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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 454 KB, 625x995, Wolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9816715 No.9816715 [Reply] [Original]

post them

>> No.9816728
File: 180 KB, 521x318, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9816835

What benefit could you possibly get from making your non-platformer videogame characters furry animals as a design decision?

>> No.9817119

>Starship game
>With animals

Keeping in mind Top Gun was less than 10 years old

>> No.9817189

I agree. I hate how all the furry fucks abuse my husband.

>> No.9817194

>Can't let you do that, star fox.

>> No.9817206
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/vr/ is the only place where you can actually talk about his games.

>> No.9817491


>> No.9817602
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>> No.9817604

none of them. why would i give a fuck about "fanbases"

>> No.9817605
File: 1.09 MB, 640x2001, Iza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much any female in Zelda except this one fell through the cracks and I don't know why

>> No.9817695

>intended mascot for Namco
>was trying to compete with Sonic, Crash and Mario
>failed completely
>is now mostly remembered by gay pedo furries who want to fuck him

Tragic fate.

>> No.9818262

He thought they'd look cool as puppets

>> No.9818270

Back then, people made their characters look cool and to stand out from the rest without having to worry about vocal deviants on a world wide web.

>> No.9818291

I would lick the filth from his paws.

>> No.9818374

I would lick cake or pudding off of his clean paws.

>> No.9818394

>Amazing characters ruined by their fanbases
doesn't exist because why should I care how 10 year olds on deviantart interpret a character? What, do you bury your actual tastes behind 7 layers of irony to avoid being "cringe"?

>> No.9818649

Well the world changed and they chose poorly. Should've made humans or cool cyborgs instead.

>> No.9818694

Arguably, this board isn't doing the retro games fan base many favors.

>> No.9818761

Hop into your time machine and go tell them, tiger.

>> No.9819492
File: 76 KB, 750x400, kitsune-inari-s417782347_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire idea for Star Fox came from Shiggy Miggy visiting some temples with cool arches and fox statues as a kid.
He thought it would be fun to make a game where those foxes flew through those arches.

>> No.9819548

Wasn't stair fax literally based on those british 60s puppet shows like Thunderbirds?

>> No.9819591

Im not buying your ugly remake, Namco shill.

>> No.9819698
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>> No.9819710

>intended mascot for Namco
That's Pacman, boy. They don't need anything else. They put him in every other game they ever made.

>> No.9819771

Good, emulate the originals and give Bamco the middle finger when they remaster the remake's remaster a decade from now.

>> No.9821285

She's the least ugly character in the ugliest game in the franchise.

>> No.9821293

Because back then anthropomorphic animals were associated with disney rather than furries.

>> No.9823063

Her sister, too. I don't see anyone talking about or drawing fan art of Hena

>> No.9823068

More of an /a/ discussion, but this applies to the entire series. I read up through Part 6 before Part 3 was done being animated, and that was around the time the fanbase randomly quadrupled in size and became filled to the brim with insufferable redditors

>> No.9823073

>Amazing characters ruined by their fanbases
The obvious ones are Zelda and Mario but they are not actually amazing either. Fanbase ruination really comes alive after 2012 so I'm going with Duke Nukem for the reception Duke Nukem Forever got. Its not actually a bad game

>> No.9823542

How does a fanbase ruin a character? I don't understand that concept at all.

>> No.9823697

never played undertale before it got big I bet.

>> No.9823841
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>> No.9823850

disney awakened many furries

>> No.9823976

Sure but those people had to grow up first, they were only kids back then

>> No.9823985

People make fun of "muh sekrit club" but the second you're in one yourself, it's the most heartbreaking thing in the world to see it devolve as it becomes more mainstream. I remember the days when JoJo was a manga-only club outside of a couple games, some part 3 OVAs, and a movie no one got to see. I remember seeing it transform almost overnight, around the time the Part 2 anime was airing.

>> No.9824000

sekrit club shit is gay because the people in the club are more interested in circle jerking than the original thing

>> No.9824012
File: 36 KB, 720x614, 1681406930549382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furries have been a thing since literally the dawn of man, what do you think greek female monsters was anything other than the creator's fetish that morphed into something evil? I'm pretty sure the people who animated Fox and the Hound were furries. The only difference is the internet has exposed us to the people that make their sexual fetish the subject of their entire existence, which makes them obnoxious, and that doubles when you remember they're mostly stupid teenagers who can't take a hint.

>> No.9824015

>Fox and the Hound
I MEANT to say Robin Hood. If you get off to Fox and the Hound that's past furry, that's in "you sick fuck" territory.

>> No.9824072

He's pretty lame

>> No.9824076

>t. Fox

>> No.9824079
File: 489 KB, 512x871, i6x3qm8fqb701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen fans of a character hate that same character as much as Metroidfags. They loathe anything official about Samus and constantly try to force her to be something she isn't.

>> No.9824080

What is she really like?

>> No.9824092

I would cuddle the Sheriff of Nottingham

>> No.9824147

I don't understand what this image is trying to say

>> No.9824195

The divide between furries before and after the internet really took off, how that affects their tastes, and more importantly how the former wants to keep the latter out. Look at the dude inside, yeah it's anthropomorphized but it's clearly still a deer with hooves and everything.
The person looking in by contrast is basically the perfect combination of everything you can think of when it comes to online furries
>wolf or some other kind of canine
>bright neon colors
>human hands that just have pawpads
>giant overly expressive eyes
>is basically just a human with animal features, instead of an animal with human features
The wolf on the outside looking in are the furries responsible for 99% of what's negatively seen about furries today, and I say that with confidence because odds are you had never even heard of furries because they came along. The extreme fetishism, the need to not want drama while causing it as much as possible, the shouting of FURSECTION whenever they're criticized, the obnoxious behavior and desperate need for attention indicative of it being full of teenagers, that one standard fursuit design so many of them use, all of it comes from that generation of furries, and the old guard tend to try and keep them out because they know how cancerous they are.

>> No.9824216

What the fuck did I just read?

>> No.9824432

Agreed. After watching what happened to Chainsaw Man, I feel like I dodged a bullet with the Dorohedoro anime adaptation being as shitty as it was. Similar thing with people asking for Persona 2 remakes, since I can't think of anything worse than Persona 5 fans playing that game. It definitely sounds pathetic complaining about stuff like this, but I prefer to enjoy things I like in my little circles and not have to go online and see the most braindead takes possible turning me off of liking the things I like

>> No.9824437

I actually hate the coomer mentality surrounding "Zero Suit Samus", it's always been fucking annoying especially considering 90% of the people indulging in it or cosplaying her or whatever else have never actually played a Metroid game. Normally I have no issue with nsfw fan art and stuff, but it's always bothered me how much of it Samus gets

>> No.9824462

opens up a lot of merchandising opportunities
like you wouldnt get a stuffed animal version of doomguy or duke nukem. well, i mean i would, but i assume im in the minority

also never underestimate the power of marketing towards an autistic niche

>> No.9824468

furfaggots were unfortunately already a thing
and, surprise, a solid half of them were still weird chomos/dogfucker/sexual predators just like today
nothing new under the sun

>> No.9825442

>nothing new under the sun
There were furries, and probably even the game designers could guess that someone was going to sexualize the character. I think the biggest difference that ended up making this dirty is, ironically, the other side of the spectrum.
Sure there are always autistic furfags making inappropriate comments, but it's easy to disregard them as, well, autistic. On the other hand, now we have this breed of moral guardians with their "oh my GOD there are people MASTURBATING to these characters therefore everyone who likes this is a DEGENERATE."
Of course furfags who won't shut up about their dick do make people uncomfortable, but between simply ignoring weirdos doing weirdo things, or dealing with being labeled a weirdo yourself, sadly I think it was prudes who actually ruined animal characters for the average person.

>> No.9826745
File: 2.42 MB, 7480x3767, Astronomical Vulpine by arvalis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's neat in Star Fox's case as a sci-franchise, because instead of having to invent a bunch of aliens they could just introduce different kinds of animals, and then play off of established animal archetypes for the character interactions. I don't think it would've been as successful if the cast were just humans, especially come 64 and how they really leaned into the flappy puppet aesthetic for the character portraits.

>> No.9826759

It's true for all the fanbases or any online community. I stopped ever looking in /v/ for over a year now because of how repulsive it is. /vr/ is pretty bad too but it's at least at a slower pace.

>> No.9826771

Kojima did that himself

>> No.9826783

Yeah that's why I tend to avoid online communities for anything since no one seems to enjoy the topic at hand, even here, only a handful of us seem to enjoy games lmao.

>> No.9826993

This. In fact assigning traits to a character based on stereotypes of their species is something we've always done, even when it's not furries. I mean look at how 99% of dwarves act in fiction.

>> No.9827001

I was always under the impression that Slippy was kind of a kid, he looks way too old there. Everyone else is about right though.

>> No.9827259

fox and peppy are aceptable but falco looks to feminine and slippy does look old. i thought he was a 19 or 20 something female frog at first tbqh

>> No.9827273

>but falco looks to feminine
I think they're going for a Joe the Condor from Gatchaman/Gai from Jetman look

>> No.9827293

Falco aint no bitch. He is tuff

>> No.9827296

>Falco aint no bitch.
The fuck you just say about Joe?

>> No.9827298

more raiden than snake imo

>> No.9827304
File: 1 KB, 109x101, Screenshot 2023-04-14 at 21-55-23 _vr_ - Retro Games - Page 3 - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9827880

Zero Suit Samus makes the game more kiddie and less disturbing because it makes Samus look more like a cartoon character than a human being exposed to this horrible alien world that will rip her apart.

>> No.9827901

Everybody I've known that chooses to play as a human when other options are available are always, without fail, immensely boring with the personality of a brick wall.

>> No.9828406

sounds like a convenient-tale he came up with to hide his ""inspirations"" for the game.
businessmen do this all the time (and hacks).

>> No.9828410

uh oh, you angered the furry, anon. now they're gonna go on a tirade about how 'normal' their 'hobby' is.

>> No.9828538

Yeah why doesn't Samus have huge bulging muscles and a short buzzcut hair and covered in scars that's what Samus SHOULD be fuck Nintendo they can't get their own character right.

>> No.9828701
File: 13 KB, 1000x1000, EMFu35aX0AAZUm7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo, hire this man