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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 148 KB, 248x252, Hayao Nakayama .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9814696 No.9814696 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the evilest and most detrimental figure in video games prior to 2001? Someone you consider to have the most negative impact on the medium as a whole and set back the industry?

>> No.9814698
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>> No.9814705

inb4 thread is full of japs

>> No.9814715
File: 284 KB, 577x486, sierra-ken-williams-1992-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9814726
File: 9 KB, 285x349, Hiroshi_Yamauchi,_former_Nintendo_president.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is an easy one. This old, decrepit motherfucker was responsible for bringing some of the worst ever games and hardwares into the games industry, and using Yakuza blood money to push them in a huge brainwashing campaign and illegal underhanded exclusivity deals, allowing Nintendo to establish a monopoly that would hold back console gaming for years and handheld gaming for over a DECADE. If he had stuck to his toys and playing cards, we would have had a far better 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit era.

>> No.9814742
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anyone involved with s*nic

>> No.9814751

No one, considering how the industry is now. You cant set back whats already crashed and burned.

>> No.9814756
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> nakayama
that's interesting. it wasn't him that killed their entire console division. that was bernie.

> has no idea about nintendo's history

another day, another schizo thread full of this board's collective of dunning kruger-based retards born yesterday.

>> No.9814760

Bernard Stolar literally did nothing wrong except stepping up to play a shitty hand dealt to him by other people. Should have left Sega to die in 1996.

>> No.9814761

Zomg did you really read a psychology level 100 textbook one time?!?!

You must be a literal genius for repeating random psychology words on an internet forum!

(Lol faget)

>> No.9814763

Jack Thompson

>> No.9814780

>Bernard Stolar literally did nothing wrong
except killing sega's console division. was that the plan all along?

>> No.9814782

shut the fuck up, schizo. straight white men without criminal records are speaking

>> No.9814790

This guy. Put a hit on Gunpei Yokoi. He knew Yokoi was a brilliant man so he couldn't have him work for any Nintendo competitors.

>> No.9814805

Everything became cinematic and Kojimbo showed game devs there was profit to be made with wannabe straight-to-video movies sold as games.

>> No.9814813

singling out bernie alone is faggotry. horrendous string of decisions before the dreamcast.

>> No.9814847

If we're talking about liars?

Todd or molyneux

>> No.9814859

holy shit, can i get a rundown on the yakuza part

>> No.9814864

This is actually a very good question and kind of difficult to answer...

>> No.9814868

Here are some people I don't really like from that time period

Ed Boon
Trip Hawkins
Bill Gates
Victor Ireland

>> No.9814898

gabe by far

>> No.9814981

>Jack Thompson

he was the best spokesperson Rockstar ever had. helped them sell tens of millions of extra units.

>> No.9814994

Going with either Gates or Gabe. One fucked up consoles(though pc as well) and the other really fucked up pc.

>> No.9814996

You're thinking of Steve Ballmer, not Bill Gates

>> No.9815039

>responsible for bringing some of the worst ever games and hardwares into the games industry
On what? Atari before the Famicom even came out in Japan? Kek.

>> No.9815546

Anyone involved with Sony on the US side.

>> No.9815707

Fuck the industry.

>> No.9815715

This. It isn't even close either. Not to mention he got Yokoi killed too.

>> No.9815792
File: 779 KB, 1094x786, 1 JstbFGe4x5mUkF6d4ugwtw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gunpei Yokoi
That fucker may well be my #2. He was the main one responsible for the "withered technology" ideology at Nintendo, getting them to put out underpowered hardwares for inflated prices, which turned handheld gaming into an absolute joke for decades, a "legacy" that handhelds are still suffering from to this day. That car ought to have come for him a decade sooner.

>> No.9815793

good one. we'd still be playing Tiger Electronics games without this guy.

>> No.9815798

only on 4chan can you still find takes like this.
>the GameBoy sold 118 million units
>and it fucking SUCKED

>> No.9815801

Nintendo when developing the PlayStation.

>> No.9815809

Have you noticed everyone named here has been successful for the most part lmao, 4chan just has perpetual underdog syndrome, no the guy who lost actually won here’s why

>> No.9815819

I don't mean to make excuses for Nintendo's predatory business practices in the 80s and early 90s but you do not have to know a lot to see where they were coming from. The Americans invented the video game market--and then they mercilessly tanked and fucked it. If Nintendo had lost their string of lawsuits, specifically the Atari one in the early 90s, the Americans would have dogpiled the entire industry all over again. They were very intentionally keeping the piggu out of the kitchen.

>> No.9815821

Why fully maximize old tech when you can clumsily and stupidly push toward a new technological edge that developers don't understand yet, and consumers can't utilize?

>> No.9815835

Look at the comment about handhelds. Nintendo held back the market by…..being wildly successful? If it was such an economic inefficiency with oodles of cash to be made why didn’t another company come storming in and kick them out?

Yeah the GBA hardware sucked especially the dogshit sound chip but it’s also possible that contributed to its battery life, portability, ease of development, etc. nothing happens in a vaccum

>> No.9815851

I’m gonna give my vote to jack tramiel, basically killed atari. Had the 7800 released in 84 they would’ve been fine. Pretty much every retailer said tramiel was a nightmare to deal with with commodore and they didn’t want atari

>> No.9815854

The people who make those kind of comments don't even like video games, they're just Carmack-tier techfags.

>> No.9815864

Wait do you work for sega hardware division?

>> No.9815883

Ataris problems started all the way back in 78. Nolan Bushnell succeeded in assembling a wack pack acid crew of 1st wave tech hippies who would sometimes accidentally make a good game, but there was no way to scale that business because nobody understood it because it was all brand new. Jack Tramiel didn't even buy Atari until July of 1984, and the video games industry did not die in a stock-market sense alone. It took nearly a decade after that for people to stop annually publishing articles like "VIDEO GAMES ARE UP, BUT NOT FOR LONG, EXPERTS SAY". 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992---saying video games cannot last over and over again, saying "oh it looks this is it for nintendo!". Another Atari product releasing in 84/85 was not going to change the fortune for that brand or those systems.

>> No.9815890
File: 337 KB, 683x451, medium-af14f2277725281d70ecf98d0a72d579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we put this shit eater on the block too, while we're at it? He's almost single handedly responsible for the casualification of gaming, Mario and Zelda forever changed the industry for the worst, and now we're swimming in shit because of it.

>> No.9815895


>> No.9815918
File: 53 KB, 780x534, 47ec8cacbaf348b292b68ff2ecda9cdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rental vidya is....le BAD
Howard Lincoln is a hack.

>> No.9815929
File: 27 KB, 400x566, njs5yz0sn8n41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with Mark Cerny?

>> No.9816151

That was never really a problem for traditional videogame designers in Japan, but moreso for computer game designers in America who were just entering the console market. Americans could have adapted by making more abstract games for home consoles but instead went early on in 6th gen for a filmic direction, undercutting any stylistic orientation.

>> No.9816182

Sony's axeman is definitely going to remain in the top 5.

>> No.9816185
File: 32 KB, 1000x718, MV5BZTMxM2VhNmUtNzFiZC00MjNmLWI0MGUtMDk5ZDFiMDE5ZWNhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTgyNDM1OTU@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just came to get something eat

>> No.9816248

Infogrames aka Nu-Atari

>> No.9816256

molyneux never lied about anything, he's always been a good guy.

>> No.9816258

go away Pete, you were always a hack fraud

>> No.9816263

>Taking the side of Journos

>> No.9816268

Molyneux certainly didn't make it.

>> No.9816330

Are there any legit sources on Nintendo having Yakuza connections that go beyond the Yakuza buying their playing cards?

>> No.9816339

If you even need a source for how extensive and influential the Yakuza presence is in Japan you know literally nothing.

>> No.9816352

It wasn't a terrible idea at the time considering the costs to get miniaturized hardware out in the 80s/90s. However, they should've dropped it by the time the GBA came out and they paid for it dearly when the PSP was announced and blindsided the fuck out of Nintendo. If Nintendo didn't make and pivot to the DS, they would've gotten blown out by the PSP which was the better value all around. And even that didn't kill the withered technology ideology because it's still alive today. And fuck Sony for half assing portable hardware. I can't believe everyone's last hope in the space for gaming is portable PCs.

>> No.9816382

Great thread for a laugh.
Aren't you bored of being retards?

>> No.9816431

Why has everyone else failed and Nintendo succeeded then? They tried colors, backlight, extra power, everything but people were still buying Game Boys instead of Game Gears or Lynxes and no one else dared to try.
With mobile gaming you just can't have costs of production as high as TV games, look at the PSP and Vita, with thinner margins of profit you must cut every corner to deliver the games so if your machine is overpowered your games just look cheap or are too expensive to produce.
Same thing with many smaller studios once 3d became the norm, costs skyrocketed and cheaper games were massacred by consumers so many smaller studios closed when before they could compete thanks to simpler technology.

>> No.9816564

Scumbag lawyer, but it was funny to see magazines like EGM making him out to be Satan back then.

Everybody knows this and yet it would be nice to read about it context for Nintendo.

>> No.9816589

I thought it was confirmed by industry vets that Nintendo was one of the few game companies NOT in bed with the yakuza back in the day? Probably because of their lack of arcade presence.

>> No.9816596

That's a very sophisticated comb-over.

>> No.9816607

Combed over a thousand times

>> No.9816617
File: 45 KB, 602x779, 1681092888121076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9817310

The only one I hate is that dude bro fag that worked on Gears of War.

>> No.9817324

Oh yeah. In terms of impact he's irrelevant, but Cliffy B is a massive giant faggot, I don't think I've ever seen a more punchable face.

>> No.9817565

holy shit this. They made b&w versions of popular, single screen games. That was the expectation for a game back then and they nailed it. If that faggot had a gameboy when they came out and bought batteries with his own money, he would know that. That shit ran for 24 hours and had great games.

The gameboy was held back by pokemon. They were gearing up for what would be the GBA, but just did a hardware refresh of the GBC for pokemon because the shit was literally not stop selling

>> No.9817578
File: 51 KB, 552x402, gabe-newell-playing-half-life-in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9817641
File: 143 KB, 1200x800, Guillemot brothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9817717


Looks like the fat hog likes fat screens.

>> No.9818860

Honestly pretty much everyone at Epic were massive knobs

>> No.9819062
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, RAY KASSAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, Kojima wasn't some hack who got lucky by chance. He's more of a story and Designer guy than a coder, for sure, though.
Now Ray Kassar, and the fools at Maxis that let EA Buy them out in 1997, however...

>> No.9819361

>which turned handheld gaming into an absolute joke for decades
you are one of the most enormous faggots I've encountered on vr

>> No.9819373

How's your game Gear treating you champ?

>> No.9819379

That spooky bastard looks like he could be Mich McConnell's brother

>> No.9819384

This controversy makes no sense unless it's about "muh honor, how dare you abandon us even after we ruined your career, you will pay."

>> No.9819434

The Saturn killed sega but saying that on /vr/ is a hottake with its stupid cultists.

>> No.9819630

I don't see why this was a problem. I don't mind a cheaper, weaker console or handheld so long as I feel like the games I'm playing on it aren't held back by the hardware. I still regularly went back and played my NES even when I had an SNES because I liked the original Legend of Zelda, or played my SNES because Super Metroid was a blast and nothing on the 64 came close to it. Neither one of those games needed better technology to achieve their goals, so there's no reason to have a more powerful, more expensive, lower battery life handheld just so I could have more colors on the screen or a higher resolution.

On the flipside, SNES SimCity is strictly inferior to its PC counterpart by a wide margin because the SNES's hardware is incapable of handling everything. For those sort of games, I could understand the argument.

>> No.9820724

Yuji Naka