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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9795892 No.9795892 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you guys have a dedicated system for retro gaming?

>> No.9795909

Other than consoles, I have a Windows XP computer that I use soley for gaming.

>> No.9795919

I have an accelerated Macintosh LC II I play Treasure Mathstorm on. I also just put DOS and Win 3.11 on a $6 thin client for fun. The PC speaker in it is loud enough to kill someone so it's a little hard to play games on...

>> No.9795939

I used to have an LC 2 but the sou d and psu caps blew.
After a while I replaced it with a Quadra 950 with a ppc addon card and is over clocked.
Good shit

>> No.9795973

Hell yeah, nice rig. I was using a Mac Plus prior to this, but a guy was selling this LC II with a fully recapped logic board and PSU, so I went for it. The recap work happens to be excellent so it was a win. I got the 32mhz 68030 accelerator recently and maxed out the VRAM and RAM so it's way more usable. Wolf3d is roughly playable, and even Doom will launch and get like 1 frame per second, for a general idea of speed. Your Monkey Islands, etc, etc all run great now. Dual booting 6.0.8 and 7.6.1 is fairly wild.

>> No.9796169

I have one too, but I've found precisely 1 game that doesn't work better on my modern system(shogo)

>> No.9796267

Really? Can confirm as well. I’ve found that Shogo plays the same as well on my modern Linux setup as it did on my Pentium II 300 MHz celeron with 64 MB of ram and a Voodoo 4 4500 from so long ago. Maybe it’s just good programming but it does load faster from ssd.
>still have that Voodoo 4 4500 agp and a Voodoo 5 5500 pci (flashed so I can use the dvi slot)

>> No.9796421 [DELETED] 
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is /vr/ in a state where either you live as a total slob with loose shit all over the place or you rp as an anime girl with lights on the walls, figurines everywhere, CRTs stacked with a collection collecting dust in the background?

>> No.9796464
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I have pic related for my childhood Mac games, as well as discovering other Mac titles that I wasn't originally exposed to. I still maintain that the Mac version of SC2K was the best, and Marathon is always fun. It also runs a bunch of educational games that my kids play because I want to keep them off iPads as long as possible. I have a IIsi and a Performa 6115CD as well but honestly don't really use them at all.

Based 68k Macfags. As far as the LCII goes, that recap job should be fairly straightforward. I completely recapped my G3 last summer, including the PSU, and based on what I've seen that thing has WAY more caps than a typical 68k board. You should give it a go. Even if you fuck up and wreck a trace, it's no big deal, I did that once and just kludged it with medical wire and it works perfectly fine. It makes me very happy to see people getting into component level repair. 10 years ago, if the caps died, then the machine was usually trashed. Nowadays folks will go to great lengths to resurrect the computer.

>> No.9796562

>dedicated system for retro gaming
No. I have several old PCs and Macs but I also use them for grownup stuff like accessing old media formats and running software that modern machines have problems with.

>> No.9796567

i want to get one but i don't feel like id play it enough between all my hobbies and other systems

>> No.9796582

Yes. A Raspberry Pi 400.

>> No.9796606

I have a pentium III PC and a mister, I've been having more success setting the mister up for 486 emulation because it's just faster to set up, meanwhile on the real machine I have constant problems with hard drives, OS setup, drivers and config.sys, it's been a huge waste of time and I STILL haven't got it right

>> No.9796668

One? At least Five.
>3x WinXP Desktop
>1x WinXP Laptop

>> No.9796808
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I have:
486DX2 66MHz, Trident VLB 1MB, Soundblaster 16 1770 (with the good DSP revision to avoid hanging notes bug)
Pentium 133MHz, Voodoo Rush, Ensoniq Soundscape S-2000
Pentium MMX 200MHz, S3 ViRGE, Voodoo 1 4MB, Soundblaster AWE64
Pentium II 450MHz, S3 ViRGE, Voodoo 2 8MBx2 for SLI, Aureal Vortex AU8820
Pentium 3 1GHz, Voodoo 3 3500, Aureal Vortex AU8820
AMD Athlon XP 1700+ 1.7GHz, Hercules 3D Prophet II MX (Geforce 2 clone), Soundblaster Live
Pentium D 2.80GHz, Geforce 6800, Soundblaster Live

Those are all the complete and stable builds that are considered retro. My favorite is definitely the Pentium II machine, that's the one I use all the time. I also have some Commodore 128s and 64s but I'm not that big on 8-bit computers.

>> No.9796876
File: 3.55 MB, 3996x2976, retro pc 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was already a thread for this kind of >>9789273

But I might as well take this opportunity to post my system after tweaking the contrast and brightness settings a little bit.

>Pentium III 1ghz (I upgraded the CPU from a 633mhz Celeron per an anon's recommendation)
>Nvidia Geforce 4 MX 420 64mb VRAM (upgraded from a GeForce 2 MX 210 at 32mb VRAM, and before then I think it was just running basic onboard VGA graphics)
>SoundBlaster Live! SB0060 for DOS sound compatibility
>512MB RAM (upgraded from 256mb)
>16gb CF-IDE interface for Windows 98SE, also keep Windows XP installed on a separate 32GB CF card, 120GB IDE HDD for additional storage (upgraded from the 10GB IDE it originally had installed)
>DVD-ROM burner drive upgraded from basic CD-ROM drive

>> No.9797050 [DELETED] 

No, you're either a disgusting hoarder with trash and rotting plastic everywhere or a minimalist bug who lives in a closet emulating on a laptop

>> No.9797060

Are you gonna add stickers of this season's FotM waifu too?

>> No.9797238

Incredibly soulful and comfy photo, love your setup.

>> No.9797302
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Post Macs

Is that a Zenith ZKB-2? Incredibly based if so.

You can also be in the middle. I have exactly three obsolete Macs, plus a 2008 Macbook running Snow Leopard that I use for managing my iPod. Aside from that all my computers were made within the last 5 years, and when nobody in my family has a use for them any longer, they get sold off or donated to poorfags. I personally don't really see the point of keeping an x86 machine that was made in this century, because 98% of the time the software will run on something new, and it will run much better. I have a Dell Latitude 5490 that I might keep just because it's the last computer I have that will output to VGA.

Thanks anon. I did nothing special, the Mac is the source of all the comfiness. No matter where it goes, the soul follows. Here it is when I was in university 12 years ago; instant comfiness in an otherwise sterile setup. I wish I'd known about UV light yellowing plastic before placing it next to a window, oh well.

>> No.9797314

I thought about building a retro machine some time ago but I can't decide on the parts, and I don't play old PC games enough to warrant spending money on it all. I'm fine with PCem, 86box, dgvoodoo, and the various GoG ports for now, haven't really encountered a game that doesn't work with those yet.

>> No.9797337
File: 146 KB, 1280x640, f96f4083-d3b1-477c-93fa-a1e511ce25d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my sick setup bro

>> No.9797340

Yessir. I was shocked to find such a nice keyboard sitting unused in my grandpa's workshop for 20+ years, but I guess he didn't have a DIN-to-PS/2 adapter to be able to keep using it at the time.

>> No.9797817
File: 266 KB, 899x780, IMG_3561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely, and killer rig my dude. I did the repairs on my Mac Plus(es) and 512ke myself, since that's just removing Rifa caps and touching up the weak joints on the analog board. I can solder but I have shaky hands so I'm not really confident with surface mount stuff.

>> No.9797870 [DELETED] 

post legs

>> No.9797892


I have a cursed Pentium 4 garbage PC with an AMD radeon card circa 2005 and an Audigy SE with like 1GB of fairly decent DDR1 ram....

And I never touch it because the only goddamn thing I wanted to get working was the original Thief game, but its like a giant web of esoteric bullshit solutions needed just to get it working on Windows XP. I personally see no real use for what I put together. Maybe I'll just throw some uber-low requirement linux distro on it and use WINE or something. To be honest it was really only built so I could play some old EAX games, but I stopped caring since most of what I play on a modern machine are source ports of ancient stuff to begin with. It was a fun pet project, but it'll be in a thrift store in a few years probably.

>> No.9797970

then your taste is shit and you need to leave this board

>> No.9797981

>University of Western Ontario

Shit man we went to the same school. What year/program? I was class of 2014, biomed. Also do you still have that AEK2 and the Thinkpad? I noticed you changed up the keyboard for an M0116.

>> No.9798038
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Amiga I'm working on as well

>> No.9798042 [DELETED] 

I'm a tranny, okay? You got me. I'm OP.

>> No.9798121

I hope you paid the rights holders for the content of those ROMs anon! :^)

>> No.9798185

I've got a PIII for DOS games. Running pure bare metal DOS, optimized for pure DOS with no compromises necessary for Windows.

>> No.9798206

Accounting, graduated in 2013. I doubt we would have crossed paths, but maybe you saw the DOTA pro in the natural sciences building? There was some guy who was always in the lab there playing DOTA. As for the AEK II, yeah I still have that, it was the keyboard I learned to type on and it was pretty good, but orange ALPS are better than damped cream. I sold the T400 a long time ago.

You should post that image on /g/, because ANYTHING Apple related absolutely lives rent free over there. As for the surface mount stuff, you don't need to be super precise with these older boards, because frankly the capacitors are pretty large and it's hard to mess up even with early onset parkinson's. Later boards with the really tiny surface mount capacitors are a different story. Try buying a few solder kits and practice on those before attempting a Mac logic board. Also depending on your location there are still people who offer recap services.

>> No.9798212 [DELETED] 

>muh /g/
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers. Also, the glowniggers stood with the jews.

>> No.9798249 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9798272

>You can also be in the middle. I have exactly three obsolete Macs, plus a 2008 Macbook running Snow Leopard that I use for managing my iPod. Aside from that all my computers were made within the last 5 years, and when nobody in my family has a use for them any longer, they get sold off or donated to poorfags. I personally don't really see the point of keeping an x86 machine that was made in this century, because 98% of the time the software will run on something new, and it will run much better. I have a Dell Latitude 5490 that I might keep just because it's the last computer I have that will output to VGA.
I have bad news for you; you are NOT in the middle...

>> No.9799286
File: 1.98 MB, 3840x2160, quake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's retro gaming time.

>> No.9800185

Xbox Series S for emulation on my big TV. Then a Retroid Pocket 3+ for carrying around.

Of course I have my OG consoles (SNES, N64, PSOne, PS2, GC) but they are more a hassle to play on these days and I really only break them out for couch multiplayer.

>> No.9800405

How hard is it to rig up a Series S for emulation. I have one and I hardly ever use it anymore.

>> No.9800512

You have to buy a dev account, they're only twenty bucks though.

>> No.9800516

>I found the other ELEVEN games that don't work on modern systems!
>They are shit games, no one cares about, and don't really function on original hardware either!
>Please pay attention to me
This board is for people that like retro gaming. You don't belong.

>> No.9800523

Have you ever come across anything that needed any of those? Comparative to VM or just running whatever natively on W11...

>> No.9800529

bet you're not very good at Quake

>> No.9800535

Nice Mac setup, even though 4:3 flatscreens kind of bother me.


>> No.9800591

This thread is one year too late. Last year, I sold the four Windows XP LAN boxes I built back in 2013 when you could buy a brand new 9800 GTX and P4 Extreme Edition for less than $100 each. Paid about $560~$580 in total that year but sold each PC for about $50 last year to one guy. Since I've been using GOG to supply my games, I only had a few boxed copy PC games to throw in since I wouldn't need them anymore.

>> No.9800623

>Galaxy of Games
amazing collection

>> No.9800757
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>XP is reteo
Are you baiting?

>> No.9800841

So far the only answer ITT is Shogo, but it's a fucking cool game, definitely a fun goal if you want to mess around with late 90s/early00s pc hardware.

>> No.9801010

I used to be back in the 90s, but I can't be bothered to play id's games anymore. The movement isn't comfortable.

>> No.9801584
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Why do people keep saying there's audio tracks removed from the Steam version when it's completely intact? Have you never actually played the Steam version?

>> No.9801707

That also once belonged to my grandpa.

>> No.9802350

Thank you, I just don't deal with CRTs anymore. I bought this LCD at a local thrift store new in box a few months ago; it has RF, composite, s-video, RGB, Component, and VGA. It also support any combination of those with Picture-in-Picture, and you can use any audio input with any video input, it's an amazing monitor for dicking around.