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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 197 KB, 1279x793, BioFive01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9805604 No.9805604 [Reply] [Original]

Only a matter of years now

>> No.9805728

This is some high effort fan fiction

>> No.9805896

80% when

>> No.9805905


60% is a bit low for me.
if 80% ever gets released I will play it
I dont want to play a homebrew fantasy version

>> No.9806080

I REFUSE to believe that Leon is a manlet

>> No.9806098
File: 51 KB, 510x430, 1641849147238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p sure it's at least 80%


>> No.9806127

He's huge

>> No.9806143

Considering RE2 is probably the best of the classic games and also one of the best PS1 games, and how they scrapped that version for the one we got, y'all are gonna end up really disappointed.

>> No.9806314

then you must be hating the 40% one we got

i think i seen enough to think i would have liked 1.5 more then re2 if it came out instead. doesnt necessarily mean it would have been a better game but it would have had features im all about that was taken out of the released version. plus i appreciate the cold concrete aesthetic more. the smaller main lobby means more 2nd and 3rd floors to explore.

>> No.9806346

I havent tried any version because they are creating the missing content themselves

>> No.9806504

a good amount of it is based on what is known about the 80% build. they're going off of old documentation and screenshots to try to recreate it, what isn't clear to me is the amount of liberties they're taking which i assume is excessive.

>> No.9806535

who cares, it's a fan game at this point

>> No.9806547

>what isn't clear to me is the amount of liberties they're taking which i assume is excessive.

yeah Im not digging through years of forum posts and data to find out either

>> No.9806660

It's Capcom. When they run out of good games to ruin, they'll move on to their crap. I'm 100% behind a RE5 and 6 remake if they completely rewrite the entire thing.

>> No.9806695

The currently released prototype of 1.5 frankly is scarier than any actually released PS1 RE game.

>> No.9806703

Where's a good place to get the most current patched ISO?

got a link?

>> No.9806714


is "magic zombie door hack build" the latest?

>> No.9806716

RE1 is better

>> No.9806729
File: 8 KB, 300x253, A-2139438-1298551734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me to poop on.

>> No.9807223
File: 859 KB, 1262x2090, Zombie-horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE1 reigns supreme and 1.5 is more 1 than 2, get CLOPPED

>> No.9807240

>1.5 is more 1 than 2
thats why its so special to me
80% preeeaase cappycom -_-

>> No.9807278

>1.5 is more 1 than 2

Only on a surface level. In terms of graphics, both backgrounds and models, sure it looks closer to 1. But in terms of structure, gameplay, puzzle? The RE2 we got is a LOT closer to RE1 than 1.5 was.
RE2 is a shallow RE1 paint by numbers copy.

>> No.9807330

You needy retards take contrarianism to a whole new level of embarrassing.

>> No.9807474


>> No.9807665

Giving how Capcom were the masters of reusing assets. Them trashing all of this and not rehashing it for some spinoff game was strange .

>> No.9807832

it was all reused between outbreak code veronica nemesis and a little in remake.

>> No.9807876

2 of those games don't even use prerendered backgrounds and most of it did not transfer into Nemesis.

>> No.9807889

oh i read reused features not assets

>> No.9808092

>RE2 is a shallow RE1 paint by numbers copy.
yea, that's what happens when the developer has zero understanding of what made the original successful to begin with. sometimes this approach works though.

>> No.9808149

Weren't the original hoarder faggots also trying in a fool's errand to make 1.5 retail quality? What happened to that, did it flop completely? Last I heard of it many moons ago they were going to make their own PS1 engine and port shit over.

>> No.9808171

he's taller than the average

>> No.9809084

Right, RE2 was such a commercial failure. It's like you dimwits live in bizarro world.

>> No.9809103 [DELETED] 

1) There is hoarding taking place, except maybe for the 80% build.
2) There are two different project taking place.
3) At least one has released builds over time and has been playable for quite a while now.

>> No.9809106

1) There is NO hoarding taking place, except maybe for the 80% build.
2) There are two different project taking place.
3) At least one has released builds over time and has been playable for quite a while now.

>> No.9809432

you are a projecting manlet.

>> No.9809826

>sometimes this approach works though.
Read the entire post.

>> No.9809850

I still don't understand why the didn't stick with the first rendition.
While you could argue the modern police station setting might be a bit too sterile, I don't get why you'd essentially just go with a mansion again.

>> No.9809925

Yeah. Imagine if we waited for them to finish up their "rebuild" before getting to play 1.5. Thank god that leaked internally, what a bunch of fucking assholes.

Oh and supposedly, they are also the ones responsible for scaring away a collector who alledgedly had a more advanced build of the beta (not the 80% though).

Anyway, I don't ever expect to see that "rebuild" come to life completely. Like 99% projects, it all starts overly optimistic, then life kicks hard in the teeth and sinks some reality back in reminding these people why games had teams over 50 people back in the day working around the clock to get shit finished in 1 or 2 year time. It's tough, even when you know what you are doing and getting payed for.

Too boring, according to Mikami. Dunno, personally I thought it looked great. Maybe they just had no idea how to make it interesting and scrambled in favour of the mansion's design instead. Lots of stuff still made it in the final game, though.

>> No.9809943

Elza is so much cuter than Claire it's unreal.

>> No.9810092

>RE2 is a paint by numbers copy
You have never played it.

>> No.9810452

nta, and this is your second warning regarding reading comprehension.

>> No.9810464

Stop changing your argument on every post.

>> No.9810471

watched someone play 1.5 and the dialogue was pure ESL tier
whoever's writing it needs an editor

>> No.9810545
File: 140 KB, 379x440, 14723445669322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So go volunteer Mr. Fullenglish

>> No.9810609
File: 1.16 MB, 2500x1588, RE15 high res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 1.5 concept art is cool and would have worked great if they could keep that same atmosphere. Devs lie through their teeth all the time and I think at least part of the reasoning behind scrapping it is that it was more of a pure horror setting. Capcom wanted a big budget action blockbuster that would appeal to the widest audience possible, which doesn't really align with a dreary, depressing game.

>> No.9810708

third warning. i'm going to recommend you stop by a lenscrafters on the way home from burger king.

>> No.9810737

and I'm going to recommend you eat this *rips huge fart*

>> No.9810746

i could do that but i'm not interested enough in the project to devote tens of hours of my life to it

>> No.9810752

Yeah. Fuck that burger eating optometrist.

>> No.9811234


>> No.9811363

this concept works so much better then the in game render. i wonder if its cause the lights are on. fuck this would have definetly worked

>> No.9812334

>the dialogue was pure ESL tier
It might come in handy if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you.