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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.66 MB, 1601x843, 1680824544062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9826391 No.9826391 [Reply] [Original]

He's literally me...

>> No.9826396

Not retro.

>> No.9826417
File: 1.67 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20230416-111232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene had no right being so depressing. Him being a wagie in his late 20's playing old ass videogames to relief stress while being a disappointment to his parents is just...


Mario looks like he's going through his darkest moment in life.

Is this what being a /vr/teran feels like? Clinging to the past because that's were your lives peaked? Not a demoralization post.

>> No.9826546
File: 92 KB, 478x800, 50103_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's not just about clinging to the past but being able to remember and cherish those fun times, even if they were brief. Also being able to discover games and consoles I never played or owned as a kid, which is a big part of why I play these games now. It's like finding a lost part of my childhood,

>> No.9826560

why is Luigi taking on the role of the mother bringing the tendies?

>> No.9826573

Mid movie imo. Kind of hate Nintendo, they're reverting to their overly corporate, stuffy self from the NES-N64 era (the quality of releases on the SNES was the exception from this)

>> No.9826579

i cling to nothing because i mostly play old vidya i skipped back then for various reasons. it's not different to reading old literature, it's just a matter of taste.

>> No.9826631

I dont really play video games much anymore. It feels like ive been there and done that. Dont get me wrong, i like vidya, but i just dont care for them atm. I would like to find another hobby tho. Im thinking about joing a gym but idk where to start.

>> No.9826702
File: 96 KB, 657x1000, 71FTb9X6wsL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this what being a /lit/teran feels like? Clinging to the past because that's were your lives peaked? Not a demoralization post.

>> No.9826716
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, mario-anime-1986-1650319341726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really find it weird that they keep doing this shit. It works for Captain N but doing it for Mario breaks my brain.

>> No.9826719
File: 1.77 MB, 1278x720, 1425421979508.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this what being a /vr/teran feels like?
No, this is

>> No.9826732
File: 34 KB, 546x665, Mudkip1_9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't realise this, but failure led to all of nintendo's best stuff. They allowed edginess, strikers, ttyd, partners in time, majoras mask all this great freedom for their ips only came about because nintendo was spluttering and failing so they allowed conformity to the wider market.

Now nintendo is successful again they're cleaning up the brand, well have been doing so since the wii days

>> No.9826739

What does playing a video game have to do with any of that shit? It's like blaming the gun for the murder.

>> No.9826824

wait, Mario is Mexican?

>> No.9826832

Unironically /fit/, it's bizarrely the most positive board for self improvement

>> No.9826859

You're right, they just choose to latch to it. Same as someone reminiscing about certain foods that they ate during childhood

>> No.9826981

What's that clip from?

>> No.9826990

Do it, I run, swim and lift and its been transformational

Makes the time spent playing games more enjoyable to

>> No.9827005

I love this history revisionism, everyone fucking hated the era where Nintendo were failing, people despised the GameCube, hated the N64 droughts, only the Game Boy family remained accepted by the public at large. I can't believe people now think having videogame droughts and nogaems is "SOVL".

>> No.9827013

Same except with browsing 4chan instead of playing games

>> No.9827023

>wagie in his late 20's
>TFW you are now older than Mario's canon age

>> No.9827024

Yeah I'm on the same page as you, I hate the N64 because it has literally no releases, ps1 destroyed it.

>> No.9827028


Maybe YOU did faggot I loved the Gamecube era and so did tons of other people. We got so much unique shit out of Nintendo that we never would have gotten otherwise.

>> No.9827047


>> No.9827062

It fits desu
He can't be a complete fucking loser because that's too dark for a kids film but if he's a well established confident small business owner it'd be weird for him to be single within the conventions of film and he would have no arc through the movie, he'd go from a cool confident guy that fixes toilets good to a cool confident guy that kicks turtles to death.

Having him be down on his luck in a relatable way that gives him a clear path for growth while still allowing him to be a reasonably mature adult at the start of the film was a good decision

>Multimillion dollar film writers manage not to fuck up basic character structure for once
>I have not actually seen the film yet BTW

>> No.9827065

I didn't, I also went for the GC back then, but everyone around had a PS2 and kept bringing up how it was a toddler machine with no games. And, again, the droughts were real, even if the big releases like REmake and Metroid Prime were bangers. It was still frustrating having invested on a console and go stretches of time with nothing new to play.

>> No.9827076


>> No.9827080

Having access to emulation in older age really pulled the wool back for how much Nintendo was a nogames company aside from the NES/SNES, GBA, and DS. I don’t know if they’re the bad guy right now though, the switch actually seems like the mostgames console at the moment, seems like Xbox and Sony are both just content to ship, well, absolutely nothing new ever.

>> No.9827101

>switch actually seems like the mostgames console
Why would you ever own a console when PC library literally is multiple times more than all of those time-limited libraries combined

>> No.9827132





>> No.9827445


>> No.9827456

Mario walked out on dinner before even taking a bite because his dad basically called him a loser.
Luigi was just being a good brother and bringing Mario his plate later.

>> No.9827531


>> No.9827553

How fucking short do you have to be to not be able to touch your feet to the floor when you're sitting on your bed?

>> No.9827556

wait a minute, why is he living with his dad? Doesn't he have a job as a plumber? Plumbers make a decent living.

>> No.9827579

Big multigenerational Italian household.

>> No.9827582

super short

>> No.9827595

Pipe down, retard vegan.

>> No.9827596

So I read this is a show about a guy who was wrongly convicted as a teen and spent 20 years in prison until new evidence cleared him. I don't believe that's something most people have experienced when they pull out their old video games to have some fun, so it wouldn't usually be a case of trying to "relive your past".

>> No.9827606

This show ended in 2016 why is it that only now this webm of a sad man playing sonic is being spread around here.

>> No.9827717

I have never seen the show but read the webm as a troubled man trying to find some passing comfort in an old hobby only to be hit in the face with the things that are haunting him as soon as there was the briefest pause in that distraction, which imo, fits with something the character you've described would do

>> No.9827849

I was under the impression it was a deliberate homage to the Mario anime.

>> No.9828920


>> No.9828939 [SPOILER] 

>Is this what being a /vr/teran feels like? Clinging to the past because that's were your lives peaked?
No. I cling to the past because thats where games peaked

>> No.9829297

I was maybe a little young to notice the droughts (born 1991) but I enjoyed the N64 and GameCube as a kid. It's just that now I see how much better the competition was, especially the PS1.

>> No.9829305

>Is this what being a /vr/teran feels like?
I have grandkids, so, no?

>> No.9829307


>> No.9829335

I saw this movie with my 5 year old on Saturday and all I thought was "Ha, that's kinda neat...he's playing kid icarus" I think you guys just look for reasons to be depressed.
Most based man at the retirement home.

>> No.9829340

do you make the other retirees play you in saturn fighting games?

>> No.9829380

>only now
Dumb newfag.

>> No.9829405

>I saw this movie with my 5 year old on Saturday and all I thought was "Ha, that's kinda neat...he's playing kid icarus"

Same. It reminded me of Oldskooled:

>> No.9829413

my life didn't peak when I was young but oh boy it fell better than now

>> No.9829421

>but idk where to start
in the gym maybe

>> No.9829429

Does the NES just not have Mario games in this universe?

>> No.9829432

>pulls razer laptop
what now?

>> No.9829445

>I think you guys just look for reasons to be depressed.
I'd have to agree with you.
>Is this what being a /vr/teran feels like? Clinging to the past because that's were your lives peaked? Not a demoralization post.
It honestly just feels like being a grown man that's really enthusiastic about old video games from where I'm standing. I don't obsessively replay stuff that I already played as a kid and don't see video games as a way to recapture my youth. I just like them and enjoy sharing my enjoyment of them with others.

>> No.9829450

Join a gym for normies. If you're in the US, Planet Fitness is both ubiquitous and cheap. Even if you're drastically out of shape, you will find people there of the same fitness level as you, so if self-consciousness is something you have issues with they'll be less there.
This guy is on to it too. When you do something physically taxing you feel a whole lot better about sitting on your ass and playing vidya after. Not that you should feel guilty about it, but I can't think of a more apt descriptor.

>> No.9829462

/tv/discussion or actual video game?

>> No.9829470

He's playing Kid Icarus on an NES. Seems retro.

>> No.9829473

>Everyone shut the fuck up, the cops are here
"Uh, hi officer....did you know that Sega Saturn is the most based console of all time and nintoddlers just cope constantly"

>> No.9829514

Sonic is that much of a moving experience.

>> No.9829531

Nah, he's just pissed that his friends are grounded, his game pad is broken, and his mom bought the wrong kind of hot pockets.

>> No.9829532

Sonic 1 is so perfect, /vr/bros

>> No.9829539


>> No.9829540

uhhhhh yeah officer we were just talking about how this 22 year old piece of electronics will NEVER be retro

>> No.9829562

"Sorry boys, we received a complaint that there was a discussions about something that is only tangentially retro, so we were obligated to come check it out. I can tell by the smell and the utter lack of females here that the caller was mistaken. Have a safe night and remember that the Panasonic 3DO is the single best piece off videogaming hardware ever created, and if not for the jewish campaign against it, it would have surpassed sony, sega, and nintendo in sales. "

>> No.9829567

>shoots your dog not because he's a cop, but because the dog emulated n64 instead of using an everdrive on real hardware

>> No.9829573

>"hum...i guess labs really are the stupidest dogs"

>> No.9829590

>Im thinking about joing a gym

do martial arts


>> No.9829596

>Stan Bush Kino
I thought you'd never ask.