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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 541 KB, 1920x1280, mahjong-game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9828207 No.9828207 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about shovelware games, like mahjong, pachinko, and slots. Despite making a sizeable portion of the PS2 library (among others), they get zero attention.

Am I missing anything? Are there any particularly good mahjong titles? Any hidden gems in this forgotten genre?

>> No.9828212

I like Caesars Palace on SNES because you can walk around the casino

>> No.9828217

You're missing the best video game music track ever:

Not much outside of that.

>> No.9828220

Think about it OP

>> No.9828240

Mahjong isn't really shovelware like casino games. It's a very popular table game.
I know some people consider all table/board games adaptations (and even sports games) as "shovelware", but it mostly depends of the game quality. Nintendo's success in Japan was partially brought by their mahjong games.

>> No.9828348

There's actually a story mode in some of the PachiPara games where you can walk around and shit. I tried out the one in the video I'll link but it emulated like shit when I tried it and didn't get far.

>> No.9828353

Mahjong is BIG BRAIN if you're down to learn it, not shovelware at all, no more than Chess or other strategy games.

>> No.9828361

Is mahjong like Hearts but with tiles?

>> No.9828423

You're trying to assemble a winning hand before everyone else. Each turn you draw a block from the deck, or take one that the previous player discarded, then discard one block of your own. The first player to have a "winning" setup wins the round.

>> No.9828431

There's so many fucking mahjong games in Japan because they're easy to pump out with whatever theming you want, same with the pachinko games really.
Plus it's stupid easy to make virtual mahjong and pachinko games lewd by giving you anime tits if you can actually win against the character you're playing against.

>> No.9828706
File: 319 KB, 448x320, Animahjong_X_PerfectA8_03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, as arcade and PC had tons of them.

>> No.9828723

basically gin rummy with tiles. a few wrinkles of course, but that's the gist.

>> No.9828735

Best pachinko game for ps2?
If it has cute 2D girls it is better

>> No.9828740

I have to wonder where the animators for these games went afterwards

>> No.9828759

a well paid workplace i hope, because it's great.

>> No.9828850

Sogna had lots of talents in their team.
In Animahjong X, the character designer for (You) and the 3 sisters is Atsuko Nakajima (as Azusa Shiratori), who's been famous since the Ranma 1/2 anime. She has an impressive resume:
Most of the other gals are by Atsuko Ishida, who worked on the Rayearth anime and was married to Obari.
Katsura Kenichirou also worked on the game:

>> No.9829320

Animahjong X has been mentioned but it's one of my favorites. God I miss Sogna

For Arcade, the Super Real Mahjong series is pretty fun. My favorites are Lovely Pop Mahjong and Mahjong Hyper Reaction 2.
For Consoles my favorite is probably Mahjong Master 64. I still need to play more of those.

I haven't messed around with pachinko at all but Pachinko Hyper Reaction is easy to emulate and has cute girls/cutscenes. There are a lot of PS2 ones and even controllers you can get for them.

>> No.9829364

>Mahjong is BIG BRAIN if you're down to learn it, not shovelware at all, no more than Chess or other strategy games
Mahjong I respect.
Pachinko is cancer, in both real life and in video games.

>> No.9829954

>games i don't like are shovelware
Cool hot take story brolet

>> No.9830683

not this anon but what are the best pachi games in general? including arcade games I suppose

>> No.9830870
File: 107 KB, 336x678, unknownc2c36e3fe6cdc20ae1030de6e953dc48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with Pachinko Sexy Reaction.
It's short, fun, and has really high production values.

>> No.9830881

How come pachinko has absolutely no power outside of Japan? Nearest parlor to me in the States is multiple states away and the parlors in Vegas seemed to all have been closed since covid. Looking on steam just gets you peggle clones and plinko.
You'd think it'd be an interesting diversion from the video slots that people seem to lap up

>> No.9830951
File: 1.00 MB, 796x596, Fullani.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What mahjong games you'll like best depends on how much you tolerate/despise 2-player mahjong.
If you don't mind it your options increase dramatically.
Fullani is a great place to start. Yes, despite how picrel looks, it is a real retro game, it came out in 2006.

On the other hand if you can't stand 2-player and want something with some meat to it, try the Shoubushi Densetsu Tetsuya PS2 games.
If you watch mahjong anime you'll already be familiar with Tetsuya (because there are only like three mahjong anime). The games adapt the whole plot of the anime, as well as parts of the manga that never made it into the anime.
These games are unique in that cheating is a core mechanic, which totally changes the way you have to approach the game.

Either way, check out Splush Wave.
They're a tiny Japanese company that's released really creative mahjong games almost every year since the PC-98 era.
Most of their games are erotic fangames based on series like Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, and Fate, as well as a few others.
They're currently rebounding from getting their pants sued off them by Cygames for releasing a Princess Connect mahjong game.
Definitely check these guys out; even their bad games are bad in an interesting way and their good games are just plain fun.

In general, feel free to just download and try lots of shit.
It only takes like half an hour to play through a quick round, and who knows what kind of crazy forgotten 'jong masterpiece you'll stumble onto.

>> No.9831936

Good picks. Taisen Hot Gimmick series is also nice.
A game that's on the easy side but worth playing out of curiosity is Mahjong Gakuen with art by Capcom's Akiman. Surprisingly lewd as far as arcade strip games go, too.

>> No.9833057

Any sexy shanghai mahjong games?

>> No.9834046
File: 3.02 MB, 2304x1728, Ever_been_dealt_a_hand_that_makes_girls_clothes_explode_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are casual games for causal play. I enjoy them, but maybe something with a little more flair like the Suchie Pai games could be something if you're interested. That series is mahjong but with cheating (see opponent's hand, destroy a tile, etc.) and features character designs by Sonoda Kenichi-sensei. For the hidden gems, the Playstation versions of the games will avoid anime nudity and suggestiveness, as a bonus they tend to be priced less too.

>> No.9834306
File: 2.71 MB, 640x486, Yakuman 2 no sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tetsuya Mahjong game is pretty great. I remember watching my friend play through a bunch of it and helped him translate what each of the cheats do in the cheating menu (there's a lot). I loved how that game had a visual flow mechanic too which can both help and hinder you.

I know there's an Akagi GBA and PS1 game which are both vastly different. The PS1 game is based off some live action movie or something and is completely different to what we know Akagi as, and the GBA version is just Akagi on the GBA lol.


I played and finished a few Mahjong games like Super Real Mahjong for no real reason other than I had never played Mahjong games before and wanted to try some out and porn ones were quite funny to see how they worked. Beyond that I don't really play any Mahjong games retro or otherwise. However, I do find that Dragon Quest Mahjong game to be something I'd want to try as a DQ fan.

>> No.9834884
File: 154 KB, 900x510, toki-retro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Saki games are a good find. Many characters you choose from have special abilities. This is in tune with the anime, where they have magical powers that they use in mahjong.

For example, one of them can see the next 1-3 tiles that will be drawn.

>> No.9835145

>Those discards
Most undeserved yakuman I've ever seen

>> No.9836029

I was testing the game to see how it would react to discards like these. At the time I believed it was slightly rigged in someone's favour (usually the AI's) and since it pretty much gave me the perfect Daisangen hand to work with after three draws, I just did bad discards to see if I could win with a preference for going for Toitoi over anything else.

>> No.9836314

You don't really have to test those games to know that they cheat. They do it pretty blatantly.

>> No.9836887

It was the first one I played so I didn't really know at the time.

>> No.9836959

A lot of these games have no decent two player mode and playing against the computer is soulless.

It would have been interesting to see a game utilize the PS1 link cable to enable each player to have their own screen so they can't see each other's hands.

>> No.9838741

some of these mahjong games do indeed have some great music no matter the system (console, arcade, pc etc.). this snes soundtrack sounds excellent.

>> No.9838756

at this point you can just play it irl.

>> No.9839450
File: 282 KB, 1107x1548, 81OpBsQKMLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "mahjong with superpowers" game style goes back at least to the Usagi Yasei no Touhai games on PS2.

>> No.9840450

I like the idea of playing the video game version for a few reasons.

1. Perfect rules enforcement and no arguing over them.
2. No shuffling.
3. It's neat.

>> No.9840468

Don't forget how keeping scores can be an absolute pain in the ass in real life.