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File: 39 KB, 455x403, dd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9831672 No.9831672 [Reply] [Original]

double dragon 3 would be good if it wasn't shit

>> No.9831696

Double dragon 2 would be shit if it wasn't good

>> No.9831721

I know right, all they had to do to make a good game was to make DD2 again but they pulled this shit instead.

t's like what were they thinking

>> No.9831767

Many such cases.

>> No.9831770

The Arcade version has one of my favorite soundtracks. Shame it's tied to the arcade version of Double Dragon 3.

>> No.9832479

Thread made me decide to play the game again, it's been on my list for 20 years but I had never even beaten the first stage. Going for the Japanese version for a start. I think I'm finally getting the hang of the game, I just reached stage 3.

The game just needed ONE thing to salvage it: the knee attack from DD2. That's it. If someone could romhack it in it would be glorious.

>> No.9832551

I can't pull off the wall jump, what's the trick?

>> No.9832598

Jump towards the wall, press kick right at it. don't try to jump kick it right away.

>> No.9832635

Even the Japanese version is so fucking unbalanced. If you reach stage 3, then guaranteed you can make it far; but if you die in stage 1 and 2, it's over; making the start of the game the hardest part. I had reached egypt and now I can't even reach stage 3 anymore

>> No.9832637

really makes you think

>> No.9832662

some rom hacks, with at least 1 that makes it a bit easier with extra health, extra continues, enemies have lower health etc

>> No.9833000

This part of the game is so fucking bullshit. It's so easy for the two enemies to pin down the player on the left side of the screen and proceed to gangbang him to death; and you can hardly move to safety. Worst part of the game by far, and hardest one after the final boss

>> No.9833069

Wouldn't any game be good if it wasn't shit?

>> No.9833105

its not as good as 2 but its still good, i would say its better than the first one. and it isnt actually harder than the first 2 games, the special moves are easier to do than 2 and the amount of lives you get is pretty much the same if you count the extra characters as lives.

>> No.9833110

Enmies and especially bosses drain your health bar much faster than in 1 and 2 though

>> No.9833119


>> No.9833123

IMO Resident Evil Code Veronica and Zelda Majora's Mask would still be shit even if they were good.

>> No.9833969 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 48x160, 76627-double-dragon-ii-the-revenge-nes-screenshot-a-defenseless-marian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DD3NES kinda sucks, but the difficulty is overrated. It's pretty easy to breeze through the first four stages by spamming Billy or Jimmy's Cyclone Spin Kick.

Anyway, pic related, is the best reason why DD2NES was better.

>> No.9834354

>would be good if it wasn't shit
This never occurred to me.
Truly, you are wise.

>> No.9834519

This is my only experience with dd. My brother and I got to the mummy around 3 or 4 times but never beat it. All the other dds look lame without chin and the ninja

>> No.9834530

Double Dragon more like double D's nyehehehe

>> No.9834657
File: 1.29 MB, 512x480, DD3_NinjaBoss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I just realized subweapons absolutely obliterate bosses

>> No.9834664
File: 2.79 MB, 512x480, DD3_Egypt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I still get raped by this part; it doesn't take a lot to lose everything here, so I realize my mistake in backing up against the left wall

>> No.9834667
File: 2.78 MB, 512x480, DD3_egypt2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then there is this part which is almost equally as bad. If I can learn those two parts, I should be able ot beat the game

>> No.9834791

i saw a longplay where the guy does a fly kick, then a spin kick, then about 1/3 along the platform switches to the ninja and had the sword selected and was on the platform facing left trying to hit the baddies into the spike pit. Seemed to work but he lost half his life

>> No.9834870
File: 537 KB, 512x480, DD3_clawrape.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better version

>> No.9835373

Cleopatra won't fucking die jesus fucking christ

>> No.9835376

what were they thinking with the platforming in this series?

>> No.9835462

My brother and I could never get past the 1st stage as kids, we were probably just too shit but fuck this game.

>> No.9835472
File: 16 KB, 382x383, dollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9835474

yeah me either, it was way too hard and i was pretty retarded as a kid, I could hardly beat any games on the NES or SMS

>> No.9835531
File: 2 KB, 256x240, Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (J)_006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I did it bros, finally. Billy died in the process though but he will be remembered as a hero. now I just have to do it all over agian in the US version

Overall I have to agree with >>9833105
in saying it's a better game than DD1 (NES). The game's reputation mostly comes from the difficulty, and the problem is that the learning curve is very STEEP, and since at first you have no lives, no continues, it feels like the hardest game ever. When you learn the game, the two first stages are actually the hardest though, outside of those 2 areas in Egypt.

I think the other problem with the game is the level design. 75 % of the game is just a straight line followed by a small room. And even when a level does something interesting, like Italy having giant steps in the middle of the stage, the game doesn't exploit it. The reason is that the entirety of the stage's enemies come at EVEN if you haven't moved an inch from the first screen, rather than typical "kill a few enemies, advance a bit, repeat". DD3 is more like "kill all enemies and then advance through a completely empty stage", that sucks.

The other thing is that the controls are a bit awkward due to some animations being too slow/long. Also I swear the game has trouble with input detection at times, like I'm standing on top of a knife, I press A, which punches, press A again (without moving) and NOW it picks up the knife, geez. Sometimes special moves don't trigger even and I have no idea why either, just feels like eaten input.

On the + side, the game has some great moves, like the running moves; and I really liked the idea of being able to play with the entire roster at once and being able to switch on the fly, rather than the tradional "pick your character at the start and stick with him until the end or until you use a continue"'; that + the subweapons management really brings a welcome "tactician" gameplay to a beat em up.

oh and fuck the unskippable cutscenes

>> No.9835546
File: 6 KB, 256x240, Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (J)_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr I feel like romhacks like these >>9832662
only attempt to put a bandaid on broken bones. If you really wanted to fix this game, you'd have to
>remedy the slow anims and clunky controls
>make it so enemies are spread throughout the entirety of a stage

these two things alone could bring this game on a same level as something like Mighty Final Fight

>make it so cutscenes/dialogues are skippable

and more of a nitpick but the shurikens are too weak, instead of 20 weak ass shurikens there should be only a dozen but make them at least twice as strong.

pic rel is the "step in Italy" I mentionned above, which remains unexploited unless you go out of your way to run over there while enemies are still alive

>> No.9835724

What's always hilarious to me about DD3 is how the US version rewrites the plot to be about Marian getting kidnapped again, then hastily tells you at the end that Cleopatra was Marian the whole time just to say "See? She's in the game!".

>> No.9835767

Apparently the guy who wrote the manual for Limited Run's physical release of Double Dragon IV didn't get the memo about the localization differences and thought that the official DD4 website was getting the stories for the arcade and NES versions mixed-up.

>> No.9835815

The differences between the Japanese and US versions are interesting, especially the way Hiruko appears in different stages and how the ending in the JPN version only tells the tell of the survivors (while in the western version it tells of everyone regardless). Both versions seem to be released roughly at the same time, perhaps the Japanese version was released later in fact; so it definitely feels like the JPN version is the more polished especially in regards to the ending (I mean, why would they take out something like that?).
But as usual, the TCRF page is written as if the JPN version was made first and released first, and even pulls assumptions like "the rewrite was by Acclaim" even though the story differences were already in the Tradewest prototype.

>> No.9836154
File: 591 KB, 600x906, 60c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9836162

>But as usual, the TCRF page is written as if the JPN version was made first and released first, and even pulls assumptions like "the rewrite was by Acclaim" even though the story differences were already in the Tradewest prototype.
I'm pretty sure the Tradewest prototype has a script much closer to the JP version.

>> No.9836264

>LRG doing ANYTHING right

>> No.9836679
File: 5 KB, 256x224, Dd3nes_opening_lee_brothers_proto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, the Tradewest prototype has a different script from the released Acclaim version. For one thing, it doesn't have the BIMMY typo. Otherwise, it's identical to the released Acclaim with none of the refinements and changes made in the later Technos-published Famicom version.

>> No.9837746

double dragon 3 was the first game with microtransactions i'm pretty sure, how it asked for money if you wanted to buy things from the shops

>> No.9837890

The arcade version is such a choppy piece of shit. Like wtf happened there.

>> No.9837908

Arcade version was outsourced. Technos made Combatribes at the time instead. NES DD3 was made by Technos in house though.