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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 252 KB, 1080x1080, shenmue-1---button-1536367889315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9820754 No.9820754 [Reply] [Original]

Do yourself a favor and play this game on a rainy night, sometime at 11pm so it's extra quiet.

>> No.9820763

Do yourself a favor and play a good game instead.

>> No.9820770

>My bedtime is 8:00pm
Fuck...guess I'll have to watch a let's play instead

>> No.9820785

I already played this game over twenty years ago.

>> No.9820787


this game was heavily responsible for my "god i wish i was japanese in the 80s" phase.

>> No.9820808

It hurts so fucking bad

>> No.9820812

Shenmue is so good.
I love living in Japan so much. I highly recommend it.

>> No.9820813


>> No.9820821

this game is so comfy, it's unreal

>> No.9820847

When this game came out my best bro and I were at that age where we were taking martial arts classes and we'd fuck around going to empty parking lots and showing off our kicks, and then we got this game and you do that exact thing, it was so awesome. Every single moment and mannerism is burned into my memory, that "AHH!" after drinking a coke from the machine, all the shit about sailors, Ryo's girlfriend being like "UHH TODAY WAS CLASS PICTURE DAY.. YOU WEREN'T THERE.." after we just got knifed by some gaijin in a tattoo parlor... such an amazing experience.

>> No.9820864

Living in Japan here, going to hardoff tomorrow just to buy a Dreamcast and Shenmue 2 (played 1 to death, never finished the second)

>> No.9821056

>Ryo's girlfriend
It never really clicked with me that she was his girlfriend because they're never fucking together. I know he's got a mystery to solve with all his privileged spare time, but you'd think they'd do something other than sit on some swings or ride on a bike. Weird ass game but soulful

>> No.9821058

>Ryo's girlfriend
She is not his girlfriend

>> No.9821063
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keep telling yourself that incel

>> No.9821067
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mfw speedfags missed all the nozomi scenes

>> No.9821070
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>> No.9821072
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>> No.9821074
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>> No.9821086

You guys think the current rumours for 4 are real? After the disaster that was 3 I'm not very optimistic

>> No.9821093

You must be new to Japanese media, welcome. Don't ask /a/ for anime reqs though you'll get banned

>> No.9821095

Sweetheart, I LIVE in Japan. I've been here longer than you've been on 4chan. Go tryhard somewhere else.

>> No.9821097

How bad was 3, really?

>> No.9821101

Played it for the first time last month and absolutely loved it. I hate "movie games" that Sony makes so I was skeptical that I would enjoy it, but I was completely wrong. It's just wonderful, and the level of detail is still staggering. So many unique little 3D models and dialogue lines. Play it with Japanese audio, for sure.

>> No.9821103

Even worse, living in Japan and not having basic knowledge of their media tropes is just ridiculous man

>> No.9821106

>still tryharding this badly
I'm sorry you embarrassed yourself and your ego compels you to dig deeper while trying to "save face".

>> No.9821112
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It was as good as Shenmue has always been.

>> No.9821120

In all honesty I don't even understand what we are arguing about. Like seriously, in the game itself Nozomi isn't his girlfriend. She obviously has a crush on him, there's no denying that, but I was just stating the facts. They are like Sonic and Amy

>> No.9821129

It's not bad at all, it's just faggots who never played 1 & 2 expecting it to play like the latest Yakuza drek.


>> No.9821141

Yeah, but give me some money to buy the gdemu and some memory cards :(

>> No.9821146


It's somewhat decent imo but goes a little to much in fighting

>> No.9821176

It was terrible. Anyone who says otherwise is a fanatic who is unable to accept reality
>Terrible stamina system that has you constantly eating fruits and garlic otherwise you can't even run. Your stamina is also your health
>Art direction is all goofy looking because they outsourced character models to India
>Combat system is just button mashing. Literally, it's created with button mashing in mind
>Suzuki listened to fan feedback from the most fanatical vocal fans so there are gambling mingames every few feet
>All of the skills you gained in previous games seem pointless as every rando you encounter just beats the shit out of you as part of the story
>The games story is 90% get your ass kicked by some rando then train so that you're now canonically strong enough to defeat said rando, rinse and repeat. Hardly advances the actual story of the franchise at all
Like unless your favourite part about shenmue was playing lucky hit then this game is going to be disappointing. even if your favourite part was playing lucky hit, the insane stamina system will make going to the stall a chore anyway.

>> No.9821553

also the lucky hit doesn't even feel right. Like the. bouncing of the ball just looks and feels off. IF you play shenmue for the lucky hit III is an objective downgrade

>> No.9821582

Good point, so even the nonsensical prominence of lucky hit stands isn't a strongpoint when you can just play S2.

>> No.9821609

It's not really that bad at all. But there are some minor problems. For example I wanted to play more Sega Arcade games at the arcade spots in the game, but unfortunately it's been replaced with crappy games. Making money and learning new fighting moves has improved however, so I'm happy with that. I think I'd be happy if Shenmue 3 was the last game to be honest.

>> No.9821669

>get game when it comes out
>making money is a pain in the ass
>it's not essential outside of a few places
>finish the game
>don't understand wtf was going on at the end
>introduce major characters without even mentioning their names
>start new game+ to pick up the stuff I missed
>need money for items
>gambling is very unreliable
>everything else is time consuming
>someone discovers a place you can buy books and sell them as a set nearby for a tidy profit
>do this for an hour and earn all the money I'll ever need
>this "exploit" is patched out within 48 hours
miserable fuckers

>> No.9821684

Shenmue 3 looks bad. I wish they made it look like a Dreamcast game. I don't care if it's pretentious, don't act like you wouldn't like it

>> No.9821707

I never knew about the exploit. I just keep doing forklifting & wood chopping.

>> No.9821720

Lol I originally bought moves and clothes with the money from selling herbs. The grind to make the money needed to advance the story was insane after that. I don't know how that guy can say making money is better, in the end I gave up trying to make money through games and such and just chopped wood for hours which after the novelty wears off isnt much funner than moving crates in S2

>> No.9821723

I play Shenmue on the exact date the game starts then go to play whenever Ryo goes to bed for full immersion.

>> No.9821724

The dreamcast games unironically look better than shenmue 3

>> No.9821732

No shit

>> No.9823672

Why would it be pretentious? I would see it as more of a homage

>> No.9823681

It was pretty clear that nozomi had a crush on ryo and it was even referenced by Mark during one of their lunch breaks, this was just your typical "Clueless boy doesn't know girl actually has a crush on him" trope that's very popular throughout the majority of Japanese media, not sure where you got confused.

>> No.9823698

this game fucking blows.

>> No.9823728

i literally replay 1 and 2 every 2-3 years. dunno if i'll ever replay 3. maybe one day.

>> No.9823740

Only reason I would replay 3 is if 4 was coming out but then it might make me not want to play 4

>> No.9823764

HOw about Shenmue II and III?
I've kind of given up on II ever since getting to Kowloon. Just seems like endless procedurally generated rooms and a wild goose chase.
But I am interested in III's continuation/conclusion of the story

>> No.9823768


>> No.9823795

>I've kind of given up on II ever since getting to Kowloon. Just seems like endless procedurally generated rooms and a wild goose chase.
Kowloon has plenty to offer even if you ignore all the empty rooms. There are entire floors within the skyscrapers that have human created content.

>> No.9823903


Are there any Japanese movies or TV shows that have the atmosphere or vibe Shenmue does?

>> No.9823920

Oh of course you do, and I'm a multi-millionaire.

>> No.9823969

Ikebukuro west gate park (live action drama from 2000, not the recent anime) reminded me of Shenmue at times. But no, since Suzuki took heavy inspiration from China there isn't really anything that is close. There are plenty of Hong Kong movies from the 80s and 90s that are similar to Shenmue 2 though

>> No.9824245

Nothing pretentious about that, I hated the way S3 looked from the minute the first trailers dropped. It has that cartoony play doh look you see in UE4 games of the time. I always thought they should've gone for mimicking the CG key art for the Dreamcast games, or barring that keeping the Dreamcast era polygon counts but fix its little idiosyncrasies like having crowded areas and dense environmental detail with no fade in or fog, basically a period accurate Dreamcast game look with none of the shortcomings.

Instead they recruited street shitters and made it look like a cheap cartoon made in a Calcutta back alley, and "cartoony" is the last thing Shenmue was trying to be outside of light kungfu fantasy.

>> No.9824452
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Shitmue is a fucking boring waste of time and killed Sega with its prodigiously expensive budget only to end up flopping in sales.

Do yourself a favour and don't play this shite, rather play a good Dreamcast game, like Cannon Spike or Cosmic Smash.

>> No.9824470

What kind of response do people like you even expect to get?
>Based, you truly fit in with the cool elite anti-normalfag crowd of 4chan

>> No.9824475

probably just OP trying keep his thread from dying.
or an edgy contrarian/troll.
you know, just the usual suspects.

>> No.9824506

2 is best
>there are people who only like the first game based solely on it being le comfy

>> No.9824567

They used to get bored of how slow this place is fairly quickly then fuck off back to /v/. I don't know why they stick around more now.

>> No.9824573

>Cosmic Smash

>> No.9824630

Based Timmy.

>> No.9824638
File: 850 KB, 1500x1500, Shenmue Ryo Aliens Forklift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was fine, disappointing sure but otherwise it was Shenmue. Just watered down.

These were the issues I had with it:
>VA's changed across the board for no reason when pretty much every single one of them were fine with coming back
>The city was empty and soulless for no reason, at best you'll see two people walking around the place that you can't even talk to. Might as well add 10 or 15 of them to make it feel like it's a location and it couldn't have been too hard
>The village plot is that there are two people who Ryo need to beat up and he can't until he gets "stronger" and learns some new move. The City plot is EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME but it's a gang instead.
>Lan Di's fight was pathetic, should've been a fight where you take double the damage you dish out so no matter what you lose but it feels like you've accomplished SOMETHING. He just dodges everything in the actual fight until you lose.
>Lack of Sega arcades and toy capsules was a real shame
>New Stamina/Health system was pretty crappy
>Revamped fighting system wasn't good and a massive step down from the Virtua fighter we had previous. It's just too basic to be good
>Story doesn't go anywhere, it feels like this should've been Disc 4 of Shenmue 2 with the city plot being Kowloon or Hong Kong again
>A lot of padding, collecting 2000 and then 5000 yuan in the game was just tedious and added nothing to it

Probably a few more I'm forgetting since I finished it.

It's not a terrible game and has its positives, but it pales in comparison to Shenmue 1 and 2. If Shenmue 4 does happen I hope it'll be slightly higher quality than 3 was, apparently 2 years worth of the dev time was spent working out how the fuck unreal works so given another 4-5 years it might actually be good if spent entirely on development and if it actually happens.

If 1 and 2 were 9/10 games, Shenmue 3 is about a 6-7/10. It has some of the charm of the originals but lacks everything else.

>> No.9824647

>Story doesn't go anywhere, it feels like this should've been Disc 4 of Shenmue 2 with the city plot being Kowloon or Hong Kong again
It wasn't even a disc's worth of story.

>> No.9824790
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Just bought this find today

>> No.9824813

Not a bad deal

>> No.9824823

Is Ryo on the spectrum, the way he talks by only asking the same mundane questions seems odd.

>> No.9824832

he's definitely a stereotypical japanese autist male, but not because of the same mundane questions but just how horrible his subplot romance is with Nozomi.
I think he asks the same 5 questions on rotation because they just didn't record any more.

>> No.9825153

We get it, you're a badass amongst lesser men

>> No.9825212

I bought that too awhile ago to go with my steelcase copy of Shenmue 3.

>> No.9825225

Alright! A Shenmue thread. Do you guys think that Ryo does nofap?

>> No.9825790

i don't think he even knows how to masturbate

>> No.9826707

His dad just died, maybe he has depression.

>> No.9827169
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>disappointing sure but otherwise it was Shenmue. Just watered down
Pretty much.
One of the problem is also that Shenmue relayed a lot on its production values. It was awesome to walk around a full 3D entire nippon city in 1999, but to get the same effect now they would have needed an order of magnitude more funding, and even then it would not have been the same.
So you remove the comfiness, the production/innovation value, the story goes nowhere, and there you have it.
If you liked I and II you will have some fun with it though, I kinda liked it.

>> No.9827190

>privileged spare time
He literally lives paycheck to paycheck

>> No.9827197

>go to retro video game board
>why are all these games so old?
based retard. don't ever let anyone tell you stop being an imbecile.

>> No.9827209

Not even that, he gets paid under the table. I honestly wouldn't mind living like that. Unfortunately it's basically illegal in the west at least for businesses to do that; the IRS needs to wet their beak.

>> No.9827226

You have to make time for Nozomi. Call her when she's not working, and sometimes just get lucky and catch her in the right place at the right time.

>> No.9827642

>Install the pc port because everyone say it's great
>New game
>All textures are gone and the only thing I can see is his head floating around

>> No.9827661

he strengthens his dick by hitting it with a wooden rod and fucking bags of uncooked rice

>> No.9827712

How did you play it? 1 on Dreamcast?

>> No.9828023

its more like shenmue 1 but with a castrated fighting system and no name gacha

>> No.9828332

>Install the pc port because everyone say it's great
Things that never happened.

>> No.9828659

>Story doesn't go anywhere, it feels like this should've been Disc 4 of Shenmue 2 with the city plot being Kowloon or Hong Kong again
That's the most important thing, fuck them for not finish the story

>> No.9829464

In 50 years the new generation will go through a "god I wish I lived in Zhejiang in the 2030s" phase

>> No.9829506


No. Nobody will EVER be nostalgic for anything post-9/11. This era is gay and soulless. Remember when there was a genre of movies where boomers wistfully looked back on their childhood and recalled their fond memories of growing up? It's funny, that genre doesn't exist for millennials. (The Sandlot, Wonder Years, Dazed And Confused, etc.). Because there's nothing worth remembering!

>> No.9829693

Yes they will idiot, I'm an early gen z-er and I, along with many other zoomers, am nostalgic for the mid/late 2000s as well as the 2010s, regardless of the social or political climate most people will still romanticize their childhoods.

>> No.9829720
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Boiling Point by Takeshi Kitano has a few similarities. It's got a similar meandering atmosphere, the main character has a jacket remarkably similar to Ryo's and there's a scene set around a building which is literally the travel agent from Shenmue.

>> No.9829758

Zoomers are nostalgic for the 90s and 80s despite never experiencing them because their lives have completely sucked

>> No.9830302

Based. Fuck moviegames such as Metal Gear Söylid, Shitmue, Ocarina of Söy, the list goes on.

>> No.9830381

the early 2000s do have some things since it's more or less a continuation of the 90s

>> No.9830501

I think there's also a bigger difference between Europe and the USA when it comes to a post 9/11 world. Here the 90s gradually ended until 2008 with the recession while the USA had a clear pre and post 9/11 society. For them the 2000s were a decade marked by fear and the constant erosion of freedom while for us it was mostly business as usual.

>> No.9831359

Lol you don't know shit about zoomers faggot, we don't give a shit about the 80s, yeah we may dabble in it here and there but in regards to nostalgia it's all about the 90s/2000s/2010s, don't expect to understand because you just won't be able too.

>> No.9831392

>We don't give a shit about the 80s
That's completely wrong you just don't know it because you don't realise that a lot of the aesthetics you consume are from the 80s.
You're just proving my point further. Zoomers were either too young to remember the 90s or not even born
You cant even define 2010s. Feeling nostalgic for an era isnt remembering fondly a game you played

>> No.9831801

Is it actually possible to completely fill out the notebook and not have masses of gaps and blank pages between quests?

>> No.9831851

I remember writing a post exactly like this on /v/ in 2007. I accepted I was wrong 10 years ago. I still hate the 2000s

>> No.9831880

That's cool, I was only 9 years old in 2007, I was still living it up as a kid, but the 2000s were great, sorry you had a shit time.
in my opinion the 80s are pretty overrated and I mainly saw it as a millennial thing, yeah some stuff from the 80s were cool and all but I don't really care for it that much.
Gotta be number one on my list of top decades of the 20th century, even if I was too young to experience it, but in any case I experienced the 2000s which was essentially the post 90s.
I don't have to define it in any way, I had a lot of fun throughout the 2010s, should have lived it up a little more.

>> No.9831890 [DELETED] 

>in my opinion the 80s are pretty overrated and I mainly saw it as a millennial thing, yeah some stuff from the 80s were cool and all
>Gotta be number even if I was too young to experience it
so you dont understand shit. the people who lived through those decades have more context and experience and can rightfully say youre wrong. so, youre wrong