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9838526 No.9838526 [Reply] [Original]

Gonna start playing this, what am I in for?

>> No.9838540

A really good card game wrapped in 30 hours of tedium or so.

>> No.9838560

You fail your mission and die then spend the rest of the game in a purgatory state as your consciousness fades

>> No.9838568
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Triple Triad and Laguna, I guess.

>> No.9838569

The Dollet mission is pure kino. Then it's all downhill from there

>> No.9838574

I’ve given FFVIII a couple chances, but I never have any fun with it.

>> No.9838581
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>> No.9838679

Play for about 3 hours then get bored and start IX

>> No.9838686

That solution would backfire miserably

>> No.9838689

the ost is quite good, by far the best thing in ff8.

>> No.9838692

>Gonna start playing this, what am I in for?
Summoning El Diabolo


>> No.9838696
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>part 5

>> No.9838707

I love schizo fan theories that attempt to explain away shit writing and/or lazy model reuse.

>> No.9838769
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, squallfaceall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing it right now. I think the writing is underappreciated genius. There's much to unpack. It completely blows away the writing of the games before it. I suspect that the lack of voice or expression dialogue to set the tone of how many things were said, along with the complexity of the dialogue, ended up confusing people, especially the teenagers and the children playing the game for the first time, and has led to the negative perception the story has. I think this lack of voice or expression is more severe in English than it was the original japanese. While the translation is in no way bad, especially compared to earlier FFs, it helps that I've learned what the tone of what something was supposed to be, for example.
There's a tremendous amount of tone and setting and that's done through skippable elements, like talking to NPCs, too. The whole "amnesia plotline out of nowhere" is actually directly suggested in text before you leave the third room you're allowed to control Squall in.

Another thing. Things are explained from Squall's perspective, and Squall is a narrow guy. You get to see and hear his thoughts- although there are three instances thus far where you can see/hear someone else's and each of those moments kind of confuse things because of this. If Squall doesn't understand or know something, you won't get a face value explanation for it either, and you have to do your own work and reorganize information after it passes through the filter that is Squall. An example would be Squall's understanding of Zell. Rather put; his MISunderstanding of Zell. Squall perceives Zell as a loudmouth who can't control his emotions, but Zell routinely displays a higher emotional intelligence than Squall, but Squall is virtually anti-social and doesn't get that.

Also original > remaster, just need a CRT

>> No.9838869

>Be Seifer
>Trained from very young age to be an elite mercenary with strict rules
>Struggle against this identity
>Go to warzone as a squadleader with objective to eliminate the enemy in an area as an "exam"
>Soldiers aghast at teenage mercenaries "They're just kids!" as they get cut down
>See something big going on
>Follow your hero instinct, charge into danger, disobeying your orders
>Sympathize with your socially stunted brother-in-arms squad member product of your mercenary organization, tell him that you have a romantic dream that's greater than all this
>Your mercenary organization strongly reprimands you for your behavior during the exam, crushes your chances of passing the text, detains you
>Go out of your way to be sure your squad members get the accolades they deserve for passing anyway
>Hear that your freshly graduated squad of three are being sent to liberate a city for your girlfriend on their own, think that leadership has basically sent them to their death and doomed your girlfriends resistance
>Break out and escape and slash your way into Hitler's first televised broadcast like the hero protagonist that you are

>be squall
>believe people who break rules are bad

>> No.9839040

A shit game that its fans have to rely on a bad theory to justify it being good.

>> No.9839047

the localization is kinda bad

>> No.9839080


they reproduced it even for Skyrim, with a mod.

>> No.9839438
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Card game sucks, it's predictable, almost entirely based around the strength of your cards when the rules are good, and when the rules are trash it's painful RNG.

On the other hand, Rinoa about to blow up the whole operation

>> No.9839698

Retarded conspiracy theories like >>9838560

>> No.9839703

ignore all meme posts
play game and pay attention
there's a lot going on

>> No.9839704


>> No.9839726


>> No.9839731

>not playing the remaster on a Shitch Lite

>> No.9839749
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>> No.9839763

Mid as hell gameplay wise but extremely cozy and comfy for the atmosphere, background and music. Worth at least one play through. Can never hate this game despite its flaws

>> No.9840304

I would argue that the Deling part is cool too, but yeah, eventually the games becomes a mess. I wish they kept the story around the elite mercenaries shit and didn't involve so much shit about the space and witches.

>> No.9840307

Seifer is way more interesting than Squall, but after a certain point he's just there and they stop his development.

>> No.9840315

triple triad isn't even necessary to completely break this game
you can easily get 9999 everything just by junctioning shit to the right GF

>> No.9840519

I'd rather ask here than make a thread. I'm about to play FF4, should I play the ds version with the 3D or just stick with the original. Does the ds version change a whole lot?

>> No.9840561

id say decide depending on what graphics you like,psp version is also good and even has an expansion dont know if thats in the ds version.

>> No.9840617

>Seifer is way more interesting than Squall, then he isn't
That was certainly intentional. Seifer is used to frame Squall's characterization. They juxtapose Squall and Seifer repeatedly up until Seifer's "execution." The absolute best case of that was actually what I mentioned- not only does Seifer cut his way into broadcast, Squall had JUST caused Rinoa to shut down and Squall and Company are stuck watching a big TV screen of Seifer.

Squall needs such a wakeup it's unreal. Near the end of disc one he's annoyed with Irvine's implication that there could be someone truly evil. Then he watches the Sorceress stand before the people of Galbadia and openly insult them, blast the President for shiggles, and animate statues into life to kill Rinoa as a sacrifice as a capstone before her parade through the city. Irvine is like "HOOLEE SHEEIT SQUALL RINOA IS GOING TO DIE WE NEED TO DO SUMTHANG" and Squall, and I quote, responds
>"It isn't part of the mission."

Disc 2 is where events start to force Squall to re-evaluate his core beliefs.

>> No.9841262

Im actually playing this game right now and have no magic whatsoever, am I missing something? Do you unlock later in the game or do you have to buy it? Rslaly could have used it in the first cave.

>> No.9841269

Playing either is fine, but the DS does change enough to where it warrants playing both, maybe start with the original.
Avoid the PSP version though, the graphics are terrible.

>> No.9841289

Maybe you should pay attention to the extensive in-game tutorials that explain that.

>> No.9841295

I didn't like it much because I found it fucking tedious. Either draw magic from monsters for ten minutes every time you encounter a new spell, or struggle against every battle because you have no spells, or spend your time playing the stupid fucking card game to MAYBE get a card that you can refine into something useful.

Which is not to say it's necessarily bad. But it IS so goddamn slow-paced.

>> No.9841316

Zell is one of the those characters I really like how subtle his character developement is. I guess most of it is underappreciated because the character's first impression rubs the wrong way but on subsequent playthroughs you enjoy seeing his character grow out of his recklessness and rightfully assume his position as Squall's second in command with the responsability he shoulders for the sake of protecting his friends and family. His (optional) interactions with the pig-tail girl also shows us that deep down, Zell is a bit shy and autistic and his bravado front seems mostly a way of trying to cope with those feelings.

>> No.9841325

Seifer's only issue with his characterization is that he turns into a selfish prick halfway through the game and forgets that the noble dream he was fighting for (protecting the mother that raised him as a sorceress knight) got corrupted for egocentric and megalomaniac reasons. Fujin and Raijin were right to dumb his ass.

>> No.9841482
File: 88 KB, 1200x922, final-fantasy-ru-rinoa-equals-ul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7/10 story
10/10 world map, soundtrack, bestiary, and everything else. It's still one of my all-time favorites, and the card game is still addictive.

They never explained by Ultimecia had a GF named after Squall's necklace

>> No.9841484

I actually like the draw system compared to using and running out of mana but never finding anywhere to buy ether however the way it's executed sucks and just leads to excess grinding.

>> No.9841485

Easy to overcome if you use the refine-magic abilities found with various GFs.

>> No.9841534

It was pride with refusing to lose and refusing to give in to accept defeat.

>> No.9841541

She's not his girlfriend.

>> No.9841701

>They never explained by Ultimecia had a GF named after Squall's necklace
They do. Ultimecia says that she draws the idea of Griever directly from Squall's mind and turns it into reality. She can do that.
Sorceress power is closer to that of a God than just "a powerful magic user", they can change reality to their will. Ultimecia's goal is to bring all of space and time close enough to her so that she can exercise her will over it so completely as to be a singular god.

>> No.9841709

>Was he your girlfriend Rinoa?
>I-I don't know.
>We met last summer.
>I was 16
>I have sweet memories.

In terms of 16 year old romantics, she was his girlfriend.

>> No.9841784

He's not at all. Of the three he's the only one who doesn't want to go up to the tower in the Dollet mission. He doesn't want to jump off the cliff. He says the mature thing to do is just ignore people who just want attention. He's the one who says that they should just be running away from the machine in Dollet. And so on.
Zell just has one quirk- his emotions make him have to move, and he's not ashamed to put his feelings on the outside. Squall's first impression is off from the start. I think this kind of thing happened a lot, the audience takes in who somebody (like Zell) is from Squall's thoughts, not realizing that Squall isn't actually an everyman protagonist for the audience to fit into and agree with.

>> No.9841791

Like it was said earlier, gameplay is mid.

>> No.9841849
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You guys remembered to read Selphie's diary, right?

>> No.9841876
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>> No.9842104
File: 11 KB, 205x246, 0nogf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget your gf anon

>> No.9843669

>game always reminds you to check your GF's
>the one time it doesn't

>> No.9843680

Triggering your autism into drawing 99 of spells to min/max the stat boost.

>> No.9843848
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A wonderful game which pretty much demands that you break it. Playing it 'normally' is really boring. Refine, card enemies, and play cards. You only need draw to steal GFs from bosses.

>> No.9844049
File: 444 KB, 648x1368, Ff8-quistis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quistis is 18 years old
I thought she was at least in her early 30s, what's with Japan and making every character a teenage prodigy?

>> No.9844495

She become an elite mercenary at age FIFTEEN
teenage soldiers (and fated children) is a theme. they all need therapy

>> No.9845847
File: 51 KB, 576x960, 9B11BC20-EEA3-4BD7-A95C-C7F684EB96D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ff8 is my favorite and i'm tired of people telling me why i'm wrong all the damn time

also triple triad

>> No.9845859
File: 19 KB, 600x349, images - 2021-02-25T093733.472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the greatest jrpg of all time coupled with the best waifu

>> No.9845872
File: 645 KB, 713x1038, 25773237-B30F-4E65-A40C-BA94731943E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best waifus
fixed that for you

>> No.9845892

Japan worships youth to an insane degree. It's most likely due them being the carefree days before having to work 18 hours a day for the rest of your life.

>> No.9845918

>best waifu
pic unrelated
fuck off with these used goods lmao

>> No.9845940

The script is brilliant.
The technical execution is impressive. I think it's the only Final Fantasy game that had its ambitions seriously undermined by hardware limitations. Love the realistic models, the pre-rendered backgrounds and the numerous FMV and FMV->pre-rendered transitions.
The gameplay is mid.
Triple Triad is lame.
Best Final Fantasy game, sincerely misunderstood.

>> No.9847275

It's really easy if you remember to get Diablos and do it in 2 stages.
Once the Garden is portable
>go to Centra desert
>one-hit Cactuars
>each drops 20AP
>learn Enc-None, Mug, other high AP skills for refining items into magic
With Ragnarok
>fly to Islands Closest to Heaven/Hell
>junction Enc-None and Move-Find
>wander around map spamming X to draw lots of rare magic (Ultima, Meteor, Aura, Full-Life, etc)

>> No.9847285

>>one-hit Cactuars
Good luck, you need a Speed-J and I don't think you get one until way later

>> No.9847292

Too flat, even Yuna has bigger titties.

>> No.9847306

Rinoa was a fucking moron. You even get the chance to call her out on this at one point, unfortunately it doesn't actually change anything though. I think if you do it drops your Seed level for some reason.

>> No.9847308

If you get Pandemona you could equip Initiative
You could also get Odin early to get some random surprise kills from him, but that has its drawbacks.

>> No.9847375

Rinoa starts as a spoiled teenage rich girl. She goes through character growth like the rest of the cast. "Squall isn't cool like Cloud. Rinoa has less boobs than Tifa" were the criticisms of FF8 that completely missed the point and sunk the game, giving us the bad timeline

>> No.9848239

>nooooo i need a heckin big brain and big titties
very based and actually reading the text pilled

>> No.9848247
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man I love this game and the fact that everyone plays it different makes it even better. people drawing for hours, people converting cards, people using gf summons for the entire game. people not playing cards at all. its all pretty wild.

>> No.9848256

A great game that gets unfairly trashed.

>> No.9848340

It is closer in spirit to 3/5/6 than than anything that came after them, that's to be sure.