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File: 129 KB, 800x819, Crash_Bandicoot_PAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9788003 No.9788003 [Reply] [Original]

Going through these atm, 100%-ing this one was pretty tough for me. How are the others in that regard?

>> No.9788008

The difficulty in 2 isn't so much executing the stuff but finding the secrets and figuring out how they works.

100% in CB3 is easier but tons of fun, 105% or whatever the max was though was challenging (time trial on all levels)

>> No.9788021

Crash 1 is the only one that's super hard to 100% because some of those levels are fucking marathons.

2 and 3 are easier because they drop the no death requirement for the most part, but even when they still make you no death levels it's not for as long. 2 has a pair of levels that are ripe bastards to break every box in though. The time trials in 3 are a pretty good challenge, they only really get ball busting if you go for plats but you only need golds for completion.

>> No.9788073

Thanks anons, sounds interesting. I hear the Warped novelty gameplay levels are kind of a pain too though

>> No.9788103

Why did Crash 1 have 6 boss battles but 2 & 3 only 5?

>> No.9788112

Never really noticed this, does it matter in a significant way? Anyway, the first game has a weird structure in general, the way you can save midway through a stage in the Tawna bonus levels, or how a boss battle may be placed kind of at random in the middle of an island

>> No.9788187

Yeah there's far too many crap airplane / bike levels

Good game overall though

>> No.9788282

1 is the best one, it's also the big filter. I assume that's the reason normies always say 2 is the best one, after getting btfo'd in 1.

>> No.9788294

i think the whole thing was them just trying to make a 3D platformer that didnt suck. no one had really done that yet, so they were kinda freeballin it
some crazy voodoo and overwriting half the PSX BIOs later and they had a game
good one too
tough though

then i guess they realized "oh yea were making this shit for small children" and so they made the next two games way easier in all aspects

>> No.9788314

Because 1 didn't really have any set pacing or formula figured out. Aren't Brio and Cortex like one level apart?

>> No.9788329
File: 302 KB, 640x462, SunsetVista1996_webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 has this unique dark aesthetic that sets it apart from the the sequels which just go for a more cartoony, slapstick look. 2 and 3 feel better to control and are much less frustrating, but the environments are not nearly as captivating.

>> No.9788339

2 + 3 were the games i could beat when i was younger, but 1 was the one that i kept going back to for whatever reason

>> No.9788343

also idk i like all the OSTs but imo 1 had the most DEVO feel to it
and DEVO is based

>> No.9788362

It's strange, CTR 100% is exhausting at times - especially when going for platinums but I don't think back to the difficulty as frustrating, I think that one is incredibly satisfying to 100%.

the only annoying thing in 3 is the two secret levels are dumb<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9788363

I honestly kinda hate Warped solely because the motorcycle levels are so fucking aids
it's like they intentionally designed it to have absolutely horrible controls and if you make one mistake you're fucked and have to restart the whole level

>> No.9788371

The bike levels are fun. Only the airplane sucks.

>> No.9788383

frankly id rather just have the hog/bear autoscrollers from the old games back rather than the vehicle levels
i guess they thought theyd switch it up after making 2 games with almost the same level designs
just kinda half-baked

>> No.9788386

also lets not forget the WORST gimmick levels: the jetpack levels in 2

>> No.9788391

Crash 2 is really easy to 100%
I'm absolutely terrible at vidya, I'm talking like "couldn't beat a single robot master in Mega Man X" levels of bad. And yet even I've managed to do Crash 2 100% multiple times, takes me around 3 hours for a single run.

>> No.9788398

those levels wouldn't be half as bad as they are if the controls weren't retarded. Even as a baby in 1998 I didn't understand why jumping didn't make you go up and crouching didn't make you go down, instead of the retarded scheme they set up.

>> No.9788401

theres a lot less backtracking thats for sure
nvm the not having to 1cc each level with all boxes to get gems. that got pretty vicious on the later levels of 1

>> No.9788405

Complete opposite for me, fucking HATED the bike levels in Warped.

>> No.9788407

I never liked Crash 1's backtracking. It felt like you had to go out of your way for a lot of the boxes and to get half way through the stage and sometimes the end in some cases and just have the game be like
>lol, you need a colored gem to get the last few boxes
Just felt like a big kick in the teeth. I love pretty well every other aspect of the game though.

>> No.9788409

yea its like i said in regards to the vehicle levels
half baked
it just feels like some director poked his head in and said "BRO!!!! but wat if jetpack?", then left, leaving the codemonkeys to figure out how or why to do such a thing

>> No.9788538 [DELETED] 

I made a custom wallpaper based on the original launch poster ad from '96 if anyone is interested: >>7977647

1st game is hard to 100% because of the death penalty vis-à-vis getting the box gems. 2nd game removes this feature & is easier to 100%. 3rd game is as hard to 100% as the 1st due to getting the time relics, especially on the gimmicky special stages like the flying ones.

It was the first game in the series & the devs had no former bosses to reuse.

Both the visuals & the music had a dark ambiance to it. It was sort of haunting & memorable.

With the bazooka, the motorcycle, the airplanes, and all that stuff, I think they were trying too hard to make Crash cool & deviated too far from the formula that made the series great to begin with. There were too many gimmicky special stages in 3 & they weren't fun like they were in the previous two games. I'd take jetpacking through the Cortex space ship over the airplane levels any day of the week.

>> No.9788540
File: 2.12 MB, 2347x1320, Crash Bandicoot [2347x1320].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a custom wallpaper based on the original launch poster ad from '96 if anyone is interested.

>>9788003 (OP)
1st game is hard to 100% because of the death penalty vis-à-vis getting the box gems. 2nd game removes this feature & is easier to 100%. 3rd game is as hard to 100% as the 1st due to getting the time relics, especially on the gimmicky special stages like the flying ones.

It was the first game in the series & the devs had no former bosses to reuse.

Both the visuals & the music had a dark ambiance to it. It was sort of haunting & memorable.

With the bazooka, the motorcycle, the airplanes, and all that stuff, I think they were trying too hard to make Crash cool & deviated too far from the formula that made the series great to begin with. There were too many gimmicky special stages in 3 & they weren't fun like they were in the previous two games. I'd take jetpacking through the Cortex space ship over the airplane levels any day of the week.

>> No.9788551

I think the plane race level in 3 was actually pretty fun, the plane levels should have been races instead of the terrible dogfights

>> No.9788646

I always hated time trials more than the crash 1 gems. although painful, I liked the tension of it and it felt a lot more rewarding than just running through the level, smashing some arbitrarily chosen boxes, and then dying over and over on the same pit because the game keeps eating one your inputs when using the crash dash. just mind numbing repetition with little pay off.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9788667

I don't like the time trials largely because it turns each level into a speedrun & kills the replayability of the game by inducing an over-familiarity - you end up mastering each level with its repetitive & tedious trial & error process. If they had restricted the time relics to just a few special stages that are optimized for time trials, it may have been alright.

>> No.9788670
File: 37 KB, 250x156, Biplane_Crash_webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure why the airplane levels get so much hate in 3. getting a platinum on mad bombers is pretty fucked, but they seemed fine otherwise. I even really liked rings of power.

Fore me the worst vehicle was the jetski (motorcycle is a close second), just because of how annoying it is track down the all of the boxes in those levels, especially the last two.

>> No.9788687

True. The Hot Coco time trial managed to be even more aggravating than the flying levels & is probably the biggest reason I don't want to 100% that game ever again.

>> No.9789016

>Why did Crash 1 have 6 boss battles but 2 & 3 only 5?
>It was the first game in the series & the devs had no former bosses to reuse.

Sorry, my reply was based off of a misreading of the post. The reason is probably because:

a.) The bosses of 2 & 3 follow the 5 warp room format while 1 did not.

b.) The devs probably had a little more creative energy & ambition the first time around. They wanted to go all out & make their mark. I think there was more level variety in the first game too. If I remember correctly, much of the second game is said to have been developed for the first game but was shelved. Crash 2 was said to be effectively a second volume of the first game - like Crash 1 & 2 are two volumes of the same book.

>> No.9789192

Plane > Animal riding > Motorcycle > Jet-Ski > Jetpack

>> No.9789468

All the Crash games are good, but 1 just feels the most soulful and endearing.

>> No.9789586

Crash 2 and 3 are much more lenient when it comes to getting gems thanks to allowing you to die during a stage and still getting it/them.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9789602

I like how you can see the Cortex Castle in the background in a wide variety in the levels.

>> No.9789649

i remember seeing this game playing on a pc in a homewares shop pre-2000. at the time i was amazed, but only just realised it was probably bleem!

>> No.9790368

Hot Coco's time trial is busted on NTSC-U and uses the time requirement from the level it's hidden it, which is like 5x more time than you need to get even a platinum.

I pity anyone in the regions where that bug is fixed because doing it in NST made me want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.9791274

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that hated the introduction of time trials in Crash 3, and sadly to me every single Crash after that had them once again... even 1 and 2 in the N. Sane Trilogy.

>> No.9791380

>even 1 and 2 in the N. Sane Trilogy.
Just one more reason why people should stick with the originals.

>> No.9791445

For CalTech retards they did a decent job remaking them. The trilogy is no where near as bad as something like Twin Snakes, New N' Tasty or Tomb Raider Anniversary.

>> No.9791458

Agreed. It could've been a lot worse. And if it introduced Crash to a younger audience then I'm glad they remade them. But if someone with patrician taste asks me what's the best way to get into Crash, I'm laying the truth on them.

>> No.9791461

>but imo 1 had the most DEVO feel to it
>and DEVO is based
Mark Mothersbaugh helped with the music in the Naughty Dog Crash games. Keyword is "helped".
Unfortunately, Josh Mancell often gets little credit in the public eye for his compositions in these games because he's not in a big name band like Mark is.

>> No.9791557

Papu Papu barely counts as a boss.

>> No.9791783

The time trials in 1 are actually pretty fun because there's no run button and it just comes down to playing the game well as is.

I get they were too afraid to balance the time trials around slides but the run really just ruins the time trials by trivializing them with a mechanic irrelevant to 99% of the rest of the game.

>> No.9791805
File: 243 KB, 1024x691, whoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going through 2 and the running-toward-the-screen levels are kicking my ass, I feel the reaction time for the landmines specially is way too short to pull off 100%s without general memorization

>> No.9791824

1 is harder than the others

>> No.9791910

That fucking High Road level, and one of those temple levels.. so much screaming back in '97

>> No.9791919

Replaying it recently I was surprised it wasn't as difficult as I remembered. I think the single-direction layout puts you on a mental groove that makes things easier.

>> No.9792320

The boulder level(s?) in 1 were definitely easier. I think it's because in 2 they used a narrower focal length for the "camera" that stretches the visible space in front of you way too much. In contrast, the animal riding levels are easier imo.

>> No.9792469

So is the new crash good?

>> No.9792482

Yes. Tawna's redesign is pandering slop, and the game has probably the worst 100% requirements I've seen in a game, but if you're playing just to beat it it's pretty good.

>> No.9793241
File: 88 KB, 800x450, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this >>9792482
It has the basic ingredients of a good crash game, but they badly fucked up with the 100%. It's so disappointing that I ended up having more fun with TWoC and Twinsanity's 100% replays.

The level design is good, mechanics are decent, and platforming feels great when just trying to finish a level, so it's even more baffling how they botched it. Here's a small list of what's wrong:

1. Remember that stupid "lel you missed a single box meme"? It happens a few times in 1-3, while in 4 they intentionally do it in EVERY level. They put boxes off-screen which you can only find by using the right stick to slightly tilt the camera at every new frame you reach. The addition of this tiny gimmick alone makes completion 10x more tedious.

2. Crash 1 no death + all boxes requirement is back, but now the levels are much longer. They might as well have brought back its busted save system too.

3. You have to 100% every level in inverted mode as well. You know those gimmicky filters that games have as unlockables? The ones that you flip on a for a second just to see what it is and never turn on again? You have to now play the entire game with them. Exactly one of them is kind of neat and the rest are downright nauseating to look at for more than 5 seconds.

4. Developer times now have their own relic. This one isn't a requirement for 100%, but just another thing that bothered me. Platinums are basically the gold relics of this game now, since they ARE required for max percent.

5. For some reason the game doesn't tell you which levels contain color gems. Accidentally spoiled myself the location when watching another playthrough being under the impression that I had fully completed the level. Sounds minor, but it's another log in the shit pile.

6. And the bonuses really suck. Each one is essentially the bonus from Stormy Ascent.

slog of a game

>> No.9793445

Is it just me or do people always say cr4sh is good and then proceed to describe at length how it's a horrible game made by idiots

>> No.9793507

>How are the others in that regard?
Checkpoints save your crate count so it's more toelrable, but 2 still manages to throw some diabolical levels to 100%. 3 is full of out of touch/place crap.

>> No.9793602

Crash 2 is kino, I had it in one of those black demo discs back in the day, and immediately went to find the full game. Jesus man when did I get 32 years old, it’s so fucking sad.

>> No.9793737

that's the thing about it. it's sort of both. there's a very stark difference in the enjoyment between just finishing it and fully completing it. for the people that don't want to bother with 100%, it's not bad at all.

>> No.9793785

What do people think of the N sane trilogy?

I absolutely love it. Haven't gone back to the originals in a while. 100% crash 1 isn't a pain anymore since you can now die in sunset vista

>> No.9793813

I mostly liked it with a few complaints
>Crash 1
better controls, replayable bonus rounds!
but it lost its original dark aesthetic in a misguided attempt to unify the style between all three games. music was badly handled in more than a few places too.
>Crash 2
something just felt off with how the graphics looked in some of these levels. the warp room looked worse, lighting was badly off. otherwise controlled well. time trials were a bitch though, especially because they put in the crash dash for god knows what reason. i would say this one was the worst conversion.
>Crash 3
levels looked better here than in 2, but the vehicle levels are worse than ever, especially the bike. just flat out broken really. the plane levels control better, but it's a small consolation. water looks terrible in the jetski levels and controls are also worse there too.

the worst thing for me was that they put time trials in 1 and 2 when the games were never designed for them. people make the argument that it increases replayability, but for me it's the complete opposite. after getting all the platinum relics, i just never want to back to it at all, whereas the original ill feel like replaying after enough time.

>> No.9793814

Don't you still have to no death Sunset Vista? they kept that requirement on levels that give color gems.

>> No.9793818

sunset vista is a clear gem, so no.
easy to gem now.

>> No.9793820

and you can replay the cortex bonus to top it off

>> No.9793823

Maybe the other big temple level then? I remember at least one of those big motherfucker levels still had to be done without dying and I loved it as much as I hated it.

>> No.9793828

yeah, that one you still do. it's easier than vista, but only slightly.

>> No.9793934

Absolutely based

>> No.9793965
File: 952 KB, 500x288, ded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another thing 1 had was this really sharp, raw look. like I remember the bats looking strikingly real the first time I played Temple Ruins. also when you die from an enemy in 1 you don't become an angel. the screen goes black and the camera zooms in on your corpse. rather disturbing for kids.

>> No.9794307

>1 isn't a pain anymore since you can now die in sunset vista
Sunset Vista is less of an issue than those road to nowhere and lights out levels.

>> No.9794331
File: 349 KB, 636x424, Crash PS1 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash 1 filtered the casuals but the first two games were equally great & enduring classics imo, and I can recommend them with the same air of confidence I could recommend the first two games of Spyro, DKC, & Sonic. Warped was a mixed bag however.

Everything from the dark cartoonish visuals to the haunting ambient music score to the difficulty level of the game made for a jarring experience. But its a really nice & memorable game if you didn't get filtered by it.

>> No.9794352

so is 2 the best PS1 crash game? I've never played any of them

>> No.9794360

I'd say it's tied with 1 but 2 is more beginner-friendly & perhaps the best starting point for newcomers (if you're playing the originals on the PS1).

>> No.9794362

You have to be a turboautist to 100% crash games for sure

Unlike for example Spyro game which are easy to 100% even without guides

>> No.9794567

1 is a better platformer, 2 is overall a better action game, 3 is just nonsense.

>> No.9794586

is the most "good" one

>> No.9794604

This is what bad players tell themselves

>> No.9794653
File: 339 KB, 1920x960, crash bandicoot series on psx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 and 3 are really easy. 1 it takes time to get used to it.

>> No.9794963

>Exactly one of them is kind of neat and the rest are downright nauseating to look at for more than 5 seconds.
which one are you referring to? I didn't mess with any of that stuff

>> No.9795005
File: 548 KB, 673x934, 06_Ze_Artiste_-_Crash_png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one where the level doesn't have any color at first and spinning makes crash splash paint over it to restore the original color. there's even a nice artist skin to go with the idea. the level where you first use it is also just well-designed in general.

here's what the rest are like

>> No.9795014
File: 152 KB, 536x488, 1662220578128528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9795072

100% crash 2 on the n sane trilogy last night in one sitting. First time I've ever done such a thing. Death abuse for gems is the best feeling

>> No.9795181
File: 246 KB, 638x359, eb7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never bring myself to do death abuses in most games for some autistic reason. Brain just goes
>Nope, don't do it! Dying is wrong. Don't even do it if it saves 10 minutes. Just play the level again from the start like you're supposed to. You like the level anyway.
Only exception is for miss-able boxes.

>> No.9795419

I thoroughly enjoyed 1 and 3 but I think they really ruin 2.

Like 3 is more or less a perfectly good straight remake that doesn't fuck with anything, and the DLC level is really fun. When I played it it really felt like the real motherfucker level that was always missing from 3, like its own version of Sunset Vista or Cold Hard Crash (to be clear I'm saying this as a good thing)

1 tones down the difficulty to reasonable levels but still preserves a little of the original challenge by keeping the death requirement on color gems. Since 1 has some more precision platforming going on it's really where you'll notice the slight physics and collision changes which I don't think is really a big deal but you'll definitely miss one or two jumps in a level like the High Road that you would have made with the proper physics.
I personally really liked the addition of time trials in 1 and I think they do a good job at adding extra challenge. Since there's no extra abilities you can just do them whenever you want which is nice, instead of having to save them all for the end of the game if you want good times. If you're not an achievement whore they're totally optional which is good.

2 was where they hide all the suck though. Aesthetically it's really unpolished and a lot of the levels and areas just kind of look like shit and there's a lot of lighting problems. They basically redid the warp rooms to make them worse. Gameplay wise I think they tried to maintain that slide jump trick from the originals but they did a shitty job at it and made it even easier to do and more broken, like if you wanted to you can just fucking fly over damn near every obstacle in the game with it and it just comes across sloppy. Unlike 1, 2's implementation of the time trials is garbage because they add in the dash for beating Cortex so you basically can't do the time trials in 2 until you have a mechanic lifted from 3 making them feel pointless.

>> No.9795490

Eh, outside of really specific speedrun autism the only time it's useful to death abuse is to just get all the gems in one go in certain levels like the nobox gem or those timer gems.

The purple gem death route is definitely a cheat but that death route is a motherfucker if you actually bother trying to do it. Like every time I replay 2 I say to myself "this time I'm NOT going to skip the purple gem route" but I bitch out every time lol.