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File: 134 KB, 800x787, croccover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9805671 No.9805671 [Reply] [Original]

There's something very special about this mediocre unremarkable game. What is it?

>> No.9805693

Croc himself is cute, game has an amazing soundtrack and nice graphics, the controls aren't as bad as people say and it has a lot of charm.
Of all the forgotten 90s mascot platformers, I want to see him back the most.

>> No.9805745

Best tank controlling scotformer of 1997.

>> No.9805752

levels are short

>> No.9805757
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I think it might be because colorful cartoon animals are more appealing(to kids at least) than a man with a moustache. Now you can say well there's Sonic, Spyro, Crash, Banjo, Bug, Gex... but if you notice all these are zany eccentric "mascot with attitude" characters, what sets Croc apart is its innocence, he's just a cheerful non-verbal(mostly) monster rescuing fluffy critters so it taps into a much emotional purer childlike wonder with no irony or pretense instead of relying on cheesy 90s wacky comedy.

>> No.9805886
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When I was a kid I got my mum to make me a tail out of a green shopping bag, and I ran around the house spinning around shouting kersplat and wahey.
I replayed both games about a year and a half ago. Croc 1 is sluggish and clunky (but in fairness I played the Saturn version, which I feel was worse than the PS1 verson), but has great music and the levels look nice. Croc 2 starts really strong but the levels get more tedious as the game goes on, also you can tell they ran out of time because the Inca village is like half the size of the others, the Cowboy Village on the back of the manual isn't even in the game and the "secret world" are just snippets of previous levels (also they make up 40% of the game's completion despite being the last hour at most?).

>> No.9805901

Very simple, charming, and great production value. The first time I played it at a friend’s house on his PS1 I immediately knew that it would be the first game I would want when I got a PlayStation of my own. Game was way too hard to beat back then and I didn’t even have a memory card, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless.

>> No.9805969

Mario Galaxy if he old and have tank controls

>> No.9806203

>mediocre unremarkable game

pick only one. the 2nd was also very good btw.

>> No.9806208

If he was silent, it wouldn't work

>> No.9806214

in my opinion the controls are unironically fun and unique. it kinda reminds me of something like classicvania but in 3d with the intentional(?) stiffness. just successfully jumping from one platform to another is so much more satisfying than it is in mario exactly because it isn't effortless.

>> No.9806228

>Now you can say well there's Sonic, Spyro, Crash, Banjo, Bug, Gex... but if you notice all these are zany eccentric "mascot with attitude" characters, what sets Croc apart is its innocence, he's just a cheerful non-verbal(mostly) monster rescuing fluffy critters so it taps into a much emotional purer childlike wonder with no irony or pretense instead of relying on cheesy 90s wacky comedy.
I think you nailed it and that's also why Croc 2 loses a lot of its magic

>> No.9806363

Croc has pure soul. You can play the pc version natively on modern windows, too.

>> No.9806374

fuck off epiclper, the definitive version is the original playstation version which can be perfectly emulated

>> No.9806414

PlayStation version is great, and what I grew up with, but the PC version has better lighting and textures. And with the fan port thing, they have analog controls anyway, which was the only advantage PS1 had over it.
Saturnbros lost this one. Any way you look at it.

>> No.9806463
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>which was the only advantage PS1 had over it.
Lol no

See the color crystals up top in the UI? They are 3d renders smoothly spinning around in the Playstation version, they are just ugly static sprites in the PC version

Just accept you're playing an inferior port that was not how the developers originally intended bro

>> No.9806475

I can't imagine being this autistic over a mediocre 25 yo mediocre platformer. Your life must be really sad.

>> No.9806492

>"Don't play the true version that has been readily available for decades, you should totally go out of your way to play this fanmade version that is totally superior in every single way, it's not like it's based on an inferior port and is therefore bound to have some cracks. Rest assured that fan judgement and interpretation is most definitely 100% trustworthy and free of flaws"
>*gets easily proven wrong*
>"ugh stop being autistic!"

>> No.9806505

I'm not the same anon, but keep throwing a fit.

>> No.9806524

speak english, faggot

>> No.9806527

Miyamoto, Star Fox, and Stockholm Syndrome

>> No.9806528

what's sad is some loser shilling the fanmade version in literally every single croc thread(probably the person who made it) and daring to call it "the definitive version" which is straight up misinformation that is likely to deceive naive people unfamiliar with the game who don't know any better

>> No.9806529


>> No.9806531

additive blending can't be beat

>> No.9806570

I thought you were just being pedantic but looking up both versions on youtube it actually does make a very noticeable difference. With how frequent that pops up on screen I wouldn't dismiss it as not affecting the game's feel.

>> No.9806626

PC looks better.

>> No.9806637

clearly you've not seen it in motion

>> No.9806643

Croc still has games being made today. They're very basic 2d platformers on mobile platforms but they're being made with the official license.

Enjoy your monkey paw wish.

>> No.9806647

the crystals are literally sprites

>> No.9806651
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>> No.9806654


>> No.9806657

every time they bring old animal mascots back they make it weird furry bait. i want croc to stay pure

>> No.9806807

>There's something very special about this mediocre unremarkable game.
Is there really? it’s just mario 64 with tank controls or crash without good level design.

>> No.9806823

its clunky because its not other game. and its bad because i dont like it

>> No.9807005

>has better lighting and textures.
holy shit. imagine shilling soullessness this hard

>> No.9807006


>> No.9807056

This game is a Croc of SHIT

>> No.9807064

>a game from over 25 years ago
the /v/ brainrot runs deep

>> No.9807091

Climbing into wells worked really well and was really cool.

>> No.9807102

zoom zoom

Keep playing your fortnite trash. You will NEVER evolve a soul.

>> No.9807221


>> No.9807478

it stars lara croft as a crocodile
the moves and the backpack are the same

>> No.9807502

There IS something very special about Croc. I think the 2nd game sucks but I love the original and could play it for hours. 10/10 game :^)

>> No.9807536

Croc 1 - with or without analogue?

>> No.9807550

Nothing, you're just fishing for replies with a vague, open ended question

>> No.9807840

It was originally meant to be a Yoshi's Island sequel for the N64

>> No.9808029

The presentation. The devs clearly poured their hearts out while making the game but unfortunately had some bad design choices mainly the controls and no the analog support doesn't make it better.

>> No.9808549

this little thing called nostlagia

>> No.9808563
File: 22 KB, 300x250, KoDPrzCplg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s just mario 64 with tank controls or crash without good level design
it has less challenge than the easiest levels of spyro or banjo. its a game for kids too retarded to play crash or mario 64.

>> No.9808993

newfag doesn't know that's the the name of lardass ponyfucker who always shills the fanmade """"definitive version"""" every thread

>> No.9809431

The music is really nice. That's mainly it.

>> No.9809867

Croc is pure

>> No.9809904

>jump over a moving platform
>you start moving with it
>while still in the air above it
This is a special kind of madness.

>> No.9809921

I like Croc 2. It's so mystifying somehow.

>> No.9809967

it's definitely harder than spyro as someone who grew up with both of them at 6.

>> No.9809972

Croc 2 is shit.

>> No.9810009

At the time the only memorable 3d platform games were SM64, Tomb Raider, Bubsy 3d, and this. It also had the mechanic from Sonic where if you get hit, you just drop your crystals.

>> No.9810032

The box art is extremely appealing to little kids. There's a reason it sold over 3 million copies on the playstation alone

>> No.9810063

Didn't ask for your worthless opinion, you tidepod-munching monkey.

>> No.9810140

It had a charming aesthetic which is often enough to get you hooked as a kid. That being said I never liked it myself and much preferred Gex: enter the gekko

>> No.9810465

did they seriously switch out the 2d sprites for the Gobbos for like two polygons?

>> No.9810512

I don't know but I had Mario 64 which I didn't care much about and I was mad jelly of my friend who had Croc and I would spend hours at his house playing it together. Might be because the character itself is more charming and the numerous short, somewhat linear levels, though nothing special and repetitive, make you feel like you really are plowing through a very expansive neverending world. In Mario you're put on a much lower number of playgrounds(albeit a thousand times more complex and unique) where you can do whatever, it's a very different sense of progression

>> No.9810586

Reading the things changed / added with the fan patch, it seems the only one missing are the crystals being sprites instead of renders. Aside from that it's got the soundtrack, ambient lighting, reverb effects, and the analog control scheme. So if the crystal renders were added would you shut up about it or still find something to nitpick?

>> No.9810650

Please tell me why the fuck would someone go through the trouble of implementing something when the true version is already freely available for everyone to play? This project would be worth something if Croc had issues being emulated

>> No.9810665

It's not a nitpick, it's a collectathon so collecting things should feel really satisfying. It wouldn't surprise me if there are other issues and I sure as fuck am not gonna play it to find out when I can play the playstation version at any time

>> No.9810942

I never got to rescue him :(

>> No.9811429

>Please tell me why
More of a "why not?" at that point if anything, much like why play this or that version, just play whichever you want and don't be a shithead about how someone else plays it. Betting you never even played more than the first level or two years ago anyways.
>true version
Hope you intend to play it on a real PS1 with a real disc so you get the loading times that I'm sure the developer intended you to see, for when you actually play this game for the first time.
>it's a collectathon so collecting things should feel really satisfying
It's still satisfying regardless though as collecting things is still the same? Stop nitpicking, and just enjoy the game however you like.

>> No.9812389

>just play whichever you want and don't be a shithead about how someone else plays it
>makes an inferior fanmade version, has the gall to call it definitive edition and shills it at every opportunity to trick people into playing it

>> No.9812446

Very nice graphics for an early 3D platformer not on N64, especially on the Saturn.

>> No.9812459
File: 40 KB, 640x576, ebb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the colors. Everyting looks like candy. people here meme "zoom zoom shiny hehe wahoo" but it actually works.

>> No.9812553

I just really like all the designs for some reason.

>> No.9812561

>tell me why
Ain't nothing but a heaaaaartache

>> No.9812719

Sexo with Croc

>> No.9812802

Ah, I see you've run out of arguments and I'm also not the anon who initially mentioned the fan patch, have a good week.

>> No.9813434

What even is the current point of this discussion? I've made my fucking argument.
The Playstation game is how it was originally designed and can be perfectly emulated with ease. This can't be contested.
Being a massive hit, a PC port of the game was made that is vastly inferior. This can't be contested.
Some fucktard took the inferior PC port and tried to "enhance" it, a lot of this being attempts at giving the game the playstation features that were missing but it's been pointed out that there are still things that are not up to par(and this was noticed by simply checking this new version for no more than a couple minutes so it's very possible there's more inferior aspects that have not been yet noticed/pointed out). This cannot be contested.
The new "enhancements" that are not present in the original Playstation (the widescreen) fuck up the game showing things that were intended to be offscreen, you have cinematics where characters visibly teleport or freeze in place before they are supposed to show up on the scene or after they were meant to leave. Also floating incomplete objects since they never modeled the rest that was supposed to be on screen. This cannot be contested.
This fanmade version gets shilled on every single /vr/ Croc thread. This cannot be contested.
Calling this project "Definitive Edition" is extremely disengenuous when it's provenly gimped. Should it get no pushback from people like me who care about the integrity of the game, it can very easily trick naive fools(especially people who want to try out the game for the first time who understandably don't know any better) thinking they are getting the best possible experience when that is not the case. This cannot be contested.
All I've been hearing from your side is how you're not this or that person or how we should just disregard "small" details(imagine telling people not to care on a board for those passionate about retro games) so don't act like I'm somehow losing an argument.

>> No.9813564

I think the original games are kinda mediocre kids games (I did love them as a kid tbf) but I'd love a bit more faster paced and "fluid" croc game. Something like sm64 mashed with croc to put it bluntly.

>> No.9813587

Holy shit man, I've met some autists in my day but I think you're in the top 5. This truly cannot be contested.

>> No.9813819

The bonus levels are so shit. All that work getting all gobbos for nothing

>> No.9814307

I wonder if they went off of Croc 2's cliffhanger

>> No.9814351

the virgin moneybags

the chad swap meet pete

>> No.9814358

I don't know why people who bitch about the tank controls (which is rightfully so desu) don't try Croc 2. It's a much better game and still perfectly playable to this day.

>> No.9814648

Croc 2 has no soul whatsoever

>> No.9814679

The tank controls aren't so bad if you play it on PC with a keyboard.

>> No.9814771
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>I ran around the house spinning around shouting kersplat and wahey
fucking kek

>> No.9815254

The box cover

>> No.9815363

It was comfy.

>> No.9815378
File: 211 KB, 418x418, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Croc 2 is still very kid-friendly, it just has bongsnark mixed in. Oddly enough, the first game had plenty of that in the manual but not the game itself.

Anyway here's Roger Red Ant

>> No.9815946
File: 536 KB, 1920x960, croc vidya grid collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only played the first one on psxl and croc2 demo.

>> No.9815958

just a lad avin a giggle. not everything whimsical is autistic

>> No.9816321

I've tried playing this game 3 times but I just can't, it's a croc of shit sorry

>> No.9816468

You played the wrong version

>> No.9816604


>> No.9816909

Croc is a fun game. I've never played the PS1 version, but the Saturn version was a welcome addition to the library since that console doesn't exactly have a ton of 3D platformers.

I do think it's kinda funny that the devs gave Croc Lara Croft's backpack and Mario's buttstomp/random yelling noises to poke fun at both franchises and now almost 30 years later Tomb Raider and Mario are still going strong while the Croc franchise is deader than the parents on Party of Five.

>> No.9816930

Anon I was 4 years old.

>> No.9816964
File: 14 KB, 244x364, 2pn8rk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaying Croc 2 and seeing "KaBooom! It's Roger Red Ant" sent a chill down my spine. I remembered the opening beats of the song and his voice vividly. Fuck that level.

>> No.9817014

> some kid having fun and acting like a kid
> he must be autistic

This line of thought is why modern kids are all doped up on ADHD pills and antidepressants. Me and my friends watched Top Gun at someone's house and for like a month afterward whenever we had recess at school we would get on the swings and swing back and forth pretending we were in jets yelling about bogeys and how engine 1 or engine 2 were out.

>> No.9817443

The bosses are pitiful trash

>> No.9817454
File: 2.73 MB, 1755x1080, croc and dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Croc 2 has no so--

>> No.9817481

you can feel the rays hitting the ground

>> No.9817937

croc is pure sexo

>> No.9818910

Croc in Smash Bros when?

>> No.9819516

Yoshi and Croc linked up. Need it or keep it?

>> No.9819557

>There's something very special about this mediocre unremarkable game. What is it?
Are you ready to hear the answer? I don't think you ready because the answer is SOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLL

>> No.9819831 [DELETED] 

you can turn off the tank controls. It doesn't control all that great, but turn on analog mode on the controller, go into settings and there's an extra control scheme. It's clunky but it's full range movement

>> No.9820093

you now remember the ancient Spyro x Croc gifs from SurfingCharizard

>> No.9820095

Fucking level 4-3

>> No.9820170

you're gonna have to be more specific

>> No.9820345

You know, the one with the platforms and crates and a few doors
>Oh wait

>> No.9820412

No thanks anon, I'll be nostalgic about my PC CD version and you can't do anything to stop me. I'll even happily remember playing my console games on a PAL console, just for you.

>> No.9820810

>shalom ashalawah yallawah