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File: 103 KB, 640x916, tmnt_nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
982828 No.982828 [Reply] [Original]

After 20 years, I finally beat this game.

There's no excuse for why it should be in the top 20 most difficult games on the NES. It's based off of a children's show. What were they thinking? And Shredder being a one hit death? How ultra-cheap is that?

Still, overall, it was a very fun game and it felt so satisfying to have finally beaten it.

>> No.982848

If you like this game try Getsufuu Maden on famicom. TMNT was based on the engine of that game. There is translation patch available.

>> No.982850

nice work OP, i have a nes emulator on my PC and was thinking of giving this one a try tonight actually. I dont expect to get far but i already know how to beat rocksteady :)

>> No.982873

It's because it was designed to be a quarter-munching arcade game.

>> No.982897


I'd like to, but I doubt if I'll get the chance. On top of being Famicom only, isn't it supposed to be rare and expensive?



The first two levels are pretty fair. After that, I really don't think the difficulty should have increased. I mean I've beaten hard games like G'nG and Ninja Gaiden, but this was based on a cartoon show. Kids should have been able to beat it. It shouldn't rank among the toughest games on the NES.


Are you sure you're not confusing it with the sequels?

>> No.982910

Huh no I got my Getsufuu Maden cart (cart only though) for famicom very cheap. Granted that was quite a few years ago but still.

But if you want to play a translated version you're gonna have to stick with emulation anyway

>> No.982914

>I'd like to, but I doubt if I'll get the chance. On top of being Famicom only, isn't it supposed to be rare and expensive?

You act like you can't just emulate it.

>> No.982919

If this is the TMNT game I think it is, I had it as a kid, and I remember it being hard as fuck because there was no saving (that I could figure out anyway), but one weekend, my friend and I stayed up all night and beat that fucking game. It was so satisfying to finally beat it so I could retire it.

>> No.982931

It's Getsu Fuuma Den.

>> No.982936

>Had it on the C-64
>Got past the Hudson River stage
>Game crashed when you went into an area to get one of your lives back (captured turtle).
>Needed that life, never even tried to finish it after that.

My mate had it on his 286 and got up to the Technodrome. Never finished it either.

>> No.982941

I ain't even mad about that one being a "IT'S CHEATING" game.. One on SNES, Turtles in Time, could be finished in like an hour or so.

>> No.982945

Turtles III is overall the best.

>> No.982947

That boss.. Slash?.. on dinosaur level, was the asshole of the game. After that, I was cruising.

>> No.982952

There's no dinosaur level in Turtles III

>> No.982956

3 is my favourite as well on NES. My friend with whom I play those games coop argues that 2 is the best... But to me 3 feels much more polished all around.

>> No.982963

I douched that. IV has dinosaur level.
III has the dinosaur on the cover.

>> No.983002

this, I used to own the first TMNT game (Man I had so many NES games, where the fuck did they all go...)

Anyways, TMNT was one of those games that would take a long time to beat cause it was just one of those "Play it so many times that you just memorize everything" deal, while I rented Turtles in Time once and beat it that same night, yet people fucking LOVE Turtles in Time.

Were casuals around back then too?

>> No.983003

After 20 years I've only made it to the 4th level ONE TIME, fuck the city, fuck it hard

>> No.983556


Yeah. Hard games are often done to stretch out a short video game, like Ghosts 'n Goblins. But here, we have a game which takes over an hour to beat if you know exactly where it is that you're going and what you're doing.


Super Nintendo games were typically easier than Nintendo games. There were still some NES hard games though.

Turtles in Time is such a great game that I would readily accept it as the canon ending to the cartoon series. All of the villains are destroyed, Splinter proclaims that they're true ninjas now. Good stuff.

>> No.983570

only honestly hard part is the last area inside the tank, the bosses are all exploitable and pizza farming/area memorization make all the normal levels fairly easily, that being said the underwater section is fucking nervewracking

>> No.983596

I regularly Donatello my way all the way to Shredder, only to find that the game freezes at that point. It worked only once (when I was a kid) and that was the time I beat the game. Would buy and play a modern 2D temunituvania.

>> No.983610

My brother managed to beat this legit, but using the NES Game Atlas to keep him from getting lost and to find areas to farm scrolls/pizza.

It's weird because the game is pretty big and has decent graphics in the backgrounds and stuff so it looks like a lot of work went into it and some of the different features, but on the other hand most of the difficulty comes from it feeling lazy and janky as fuck half the time.

I like the beat-em-ups but I would have enjoyed a more polished, forgiving game in this style.

>> No.983683
File: 59 KB, 442x395, Turtle Van.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. It really is a nice style. I like that it switches between an overhead view and sidescrolling levels. It really gives it a feeling of depth and creates an expansive world. The beat 'em ups are better, but they also lock you into moving from the left to the right. This game gives you freedom to explore.

The game has good graphics, good music, fun gameplay, and a storyline right out of the series. Rescue April? Prevent the Foot Clan from blowing up the dam? Each stage feels like a new episode right out of the series. Even Shredder using the TV to send a message fits.

And in what other game could you ever drive the Turtle Van? My only real complaint is the difficulty.

>> No.983690
File: 67 KB, 460x276, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one could never beat this fucking level as a kid?

>> No.983693

Not OP but the dam level really isn't THAT hard. It's up there with Turbo Tunnel in Battletoads that doesn't deserve it's supposedly-legendary reputation for difficulty.

The dam especially is just a matter of knowing what you're doing so you don't run out of time.

>> No.983697

Turbo tunnel was another level I could never beat as a kid. If you actually were able to beat it as a child, that's great. These days I just don't even care to try

>> No.983749

THe Hudson River isn't hard at all with days of practice.

Practice you will get because you will die many times in the levels beyond.

Seriously though, the game was easy up until the last 2 levels (in the technodrome and just before) and that could be negated by scroll farming.

That being said, as a kid I was too lazy to scroll farm and as a result, the furthest I ever made it was a few screens into the technodrome then I said fuck it close enough.

>> No.983782


I've made it as far as Volkmire's Inferno and I can safely say that, up until that point, the Turbo Tunnel was the most difficult individual level.

>> No.983794
File: 15 KB, 232x217, TMNT Shredder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, one other gripe I have with this game is that Shredder is a one hit kill opponent. That scene where he challenges the Turtles through the TV screen got me hyped. But no, the fight is one big let down where you just have to keep hitting him without letting him get a single move in.

He was much more fun to fight in the other games. Sure, he was way more difficult, but at least it wasn't a matter of the first person to get offense winning.

>> No.983831
File: 2.97 MB, 240x216, damnodmg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most overrated level in the history of NES games when it comes to difficulty.

>> No.984459

honestly as long as you arent going in with a set of crippled turtles and have the sound on, you can easily avoid all the electric traps and if you really are that bad in the seaweed part you can swim through it while switching around to distribute the damage.

Honestly the worst part of this game is a few of the artificially hard jumps that if you miss you have to go around 3-4 screens to get back to retry the jump. I still sometimes die before ever making it out of the fucking dam.

>> No.984491

>artificially hard

What's funny is that a lot of the jumps actually are "fake" hard in the real sense of the word (not the dumb way people want to use it) in that they're not hard at all, but you don't realize that you only need to tap the button a tiny amount or whatever.

>> No.984505


What does having the sound on have to do with anything? It's not like the electrical barriers make a sound or anything.

>> No.984512


>> No.984926

>Y-you just walk over it?

>> No.984964

>It's based off of a children's show
From the turtle designs and a few other notes in the game, it appears to have more influence from the early TMNT comics than the kids' cartoon show.

>> No.985146
File: 37 KB, 400x341, 1375636508377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do the contra code on the title screen you get 4 continues instead of 2

>> No.985165

My copy has a glitch on it where I cannot use the rope to jump across the buildings. Thus I cannot beat it.

>> No.985169

Do you watch wrestling?

>> No.985175

I find this unlikely when the alternative is you are doing it wrong.

>> No.985171

>grind for hours so every turtle has 99 scrolls
>game over in the technodrome anyways
THOSE 3 CONTINUES AIN'T GONNA HELP. Well, it'll help map the drome for the next time.

>> No.985179

I am doing it right according to every source I have ever seen, it simply doesn't work.

>> No.985178
File: 17 KB, 220x363, 220px-Batman-label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP so you beat that, now it's time for this!


>> No.985183

>It's based off of a children's show

That's arguable, considering how few cartoon show enemies there are, and the fact the cover boasts the original comic look, where all the turtles had the same bandanna color and white eyes.

The comic was most definitely not "kid friendly".

>> No.985191

Turtles In Time was based on an arcade game. You aren't meant to stay in the arcade for a week to beat the game.

>> No.985202


Except it's not one of the most difficult NES games unless you're excluding games that are nigh impossible because of poor programming. I'd certainly agree that it's one of the harder good games for the console.

Anyway, I don't consider it too hard for a child's game. Even a terrible player can progress to the dam. Plenty of lives, continues, responsive controls... The jumping mechanics can be frustrating at times--but that's all.

Oh, and congrats on finally beating it.

>> No.985247


The Konami Code works on this game? I'm kinda glad that I didn't know about that until after beating it. Victory might have felt somewhat tainted.

Anyway, the scrolls aren't necessary in the last stage. I beat the game on my second game over. When you get to the spot where it's impossible to jump, enemies will start to fly backward upon being struck.

There is a spot at which you can pick up some scrolls in the Technodrome as well. There's a spot where there's a gap in the floor and one of those circular guns to the left of it. If you use Donatello's bo and you bounce back and forth, you can take it out and get the scrolls on the left hand side. If Donatello is lost, well.....

>> No.985271
File: 11 KB, 512x384, Joker NES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The thought had crossed my mind. I've made it as a far as the final level on two separate occasions, but then turned it off. I just didn't want to lose to the Joker.


The instruction manual and cover of the game both use illustrations from the comics themselves. The in-game sprites are also based more on the comic than the cartoon and I'm certain that Krang's omission was a deliberate choice.

However, Bebop, Rockeady, and the Technodrome remain from the cartoon show. Additionally, Splinter and Yoshi being one and the same is taken from the cartoon. Shredder's mutagen gun is also lifted directly from the initial five part mini-series.

Besides that, it's the cartoon which lead to the popularity of TMNT, not the underground comics. The kids were buying this game on account of the cartoon.

>> No.985279

This is why I said "arguable".

>> No.985394


Maybe not, but I didn't know anyone as a kid who didn't read it.

>> No.985616
File: 395 KB, 1600x1200, NINTENDO-NES-SYSTEM-CONSOLE-SPECIAL-EDITION-TURTLES-RELEASE-VERY-RARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's arguable, considering how few cartoon show enemies there are, and the fact the cover boasts the original comic look, where all the turtles had the same bandanna color and white eyes.

FUN FACT : in France we had a NES-TMNT bundle (that was my first NES). Look at the cover of the game drawn on the cover of the box : the bandannas have all different colours even though they don't on the ACTUAL game cover!

Batman isn't that hard. Not as hard at TMNT imo. There is just one annoying enemy: those jumping monkey like fuckers in stage2, and the final boss; the rest is relatively easy.

>> No.985638

>cube boss

>> No.986428


That one jumping boss is rather brutal. Doesn't he have some BS strategy which defies all logic like "just walk up to him and punch him"?


That is awesome. Great screen shot too. As a Turtles fan, that would have gotten me hyped. Rocksteady has April captive and it's up to you to rescue her.

It's kind of a shame that Bebop isn't in the shot. That would have added to it.

lol, they're playing as Donatello. Beating up an unarmed Bebop with the longest weapon in the game. That's about as cheap as the box trick during the Rocksteady fight.

>> No.986450

>FUN FACT : in France we had a NES-TMNT bundle
I swear that was a bundle like that in the US too

also the original comics are well worth reading, the writing and art isn't that great in the first few issues but as it goes on both get better

>> No.986453

The thing is really rare nowadays. used to have it as a kid but my mom threw it away. i dream of finding it in a flea market

>> No.986465

AFAIK it's a PAL only bundle

>> No.986516
File: 65 KB, 1280x800, 1374592654805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh, I totally forgot about NES batman!"
>Youtube: Speedrun
>Throws the joker off a skyscraper
>Close up on joker's dead face

>> No.986520

I swear I remember seeing it in stores.. but then again my parents used to go to a pretty shady chain store named Ames so it may have been a bootleg package
and yes, Ames was shady as fuck, despite being the Walmart of the 80s/early 90s, I remember going through their discount music bin and finding mexican bootleg concert tapes in it when I was a teenager.

>> No.986535

is that screen shot from GTO? (the fish out of water story anime about a young teacher that used to be a street punk, not the Grand Theft Auto)

>> No.986575

you hop over short gaps with low overhead clearance, tap the jump button instead of pressing it.
still it is a bitch if some creature knocks you off the platform, but TMNT wasn't bad about doing that.

>> No.986592

The only thing that ever really stuck as bullshit for me is that jetpac guy corridor, where the internet sourced solution is duck when they appear and they scroll themselves out of existence. Any tactics that are not quite so cheap?

>> No.986594

Yes, it's from GTO, the character is Principal Uchiyamada.

>> No.986639

yeah, it was one of my favorite animes when I was younger, forgot the principals name is all.

>> No.986947

The game isn't that hard at all really. It just takes some adapting and learning to do, or you end up like this guy


>Constantly run and jump into literally everything
>Wondering why he always is so low on health

>> No.986960


If you're in the narrow corridor, duck and hit them. They'll fly backwards. If you're fighting them in an open corridor, blast them with the strongest weapon you have or get the hell out of there.

They're an incredibly cheap opponent.

>> No.986985

Early console games were quarter crunchers. Because early console game developers were directly inspired by arcades and didn't quite grasp the fact that the home system has drastically different qualities such as you're at home playing the shit you own. Not trying to profit off an arcade machine.

I think the real issue with the damn was the fact that people sucked with timing swim taps and the time limit.