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9805462 No.9805462 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9805482

Memes aside this game really is pretty atmospheric. But it's like the only redeeming quality about it

>> No.9805485

for your awareness

>> No.9805487


>> No.9805531
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Castlevania 64 - Forest of Silence

>> No.9805689

i hated this cringy series so much
edgelord garbage

>dante: yeawhwaAaaAuH!
actual in game quote btw

>> No.9805759

Redpill (CV: LoS2/Bayo 2)

>> No.9806192


>> No.9807002

This is the only DMC game I've played and I freaking loved it. It was only years later that I went online and found out everyone hated it

Serious brooding Dante > wacky retard Dante

>> No.9807039

Do the enemies ever become challenging? From what I played you only needed to button mash the enemies to death. It made God of War's combat look deep by comparison.

>> No.9807124

Its not a bad game its just mediocre. Problem is some games have some seriously mentally ill obsessed fanboys and they expect every game to be a masterpiece, otherwise they will treat it as the worst fucking shit ever.

>> No.9808037

>edgelord garbage
The only edgy thing in the whole series is vergil and he gets constantly mocked for it. Utter idiot

>> No.9808604

the entire series is an absolute cringefest
even at 13yrs old i realized this

>> No.9808718

2 is probably the weakest entry in the series but it's still a fine game, and people treating it like it's Sonic 06 or something is fucking weird to see.

>> No.9808893

One of redeeming factors DMC2 was the artstyle and designs.

>> No.9808902

You know how DMCV on PC didn't get a Special Edition due to mods covering Turbo Mode and Raytacing?
How long until modders give us a DMC2SE?

>> No.9808959

Its fucking terrible

>> No.9809496

Sounds like a you problem

>> No.9809513

I don't like 2 but it gets way too much hate and to me it feels like most of it is from people who never even played the game. It has its issues but it also introduced a lot of stuff 3 would later polish yet hardly anyone gives it credit for that.

>> No.9809569
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I hate zoomers so much

>> No.9809626


>> No.9809672

Gameplay wise, the main problem was the balance was completely fucked. Melee attacks barely stunned enemies, and guns had comparable damage output to melee combos, so standing back and shooting was the optimum play. You could try that in other DMC games, but it would take a stupidly long time, and some enemies had counters to it. Grenade Gun spam in 1 relied on a technique that wasn't immediately obvious to most players at the time, and didn't work against every enemy in every situation.
I reckon you could improve 2 greatly by just tweaking the effectiveness of melee vs guns, but then you still have the enemy AI being shit like >>9809569 demonstrates.

>> No.9810183

The setting is good but the actual experience playing it is like a funfair mirror version of the first game's controls

>> No.9810782

Zoomers are the ones who play on easy mode and intentionally glitch the AI to "prove" the game is bad because of the epic memes.

>> No.9810789

sure thing ya late 20s zoomer

>> No.9811096


>> No.9811269

Do you think the people who say 2 is the best weren't able to beat the other ones?

>> No.9811916

Keep digging deeper into that hole after ousting yourself zoomzoom.

>> No.9811937

>Serious brooding Dante
Dante was serious in DMC, it was DMC4 who turned him into a perpetual retard, at least in 3 he was a kid so it made sense

>> No.9812475
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>> No.9812489

I've only ever played DMC1.
Should I play DMC2 before moving to 3?
t. boomer who's still new to 6th gen (and still doesn't feel retro)

>> No.9812892

I'm going to be honest, 2 isn't THAT bad. It's probably the worst in the series but it's not some unplayable trainwreck, it's just a letdown after 1. I say give 2 a try, but if you can't stomach it there's no shame in stopping early and moving on to 3.

>> No.9813073

I just downloaded the HD collection and tried 2 for a couple hours. Man, I don't remember it being this bad...

>> No.9813562
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, dmc1 2023-04-11 19-31-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using chromatic aberration filter makes it look like we back on ps2 w/ crt through composite