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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9794208 No.9794208 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /vroom/, a thread where fans of racing vidya can discuss their favorite arcade, sim, kart, and any other kinds of racing games (this is /vr/, so any PC/6th gen game up to 2007 goes!). If you’re looking for something new to play or are new to the genre ask other Anons for recommendations and remember to gear up and have fun.

Last thread was a long time ago.

>New here? Interested in a game or a series to get started with? Check out these!
Ace Driver
Beetle Adventure Racing
Chase H.Q.
Colin McRae Rally
Daytona USA
Destruction Derby
Dirt Dash
F355 Challenge
Gran Turismo
Mario Kart
Midtown Madness
Motor Toon Grand Prix
Need for Speed
Project Gotham Racing/Metropolis Street Racer
Rally de Africa/Europe
Ridge/Rave/Rage Racer
Scud Race
Sega Rally
Side by Side/Battle Gear
Shutokou Battle/Tokyo Xtreme Racer
Touge MAX
Virtua Racing

Don't be shy: ask questions, share experiences!

>> No.9794212

>Ace Driver

>> No.9794224
File: 163 KB, 766x1091, ridge-racer-bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instruction to make MAME racing games less twitchy with an xbox controller (originally for Dirt Dash, works with every game, just tweak Output Scale accordingly):

>> No.9794229

After tweaking this I found that keeping the linearity and deadzone at 0 and output scale at 100 is more effective without sacrificing turning radius.

>> No.9794239
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Depends on a game. Ridge Racer with 100% output scale is easy mode since you don't have to drift anymore and the car turns on a dime. Dirt Dash becomes unplayable with permanent skidding unless you push your stick just a couple of mllimeters to turn but it's not easy. Both feel bad and twitchy.
Quadratic output, as opposed to linear, allows easier small adjustments with small stick motions and it's what developers use when implementing stick controls in modern racing games. Limiting output scale is necessary if you don't want to compress the whole 180/270/360 (or whatever a specific game uses) degrees of wheel motion into 90 degrees of stick motion.

>> No.9794256

You really can't make crucial turns on Ace Driver Victory lap with anything less than 70% output, and that's pushing it for a punishing game like that one. Dirt Dash also has some turns that need more than 50%. The stick interpolation also depends on playstyle, as a linear input will allow for the slightest changes to be registered, while a quadratic curve might not offer enough at the near zero point.

>> No.9794267
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As I said, adjust accordingly. I have tested 50% scale in Dirt Dash and every single corner, including that one hairpin, is perfectly fine. For Ace Driver and Ridge Racer it's 70-80% indeed, not arguing that.
Regarding the interpolation, with linear, small adjustments at near zero point may feel too twitchy.
Anyway, let's consider that instruction as a way to make adjustments according to one's taste. It may be expanded with notes about what setting affects what exactly and different numbers that fit different games.

>> No.9794316

so the ffb plugin included f355 challenges a few months ago, wonder if it's any good

>> No.9794345

It's great with a good wheel.

>> No.9794365

I'm looking for more fun 2D racers, I've beaten Lamborghini American Challenge and the three Top Gear (and also Rad Racer 1 and 2). I tried Chase HQ on NES but didn't like it.

>> No.9794368

Chase HQ on MAME obviously

>> No.9794378

>tfw I got new computer but I'm too lazy to set up PCSX2 to play GT4
In the eventual case I do, what are some other racers I should try? I didn't like the Burnout series.

>> No.9794379

Battle Gear 3. Tokyo Xtreme Drift 2

>> No.9794420

TXR3 too. Jak X, even if disliking Burnout would probably lead to disliking that too. Test drive eve of distruction or whatever the hell it was called internationally.
Choro Q, maybe. Probably forgetting something crucial here, it has tons of racers

>> No.9794421

nfs hot pursuit 2

>> No.9794427
File: 1.79 MB, 2645x2365, PSX_20230404_021413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have Gameboy racing game recc's? I've been playing V-Rally Championship, which I've been enjoying a lot, and already have V-Rally 99 (the Gameboy Color version) and Top Gear Pocket 1 and 2 on my list. Any other recommendations?

>> No.9794710

Weren't arcade wheels just ok anyway? many games don't even use ffb and rely on springs.

>> No.9794726

Many arcade games use ffb though. Daytona, Sega Rally, even Out Run and Cruis'n games. IIRC Out Run holds a Guinness record for being the first videogame with ffb. First two Ridge Racer games don't use ffb but Rave Racer and Dirt Dash do.

>> No.9794742

From what I've noticed some games like Daytona seem combine ffb with a center spring, Model 2 emu's ffb felt weaker in comparison. Also some other games like Dirt Dash (prolly the original Outrun too) have ffb in the regular version, but the deluxe motion cab doesn't have ffb.

>> No.9794959

>Dirt Dash (prolly the original Outrun too) have ffb in the regular version, but the deluxe motion cab doesn't have ffb.
That's interesting. I never had a chance to try deluxe cab, only standard sitdown verison, but test mode has separate settings for both ffb and cabinet motion so the game should support both at the same time. Maybe deluxe cabs didn't have ffb hardware installed from factory idk.

>> No.9794980

>V-Rally Championship

That looks really neat.

I feel like I spoiled myself by playing Rad Racer and Top Gear series first. Everything else I try from the era feels inferior. Even the Megadrive version of Top Gear 2 is worse than the SNES. Currently trying the Lotus games on Megadrive and they're okay, I guess.

>> No.9794985

yeah that's what I felt at least, in the jungle section for example you feel constant bumps in the motion cabinet, but pretty much no feedback from the wheel. In the standard version I got that feedback from the wheel.

>> No.9795094

I find Top Gear games underwhelming because they are choppy and roadside objects are very basic compared to real superscaler games - arcade Out Run and Chase H.Q.
Lotus games are better in this regard, especially Amiga versions. Or try Lotus 3 on DOSBox, it is easier to setup and has good framerate.

>> No.9795403
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Any GT1 players here? Post your setups. I am just learning car tuning in this game and this '95 Impreza corners pretty good and wins GT World Cup, Japan-USA, Japan-UK, Valley 300 and Special Stage 11 endurance events easily. Hardest AI opponent is Impreza Rally Edition which is more powerful by whole 200 HPs but it still gets beaten at 2nd or 3rd lap.

>> No.9795416
File: 1.57 MB, 2360x1920, rx7fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I managed to beat GT World Cup with this tuned FC. Despite power to weight ratio being similar to the Impreza above it's a way shittier car and winning the cup was hard af. On long straights it gets outpaced by Skylines, Supras and GTOs so I shamefully had to resort to watching the mirror and blocking anyone trying to overtake. Thankfully I was a bit faster in corners.

>> No.9795418

I've never tried tuning in 1 in particular but that's way too much camber up front.
What's up with the heavy front brake bias? Too much oversteer? I can't imagine it working too well with 5.0 degs of camber on the same wheels. How did you set the diffs?

>> No.9795443

Front camber improves cornering stability and heavy front brake bias is to avoid unnecessary sliding, Cars in GT1 tend to slide with default settings and I've tried to avoid this. There's no diffs settings in GT1 at all. The cars behave as if they have locked differential, hence why GT1 is essentially a kansei dorifto simulator, not an actual racing sim.

>> No.9795448

Gran Turismo 1? Sorry I don't recognize those button prompts at the bottom.

>> No.9795460

>There's no diffs settings in GT1 at all.
Noticed the same in GP2. Curious that not many early sim games implemented it, it's crucial to handling.
Are you sure 5.0 degs are necessary? Especially with the rest of the suspensions being set that soft, 2.x something or 3 at most would suffice. I have no idea if 1 simulates it correctly but you lose out on longitudinal grip by going too heavy on the camber

>> No.9795462

I've got a PS1 with a chip and SNES with a flash cart setup. I'm still trying to clear all the cups in F-Zero Final romhack for the SNES before I start worrying about time trials, but on the PS1 I'm a little lost on where to begin since there are so many fun looking racing games on it. I'm open to suggestions, but not looking for kart racers at the moment.

>> No.9795463

Most of the time I just stiffen the car around 80%, lower the ride height and play around rear/front values and downforce for handling.
~66% front bias is fairly standard i'd say, you always want at least 60%
>Cars in GT1 tend to slide with default settings and I've tried to avoid this.
Did you try the racing Chaser they give you in one of the tourneys?, lots of understeer so I had to stiffen the rear a lot.

>> No.9795469

Yes. These are NegCon prompts.

>> No.9795472

>Are you sure 5.0 degs are necessary?
Not at all. It will try 3.0, thanks.

>> No.9795489

>~66% front bias is fairly standard i'd say, you always want at least 60%
Normally yes, but is 15/7 in GT1-2 the same as 66% percent in a regular sim? iirc 15 is the max, 7 is what the brakes are set at stock (in 2 at least). Does that mean 15 = 200% brake strength up front and 7 = 100% rear?
I've never understood how those two handle brake bias in general to be honest.
I usually go for 58-59% and dial the entry oversteer in via the diff

>> No.9795504
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Depends on what racing game style you prefer. I love Ridge Racer games but they feel so different from everything else that if you didn't grow up with them then they're either repulse you with their weird physics or become an acquired taste.
For default Sega style arcade racing feel, where driving is simple but still roughly feels like actual driving, Need for Speed 3 and Gran Turismo 1 are fine.
If you're more into bumping cars, then Destruction Derby 2 is great. But it has no manual transmission, if that matters.
If you want the best drifting simulator among 5th gen consoles then it's Touge Max G. There are also two straight up Sega Rally clones named Rally de Africa and Rally de Europe. They're fun but look rough and low budget.

>> No.9795506

finaly vroom is back.

>> No.9795538

Thanks, these are a good starting point for me. Rally-style games are something I believe I'll be capable of figuring out one day, so I'll take a look at these. I keep putting off Ridge Racer so I'll give it a try this time around. For future reference, I have a high tolerance for varying levels of quality and polish on the PS1 because I've discovered games that look like they suck but just need some time to appreciate. Heck, there was one racing game called Racing that was straight up low budget jank but I still enjoyed it, so there's that to go back to.

>> No.9795539
File: 3.00 MB, 800x454, Need for Speed Road Challenge_2023.04.04-21.03.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No real reason to post this other than I can. I've been fucking around with my shiny new gpu to see how AV1 recording works when mangled into webm and my first stop was some classic NFS because this track in particular (which is modded to have a look somewhat like the PS1 version) usually looks like utter shit under the older recordings i've done due to the motion and darkness. Pretty happy with the results so when I get a chance at the weekend I think i'll make a bunch more classic NFS recordings doing hot laps or something.

Note the slight flickering at the bottom fo the screen is from the game - there is some sort of sorting fighting going on with the projected headlights that I don't know how to fix because I only go fast, not brain good.

>> No.9795554

i don't remember front lock-ups being a thing in the first game so you prolly can get away with higher values for more stopping power, the rear break is the twitchy one.

>> No.9795602

Colin mcrae 1/2 are easily the best rally games on the console (and 5th gen in general).

>> No.9795928

think that was the lone racing game I had for my gameboy years ago, good fun from what I recall

>> No.9795936

Ridge Racer 1, Revolution, Rage, Type 4
WipEout 1, 2097, 3 (or 3 Special Edition)
Colin Mcrae 1
Demolition Racer
V-Rally 2
Moto Racer 2

>> No.9795956

Based, thanks for getting me started guys. Wrote these down.

>> No.9796038

test drive 5 would be a gem for you to polish

>> No.9796092

Hydro Thunder. It's like Wave Race crossed with Cruis'n USA. It's my favorite arcade racer.

The Dreamcast has the best home port but I use to play it on the PSX and it is a pretty good version as well. It even has a unique mode not available in the other ports nor the arcade original.

>> No.9796096

Never played this series, what should I expect? Is it like a sim? or more like an arcade game?

I did not know this was on PS1!

>> No.9796209

arcade but not the arcadiest. despite cheap look, the game pushes hardware limits with 5 opponents, traffic and cops on the road for maximum chaos.
if td5 is too difficult for you - td6 is same but much more polished and player-friendly.

>> No.9796301
File: 78 KB, 543x800, 3997980-the-need-for-speed-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test Drive games are solid 6/10. They're playable and not outright broken but I suggest playing something else first. Need for Speed would be a better start. 1, 3 and High Stakes. Skip 2 and Porsche.

>> No.9796338

I remember having the very same issues with projected headlights on my brand new P3 Geforce 256 machine back in the day. Grew up with this version but can't bring myself to play it now, even out of nostalgia, because of how broken it is.
But I have found an appreciation for The Need for Speed Special Edition on DOSBox instead. Surprisingly solid game despite its age.

>> No.9796346

>Touge Max G
This one is very polished for such a low profile title

>> No.9796364
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>Skip 2 and Porsche.

>> No.9796376

They suck on PS1. Just like 3 and High Stakes suck on PC. Just a heads up.

>> No.9796394

Racing Lagoon and Choro Q 3 if you're severely autistic

>> No.9796407

GT1 > GT2 as a videogame and introduction to the series. GT2 is a product for actual car autists. More realistic but more boring if you're not into sims.

>> No.9796427

They're definitely both worth trying imho

>> No.9796435

Sure, but in production order.

>> No.9796446

Need a list of recommendations fot 2D Outrun style games. Arcade, PC, NES, Genesis, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA etc.
That Lotus 3 sure is interesting.

>> No.9796721

International Rally (Konami)
F1 Race
Super Off-Road
Super RC Pro Am

>> No.9796735

I've always been curious if people who play those NASCAR games, actually play with max laps. I get it that it's more realistic, but I can't imagine someone really sitting there and doing 200 laps in a video game.

>> No.9796739

Just popping in to say I finally managed to play the home version of Sega Rally 2 decently.
God bless that Alcino guy.
The game itself is fine, but it surprised me how the Stratos went from being the ultra hard car in the 1st game to easier one to steamroll everything here.

>> No.9796917

What about Model 3 version emulation? Fixed?

>> No.9796983

Was it ever broken?

>> No.9797048

It was kinda glitchy last time I checked. Some polygon sorting stuff.

>> No.9797051

Looks dandy ta me breh

>> No.9797170

only thing I ever did in those was go into practice mode, turn my damage off and wreck everyone else

>> No.9797192
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I'm doing my part anons - are you?

>> No.9797243

I did that in the season or whatever mode they had. I could just pit maneuver every car at the beginning and end up winning by default. That's probably what made me rent Destruction Derby from blockbuster. I just wanted to crash into other cars and wreck shit.

>> No.9797253

>not using qB instead
Movies already take up all my storage space. My NAS is almost filled, my torrent HDD is almost filled, my music SSD is almost filled, and my M.2 for my OS is almost filled.

No, I don't have a problem, you have a problem.

>> No.9797301

>music ssd
i presume to take it with you?

>> No.9797309
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>> No.9797312

It is to prevent rotational velocidensity causing bit loss that you get with mechanical drives.

>> No.9797321

No, it's my old SSD that's at like 58% health or something. I download a bunch of music I want to try out and store it on it and slowly listen to it all. Only holds 250GB. I store all the ones I like on my NAS as FLAC for archival and then have an MP3 copy of it on a flash drive I play in my car.

>> No.9797341

ah, in fact that makes lot of sense, not bit loss of course, but mechanical audial noise

>> No.9797346

Rotational velocidensity affects all audio files encoded with lossy compression. These include mp3, aac, and ogg.

The most notable effect of rotational velocidensity is the loss of bitrate in files. A lossy audio file will lose an average of 12kbps a year. But, this can vary greatly depending on the type of storage media used.


SATA HDD: ~12kbps
IDE HDD: ~15kbps
SCSI HDD: ~7kbps
DVD: ~16kbps
CD-R/RW: >21kbps

This can be overcome by compressing audio using lossless formats such as FLAC, APE, or TTA. These formats are designed to never lose quality over time, and will sound the same right now as they will in 10 years.

>> No.9797359

Can't believe this meme is still around

>> No.9797384
File: 305 KB, 471x471, Colin McRae Rally 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I discover this pic last year, is really amazing
kimi playing colin mcrae 2 on psx, on CRT, during his militar service, and outside his window there are snow

>> No.9797402

I've seen that picture a thousand time and I only just noticed the window, what the fuck

>> No.9797434

i wonder how much time he wasted for that, given he managed to become the youngest f1 race winner even after missing his first chance year before.
to be fair it's green grass. snow doesn't look like this.

>> No.9797535
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Which way, white man?

>> No.9797560

split routes are GOAT

>> No.9798546

what are some good 5th and 6th gen games to emulate? I tried to play midnight club 2 on steam and realized the port is shit so I'd rather emulate.

>> No.9798551
File: 3.99 MB, 428x240, 1664450839551503.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play nfs porsche
if xbox controller doesn't work

>> No.9798607

How did you encode that webm so well?

>> No.9798615

this doesn't launch, am I supposed to drop the patch folder into the main folder? run in compat mode? what graphics renderer?

>> No.9798683
File: 811 KB, 1400x1400, Segarally_sat_jp_frontcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any decent japanese rally games that are not Sega Rally and Dirt Dash? Looks like all more or less good stuff was made by brits and french.

>> No.9798695

Nah, just those. Brits were masters of the genre, especially rally games.
t. not a brit

>> No.9798703

Colin McRae 2.0 sure is based.

>> No.9798704

First one's better imo

>> No.9798712


>> No.9798716

>Textures used for actual drivable road blend with the textures used on the ridges on both sides of the track. These ridges severely slow down your car if you touch them, so good fucking luck nailing those apexes on gravel and snow when everything looks identical
>Complete and utter shit grip physics on snow stages (oh, you've been tapping the brakes for 30 miles prior to reaching a corner on snow on second gear? Here, have some guardrails for lunch anyway)
>Game doesn't detect gear shifting half the time on Special Stages for some goddamn reason.
>Sad, drab graphics compared to CMR1, with a terrible dirty teal blue for the UI
Coming fresh off of the PC version of CMR 1, CMR 2 on the PC was annoying. I got sick of it by the time I got to the Sweden's Stage 7 on hard difficulty.

>> No.9798785

Tbh I adore CMR2 graphics and UI. It's classy.

>> No.9798837

Some anon posted the Rally de Africa/Europe ps1 games which are solid. Also Gran turismo 3 and Enthusia have solid rally, Gran turismo 2's rally was too twitchy imo

>> No.9798841
File: 92 KB, 800x720, tgp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Top Gear Pocket 2?

>> No.9798845

>>Complete and utter shit grip physics on snow stages (oh, you've been tapping the brakes for 30 miles prior to reaching a corner on snow on second gear? Here, have some guardrails for lunch anyway)
desu the first game wasn't that different, the car is usually quite grippy but the way you lose it is too abrupt

>> No.9798856

Never bothered tuning but I love GT1 a lot so have a bump anon. Shame stylistically 2 and onward took a radical change .

>> No.9798967
File: 59 KB, 735x490, yataba_r33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GT2 and onward became what they are only because GT1 sold so well outside of Japan (to Yamauchi's surprise) so japanese amateur track day theme was dropped in favour of world car encyclopedia theme. Not a fan myself but it was inevitable.

>> No.9799031

What are the best versions to play of GT games? I mean NTSC-U, Pal or NTSC-J?

>> No.9799058
File: 31 KB, 445x455, 1651753372867908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just run nfs5.exe, don't touch anything
config should be set on opengl3
webm for premiere

>> No.9799059
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>> No.9799067

i got this again (had it in 2000) and where i got it from (abandonware, installed something called nglide that was mentioned in the comments and it worked) came with some dlc cars and i'm just going woah after driving the 993 carerra from the demo for a month now hopping in this GT3 and GT2 car that are just like a fighter jet. i should be playing evolution but the other drivers at the start aren't even fucking trying so it's boring

>> No.9799075

I'm gonna talk about 2 as that's the one I'm most familiar with. The major difference between all 3 is the OST and of course the framerate. At one point NTSC-J was the only version with a 60FPS cheat, but now it's available for every version so it doesn't really matter anymore. PAL runs at 25/50, it's correctly sped up excluding some you-have-to-look-for-them physics glitches and the OST is mostly horribly crunched up EDM. J and U run at 30/60, J has a jazzy original OST made for the game, U uses licensed alt-rock.
In short choose the one with the OST you like the most. I'd wager most posters here can navigate the menus even if they're written in moonrunes, and the NTSC-J OST makes it worth it imo.

>> No.9799086

For GT1, NTSC-J version represents the original, cohesive vision of a JDM themed game.
NTSC-U version setting makes little sense if you think about it - you have Acura branded cars sold in one dealership and Skylines in another one nearby which never happened anywhere irl. Also the roads still have some japanese markings and signs. If you don't care about this details then NTSC-U version has new music, new chase camera and broken physics in arcade mode.
For GT2 it all boils down to which version has preferrable music and less critical bugs in your opinion. Essentially they are the same.
PAL is cancer, as usual.

>> No.9799218

For 2, you want the recent-ish(?) modded isos that have restored cut content, fixed vehicle names and some other fixes.
There are also fan-made patches that give true widescreen, optimize physics for 60fps, unlock new camera angles, convert game to metric units etc. Some are less interesting than others but widescreen and 60fps physics are a must, it brings the game to a state where it feels and looks like a proto-GT3.

Don't have the links, simple google search will give you everything

>> No.9799237

Why not just play GT4 instead?

>> No.9799292

Because GT1/2 feel considerably more fun compared to 4 that has no sense of speed, no sense of grip and every car understeers like a train. Its "comfy", sure, and pretty, but most of the time the actual racing feels like a chore that you just have to force through in order to see what the prize car is.

1 and 2 actually feel fun to drive.

>> No.9799351

CMR1 gives you much more control, even on the icy british stages.

>> No.9799354

This. Can't bring myself to play newer installments. Driving tuned Lan Evo III on Trial Mountain in GT1 with NegCon controls is where its at. "Sega Rally at home" in a good way.

>> No.9799401

it has more stuff, therefore it's bad

>> No.9799529

>but most of the time the actual racing feels like a chore that you just have to force through in order to see what the prize car is.
I feel 2 is pretty much the same but lazier than 4, because you can use pretty much any car for the special events, 4 have stricter requisites for the tourneys. In terms of pure driving I'd say 3 is the best, 4 isn't bad when you get used to the "delayed" weight-transfer physics.

>> No.9799541

I'd say it's pretty lenient compared to damn RBR, or even Dirt rally. Also like the other anon said I like the graphics,1 and 2 are probably the most distinct looking games in the series.

>> No.9799723

I got around to playing some of these suggestions.

>Gran Turismo 2
The license tests are surprisingly really fun and spent more time trying to improve my time.

>Ridge Racer
This game takes a little bit to get used to but after I got the hang of it, I consistently made it top three.

>Test Drive
I didn't have time to fully enjoy 5 or 6 but from what I did play, these are fun as long as you don't crash. Going to try it again with simulation enabled.

>> No.9799791

>The license tests are surprisingly really fun and spent more time trying to improve my time.
Have you reached the superlicense ones? Those are fun and they really push you to improve

>> No.9799806

No, I only did standard B for now because I threw most of my free time on it. Looking through the tests in the international ones look really complicated.

>> No.9799826

Man, if you managed to find the B ones fun the ones afterward will blow your mind kek.
They're going to teach you everything you need. Remember that you only need gold if you want to win the prize car connected to the license, if you just want the license bronze is enough.
You unlock the superlicense tests after you've completed every other license, it sits on a different menu. They involve single lap blasts around a track in racecars. If you gold those you get the GT-ONE

>> No.9799873

>Remember that you only need gold if you want to win the prize car connected to the license
>Spoiler prize

THERE'S A FUCKING REWARD FOR THIS!? Alright, I'm hooked. Just need to finally beat the cups in beginner difficulty at least once in F-Zero Final before I commit to a new game but GT2 is definitely the one!.

Also, I came across this hack called Gran Turismo 2 Plus. Is it worthwhile? or should I stick to retail?

>> No.9799883

>he plays GT2 before GT1

>> No.9799889

Yeah, every license gives you a different car. Imho they're not all worth it, but if you enjoy it...
Plus just adds cut content and fixes a few bugs. I haven't had the chance to go for a playthrough with it yet but it should be a straight improvement.

>> No.9799894

Are the two significantly different? I assumed GT2 was like an update kind of like what the Street Fighter 2 series gets.

>> No.9799921

GT1 has more fun but a little less realistic physics. It's more open with upgrades, like I've installed a level 3 turbo on a '95 Impreza in a post above while GT2 only allows a level 2 turbo on this car. Every car can have a pro racing upgrade with livery and customizable spoilers while in GT2 many cars don't have an option of such upgrade.
Additionally GT1 has skippable qualification rounds and Special Stage Route 11 track which is one of the best tracks in the series but is missing in GT2.

>> No.9799940

Forgot to add that GT1 is a relatively short game but it's just right for a retro game. GT2 can take weeks to complete and is more like a modern game in this regard.

>> No.9800149

Bumping up the question about handheld racing games. Specifically GBC ones. Nobody playing?

>> No.9800249

What's the best Road Rash game? I only ever played Road Redemption """remake"""

>> No.9800313

Road Rash 3D on PS1 or Road Rash 64. Those are the peak of the series. RR3D drives like a sim though while RR64 is straight up arcade-style.

>> No.9800464
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If it doesn't feature rusty cage it is no good.

>> No.9800721

gt1 is a game. most of the cups are actually challenging. and all of the are in championship format.
gt2 is a sandbox. even though it has a lot of events to complete you have to actively seek underpowered cars for each race to have fun.
us for 30 (60) fps. with km/h hacked in (apply other enhancement patches too) and soundtrack replaced with japanese one (i don't know how to do it) or muted (there's a patch for this i think).
looking through the mod features none of them are of any significance really. but why not, unless there are bugs.
gta san andreas and burnout paradise should complete the top 3 road rash games list then? i mean, both feature illegal motorbike racing. as road rash 3d shows, working fighting mechanic isn't essential for a road rash game. you can easily complete the game not just without ever hitting anyone but even without seeing yourself get hit. you need to get out of your way to see some janky melee action.
you really should try road rash jailbreak. it's basically the same game as 3d (with all new content) but they had time to make fighting actually work. it's improved in all the other aspects too. all these little things however result in ascending from the worst game in the series to the best one.
just don't start with 64, it's a weird outsourced "loose port" of 3d. totally forgot to mention this in the same name different game thread. it's also most similar to road redemption. which isn't really similar to road rash.
lots of static cameras mainly, and low resolution

>> No.9800775
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>> No.9800801

i think cmr2.0 is better in every aspect except for phisics.1st one feels like manoeuvring a massive boat (which i enjoy) but in actual physics. 2nd one not only gives you more grip but also it feels to me like something unnatural helps you to steer the car, in non-neutonian way. might be my imagination but given this isn't a sim something like this could easily be happening. it's not too bad though, 2.0 is still the best.

>> No.9800827

what the fuck are you doing
try installing

>> No.9801105

All I'm seeing is FEISAR and Piranha.

>> No.9801109

Ah, a fellow racer for E-Unity.

>> No.9801310

based, I love casiopea
I secretly wish they did another casiopea vs t square collab for the Outrun 3 soundtrack

>> No.9801350

>Special Stage Route 11 track which is one of the best tracks in the series but is missing in GT2.

that's fucking right my negger
license tests in GT1 are also far more comfy

>> No.9801359

GT1/2 golds filter me, 3 is the comfiest one with nicer driving

>> No.9801374

Gran Turismo 3 is a lot like Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 PS2 version. Devs stripped the game down and put all their attention into the joy of driving on the road. Starting to sound a lot like describing a Miata.

>> No.9801582
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>> No.9801713

Funny how people here vote GT1, GT2 or GT3 as their favorite but nobody cares about GT4 and onwards (me included).
>game about Porsches
>no 934 or 934/5
>no 917K
>no 956 or 962
Why even bother?

>> No.9801737

The 917k is in the PS1 version iirc.

>> No.9801739

I don't even consider it an NFS game. No more that Need for Speed: V-Rally anyway.

>> No.9801740

I swear, the majority of Japanese 3rd-5th gen vidya soundtracks were inspired by Casiopea.

>> No.9801745

V Rally only got the NFS branding in the US so when I heard people referring to to as such online it confused me.

>> No.9801757

Are V-Rally games worth playing? How do they compare to Colin McRae? Sega Rally?

>> No.9801764

It has been a while but my memories of the first one on playstation are okay/10.

>> No.9801771

the first one is pretty trashy, the second one feels like a decent CMR clone.

>> No.9802080
File: 2.95 MB, 426x240, Easy leeeeEEEEEEEAAAAAHHH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's somewhere between CMR and Sega Rally.

>> No.9802101

Outside of the usual recs (Rad Racer, Top Gear and Lotus series) I quite enjoyed Lamborghini American Challenge, despite being very easy it's very comfy; and I started playing Formula 1 Sensation on NES and it's pretty good. It's more "realistic" than the others but still has that arcade driving feel.

>> No.9802373

Everyone cries about understeer which in my opinion is just an issue with the steering assist always turning too far in that game and 5, but the real problem with GT4 is the absolutely retarded wheelspin behaviour which also ruins Tourist Trophy. Cars don't slide and oversteer, they just practically completely stop accelerating forwards as soon as the wheel speed goes over the car speed. Even in ice races you need to absolutely crank the thing into the corner on entry to get any rotation because you can't do it on power.

>> No.9802431

Well my plans for this evening have been cancelled so fuck it - I will booze it up with some /vroom/ and go OG on the hardware. Looking at my collection I realised i've never actually played much of the copy of wild wild racing I got used many years ago (I was sorta impressed by the demo that came with my PS2) so this sounds like an excuse to have a crack at it.

>> No.9802615 [DELETED] 

I'd say what works best in 4 is breaking or lifting earlier than usual and take it easy on the throttle mid-corner, because there's some kind of delay before the front end starts gripping.

>> No.9802619

I'd say what works best in 4 is breaking or lifting earlier than usual and take it easy on the throttle, because there's some kind of delay before the front end starts gripping.

>> No.9803003
File: 994 KB, 3840x2160, Need for Speed Underground 2_2023.04.07-21.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I have issues with the game design aspect of the game I cannot deny NFSU2 has some excellent art direction for the tine.

>> No.9803204

It does but the tuner theme is soulless
It was better in Fast & Furious

>> No.9803205

racing games don't need a general. it's really concerning that someone has been allowed by the mods to samefag this thread so hard for so long now

>> No.9803230

shmup general when!?

>> No.9803236

>30 mario/sonic/RE/console war good
>One racing games thread bad
>ook ook aak akk
Shut the fuck up nigger.

>> No.9803267

I think you may be retarded.

>> No.9803268

>Daytona USA
fuuuck I want to play it so bad, what's the cheapeast model of xbox I can hack and hook up to a CRT to enjoy it, since APPARENTLY the 360 was the 3d sega arcade home port machine.

>> No.9803290
File: 691 KB, 2593x1950, cruisin usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I originally played this at a local restaurant (of all places) when I was 12 or something and it took be so long to find out what game it was from my memories. While this screenshot is the emulated N64 version just playing it again brought me back to that experience. Fun times.

>> No.9803294

>I originally played this at a local funeral
I need glasses

>> No.9803308

Yes, I think you do anon. That said there are worse ways to spend a funeral than going fast.

>> No.9803312

I'd prefer to see 30 organic racing threads than 1 forced general

>> No.9803317

>30 organic racing threads
You usually get 3 a month at best.

>> No.9803327

so you agree there is no need for an ongoing general thread kept alive by a loser with an ego problem

>> No.9803334

Did someone in a previous version of this general rape you or something?

>> No.9803339

No, I don't. You fucking retard. I'm pointing out the reason why these threads show up from time to time.

>> No.9803343

an ongoing 24/7 general thread that is bumped with nonsense to avoid it falling off the board is not "from time to time"

>> No.9803350

>24/7 general thread
The last time this thread popped up was on July 30th 2022.
You fucking retard.

>> No.9803367

Yeah it was me - I absolutely blasted anon with my ridge racer lap times.

>> No.9803371 [DELETED] 

Technically it was January, but even then Anon's claim of /vroom/ being a 24/7 general is complete bullshit.

>> No.9803376 [DELETED] 

I could have sworn I saw a thread a few weeks ago. I guess not.
in the end, it's still another success for me. it used to be 24/7 cancer spam but it seems like the ego of the loser creating this garbage finally broke and admitted defeat. Justice is served

>> No.9803378 [DELETED] 

You're even more of a loser than your apparent rival.

>> No.9803384 [DELETED] 

*blows smoke in your face*
Not even close, loser. Justice is served.
*casually walks into the sunset* (not drives because cars are gay)

>> No.9803394 [DELETED] 

What a total fucking faggot you are, holy shit.

>> No.9803414 [DELETED] 

So you admit you're just here to shitpost and bother people.
Why don't you go back to your shitty stcc?

>> No.9803418 [DELETED] 

I'm here to enforce what little quality is left for /vr/. The mods will be making Wii U and 3DS "retro" soon and then the board will be officially dead.

>> No.9803441 [DELETED] 

>I'm here to enforce what little quality is left for /vr/
Your opinion is as insignificant as a summer ant, but I guess you're used to seeing your teeth scattered all over the curb.
No more (You)s for you. Thanks for the free bump.

>> No.9803456

yo faglords help a guy out instead of jerking eachother off. x82rk

>> No.9803459

Just play it on RPCS3.

>> No.9803667

v-rally 1 is complete shit, later games get better, but still nowhere near cmr or sega rally physics. i suffered the unfortune of v-rally 2 representing 3d rally games for me as a kid so i know what i'm talking about.
there's decent track editor and generator in though.
>steering assist always turning too far
oh. sounds like they tuned it for the pressure-sensitive d-pad. which should be superior control to a stick in general exactly because it allows steering assist to be tuned like this, e.g. allowing turning more than it suggests when you want, as default pressure of your finger isn't the strongest, unlike when using a stick where it's much harder to tilt it not fully. i haven't really tried gt4 but now i have to investigate this, thank you so much anon.

>> No.9803673

they were coming 3 per day right before this thread was created

>> No.9803674

virtua racing is superior, racers peaks there.

>> No.9803678

checks out as ridge racer isn't a real racing game

>> No.9803679

no u

>> No.9803694

What is the best racing game tune and why is it the NFSII main menu? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69-J2m_GyhI

>> No.9803698

STCC is dogshit.

>> No.9803741

Road rash introduced me to Soundgarden and for that I am eternally thankful for what it lead to.

>> No.9803806

Smuggler's run 2 is the real unsung hero of the PS2 (okay warzones is fine too) for being a fantastic racing game with good challenge. I still defend that it is the 2nd best racing game angel studios ever put out.

>> No.9803830

>The cars behave as if they have locked differential, hence why GT1 is essentially a kansei dorifto simulator, not an actual racing sim.
Huh, so that's why GT1 always feels more fun to play, even if I spun more often.

>> No.9803842

Remember GT1 and 2 where sped up to appeal to the american audience. GT3 is the true vision and has a pacing to suit.

>> No.9803851

>The cars behave as if they have locked differential
I really doubt that, I'd believe they have 0% locking on coast and 100% locking on throttle if anything because the lift off oversteer is huge and you don't get that with a spool.

>> No.9803859

and you know that because? i hope you aren't talking about arcade mode in gt1, anon?

>> No.9803882

It is from one of the many interviews whatshisface Kazunori gave. essential (as was common at the time) he made GT1 for japan and the western arm of sony said "shit be too slow - fine for jap autism but no good for burgers" so they increaeed game speed to to more like an action game for americans and used this as the basis for the PAL release as well. When GT2 sold a bajillion copies and polyphony (under kaz) got the political clout to do as they see fit GT3 was made to the original vision. This is why the GT games from 3 all the way to 7 have the same pacing overall.

>> No.9803916

if you're trying to say that gt2 was compromised after the success of gt1 in the west then you're wrong because gt2 is slower than gt1.
regional differences in physics exist but they are limited to arcade mode in gt1 and rally in gt2. rally situation is sad but you're talking as if whole two games were changed.
i know that one of gt1 early demos have simplified physics, would be interesting to know why.
you probably played the bad version.

>> No.9803986

I just started playing GT4 myself (lost interest in racing games between 3 and 4). The map in GT mode is a mess. The system in 3 was so much better.

>> No.9804092

I found the weakness of these supercars - the entire rest of my driving i used to cut every s bend by going on the dirt because it didn't matter, but these cars get absolutely bogged down in it which makes sense. i guess things like low travel on the shocks being bad "off road" actually does have relevance too after all

>> No.9804127
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Better idea: get Sega Racing Classic on Teknoparrot and replace its music files with the PS360 Daytona ones. Now you can play that version natively.

>> No.9804139

"Natively" is not always better

>> No.9804590
File: 1.73 MB, 1180x960, mx5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this little shitbox like you wouldn't believe. Even with bolt on turbo it has only 241HP and mediocre acceleration but the handling is also tuned so it doesn't skid in corners and I have managed to win Japan-UK tournament against tuned NSX, Supra, RX-7, DB7 and Griffith by being faster in corners.

>> No.9804605 [DELETED] 

True. RPCS3 allows way easier controller/wheel mapping and supersampling out of box. Teknoparrot is too sketchy.

>> No.9804689

Do you think you can win GTWC with your MX-5? I've noticed that the opponents in the multi national cups tend to run only Stage 1 NA/Turbo parts despite having racing modified machines, so the power deficit isn't as big as it could be.

>> No.9804865

Racing games didn't really start working until the advent of 3D graphics.

>> No.9804895

Your colors look weird as fuck. Low brightness and everything desaturated except reds

>> No.9804908

GT1/2 time trial when

>> No.9804923

RPCS3 has an arcade perfect port that allows native viewport upscaling.

>> No.9804990

Can I mod in the Saturn music?

>> No.9805028
File: 1.70 MB, 420x312, tumblr_nfdqv5isJi1r7sijxo6_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn music

>> No.9805084

Anyone here play Fightcade?
I bring this up because PS1 recently got rollback netcode, and its currently being ported to Fightcade.
Split-screen games off the top of my head would be GT, NFS, CMR, TOCA, etc.
What do you guys think, could we see a PS1-racing community come from this?

>> No.9805097

Duckstation rollback is aimed at fighting games mostly. It's fucky on any other genre still.

>> No.9805145

Split screen on PS1 sucks - worse graphics and worse framerate. But there are some link up cable games, namely Ridge Racer Revolution and RRT4. Would be cool if these work.

>> No.9805150
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Nope. I can't keep up against 600+HP cars on these long straights. Even if I lose less speed in corners.

>> No.9805465
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PC or PCSX2?

>> No.9805538

PC for the best experience but you gotta set it up
PCSX2 if you have the hardware to run it and you're lazy

>> No.9805542
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>> No.9805562


>> No.9805602

>PC for the best experience

>> No.9805609
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I have recently been getting an itch to replay these two games but don't own an Xbox anymore. Are there any modern games I can play on my PS4/Steam that are similar to either of them?

How's Xbox emulation nowadays? Could I just emulate them instead?

>> No.9805635
File: 1.40 MB, 3840x2160, NFS Underground 26_09_2020 18_30_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9805798

Emulation is not perfect

>> No.9805826

Easier to run
More stable framerate
Better controls (as in, game supports trigger inputs)
Scales to modern resolutions as you aren't dealing with the interlaced output of a PS2
Ff one is so inclined there are mods for the game

>> No.9805979

*unless it's bsnes

>> No.9806182

That's unfortunate, but thanks for trying.
I had this idea in my head they any car in GT1 could get all the way to GTWC with enough upgrades, but I didn't realise some cars received so little engine power boosts. It's still a big improvement over the later games.

>> No.9806204

It's the exact same game, just without the license (and the karaoke mode if you care about that), which is why recommended said change to hear all of Mitsuyoshi's vocals.

Sure, but you'd have to convert it to ADX format first.

>> No.9806635

>It's the exact same game, just without the soul
The Daytona licensing puts the game in the era it was made in.

>> No.9806826

So, what's the point tinkering with Shitnoparrot and modding that version when you can just run RPCS3 with far less effort?

>> No.9806845

Are you the same anon who posted this to >>>/vg/vgt/ by chance?

>> No.9806851

What's the difference? I only had Warzones.

>> No.9806857

Warzones has extra content and is basically a balance pass of the game - the du monde and D5 hondo swap when they are unlocked so you don't get a goddamn rally car in vietnam.

>> No.9806860

Huh, so it's like a rerelease or 2.5 type game. I probably could have just Googled this but thanks for answering, it's been a long ass time since I played a Smuggler's Run game and always wondered if Warzones was the non-PS2 port or what.

>> No.9806872
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> In Japan, where the same console version was ported for release under the name Crazy Bump's: Kattobi Car Battle! (CRAZY BUMP'S クレイジーバンプ 〜かっとびカーバトル!〜, Kureijī Banpu 〜Kattobi Kā Batoru!〜) and published by Syscom on December 28, 2000, Famitsu gave it a score of 28 out of 40.[8]

>> No.9806906

I'm probably retarded, but I tried the 60 FPS cheat for GT1 and it made the gameplay feel much slower. Do I need to adjust settings in DuckStation to get it work properly?

>> No.9806908
File: 3.99 MB, 800x454, Need for Speed Road Challenge_2023.04.09-09.19.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta go fast, gotta be comfy.

>> No.9806917

Just play the way it's intended, idk. For 60 fps skip straight to GT3. GT1 is fine at 30.

>> No.9806956

I have no idea for 1 but 2 needs an overclock (of the emulated console) to run consistently at 60. Duckstation has a setting for it, iirc under enhancements

>> No.9806975
File: 2.81 MB, 512x480, SuperOffRoad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memories of playing this 4 players at a birthday party.

Funny how much better the AI is on some tracks than others, it's like night&day. Anyway this is still a lot easier than RC Pro Am.

>> No.9807058

Overclocking was the trick. Thank you anon.

GT1 is more than playable at 30fps, but it does look better at 60fps with upscaled resolution. Not GT3 level, but I prefer GT1 gameplay wise.

>> No.9807202
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Games like Super Off Road, RC Pro Am, Rock and Roll Racing and similar are the best kind of racing games made with 2D tech. Not shoddy outrun clones.

>> No.9807214

I like this kind of game but I disagree, the feel of speed is better with behind the car camera. Also many top down racers have such low FOV to the point that you have to react before turns are on screen. This is pretty bad in the RC Pro Am series because in many cases the scrolling happens when the car is like 75% into the screen which really baffles me.

I still intend to "beat" both RC Pro Am (they don't have an ending but at least making it far) and Micro Machines on NES. Micro Machines's reverse rubberband AI (the AI drives faster when you're behind and slower when you're in front) is very punishing.

>> No.9807264
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Try Pro Am 2 too, it's great.
Regarding feel of speed I agree, but those games lack the feel of driving a wheeled vehicle on the road. The car just tilts left and right instead of actually turning and it's the road that turns instead as if it's flexible.
Unironically, pic related managed to nail the driving feel better than many actual racing games.

>> No.9807296
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I've actually enjoyed PSP version a lot. Simply because I've wanted more Underground but did not want to replay U or U2. So I've decided to try UR and I've loved it.
Also, it has classic Charger and Mustang which makes it all the more worthy in my eyes as I like old muscles.

>> No.9807441


>> No.9807592

>soulposter is rarted
You're in it to race, not to stare at the title screen.

>far less effort
It's just pasting the files found here https://psf3.joshw.info/d/ on the sound folder
>what's the point
By running natively it has less input lag and is less demanding on the PC. If you can emulate though, I'm not stopping you.

>> No.9807631

>Being this mad over a port that runs fine without any censorship
>No proof of said port's input lag either
Give it up, you fucking retard.

>> No.9807661

Lookin good anon

>> No.9807668

wat gaem

>> No.9807690

One of the JGTC games, either SNES or PS1 one.

>> No.9807795
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, RR2preset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers. Definitely the best looking car in the garage.
Wish the mapping of the vinyls would've been a bit more accurate, but the game is still quite good.
Also, it is pretty much the only game which lets you to swap headlights and taillights on classic muscles. Valiant-like headlights on american Charger look very interesting.

>> No.9807851

Anon is cruising for pussy in those wheels.

>> No.9808697
File: 412 KB, 1774x1384, SLUS-01285-B-ALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about 3D overhead games?

>> No.9809152

Is Tokyo Xtreme Drift 2 worth playing?

>> No.9809163

have you read teh instructions? if you do everything correctly maybe it's just your pc can't kepp up. lower the settings or choose different emulator then (duckstation).

>> No.9809172

Make a challenge

>> No.9809182

i agree that not seeing shit is a problem, that's why slower games tend to be better, also not a case for single screen games. i enjoy pole position style games (we really need to have a term for this) aesthetically but their gameplay is just bad.
now, mode 7 seems like a solution, if anyone can suggest some games that use it and are better mechanically i want to know. from what i've tried none of more grounded car games felt close to f-zero in this quality. maybe because they tend to use highly disorienting rotating car spritesheet, it is ok in 3d games but not here. i feel like 1st person perspective would work.
super drift out is top-down and mode 7 allows to keep the car at the opposite size of where you going (up) seamlessly, which helps greatly.

>> No.9809193

Idk, Lan Evo III, Trial Mountain reverse.

>> No.9809543
File: 661 KB, 2283x1196, IMG20230410113655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon doesn't own a genuine /vroom/ disc
Step it up people.

>> No.9809559
File: 81 KB, 612x616, vroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A better vroom

>> No.9809842

Is this the game that F1 game on Genesis was based on?

>> No.9809875

just watched a video of that, seems fun

>> No.9809892

A bit basic but the gameplay is solid with some nice track design. Shame the only unlockable the game has is entirely meh but still if just playing the game is fun (which it is) then it doesn't really matter.

>> No.9809916
File: 1018 KB, 588x398, usuitouge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gran Turismo but with toogs instead of tracks. Yeah, it's good.

>> No.9810389

>not a disc with the best warez by the hacker known as 4chan

>> No.9810429

I was really enjoying Final Lap on NES, but I just realized that for the last 4-5 races the AI car is 20-40 KM/H faster than the player can and the only way to win is to bump into the AI car to make it crash against the pannels surrounding the track, again and again. And you only have like 2 lives if you lose. That kinda sucks.

>> No.9810450
File: 1.29 MB, 3840x2160, nfs2se_2023.04.10-20.09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda shit in NFSII
>kinda shit in test drive 4
>kinda shit in GT3
>was okay in the mega drive game
>kinda shit in real life by all accounts
Still my dream car though it has never been good in any racing game i've ever played. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2dKWU_E7h0

>> No.9810521

It takes some creative liberties but the Cougar in Re-Volt is pretty good

>> No.9810524

The cougar is shit because it accelerates real slow and is front wheel drive.

>> No.9810540

I feel like it's incredibly fun when your cars (or any other items) are not the best, but you still beat the game with them, against all odds.
Sometimes it is impossible though, so I have to cheat, but I'm not leaving my favs behind.

>> No.9810543
File: 36 KB, 1024x576, Jaguar-XJ220-Amiga-8-1024x576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was okay in the mega drive game
You talking about the one that shares the name with the car? I tried emulating Amiga, it was like watered down Lotus. Still, playable.

>> No.9810602
File: 6 KB, 320x256, lotus_iii_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just realized that Lotus games worked so well as Outrun clones because they have these huge sprites for roadside objects. Something like Top Gear really fails in this regard.

>> No.9810709
File: 37 KB, 639x361, e6538042ce34bcdad340e5f2533c4d60a2a3f395c865c01457d95bb1417588a6_product_card_v2_mobile_slider_639[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Borderline H: The Racing Game

>> No.9810754

that game has some cool ideas but i really wish bamco intervened even more and forced the devs to add 2d whores instead of 3d whores

>> No.9810772

Are there any /vroom/s on the PS1 that are worth investing time into long-term? Currently looking at Gran Turismo 2 Plus, but wanted to check in with you guys in case there is something more satisfying. Mainly want a game with driving mechanics that are uniform and don't have unfair jank.

>> No.9810836

Those were some quality 3D whores though.

>> No.9810883

Could have sent Japanese gravure idols while at it but the game's target market tastes differ.

>> No.9810887

PS2 is better for that imo. CTR is decently long, Racing Lagoon has a great bit of content but the driving is somewhat on the janky side. Borderline /vroom/ but there's ngen racing, that tries applying the GT formula to jet racing.

>> No.9810993

>Software renderer but car reflections
What's going on here?

>> No.9811312

I really liked Ridge Racer Type 4, is there anything like it but with actual racing against actual cars? That game just had glorified time trials

>> No.9811365

Not /vr/, but Ridge Racer 7 and the max tours in Ridge Racer (s) 2 on PSP have better AI that you actually race against.
Also try the Juiced games and the Tokyo Xtreme Racer series.

>> No.9811397

Are these games best played on Windows? Or do you get more out of it if its upscaled on pcsx2?

>> No.9811583

Gran Turismo 1 NTSC-J, Need for Speed High Stakes.
GT2 is fine but gets boring sometimes and some of its cars are pure jank.

>> No.9811714

It isn't using the software renderer.

>> No.9811818

I dislike how GT2 dropped the ability to see a lineup of your opponent pre race. Especially in a game where they would throw absolute bullshit at you, like that GT40 at Rome, or the Vector at Trial Mountain.

>> No.9811990

These two. Also play with NegCon controls, standard Dualshock is meh.

>> No.9812139

you can disable texture filtering in dgvoodoo2 i think
yeah, stock snes and megadrive simply couldn't do this effectively
you can, see a sample if you choose to spectate. i feel like it's proto b-spec.

>> No.9812247

Toca2 and CMR2.0

>> No.9812261

TOCA games are kinda shite tho. Fine on the technical level, but late 90s british touring car series is the most boring motorsports with the most boring cars.

>> No.9812571
File: 228 KB, 256x368, Al_Unser_Jr.'s_Turbo_Racing_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BEEPING sound that will NOT stop as long as another car is right behind you
>Turbo gauge only goes down when you use the turbo; but if you're out ot turbo somehow this counts as fuel now and you have to pit stop or else you'll be out of fuel. When this happens the screen won't stop flashing red
>bump into a car even just a little more than a slight touch will send you spinning out; but nothing happens to the other car
>as a result adversary cars try to bump into you on purpose especially during turns
>1st position car will always obstruct your path no matter what, only way to pass it over is to bait it and use turbo
>when you're 1st position it doesn't matter if your car is fully upgraded and if you're using turbo 100% of the time, rubberband AI 2nd car will always be right on your tail, ready to send you spinning out at the slightest mistake, and don't forget you can hardly try to obstruct it since it will send you spinning out

What the fuck were they thinking, especially with the beeping that will not top and the flashing red screen.
Is there really no worthwhile behind-the-car or cockpit racing game on NES/Famicom outside of Rad Racer and Konami's Formula 1 Sensation (which is really good btw)?
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge was okay but barely just okay.

>> No.9812595
File: 6 KB, 640x480, nigel-mansell-world-championship-nt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Nigel Mansell F1 game. Even more than 16-bit versions.

>> No.9812642

I tried that game but it felt like I was driving on butter

>> No.9812856

You are incredibly wrong.

>> No.9812881

You didn't forget to put on soft tires did you, anon?

>> No.9812938
File: 1.35 MB, 640x352, XCOM_RNG.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open track motorsports in general are the most boring of any racing. Only Le Mans is still sort of exciting.

>> No.9813038

>but late 90s british touring car series is the most boring motorsports with the most boring cars.
That was the peak of touring car racing, you're talking out of your arse.

>Open track motorsports in general are the most boring of any racing
Curious why you think that.

>> No.9813116
File: 106 KB, 1083x521, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can disable texture filtering in dgvoodoo2 i think
Not using dgvoodo.

>> No.9813124
File: 54 KB, 500x500, toca2mainmenu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toca 2 had a main menu theme far too smooth for a game that was meant to be fairly srs bsns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dslT-Ejp-I

>> No.9813132

Oddly enough the same artist (E-Z Rollers) performed the theme for GTA 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZunyHdi_l8

>> No.9813169

Huh didn't know they did the toca 2 theme - I was aware of them doing the GTA2 tune. The toca 2 ost has that much more jazzy DnB sound rather than the more high energy techno of the first game. Reminds me of a rather forgotten game (for good reason imo) that has a thumping soundtrack - Total Drivin'.

>> No.9813186


The first two games I ever owned were Jumping Flash and Ridge Racer for the PS1. I was pretty bad at RR

>> No.9813193

Why does no one appreciate Rush 2?

Is it because it's N64-exclusive?

>> No.9813203

Statistically nobody played it that is why. The N64's sales where horrific and Rush was hardly a major console mover in of itself.

>> No.9813280
File: 104 KB, 900x600, c26715_mon_50-5380e9a4bc487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't have to worry about trees, bumpy terrain, mud, gravel, jumps, rocks, blind turns, spectators or even guardrails. Sliding across a massive field of grass/gravel pits and gently bumping into a pile of tires is like watching a baby playpen.
Rally racing is exciting. Street circuit racing like Monaco and Riviera are exciting. The Mulsanne Straight used to be exciting before they butchered it. Open track racing is not exciting. It's predictable and boring, even in games.

>> No.9813283

>That was the peak of touring car racing, you're talking out of your arse.
DTM and JGTC were the peak. Not your front-wheel bonger racing crap.

>> No.9813297
File: 77 KB, 900x600, VauxhallAstraCoupe-2001-Plato-champion[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sliding across a massive field of grass/gravel pits and gently bumping into a pile of tires is like watching a baby playpen.
I'm sure Roland Ratzenberger and Ayrton Senna will agree with you.

Was talking about the timeframe rather than the specific series. I completely lost interest when Super Touring got retired and the cars went from something your dad drives to this souped up looking shite.

>> No.9813317

>street circuits
Shut the fuck up Domenicali

>> No.9813319
File: 314 KB, 1280x720, 745675376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would actually. The first people think of when they think of Senna is his spectactular laps at Monaco - a street circuit. Why do you think so many F1 games feature that specific track, and sometimes even have it in the title?
>Oh man I can only wonder what's behind this next left turn on pic related, I can't even see 300 miles ahead of me
Not exciting.

>> No.9813329

>The first people think of when they think of Senna is his spectactular laps at Monaco
Do they fuck. It's either his death or the tangle he had with Prost in Japan two years in a row.

>Why do you think so many F1 games feature that specific track, and sometimes even have it in the title?
It's an iconic circuit. Nobody disagrees there. But it is a fucking procession, it's atrocious for racing.

>> No.9813335

Please cease distributing your retarded words to the internet.

>> No.9813364
File: 108 KB, 800x533, 1003140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's either his death
He straight up hit a concrete wall at Tamburello, which didn't have 50 miles of pic related.
>it's atrocious for racing
He literally put the "you can't overtake in Monaco" meme to death in '81. Mansell's duel with Prost was also crazy. Risking life and limb between a car and a guardrail with people immediately behind it was sick. Even when you can't overtake it can easily become a race of lap times.

>> No.9813414 [DELETED] 

Advice for beating F-Zero X on master difficulty? I just don't know where I'm going wrong with it.

>> No.9813417

get gud

>> No.9813421 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to.

>> No.9813426

well try harder bitch

>> No.9813443

I mean 84. Brainfart.

>> No.9813467

lel i bullied anon into deleting his post

>> No.9813586
File: 24 KB, 320x200, 18067-nascar-racing-dos-menu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, looks like I've been bitten by an oval bug. First oval track in Daytona USA, then oval track in Rage Racer, then oval track in Gran Turismo 1. And now I've downloaded picrel and play it with DOSBox and and xbox controller. Any tips? I am aware that the second game is considered superior but I would like to git gud in this one first. It's tough. Also, DOSBox configured right stick as a second joystick. Is it possible to configure triggers as a 2nd joystick up and down instead for analog acceleration and braking? I don't want RC car style controls.

>> No.9813591
File: 75 KB, 550x568, 5463265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any tips?
Turn left
Don't intimidate walls

>> No.9813641


If its like ICR2, there should be an alt "pro" setup, which is way better than the shitty default.

>> No.9813648

>N64's sales where horrific
You want a console war don't you

>> No.9813650

>alt "pro" setup
>shitty default
What's the difference?

>> No.9813678

Facts are not stirring up trouble unless one is the type to get triggered by them as they do not mesh with their perception of reality and refuse to acknowledge this discrepancy. If it makes you feel any better the same applies to the original need for speed release - nobody owned a 3DO and the only reason it didn't fall into obscurity is it was ported to DOS and PS1 (lmao saturn).

I've always wanted a saturn though as it looks real cool.

>> No.9813694
File: 342 KB, 1601x933, one down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up yours, faggot.

>> No.9814138

>PS2 is better for that imo
I guess I can check out some games. Although I have to rely on playing USB OPL compatible games because my old HDD shorted out from being transferred too often and my PS2 no longer detects the network adapter port.

Does GT1 have different content? or is it just better polished? I don't think I was aware of Need for Speed on PS1 so I'm gonna check that out asap.

I've played this game several times and really wanna get the hang of it. What's the progression like?

>> No.9814146

based well done i am faggot

>> No.9814156

>HDD shorted out
I'm not taking mine out ever again.
Go for TXR:D2 if it's compatible, huge time sink and fun physics.

>> No.9814393

>I'm not taking mine out ever again.
I had a shitty plastic molex cable that came with the IDE adapter I was using that wore out. I should have got a new or better quality one sooner than when it finally fell apart. Basically it's my fault.

>> No.9814826
File: 114 KB, 452x640, 23817062288_6e516dd9cd_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GT1 has a coherent Japanese tuner/track day theme as opposed to "let's have every car that we are able to get a license for" of GT2, and the driving model is on a more fun, arcade side. You may look at it like this: GT1 is a better GAME and GT2 is a better Gran Turismo.
Need for Speed High Stakes on PS1 is like one of the top racing games on PS1. Much better than lackluster PC port.

>> No.9814839
File: 160 KB, 1280x901, 1653672770163091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that there's a GT2 mods out there

>> No.9815005

They even managed to add completely new cars in

>> No.9815813

european intro is amazing

>> No.9816004

Joystick remap is ctrl+f1 in DOSBox. Found it myself, you fuckers are useless.

>> No.9816116

If only DOSBox had extensive, easily accessible documentation. Oh what a wonderful world we would live in if that was so.

>> No.9816628
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>> No.9817224
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>> No.9817271

Aesthetically, I've always preferred the R32 to the later GT-Rs.

>> No.9818369
File: 778 KB, 664x446, r33.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's the 33.

>> No.9818381

I put way 2 much time into that game years ago. WAY 2 much time. Still never got all the wanderers but damn near almost. was missing 3 of them. miss the fug outta that game and kinda wanna go play thru it again

>> No.9818412
File: 90 KB, 672x448, 95_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's R33 LM

>> No.9818730
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>> No.9819389
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>> No.9819921
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>1050 PS
Is TXR Zero better than 3?

>> No.9819976

so why would you randomly knock pc porsche which is an unrelated game?

>> No.9820003

It's shit

>> No.9820006
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>> No.9820440

The cars feel lighter and more squirrely at high speeds so it really feels like 1050 HP

>> No.9820694
File: 32 KB, 264x376, Formula_One_Built_to_Win_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Formula 1 Built to Win (NES)
>game starts Outrun driving style
>with traffic on the way to avoid

Okay cool

>end game, switches to Formula 1 races
>random traffic is still there
>it's even more adamant in crashing into you

What the fuck, I keep losing because of this traffic. On a Formula 1 circuit. And it pisses me off that it's even there to begin with.
I also played Taito Grand Prix on Famicom, the game this game is heavily based on, and the last 3 tracks filtered me (actually I don't know if it's the last tracks or if there is F1 afterwards as well, I can't find much info on this game or even a full youtube video due to how long it is)

>> No.9820737

>Taito Grand Prix
Never heard of this game, checked a YT video out of curiosity, and holy shit
>unusual roadside detail for the genre, brutally mogs all SNES Top Gear games

>> No.9820750

For 1987 it's quite a amazing, there are TONS of tracks, tons of content, you earn prize money and buy upgrades and even new cars. But the road effects aren't very good, the turns are especially shitty. Top Gear has much better road effect and driving as a whole.
Also the other main issue with the game is that grinding is required to buy upgrades.

And I don't know if I suck or if these games are hard or both, but they keep filtering me. Ninja Gaiden? Castlevania? Street Fighter 2010? Pff, those are nothing. Taito Grand Prix, Formula 1 Built to Win, or even just Final Lap; now those are difficult NES games.

>> No.9820779

These games make it almost impossible to become good at unless you memorize the track. The corners often appear very quick with very little time to react, unlike 3d racing games where you see the corners from far away and the challenge comes from car handling instead.

>> No.9820790

That; plus the car handles differently depending on the type of turns, or its length. But, in games that weren't well made like Taito Grand Prix and Formula 1 Built To Win, it's often impossible to tell the different type of turns apart, sometimes a turn will do nothing to you car, then the next turn that looks exactly the same makes the car behave differently.

I can live with the adversary cars trying to block you parth, but in the late game the goddamn traffic doing everything it can to crash into you on top of that is way too much; when a single mistake is all it takes to lose. Not to mention the adversary cars just go THROUGH the traffic like it's not there. I was enjoying this game up until the F1 segment at the end but now this is too much

>> No.9820870

What do you think about Lotus games? I think they handle very good. Try Lotus 3 with DOSBox.

>> No.9820901
File: 122 KB, 1000x667, 476934403710-1000x667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It pains me so much that there are no good retro racing games about glory days of 70s and 80s racing: Group 5, Group 6, Group C, Can Am, etc. These cars only appear in modern sims.

>> No.9821279

You have a really bad case of retro anon.

>> No.9823064
File: 965 KB, 1690x1922, IMG20230410123319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had forgotten how meh the PS2 version of carbon really is.

>> No.9823281
File: 445 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 022 (August 1997) Page 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9823282
File: 445 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 022 (August 1997) Page 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9823285
File: 487 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 022 (August 1997) Page 049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9823287

Rally cross is a bitch to play as the camera is so low.

>> No.9823306

There's an interesting talk about the physics for this

>> No.9823413

I've been messing around with TXR0, TXR3, and (not VR) Street Supremacy. It's disappointing that only TXR0 lets you go faster than 230 mph, even if TXR3 is more polished and has a bigger variety of cars (if you don't care about Hondas).

>> No.9823414
File: 555 KB, 1327x1768, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 024 (October 1997) Page 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9823415
File: 437 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 024 (October 1997) Page 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9823416
File: 303 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 024 (October 1997) Page 148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9823419
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>> No.9823421
File: 568 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 025 (November 1997) Page 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9823424

Was there any appreciable difference between the teams in this game? All I remember is that each team had different progress, so swapping between teams was inefficient.

>> No.9823638
File: 2 KB, 256x240, Taito Grand Prix (Japan) [T-En by MrRichard999 v0.92b] [n]-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went back to Taito Grand Prix (Famicom) and managed to beat it and get the bitch. Reason why I was struggling so much is that I wasn't using the right vehicule parts.

The thing is there is very little info about this game online, not even a longplay, and strategywiki is giving wrong info. It says you go slower when using the Automatic transmission upgrade except you actually go 20km/h faster with it. That and there are two types of end game turbos of the same price, one being better than the other.
So I was going at 400 km/h rather than 440, which is why it was impossible.

So I managed to finish the Outrun style courses (minus 1, the hardest one, which you don't have to beat) and then the end game F1 challenge was really easy in comparison. And funnily enough the F1 only goes up to 395 km/h.

Now, I am really not sure if I want to subject myself to finishing Formlua One - Built to Win as well (the copy cat of this game on NES) since the other cars during the F1 races are so scummy in that one

>> No.9823640
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Taito Grand Prix (Japan) [T-En by MrRichard999 v0.92b] [n]-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so tl;dr for a 1987 Famicom game this was really fucking good and the amount of content this game has is astonishing

>> No.9823678
File: 675 KB, 3840x2160, Powerslide_2021.06.12-16.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now, I am really not sure if I want to subject myself to finishing Formlua One - Built to Win as well
We don't accept chumps here - only champions.

>> No.9824123
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Formula One - Built to Win (USA)_012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We don't accept chumps here - only champions.

Okay well, it's DONE. Don't care if the 2nd has as many points as I do it still counts as far as the game is concerned; I didn't even win a single point in the last 3 courses but got lucky.

Fuck this game, and specifically, fuck the ending F1 races in this game. At first this game seems like a better version of Taito Grand Prix (which it's obviously ripping off) but in the end it's just a worse version, the turns and driving feel are pretty bad in comparison and the AI is scummy as hell in the end game

>> No.9824232

I played the shit out of Rally Cross 2 as kid but playing it again recently is almost impossible. It's like you're driving on ice with the possibility of flipping over while the ai is on rails.

>> No.9824248

Go on....

>> No.9824253

>1 hour presentation about the physics engine of an obscure PSX rally game
What the hell

>> No.9824331
File: 364 KB, 528x528, 1675131407710154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone help me?, I've lost like 6 hours on this already
I'm trying to setup colin mcrae rally (1998)
I almost have it, now I just need to bind the gas and brake to the x360'x right and left triggers, currently it's mapped to the left stick y axis
surely there is a way to switch axes?, through steam maybe?

>> No.9824341

Try xinput plus

>> No.9824342

I would wager it is because the game only accepts DInput and the move to XInput changed how triggers are read. What I would look into is using some mapping software that can output DInput. My software of choice (because it isn't global and thus can be tuned per game) is XInput plus. https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/2265-xinput-plus-v415290/

>> No.9824348

>it's just a worse version
Good to know. I've wanted to try one of these so Taito game it is.

>> No.9824376

damn, I owe you an eye contact blowjob
let me check some things and I'll upload it somewhere, I don't want someone else suffering through this again

>> No.9824398

I got it working on my windows 7 but I don't have it installed. I think I just used the face buttons like true /vr/ gamer.

>> No.9824618

This game has such a memorable soundtrack for me

>> No.9824641
File: 369 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 021 (July 1997) Page 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9824694
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someone test this

>> No.9825406
File: 497 KB, 638x480, 73f4f8f7-c179-4b44-8399-96ffacef4840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people playing porsche playing with these dlc cars that are rear wheel drive (and like 500hp)? im drifting the night away

>> No.9825461

These 90s GT cars are very easy to drive in PU

>> No.9825471

One racing game I enjoyed the crap outta and never see mentioned EVER is Rallisport Challenge 2 on the OG xbox. holy shit that had some of the best tracks to race. the snow in the mountains and thru the cabin towns and the races up into the hills. it really had some amazing tracks and some fun cars to tear around with. But sadly the series was left for dead and no games have come out since and its not supported on current systems. If you ever get a chance to sit and put some serious time into it (10+ hrs to unlock shit) you'll find a great rally racing game with good damage physics and some damn good tracks. I miss the game alot. anyone else remember it or play it? I feel like I was one of the only people that did since its never mentioned anywhere.

>> No.9825509
File: 22 KB, 640x448, withacar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9825539

For what is a blatant marketing tech demo the game is breddy gud.

>> No.9825578
File: 405 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 021 (July 1997) Page 047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried that game a few years ago and I really enjoyed, it was really smooth.

>> No.9825585

Speedster is another forgotten game that is pretty good. The tracks are pretty well designed but I always found the vehicles to be a bit heavy on the handling. The bonus track is a bit of a wild ride compared to the regular ones.

>> No.9825628
File: 525 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 026 (December 1997) Page 048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9825636
File: 111 KB, 320x240, porsche-challenge-psx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't Porsche Challenge "The Sony racing game" before Gran Turismo? I kind of like it but the camera angles in this game feel weird.

>> No.9825657

desu the game being obscure doesn't detract from the implementation being interesting. This and the Chris Hecker articles mentioned at the beginning are great resources

>> No.9825690
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Based thread

I love retro racing games

but the fucking rubberbanding ruined some games for me

>> No.9825694

where's that NFSU webm when you need it

>> No.9825697
File: 145 KB, 1508x892, 1681416891815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipping Porsche?

>> No.9825721

Who the fuck even plays Porsche on PS1? Not a real NFS game.

>> No.9825841

you mean field of view is low.
same case as porsche challenge

>> No.9825978

>quiet sunday afternoon
>bust out the old NFS games to do some casual time trialling
>turn on some chill out tunes from my collection
>get comfy
If I get any more relaxed right now I might liquefy into my chair.

>> No.9826012


>> No.9826049

No, that was Ridge Racer.

>> No.9826063

Sony didn't make Ridge Racer

>> No.9826317
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Who did it better?
I like PC Porsche Unleashed the best but on PS1 I think that Porsche Challenge is more enjoyable than PU

>> No.9826343

Challenge plays better but has less than half the content of unleashed.

>> No.9826989
File: 515 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 026 (December 1997) Page 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only played moto racer 2 and world tour.

>> No.9826995
File: 710 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 027 (Christmas 1997) Page 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9826997
File: 495 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 027 (Christmas 1997) Page 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9827003
File: 525 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 027 (Christmas 1997) Page 043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9827007

Kenswick is the only good stage.

>> No.9827008
File: 440 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 027 (Christmas 1997) Page 038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9827014
File: 584 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 027 (Christmas 1997) Page 039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9827017

Felony 11-79 if my eyes to not deceive me. Played the shit out of the demo (still have it in fact). Never bought the game but emulated it years later and eh.

>> No.9827021


>> No.9827029
File: 446 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 021 (July 1997) Page 053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems psx got more games in 1996 and 1997 than in 1998, a bit odd in my humble opinion.

>> No.9827031
File: 62 KB, 767x360, keswick-from-latrigg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keswick. And yes it's bloody great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I2CJcDdXGc

>> No.9827035
File: 376 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 022 (August 1997) Page 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this a game a la Wipeout?

>> No.9827043
File: 441 KB, 1240x1754, Official UK Playstation Magazine Issue 026 (December 1997) Page 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9827053

>monster trucks
Basically a tech demo for destruction derby 2
>hard boiled
Tunnel B1 is better

>> No.9827116

I don't know what happened with Moto Racer 2 because MR1 was super smooth and ran almost at 60 fps while MR2 framerate fell under 30 quite often. But at least it had quite amusing punk rock music. Basically the devs couldn't afford to hire a professional composer at the time so one dude from the team asked his garage band to do it.

>> No.9827149
File: 120 KB, 807x800, 4679465-destruction-derby-2-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the hardest racing game in your opinion? For me it's Destruction Derby 2. I am quite good at Daytona, Rage Racer and Gran Turismo but this game kicks my ass. Like one fucking tiny mistake and that's it. No chances to get into top 3 again.

>> No.9827234

How can I git gud btw?

>> No.9827235

Are you doing wreckin' racing or stock car mode?

>> No.9827275

Stock car

>> No.9827294

Be light on the brakes, use the fast turn where possible. Turn less than you think you need - especially under braking. Always use the pro car and be not afraid to spin the a.i out.

>> No.9828247
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modern gaming made me forget you can flip your car

>> No.9829235


>> No.9829886
File: 8 KB, 226x258, 1661019669811939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just downloaded this and holy shit, is more twitchy than daytona on dreamcast

>> No.9830152

It's fine with NegCon controls. It's a must for PS1 racing games anyway.

>> No.9831101

>Diablo on ad
>Countach in the game

>> No.9831105 [DELETED] 


>> No.9831121
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Take me back.

>> No.9831549
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>play GT1
>i am kansei dorifto king
>earn enough money for a special race car
>buy picrel
>dat monstrous downforce
>"friendship ended with drift, now grip is my best friend"
>GT World Cup is piss easy now
>Grand Valley endurance is way less stressful
I with this game has more events. I enjoy it more than GT2.

>> No.9831679

How do I git gud at Colin McRae Rally?

>> No.9831931

Take finger off go button.
Put finger back on go button.

>> No.9832669

>Skip 2 and Porsche
Are you talking PS1 titles strictly? Because no way in hell does someone want to skip Porsche on PC. Skip 2 and 4 if we are talking PC.

>> No.9832706

>and 4
PC version of High Stakes is not a bad game, even if you strongly prefer the PSX version

>> No.9832904

that ads is impressive

>> No.9832910

Damn 2 week rule

>> No.9833139
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Much like this thread i'm racing into the sunset.