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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9814115 No.9814115 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to drive my dick into this bad boy for the first time. Anything I should know in advance?

>> No.9814185

Use dungeons maps from the internet and also a guide to find the sigils. Or don't, I dunno. Do whatever you like

>> No.9814367

This game is a little bit broken. Shortly after you get the boat, the difficulty starts shooting through the roof and your party will get gangbanged by overpowered enemies. It was a balance issue because Enix were on a deadline to get it shipped and didn't have the time to playtest it thoroughly.

>> No.9814413

You should play normally without reading this thread any further or using any other guides or cheating techniques. If you get stuck, TRY HARDER. If you're still stuck, okay then cheat a little. It's not that hard man

>> No.9814449

>very first reply is "use a guide"
When did /vr/ become so casual?

>> No.9814451

>I'm about to drive my dick into this bad boy for the first time.
I doubt this is your first time doing sodomy, OP

>> No.9814575

Not a great game. I played and went through the cave missing a sigil...

Watched a longplay of the rest of the game from that point on I was over it.

>> No.9814625

Run from every encounter, then grind for 10 hours in the last area. Good luck.

>> No.9814818

Backwards. Fight every encounter until the final area, then run from every one to conserve resources for the bosses.

>> No.9814867

We didn't know anything about it in advance the first time we played it. Why should you?

>> No.9814924

eh, not quite, its just that the game become really open at that point of the game and it's not inmediately obvious where you are "supposed" to go, but the enemies there are quite manageable (hint: it's the DW1 starting area and charlock castle)

>> No.9814931

*checks clipboard* It says here you're bad at videogames.

>> No.9814962
File: 270 KB, 1600x900, dragon_warrior_success_featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you beat 1 I think 2 is about the same. the cover art of 2 fucking rocks. fuck toriyama this shit is way cooler

>> No.9815037

When the majority of users became 30+ years old and didn't have 50 hours to search random tiles because some obscure as shit clue from a 30+ year old game didn't make any sense?

>> No.9815073
File: 23 KB, 256x482, DQ2HowWereYouSupposedToKonw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play the game, it's extremely simple. The only thing you need to know is to use the world map and the list of spells that came with the game, and pay attention (take screenshots or write down notes) when NPCs say things.

The only way you'd need a guide or maps is if you are an absolutely irredeemable zoomie.

I mean really, How wErE yOu sUppOsEd tO kNow???!!!

>> No.9815342

I would avoid using guides, if you use guides to know where you have to go you will have to grind a lot more than if you were wandering around lost.

>> No.9815405
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One tip for the early game is that you'll notice that a lot of enemies drop healing items. You can easily sustain yourself on the item drops through the first two dungeons.
Speaking of items, I recommend that you keep at least one item slot empty at all times so that you don't lose an item you get from a treasure chest. They mostly respawn but it's annoying to go back to a multi-level dungeon just for one item you didn't get.
Some weapons and armor can cast a spell when used during battle with the Item command. I'm not going to tell you which ones but you can probably figure out from their names that they're magical.
You will enjoy the game much more if you're patient and take your time collecting clues. Dragon Quest 1 and 2 are basically adventure games in the guise of an RPG and getting information is a major part of progressing through the game.
Maybe it's just me, but playing games like these with a guide is just pointless, you might as well watch a longplay. That said, Japanese games in 1985-87 were basically made with selling guidebooks in mind (thank Druaga for that), so don't be afraid to look some specific info up if you're completely stuck.

>> No.9815424

I found the sigils without using a guide. Wouldn't call it a fun experience. But i guess i look back at it somewhat fondly the way i look back fondly at that time i got hurt running straight to a post while playing football.

>> No.9815428

>2 is about the same
>2 has multiple enemies at one who can overwhelm you and rape your dick
>but it's the same as the one where you fight one guy at a time.

>> No.9815484

I just finished DQ1+2 on GBC after homebrewing my 3DS, great experienced, loved both. Use a walkthrough even as a vague guide off to the side, I have no idea how people found things 30+ years ago with how vague the handholding is.

But now I'm immediately crippled by decision paralysis in DQ3, bought it on switch and everything to play on my TV but god damn I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate choosing classes for everyone, it feels like I'm always missing out and/or being pulled in the direction of the DQ11 character classes

>> No.9815614

Why do you care how people play the game? I get when it's a write up or retro review, but just playing it for their own sake.
You need to calm down with the petty elitism, it's making look insane.

>> No.9815624

le "I'm an adult who got no time for vidya" fallacy

>> No.9815642
File: 207 KB, 1402x2048, 1644265023934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who have families have responsibilities, anon. Please leave your goon cave, you schizoid goblin.

>> No.9815673
File: 14 KB, 363x360, FU3PLjtacAIL2yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then go home and be a family man and leave video games to the people who care to play them instead of trying to bring them down to your level.

>> No.9815974
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>> No.9816026

This. You won't find me dead putting my dick in a woman. That shit's gay.

>> No.9816219

Ali Larter?

>> No.9816247

Who made the cover art? This aesthetic is just what I'm looking for.

>> No.9816345

No, I am serious. I know what you're referencing, the game literally tells you where to find it >>9815073 plus you have the flute which tells you when a crest in the room.

But you need more than this "because you have kids" ? Just go play something else at this point.

>> No.9816621
File: 372 KB, 1500x1500, 1495576428965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the struggle of Elani

>> No.9816694

This anon is correct. I have no idea why the Sun Crest is treated like such cryptic bullshit. You're given two hints: It's on an island and it's near a "fire monolith". There are only like three islands in the game that have structures you can enter and only one of them has fire. Trying to find the thief's hidden room is a hell of lot more cryptic.

>> No.9816747

What fallacy?
At 12 years old you can play games all day long, no responsibilities except completing the next game.
At 16, your time becomes more limited. More responsibilities, a part time job, a girlfriend.
At 22, you have a full time job, a wife, friends.
At 30, you have a kid or two, need to exercise to stay in shape, a career.
At 40, you have a few teenagers and a business to look after, you have 3 or 4 people who rely solely on you to make sure they are molded into good people.

As you get older, son, you'll realize that spending hours playing a game isn't the priority it once was. Building something of your life is more enjoyable than finding any moon crest in Dragon Quest.

>> No.9816757

this is the most pinkpilling post i've ever read

>> No.9816767

>"Responsibility makes me want to be a woman."

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9817259

Can confirm. Ive been playing this shit since I was a kid. There's a lot of bullshit time waster key items if you dont know where to look. You also cant collect a key item in the ocean without first talking to someone else to trigger the flag to be able to find it, even though they hint at it before then.

Besides all that prepare for unbalanced asspain in the last 10-15% of the game

>> No.9817268

you're here trying to moralfag to anonymous people on an old videogame board. you're fucking pathetic. shouldn't you be busy with your real life? sounds like you have enough time to be shitposting

>> No.9818054
File: 1.91 MB, 360x203, 1672145441421732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since op made the thread. He should kill himself and so should everyone else who makes these stupid threads and everyone posting in them

>> No.9818515

So go do something else for recreation if you don't have time for it.

>> No.9818530

This. I have a two year old kid and very little time for games. Just started Ultima 3 and no I'm not hacking my save just because muh no time kids. If it takes six months to beat, so be it. It will feel great when I'm done just like parts 1 & 2. I love old games and don't find them tedious at all.

>> No.9818551

>game comes out in 1980s
>every child dives in blind
>no one on earth has ever played it before
>but they all love it
>becomes a smash hit success
>spreads like wildfire
>integrates itself into the popular culture
>on everyone's tongue for years
>"what a great game"
>[fast-forward footage set to Turn Turn Turn by The Byrds]

These people are never going to be human beings. They are afraid to even dip a single toe in the water of unfamiliar experience without being completely surrounded by a safety network and permission-giver consensus.

>> No.9818562

I got every crest/plot item without external help but I had to look up how to get the Thunder Sword, fuck beating the game without that

>> No.9818567

Family man here. Not an excuse. You have little time to play, but the game isn't going anywhere. It just takes more time to complete. If you feel the need to cheat or look things up, you probably aren't enjoying the game anyway and should do something else with your time.

>> No.9818572

>married at 22
lmao, even

>> No.9818605

you retards. You're even more annoying than the troll/underage that posted it that you actually answer it. Just leave it and ignore it, it's that easy.

>> No.9819585

In one of the shrines there is a rune that can be found by searching on the floor somewhere.

>> No.9819592

I'm there right now. Is it really just a random reef/shallow water part in the world or will I know it when I see it?

>> No.9819612

Doesn't the water tile sparkle when you approach it?

>> No.9819631

the lack of a world map is atrocious

>guy tells me to head south to find the gold key
>sail directly south for a long time
>end up near the starting castle

come the fuck on

>> No.9819670

I got the ship and I cannot figure out how the fuck to sail to either Alefgard or Rhone. The only map is the one in the manual and it seems to be glaringly inaccurate.

>> No.9819679

explore, talk to people, write down what they say, its normal to be a little lost after getting the ship
Rhone is the final area of the game btw

>> No.9819687

Anon I keep notes of everything. I do not understand HOW to sail to Alefgard at all. If I head directly east from Midenhall, then according to the map I should hit the west part of it, but I end up looping around to Midenhall. The boat view is way too zoomed in to effectively navigate around.

>> No.9820512

you just go east from lainport, have you even played dq1? if you have the map you should recognize alefgard by its shape

>> No.9820761

>the lack of a world map is atrocious

There is a world map. It comes with the manual.

>> No.9820780
