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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9838709 No.9838709 [Reply] [Original]

*is absolutely timeless in your path*

>> No.9838738
File: 123 KB, 910x910, C0521AAE-A6AB-41BD-B4B8-89029E33DE22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah! The first Jak and Daxter game is absolute platforming perfection; it confuses me to no end why so many people dickride Super Mario 64 when this game is the zenith of platformers.
Jak II is pretty dookie though. Too edgy and the open world is gay.

>> No.9838740

yeah, games were better before the edge, doesn't excuse it but that was the times it felt like

>> No.9838767

opening up this board to 6th genny newfags was mistake

>> No.9838815

ive been here for 15 years bud

>> No.9838873

/vr/ hasn't been open for that long though,anon. It's a fairly recent board relatively. I remember the day it first opened. So much optimism and good times. Fuck, that was a genuinely great time.

>> No.9838876

/vr/ from its beginning up until 2015 or 2016 was genuinely pretty good.

>> No.9838908

Wasn't it around 2015 that it opened? Maybe around 2014?

>> No.9838910

/vr/ is now nostalgic about its own board, we can ride these fumes for the rest of time boys

>> No.9838916

I'm thinking 2012, maybe even late 2011.

>> No.9838926

/vr/ is probably still the best media board though, it could fall a lot further and stay that way

>> No.9839048

it sure feels that way, although im also a bit split on it. average post quality took a giant nosedive, but now there's a good amount more threads I'll open, some pretty decent. it's still not quite /v/ levels of shit, but I do get how the 8-bit and 16-bit oldfags must feel.

>> No.9839082

>PS2 faggots still play this on PS2 and emulator

>> No.9839085

>t.newfags until proven screenshot

>> No.9839090

Isn't this game the one where there's no basic plot at all to the point where it plays like an open-level tech demo?

>> No.9839134

no there's plot. your goal is to find the guy who can turn back daxter into his human. turns out the guy is evil.

definitely not just a tech demo either, it's a fully continuous decently sized game. although the whole "no loading screens" is achieved with clever tricks like long elevator rides unskippable cutscenes. it's still cool, because you don't "feel" like it's loading, but still costs you the same amount of time.

>> No.9839141

*human form

>> No.9839176

i meant the website itself ya bozos. go be gay in some other thread.

>> No.9839191

I replayed this last week, for the first time since I was a kid. It holds up well, my only complaint is the music is extremely forgettable, I can't remember a single song. That's fairly minor though, the music is inoffensive. Good game.

I find it interesting how after the PS1 era Naughty Dog stopped making Crash and instead made a game that feels just like crash (both in gameplay and vibe) but next-gen, free roaming, with the quite impressive accomplishment at the time of having no loading screens (the elevator rides have been mentioned but there's only like 2 or 3 in the game and they're short). Meanwhile Travelers Tales' continuation of the Crash series on PS2 turned out exactly like Crash 3 but with shit controls and the worst loading times I've ever seen in a game that isn't on a cassette tape.

>> No.9839204

No, not at all. The plot honestly isn't half bad, and there are a lot of fun characters you meet over the course of the game. The voice acting is pretty good too.
The game is only presented as an open-world game as the other guy said. There's not really a hubworld so much as there is an overworld, and you enter the actual levels through portals and branching paths in the overworld.
I honestly have no clue where you got this impression of this game from. It's a really solid game. I like it more than any of the Crash Bandicoot games. If you liked those then you should absolutely give this game a try.

>> No.9839210

I'm glad someone else finds this funny.

>> No.9839361

I remember bits and pieces of the score, namely the twangy remix of the starting village when you're near the farmer's house, but other than little examples like that yeah it's pretty forgettable which is wild considering the very distinct music style of Crash. Rest of the game is solid on all fronts though. I'm also in the midst of a replay and the game could genuinely pass as something modern. No mechanics feel dated or clunky. It's just a well-made 3D platformer. I say again, it's a shame the sequels decided to just rip off GTA. I would've killed to see the next logical step in their pure free-roam platforming.

>> No.9839384

>I say again, it's a shame the sequels decided to just rip off GTA. I would've killed to see the next logical step in their pure free-roam platforming.
I was so let down by Jak II. I haven't even played the rest of the series. It even turned me off from giving Uncharted or The Last of Us a try for a while.

>> No.9839830

The normie kiddies ruined Jak.

>> No.9840114

Nah, I'd been using 4chan for a few years when /vr/ suddenly popped up one day. I vividly remember it due to how weirdly positive and excited everyone in the threads were.

>> No.9840125

far superior to Super Mario Shitshine

>> No.9840352

Gangsta' culture swept the Western World around 2003-2004. One of the directors of ND at the time the spoke about how they had to change up the sequel because a lot of the kids in the test audience were getting peer pressured into playing shooting games. They were unironically afraid of touching kids games out of fear of looking like a manchild long before they reached adulthood.

>> No.9840360

Somehow better than M64 despite having no wall jump and exceeds the quality of the whole trilogy of Crash, despite only being 1st game in a new trilogy that imo, is actually better than Crash.

Absolutely insane.

>> No.9840368

Chaining attacks to zoop around levels feels really good.

>> No.9841307

Well, if you can get past the obvious, they're still pretty good games. Jak 3 is better than 2 but 2 is still alright. I would even say that 3 is *almost* a nice middle ground between 1 and 2. Sometimes.
The roll jump shouldn't feel as good as it does

>> No.9841347

I think the open world was a bit too vast but yeah the first Jak and Daxter game was a fun pure collect-a-thon.

>> No.9841468

Yeah, I'm sure they're good, I just wasn't interested in what Jak II was doing and played other games while the rest of the Jak games were releasing. What little I've seen of 3 looks more interesting than 2.
What's the deal with Jak X? Is it an actual sequel or just a racing spinoff? I also never played Daxter but thought it looked neat.

>> No.9841478


>> No.9841517

Believe it or not Jak X is a seemingly canon sequel that takes place about a year after the events of 3. I always thought it was great but it also had some bug going on with it that corrupted your memory card eventually. I think the greatest hits version fixed it but I can't be too sure.

>> No.9841526
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Because 2 provides the most challenge by far.

>> No.9841538

I openly shit on 2 for the direction it took the series but I remember I had multiple saves as a kid just for fucking around and it was loads of fun. Helping the guards fight the metal head infestation in the city was dope.

>> No.9842025

I was a kid at that time and games like Jak 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog struck me as trying too hard even back then when I was their target market. I think that's because I did play GTA and stuff at the time, I was fine with colourful childlike stuff or actual adult stuff but stuff trying to be dark and edgy for kids just seemed embarrassing. Saying "damn" doesn't impress me and never has, that's not even close to being a swear word here in the UK, my teachers at school would say it regularly

>> No.9842042

Ratchet and clank was better. If you need a source just look at how r&c is being destroyed by endless rehashes and sequels while j&d is totally dead.

>> No.9842045

I was too. It might also explain why there was still a lot of us drawn light-natured games like Sonic Heroes, DMC3, KH, Sly and the like, and why they were really popular compared to things like Mario.
Mario is a reflection of a different time in history, and those kinds of games reflect a time when people said "Fuck it" and made games that weren't virtual boot camps for shooters and drug-cartels.
So many

>> No.9842293

the greatest hits fixes it. although i believe the bug only affected certain slim ps2's. i've played through 100% of the game at least 7 times using the original black label disc on a fat ps2 and I never got that glitch.

>> No.9842312

ratchet 1 and jak 1 are both top-tier ps2 games, very hard to pick one over the other (slightly lean toward jak 1 personally, just from the nostalgia of it being my first ps2 game).

BUT ratchet 2 and ratchet 3 completely walk all over jak 2 and 3. it's not even close.

>> No.9842401

All 6 games are mastetpieces, shut up. But first Jak is slightly worse. Sly 1 is better as pure platformer.

>> No.9842436

I still like jak 2 and 3 a lot, don't get me wrong. I just think naughty dog took some unnecessary risks with 2 and 3 that didn't pay off. They're both fun rides, but the jaks are bumpier.

>> No.9842462

>/vr/ is probably still the best media board
That's a really low bar, and I'd argue that /vst/ is probably still marginally better.

>> No.9843120

>it confuses me to no end why so many people dickride Super Mario 64

Mario 64 has vastly, vastly more interesting mechanics and ways you can use them to build up interesting challenges. Jak and Daxter is really a mediocre game mechanically outside of the incredibly impressive graphics and tech for the time.

>> No.9843273

What interesting “mechanics” does Bing Bing Wahoo 64 even offer? Oh wow, you can do a useless breakdance kick and, oh my goodness, a TRIPLE JUMP? Woah, it’s not like Jak can’t do a double jump IN MID-FUCKING-AIR, or do a slow descent by spinning Daxter around like Conker, or an uppercut roundhouse kick combo, or the super fast and sexy roll jump (which wasn’t a thing until Super Mapno 4: A Space Odyssey on Switch, a million years after Jak and Daxter dropped). At this point, you’re overdosing on copium.

>> No.9843369

These things not only don't carry momentum but make the platforming weaker by simplifying it and making it overly lenient, but without adding much depth. The triple jump really is interesting as rewards you for finding ways to space out your jumps, where in Jak every thing you do is immediately available and doesn't involve setting up anything.

Jak is a weaker platformer than Mario and Crash, and weaker as an exploration focused game than Banjo and Spyro. It doesn't even come up close to the level of the original Ape Escape.

>> No.9843438

>Jak and Daxter is really a mediocre game mechanically


>impressive graphics and tech for the time
>for the time

A majority of Indie Games OR modern AAA games would struggle to pull something like Jak 1 off today on weaker hardware because either the people implementing the tech are absolutely useless a their jobs, or a lot of the best programmer's don't even bother with the industry anymore because said useless people bloat up the code with junk data and get promoted.

>> No.9844549

Does Jak and Daxter have parallel universes?