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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 136 KB, 1450x815, 1292269klonoa-phantasy-reverie-series-20220730000620jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9786653 No.9786653 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking. Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series was a success right?
and we all want them to release more Klonoa games, right?
And we also want you to resume and finish the comic Klonoa: Dream Traveler of Noctis Sol, right?
So what if Namco makes a game that takes the plot of the comic and ends it?
like seriously! I really want Namco to give an official conclusion to that comic. it was going too well where it was going. I don't understand why they could never finish it.
can't we get together and collect signatures to ask namco to make a game of Klonoa: Dream Traveler of Noctis Sol or at least finish the comic?

>> No.9786659
File: 654 KB, 900x737, 5b2d59485c050ae2dda9ddc41cc57717302587489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to see more of this. is it too much to ask?
(I know that some fans made an unofficial continuation, but I really want to know what the original author had planned for the work).

>> No.9786694


>> No.9787049

Next post will be an anon saying he wants to fuck Klonoa, mark my words.

>> No.9787082

Klonoa is a horribly overrated franchise. The gameplay is a shittier Kirby and the game only has charm to hold it up, something that wears thin.

Klonoa deserved to die.

>> No.9787147
File: 4 KB, 76x78, tfw straight and hate furries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to fuck Klonoa

>> No.9787224

>thought about pirating this game
>felt about it
>did not do it
do NOT pirate SOUL-ASS releases like the Klonoa remaster

>> No.9787231

felt bad about it*

>> No.9787239

I'd say it's being properly appreciated. It's still a relatively niche and cultish title overall. A lot of people know about it for sure it but I don't really see anyone constantly rave about it like many other franchises out there.

>> No.9787282

The GBA games had better gameplay

>> No.9787289

>compare kirby to klonoa
Kirby is a game focused on platforms, Klonoa is focused on solving puzzles. Your argument is like saying that Zelda is a shitty Dragon Quest.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9787378

I played through Klonoa Heroes with the fan translation recently. I like the story and the gameplay was fun, but the experience curve and stat system dragged it down as you're behind on having just enough strength to defeat enemies, even when defeating every enemy you come across.
There's a lot of "keep smacking an enemy to slowly recharge special meter until you can kill them with a special".

>> No.9787991

I am currently playing it. What you mention I have also noticed and I also find it annoying. but I don't think it's that bad either. The only thing that really bothers the game is that they haven't placed a map. Like seriously, what would it have taken them to put it up? many times you get lost or enter through a door believing that it is the goal without knowing that it is actually where you entered.
Other than that, I love the game. I love his music, his story and his characters.

>> No.9789075
File: 527 KB, 847x1200, KlonoaWebcomic0-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9789624

The remaster is ass though

>> No.9789951


>> No.9790286

On /vr/ these threads never turn sexy.


You fucking faggot.

>> No.9790290

It's a "remaster". If you need more elaboration than that then you're the cancer killing my hobby.

>> No.9790383
File: 288 KB, 400x500, 1679061046163912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon wtf? I wanted to know if the game was bad for being bad, not if a remaster is bad for being a remaster.

>> No.9790448

Having played both Kirby and Klonoa, it is not like Kirby outside of both having the ability to 'grab' and shoot enemies.
Even tonewise, Klonoa tends to trend more towards being bittersweet.

>> No.9790680
File: 157 KB, 1152x648, klonoa-comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dear Anon, a remaster or a remake is supposed to improve upon the original, but there's nothing here being improved.
facial expressions, lighting and Atmosphere are all wrong.
it looks like a cheap mobile game made with Unity assets by a bunch of pajeets, which is true actually

>> No.9790743
File: 22 KB, 844x632, 1406398932272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking SHIT those SHOES are INTENSELY RED

>> No.9790763

Left image would look like the one on the right if played on a CRT since it boosts the brightness and colors. They just compensated.

>> No.9790775
File: 58 KB, 610x509, 1430206072115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they just compensated
no. they ported the game. this is just what happens. there shouldn't be any expectation that you are going to experience the product at the time of it's release. the next guy is going to bring up filters, then emulators, then using hardware, then looping back to the CRT. the fact of the matter is that the game was designed with relevant hardware of it's time and remastering or remaking the product always produces an imitation of the original vision. if you missed out then cool you can play the remaster. i dont buy this shit twice anymore even for conveniences sake.

>> No.9790816

remakes never improve anything, don't ever encourage them to be made

>> No.9790842
File: 62 KB, 640x853, 1617768472564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a remaster or a remake is supposed to improve upon the original

Really now? 'cause I can't think of any example where that's the case

>> No.9790874

I just read the two volumes of the Shippuu Tengoku Kaze no Klonoa manga. it was pretty funny! the artist knew how to make funny faces and know how to take advantage of the original style. the characters are simple in personality but it is because it is a comedy manga. It left me quite satisfied, even at the end Lolo confesses to Klonoa that she loves him. How he wishes they did more Klonoa stuff.
Like seriously, why did they have to cancel the Klonoa movie?!!!!!!

>> No.9791393
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>> No.9791419

does klonoa have a kloaca?

>> No.9791425

Don't know. Do you have one?

>> No.9791621
File: 95 KB, 798x420, __pac_man_and_klonoa_kaze_no_klonoa_drawn_by_malahaya__c419396f13efaf981b52f76e78c1c7db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.9791624

Nintendie not trying to attack a non-Nintendo franchise, Impossible!

>> No.9791670

The doors indicate if they're an entrance or exit with the direction of the arrow.
Pointing south means it was your entrance into the map, point north means its the exit.

>> No.9791686

A Klonoa 3 would be nice but I'm guessing Phantasy Reverie didn't sell enough for them to think about it.

>> No.9791692

Well, that and the original creator no longer works at Bamco. Even then, the game plots have a slight dose of drama and I don't know what kind of plot a third game would have.

>> No.9791696
File: 3 KB, 224x144, kaze-no-klonoa-moonlight-museum-j-m008[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more spin-off titles than there are mainline entries.

Nearly nobody's played Moonlight Museum. The music is pretty barebones, I don't know if that's just WonderSwan in general though.
It's charming for a little while but it wears thin with the slow pace of the game.

>> No.9791726
File: 223 KB, 850x1050, sample_4c54a5e9a44f71f06c05fd3c1964b8d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's one of my favourite characters in the series but what about Popka? he didn't do jackshit except scream the entire game.
why was he even in Klonoa's ring? wtf was his purpose?

>> No.9791737
File: 447 KB, 800x900, k792749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, even the Wii remake looks much better.
I don't know why everyone was shilling it.
it's always the same, Bamco does the bare minimum
>why did our series fail again?
series goes into obscurity and the cycle continues

>> No.9791742
File: 299 KB, 790x1000, F791c60d9bdde6d62f06af30271e5275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did Klonoa mean by this?

>> No.9791743
File: 71 KB, 640x853, this-has-got-to-be-a-crime-v0-atwiv3tdama91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9791754

This track is too good.

>> No.9792136

I just realized this yesterday. Thank you for mentioning it. the game can be so confusing sometimes. there are doors that need a key to open, so you find a key and open a door and find another door. then you go back and no longer remember where you came from or where you have been. a map would be enough to solve so many headaches.

>> No.9792142

Klonoa heroes doesn't follow the plot of the first two games but is more like an alternate universe, and it works very well!
I'm amazed at the amount of fanart I've found from the game. One would think that the game is not well remembered by fans in Japan, but it is quite the opposite!
if only the game had come out in the west....

>> No.9792145
File: 272 KB, 850x1202, __pac_man_klonoa_lolo_huepow_guntz_and_3_more_kaze_no_klonoa_drawn_by_ku_hako__sample-694bb34c121e6d0dac679ede450c4168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.9792167
File: 42 KB, 256x260, Klonoa_Beach_Volleyball_(game_box_art).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand how a klonoa game for psx comes out after a game for ps2 and one for gba came out. It's like Nintendo released more Mario games for the DS after releasing a couple of games for the 3DS.

>> No.9792182

I played it when it got an English translation and honestly I thought it was pretty bland. Also the sound is kinda bad.

>> No.9792235

Well two of those words have to be stepping wing?

>> No.9792309
File: 186 KB, 1200x927, d8ab562-25e96799-3db4-4b12-afb6-f08512c88c8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they just let the series stay dead instead of rereleasing shittier "remasters" every decade, Bamco doesn't care and Klonoa 3 will never happen.

>> No.9793371

Tomb Raider Anniversary > Tomb Raider

If you disagree you suck cock.

>> No.9793494
File: 1.21 MB, 1959x1816, __pac_man_klonoa_huepow_lolo_popka_and_1_more_kaze_no_klonoa_drawn_by_edoya_inuhachi__49c4ee9633b4302e6ec7baedc68a1dcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series was a success right?
Sounds unlikely.

>> No.9793497

The original PS2 version looks like a cheap dreamcast game though.

>> No.9794173

Only the gameplay, the puzzles and levels are now retard proof and there's that bit of "Lara kills a human boo hoo" drama.

>> No.9794275
File: 63 KB, 640x480, klonoa2_3-191543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you say, it was an early ps2 game, and I think that visuals still hold up today

>> No.9794342

Klonoa's model still looks great, the rest of the game looks cheap.

>> No.9794356

That certainly isn't the first thing that comes to mind when Phantomile OST gets mentioned.

>> No.9794372

Tomb Raider and Anniversary seem like completely different games outside of generally similar story beats.
It's hard to compare them.
And I liked the original a lot more anyway.

>> No.9794820

RE4 remake just came out and basically rendered the original obsolete

PS: if you're an autistic nostalgiafat (which is the only reason to disagree) you lose automatically and don't need to reply

>> No.9794923
File: 37 KB, 162x427, 1551054198039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>klonoa gba (US) came out on the same day as 9/11
>klonoa remake came out on the same day as Abe's assassination
I am convinced that some sort of nuclear apocalypse will occur if they release the next game

>> No.9794960

bought k2 back in the day and loved it. played the first and get to 6-2 and get filtered. dude...i could definitely go back and back but i dont know if i want to. i'd rather reply 2 over and over for max comfiness. k1 was comfy until 6-1 then 6-2 is even worse.

>> No.9795485


>> No.9795635

how so? what improvement did it do?

>> No.9795858
File: 391 KB, 600x600, __pac_man_klonoa_lolo_huepow_guntz_and_4_more_kaze_no_klonoa_drawn_by_kuri_neko__ce190ec0b34a439fc85edc877ed14a68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Klonoa have as many games as Sonic? why doesn't namco give a shit for one of his best franchises?

>> No.9795994

>Why can't Klonoa have as many games as Sonic?
Because it doesn't sell.

>> No.9796058

I dont understand wtf is so hard about the artists for remasters just using the same colors/shades as the original. Like at what point do they look at the original textures and think "hmmm no this needs to be completely different"? Why dont they understand color theory? So frustrating. Same thing happened with Spyro remakes.

>> No.9796412

Linda Cube Again/Kanzenban. Uncharted Waters' 5th gen remakes. All the recent Natsume remakes although Pocky and Rocky isn't really a straight up remake but it's still fantastic. Nier Replicant

>> No.9796468
File: 2.07 MB, 1270x1262, klonoa 2 - temple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying a remaster in hopes for a new game is a foolish way to think, they say its to gauge interest in the series, but the company itself has no interest in making a new game if they aren't even confident enough in the series to begin with. They lost all the original talents for these franchises, whatever hands they fall into wont even have 1/10th of the original creators vision or understanding what made such a dead & dormant franchise loved by people for 2 decades. It's so fucking apparent when you look at and compare the original games to the remasters it's in hands that don't understand it.

Secondly, no amount of sales will ever be enough to please gaming industry giants, standards are unrealistically high, it could be a miserable flop that tricked a few people into buying it, or an astounding success that makes a ton of money, but all the money will just be put towards their big budget flagship games. SquareEnix is a prime example of this, they snowball all profits made from their good shit into giant box-office bombs like Marvels Avengers & Forspoken.

>> No.9796472
File: 1.92 MB, 1279x1432, Klonoa 2 - Mysterious Characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9796474
File: 1.52 MB, 909x1332, klonoa 1 Shadows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took a Wii remake of the first game that was built from the ground up and somehow made it look worse on modern hardware, and that takes an incredible (lack of?) talent.

>> No.9796475
File: 2.42 MB, 1597x1762, Klonoa 1 Book Ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite possibly my favorite fuckup

>> No.9796478 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.11 MB, 1920x1872, Klonoa 1 Nahatomb Textures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They couldn't even hide the final boss models seams because they fucked up the shaders/textures that badly.

>> No.9796490

Japan isn't as technically advanced as people believe, the misconception they're futuristic comes from the small lens over Tokyo which is like comparing the entire united states to LA or New York.

Japanese gamers are a hard sell on new consoles, and they still enjoy the last gen hardware perfectly fine, and the install base for the previous gen is often larger than the new until at least the half way point of its lifepsan, if it isn't a failure. In America a console is basically considered dead and discontinued the moment its successor comes out and retailers try to liquidize all stock of it asap.

Realistic answer is that it's a beach volleyball game and it took considerably less money to develop since the franchise is doomed to poor sales and eventually was downgraded to generic flat GBA games, when the most stand-out thing about the franchise was the beautifully crafted 2.5D levels.

>> No.9796605

Stop covering him up!!

>> No.9796642

Some1 please post the "lonely birthday comic edit" with him

>> No.9796913
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>> No.9797031
File: 74 KB, 758x706, Fs8eS0iaYAAq4Je.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about Klonoa and King of Sorrow...

>> No.9797069

Thank you dear Anon - that was literally me 3 weeks ago

>> No.9797145

Anon I...

>> No.9797636 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 268x346, tumblr_pa3ay1kBtS1qepldno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JK - there wasn't even a cake, only a crate of cheap breezers

>> No.9798064

sad. because apparently the plan with the wii remake was that if it sold well they would release a new game. and the movie was proof that they did want to get more out of Klonoa. but in the end it all comes down to money.
"Personally, I'd like to make one, but I don't know how Bandai-Namco feels about that. When Bandai and Namco merged, the vice-president from Bandai at the time was a huge Klonoa fan, and he basically spearheaded the remake. We originally wanted to make an all-new Wii Klonoa, but our supervisor from the Bandai side thought that it would be too expensive. We ended up formulating a business plan: We'd “test the waters” with a remake of the first game, and if that did well, we'd port the second game, and then we'd move on to an all-new installment.If the remake sold well, we'd move ahead with development of the third game, and pump out the port in the meantime.
Unfortunately, the remake didn't sell well, so it all got scrapped."

>> No.9798132

How is the remake? I played through half of the original and never returned to it. Is the remaster good? Or should I dig out the PS3 and go back to the original?

>> No.9798178

What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.9798183

Play the originals, as you always should.

>> No.9798378

Bandai were always cheap motherfuckers when it came to gaming

>> No.9798408

I mean, if he wanted he could always start a kickstarter like the guys from Megaman, Castlevania and most recently, Suikoden, have done. At worst it could be MN9 2.0 or follow the fate of the games and only raise a fraction of its intended goal.

>> No.9798653

I think the problem is the license. I imagine that those of bandai namco will be very strict with it. The sons of bitches won't give a shit for Klonoa, but to believe that they are going to let others earn money with the character is a lie.

>> No.9798668

They should just make a cute Klonoa anime or something idk.

>> No.9798669

>Klonoa is focused on solving puzzles.
At what point do you solve a puzzle in Klonoa 1?
The closest thing that comes to mind is the airship stage with the crystals but even then you weren't solving anything.

>> No.9798795
File: 697 KB, 2893x4092, __lolo_kaze_no_klonoa_drawn_by_touyama_sairi__d5a588f2382a66d56d1593ca84c8da3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9798814
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>> No.9798825
File: 90 KB, 350x438, kos_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that someone *really* wanted him to look a little more like both Guntz and KoS and be more compatible with either

>> No.9798985

dats racis

>> No.9798987
File: 82 KB, 1000x650, BjMSZ2K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The gameplay is a shittier Kirby
No, you see, it's like Kirby but better, because it asks you to use the grab and throw mechanics in a timely fashion so you can move forward and rewards you for it, where in kirby it's just there.
Klonoa is similar to Kirby, but better.

>> No.9798998
File: 134 KB, 349x253, 9A55BCCD-CEC6-4A46-BA83-35807233A2D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek that song was one of the most memorable things about Klonoa 2. Funny to think back when I played it as a kid I thought this gibberish was actually Japanese.

>> No.9799036

That got spiked. There was one in development.

>> No.9799119

this is awesome.
every platformer needs to sing his own song in the game

>> No.9799125

just leave her alone man

>> No.9799143

that one pic where they share an onahole was my first fap to gay kemoshota

>> No.9799213
File: 275 KB, 460x420, The_reborn_baby_Sorrow_in_the_High_Priestess&#039;s_arms_as_seen_in_the_ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the ending.
Did the king of sorrow die at the end? if yes then how? he just disappeared.
what about the pic related, was that a flash back? or was he reincarnated?
I need Klonoa scholars asap

>> No.9799376

The majority of the pictures in the ending are after the game if I remember correctly, so yeah he likely reincarnated.
>then how
The preceding boss fight, like Joka and Ghadius and so on.

>> No.9799543
File: 1.48 MB, 2772x1492, 1677137380205167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The emotion of Sorrow was re-integrated into Lunatea. Therefore, the King of Sorrow had to be reincarnated to match the new-found emotion.

I guess this means that he'll be a Priest in La-Lakoosha as the new Claire.

>> No.9799617

I mean things like "you must activate this button and then this other one to open a door that lets you advance to the next level".
Kirby has some of this, but it's not the main focus. Kirby is more about fighting enemies as you progress through the levels.

>> No.9799627

>generic flat GBA games
Personally, I think that the GBA games are very well done, despite the limitations of the console. Klonoa heroes especially is quite SOUL even though a lot of people don't like the gameplay. It's hard for me to listen to this and not believe that it was a game created with love:

>> No.9799897
File: 372 KB, 600x800, 1657510677064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say Kirby and Klonoa are the same. The only similarities is that Kirby 64 and Klonoa are both visually 2.5D with cool set designs.

Kirby is about variety and choice of how you want to play, everything can be done as a powerless Kirby for extra difficulty, or you can just mog it all with whatever power you want.

Klonoa has nothing outside his base wind bullet, only sometimes, especially in 2, will enemies provide you some extra advantage when you use them as a jump or throw, and have special functionality for solving a puzzle where they endlessly spawn.

You do exactly what the game tells you with Klonoa, while Kirby leaves it to the players choice.

>> No.9799916
File: 820 KB, 2048x1536, 1657559490977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me it's just not Klonoa because I played the first 2. This is a top-down zelda clone. It's feels too much of a departure from the core of what made the franchise even stand out to me in the first place. It's obvious they wanted to make something more grandiose than GBA game, but the choice came down to "make a GBA game or make nothing."

>> No.9799943

i want to grab that thing by it's faggot ears and do the mk3 jax gotcha move

>> No.9800051

>"it's a Zelda clone"
>"it's a Kirby clone"
Why do people have to compare so much? it's like me saying, "Super Mario Bros. is just a clone of Montezuma's reverge" and implying that that's even an argument.

>> No.9800059

>Kirby leaves it to the players choice.
>In games like Kirby 64 or dream land 3 you have to have a specific ability to solve the puzzles that give you the key to be able to fight the final boss.
And i mean. Don't a lot of people complain that Kirby games are too easy?
I like Kirby, but I don't understand why you have to keep comparing Klonoa with Kirby.

>> No.9800108

Well, considering Namco, Klonoa Heroes would be more like a Legend of Valkyrie clone than a Legend of Zelda clone.

>> No.9800217

I want to do something else while grabbing his ears

>> No.9800253
File: 1.21 MB, 1690x1419, Ecz-lYDVcAAvZhl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do a little something with his ears.

>> No.9800431

So anybody else read "Castle of Dreams Endless Game"? (i.e. that one story written by the creator a while back)?
I went through it with DeepL. Was an interesting read, if not what I was expecting (it leans heavily into the "Klonoa is an avatar for the player" aspect).

>> No.9800460


I want to hang you both from a noose made from Klonoa's ears.

>> No.9800467

It has to be zoomers who don't know there were hundreds of platformers.

>> No.9800479

I love the concept art of Klonoa as an ancient robot thing before it was decided on the current direction. And how it started as a Spriggan game.

>> No.9800740
File: 519 KB, 1177x1500, 155 sin título_20230401215757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not know anything about this. thanks for introducing me to it!

>> No.9801117

Best post in the thread

>> No.9801559
File: 431 KB, 827x1169, __klonoa_and_lolo_kaze_no_klonoa_drawn_by_izuo__bc8acf03efd052bbb5854c73db4068e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white knights

>> No.9802172
File: 186 KB, 1000x750, 433427c889889b451e2dca43a1b5b547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the end of the second game Klonoa left her.
so it's up to ne now to protect her

>> No.9803935


>> No.9803939

ok Anon she is waiting for you in your dreams. turn off the computer and find her.

>> No.9804067

I just finished the Klonoa 2 Dream Champ tournament for the second time. The first time I had it was when I was a kid, and I really didn't remember it being that satisfying.

>> No.9805764


>> No.9805880

Pretty sure it was "We want the Sonic audience".

>> No.9806020

does Sonic even sell well after the Dreamcast games?

>> No.9807293

He sell enough to hace his own movie.
Poor klonoa.....

>> No.9807641

A Klonoa movie wouldn't even need to spend half the movie as an origin story like the Sonic movie.
Just call him the Dream Traveler - he travels into dreams to save them, from nightmares.
And then after that blurb, off to adventure.

>> No.9808235

Klonoa Heroes is the only game were Klonoa receives a genuine happy end after all the shit he has to go through.

>> No.9808475
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Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament also has a pretty happy ending.

>> No.9810364


>> No.9810427

I liked the first two games a lot and was surprised how much the endings affected me. The bittersweet ending of the second game felt really beautiful.

Then in the opening of a GBA game I tried he just meets up with the friends again and they’re just sort of happy about it like it’s no big deal, I felt it cheapened the ending of 2 so much I got mad and didnt like the game from the start. I played only the first two levels before giving up on the game since it felt bland without the 2.5D gameplay and beautiful environments of the other games.

I still like the first two a lot, but that experience soured me on playing more of the series.

>> No.9810658

have you read the comic? >>9789075

>> No.9810674

I have not.

>> No.9810721

what timeline does the comic take place in? is it like a sequel to the the second game?
because hewpow being in it is bullshit

>> No.9810745

Try the wonderswan game it takes place and was made between 1 and 2

>> No.9811276

the comic is a sequel to the first two games, and has a good justification for Klonoa to meet the others. In addition, the way in which the reunion with Lolo occurs is quite beautiful.
Notice that the comic is incomplete. the author never finished it.
Thewonderswan game is a prequel of the first game. I doubt Anon will like it if she didn't just gba games.

>> No.9811280

here you can read it. It is short since the author could not continue it because they closed the page where it was uploaded:

>> No.9812159

I heard the ending of Klonoa 1 in the recent remake was made even more sad. Can anons say if so?

>> No.9812205


Phantasy Reverie is a very strange hybrid of the original voice audio (not even audio remastered) intermixed with the Wiimake Phantomile dub, with the Wiimake's cutscenes as a foundation for the camera angles, but more PS1-accurate model characters on the same wireframes as the Wiimake.

So you feel the flatness of the Wiimake cutscenes meshed with different and arguably better models than the Wiimake, with a mix of bitcrunched audio of the PS1 original with the completely redone Wiimake audio for cutscenes.

The part that makes it feel more sad, from what I can feel, is that instead of the PS1 audio for the ending, they used the Wiimake's screams when Klonoa gets sucked in and Huepow tries to stop him. Klonoa and Huepow's VAs were on point for those screams in the Wiimake, and it was an excellent choice to use them in Phantasy Reverie.

>> No.9812225

I believe part of it is also that the PS1 ending had Huepow smile bittersweetly after Klonoa left, which was apparently not in the storyboards. The Wii version removes the smile and the Phantasy Reverie version follows suit.

>> No.9812239

Yeah I noticed they removed Huepow smiling at the end, which is definitely better.

>> No.9813394
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>mfw only finding out about the Popka Jump AFTER I nearly went insane trying to cheese one of the last collectibles in Lunatea's Veil

>> No.9814918

Why? It shows that Huepow are at peace and has that "Thank you..for everything." smile.

>> No.9815328

I remember reading somewhere (forgot where) that the Wiimake and Phantasy Reverie's Huepow not smiling and just staring out into the distance was more in line with what the game's director originally wanted in Door to Phantomile. The director just didn't show it in his original storyboards, and he finally got a chance to correct that detail with the later Wii remake, and that later got carried over into Phantasy Reverie.

The tearful smile is good, but I think fulfilling the wishes of the director and letting them tell the story exactly as they want it to be told is also very important in a game like this.

>> No.9815392

>However, there is only one part of the ending that I regret. It is the scene where Huepow smiles up at the sky after Klonoa disappears into the void. In my storyboard, there was no smiling scene. When I asked Yoshimizu-kun about it, he said that he wanted a little bit of relief because the ending was so sad.
>After the release of the game, I received a lot of letters with things like “I was very impressed” but as time passed fans began to spread jokes about Huepow being “black-hearted”. “Heh heh, all according to plan.” or something like that. When I heard of these jokes, I certainly saw that too.
>I regretted that the smile there should have been more of a contorted face, trying to force a smile, but it didn’t work because he couldn’t stop crying. I regretted that I should have made the smile more like that. To be continued.
And while I'm at it,
Apparently it was a localization attempt.

>> No.9815452

>Apparently it was a localization attempt.
I remember participating in that survey because someone made a thread on 4chan about it to get other anons to fill out the survey against the change.
So I marked that i liked the non Sonic redesign more. The survey also had an open text box for comments, and I put in there "Where is his Pac-Man hat? Where is his big ears for hovering? This isn't Klonoa at all."
And they actually listened to fan input. Which I am really happy for.

>> No.9816619
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so what was grandpa's deal?
did huepow create him?
did he create an entire replica of Klonoa's species?
(this also raises the question if Klonoa's species is even real, or maybe Klonoa is the last of his species)
and spent years with him, all just to convince him to save phantomile?
what an asshole
the ending doesn't make any sense

>> No.9816632

are you referring to the easter egg where popka appears at the title screen instead of Klonoa if you hold L1 or R1 ?
if that's the case then what does the collectibles have to do with it

>> No.9816646

It really was all fake. If I remember all this right it was inspired by Blade Runner and Klonoa's name comes frome Clone and we are dreaming ourselves as Klonoa which is why our names show up at the end on the journal. (But so does the ring so maybe it was all real? in an ambiguous childhood wonder way noy schizo way.) and the sequel was us coping with the sorrow of how 1 ended in another dream.

>> No.9817292

Popka Jump is the Player 2 option to give Klonoa an extra double jump for doing an extra boost for a triple jump.
Player 2 presses start at any time to follow Klonoa as Popka, and presses square to give him a boost. Obviously, this is a blessing for some tricky jumps to get out of pits at the last second, for collecting hard to reach Momett Doll parts.
Or Player 2 can be a dick and spam square every few seconds to fuck with Player 1's movement and jumps until Player 1 beats Player 2 with their own controller out of frustration.

>> No.9818639
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I actually beat 2 last night, after having nostalgia for it from when I first played as a youngin.
Back then, I didn't get farther than Volk, but after that, the game opens up a ton, so I'm glad I pushed through recently, because the rest of the game really captivated me (despite recycling quite a few levels). Especially loved the feel and BGM of Kingdom of Sorrow.
What's the better way to play 1? Wii or the remaster? I read the thread, and it sounds like there are pros and cons for both. I guess I could emulate the original too (right?).

>> No.9818647

I just learned the guy who created this thing also made the original Ninja Gaiden games.

>> No.9818721

psone sold like 28 million in Europe, Latin America, middle-east and Asia. So they keep releasing games in early 2000s

>> No.9818729

>What's the better way to play 1? Wii or the remaster? I read the thread, and it sounds like there are pros and cons for both. I guess I could emulate the original too (right?).
Play the original, then try the others to see the pros and cons of the Wii and remaster for yourself. As one pro/con for one of the editions might not even be a pro/con for you. Finding the right one that suits you the most is key.

>> No.9818751

I take a look at this character and I think, yup this was designed to appeal to autistic faggots

>> No.9818754

And you can tell by the vertical platforming that is prevalent in Klonoa 1 and 2.

>> No.9818854

>Play the original
As in Emulate? Because there's no way I'm paying $300 for a copy of the actual original lol

>> No.9818870

Yeah, emulate it.

It's unfortunate that you can't get it on PSOne Classics in the PSN anymore, though. It was a convenient way to get my technologically inept family to play it on the PS3 over a decade ago.

>> No.9819032

Gonna try out those. I absolutely love the original NG games.

>> No.9819067
File: 914 KB, 502x480, Crying Lolo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha, yeah I wish that were still an option too.

>> No.9820152

>Hitoshi Ariga
mite b cool

>> No.9820157

>TFW that one serevely obsessed dude who made gay porn of you getting raped is still doing it almost 18 years later

>> No.9820204

If you mean syourinbonzu, he moved on to drawing female Pokemon, and only occasionally does he do a repost of his gay Klonoa art.
I guess money and hope ran out after all these years, even for someone like him.