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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 1600x1200, 053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9820084 No.9820084 [Reply] [Original]

Larry blows his brains out at the end if he doesn't get a root.

>> No.9820087
File: 600 B, 320x210, 1667504176560239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>original coomer game?

>> No.9820089

I figured out the key combo to skip the questions at the start back in the 90s, the game was kinda meh except for the silly flashing rainbow crotch you get for banging the hooker without a condom

>> No.9820102
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geezus Larry what a hardcase

>> No.9820120

I go through the leisure suit Larry 7 easter eggs sometimes

>> No.9820129

one of the best Sierra easter eggs is from kings quest 4 https://youtu.be/Nglnqpoanp4

>> No.9820221

No but its notoriety had reached me. I'd give it a go, I did like fate of Atlantis and the last crusade. I haven't played loom yet or Maniac Mansion.

>> No.9820232
File: 74 KB, 600x724, 4356167-softporn-adventure-apple-ii-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original coomer game would be Softporn Adventure from 1981 which LSL1 was based on.
But for me the coomer genre really hit its stride with Farmer's Daughter in '83

>> No.9820239

who was cooming to text back in 1981? must of been desperate

>> No.9820245

I'm still cooming to text in 202X.

>> No.9820251

>must of been desperate

must have been* illiterate ESL troglodyte

>> No.9820258

Unimaginative zoomie with brain rot, very sad

>> No.9820276

You know fully well that's an EOP mistake because of phonetics. And I see it every day on this shithole. The government should step in and shut this down for good just for this.

>> No.9820295
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>> No.9820346

The waiter just standing in the hot tub with them?

>> No.9820358

That's actually Roberta Williams nude

>> No.9820363

That's pretty crazy.

>> No.9820370
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>> No.9820374

I want to suck and lick roberta williams' tiddies so badly bros

>> No.9820376

Roberta is in the rightmost position. The woman on the left is Diane Siegel who was the company's production manager, and the woman next to her is Susan Davis, bookkeeper. The guy is actually just some waiter from a local restaurant. The shoot took place in the Williams' backyard which is more obvious here >>9820370

>> No.9820379

I love how DIY it is, really charming. The 70s must've been wild.

>> No.9820382

It was amazing how much fucking and sucking got done in peoples' backyards before the internet and smartphones and gps existed.

>> No.9820383

the internet and smartphones have made casual fucking and sucking easier than ever

>> No.9820384

But not cool, sophisticated, glamorous fucking and sucking. Just shitty fat ugly tattooed pierced worthless whore fucking and sucking. There's no charm or thrill to it.

>> No.9820389
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>cool, sophisticated, glamorous fucking and sucking
never thought I'd see the day that casual slutting around would one day be viewed in such a way, it was of course viewed much the same way you view today's hookup culture, arguably more negatively due to the recent shift in morality

>> No.9820398

No it wasn't, you absolute degen tinder swapping idiot. God, you're disgusting.

>> No.9820404

It was basically the same except with lots more body hair.

>> No.9820564

I played its VGA remake but very late, around 2000-2001.

>> No.9820718

>except with lots more body hair

Based and Amazon-pilled.

>> No.9820741

>why would they make a game about my great grandparents?

>> No.9820796

>lol imagine how big a loser you'd have to be to never get laid
>alright raise your hand if you've had sex... nobody? yeah me neither

>> No.9820805

this says more about you and your peers than anything else

>> No.9820951

For me its seeding and feeding

>> No.9820963

> The guy is actually just some waiter from a local restaurant
It's Ken Williams bro

>> No.9820973

She'd call you a brainlet for not getting a full score on each of her games without a guide

>> No.9820998

based big-brain mommy

>> No.9821002

>It's Ken Williams bro
No, it's really just a waiter. His name is Rick Chipman.

>> No.9821016
File: 1.66 MB, 2560x2050, E026BB0A-8843-4B29-8A8F-115D5D753CA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scent-sational scratch 'n' sniff
Imagine the smell

>> No.9821029

roberta was pretty. All 3 females were.. compared to how modern females lookk and act..

>> No.9821517

Back in 1981? People do that shit today. Never played Corruption of Champions?

>> No.9821576

i played something on an apple computer (not sure which, but it had a green screen). it was some type of primitive porno game...i think it was a broom salesman trying to fuck a client or something.

>> No.9821593

For me? It's Diane Siegel.

>> No.9821608

Diane is the one most 'channers would go for

>> No.9821656

Not me, Susan for me

>> No.9821657

I said earlier in the thread roberta was pretty so i'd go for her. far right in the hottub? yeah def would. tho all 3 of them would be alot of fun to see naked. imagine the muff

>> No.9822187

played it? never even heard of it

>> No.9822191

what is the ps2 one like, i always liked the front cover of this cheeky midge holding a pint and squashed between two fit birds but never got round to renting in old blockbuster days

>> No.9822504

diane has a bitchy disposition in that pic.

>> No.9822752

diane probably had the best ass to eat and she knew it

>> No.9822998

I'll let "must of" slide but I can't say the same for other similar mistakes, "all the sudden" is inexcusable

>> No.9823106

>big hairy muff

>> No.9823158

>"all the sudden" is inexcusable
It's idiomatic.

>> No.9823596

$30 for text pr0n. holy shit. least the ladies on the cover looked good.

>> No.9825494
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>> No.9825498
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>> No.9825562

*EFL newfag

>> No.9826373

I played all LSLs from 1 to 7. Some of them weren't too good desu.

>> No.9826392

I have fond memories of being in the 5th grade and breaking into my friend's dad's work computer to play this over the summer vacation. Good times.

>> No.9826438

ooo la laaaa look at her giant milkers and poofy red hair. you know this saucy mix likes to party

>> No.9827657

This but CGA on a B&W monitor.

>> No.9827676


>> No.9828001

The game isn't even very good, it's just Larry 1 in text adventure form without most of the jokes,
Larry was made because Al Lowe thought Softporn Adventure was crappy and that he could improve it.

>> No.9828016

Was Roberta Williams swinging back in the day

>> No.9828034

Hard to say, she got married early and had a kid immediately so one might classify her as "based" and "trad-pilled". However the boomer zeitgeist was very different than our own so she might indeed have been hotwifing.

>> No.9828045

>That's actually Roberta Williams nude
*unzips dick

>> No.9828056

The thread is not about Easter eggs nor sierra games my man. That Leisure Suit Larry contains easter eggs and is a Sierra game is purely incidental. We're talking about coomer games.

>> No.9828084

even as a child i thought the coomer shit was cringe
OP is a fag

>> No.9828138

The internet and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human (American) race.

>> No.9828142

It’s a collection of shitty mini games but it has a lot of genuinely funny things in it that make it worth at least checking out. It’s a 7/10 at best depending on who you ask.

>> No.9828178
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For me, it's Porno Game.

>> No.9828202

>farmers daughter
Holy shit I remember finding that game in my dads pirated C64 collection in the 90s. What a trip that was. I was not expecting it to be what it was.

>> No.9828229

>It's idiomatic.
In that it makes you automatically look like an idiot?

>> No.9828667

look out we got a badass over here

>> No.9828679

I had no idea they existed as a kid but I got all the drm questions right as an adult. No idea what that means also fuck Spiro Angu it sounds like something that crawls up your ass.

>> No.9829093

it makes me happy that this thread is still going and we''re still having conversations about those 3 ladies and their nakedness. good stuff. My first pr0n game was larry also. I played it at my friends place when his dad left to goto work and we got to hang out alone for like an hour til my ride showed up. fun times.

>> No.9829947

>However the boomer zeitgeist was very different than our own so she might indeed have been hotwifing.
Except you're using zoomer lingo. Back in the 70's and 80's it was called "swinging". "Hotwifing" is a modern term, and was a lot rarer back then as well, and I highly doubt she was just based on statistics.

>> No.9829969

That's cool and all, but the LSL games are actually really good. 1-5 are kino. 6 and 7 are decent/good.

>> No.9830350

>gurlll gamurrr narrattioonnnn

>> No.9831603 [DELETED] 

You were a stupid kid and now you're a stupid adult.

>> No.9831841
File: 46 KB, 1600x1200, LLL2_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got this joke from Larry 2 when I was a kid

>> No.9831958

he looks exactly like Dahmer

>> No.9832379

Right, but she never says that. You're projecting hallucinations because you're a faggot.

>> No.9832506

Fuck her fuck her fuck her

>> No.9832590

you should reevauluate the trash content you consume and never post it here ever again you pseudo roastie

>> No.9832595
File: 5 KB, 330x310, trevor checks'em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9832601

Technically Softporn and even Larry 1 weren't even really porn, the most lewd part of softporn was the cover, which ended up getting free press in Time magazine.

>> No.9832605

Berta booba!

>> No.9832645

>you should reevauluate the trash content you consume

Take your own advice, I can smell your Naruto fandom through my monitor.

>> No.9833816

your vs you're is the worst for me. Why not just use "you are" if you don't know the correct contraction?

>> No.9834572

this is the only doco I can find on the Larry games, any others out there? https://youtu.be/gn0T9Eta81I

>> No.9834673

In that she looks like the one most likely to actually put out for a 4chan user, sure.

>> No.9834693

"you should reevauluate the trash content you consume" Says the anime fanboy

>> No.9834835

Look at your URL

>> No.9834838

I haven't even seen the other boards, but if they're as full of fags as this one is...

>> No.9834936

these kinds of graphic adventure games have always been more of a female thing for whatever reason

>> No.9835229
File: 18 KB, 574x81, 121430790.84000003_1681838000719384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at your url


>> No.9835236

>YT account is from early 2006
>video is 14 years old and covers an old adventure game
As much as I hate women, nothing about this screams "fake gurl gaymur."

>> No.9835460

Because they're slower and don't necessarily require quick reflexes. That and some of them are written like books women like.

>> No.9835812

Why are mutts like this?