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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 220x153, F38751D1-A4C0-453C-9E65-682E7D883F84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9834316 No.9834316 [Reply] [Original]

>Same year as when Perfect Dark takes place
>No Perfect Dark Threads

And you guys call yourselves retro gamers? Post anything and everything about the greatest game to ever grace a Nintendo console.
Bonus points for redhead secret agent hotties, aliens, and CHEESE.

>> No.9834323

Has anything cool happened since the decomp? I saw that they recompiled the source and made some optimizations to improve the frame rate a bit on actual hardware, but that's about it. I'm most curious about getting better performance on the N64.

>> No.9834340

I don’t believe anything has happened yet. From what it looks like, it should make mods easier to develop for, but apparently nobody really cared ever since the decomp was first announced.

>> No.9834471

Is there legitimately any benefit in the N64 version over the XBLA port? I played through the XBLA version of Goldeneye on Xenia, and it was pretty much 1:1 the exact same as the N64 original but with better graphics and fullscreen 16:9, but I've never played Perfect Dark and always hear it's a considerable improvement over Goldeneye.

>> No.9834478

>pd better than ge
You were lied to. Pd does not have the bond ip and actually has a shittier frame rate and is basically unplayable without the expansion pack.

>> No.9834486

>shittier frame rate and is basically unplayable without the expansion pack.
How does that apply to the XBLA version?

>> No.9834520
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N-Bombs are still called N-Bombs on N64

>> No.9834571

It doesn't, most people here have a double digit IQ

>> No.9834764

Elvis looks goddamn awful in XBLA. Other than that, I'd say it's a very good port.

>> No.9834769

Inb4 the nigga bombs jokes

>> No.9834804
File: 29 KB, 500x351, mission09_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Area 51: Rescue has to be one of the most intriguing levels in the game.
It's possible to move about the entire stage with a simple ai exploit having guards open the rusty door leading to the secret hangar.

>> No.9834837

I think I read somewhere it takes place in October of this year or something. Where's my anti-grav devices, Rare? Growing up in the world where we never communicated with the Maians sucks.

>> No.9834847

>always hear it's a considerable improvement over Goldeneye
do you mean the xbla pd is more improved than the xbla ge is from the base games or are you trying to start some shit about pd being a better game than ge, which is like saying the phantom menace is better than star wars

>> No.9834860

>star wars
episodes IV, V, & VI are better than the unoriginal trilogy.

>> No.9834880


>> No.9834915

i'm not even sure what you're trying to say but let's not get into it here. phantom menace is kind of fine but the point is pd vs ge has
>cringe squeaking talking alien
>dodgy digital: forcing tech to try to render what it wasn't ready and getting a poor experience
though that was more attack of the clones
>more 'classy sensibility' really just producing a lack of the grit/rawness that made the predecessor successful
i could go on

>> No.9834953

Such a small mission and yet so awesome

>> No.9834960

i was having a piss.
i agree, no matter how many times i play perfect dark, it doesn't meet the mark.
i will give credit where it's due, pd's
>ai is far better
>character models have more variety in body types and heights
>dynamic, responsive environmental lighting
>spoken dialogue
enhances the experience tenfold.

That's why GoldenEye X, a mod that remakes GE in the Perfect Dark engine, fixes all of that (except the voice dialogue, they're going to have to be creative about that).

>> No.9835027
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the pd xbla artwork is a hit and miss pain in the eyes
pd multiplayer circles around ge one

>> No.9835035

The people that made the Zelda decomp source port said they are working on another N64 source port but didn't say what it was. This was months ago and no news since. It could be Perfect Dark but it could also be Banjo Kazooie.

>> No.9835041

I hope is not pd because the didn't fix shit in the zelda one

>> No.9835497
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I like the japanese box art.

>> No.9835508

how many people actually played this game when it was released? by 2000 i was still playing the n64 classics but i dont think i was paying any attention to new games coming out. i dont think i even knew this game existed til later in life. ive still never played it, despite loving goldeneye

>> No.9835821

I played close to release date back in 2001-2002 and I instantly forgot about goldeneye. It was that good.

>> No.9836175

I could play it as soon at it was released in my country, whenever it was, I no longer remember the exact date.
I didn't have a Nintendo 64 back then, but I used to visit one of my best friends to play Goldeneye, like once a week, and we had been at it for over a year, we were fanatics. When he knew that they were going to release a "sequel" to Goldeneye, he reserved it to get it as soon as possible, and we played it right away.
I remember that we absolutely loved it. If I'm not mistaken, I think that for the first days we still called it "Goldeneye 2," which was the alleged name my friend had heard the first time he knew about PD.

We didn't forget about Goldeneye because Bunker had always been our favorite multiplayer map and sadly it wasn't one of the classic levels in PD, but I think at least 9 out of 10 times we played anything from that moment on, it was PD.

>> No.9836429
File: 51 KB, 754x754, 422B34EF-0EE2-40F5-854C-172FAECCA5B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the definitive way to play the game:
>Dope ass designs that stand the test of time (The Minecraft fags at 4J made Joanna look like a whore, Maians ugly af, and all of the weapons disgusting)
>Pushes the abilities of the Nintendo 64 to the absolute limit (like that one Perfect Dark porn comic, you know the one…)
>Controls were hand-crafted to accommodate the greatest video game system Nintendo had ever released (Xbox tries and fails to replicate, absolute cancer)
>Poor people get the Small But Perfect Menu on Nintendo 64 without the Expansion Pak (SOVL)
>Local four-player multiplayer is the best thing to ever exist and is literally better than sex (I should know, I post on 4chan)
>Box art and Nintendo Player’s Guide renders of Joanna are prime fapping materials (Nu-Joanna just can’t compete)
>The free, two-part comic included in the Nintendo Player’s Guide, introducing the greatest bounty hunter to ever exist in a media property: Tayst Grifbo (Literally the only sequel to Perfect Dark to ever exist in this world and that which is to come)
>The Nintendo Player’s Guide in general
>Knowing that this is the first game to have the name Perfect Dark (Sorry GBC and XBLA cucks)

N64: Get N or Get Out.

>> No.9836454

I know, right? I went to Chicago not too long ago (got to see the Lucerne Tower, total win) and I was expecting to see a moody, rainy landscape with neon lights, killer police robots, and redhead secret agents in trench coats.
All I saw were niggas looting Target. We are living in the worst timeline.

>> No.9836465

I enjoyed it quite a bit, more than Goldeneye (yes I'm weird) because of the alien stuff and scifi technology. I remember spending a decent amount of time at the shooting range.
In hindsight, I like the early espionage levels a lot more than the late game full on alien planet and spaceships stuff. The very first level in the corporate office building > all. The beginning and the end feel like two totally different games, maybe that's a good thing.

>> No.9836469

While all of this is unironically true and uncontrollably based, the n64 framerate is still complete dogshit.

>> No.9836528

I’m not going to deny this. Sometimes, it runs at a rate of one frame every five seconds (especially in multiplayer)

>> No.9836620
File: 22 KB, 500x351, E96A2B1E-6187-4BE5-AF2D-67492FE669FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Personally, I think the Attack Ship, Deep Sea, and Skedar Ruins levels were the best in the entire game. The first part of the game is great, of course, but the G5 level is not very fun. The Carrington Institute level, oh good lord, has to be the level I most hated (I hate saving hostages)

>> No.9836642

They probably are better, I didn't have a problem with any of it back then. I think it's more nostalgia for the look of dataDyne, it really appeals to me now.
The levels I remember best are getting the alien out of the underground lab, the assassination at the villa, and walking through the snow. Not so much the later levels.

>> No.9836648

So from an autist himself telling me straight:
Autists will apparently work very intently on something for a long period of time, but at any given time towards completion they will just completely lose interest and go and do something else.
They are not completionists, they just get this uncontrollable urge to do something for a while.

>> No.9836689
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It makes me so sad that we never got a Perfect Dark movie. Would of been kino, James Bond meets X-Files with a 90s-early 00s vibe, a hot chick for main character, aliums, spaceships, corporate conspiracies.

>> No.9836723 [DELETED] 

I still live in hope for a Perfect Dark movie. But considering the time we live in, and Microsoft’s track record with adaptations such as the ungodly Halo show, Joanna Dark will probably be amalgamated into some Bugger-Lugs nose-ring wearing, Tik-Tok influencing, ultra-woke feminist who don’t need no man and who fights dataDyne because they had the gall to pollute the ocean or something stupid like that.
100% guaranteed that the story would be in utter shambles and have no aliens. Oh, and Carrington will be black, too.

>> No.9836748

The Crash Site level was dope as hell. Especially the music. Absolute banger of a level that projectile diarrhea shits on its Goldeneye counterpart. Even the name is better: Crash Site: Confrontation vs. Surface 1 and Surface 2. Anyone who says Goldeneye is better is either retarded or is blissfully unaware of Perfect Dark.

>> No.9836856

Can't wait for the new one!

>> No.9836871

Perfect Dark is the best. I love playing against bots in multiplayer too. I mean, we're in 2023 and not even Splatoon 3 and Overwatch 2 could have a Multiplayer against Bots, Jesus Christ.

>> No.9836874

This but without any irony

>> No.9836883

What are you talking about, OP?
Chicago is basically the shithole depicted in Perfect Dark, if not worse, today.

>> No.9836895
File: 156 KB, 779x780, 0c95e3d6-452d-4fae-8c08-10299cadb93f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elvis and the Mains are just using Joanna and humanity to settle a score with the Skedar.
Have you seen the Skedar planet? It's all blown to bits and dilapidated for a reason.
There is only a handful of remaining Skedar who wander around in ships or in disguise.
The Mains have been systematically exterminating them.
That's why they are angry and are attempting to even the odds with the Cetan weapon.

>> No.9836896
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>Who are you, young lady?

>> No.9836909

Where's the rom of that? I would fucking love an spanish translation on the USA rom, PAL version has it but it runs so much worse.

>> No.9836915

Hot damn that LP must be worth alot. Where is the track Maian Tears, though?

>> No.9836929

If you are going to play retro then embrace retro, fag. You sound like a fucking zoomer talking about specs. Who gives a shit? you just need to push buttons and being comfy.

>> No.9836967

>you know the one…
I don't

>> No.9836970

Neck yourself, retard. Rare devs didn't actually want the game to chug along in single digit fps. Why would they?

>> No.9837069

>GoldenEye X
See I never had any interest in that because in some sense it's the wrong way around - The main things that were downgraded to me are in the engine. Goldeneye when you bullet hits a body you hear a satisfying tearing sound. Pd its removed. Goldeneye bullet hits a wall you get a fast flash of sparks. PD they 'upgraded' that to some polygonal floating balloons. Also the character models of PD have bad un-fun proportions (everyone is slimline, can't feel the hit)
Porting footsteps and ai tricks from PD to the GE engine is more what I want, which people have done (e.g. ww2 maps)

>> No.9837110
File: 84 KB, 600x465, 9322E78D-0C1A-4785-A537-23F56EEDA71B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m hoping the new one still has the Maians and Skedar. Perfect Dark isn’t Perfect Dark without Elvis running around spitting one-liners and bullets. (Hoping the makers of Gex give him some black Air Forces to modernize him)

>> No.9837143
File: 178 KB, 379x340, lossagna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, dataDyne will only be white men (Cassandra De Vries and her bodyguards are retconned), and the Skedar are now just space-gnahtsies. Elvis becomes Lil Cloud XxX or some shit, but at least the president will remain the same.

>> No.9837156 [DELETED] 

wow you sound really smart

>> No.9837164

Rare shot themselves in the foot with the Skedar bit by making them turn into blonde-haired, blue-eyed Aryan gigachads. Makes you wonder why they even bothered writing them as Space Muslims in the first place, what with the sand planet, shit infrastructure, and religion of “peace”

>> No.9837214

I am immune to Garfield

>> No.9837379

Nothing is more comfy than shooting a nigga in the head and watching him die.

>> No.9837592

Futuristic James Bond with a hot female protagonist in a game in one of the most popular genres...how did Rare fuck it up after the first game?
Let's not blame it on the sale, the leaks of what Perfect Dark Zero as a cel shaded game for gamecube also look retarded. They take a whole generation to release PD Zero on the 360 and it's a shitty game. The render of Joanna Dark at spaceworld IS what we needed.

I loved how Joanna was not sexualized much in the first game and yet she was a sex icon to me on the same page as Lara Croft.

>> No.9837609
File: 39 KB, 500x375, 43E942E6-85EB-4EFA-AC22-6A86AC18B90E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I don’t understand why everyone decided to turn Joanna into a scaggy whore for PDZ. Like, her modesty was almost sexually alluring in a way (helped by the fact that she had some nice, voluptuous boobies) but Rare went so full retard with her redesign that she just became generically trashy; not even the XBLA Joanna is spared from this mess.
Pic related is the best Joanna fr

>> No.9837624
File: 11 KB, 195x209, F469D6CA-6DCF-41B5-8E8A-D0131440E881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>you know the one…
>I don’t

>> No.9837625

It was pretty popular on release where I lived. We loved Goldeneye and were eagerly awaiting for more. It didn't have the lasting impact that Goldeneye did, but it was remembered fondly.

>> No.9837629
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Same. After playing PD, GE felt primitive and archaic. The weapons were better and had secondary features, it had a HUB you could do some neat tutorial and challenge stuff like the firing range, the mission stories actually change based on difficulty, and the multiplayer was amazing. Bots, being able to save your player stats (that me and my friends sometimes compared), customize appearance, change the music playlist for matches, doing challenges, and even the single-player had some great stuff like improved AI that felt a bit more challenging than GE's, missions that changed depending on how you played previous ones, as well as the variety of cheats (which included hints on how to acquire them). It even had co-op and counter-op. It's one of my favorite games of all time.

>> No.9837638

Never touched Golen Eye after perfect dark.

*ugly 3D vs gorgeous worlds
*Countless forms of multiplayer customization vs can't even choose weapons or add ai
*Interesting story and world vs just re-enacting scenes from a movie

>> No.9837670
File: 1.33 MB, 3937x1618, 49DDE657-34E5-41B3-B12A-8E4883FA1A77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else in the entire planet buy the Joanna action doll? Or was it just me. Pic related

>> No.9837710
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Game kinda falls apart for me in the second half. It is one sudden difficulty spike in the Institute attack and the rest of the levels aren't too fun either.
Still peak soul however. A while back I had some friends over and we set up the emulator for local multi. It's an absolute blast.

>> No.9837834

This is why I didn't even consider the possibility of a Perfect Dark movie still being produced eventually lmao
By now I hope it never gets made so that we don't get the shitshow you described.

>> No.9837894

What's supposed to be going on in that scene, exactly?

>> No.9837913
File: 21 KB, 480x360, gkeq6rfuukdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post anything and everything about the greatest game to ever grace a Nintendo console.

Craziest air ever achieved was on the 64
some say he is still midair to this day

>> No.9837921
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>> No.9838359

The Perfect Dark casting couch.

>> No.9838361

too real

>> No.9838368 [DELETED] 

seething feminist on cue

>> No.9838370

I don't think it's an immersive sim, but it felt pretty similar. Wish we got more shooters like it.

>> No.9838475

Bro’s just jelly that N64 Joanna is literally peak woman and he/she/they/them/zie/zir/Hovercopter isn’t.

>> No.9838710
File: 133 KB, 151x200, 5F5F5E92-CFE9-4C20-9F69-F48FE5B62F0D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW counter-ops appears in a video game again (it’s been two thousand years since PD dropped)

>> No.9838884

Perfect Dark multiplayer is the best

>> No.9839784

I got this game when I didnt have an expansion pack. I played by myself and simlants until I got to ranking 6, I think. Oh how I bitched and moaned for the expansion pak to my dad, I feel embarrassed looking back on this.

>> No.9839821

But did you get the expansion pak?

>> No.9839842

Hope you were able to beat the campaign eventually.

>> No.9839872

yeah, my old man bought it for me. Played the shit out of PD right after.

>> No.9840107

yeah dude this board is absolutely swimming in femenists

>> No.9840341

Joanna is waiting for The Perfect Dick

>> No.9840354
File: 240 KB, 274x785, 3F5BC9BB-8C87-4039-9DF7-5443471A79A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I had to do it to 'em.

>> No.9840356

Old games had limitations dude, that's the way it was, sega, sony or nintendo, everyone had those type of games that slowed down everything because they were too much.
Accept it or cope.

first bullet goes on the foot.

>> No.9840357

This render makes me wish there was Perfect Dark holograms or trading cards, those metallic textures look so sweet.

>> No.9840373

Is there a way to play perfect dark multiplayer for free on pc? emulators, servers? Fuck, all of my friends are so busy lately so I can't play the N64. I just want to camp with proximity mines and feel good about it.

>> No.9840380
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I'll never forgive them for what they did to my boy the Avenger

>> No.9840387
File: 238 KB, 1169x1464, 621BC946-A5FE-4B59-96D7-2CBFF44C7E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why the Carrington Institute’s casting couch policy was enacted was because of Joanna’s complete ineptitude with the dating scene.
>…And that’s how Breaking Bad inspired me to take up shooting lessons. Speaking of which, my friends have told me you’re also an avid shooter, too. Mind telling me more about some of your experiences?

>> No.9840407
File: 110 KB, 482x803, 470D2163-F0BA-4370-9B31-16A1684F88D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that’s bad, look at how the 4J fags raped the Callisto NTG. They fucking gave that shit syphilis for God’s sake!

>> No.9840448

>one of the best games ever made regardless of platform
>current year
>still no modern windows playable PC port
Why even live?

>> No.9840464

I live to see how the new Perfect Dark (also named Perfect Dark) turns out.
Also, how many Perfect Dark games are there that are just called Perfect Dark?

>> No.9840479
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Man. My friend and I would just fuck around for hours on that track

>> No.9840497

N64, Game Boy Color, XBLA remake, and the new one they're making.

>> No.9840525

>the new Perfect Dark (also named Perfect Dark)

isnt this shit in development hell already?

>> No.9840535
File: 18 KB, 236x601, 946BDBA5-3D8C-46D2-ABF7-28B60220153F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s funny. Imagine if every subsequent Perfect Dark game just has the same title but completely different storylines.
>Oh, you’re a fan of Perfect Dark? Which one have you played: the one with the Joanna blowing up the Skedar Homeworld or the one with Joanna killing Mink Hunter in a Tron throwback?
>Nah bro. I played the one where Joanna hops on the Pelagic VII and goes to Europa to commit a genocide against a Skedar splinter group.
>Wait, which Perfect Dark was that?
>The one after Joanna stomps Tayst Grifbo’s throat in and blows up an entire bounty hunter space colony after her homie Elvis got captured.
>Yo that sounds dope! Which game in the series is that?
>Perfect Dark.
>That’s it?
>Yep. That’s what it’s called.

>> No.9840542

Pretty much. Now with Crystal Dynamics developing the game, they’d better find a way to shoehorn in a love story between Joanna and Gex.

>> No.9840736

Actually, I’d aim for the hand.
>My gun!

>> No.9840764

It lost its fins, it used to look like a cool shark or something.

>> No.9840780

stuff like this just goes to show what a grifting bullshit wokeism really is... "we need more females in game".

Meanwhile, we've always had cool female charaters:

>Lara Croft
>Joanna Dark
>a shitload of female fighters in Mortal Kombat
>Jill valentine, Claire, etc, Resident evil
>shit, even Ms Pacman.

its all grifting bs.

>> No.9840816


>> No.9840819

How I look at it, GE had better single player, PD had better multiplayer. Ironically, GE had a lot more play as a multiplayer game, due to its timing on the N64 release cycle, but PD had a lot more options, bots, weapons, arenas, etc. GE's single player was more focussed and the levels were more fun. Quite a few GE levels started out as on-rails virtua cop style levels and were later changed work as FPS levels, but they kept their tight linear focus and that's what made them fun and engaging. There were a few non-linear levels in GE too. Not every level in GE is amazing but overall they are mostly pretty good. A lot of PD levels aren't not much run to replay just for a blast like the GE levels were.

>> No.9840827

I legit thought "counter-op" was going to become a thing after PD. At the time, co-op was a big deal, so this felt like a cool twist on the idea. Coming from the spiritual successor of GE, getting lots of hype, I thought counter-op would actually end up getting copied/ripped-off in lots of games to follow. Sadly, I've never seen it again. I liked the idea that player 2 would take control of the enemies and try to stop player 1. Player 1 would get at least one enemy that's an intelligent threat, and player 2 would get to experience what all the other enemies deal with.

>> No.9840831

In that (shit) Sniper Elite 5 game you can drop into people playing single players map and try to kill them.

>> No.9840870


>> No.9841332

The consequences of 9/11 killed our dreams of having flying cars, hottie redhead agents, and Anal Land.

>> No.9841362

Sucks for you, bros. My revolvers faired well. Heck, the golden gun got a tiger-striped grip, can't get enought of that pimpin' six-shooter.

>> No.9841394
File: 38 KB, 500x337, 02F471C6-2F72-4F67-AC56-F4275622C28B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re saying this as if the N64 OG didn’t have a tiger-striped grip. Just admit that you’re wrong about the XBLA designs being needlessly complex and we can forget about this.

>> No.9841397
File: 472 KB, 723x581, wowthanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tweet at PD and goldeneye's director 10 years ago after seeing an article about him working on shitty mobile games
>intend on asking him how he could go from helping to create two of the most iconic games ever made, to pic related
>to my surprise he actually responds, get nervous and never tweet him back
how does it happen? how did rare fall so far?

>> No.9841410

This but without any irony

>> No.9841448
File: 851 KB, 4000x3000, pd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never able to beat all multiplayed challenges as a kid. Some were actually hard and the best bots were a pain in the ass.
One day i saw a game selling for like 8 bucks so i had to buy it.

>> No.9841462
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>> No.9841501

Joanna in PDZ was much worse than the original Jo, but I don't remember her being a slut
Or maybe I'm getting too old

>> No.9841628
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>> No.9841663

>Damn, she's good.

>> No.9841746

It’s not so much how she acted, but more of how Rare and Microsoft went full retard on her design. Like, ok, I get it, the target demographic of Xbox players are 18-25 male virgins who live in their parents' basement, but the design goes beyond fanservice straight into something kinda creepy. Simply put, boys will get horny for PDZ Joanna, whereas men can understand the sexual appeal of N64 Joanna.
Also, the art style Rare used for PDZ was an absolute downgrade: everyone in the game looked like lifeless action figures covered in a thick layer of oil. Still didn’t stop me from buying a copy for $2, play up until mission 2 because of how dogshit the gameplay was, then sell it for $4.

>> No.9841759

I got a CIB NTSC copy for $30. The irony is the fact that the Joanna Dark action doll costed more than double what the actual game costed me.

>> No.9841780

she wasnt a slut in the game, she was just sexualized more for advertisement purposes. I guess they also played up the "she's young in this game" despite the game only taking place 3 years before", so she dresses more like a sexy teenager and looks a lot more younger.
Original Joanna looks way older than she is supposed to be, especially in renders. And original Joanna was also sexualized, her renders show her with big boobs and you can even see her belly button through her black spandex, not to mention the japanese commercial and other promotional material, she just wasn't in a bikini like Lara Croft but if the franchise had been a successful one, it would've happened for sure. Sex sells and the 2000s didn't give a crap for sexualizing characters.

The franchise deserved so much more, It just came out too late in the N64s life to make a huge impact, i know it was still successful but it coudl've been more. PDZero should've released in the 6th generation. By the time the 7th generation came out, people had forgotten about the franchise since PD never got the chance to make an impact and people were waiting for Halo 3, meaning they didn't care for this game and only bought it to have a FPS at launch. PDZ felt unfinished despite having years and unlimited funds.
The upcoming PD reboot I hope is good but I don't have much hope, they'll try to make her a generic woke hero, it already has a troubled development, it'll be a reboot so I'm cautious about the direction they'll go for, the original was what it was because it was a mix of 007 with X-Files and Lara Croft. X-Files being irrelevant, we might not see cool shit, they might go for a generic futuristic take without that, and Joanna will just be less fun.

>> No.9841802

I hope the new PD remains faithful to the OG Joanna design and character; and hoping that they bring Elvis back too. The dynamic between a no-nonsense agent and a culture-wise alien is peak comedy.
Shit, why hasn’t there been an episodic Perfect Dark TV show yet? I want to know Jo’s relationship with all of the characters, including nobodies like Grimshaw, and just how insane dataDyne plots can be.

>> No.9842184


>> No.9842214

In my opinion shooting has never felt as good as it did in Goldeneye, PD, and Halo 1. Everything I've tried since (not an extensive list, to be fair) pales in comparison. That includes games like Timesplitters and PDZ, which indicates that even the same people who made the former games didn't fully understand how important it is. A new game needs to have animations for being shot in different body parts, animations and voice lines for enemies that give some variety, a satisfying "crunch" like the bullet sunk into them, location specific blood marks, and whatever other stuff those games did right. As great as GE and PD are, they're much lesser games without the effort that was put into making shooting fun.

>> No.9842248

Halo: Combat Evolved is absolute doodoo caca compared to Perfect Dark. Like, why does Master Chief only speedwalk at a brisk pace when getting shot at? Joanna carries an entire arsenal up her ass and she’s still able to run laps around that green autist.
Also, ten points from Bungie for introducing the bane that is regenerating health mechanics.

>> No.9842279

what a nosy FAMAS

>> No.9842317
File: 72 KB, 500x366, A26CF579-2940-45E8-B746-55C851AF0E6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, ackshually, this is the FAMAS analogue: the AR-34 (pic taken from superior N64 Perfect Dark)

>> No.9842347

Oh, true. Darn. I've forgot it had a tiger-striped grip.
Either way, I've liked XBLA revolvers.
Besides, now that you've shown me that image, I can see it is not quite as golden as in XBLA.

>> No.9842362

True. It’s more of a Donkey Kong banana color.

>> No.9842645

Halo did well with things like:
-the rocket launcher collision propelling things into the air.
-if you shoot a shield, it visually reflects the dissipated bullet. Those one-shot sniper rifle headshots looked and felt really good when they just blew through a shield.
-other stuff that I don't remember.
Even Halo 2 didn't feel as good as 1 did. Somehow there was that brief window of time where developers cared about what it felt like to shoot stuff.

>> No.9842738
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What game from the 5th console gen had hit detection this good

>> No.9842790

There was a couple changes I wish were toggleable, or a skull option
In Halo 1, vehicles can be invincible. High Impact Halo in 1 was different

>> No.9842915

There needs to be a unified known bounty site for people so we can fund projects like this. To incentivise work on it.

I'll throw $5 at a PD source port. I'm sure a few dozen other people would too. And that way whoever delivers can get something out of it and would be more focused on it rather than a couple hours here and there in their spare time.

>> No.9842918

No PD porn comics exist online.

>> No.9843203

PD had Banjo Tooie syndrome. It's a fine game, taking the baseline of Goldeneye and pushing it exponentially bigger and more technologically impressive. Oh paper it should just a better Goldeneye. But in practice, the campaign feels like a bloated slog. Levels are longer, but more linear and with fewer sandbox elements, so they're much less fun to replay and reinterpret. There is more variety in the weapons, but plenty are unsatisfying to use, like the Mauler or the shotgun or revolver. The storyline is bigger, but the gameplay result is making these big setpiece levels that are full of boring objectives to convey the sense of being a globetrotting intergalactic super spy, and they all start to run together after a while. Timesplitters had the right idea of basically ditching the idea of telling a big high stakes story to instead have smaller, distinct levels that could still offer a lot of variety in resources for multiplayer (though TS would drop the ball in different respects).

The moment I beat Goldeneye, I immediately jumped right back in to play it again. The moment I beat PD, I took a big exhale and was ready to go to sleep.

>> No.9843230


>> No.9843236

Perfect Dark is one of the few games I actively go back to after beating it (the only other two I can think of are the original Jak and Daxter and God of War). Mainly it’s to replay the end sections, with the Deep Sea and Skedar levels

>> No.9843251

Absolute banger. I grooved and lost.

>> No.9843491


>> No.9843648

I've been putting off buying a USB N64 controller since forever and I might just buy one this weekend to start playing this game again. Played the shit out of this game with friends, but it was between middle school and high school when it came out, so my peer group completely changed and I was a bit of a loner for about a year. Life was basically ride bike all day and play some vidya at night. Comfy.
>each weapon has two different firing options
>you could play against different types of AI (combat sim)
>up to 8 AI per game (that was alot for me as a kid, mind blowing shit)
>could set up multiple teams in multiple different game modes
>'AI' had a ton of different difficulty/personality settings
>get destroyed by SpeedDarkSim over and over
>Combat Simulator even had its own mission tree
>sneaking missions were just as exciting as playing MGS1 for the first time again
>actual campaign co-op mode that was based
>could completely annihilate the map with a FarSight rifle
>there's even a weapon called the N-bomb and it's just a black cloud lol
>you can even use mini drones to spy and kill enemies
>night, thermal, and xray vision
>Reaper minigun has secondary function as deadly spinning blades lol
I also think there's a couple things PD inspired in later games (maybe_
>mauler => plasma pistol (Halo 1)
>Air Force One-tier mission to clear an aircraft and save hostages (Modern Warfare)
I could go on. Great game. Also, the whole open world aspect of Carrington Institute was quality. You could walk around, go to the gun range, do some duels, practice stuff, go to the hanger and drift around. It was nice that the everything outside regular gameplay wasn't always a menu to select missions and whatever else.

>> No.9843740

Source port with online multiplayer when

>> No.9843829
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It's not the best Nintendo game but I feel comfortable saying it's the best FPS of all time

>> No.9844039

>It's not the best Nintendo game
It's not a Nintendo game though. It even got an Xbox 360 release

>> No.9844063

/gmad/ sisters WW@?

>> No.9844524

has anyone done a full playthrough on emulator with the mouse controls?

>> No.9844617

A large chunk of the Perfect Dark videos posted by Graslu00 all use emulator with mouse and keyboard. That’s why his gameplay runs so smoothly when doing the same thing on N64 would run at a frame rate comparable to that of a dying snail.

>> No.9844620

Does anyone have any recollection of what the perfectdark.com website looked like? Because of how heavily it utilizes Macromedia Flash, it’s nearly impossible to access it on the Internet Archive.

>> No.9845475


>> No.9846292

The game's too hard. I gave up at like level 6 on perfect agent. Too much bullshit.

>> No.9846302

Jo's smooth CG render skin suit

>> No.9846562

>play hardest difficulty
>complain it's too hard for you

>> No.9846569

>Jo’s smooth CG render skin suit
God fucking dammit. Why even live?

>> No.9847261

>frame rate comparable to that of a dying snail.
it really is significantly worse than i remembered, i yanked out my jungle green n64 with the expansion pack to play co-op, it was unplayable. the villa level chugged at 10 FPS or less.

yet as a child, i could not have cared less. still spent countless hours and never had a complaint.

>> No.9847361

I rented it when it came out

>> No.9847407

>yet as a child, i could not have cared less
This reminds me that in my group of friends we even have a specific scenario abusing this, if memory serves me right we called it "super matrix mode" or something similar (because of the bullet time in The Matrix).
Four human players, eight sims, only mines, the moment the first mine exploded, the framerate was like one frame every few seconds. It was hell, but all of us were equally fucked, so it was still fun trying to win.

>> No.9847413

rush 2049 stunt mode is even better

>> No.9847434

>I just want to camp with proximity mines and feel good about it.
I liked to drop the mines on the exact spot an ammo box spawned so it was invisible
I wasn't allowed to pick the weapons very often

>> No.9847971

I don't remember visiting perfectdark.com I'm guessing there wasn't much on that site. But they did have two fun viral marketing websites, one for datadyne I'm guessing it was datadyne.com but who knows and one for the carrington institute. This is the first time I had ever seen an official website made of a fictional thing, so I spent hours on it. I think the datadyne website didn't have much but the carrington institute had tons of fun lore hidden in it, I remember spending a lot of time in it. I'm guessing this was too early in the internet era and none of it is archived.

>> No.9848076

It shouldn’t have been too early, as the perfectdark.com website was archived (so was the Jet Force Gemini website). But, funnily enough, there is a dataDyne website: it’s called datadyne.ie and, apparently, this dataDyne does IT and consulting work. We can most likely assume two things: A. this is a front for a conspiracy with reptilian alien Muslims, and B. there is a possibility that a Carrington Institute website exists in the “IT and consulting” industry.

>> No.9848201

Waiting patiently for the decomp to hit 100%.

>> No.9848286
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>> No.9848302
File: 618 KB, 1592x1170, future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's hilarious - it's amazing how when you're young you're able to squeeze every last bit of fun out of everything, even something that would absolutely not fly today like the horrendous performance.

>> No.9848308

decomp's ready, there's evidence to that:

we are all waiting for the PC port, which nobody's making (and if they are, not publicly)

>> No.9848315

Shit, compared to some of the dreadfully forgettable games released today, the performance issues are the least of my worries.

>> No.9848323

>"get the guns back online, hurry!" with that tense upbeat track playing
it's just so good. i knew i was playing a masterpiece 23 years ago, but hindsight really puts it in perspective with the absolute drivel we're stuck with today.

>> No.9848619


>> No.9848625

What did he say? also, is Bonzai Barber any good?

>> No.9848710
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i asked if it was really him after i read an article where he did an interview about bonzai barber.

and it doesn't... look good.

>> No.9848725

It's okay for a budget WiiWare game. Basically something you play for a little bit and move on until the next day or whatever

>> No.9848819

To go from tomboy mommy milker secret agents to a game about trees. Kill me now.