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File: 162 KB, 240x551, Brad_Vickers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9797731 No.9797731 [Reply] [Original]

>"Left" his coworkers behind because it was dangerous and he could've died
>Stays around all night to save them even though he could've just assume they died and left, gives them a rocket launcher to kill the Tyrant for good
>Warns Jill about Nemesis before being killed by it
Say what you will about his "reckless abandoning" of the other STARS members at the start of the first game, he's a bro for sticking around and not just leaving completely to save his own skin.

>> No.9797743

Bravely waiting around in a helicopter a dozen feet above the mansion away from all the danger.

>> No.9797825

But he went back, nigger. He redeemed.

>> No.9797832
File: 138 KB, 1024x768, heli-1-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dumbshit, know what this is? Could've thrown it over the graveyard to get his friends out but he didn't. Nemesis was right in snuffing this bitch coward's ass.

>> No.9797853

What was he supposed to do? Land in the forest and get killed by zombie dogs and not he able to save anyone?
Not in the original game, and that'd only save the player character and no one else, same with the part outside near the caves where you have to drain the water.
He was right to stick around until daybreak

>> No.9797861

>What was he supposed to do?
Do what the chopper pilot did in RE2, since there's no Nemesis in RE1 to fucking shoot him down. How about that?

>> No.9797874

>drop ladder outside mansion
>player character finds it
>wesker finds it second
>kills brad and the player character
>plan with STARS still goes to plan with the others
This is what you want.

>> No.9797875

Why couldn't he just land on the helipad and wait instead of flying around and wasting fuel all night?

>> No.9797882
File: 27 KB, 330x240, Bio Hazard (Japan)-0198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) are aware that they made it to the mansion.

He wasn't. He was activately looking for (You), the cutscenes make that pretty clear. It's why you use the flare, remember? To signal your presence?

>> No.9797886

and yes I agree with OP.

Let's not forget that the previous chopper went down, and at that point, they didn't exactly what happened. He did the right thing and saved everyone.
His reputation is undeserved and the whole "chickenshit" thing feels like it was shoehorned in by the devs so they'd have an excuse, a quick simple explanation, why the team was left behind; when it could have been handled better very easily, for instance showing / saying that the Cerberus were closing on the helicopter.

>> No.9797893
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>you're our amazon jill!

>> No.9797897

So fucking what. Fight him at the graveyard.
You go this far to defend some faggot who can't even keep his composure enough not to run away instead of fighting Nemesis like Jill does, despite being a swat officer.

>> No.9797903

>Wesker's entire plan depended on Brad being a giant pussy

>> No.9797908

What did he eat?

>> No.9797919
File: 218 KB, 808x700, becca copter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*services your helicopter*

>> No.9797948
File: 432 KB, 320x240, nooo-dont-gooo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've seen the intro since I was a kid. I had to watch it a few times but at first it looked more like he just bailed when stuff started happening. Chris shouts "no, don't go" which comes across to me as "Brad where are you going, you're not just leaving us here?", as if he'd just dropped them off. Your explanation makes sense though.

I have played the game a lot over the past few years, but I've never actually watched the intro in that time. In-game makes it seem like he's just hovering around waiting for someone to radio in which is something he could do on the ground. I'm a retard in case it wasn't obvious. If a flare appeared from somewhere else he wouldn't have been able to spot it from the ground either. At this point if I'm in his position everyone is guaranteed dead.

>> No.9798860

>I had to watch it a few times but at first it looked more like he just bailed when stuff started happening

That's what happens yes, iirc the manual gives the explanation that he's a "chicken". I always thought this was a stupid explanation (special ops member and he's a chicken? How did that happen?) and as I said >>9797886
there could have been a much better explanation easily if the writers weren't retarded instead of being like "let's pull a strawman, who cares, it's a video game"

>> No.9799441

>STAR members are basically SWAT teams or something
>have trouble breaking down wooden doors
>show up with barely any equipment for a special operation
the whole game is retarded writing wise

>> No.9799672

Wesker as captain probably ensured that STARS squads should be undertrained and scarcely equipped when shit hits the fan.

>> No.9799731

>don't worry guys everything we need is in the helicopt--oh wait

>> No.9799778
File: 819 KB, 1280x474, 1639012027973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super special forces cops unit
>Almost every single member of the team is shown holding high-grade firearms in their group photo
>Arrives at the scene with nothing pistols, one shotgun and one grenade launcher (the latter of which is really out of place since they were supposed to be doing a basic raid and search on an old man's house)
>Lands a helicopter the middle of nowhere at night instead of arriving during daytime with armored vehicles through normal roads like normal police officers would do
>Don't even land at the building's fucking helipad, the optimal entry point for a surprise police raid
>Get lost in the fucking front lawn of the mansion without even knowing which cardinal direction the building they have to raid is supposed to be, without a map or a compass or memory of their briefing
>The two teams don't even arrive at the scene all at once in a coordinated manner, causing the first team to get their shit pushed in
>One of them even manages to get owned by fucking birds instead of just staying inside (and blasting zombies with said grenade launcher)
>One of the super special forces cops presumably trained to be the best in the whole department is a coward who literally abandons the rest of the team in his helicopter because a couple of dogs scared him shitless
>Wesker depended on all of this dumb shit for his plan to succeed
STARS are just retarded. "Wesker dun it" is a bullshit excuse.

>> No.9799848

probably the best bit of writing out of RE3:RE

>> No.9800129

It'd be more fun if STARS were a bunch of yokel cops larping as high speed operators on the weekend who got in way, way over their heads.

>> No.9800240

I don't think they knew about the mansion in advance.

>> No.9800248

considering they buy custom guns and have no standard uniform they probably are

>> No.9800413

>Super special forces cops unit
>Almost every single member of the team is shown holding high-grade firearms in their group photo
>Arrives at the scene with nothing pistols, one shotgun and one grenade launcher (the latter of which is really out of place since they were supposed to be doing a basic raid and search on an old man's house)
>Lands a helicopter the middle of nowhere at night instead of arriving during daytime with armored vehicles through normal roads like normal police officers would do
>Don't even land at the building's fucking helipad, the optimal entry point for a surprise police raid
>Get lost in the fucking front lawn of the mansion without even knowing which cardinal direction the building they have to raid is supposed to be, without a map or a compass or memory of their briefing
>The two teams don't even arrive at the scene all at once in a coordinated manner, causing the first team to get their shit pushed in
>One of them even manages to get owned by fucking birds instead of just staying inside (and blasting zombies with said grenade launcher)
>One of the super special forces cops presumably trained to be the best in the whole department is a coward who literally abandons the rest of the team in his helicopter because a couple of dogs scared him shitless
>Wesker depended on all of this dumb shit for his plan to succeed
>STARS are just retarded. "Wesker dun it" is a bullshit excuse.
WTF are the first two guys from the left?

>> No.9800426

What the fuck were they raiding in the middle of nowhere, then? "Jill run for that house" sounds like they didn't know where the mansion was and thought it was a random house when they found it.

>> No.9800602

Bravo Team was investigating the woods because there had been reports of bizarre creatures, hikers being mauled by unknown animals and families living on the outskirts of Racoon City being attacked by cannibals. Their chopper went down near the mansion (I don't think it's ever explained what the fuck brought their heli down) and Alpha Team sees the wreckage, lands to investigate, and shit hits the fan.

>> No.9800683

Rebecca says she serviced the chopper recently so either it was sabotage or having the eighteen year old medic recruit check it over was a retarded idea

>> No.9800963

Pretty sure they didn't know about the house except for Wesker. My theory has been that Wesker knew Umbrella was responsible for the hikers'deaths, then decided to test STARS out on their real first mission against the BOWs he helped create. It would explain why they were so underprepared, since they've been sitting on their asses in an office for months not doing anything.

To their credit, STARS were operating on intel that they were just investigating some animal attacks in the woods.

>> No.9800984

Fine. How did they not see a massive mansion with its lights on in the middle of the forest from the helicopter? They weren't stupid enough to go to an area with such low visibility that they'd land a helicopter such these conditions.
In fact how the fuck did the cops NOT know there's a giant mansion in the Raccoon forest? It was the house of the dude who founded Umbrella, was the Umbrella country club, and has been sitting there for 30 fucking years before the incident.

>> No.9801059

Actually two mansions and a train that connects the two, and the lab in RE2. If RE0 is still canon.

I'll go out on a limb and say that STARS was mostly made up of out-of-towners. They probably had little reason to suspect Umbrella being related to the murders. As for the first helicopter, it was sabotaged and crashed. Alpha team were probably going right away in the middle of the night. They heard about Bravo team's situation and went to land at the clearing next to the derelict heli.

>> No.9801064

>They probably had little reason to suspect Umbrella being related to the murders
Did they not suspect the fact that nobody in the mansion called the PD to report a literal crashed helicopter of theirs on the front yard?

>> No.9801082

Even if they did, their two bosses giving them the orders were Chief Irons, a literal murderous rapist on Umbrella's payroll and Albert Wesker, a terrorist who works for Umbrella. STARS was fucked since day zero.

>> No.9801175

Why didn't he just call for backup? I mean I know the chief is corrupt but also he didn't exist yet so shut up.

>> No.9801178

You don't seem to understand the actual point. It doesn't matter if it would or wouldn't have worked. He had no way to know Wesker was evil. The point is TRYING makes him not a retard pussy even if it ended up backfiring in a way he couldn't predict.

>> No.9801336

why did he flee anyway, like, he's in a fuckin chopper

>> No.9802495

The helicopter pilots for Alpha team and Bravo team.

>> No.9802578

why does the team sharpshooter carry a grenade launcher? how does he get bodied by zombies/crows with said grenade launcher?

>> No.9802732

>I'll go out on a limb and say that STARS was mostly made up of out-of-towners.
I don't know about the rest of the crew, but the old character profiles for Chris always said he was from the NYC STARS unit. That's why his ending screens show him in the city. You also have the newspaper in the intro that says STARS was 'sent in' to save Raccoon City. I always got the impression they were more like State police rather than local cops when I played it originally.

>> No.9802742

Half of these are (You) problems: reading comprehesion between you and the story

>> No.9802887

Shut up retard.

>> No.9802906

Wasn't Chris Brad's copilot?
Pretty sure the guys on the left are supposed to be Kevin Dooley and Edward Dewey, the Bravo team pilots. They probably hadn't really nailed down what they were supposed to look like yet, which is why neither of them look like the Dewey we see in RE:0. I don't we've ever actually seen Dooley outside of brief shots of him with his helicopter helmet on in 0, his disembodied hand in OG1 and his half-eaten face in REmake.

>> No.9803217

So they're your average American Police force now.

>> No.9803221

Don't you perverted freaks get tired of reposting the same thread over and over?

>> No.9803387

IIRC all their gear was on the chopper that Chickenheart Vickers took off in. The Alphas were only dropped off to check out the Bravo's downed chopper at that point, so they left the majority of their gear behind expecting to carry their injured buddies and evac them before investigating the Arklay Mountains area.

The SD Perry novelization of RE1 is pretty good

>> No.9803408

>all their gear was on the chopper
SWAT teams don't walk out of their vehicles without their basic gear and then go "oh this might be a little tougher than usual, let me go back and get bigger guns", especially since a police helicopter went down near the site where they were investigating murders. It wasn't a low alert situation to begin with.

>> No.9803590
File: 2.86 MB, 600x336, w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lure a swat team that is supposedly skilled enough to be world famous to the mansion to get "muh combat data" for your BOWs.
>some stupid twats actually manage to die to the basic bitch accidental byproduct zombies and angry birds before you can even wake the Hunters and Tyrant up.

>> No.9804008

>Arrives at the scene with nothing pistols, one shotgun and one grenade launcher (the latter of which is really out of place since they were supposed to be doing a basic raid and search on an old man's house)
Even worse, they apparently aren't carrying much of any ammo for any of them.
Ostensibly the 40mm grenade launcher could have used teargas shells or baton shells or something (or signal flares), but you only ever find explosive and 'acid' ones.

You're correct that they're overall very poorly equipped. Wouldn't have been expensive to get each of them a basic shotgun, maybe some old M1 carbines, since surplus wasn't completely dried up yet in the 90s.

>Don't even land at the building's fucking helipad, the optimal entry point for a surprise police raid
They weren't actually planning to raid the mansion though, they may not have had any idea that it had a helicopter pad at all. Also, helicopters are very loud, if you're coming in from there, they'll hear you before you've had the time to even land, so that'd be no good for a surprise raid.

Assuming they planned to raid the mansion, it'd make sense to surround the place and blockade it, and THEN you could try to make an entry via the helipad.

In that case, it might actually be realistic.

>> No.9804041
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x960, Yugo Mauser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm assuming sabotage or maybe even a small bomb.

I feel it's dubious that an 18 year old would be qualified for maintaining a helicopter, but then you start wondering all the other things she wouldn't have had the time and experience to have learned or be qualified for.

>To their credit, STARS were operating on intel that they were just investigating some animal attacks in the woods.
In which case you'd think they'd bring some more shotguns or some hunting rifles. Shit, wouldn't have to be expensive, old milsurp rifles were still dirt cheap at the time, something like a Yugoslavian Mauser or a garbage rod would cut it.

>> No.9804110
File: 1.02 MB, 1445x1071, Screenshot (868).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>built the mansion to disguise a hidden lab
>a hidden lab
>make entrance to lab hidden in a fountain
>have a second non secret entrance
>second entrance to hidden lab accessible from helipad
>have no clear road to the mansion so investigations by helicopter is more likely.
ill give them the benefit of the doubt that the other exit out of the helipad was sealed after it was too late but this is still complete idiocy.

no one died to crows. forest got heavily injured inside the mansion retreating to the terrace where he bled out and crows pecked at his corpse.
the most unprepared here is wesker. he is aware people are dying OUTSIDE of the mansion. he knows they could potentially be dogs but he goes out on the field anyway. what happened to joseph could have happened to anyone of the rest of them. wesker already knew even if hes bitten once hes ded.

>> No.9804481

>wesker already knew even if hes bitten once hes ded.
Had he already injected himself with the virus at this point to revive him if shit went sideways? I forget exactly what the retcon says. If not maybe Wesker just thought he was that damn good...and maybe he was. Also notice he sticks close to Barry in the intro, probably on purpose. Jill and Chris were presumably close together also. Joseph seems like he wanders off a bit when he finds the hand making him the natural first target of the dogs.
Agree about Forest.

>> No.9804708
File: 23 KB, 512x291, 231e7b9369866e28d7726fe8d01af96de48ae686_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forest got heavily injured inside the mansion retreating to the terrace where he bled out
"To death"

>> No.9805075

how come the victims who were apparently eaten never turned?

>> No.9805082

The zombie virus in the RE series turns people into rotting cannibals, rather than reanimating corpses. They're still technically alive, while ones that get eaten just die.

>> No.9805085

maybe in re1 but re2 has morgue zombies 3 has graveyard zombies and cv also has graveyard zombies

>> No.9805120
File: 72 KB, 529x424, (Your)facewhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how new posters get into the thread, without reading anything posted before, only to post the same mistakes as the others before them and show they too lack basic reading comprehesion or attention span for a story as simple as Resident Evil, all while thinking they're bringing up smart points.

You people are double dumb and it's even worse on the week-end.

>> No.9805189

statement still stands. the storytelling clearly shows he took bulk of injury from inside but the birds ks. if you really want to live out your avian fantasies you can say he got owned in the picture puzzle room.
retcon is right before their meeting in the tyrant room. i dont know why they went by the death ending. did they forget theres endings where wesker escapes? shirley by the point they wanted to turn him into a goofy super villain they knew the most common ending people got was the jill good ending where he lives.

>> No.9805208

I'll trust Barry's word over your dumbass fanfics.

>> No.9805218

this pussy is just saying what wesker told him to say

>> No.9805237

right because he states it with such conviction!
>he was totally definitely killed by Corvus brachyrhynchos – American crow (United States, southern Canada, northern Mexico). i probably saw the event in action while running towards the mansion i guess (citation needed)?
if you cant observe the games narrative >>9804110 thats on you.

>> No.9805238

That's two instances of proof against none from you buddy.

>> No.9805246
File: 807 KB, 1200x1600, Enemies_crow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crows are infected you stupid fucking retard. They're literally one of the bioweapons listed in the goddamn Biohazard Perfect Guide from 1997.
Have you even played the fucking game?

>> No.9805338

You guys are both right. It's pretty clear, between some of the blood splatter on the walls inside and just by looking at Forest's injuries, that he got fucked up by something in the mansion.
Then he went on to the balcony, where the infected crows (dangerous but not usually life threatening) finished him off in his weakened state.

>> No.9805439
File: 425 KB, 640x480, Dead Wesker Storage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the jill good ending where he lives.
He doesn't escape. He gets dabbed on by a Chimera while setting off the self destruct.

>> No.9805584
File: 311 KB, 966x653, 1585103511921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9806107
File: 189 KB, 800x596, residentevil2_conceptart_eNjKR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any RE art books? I've seen the concept art floating around but never any full books.

>> No.9806274

Have you ever played a Resident Evil game? Being a helicopter pilot is more or less asking for you to get a rocket up the ass (or in RE2, machine gunned).

>> No.9806328

its interesting as at the point this concept was made leon was already working in the station during the events of re1. i know thats supposed to be roy.
his body was added to the directors cut version which im slightly less familiar with.

>> No.9806337

> He had no way to know Wesker was evil.
Maybe he did. Smarter than the rest of 'em.

>> No.9806401

You can find Wesker's body in that room since the original release.

>> No.9806425

I want Becky to service my helicopter, if you understand my meanings.

>> No.9806431

actually is that true? you dont have to go back to the power room after he escapes so the 1 time i ever did go back in there was in the dc and just assumed it was a flavor of life addition to that ver. i would look it up but youtube is infested with this re4 bullshit to find any appropriate video of that specific ending and location

>> No.9806532

I don't follow.

>> No.9806578
File: 240 KB, 640x480, eynwht5xiagsoxl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Ms. Rebecca Chambers.

>> No.9806619

>video game about finding keys
>barry shoots door open
top lol

>> No.9806627

You have a helicopter or a dick that resembles one?

>> No.9806775

>In which case you'd think they'd bring some more shotguns or some hunting rifles.
>Shit, wouldn't have to be expensive
And if they ended up searching the woods on foot would you expect them to be carrying a small arsenal? Cost isn't the issue, you take what you need to defend yourself and survive if shit goes sideways. Imagine safely carrying 2 or 3 long guns and a bad full of ammo over uneven terrains in darkness and rough conditions. Yeah they were under prepared for what they encountered but they probably thought they'd be doing an investigation and tracking something in the innawoods if they could pick up a trail.

>> No.9807248

They were investigating murders, who the fuck wouldn't go well-armed?

>> No.9807451


>> No.9807490

Pretty sure his corpse is there in the original too, original mode in DC is identical to the original release. hell the Saturn version even has him as a zombie in the battle mode.

>> No.9808362


>> No.9808371

>it's even worse on the week-end

>> No.9808380
File: 31 KB, 559x314, 1669688222525517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9808392

>he interprets a body on a tiny balcony feeding birds as someone pecked to death
holy autism

>> No.9808414

always thought forest was native american for some reason

>> No.9808479

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