name of that particular Orange? I'll add it to my servers

>> No.9866224

I really like it; I switched from the vanilla game over to TF2C and I'm not looking back for now. Fight or Flight's been a fun release.

>> No.9866228

So they more or less merged the flamethrower and flare gun into one weapon? Interesting approach.

>> No.9866270
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, orange citadel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One I really want to play again is orange_citadel but I could only dig up a very very early version of it that is just a flat open field.

>> No.9866443

multiple versions of it here

>> No.9866501

Thanks for sharing. I had all those versions except heights which was really weird. There was a version of citadel that had a ton of catwalks, tons of bridges between the buildings and a ton of verticality to it. It was really popular back in the day but has since disappeared. I saw 1 version on tf2maps.net but the download link was dead and another version, cp_orange_citadel_tbr, on some clans website but that clan's site is gone. I can't even find the tf2maps forum post anymore.

>> No.9866505

Screenshot says it's the TBR version.

>> No.9866635

spy is not garbage but he also can't teleport behind enemies using grenades

>> No.9868505


>> No.9868636 [DELETED] 

>I refuse to admit that TF2 is retro. No fucking way.

honestly yeah anything that was released in HD being considered retro is just weird. like technically Portal is also retro by board rules, as is Oblivion. But then Super Mario Galaxy and Rock Band aren't despite being released in the same year, just because they came out for 6th gen consoles instead of for PC.

>> No.9868845 [DELETED] 

Steam itself is also retro…

>> No.9869065 [DELETED] 

well, you retards jumped up and down and kicked and screamed and bitched until they implemented a rule to make newer and newer games "retro" every year, and now your shit board is slowly turning into /v/ 2. pretty soon we're going to need to split into /vrr/ - videogames (REALLY retro) and /vr/ - videogames ("""""retro"""""").

>> No.9869069 [DELETED] 

>you retards jumped up and down and kicked and screamed and bitched until they implemented a rule to make newer and newer games "retro" every year
Nobody wanted that rule change. The jannies just arbitrarily decided to update it. Everyone was pissed and we even got raided by /v/ to rub the salt in. Most people just flat out left.

>> No.9869092 [DELETED] 

Why do you fags defend half life, cs, goldeneye, halo, fear, tf2 and serious sam when rpgcodex rightfully hates them?
i thought this was the retro board.

>> No.9869095 [DELETED] 

>Nobody wanted that rule change
there were threads about it on the fuckin daily before it was implemented and eventually jannies got tired of having to delete it.

>> No.9869097 [DELETED] 

No there fucking weren't you revisionist faggot.

>> No.9869098 [DELETED] 

oh i know this one i know this one!
it's because everybody who posts on codex is a subhuman and they should all fucking kill themselves!

>> No.9869106 [DELETED] 

filtered by oldfag forums and internet

>> No.9869110 [DELETED] 

yes, there were. the argument was always "it's basically just a portable snes! there's so many snes ports! it's the last truly retro console! muh pixels! muh resolution!"
just because you forgot doesn't mean it didn't happen.

>> No.9869112 [DELETED] 

Why does the codex cause so much seething? There use to be an anon on here who would chronically post in every thread about how JRPGs aren't based on Wizardry and the codex made that up about them.

>> No.9869113 [DELETED] 

>just because you forgot doesn't mean it didn't happen.
It not being in any of the various archive sites also doesn't mean it didn't happen. It was real in my mind!

>> No.9869114 [DELETED] 

they have good taste unlike this place

>> No.9869124

It's honestly more fun than regular TF2 at this point, to me at least. It also legitimately looks and runs a little better than the actual game. There's been at least one full server every time I've played it.

>> No.9869126 [DELETED] 

of all the things to larp as i have no idea why you chose "oldfag on /vr/" but i'll let you keep imagining things i guess

>> No.9869130 [DELETED] 

>Can't dig up an archive
I was at least expecting you to find like 2-3 one-off posts and claim that was the whole board, but you aren't even going to try because you know you're full of shit lmao.

>> No.9869137 [DELETED] 

I've seen this exact post you're replying to in another thread, so I'm guessing the rpgcodex guy is a schizo and should be ignored.

>> No.9869151 [DELETED] 

oh god he's doing it on /v/ too what the fuck

>> No.9869180 [DELETED] 

Go back.

>> No.9869184

I'd like to think the item economy's fucked all that up. Valve's probably too scared to throw the whole thing at a third-party because mismanagement in the wrong place could become a colossal legal disaster. They could just pass off the gameplay portion and keep handling cosmetic updates themselves, but that probably still takes more organized effort than Valve wants to give.

Shit sucks, more at 11.

>> No.9869187

Did they ever drop that holiday-sized update?

>> No.9869195

>suicide melee'd by demo (caber) bad
>suicide melee'd by soldier (market gardener) good
I don't get you retards, the weapon was fine as is but the retarded TF2 community had to shit their pants on nothing, yet ironically they never complain about the sudden 195 damage people recieve from trolldiers (or rocket jumping soldiers in general). Fucking hypocrites the lot of you.
Also the guillotine shouldn't have been nerfed when the sandman was, the combo could've still worked without the stun judging by how it still worked with the natasha's slowdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_PdGgzXCgg

>> No.9869216

I don't even think it was the TF2 community just Valve doing shit in their own bubble. Nobody complained about the ambassador and then it got massacred. Then the community retroactively defended Valve for it. The logic makes no fucking sense because "Spy shouldn't have long ranged ability" yet sniper can quickscope at point blank range and 1-shot most of the classes, and also has a jarate/machete combo that 1-shots everyone. There's basically nothing you can do about snipers that park their ass on a sentry besides pick another sniper. Even suppressing them with flares doesn't work because they'll just slap on darwins.

>> No.9869235

I was putting the blame on the community because in earlier TF2 threads i thought it was the compfags that caused this but then had anons say "No, it is the community's fault", and now i hear that it's just Valve's. At this point i don't even know who's to blame for all the garbage TF2 got since 2015.

>> No.9869242

I put the blame on Valve. I don't even think they listened to the comp autists when they tried doing their rebalancing. They just did their own fucking thing and hoped it'd be the next CS:GO, then when it failed they dropped it.

>> No.9869259

I also don't get what's with Valve and not reverting changes. When they fuck up something, they double down and make something shittier (i still won't forget what they did to the poor Loch n Load, first with the needless clip buff and then with the horrible "damage bonus on buildings" nerf), only time they actually reverted something was with the Claidheamh Mòr and Bison (even if not fully for the latter).

>> No.9869404

They said it was coming in Summer, I believe?
Honestly I'm not expecting anything good, but maybe they'll surprise me.

>> No.9869418 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is rpgcodex, some youtuber?

>> No.9869423

Wait are you telling me the last time they did something to add to the game was on its 10-year anniversary?

>> No.9869434

Check my post again. I specifically said "I thought the caber was fun" I never had any problems with it.

>> No.9869438

At this point, all I want is the last comic so I can get some dang closure.

>> No.9869484

Same here. I honestly wouldn't be nearly as bummed about the state of the game if I hadn't been left hanging with the comic for so long.

>> No.9869497

You're never getting that comic.

>> No.9869505

Fun enough if you mute voice chat. I don't really understand the logic behind making a "classic" version of something, and still adding in new fan made weapons. The lack of cosmetics is nice though

>> No.9869565

I know that. I'm just saying.

>> No.9870321

I think you can disable that stuff and get a vanilla classic experience. Haven't played it.

>> No.9871428

mostly because people still want the new stuff but in a vanilla/classic environment as i said here >>9860131 there isn't enough vanilla content in launch TF2 to keep people interested.

it's why blizzard will not stop at wrath for WoW classic and it's why the MCC still gets new content updates.

>> No.9871491
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You can. I've tried hosting servers for 2007-style gameplay (6 launch maps, no airblast, old pistol, no haul, no gun mettle rebalances, stock only etc), but nobody wants to play it. Even the most die-hard contrarians of the "launch TF2 was best" crowd refuse because then they'll move the goalpost and say "It's not classic ENOUGH" and will cross their arms and pout before actually connecting to it, and continue bitching about there being no way to relive that era when it's presented to them on a golden platter. Pic fucking related.
In addition, people not of that crowd don't care and are often confused when connecting to a 2007 style server, asking "where are my weapons? why cant i move dispenser :d this sux lets switch servers" etc.
The REASON TF2C adds new stuff is because TF2 players are largely shortsighted children with dogshit attention spans who only care about new shiny weapons and gamemodes presented through 3day blogposts full of sfm render eyecandy and "hype" which is why TF2C adopted that formula while still offering (on deaf ears) the classic settings for those who want it.
On a similar note I notice to this day people claim Civilian and 4-team are OC donut steel additions which are blatantly wrong since both were present and frequent in QWTF and TFC, meaning anyone who says such clearly doesn't know their history with the TF series.

>> No.9871507
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>> No.9871556

You can only play the same game so many times before it gets boring. Old TF2 had a ton of custom map variety and was still new to everyone. It's no wonder all the tryhards in Uncletopia are troons. They're basically speedrunners for TF2. I'd go fucking insane too if I played nothing but the same game and the same maps over and over again for years on end.

>> No.9871636

>it's why the MCC still gets new content updates
They haven't added anything gameplay altering to the classic halo games. I think 3 got a new map or two a while ago, that's about it

>> No.9871996

I don't think even the most hardcore purists genuinely want to play only the 6 garbage maps from launch and nothing else.

>> No.9872013

The era people usually mean by "classic" is before Valve started adding community items in 2010, not launch

>> No.9872020

Nobody has a definitive take on what "classic" TF2 is and its why the community is too split to actually make it happen

>> No.9872025

I'd cut it off at the Engineer update, personally. Then every class has options, but without getting into the mess of the Mannconomy items and beyond.

>> No.9872251

Bump for answering >>9869423

>> No.9872547


>> No.9872750

>I think 3 got a new map or two a while ago, that's about it

3 got some maps from halo online and new cosmetics along with new skulls while ODST got hostile elites & flood as options for firefight also you can use 3 weapons in ODST's firefight and ODST weapons in 3's multiplayer now. 3 is the one that gets the most attention out of the collection but every other game has gotten new cosmetics & skulls while everything has mod support now and there was supposedly talk of adding bot play after it got leaked that the dev build of the MCC uses them for testing which wouldn't be too hard since they added it into infinite. also i think there's still some maps from halo online missing.

>> No.9872779

my cutoff would be before the class specific updates but keep the new maps, modes and seasonal events they've added over the years. that way you can have a vanilla experience with no cosmetics while still having more than enough content to play around with. i'd also add VIP & TDM to the mix too.

>> No.9873831


>> No.9873893

They kind of ignored the 10 year Anniversary. Jungle Inferno, the last major TF2 update, was just the long awated Pyro update that the players voted for when MyM launched in 2016. It came out around the time of the 10 year anniversary but it wasn't in celebration of it. We also got a somewhat major update in March 2018 that "fixed" the problems with matchmaking that was supposed to ship with Jungle Inferno but couldn't because of time constraints or something. Matchmaking still sucks though lol

>> No.9873947

I don't know why you'd even fucking WANT a "vanilla experience". Most of the early weapon additions were outright balance fixes for shitty classes.
>Medic has such shitty survival that nobody wants to play as him, so the Blutsauger was added
>Pyro was an outright joke class, so Airblast, Axtinguisher, and Flare Gun were added to make him less useless
>Heavy is COMPLETELY at the mercy of Medics and Dispensors to accomplish anything, so Sandvich is added to let him recover health between fights if they're dead
There's a reason those three had weapons that were basically straight upgrades, while later updates focused more on gimmicky sidegrades.

>> No.9874461


>> No.9875094

i'm honestly fine with new content but you probably shouldn't be advertising yourself as being "classic" when you're adding in stuff not included in vanilla that affects gameplay like weapons & gear.

keeping the maps, events & modes are a reasonable compromise given how light on content TF2 was at launch.

>On a similar note I notice to this day people claim Civilian and 4-team are OC donut steel additions which are blatantly wrong since both were present and frequent in QWTF and TFC, meaning anyone who says such clearly doesn't know their history with the TF series.
i know VIP from my TFC & CS days but i don't remember 4 teams. was that more of a quake thing?

>> No.9875156
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QWTF and TFC had 4 teams, which could be enabled at the will of a mapper, or interchanged with others if I recall. Hunted and the HLDM and DMC maps (which are fully functional in TFC) are the only Valve maps to utilize them (Hunted uses Yellow for Assassins), but many maps use them for other things, usually team deathmatch, but four-team CTF is common as well.

>> No.9875338

Does anyone know why Valve loves the Sniper so fucking much? Every item that marginally impacts sniper gets nerfed. They even nerfed the caber into the ground to the point it's barely functional, because you could shield trimp or stickyjumper to 1-shot snipers.

>> No.9876037

I thought Yellow and Green teams got leaked recently by TF2 dataminers?

>> No.9877570


>> No.9877939

Is this true?