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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9835514 No.9835514 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start.

> Panzer Dragoon Saga
> Rocket Knight Adventures
> Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium
> Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap
> D2

>> No.9835526

1: Castlevania Rondo Of Blood
2: Yoshi's Cookie SNES
3: Final Fantasy Adventure
4: Castlevania Aria Of Sorrow
5: Gals Panic

>> No.9835875

>Popular and kiddie games only
Play some more obscure titles, faggots.

1. Zoop
2. Skyblazer
3. Biker Mice from Mars
4. Master of Magic
5. Star Trek 25th Anniversary

>> No.9835903

Elevator action
Punch out / arcade and console
Ridge racer
Mario karts

>> No.9835908

>Fatal Frame
>Ninja Gaiden 2 (NES)
>Super Mario Sunshine
>Tomb Raider 3
>Ape Escape


3/5 games are good, passable

Skyblazer is ok, rest is shit

>> No.9835923

>Gals Panic
They always do when I'm around

>> No.9835926

>Kiddie games only
>Biker mice from Mars
Lol not gonna judge but that's funny

>> No.9835927

Gals Panic and Yoshi's Cookie aren't obscure enough for you, faggot?

>> No.9835929

I've been on a bit of a Mega Man binge, though.
>Boktai 2
>Mega Man: The Wily Wars
>Mega Man Battle Network 3
>Majora's Mask
>Turtles in Time

>> No.9835949

Out of that list, only Turtles In Time and Boktai 2 pass as good...the rest is kinda crap. Don't get me started on Mega Man Wily Wars

>> No.9835960

Wily Wars is quite an iffy port, you can tell the GB World games devs had no experience with SEGA hardware, but BN3 bad? You're crazy. Even if Elemental Sonic input is a bit of a game breaker.

Majora's Mask is still fun, I like the music and the dungeons.

>> No.9835962

>Baby Boomer (unlicensed)
>Master shooter (unlicensed)
>Bee 52 (unlicensed)
>Megaman 4

>> No.9835974

Final fantasy III (emulated on snes from 2003)
Super Mario RPG (“)
Final fantasy mystic quest (“)
Far Cry (og pc release)
NBA Street Vol 2 (xbox)

>> No.9835980

Warioland 2: polished and uncensored (GBC)
Doom 64
Castlevania 64
Nightmare Creatures 64
Cowboy kid (NES)

>> No.9835983

> Ratchet & Clank
> SSBM Akaneia Build
> Pokemon Pure Red (Hack)
> Ecco the Dolphin (Revision 01/June 29 1993-build)
> Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix/Pocket Fighter (Arcade)

>> No.9835991

>pokemon snap
>rondo of blood
>pokemon xd
>turok evolution
>phantasy star online

Just got myself a Wii and a GC controller.

>> No.9836036

Solitaire 5 times.

>> No.9836037

1. R-type 3 SNES
2. Ristar
3. Thunder force 4
4. Mushihimesama
5. Air buster Genesis

>> No.9836052

I l.o.l.ed

>> No.9836058
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>Mario 1
>Mario 2 JP ps: FUCK MARIO 2
>Mario 3
>Mario World
>Fire Emblem 3
The movie got me on a classic Mario fever

>> No.9836121

1. Mario 64
2. Freelancer
3. Outlaws
4. Grim Fandango
5. Discworld II

>> No.9836198

Starcraft Broodwar
Final Fantasy X
Crash Bandicoot 2
La Pucelle Tactics

>> No.9836213

Super Scope 6 (yeah the thread made me want to play it, been playing it quite a bit every night lately)
Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros. 2
Marvel VS Capcom 2
Fatal Fury 2

>> No.9836242

Castlevania: Bloodlines
Thief Gold
Final Doom
Dark Forces

>> No.9836257

Galaga Deluxe (for amiga)

also guess my country

>> No.9836271

>doom 2
>battle garegga
>heroes of might and magic 2
>radiant silvergun

>> No.9836327
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>Radirgy Precious
>Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts
>Ridge Racer V

I'm probably gonna have to replay one of those damn Mario games again soon since I've been seeing his face everywhere lately. I'm also trying to play an RPG this summer and am considering Might & Magic 6.

>> No.9836348

>Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy
>Perfect Dark
>I, Robot
>Discs of Tron
>Jet Force Gemini

>> No.9836374

>Doom 64 (PC)
>Doom 2
>Final Fantasy 5 (PS1)
>Final Fantasy 4 (PSP)
>Final Fantasy 1 (PS1)

>> No.9836434
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Fantastic Pinball
Firefighter FD18
Eighteen Wheeler
Dragon's Curse

>> No.9836481

In no particular order
>Wario Land 3
>Doom 2 (resumed my old save from years ago and finally beat it on ultra-violence)
>Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
>Tales of Phantasia (SNES with the "good ol'" DeJap translation)
>Street Fighter Alpha 3

>> No.9836518

>Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (N64)
>Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (Played and beated all three versions, PS1, DC, and PC, back to back)
>Super Mario World
>Crash Bandicoot 2
>Battletoads Arcade

>> No.9836676
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Donkey Kong 64
Wave Race 64
Pokémon Sapphire
Fire n Ice
Wonder Boy
What’s the appeal of elevator action? Is there more to what I’ve seen from short snippets of just going up and down and shooting left and right?

>> No.9836783

the original elevator action gets faster and it's fun ducking and jumping around, clearing floors and progressing. It's satisfying getting the inputs right in an almost rhythmic pattern. Returns is more accessible and more concerned with level design and will help you appreciate the original.

>> No.9836842

Romancing SaGa 2
Breath of Fire II
Turtles in Time
Super Mario RPG
Super Castlevania IV

>> No.9836848

Very nice. I've been wanting to play PSO again but don't want to spend a ton of hours on it just yet.

>> No.9836851
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>Thracia 766
>Power Stone 2 with a friend
>Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
>Sidepocket with my sister
>UN Squadron

>> No.9836898
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goemon 3
ape escape 3

>> No.9836905
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1) In the Raven Shadow
2) Onimusha 4
3) Nightshade
4) Onimusha 2
5) Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

>> No.9836908


>> No.9836910

Mega Man X
WarCraft 2
Romancing SaGa 2 (HD remaster version though)
Warlords III

I'm all over the place with games lately.

>> No.9836914

Which one?

>> No.9836920

Are you the anon who was making the Fatal Frame threads? I’ve become inspired to play it as well, so good on you

>> No.9836927

Heh didn't notice someone else also said Romancing SaGa 2, that's pretty interesting. What'd you think of it, anon? I think it's decent enough, the music's really good, that's mostly what kept me going.

>> No.9836943

No. I always chime in when I see FF threads though. You should play through them, the first game has some jank to the movement but the second is already a big improvement across the board.

>> No.9836946

>Mario bros 2
>Klonoa 2
>Baldur's Gate
>Opposing Force (but I couldn't get it to run well so I stopped)
>Dawn of War Soulstorm

>> No.9837018

>Thief Gold
A scholar and a gentleman. 10/10 anon.

>> No.9837023

>Opposing Force (but I couldn't get it to run well so I stopped)

What the fuck? I'm guessing its an original CD copy and not the one on steam? How did it not run well

>> No.9837028

I have the best taste.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy (DOS)
Hydro-Thunder (DC)
Donkey Kong Country Returns(Wii)
Mega Man X4 (Win98)
Felix (NES)

>> No.9837045

Nah it was Steam, it would do this thing where whenever I moved the mouse on the x axis, the view would correspond, but immediately return to its original position as soon as I stopped moving the mouse. I tried messing with the resolution, graphics, and mouse sensitivity and nothing seemed to help so I just gave up.

>> No.9837052

Sega fanboi yet all are respectable choices.

The only one I tried is Star Trek. Wouldn't call them obscure though since I know of all these titles.

Arcade and racer fan. Good.

Wily Wars? You like your controls to be shitty.

Now here is some actual obscure shit.

What are you using to for short scope. Mouse? Some light gun?

> NetHack

My man!

>> No.9837058

Ace Combat 4
Chrono Trigger
Pokemon Emerald
SD Gundam GNext
Top Gear 2
mostly playing ETS2 desu, maybe it'll be /v/r in a few years

>> No.9837059

>You like your controls to be shitty.
Not really, I just never tried Wily Tower before and I was curious about it.

>> No.9837108


>> No.9837124

>What are you using to for short scope. Mouse? Some light gun?
The actual Scope, real hardware. Had to buy 6 AAs for something else so I said why not, having tons of fun.

>> No.9837125

You actually played Ecstatica? Damn.
Also, respec for playing Marathon!

>> No.9837126

>Jackie Chan Stuntmaster

>> No.9837135

FUCK. Don't shoot, Jewario!
>Final Fantasy Legend/Makai Toushi Sa.Ga - Wonderswan Color
>LoZ: Oracle of Ages (password game) - Game Boy Color
>YuGiOh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel - Game Boy Advance
>Quake 3 Arena - PC
>Kohan: Ahriman's Gift - PC
It's somewhat of a cheat, but I'm always playing the last two to wind down from work or inbetween anything else I'm playing.

>> No.9837175


>> No.9837208
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Not all retro but enough are

>> No.9837231

Final Fantasy 3/6
Crono Trigger
Secret of Evermore
Streets of Rage
E.V.O. Quest for Eden

>> No.9837236

oh wait thats not right. I played EarthBound after Crono, before FF3. probably forgot about it because it was the only game I didnt enjoy as much as I remembered

>> No.9837245

>Sora no Kiseki FC (PSP)
>Densha de Go! Professional Shiyō
>Rockman 4
>Pokemon Red (Dropped, shitty game)
>Gran Turismo 2

>> No.9837265

Resident Evil (1996)
Resident Evil 4 (2005)
Gundam Wing: Endless Duel
Might and Magic VI
Duke Nukem 3D

>> No.9837290

Torneko 1
Torkeko 2
Shiren 1
Shiren 2
Shiren Asuka

>> No.9837294

extremely based taste anon

>> No.9837337
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>> No.9837391

Shadow Hearts From the New World
Vampire Master of Darkness
Spell Caster
Donkey Kong 94

I feel like a bunch of us somehow played D2 at the same time.

>> No.9837393

>Castlevania: Dracula X
>Samurai Shodown
The 3DO one. i dont really know much about the series but saw it in a 3DO romset and decided to check it out
>Crazy Taxi
Dreamcast port. I decided to pick it back up cause I havent been able to find a good buyer for my DC & games. had a 70k high score but reset when i thought i was selling, hope i can get it again
>Street Fighter III: Third Strike
Dreamcast port again. I suck balls at fighting games and i cant even beat the arcade mode
>Animal Crossing
The one for the gamecube. Play it every day. Pure comfy soul.

>> No.9837435

Kings Field JP
The House of the Dead
Sin and Punishment
Final Fantasy X International

>> No.9837453
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>> No.9837480
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I'm heavily biased for your choices due to Shiren being my favorite game series. I'll definitely try out the Torneko series as I hear that's the most similar to shiren.
I haven't tried Torneko 2 and Asuka Kenzan yet. How are those games? I've heard these two games are the best of their respective series.

>> No.9837532
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1.Tecmo Superbowl
2. Tetris
3. Mario Bros.
4. Base Wars
5. PunchOut

Really boring old man taste, but that's what I played.

>> No.9837548

1. MGS VR Missions
2. GTA San Andreas
3. Earthbound (with run button hack)
4. Donkey Kong (1994)
5. Goldeneye 007

I only really like 10/10 games, and won't play anything that I have complaints about unless there's mods that fix it.

>> No.9837582

Whip Rush
Road Rash II
Atomic Runner
Air Buster

I was sampling a few games and put a little time in some to figure out what game will hook me for the next game I'll try to beat. Atomic Runner was pretty fun but controlling the character will take some getting use to.

>> No.9837602

Spyro, first one
R type III snes
Alundra ps1
Megaman battle chip challenge GBA
Hagane snes
return of the jedi snes
lumines psp

>> No.9837607

Secret of Mana
Megaman & Bass
Dynamite Headdy
Jak and Daxter

>> No.9837686

MM6 is a top tier game.

>> No.9837707

>Mario 64
>Super Mario world
>StarCraft 1
>Banjo Kazooie

>> No.9837764
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doom 2
super metroid
metroid prime
metroid fusion
mario 64

>> No.9837802

>La Pucelle Tactics
How is this game? The OST and visual style is really cozy, but I've heard the game itself is mediocre.

>> No.9837816

Global Defense Force
Otogi 2
Diablo 2 (R)
Dynamite Cop or Power Stone 2(one of those a few weeks ago when messing with DC)
General Chaos

>> No.9837818

Awww shit. I forgot I just played Starcraft 1 the last few weeks since 25th celebration with some friends. So probably no Otogi 2 on my list >>9837816

>> No.9837836

I just got back from Japan recently and been playing some of the games I picked up while I was there.
>Dragon Spirit
>Bomberman '94
>Famicom Jump
>Phantasy Star III
>Shotoko Battle
All great games but I couldn't beat Dragon Spirit because I'm shit a shmups.

>> No.9837840
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Pokémon Emerald
Frontier elite 2

>> No.9837864

>SMB2J ("Lost Levels," but the FDS version)
>Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
>Mega Man 3
>Ys 1

How'd I do?

>> No.9837867

Good games, tempted to say based just because of Ys 1.

>> No.9838142

Unreal Tournament
Gran Turismo 4
Eretzvaju (Evil Zone JP version)
Metal Gear Solid: Integral

>> No.9838169

Legend of Legaia
Hard Edge
Breath of Fire GBA
Pokemon FireRed
Granstream Saga

>> No.9838185

good, even patrician taste.

black tiger
steel empire
super metroid
sf alpha 3
twisted metal 2

>> No.9838236

Super Metroid
Mega Man X2
Castlevania 3 US
Ace Combat 5
Ghost n Goblins arcade

>> No.9838273

megaman network transmission
megaman bn collection
fzero x
survival kids
sims bustin out gc

>> No.9838293

>Kirby's Adventure
>Metroid 1
>Zelda 1
>Silent Hill 2
>Max Payne 1

>> No.9839868

Dark Forces
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
3rd Strike
Kirby Super Star
Samurai Shodown

>> No.9839871


>> No.9839879

>donkey kong country mod for doom


>> No.9839959

1. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999)
2. Resident Evil REmake (2002)
3. Rogue Squadron 3 Rogue Leader
4. Resident Evil 4 (2005)
5. Final Fantasy 1&2: Dawn of Souls

>> No.9839973

1. Marvel vs Capcom
2. DOOM (Plutonia)
3. The Simpsons: Hit and Run
4. Advance Wars 2
5. Marvel Super Heroes

>> No.9839982

SmackDown vs Raw 2006
Resident Evil 4
Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix
Chrono Trigger
Devil May Cry Trilogy

>> No.9840000

River Raid
Doom 2
Super Castlevania IV

>> No.9840128 [DELETED] 

plz respond

>> No.9840142
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It's this here:

>> No.9840150

fank u

>> No.9840157

Super Smash Bros.
Mario Golf
Mario Party 3
Dr. Mario
Pokémon Crystal

basic list but fun with friends desu

>> No.9840167

>Animal Crossing Population Growing
>Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
>Burning Rangers
>Super Monkey Ball
>Caesar II

>> No.9840375

none of those games are fun

>> No.9840385
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>> No.9840389


>Duke Nukem 3D Atomic
>Shadow Warrior
>Redneck Rampage

What can I say, I'm messing around with BuildGDX.

>> No.9840428

>mk2 (mame)
>umk3 (mame)
>a link to the past (snes)
>shadowrun (snes)
>a boy and his blob (nes)

>> No.9840442

>Darkwing Duck (NES)
>Deep Duck Trouble (MS)
>Buster's Hidden Treasure
>Gargoyle's Quest
>Metal Slug 3

>> No.9840669
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>F-Zero GX
>Baten Kiatos 1
>Summer Carnival 92 Recca

>> No.9840768
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Sonic cd
Final fantasy VII
Age of empires 2
Daytona Usa
A bunch of other fucking playstation 1 shit I don't remember I'm drunk

>> No.9841293
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>Touhou: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
>Akumajou Dracula X68000

>> No.9841309
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>> No.9841360

1:Banjo Tooie (found a copy at local flea market)
2: Gundam: Battle Assault
3: Mario's Picross
4:Tetris Attack
5: Glover

>> No.9841367

>megaman network transmission
Based. Filtered by fireman yet, lel

>> No.9841370 [DELETED] 
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Hi-Fi Rush
Pizza Tower
Smash 64 Remix
WoW Classic

>> No.9841374
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oh whoops I thought this was /v/
lemme revise that list

Smash 64 Remix
Castlevania 3
Rayman Redemption
Final Fantasy 2 (Origins / PS1)
C&C Red Alert 1

>> No.9841417

Beyond Oasis
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Star tropics
Oracle of Seasons

Jesus I thought I had more esoteric tastes. I think i got stuck on arpgs for awhile

>> No.9841425

I loved it. The inheritance system is pretty sweet and unique. Easy to get lost and not know what to do, but I enjoyed wandering around and exploring. Battles got much easier for the most part after my entire team got good at martial arts. Still deciding if I liked it more than RS3 or not. The music like you said was awesome, as it always is with Kenji Ito.

Only thing that bummed me out a bit was some quests broke or locked you out too easily. Never was able to finish Cumberland or the Mermaid stories, and I'm unlikely to replay the entire game anytime soon.

>> No.9842432

Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen
Kirby Superstar
Master of Orion 2
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri

>> No.9842501

Sonic Adventure
FIFA 98 on N64
Super Mario 64
Starfox 64
Mario Kart DS

>> No.9842680

>Contra: Shattered Soldier
>Rocket Knight Adventures
>Ghost's n Goblins (arcade version)
>DonPachi series (I'm classing them all as one game, fuck it)
>Shock Troopers

Been on an Arcade game sort of vibe atm. Been using my 8btn retrobit MD controller for MAME and having a lot of fun.

>> No.9842756

Tryrush Deppy
beat T'ai Fu - Wrath of the Tiger
Willy Wombat
Shining Force CD
MechWarrior III w/ Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro joystick

>> No.9843113

WWE Smackdown Here Comes the Pain
X-Men Legends 2 Rise of Apocalypse
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Mario Kart 64

>> No.9843123

>Smackdown vs Raw 2006
The Patrician’s Choice

>> No.9843323

Redline Rumble
Megaman Xtreme 2
Super Mario World
Megaman Xtreme
Sonic Advance 2

>> No.9843640


>> No.9843643

I like this

>> No.9843646
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>> No.9844060

> Skyblazer is ok, rest is shit
Says action-only games boyo. Though-provoking games too hard for you?

Feel free to judge.
Biker Mice at least are less kiddie than Rocket Knight, Wonder Boy or Yoshi's Cookie.

Games that are popping up on /v/ and /vr/ for the last 15-ish years? Nah, not obscure.

> The only one I tried is Star Trek. Wouldn't call them obscure though since I know of all these titles.
Good, knowledge is key. Try the rest out to experience how they play.

I've checked it out spontaneously last weekend.
It turned out to be pretty challenging and kinda fun.

>> No.9844069

There's nothing more childish than avoiding something because you don't want to look childish. That's literally a kids idea of what an adult is. You're like fucking spongebob.

"I can only discuss politics and listen to free jazz, I have to have sideburns, and absolutely NO kisses from grandma."

That's you.

>> No.9844075

>Saga Frontier 1
>Chrono Cross
>FF7 Crisis Core
>Super Monkey Ball
>Pacman World
>Klonoa 1 and 2

>> No.9844082

Uh, let's see...

Sudden Strike
Sudden Strike 2
Hitman SA
Doom 2
Perfect Dark
F-Zero MV

Very good


Absolutely based except RE4

>> No.9844123

I forgot I played The Silver Case between Cross and Crisis Core

>> No.9844232

1. Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
2. Umihara Kawase: Shun
3. Vampire Savior
4. Kirby: Super Star Ultra
5. Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland

>> No.9844258
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Damn, you judged me good. Still my judgement of judged games is what it is and rejudging it would be unjudgeful for the judged.

>> No.9844268

>UN Squadron
>Balloon Fight
>Super Hang-On

>> No.9844681

I didn't rejudge, I unjudged your judgement because your judging was unjudgely.

>> No.9844734

>There's nothing more childish than avoiding something because you don't want to look childish
The manchild is malding because other people don't want to look as pathetic as he is lmao

>> No.9844743
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Team Fortress Classic
Kingdom Hearts
LEGO Star Wars II
Super Mario Bros.

>> No.9844763

>Parasite eve
>Shenmue 2
>Shenmue 1

>> No.9844770

"I cant have fun because other people might think something I don't want to think"

Yeah... I'M the manchild hahaha.

>> No.9844904

>Jagged Alliance 2
>World of Xeen
>Might and Magic 3

>> No.9845000

Dragon Quest V
Megaman X3
Animal Crossing (gamecube)
Star Wars Republic Commando

>> No.9845318

> Redline Rumble
There's a name I haven't heard in ages. That's was a Shockwave game.

> Tryrush Deppy
That sounds like a sex act.

>> No.9845340

>Jagged Alliance 2
>Advance Wars
>Super Robot Wars J
>Symphony of the Night
>Tecmo Cup aka That terrible Captain Tsubasa NES port.

>> No.9845375

>Racing Lagoon
>Kings Field
>Jumping Flash
>Crash 2

>> No.9846980

>wario land 4
>adventure island
>transformers: mystery of convoy
>pokemon picross

well-rounded selection of good ass shit

not enough japanese games

ps1 purist, probably mad I'm not calling it psx