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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9796330 No.9796330 [Reply] [Original]

I've been hard at work translating Segagaga. The translation itself has been done for a few years now but getting the text into the game has been a challenge and has taken quite some time but I'm nearly finished. I solved the font issue a while back and it's just a matter of inputting the replacement text and confirming that it displays properly.

Based on how much text I have left to input and the rate at which I have been progressing over the past few months, I expect to release this around the end of April or the beginning of May so tell everyone you know who's interested in the game.

All I ask is that you be grateful. I originally learned Japanese just to play this game (Of course I have played many games in Japanese since), but I also had to alter the engine code to support longer strings of English text that wouldn't have fit into the original text boxes and that was a pain in the ass. I don't want money or anything, all I ask is that you play the game when I release it and be grateful. There are some things in this game that would be considered offensive by 2023 Western standards so if you're sensitive then shut the fuck up and don't play it.

See you in a few weeks. Watch for my trip in case someone tries to troll. Spread the word about the translation so that Dreamcast fans know to look out for it.

>> No.9796332
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I think I saw you post about figuring out the font issue on /vr/ a while back. That's awesome anon, can't wait to try it. Thanks for the translation and the heads up. Been interested in the game for a long time.

>> No.9796345

I mentioned it in the romhacking thread a little while back. At that time I was expecting to be done by June but I I've made a lot more progress since then.

>> No.9796349

I'll tell all 0 people that give a shit about this dumb meme of a game.

>> No.9796353 [DELETED] 

I looked it up and wow, what a Japanese-Japanese game. No wonder this didn't come out here.

Wonder if it was even possible to butcher it enough to bring it to the west, but thank you for your service.

>> No.9796370

There's a lot of people who have been waiting 20+ years to play this. And it's a great game.
>No wonder this didn't come out here
It was developed outside of work hours by a handful of Sega staff as a passion project and the animated sequences were created by Toei who did it because they owed a favor to the lead developer of the game. The game was given an entire advertising budget of $100, which was spent on a mexican wrestling mask and printed flyers for the game that were distributed in Akihabara by the lead dev as he wore the wrestling mask. It released at the very end of the Dreamcasts life also.

Of course it didn't release outside of Japan.

>Wonder if it was even possible to butcher it enough to bring it to the west
I don't think it would have been possible due to the major differences between the Western and Japanese Sega fandoms. This game was made for Japanese Sega fans and SoA fans would have been left scratching their heads.

>> No.9796473
File: 454 KB, 800x538, Segata_Sanshiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I applaud you OP if you are being truthful, but there have been many people over the last 10+ years that have been translating Segagaga but then stop and fade away into obscurity. I really hope youre right so that this western cult following for the game can finally play it. I always have respect for fan translators and more respect to ones that dont change anything and offer a reliable translation, so good on you for that. If youre lying, kill yourself

>> No.9796480

Based, don't listen to the demoralising jews and keep the good work.

>> No.9796483

Keep it up man, you will be a hero that will be remembered in the annals of /vr/ history like the guy who found Chu-Teng in his attic

>> No.9796485


>> No.9796556

I speak Japanese and am also eagerly awaiting this translation. I want people to stop waiting to play a game I dropped 5 minutes in.

>> No.9796559

>there have been many people over the last 10+ years that have been translating Segagaga but then stop and fade away into obscurity.
That's because they couldn't solve the font issue. It has nothing to do with the translation itself and is purely a technical issue.
I would love to be remembered in the anals of history
>like the guy who found Chu-Teng in his attic
found who?
I'm literally Jewish.

>> No.9796560

>There are some things in this game that would be considered offensive by 2023 Western standards so if you're sensitive then shut the fuck up and don't play it.
Ultra based.

>> No.9796561

>I want people to stop waiting to play a game I dropped 5 minutes in
You got filtered before even getting to the gameplay.

>> No.9796565

Being turned off by ugliness isn't getting filtered.

>> No.9796573
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Playing for 5 minutes would only be enough time to get you through the animated intro, input your name, and maybe read a few lines of the introduction. There's nothing ugly up to that point. You haven't even played the game.

More than likely you were probably filtered by Japanese. Dekinais like you belong in /djt/

>> No.9796589

>I'm literally Jewish.
Sorry to hear that, everything will turn out fine don't worry.

>> No.9796593

If you're the real deal, then I applaud you, OP. I've been wanting to play this for years. I really appreciate what you're doing.

>> No.9796639

If this is for real then you're mega-based

>> No.9796645

>I'm literally Jewish.

>> No.9796664

The anime was fun as fuck, but I think many watched it.

>> No.9796670

>There are some things in this game that would be considered offensive by 2023 Western standards so if you're sensitive then shut the fuck up and don't play it.
Thank god there's still people thinking like this. Fuck snowflakes.

>> No.9796673

At least you're not askanazi

>> No.9796676

Even if the game is bad, what's the problem with translating kusoge?
It's like dropping a game because the graphics aren't ultra realistic.
I've enjoyed a lot of games considered shit by most.

>> No.9796750

That is far from advanced Japanese. I got as far as the offices full of cardboard cut outs. Any EOP is welcome to watch a playthrough and see for themselves how ugly it is.

>> No.9796885

Doing God's work OP.
I love you.

>> No.9796890

Is it a good game? I fear its cult status will end once people will be able to freely play it, like it happened with many exotic, "elite" games (Sonic CD, etc)

>> No.9796891

Will love to play this game in english, thanks for the work.

>> No.9796940

>I don't want money or anything, all I ask is that you play the game when I release it and be grateful. There are some things in this game that would be considered offensive by 2023 Western standards so if you're sensitive then shut the fuck up and don't play it.
As someone who foolishly translated even bigger games solo only for the positive reception to be marred by a few really retarded complaints...

- It's good that you held off talking about this project until it was almost ready, keep at it
- Even if you did everything right, someone WILL complain. Why this and not Terra Phantastica? Why no variable width fonts? Why honorifics/lack thereof? Why tranny and not newhalf? Why no localization style that validates Sega of America? Why manzai and not Amy Schumer stand up comedy style where everyone is a clone of the same karen? Why 4chan and not RHDN? Why didn't you set up official RHDN / twitter accounts where trannies can harass you directly if there's anything "wrong" with your translation, or with the game that they want you to censor, or to complain about emulators, or their illegal reproduction of your tl having bugs on real hardware after they paid someone (not even you) for it?

You care about what other people think? It's already game over. That line of thinking leads you to censor your work, or worry if you're censoring it too much, while you should be a simple medium between the original meaning and EOP audiences.

Don't expect anyone to thank you, don't expect fame, don't bother defending your work, just make it according to your standards and not to appease anyone. Fuck sjw drivel about translator responsibility, you'll never make this a profitable product for resellers or streamers so why worry? If it's taken down, mirror it, and talk about it elsewhere than mod "hubs". If you worry about harassment to get post launch censorship updates, use an alias throwaway.

If people talk about this game and how they loved it, there is your gratitude.

>> No.9796941
File: 36 KB, 537x528, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preview video or GTFO OP

>> No.9796952

If the translation is ready, do you have a script to upload? Till the patch comes out I'm fine with looking at a word document while I play

>> No.9797104

What Sega games should one play beforehand?

>> No.9798103

i will buy a dreamcast just to play your translation of the game
also the oven is waiting

>> No.9798113

Based, godspeed anon
Just ignore the sois and trannies

>> No.9798171

literally the only game i've been waiting to be translated and its been over 10 years. i hope you come through op but would feel a lot better with a bit of proofposting.

>> No.9798186

Of course, it was too good to be true you fucking kike.

>> No.9798243

Because my family are descendants of Israel/Jacob.
"Good" is subjective. I like it, and I think it's a nice ending to Sega's legacy before they became soulless. Some of the enemy designs are absolutely hilarious.
I'm not censoring anything. I translated everything exactly how it is in Japanese, except for instances where something couldn't be translated and I had to adapt it to English.
I have a bilingual script file and I will release it in a few weeks with the patch for anyone who wants to use this to learn Japanese. Just be patient until then.
All of them.
I'm not a practicing Jew. I accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and savior.
That's pretty wild. There's so many great games out there that haven't been translated yet.

>> No.9798281

The Japanese in this game is far from difficult, probably with n3 level you can get the gist of the plot. It's certainly easier than, say, rgg kenzan.

>> No.9798282
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 165498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally Jewish.
I don't like it when you guys do nice things and make me question my racism

>> No.9798290

you're a fucking badass. i will play this game for the first time when you are done with it.

>> No.9798480

Keep up the good work.
God bless you.

>> No.9798564

Just to be sure, could you maybe provide something like a webm of a few lines of dialog? I don't feel right about "spreading the word" without being completely certain it's real first.

>> No.9798602

See you at the finish line. Champ.

>> No.9799364

I've also learned Japanese but actually translating stuff seems much harder to me. Maybe because English isn't my first language. Keep up the good work OP.

>> No.9799414

Shut the fuck up and don't spread any shit you retard.

>> No.9799595

I played it around 2007, when a coworker lent me his Dreamcast with a few games. I looked up a simple FAQ to understand the game creation part as I didn't know Japanese and still managed to finish it. Of course the jokes and most of the story went over my head. I remember the creepy "Moé moé" otakus, the lobster and sad Alex Kidd.

Well, keep it up OP. I'd like to give the game another try while understanding the dialogues this time.

>> No.9800648

Mosesfags really have shit taste. I hope you kys with your holy kike ghost, OP.

>> No.9800680
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I always hoped there'd be a translation of this game, looking forward to it.

>> No.9800741

Good luck anon, make sure to not do any localization fuck up or I'll notice in ten years when I finish learning my kanjis

>> No.9800848

>there have been many people over the last 10+ years that have been translating Segagaga but then stop and fade away into obscurity

From what I can tell there wasn't many people working on Segagaga, it was just one guy, and there was no progress because he was incompetent. I remember him posting on Sonic forums, being unable to figure out why he got disc loading errors after editing the cdi file, it was because he didn't knew how CD sectors work and did not recalculate the ECC fields after editing.
That was I think 19 years ago.

If he got better since then, and actually learned the technical side of things, then all the more respect to him, and maybe one day the project will be finished.

>> No.9801005

>read about this game when I first started getting into game collecting 15 years ago
>wanted to play because sega is comfy and seems like a cute parody
>saddened every now and then when I check and see no translation
>just recently got an ODE for my dreamcast
>see this
Bless you my man

>> No.9801145

>this copypasta again

>> No.9801781

I Hope you're not bullshitting anon, If you're not lying, you're going to pass the romhacking/translation Rubicon. Post proof that you're not lying to us.

>> No.9802276

>trolling fans of segaga
y u do dis

>> No.9802895
File: 491 KB, 460x345, YES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is legit this game has been on my translation wishlist for a long ass time now.

>> No.9802905

Thanks anon!

>> No.9803164

>I have a bilingual script file and I will release it in a few weeks with the patch for anyone who wants to use this to learn Japanese. Just be patient until then.
Excited to see it, thanks for your work in advance if you deliver and I don't see you again

>> No.9803176

Make a repro of it and I'll buy it. Do it before some other cunt uses your hard work to make money

>> No.9803185

Kill yourself

>> No.9803191


>> No.9803193

Ultra based if true. I've played it on Dreamcast 10+ years ago not understanding anything and since then wanted to return to it.

>> No.9803284

Basically what you're doing, hypocritical cunt.

>> No.9803316 [DELETED] 

Big respeck my man. I will share the news in the forums I frequent when you have finished and there's a name that can be credited (or

>> No.9803325

Big respeck my man. I will share the news in the forums I frequent when you have finished. It would be good to at least have a nickname to credit tho.

>> No.9803496

Thanks anon, you are awsome.

>> No.9804112

Always great seeing OC.

>> No.9804118
File: 12 KB, 480x308, 1680838025476314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally Jewish
Not if you actually deliver

>> No.9804334

>What I'm doing
Are you retarded? I'm paying money, not making money.

>> No.9804342

Because you're not jewish

>> No.9804352


>> No.9804560

OPs gone, this was a ruse

>> No.9804607

Maybe he's translating the game instead of fucking around on a Mexican basket weaving forum all day

>> No.9804696

With jews, you lose

>> No.9805236

if i have a shit taste why does op wanna translate a game i want to play