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File: 134 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9829035 No.9829035 [Reply] [Original]

Why did SH2 and SH3 look so good?

>> No.9829040

Because you're upscaling and deinterlacing with an emulator you reatard.

>> No.9829045

>I am doing art n that

>> No.9829048

Not him but they look good even when played in their original resolution. Especially SH3 when you set it to 'Sharp' in the options. It was ahead of its time

>> No.9829054

Kek OP is a faggot

>> No.9829060
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>> No.9829076
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Hot take but SH4 looked even better.

>> No.9829098
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>> No.9829114

because they were made by some of the best game programmers and modelers in Japan and they understood 6th gen processing budgets insanely well. All western PS2 games looked soooo goddamn trash in comparison. Even 7th gen Silent Hill games made by roundeyes had wack models compared to SH2-4. The better question is why did westoids suck at making PS2 games so badly?

>> No.9829136

Because the Japanese developers had access to a much better tech support at Sony.

>> No.9829143

lol I'm sure it wasn't a gulf in artistic skill and taste at all.

>> No.9829149

Coherent art direction. You don't need perfect texture resolution etc. as long as everything looks consistent and believable.

>> No.9829165

Especially with a CRT doing its usual magic. Still though, even if we take qualifiers like "PS2" and "CRT" away, they were some of the best looking PC games of the time too.

>> No.9829192 [DELETED] 

that's a fact tho
OP is obviously a Reddit Hill 2 poser who were introduced to the series via e-celeb shilling, that's why he didn't mention 4
Reddit Hill 2 posers either pretend 4 doesn't exist or blindly hate on it because e-celebs told them it's bad

>> No.9829194 [DELETED] 

unironically get help

>> No.9829215 [DELETED] 

>not argument
i accept your concession Reddit Hill 2 poser

>> No.9829219

>why did westoids suck at making PS2 games so badly?
Very hard question. Probably has to do with them sucking at making games in general but I could be wrong

>> No.9829236 [DELETED] 

You are most likely a zoomer who hasn't played a single Silent Hill game, learned about the most popular one from Youtube and decided to shit on it on 4chan. You do this with every other big franchise sadly, I wish mods would ban /v/ tourists already
>i accept your concession
>mentioning reddit
Most definitely a /v/tard

>> No.9829242 [DELETED] 

ah yes the classic ''y-y-you probably didn't even play the games'' cope, and not only that you even sank too low and pulled out the ''you also do this with other franchises'' pathetic accusation outing you for the assblasted poser you are
i don't care if you are blinded by nostalgia or if the internet hivemind brainwashed you into thinking that way but Reddit Hill 2 fucking sucks

>> No.9829245

Good artists. That’s all.

>> No.9829253 [DELETED] 

Didn't read, your last (You). Go back

>> No.9829254
File: 108 KB, 800x600, sh4theroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it arguably looks the best Silent Hill 4 is the worst out of Team Silent's SH titles.

>> No.9829267 [DELETED] 

>Reddit Hill 2 poser immediately proves what i said in my post
you are a bunch of bots lmao

>> No.9829270

Can't be worse than Silent Hill 2, which somehow convinced players that the town was a fucking therapist.

>> No.9829271 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9829272

Does anyone have an up-to-date chart for the best ways to play SH 1-4?

>> No.9829289

1 on Duckstation and 2-4 on Pcsx2, et voila!!!
don't bother with PC ports

>> No.9829302 [DELETED] 

I've been playing Silent Hill way before comparing people to Reddit became an insult lol.
I never said SH4 is a bad game. It's just the least good out of the four Team Silent SH titles. I think the apartment is the scariest feature of any SH game.

>> No.9829304
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>> No.9829313 [DELETED] 

lol pussy

>> No.9829315

Silent Hill 2 leaned into the whole "town is a mirror of one's subconscious" thing, which is kinda weird because it wasn't ever present in the first Silent Hill game. I spoke with another anon in a SH thread about how SH3 kinda pushed that aside in favor of simply "the town is fucked up" which I think is cooler. SH2 is the most popular title so of course its style and philosophies caught on the strongest.

>> No.9829317

SH1 - PS1 emulator, Duckstation or ePSXe
SH2 - myabandonware copy + enhanced edition patch or PCSX2, both work really good even on toaster PCs
SH3 - myabandonware copy works just fine on modern machines. You'll need Daemon tools to install it + NoDVD patch to run it though, easy to find on the internet
SH4 - GOG version, it's dirt cheap but whatever you can just pirate it anywhere

>> No.9829336 [DELETED] 

i can understand saying 4 is not as good as 1 and 3 but worse than fucking Reddit Hill 2? nah you just have bad taste...oh not it's not a matter of taste it's a matter of hivemind mentality you were brainwashed into thinking Reddit Hill 2 is a masterpiece like this retard here >>9829315 (implying that's not your post too)
>SH2 is the most popular title so of course its style and philosophies caught on the strongest.
LMAO the absolute state of pseud Reddit Hill 2 fags, 2 is the weakest game in the regard the only reason you idiots think otherwise because you are too stupid to comprehend the genius of 1, 3 and 4 hence why you braindead Reddit Hill 2 posers always parrot the ''dude cult plot shit lmao'' phrase when asked about the other games in the series

>> No.9829341

First SH was good because it didn't explain anything. Otherworld wasn't an alternate dimension or whatever it is in later games, you didn't know for sure if Harry was in a nightmare or not. Later game turned it into dark world from ALTTP.

>> No.9829352 [DELETED] 

i know you think that hating the most popular game in the franchise makes you edgy and interesting, but it actually just makes you autistic.

>> No.9829353 [DELETED] 

You're replying to the same anon and SH1 is my favorite game of the series.

>> No.9829354
File: 447 KB, 1280x1838, 115_Silent_Hill_Perfect_Navigation_Book_115[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silent Hill 2 leaned into the whole "town is a mirror of one's subconscious" thing, which is kinda weird because it wasn't ever present in the first Silent Hill game.

There's a bit. The monsters and locations are explained as Alessa's fears and memories, and the whole town is being swallowed up by her nightmares. It's being powered by the demon baby though. If you're wondering why there's a moth boss it's because she had a collection of them in her room. The demons with knives are obviously school kids.

Sh2 takes that and massively expands upon it and moves away from implying that it was just an incident with Alessa and the cult, by saying the town has always had mysterious incidents. The lore massively expands and they turn it into a "series" for sequels.

>> No.9829357

something about the pause screen filter in 4 makes every frame look like a work of art

>> No.9829361 [DELETED] 
File: 1.10 MB, 245x150, GodPuke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are too stupid to comprehend the genius of 3
Reddit Hill 2 = Tumblr Hill 3

>> No.9829370

Yeah, you are right. It's been too long since I've played SH1, I gotta go back for a replay soon.

>> No.9829386

The whole 'dat's not real Silent Hill!' argument has always been retarded. If you want to know my opinion, none of the games after 1 are 'real Silent Hill' to me because it was my first SH game and the one I grew up with. 3 doesn't feel like 1 at all, neither does 4. When someone says that 3 is a 'back to the roots' type of thing I just don't understand it. But all of this is what makes these games good. Way better than having 4 samey games even if they are fun to play like Mega Man for example
>dark world from ALTTP
Have you played Origins? When I played it for the first time that otherworld mechanic reminded me of ALttP and Prime 2 A LOT

>> No.9829389 [DELETED] 

>he's still using the ''y-y-you're just trolling!!!'' cope
have a pity (you) pathetic Reddit Hill 2 poser
>Ackshually! SH1 is my favorite haha..
then you are even worse than the retard above you, because you can see that 1 is better than Reddit Hill 2 however you still see it as better than the superior 4
at least Reddit Hill 2 posers have the excuse of being inbred fucktards who cannot form their own opinion but what's your excuse for your shit taste faggot?

>> No.9829396

I played it on a crt a few months ago and it looked incredible

>> No.9829408

What's wrong with the PC ports?

>> No.9829458

So it's barely in there - the biggest hint is that the town is being swallowed up by someone's nightmare. The nightmare is Alessa's and it's powered by the demon inside her. So it's all her memories plus various places she was familliar with (the school, hospital, mall). But other than the demon and the cult, there is nothing implied about SH itself being weird.

SH2 is throwing monuments and documents about all sorts of horrifying events, and it's the first to show the town's history has always been steeped in dark murder and war crimes.

I can't remember, was Tolouca Lake mentioned in 1?

>> No.9829460

Nothing. PC port of 2 with enhanced edition mod is better than emulating ps2 version if own a PC. Port of 3 also let's you enhance the graphics quite significantly. Have no experience with port of 4 though.

>> No.9829468

Are you one of those freaks who watches 48fps versions of movies?

>> No.9829478

>was Tolouca Lake mentioned in 1?
It didn't have a name but you saw it after the 1st sewers when you had to reach the lighthouse

>> No.9829480

No, but if I can easily play a version that looks better, I will. It's less trouble than setting up an emulator too.

>> No.9829498

SH3 is similar to 1 in style and aesthetic but none of the games match SH1's gameplay.

>> No.9829513

No game is similar to 1 in style. 3 has its own vibe and it's amazing too though
>SH1's gameplay.
For some reason I like its gameplay the most too. It's so easy to just pick up and play, I replay it very often

>> No.9829515

Didn't SH3 imply that Silent Hill being so fucked up and tapping into people's fears and memories was because of the Order's God? I remember in the first game it was all Alessa.

>> No.9829525

No, it implies that it's going apeshit because Heather is there, and in a way she's still its god.

>> No.9829527

Nta but it's complicated
>The name of that town is Silent Hill. Although it is known as a scenic resort area, it is a cursed place where the town's former inhabitants were once driven away, brutal executions were once carried out, and a mysterious plague was once prevalent. The town is centered around Toluca Lake, from which a thick fog perpetually enshrouds the area and makes vague the reality and dreams of those who visit the town. And according to those who have seen them, there are also times when "things" that should not naturally exist appear.
From an official databook released in 2003. Basically the town is fucked. Don't really remember how the Order even came to be but I guess some people who lived in Silent Hill just went crazy (because the town is cursed) and decided to start a cult

>> No.9829528

Never thought about it that way. That's really cool, like the town itself is sentient.

>> No.9829561 [DELETED] 

you can tell who the /v/ tourists are because they immediately get extremely mad, aggressive, reply to 5-10 posts, etc. It just feels like a child throwing a tantrum, the posts glow like the sun. Even the hyper autistic regulars on here are usually pretty calm when they're ranting.

>> No.9829563 [DELETED] 


>> No.9829659
File: 578 KB, 1648x1244, 006-007_history_of_sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It been implied throughout the series that SH is fucked up because the land itself holds otherworldly power and has been corrupted thrpugh a history of tragedies that would go on to take place on the land. The power of SH is not a conscious force with any kind of intentions to the people it effects, it just happens to now be a force that taps into the darkness that resides in individuals that travel to it.

>> No.9829817

It's intentionally vague, and it's likely the devs don't have any answers WHY either. It's more fun as a mytsery anyways.

>> No.9829953 [DELETED] 

agreed, imagine getting this mad because someone dislikes your precious Reddit Hill 2 lmao
it's a shame these /v/tards keep shitting up /vr/

>> No.9830949
File: 44 KB, 957x531, SH3QuiteTown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This page tells even more about the history of Silent Hill in more detail


>> No.9830958
File: 645 KB, 220x306, 1622119955208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the people who claim that widescreen and 60fps "ruin" the game, state your case. convince me to play the PS2 version instead.

>> No.9830961

>Daemon tools
I don't remember about W7 but W10 has ISO mounting built into the OS, you don't need Daemon tools

>> No.9831308


>> No.9831340

Silent Hill 3 blew me away with how good it could look without relying on pre-rendered cutscenes.

>> No.9831402

artistic merit

>> No.9833151
File: 16 KB, 256x224, Tales of Phantasia (Japan) [T-En by DeJap v1.2]-230411-162526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9833186

For some reason all the guides recommend against using the built-in mounting tool

>> No.9833190

60 FPS quite literally ruins most games. Even the SH2EE team says it's better to turn it off. Why did they even let you use it then, fuck if I know

>> No.9833291

Playing old games in widescreen = having sex with crossdressing men

>> No.9833292
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>this was done with 4MB of VRAM

>> No.9833306
File: 3.32 MB, 640x640, 1679059689725139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it can be done on a 4chan post file limit

>> No.9833308

>the filesize of OP's image is larger than the actual game

>> No.9833319 [DELETED] 

>lol I'm sure it wasn't a gulf in artistic skill and taste at all.
You don't understand, everything MUST be a technical issue.

>> No.9833981

More like an anti-therapist, but come on it very obviously, borderline hamfistedly mocked all the characters directly. I know. I KNOW. Reddit likes the game! It's a popular game! Redditors like breathing and water and food too. Sometimes shit's just good.

>> No.9834004

They need a bit more fucking with to get in a decent state, but once you do it they're better than the PS2 versions. PCSX2 will get you 90% there simply by loading the ISO with auto-widescreen patches and 3x+ rendering.

>> No.9834016

Fuck it, I'll let them insert a little 90s cringe for being translation hack pioneers. Being able to play this and SD3 in English back in the day owned and you know it, even with some misplaced liberties here and there. No worse than Working Design's paid efforts.

>> No.9834023

Not quite at that resolution on PS2, but on a CRT it looked pretty sharp.

>> No.9834832
File: 85 KB, 1360x768, silenthill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the first four SH games all look very good for their time.

>> No.9835441
