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File: 111 KB, 600x425, romero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9812559 No.9812559 [Reply] [Original]

How did this slacker become the face of Doom?

>> No.9812569
File: 35 KB, 500x333, Nicesocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he was a cool dood and a snappy dresser.

>> No.9812616

He kinda posed for the cover art you know.
Made the guy they hired to pose as the marine instead pose as the demon holding his arm instead because he couldn't do a cool pose worth a damn.

>> No.9812643

He had the whole rock star persona thing going on. Had long hair, wore leather pants, divorced his wife to date bimbos. He’s also credited with pioneering deathmatch trash talk. DOOM was a legitimately cool thing and he worked well as the face of it.

>> No.9812661

>How did this slacker become the face of Doom?
It's either him or Carmack.

>> No.9812679

Though, according to Romero that was he alone who got the release build of Quake finished and uploaded while the whole team was tired of each other so much that they didn't even care to appear at the office any more.

>> No.9812697

He never made us his bitch but he still managed to make us his bitch.

Carmack is a badass though, I'm sure he has intentionally killed someone before, either with a mace or claymore or as a result of some operating system he wrote like that episode of the X Files with the elevator.

>> No.9812712

He was unironically the soul of id and you can feel his absence in later games. Sometimes you need glue people like that, it’s why you don’t always see the best player on a team wear the captains C, sometimes it’s the guy who plays 3 minutes a night.

>> No.9812716

>the guy who plays 3 minutes a night.
There's a song in the Doom soundtrack literally named "Waiting for Romero to Play". He pulled all nighters on the game and people loved to watch him dunk on faggots via LAN.
He wasn't just the glue, he was the player.

>> No.9812730

Yeah, in many ways he was the lead QA and made sure things were fun and exciting. It’s hard to boil that down to a number but again, it’s immediately apparent in how the games feel to play. Romero started to slack and it’s easy to see why that was frustrating, but Id was worse off when he left, both things can be true. Sigil shows he wasn’t a fluke he has a genuine sense for fun and level design that never left.

>> No.9812731

Had a lot of input on overall design and themes, and made most of the shareware episode, which was pretty good.

>> No.9812909

Is Romero actually lazy? I thought he did plenty of the programming and level design in Doom and Quake. Most of the best levels are by him I think. I'm lazy and I never created the FPS genre, give him a break.

>> No.9812914

decino made him his bitch

>> No.9812929

He worked on Doom.

>> No.9812932

Aye we ah ken that

>> No.9812946

He DID build the Doom engine after all

>> No.9812975

>I'm sure he has intentionally killed someone before
Yeah his cat

>> No.9812976

>started to slack
>left Id
It's not so much that he left, but that oomph which he brought to the table diminished. So he "left Id" in spirit long before he physically left. Perhaps the rockstar personna went to his head and he became someone else.

Design is law.

>> No.9813029

What's a decino? A competing or rival company?

>> No.9813034

He's our guy anon...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir8notLsKz4&t=5s

>> No.9813045

Partly the rockstar shit, but also working conditions at id were legit insufferable with lots of long hours and drama, along with the company starting to become more and more corporate. Game design was taking a backseat so the games can be more like yearly tech demos for id's latest engine.

Most of the old guard jumped ship after Quake, not long after Romero did. American McGee hung around only to get fired and Adrian Carmack quit after id tried to straight jew him out of his stake in the company. Romero himself admitted he needed humbling but id internally was pretty cucked already by the time he left.

>> No.9813065

Oh, nice youtube thing.

>> No.9813087

Who is John Carmack. That's your answer.

>> No.9813103
File: 210 KB, 800x600, mutherfuckerswhomadedoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He stole it

>> No.9813113

fank u and suck it down

>> No.9813119

Brian Cranston did not make doom wtf

>> No.9813121

d41k4t4n4 r0ckz j00!!1!

>> No.9813173

Robin Williams was a fan of shooters?

>> No.9813185

His favourite doom level was E1M1 "hanger"

>> No.9813194

Fun fact: Their secretary from the wolf days still works at id

>> No.9813196
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He was a turbonerd, and nearly as successful at coolness as our boy James

>> No.9813201

Robin Williams and Rent Treznor had fuckall to do with dewm.

>> No.9813205

She passed away.

>> No.9813220

not originally.
the problem of him was that he didn't got to keep his work flow thanks to a retarded persona made by the excessive quantity of money and attention he had thanks to doom, he didn't focused enough after that.

>> No.9813230 [DELETED] 
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>as our boy James
he's your boy not mine

>> No.9813246

lol, reznor is like 5'2", how tall is carmack then?

>> No.9813256
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Doesn't matter, he can kick your ass.

>> No.9813258

is that rogan?

>> No.9813260

i hope you didn't wet your pants, tee hee

>> No.9813265

Doesnt look like Rogaine. Could be Jace Hall though.

>> No.9813305


>> No.9813318

Carmack was the brains of id, and Romero was the brawn- so to speak.

>> No.9813325

He was genuinely good at his job. He was making and selling games since he was a teenager, he had skills applicable to every step of the development process, and he loved playing and making games

>> No.9813331

Working for Ion Storm would have been fun af. Who cares if they ultimately got nothing done? Ofc you'd be out of a job, but at least would've had the memories.

>> No.9813348

John Romero is a pompus attention whore - but he's a blowhard with talent(s).

>> No.9813352

by talking to the media
he liked the attention and the others didnt as much
also he was prolly on blow a lot of the time once doom blew up, so at that point he just wanted to talk at SOMETHING and gamejournos were happy to oblige

also >>9812643 isnt wrong. he was like the ascended computer nerd fantasy life. and he was instrumental in making deathmatch what it is today. in more ways than one

made some good maps too imo
like for how new 3d was, and how doom itself basically wasnt even 3d, those first few maps by those guys show some remarkable forward thinking in terms of how to design a level, hide secrets/hints, utilize buttons/keys to get the most out of smaller areas, enemy placement etc etc
none of that had really been done and certainly not in an action game, and its something a lot of later 3d shovelware could never grasp

>> No.9813497

>date bimbos
Who was online when his gf did the Playboy shoot?

>> No.9813506

Tront did the music for Quake so it’s all okay

>> No.9813539

No it's not. That's Quake, this is Doom.

>> No.9813864

Carmack made the engines, and was a brilliant programmer, but he was soulless when it came to everything else, and you can see it as the years went buy and he fired people left and right for not being able to keep up with his robotic work schedule.
Romero and Tom Hall were the soul. I believe that Romero's ouster, and the death of Id as a cultural icon in vidya is due to Romero and Carmack's original sin of ousting Hall. Romero paid for his treachery by not sticking up for Tom to Carmack, and Carmack later faded into obscurity as opposed with that talentless hack Sweeney.
A Carmack-designed engine wouldn't be chugging on 4090s no matter what you threw at it, but it was his punishment for turning traitor against those who helped make him famous.

Never back-stab, sell out, or turn on the people that helped you get to where you are.

>> No.9813876

Carmack is also bad ass though. Dude would take two people down twice his size in a fight despite being a manlet

>> No.9813878

The heart and soul. Hall was the brawn.

>> No.9813889

The thing about Romeros early level designs is that no-one knew how to do it at the time.

Sure there have been thousands of modders since but the design of episode 1 is iterally establishing
good level design in a first person shooter.

There are these little things there that had no need to be, the use of secrets and always having an outside area
be accesible to the player one way or another
were not necessary to Doom being a good well received game,
but they were seminal in making it a seminal genre defining videogame.

Fans, and other devs learned from those John romero designs and though you can iterate and improve on them, he created the language for good level design.

Similiar to how Street Fighter has things in it like the stun mechanic, the beaten up faces, the car smashing scenes etc, these
are all things that get it so far above the line of what was necessary.

his level designs and influence are a bit written off now because anyone can make Doom levels,
but funnily enough most of them are based around gimmicks and challenge,
in other words the Sandy Peterson approach,

ROmero's levels all the way up to Quake, along with American Mcgees are works of art and some of the best level design
you'll play in an FPS.

It's all built around limitations of the engine too, such as Quake levels having to be a certain size,
somehow Romero was able to make the levels feel bigger than they really were.

The design approach set the standard for that type of game.

So he does deserve credit, and probably did get a bit lazy, kind of like people do after huge success. Imagine if your first game was fucking Doom, and then Quake. You'll end up taking your foot off the gas eventually.

I don't understand is how hes working on stupid mobile shit.

If he got a team together to make something like Dusk or a thing of that ilk it'd do really well,

But it's the typical thing of not valuing what you're great at.

New Sigil levels are great, his Mafia RPG game not so much.

>> No.9813921

I like this post. This is a good post.

>> No.9813994

The story of ID would make a mean movie.

>> No.9814004

>I don't understand is how hes working on stupid mobile shit.
It's all companies will pay for.
The folks with money smell other money and go chase it, that's all they are good at.
Romero is just making those fools his bitch.

>> No.9814083

yea thats what i was saying
all the maps in the shareware release are fucking phenomenal. especially considering they were in completely uncharted waters
so many devs, even now, misunderstand how to design levels to serve the gameplay in their vidya. its truly a wonder those id guys were able to pull it out of thin air like that

also i think your return key is broken

>> No.9814315

By literally designing it.

>> No.9814337

lol! Robin Williams built almost singlehandedly the Doom Engine, but was threatened to lawsuits up his ass for breach of contract with Hollywood. He rushdly put Carmack on par with the coding and resigned. To this very day, Carmack is grateful for Robin's help in his career. They remained friends until the latter killed himself, which, reportedly, broke John for weeks, and he couldn't even have condition to attend his friend's funeral.

>> No.9814486

>a new engine with a sharp, motivated Carmack if such a thing still exists now

>> No.9814883

He was the best looking dev, simple as.

>> No.9814914

They would just make it in Unity and you know this

>> No.9814947

>Carmack is a badass, I'm sure he has intentionally killed someone before
Yeah, his cat

>> No.9814952

It is. It wasn't a fight or anything obviously.

>> No.9814961

He understood what feels good.

>> No.9814965

I don't think Carmack can lift a pen above eye level without breaking his wrist.

>> No.9814970


>> No.9814976
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>> No.9814982

>DM3 - The Abandoned Base (John Romero)
>DM4 - The Bad Place (American McGee)
Two of the greatest deathmatch maps ever made to this day. Very different styles, both legends in their own right.

DM4 was my jam back in my prime. I could easily rack up hundreds of frags, no matter the server, country, teams or no. I could literally run that whole map blindfolded, rocketjumps and all. The sound cues were so precise it was as if I could see the map with the eyes of an omniscient god at all times, like I wasn't even playing my character, I was just directing everyone else's deaths from above.

>> No.9814984

It's kind of funny how Romero has managed to maintain this general "chad" image over the years, with his (usually) long indian hair and beard, but back in the day he really was just as much a geeky nerd as all the rest (which is great, I love them)

>> No.9815003


Sounds more like a story he made up so that he could position himself as the "most important" person behind Quake.

>> No.9815018

He made like 20 games before doom.

>> No.9815021


We used to play both maps to death on LAN - it was such a fun and exciting experience. id used to make truly unique titles. Unfortunately due to internal strife, the shitty industry and mainstream appeal it all dried out. It's mostly the DoomII/Quake 1 era and its associated hardware that keep me glued to computing.

While I dislike the persona Romero has created he is a very good designer.
Episode 1 will remain the reference for good Doom maps. It's funny to see all those mappers wanting to create a gem while Romero did nearly everything right back in the early 90ies - see for example Map11 of DoomII. It's even more obvious if you go through the shovelware Cds of that era which mostly carried garbage wads by wannabes.

>> No.9815091
File: 925 KB, 1000x750, 1678942233613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to dream about becoming megarich and recreating Quake levels in reality. I always thought it would be so badass to see a real version of Claustrophobopolis (though I imagine piping the lava in would be a bit of a challenge)

>> No.9815131


Yep, could be a hoot walking through this.
Great map too!

>> No.9815175

Every single person at I.D needed each other to not shit the bed. No Romero? You get Doom 3. 90% of the team fucks off to other projects? Doom 2016 and Eternal.

>> No.9815352
File: 399 KB, 1280x744, 1681301546959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I needed to get out, the pressure now mounting. I called John Carmack on his phone extension, 13.

>"Dude, I'm stuck in my office. My doorknob doesn't work anymore. I think you should chop down this shitty door."

>"I'll be right over."

>I heard a noise on the wall, which had to be John getting his $5,000 custom axe off its mount. He walked in front of my door and tried the knob. Sure enough, the knob doomed the door to a swift death. John was telling the others in the office nearby that he was about to rescue me from my new prison.

>Good thing I decided to stand with my back against the same wall as the door.

>BAM! The first swing came through the center of the door, just a little, and sprayed wood fragments across the room, bouncing off the opposite wall.

>BAM! More wood, splintering and flying. I would have been injured if I were standing in the middle of my room.

He also made Jace Hall take a nap.

>> No.9815406
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I was. I also remember when he groomed an underage gypsy online and blogged about it.

>> No.9815446
File: 111 KB, 960x960, 1678449695962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard that particular story. I just remember Paul Steed attacking Carmack's door with a longsword. Guess there was a lot of that going around the office.

>> No.9815447
File: 204 KB, 1280x744, 1672393568834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh here's the Romero door. Yeah, these guys really had it in for entrances.

>> No.9815479

I’ve always thought that Carmack looks like a nerdy Beavis

>> No.9815487

just goes to show longswords and greataxes are just plain old sensible things to have lying around in any officespace
multiple crisis: averted

>> No.9815501

I always associated id with john carmack. John romero was always the sunny boy and back in the day as a kid i didn't respect romero that much as i did with carmack.
I member some video about the doom presentation/release where carmack was sitting on some desk talking to journos about doom when the cat of id jumped on the table and carmack started petting it. When compared to current day release events this was just bizarre and surreal as it was funny.

>> No.9815827

If Carmack and Romero collaborated with sega for a Sonic dreamcast game this board would implode into a black hole of circlejerking

>> No.9815848

I don't get it, is there something different about?

>> No.9815891

if its not robin its not doom

>> No.9815968

what does this mean?, dude looks fit as fuck for what it does and his age

>> No.9815975

manlet rage is real

>> No.9815996

i'd have a huge ego if i worked on doom/quake too

>> No.9816003

i think people underestimate his work on doom at least. they tend to think of him as the level designer but he was also responsible for a lot of the tooling they had for making the game. i believe he was also more or less what you'd call a gameplay programmer today.

>> No.9816014

he's coping, little man BIG ATTITUDE

>> No.9816029

Anon, not wanting to burst your bubble, but that kind of door is made of what we call plywood. It's cheaper and perfect for privacy and to separate rooms, however, they do not provide decent protection because they're not dense, just thin layers held together. What does this mean? It means you can tear one down with your bare fists or, preferably, using your feet protected with decent shoes. I've tore down four of those doors, on different occasions, with mere stomps, firefighter-style, to "rescue" people who inadvertently locked themselves up. And I'm very far from what you can call "strong". Using an axe to tear down that down, actually, speaks against Carmack's strength. However, I give him the benefit of doubt, perhaps he just wanted a chance to try his axe or to do something crazy.

>> No.9816152

hey doctor cringe medicine woman, take your blog somewhere else

>> No.9816164

Never! I've been blogging here for years now, I'm almost like a blogging celebrity here and a staple in 4chin conventions across the globe. If this was in real life, this would be when security would escort you out.

>> No.9816235


i've heard enough of his interviews over the years to be tired of him but just watch some informal ones of him. He makes "boof" and "TSSH" sounds like a comic book character. He's a high energy guy that likes to make people laugh. Maybe i'm getting mandela'd but i'm pretty sure he's the one that insisted on the crazy wolfenstein screaming death sounds and I can imagine him telling them all the shotgun in doom has to sound like a fucking train smashing into rubble. When he was given a frame work to operate in, he made sure the games were fun to play. he insisted on crazy over the top shit and carmack would try to achieve it technically. he lost all that when he left id.

>> No.9816306


90s were a higher plane of existence. So cool.
Listen to the reactions.

>> No.9816528

>Carmack can't pick up a pen
>bullshit he can swing an axe
>well it's a hollow core door so the greatly decreases the weight of the axe

>> No.9816687

Oh... You took the pen stuff literally... I'm sorry.

>> No.9816794

Nah but saying that if the door being hollow means that he couldn't crush a skull with an axe or implant one someone's chest is ridiculous.

>> No.9816925

I didn't say that. You thought that far all by yourself. My whole point is that tearing a weak door down using your body alone is no big feat; using an axe makes it even smaller. So, that episode alone doesn't mean Carmack is strong. He might be, who knows, but not because of that. Of course, an axe is still an axe, and it poses threat against any human, I didn't minimize that.

>> No.9817054

It was about if he could swing an axe or not. If someone said he wasn't strong enough to fire a gun and he shot it with a shotgun you'd be saying he could have shot through it with a .22.

>> No.9817267


>> No.9817364

I could absolutely beat the shit out of John Carmack in a fight.

>> No.9817379
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>> No.9817465

He's really not a slacker, and is good at what he does, also keep in mind anyone compared to carmack is pretty much a slacker. But Carmack is a turbo sperg programmer, so no suprise he has a terrible work-life balance.

>> No.9817512

He deserves the praise. He wasn't the only one responsible for making Doom but he still deserves credit just as much as Carmack does and pretty much all of them.

>> No.9817534

I doubt Sandy would be the sort to just leave the office to not launch a game. He's consistently said that the office politics of old id were high school drama tier, and for whatever faulty memory he may have I believe him in that.
Sandy is my favorite. Carmack #2, then Romero, then Hall.
Although Hall made Anachronox and that's a severely underrated game/universe

>> No.9817540

^ this precisely
Also a very good guy in RL.

Daikatana, the disaster that it was, felt exactly how a quake game should feel like. Something that was completely absent from Quake 2, and returned only partially with Q3.

Today you have Champions, which is accurate spiritual successor to how QuakeWorld felt like in terms of acrobatics and speed.

When he was gone, we all felt it, something just wasn't right with Q2. Everyone at my highschool played QW at the time, and they all switches to other games, because of how bad Q2 played.

>> No.9817545

>Also a very good guy in RL
I'd agree except for the whole trans kids thing. Also I've heard 1st hand stories of him putting others in odd positions.
I don't think he's bad, but I don't think he's particularly "good". He's got issues like anyone else, but him and Carmack both are good at playing up their personas.

>> No.9817720


Sandy is a great designer and has a less tacky sens of humor then Romero. Doom & Quake owe a lot to Peterson.

>> No.9817735
File: 24 KB, 400x339, 1655121063751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*buuurp* yeah those kids make some good levels i guess
*models goatse out of spline surfaces*

>> No.9817817

I'm more interested in what actually happened after Ion Storm. Why only shovelware after Daikatana? Sure it was a flop but it didn't mean he was blacklisted from the whole industry.
Was he able to live off the royalties alone for all these years?

>> No.9817904


Romero was wealthy after Wolfenstein and rich after Doom. It could be that Diakatana broke his belief in himself... he probably used to see himself as invincible.

>> No.9817920

I'm also curious.
Is there any record of why he did what he did?

>> No.9818026
File: 265 KB, 780x1831, clevebrenda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More importantly, how did his wife become the face of Wizardry?

>> No.9818539

Wow his wife sounds pretty successful, why's that chud so angry?

>> No.9818991

Creator of Herald of the winged exemplar? That's a fucking amazing game. Whenever something is said by a person of talent we can take it as true.

>> No.9819007

Knee-Deep in the Dead has really good level design and it was basically all him, and that was the episode everyone got to play because it was given away for free.

>> No.9819195

Everyone here needs to dig into the sory of Cleveland Blackmore and the fall of sir-tech

Just start looking up Wizardry, stones of Arnhem

he made a legendary thread years ago that's been walled behind CRPG addict forums saying he
had been leading ateam in Australia to do a new Wizardry game,
but the team he was working with were insane homos, creating furrys and genital based monsters as the themes
in a Wizardry game. Crazy sex addicts.

He was called a fool and a nutcase and a homophobe and so on

Until a load of documents from the company showed up on ebay corroborating much of the story.

Whatever he's saying here can't be ruled out.

>> No.9819607

That Mafia game isn't shovelware, but it is pretty niche with mixed reviews.

>> No.9819639

Do you have any links? I'd be curious to see those docs etc.

>> No.9819652
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He was an absolute asshole who took all the credit and was more of a figurehead for the group. That is why he eventually got the boot when the other members wizened up to his actual role in the company as just some loser in jeans.
Sounds like the type of bullshit a loser like him would come up with to justify him doing absolute fuck all for the company.
And what was his job exactly? Just showing up eating doritos and saying "yep looks metal af" and leaving?

>> No.9819683

>And what was his job exactly?
On Doom? He programmed all the development tools, game designer, level designer...
He did do work. How much of his work would make-or-break Doom, only the devs can say.
He did give Hall a big budget and free reign to design a game while at Ion Storm, and out of that came Anachronox. Which was tight as hell.

>> No.9819706

Looked around, found:

>> No.9819859

You're just seething cause he's brown, admit it. Because he's brown he can't be talented, and has to leech of the white guys in the group, except the reality is Romero is VERY accomplished on his own, pretty sure kids don't start shitting out video games if they aren't hardworkers.

>> No.9819926

>You're just seething cause he's brown, admit it. Because he's brown he can't be talented
Don't bring stupid shit like that into the conversation.
Besides, he'd be considered red.

>> No.9819927

Post the book page. It never fails to crack me up.

>> No.9819969

It's sad that people type this kind of low-effort "I don't actually know but this is what I heard" nonsense this late into the thread when it's already well understood what everyone's roles were in the company and what they accomplished. Ignorant, childish crap.

>> No.9819989

It's not stupid I sincerely consider to be the root of why he's painted as undeserving of his praise. Has to be one of the few bean bros. that did something cool, and everyone tries to take it away from him.

>> No.9820108

when did it happen?

>> No.9820138

>married a dude who was trafficking underage girls from slavic countries
She was married to Andrew Tate?

>> No.9820149

Fuck, it ends at page 9.
That was a great read till then.
If I make an RPG Codex acct can I find the rest?

>> No.9820212

Doing a ton of menial work that no one else has the patience for and creating something a ton of people play for that long is hardly someone being a slacker

>> No.9820961

Are you sure it’s not because he’s never made anything of value ever since he left Id while Carmack and the others have?

>> No.9821068

>I sincerely consider to be the root of why he's painted as undeserving of his praise
I sincerely think you're an idiot.
>because he’s never made anything of value
Daikatana isn't that bad, and Ion Storm was something he made, which produced Deus Ex, Thief 3, and Anacronox as well,

>> No.9821210

He got lazy because it was clear id was becoming a tech-first company when his original vision for Quake got cut down to "Doom in 3D". He was always more interested in design than tech or programming, and when that element was removed from id, he lost his passion. It's pretty understandable. You think Carmack would have stayed if they had decided to use unreal instead of developing engines in house?

>> No.9821216

Considering most of the staff left before Daikatana released I doubt it was that fun.

>> No.9821236
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He's as dorky looking as the rest.

>> No.9821239

if only he hadn't been 5'2'' and turned into a tranny later in life

>> No.9821749
File: 360 KB, 1878x987, Carmack Battle Axe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id was more than happy to let Romero be the face of the company. He was the only one with the desire to be the guy talking to media and his natural gravitation to a "Rockstar" lifestyle lent itself well to it.


>> No.9822009

He made Sandy design half of the levels for Doom 2 because he was too lazy to do it himself.

>> No.9822362

He looked good, had good charisma and didn't have Carmack's autism. It's the classic case of "A bunch of dudes make something, the one with the least bad social skills gets all the credit".

>> No.9822374

God dammit anon, you made me look

>> No.9823201


Come one.
Romero, with any racial background, would be called a poser and attention whore. He's making things worse with is rampant leftism - guessing from his views he is definitely a "honorary" white boomer.

>> No.9823212


This is the real sin that Romero has committed - he let down the fans of Doom by not really focusing on one of the biggest games of all time.

>> No.9823513
File: 145 KB, 1508x892, 1681416891815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the best one.

>> No.9823617

He's not a fucking poser, poser of what you faggot come up with some good reason of why he's a poser, are the other devs posers? No, no just Romero right? Get fucked dude, no way in hell a self-taught guy with a history of making and completing various games is a fucking poser, or even a slacker. I gurantee you he did, and has done more with his life than 99% of the posters here. Dude honestly, fuck you, you're a faggot for this. This shit is stupid, romero isn't a fucking slacker.

>> No.9823657


He has always posed and talked shit online - good thing was that Daikatana destroyed him partially.
I love his Doom maps of old and the influence he had on some of the best games of all time but he's an asshat.

>> No.9824083

My goodness Romero, calm down.

>> No.9824095

>My goodness Romero, calm down.

>> No.9824215

Whip up some Doom levels for us if you're not a slacker, Johnny boy.

>> No.9824230

yeah anon, whip out your dick i mean up some levels if you are so confident

>> No.9824870

Been finding more todos of this guy's writing. I can't find an archive of the docs gotten from the auction.
This dude is interesting though. Clearly embellishes the truth to tell a story, but there does seem to be a kernel of truth whenever it's thoroughly investigated.
Good LA riots story had to be half bullshit at least, but it was a fun read. And clearly something happened that drive him to Australia.
Makes me want to play Grimoire.

>> No.9824873

Archives. Sorry. Phone posting like some mere cro-magnon

>> No.9825026

kek. Tront Razor of the band Nine inch Dildo.

>> No.9825038

>Carmack later faded into obscurity as opposed with that talentless hack Sweeney
Sweeney is a faggot. All he cares about is money and making his shit engine. Also fuck him for shutting down UT servers.

>> No.9825187

>talentless hack Sweeney
Unreal is a great engine, and always has been. Though He hasn't had much to do with it since UE1
You can hate on his business practices all you want, but he's not talentless.
UT master server has been shut down for like a decade though.

>> No.9825198

I still make stuff in UE1 and 2 games. They were really cool and easy to use compared to other editors.

>> No.9825207

The whole concept of Wolfenstein 3D was entirely his idea

>> No.9825210

Sweeney goes around giving people games for free and people hate him for it because Gaben's shills brainwashed them

>> No.9825220

There's nothing free in life, remember. He's probably mining your data and selling it to the Chinese.

>> No.9825436

Sigil is very good. Can't wait for Sigil 2

>> No.9826992

>nobody posted his old MikeMatei-tier comics yet ITT

>> No.9828059

Neither have you.

>> No.9828067

the only catch is that you have to install the shittiest launcher ever to play the free games

>> No.9828069

It's not that bad, but it does need improvement.

>> No.9828072

What launcher is worse? Maybe the rockstar launcher? Even trash like uplay and origin are better in every way

>> No.9828112

Uplay was easily the worst last I used it.

>> No.9828606

I always get banned for posting the one with stepfather assrape - probably feels too close to home for jannies

>> No.9828860

love this guy. fuck australians

>> No.9828870

Where are you finding more Cleve? I've only seen bits and pieces over the years.

>> No.9828945

Saying that everyone tries to take it away from him is overdramatic and makes it look like you have a chip on your shoulder. The vast majority of people who know about him praise Romero’s work at id and act like he was running the thing with Carmack while everyone else was just there for the ride.

>> No.9829116

amazing, got a link to this thread?

>> No.9829676
File: 137 KB, 640x455, melvin-mows-the-lawn-10-11-84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not quite Loco Bandito tier.

>> No.9829690

That's all I'm getting but I was literally just searching for "cleve mark blakemore" or some variant and clicking any forums.

>> No.9829746

What race is this

>> No.9829747

gas station clerk

>> No.9829759


>> No.9830293

Half white half American Indian.
So close to >>9829759.

>> No.9830848


>> No.9831747

All you need to watch to know about romero, Carmack is too aspie to lie, romero didn't work to the level that CARMACK wanted, carmack is a fucking turbo aspie, he obsesses over work, and how to work efficiently. 99% of people are a slacker in Carmack's eyes. It is so stupid to care about who carmack calls a slacker or not. For normie people Romero is NOT a slacker, and is infact the opposite. Spoiler warning tags: ASPIE spergout, Crippling Autism, Socially unaware.

>> No.9831754

He's an alternate universe mestizo, basically just a fucking mexican, I have to laugh out how people can't tell what he is, some people think he's italian, some think he's most indio fucker on the rez.

>> No.9833183


>> No.9833250

Now I see where Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion came from.

>> No.9833667
File: 263 KB, 834x1200, The Loco Bandito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're not quite Loco Bandito tier.

>> No.9833673

god i could beat up all these losers. and i'm 5"4

>> No.9834013


>> No.9834736

it's so stupid and bad, but I won't lie it mad me laugh.

>> No.9835348

This feels like it’s trying to be a Robert Crumb comic, right down to the cross hatching.