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9786569 No.9786569 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your honest opinion of Halo: Combat Evolved

>> No.9786572

Did it truly cause combat to evolve?

>> No.9786574

I have negative associations with it since my dad got drunk a lot and played it for hours on end when my parents were getting a divorce. I'd hear him scream at the game all hours of the night and sometimes wake me up to beat a certain section.

>> No.9786593

It's really boring.

>> No.9786607

10/10 game of the year for all eternity all other opinions are wrong /thread pack it up boys

>> No.9786624

It felt like Goldeneye: Aliens Edition

>> No.9786635

It's so much fun in local multiplayer that it sits on the same shelf in my brain as games like Bomberman or Smash Bros.

>I'd hear him scream at the game all hours of the night and sometimes wake me up to beat a certain section.
That's something else.

>> No.9786718
File: 110 KB, 2245x2709, Halo 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V
Also pic related.

>> No.9786724

eh kills aliens and dosen't afraid

>> No.9786728

Doesn't make any sense.

>> No.9786731

Rule change killed /vr/.

>> No.9786737

Not a bad game but kind of bland you fight the whole campaign with the same 10 enemies or so. Was pretty cool for its time. Some weapons are gimped<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9786738

It was a great game at the time. Not much offered a similar experience on consoles. I think much of the hate is undeserved and mainly related to how it became associated with xbox live in later installments. It was also the best co-op experience of its gen.

>> No.9786749

The only good Halo game (until the most recent one)

>> No.9786758
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I miss the time when /v/Irgins took the time to set a custom server to play Custom edition. Halo is now Gaylo

>> No.9786817

Pretty fun game but the most I liked about it was the atmosphere, most levels are memorable because of the very comfy atmosphere.

Yes some levels suck like Library and Keyes, but the game was and still is truly special.

>> No.9786837

A decent shooter but wouldn't have had remotely the impact it did without Microsoft's marketing behind it

>> No.9786851

Decent game with splitscreen campaign = pretty great.

>> No.9786859
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x720, halo - silent cartographer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it, it was comfy.
Probably the best Alien vs Predator game ever, the catch is that you don't know it is one until halfway into the game. Which is pretty neat.
Also, incredibly good AI for the time. The hard modes are challenging not because you die in 1 hit but because the AI shoots you as often as they can.

>> No.9786889

>Probably the best Alien vs Predator game ever
Oh, shit. Oh my god.

>> No.9786913

I played all games couple years ago via MCC. Its fine, 2nd is better though<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9786974

>2nd is better though
why, I found it a disjointed mess of a game desu senpai

>> No.9786991

Why are you replying to an AI?

>> No.9786992

>preferring halo 2
think the model needs to be trained again

>> No.9787000

Most people online prefer the second so it makes sense it would parrot that opinion. I don't get it though, I felt Halo 2 was a letdown compared to the first, although I never played it online

>> No.9787008

Master Chief is so fucking slow and the reason all FPS games got fucking slow, that being said he could still be fun.

>> No.9787034

Better pacing, more developed lore.

>> No.9787162

My favorite single player campaign for an FPS game outside of the Doom games.

>> No.9787171

Worst assault rifle in the history of video games. The only good guns really are the shotgun, magnum, sniper rifle and rocket launcher. All the alien guns are trash, except the plasma pistol, and the plasma pistol is only good because it takes out elites shields.

>> No.9787173

>Worst assault rifle in the history of video games.
It really wasn't. The thing was powerful with great stopping power. You just had to use it more like a close range SMG.

>> No.9787183

yeah, consider the following:
- a multi-mandable alien who speaks in worts, wants to have 1v1 melee fights with the enemy, can turn invisible, or use plasma guns
- a parasite which propagates by putting its babies inside host organisms, when fully grown it takes on the properties of the host, and secretes a resin which is used to build its own lairs. It multiplies so fast that it can take out entire colonies in a matter of days.
- the human battle group is the space command (colonial) marines
- you have a radar that shows the movement around you
- you have a (pulse) rifle which physically shows the remaining ammo on the gun
- you use futuristic military dropships (Pelican vs Cheyenne)

so yeah, Halo CE is basically an Alien vs Predator game.

>> No.9787187

Right, so worst assault rifle in video games.

>> No.9787191

I didn't play it at the time. I tried the singleplayer last year and found it boring. Still haven't tried multiplayer, though, but the singleplayer didn't make me want to try it.

The enemies look like weird, shiny, saturday morning cartoon monsters, with fisher price rescue rangers proportions, so that takes away from the "epicness" of the thing, I think.

I'm a huge fan of ian m banks culture series and larry nieven's ringworld, so I think I'm primed to like the halo environment, but everything else is a miss for my tastes. Such is life.

>> No.9787194

Nah its awesome (and great)

>> No.9787205

the attack rifle is not bad, but only in short range and in bursts, otherwise it doesn't do damage.

for the alien weapons, the plasma grenade can 1-hit-kill anything if you manage to stick them. The needler is perhaps the most fun weapon, it can take out groups of enemies if you manage to put half a mag in one enemy. they explode like a pink plasma grenade, and then whatever grenades the mooks drop will also explode. since it fires homing shots, this is very easy to do, just pop out of cover, pump out a mag in the enemies direction, then go back into cover and listen to the chain of explosions and death screams.

I'd say the problem with the plasma rifle (and the assault rifle too) isn't that they suck, it's just that every other weapon is overpowered. The pistol is a mini sniper gun, the plasma pistol can 1 hit shields, the needler is a homing grenade launcher, the shotgun does not have decreased damage over distance so it can snipe the flying drones even if they are on the other side of the room, etc.

>> No.9787207

>You just had to use it more like a close range
becomes kinda redundant then once you got the shotgun

>> No.9787208

You usually don't, you can learn the use for the AR.

>> No.9787214

The shotgun has more range than the assault rifle.

>> No.9787234

You only get the shotgun in the halfway point of the game.

>> No.9787259

Literally a bad ripoff of goldeneye’s airport level from years earlier. Game is lauded and never controversial on how good it is. Meanwhile Halo came out a few months before hand, blows this completely out of the water in every way, and it’s non stop, “was this game good,”or “waaaay overrated, lol, Console vs pc wars continue to rage.

>> No.9787306

The AR is the most important weapon in Halo's sandbox because of the double melee. It has the fastest melee animation. The Shotgun has one of the slowest melee animations, meaning double melee is no better than just hitting B twice like normal on the AR.

>> No.9787336
File: 3.91 MB, 716x480, fat ass rifle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few people are ready to admit how much this sucks, but man that sucks

>> No.9787368

Best sci-fi shooter in that period, better than Metroid Prime by miles in terms of how interesting the world and sci-fi lore is.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9787392

No it didn't? It has almost nothing in common with Goldeneye/Perfect Dark. Those games are like spy simulations. I also like them more ;3<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9787397

The graphics were incredible, first game with Normal Maps and it looked way better than PC games for years.

>> No.9787953

iirc it only used bump mapping, but very extensively, it was halo 2 that went full retard with normal maps making everything look like a lump of potato.

>> No.9788039

Take out your guns, its time to cum, blow me away!

>> No.9788137

The AR is an incredible gun to use against the Flood. It also will absolutely shred an Elite even on legendary difficulty assuming you spray and don't let up. This meme of the Halo CE AR being bad is ridiculous. Its a shit meme propped up by the multiplayer faggots is the problem and because that one dev way overpowered the pistol for shits and giggles.

>> No.9788148

this. On the one hand it's a fantastic game but on the other hand it aged like milk and is boring as hell.

>> No.9788152

>This meme of the Halo CE AR being bad is ridiculous.

I already said it, it's not the AR being bad, it's every other gun being super overpowered.

using it vs the flood is about the most useful it gets, but even there the shotgun does a better job.

>> No.9788168

It's a comfort game for me. I enjoy its aesthetics and visual storytelling. I also play with the self-imposed rule of always having the Magnum as my secondary weapon (aside from the Truth and Reconciliation which has no Magnums) and I only use UNSC weapons, going off the book adaptation's commentary that Master Chief prefers them to Covenant weaponry.

The only things I don't particularly like in the game are the three random "rescue the marines" portion of Halo, the runup to the second pulse generator in Two Betrayals and the Engine Room section of The Maw, aside from that I'm always up for some single player in Halo CE.

Never really gave a damn about multiplayer.

>> No.9788292

way too many flat copy paste environments or rehashed missions.
production values are frankly underwhelming
voice talent is poor
disobedient and useless friendly ai
soundtrack is tied to the campaign gameplay
physics are too floaty
vehicles shouldn't be invincible
story is all over the place
the missions are astoundingly brief
multiplayer was not that impressive
gameplay was simply boring
mp maps are too small
scores were too high
sales were poor
very janky

>> No.9788626

A lot of people said that when 2 released. Like the AI I did recently play them all on MCC. I found CE plays very differently from every game in the rest of the series in both single and multi player.
I like 2 more myself, I started with that one for the online which we played a lot of, but I still like 2's campaign more as well. I'm not sure, seems like the battles feel a bit more like battles? CE is not bad by any measure, the campaign has a few levels that repeat and repeat, I found myself just running past a lot of it.

>> No.9788632

No mate, it's terrible, you're just a casual retard. It doesn't shoot in a straight line beyond point blank range = garbage for a RIFLE

>> No.9788743

>voice talent is poor
Compared to what, exactly? 2001!

>> No.9788920

I liked it at the time.

>> No.9789185

Microsoft made them add that. They fought against every good creative idea bungie had and were behind every bad decision. It's no wonder Halo went to shit after Reach.

>> No.9789327

Unironically ruined halo for me now.

>> No.9789334

PC multiplayer and the custom edition mods are some of the fondest memories of my childhood.
The single player was just OK. I'm replaying it now because I can't be assed to replay the other halos. I also liked halo 2.

>> No.9789557

I believe that the 90s and 2000s were a cultural wasteland for America and that Halo: CE is one of the few high points.

I appreciate your joke post anon.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9789572

>I believe that the 90s and 2000s were a cultural wasteland for America and that Halo: CE is one of the few high points.
Now that I think about it I can't think of many video games that were particularly impressive that came out of America during that period. I guess Marrowind but it was still a broken experience and the bioware games, but beyond that not much.

>> No.9789615

It was amazing eventually learning how many great "western" games are actually European. America is doubly cursed by its retarded Jewish slave culture with no taste, and the fact their video games industry emerged from STEM rather than hobbyist and artist fields.

This can be seen even in the best American games, that they tend to lean on technical inspiration. Early on Halo had a lot of genuine vision behind it due to all the /lit/ guys who happened to stray into Bungie, it's quite good as science fiction. But even then you can feel how the game was built around this meticulous construction of virtual space and interactivity. Almost like a Valve game. All of America's best achievements in games are mostly riding on some kind of STEM-autist's desire to create a better working virtual space, then they just put "a game" in it. Several of my favourite American games are actually licensed tie-ins (Star Wars), which helps because the American nerds are then spared from their own godawful taste. If you don't see the connection to simulation, remember that Pandemic, who made Battlefront 2, literally made combat simulators for the American Army.

>> No.9789621

Im a zoomer who was born after CE released but I grew up on Halo 3, thankfully the gamepass has allowed me to experience 1 & 2 in the last year or so and i'm really invested in Halo as a franchise, moreso than ever.

CE might be one of the best games ever made, even just the atmosphere alone is nailed by Bungie, extremely balanced and love the magnum! A time before everything in the Halo universe was explained, making the mysterious background and architecture of the forerunners more creepy and fascinating

>> No.9789626

Should say, can be very repetitive. Especially Assault on the Control Room & Library

>> No.9789627

never really got the overall apply, came off as the wow of fps games. very cartoony to the point of immersion breaking. i played the mcc version and the gameplay was refreshing but that's about it.

>> No.9789629

thinking about the campaign in this shit game makes me want to slit my wrists. developers legit deserve capital punishment for the level design alone. quite possibly the worst fps level design of all time. shit overrated game for casual fucking plebs.

>> No.9789638

I think iD's Doom was pitched as a military simulator early on as well. Before setting it on Mars and Hell or being set in the Alien universe.

>> No.9789648

>Now that I think about it I can't think of many video games that were particularly impressive that came out of America during that period.
How about almost entire fucking FPS genre, AND most of the classic RPGs (plus Diablo), AND biggest RTS franchises?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9789658

>How about almost entire fucking FPS genre
Not something to brag about
>AND most of the classic RPGs
No. American RPGs are overrated for the most part
>AND biggest RTS franchises?
Biggest doesn't mean best. But I suppose if you played primarily on pc, which most people didn't, you could add a few games to that list. Although the Japanese were barely making any games at all for pc at the time so the main competition was basically some small European nations, not much to brag about.

>> No.9789667

>How about almost entire fucking FPS genre
Goldeneye and perfect dark were European, so America basically had doom, a reskin of doom, then nothing of note until Halo

>> No.9789701

>Genre that defined the era doesn't count
>No. American RPGs are overrated for the most part
Really? Really my dude? Name the ones that surpassed the games by Origin, Bethesda, Westwood, Black Isle and Troika. Hard mode: not made in Canada.
Classic RPGs, not JRPGs. There is a reason J is in the name because it is a separate genre that nobody else seems to bother with (which is not an indication of lack of quality, it is just a different genre).
>Biggest doesn't mean best.
I'll bite. What are the RTS games surpassing the stuff by Westwood, Blizzard and Ensemble? Cavedog was canadian, so doesn't really count. Ok, Britain has Z. Britain also has Impressions games but it requires stretching the genre borders to include city builders, Germans have some titles in that field too, but that also means that Maxis is in the contention.
>But I suppose if you played primarily on pc, which most people didn't, you could add a few games to that list. Although the Japanese were barely making any games at all for pc at the time so the main competition was basically some small European nations, not much to brag about.
Your original post was "i can't think of many video games that were particularly impressive that came out of America during that period", not "i can't think of many video games that were particularly impressive that came out of America during that period that were not on my favorite platform in my favorite genres". Also games being impressive is not about culture war, games can be impressive without being best.
>Unreal, Half-Life, Undying, Dark Forces 2+ were Doom reskins
Whatever helps you sleep at night pal.

>> No.9789707

>If you exclude Canada
Why would you exclude Canada? Canada isn't the USA.

As for the rest, like I said you can add a few titles when including pc, not that many though. And since not many people played pc they were mostly pretty niche. America was lucky that the Japanese didn't care about the platform and Europeans didn't have the same amount of resources or they would have been dominated on it too.

>> No.9789716

FPS and RTS are pretty much perfect examples of what I'm talking about. The appeal in both is constructing some kind of fun, tech-pushing virtual space with interactive systems, then just kind of putting something in it for the sake of it.

I don't deny the achievements here. Id did some pretty amazing stuff. I'm also very impressed by the Build Engine. But the impressiveness is all in the computer stuff. Nobody really lastingly remembers these things for how they were put to use. DOOM and Quake are very stock as far as everything beyond under the hood ingenuity goes. I've always found what we might call "pure FPS" to be shockingly boring for this reason. The Japanese are right not to bother making them. King's Field is more fun than Goldeneye.

>classic RPGs
Remember what I said about 90s to 2000s America being a cultural wasteland? CRPGs and American genre fiction in general are a big part of what comes to my mind when I say that.

I like a lot of these but believe they suffered and ultimately died because of this same American phenomena I'm describing. They were made largely around novel tech innovations by STEM retards who had no idea what the potential human interest was in any of their work. RTS died because nobody could explain what games made like this are for, because they didn't emerge from coherent vision. They were a kind of weird historical accident.

And again, in all cases, very few were good. How many American games could I recommend to a multimedia connoisseur today from this era? I know young guys who like Halo CE. Easy sell. Beyond that I really don't know. I'm not going to tell anybody whose taste I respect to play Jak2.

>> No.9789717

>Why would you exclude Canada? Canada isn't the USA.
Because you mentioned America, not USA (and almost all of them were published by americans anyway).

>> No.9789720

>Because you mentioned America, not USA
Being overly pedantic doesn't make you seem intelligent. The USA is colloquially referred to as America pretty much everywhere on the planet that isn't south Americans butthurt about it being referred to as such.
>and almost all of them were published by americans anyway
So? That doesn't make them American. Square enix publishing European games didn't suddenly make them Japanese.

>> No.9789780

Overrated garbage that is loved by retards, and has done irreparable harm to the FPS genre.

>> No.9789782

>It's no wonder Halo went to shit after Reach.
Halo was always shit.

>> No.9789793

What were you *hoping* the "FPS genre" would be before Halo ruined it all? I know you didn't actually think anything and people only pretend that pure fps games are fun and interesting, but I'd like to see you try to make a case for lost potential.

>> No.9789810

>What were you *hoping* the "FPS genre" would be before Halo ruined it all?
That's the thing, we may never know. At least you admit that Halo ruined the genre.
>people only pretend that pure fps games are fun and interesting,
Speak for yourself.

>> No.9789853

I was asking what you were "hoping" for you idiot. I, because I am not pretending, can remember what I wanted video games to be in the future when I was first playing Halo. I thought that the big 3D space was awesome. The serious science fiction setting awesome. The violence was awesome. The vehicles were awesome. The characters and the way they moved independently and felt alive was awesome. Halo was more cool, serious, and alive than anything I'd played before. I thought future games would be like an entire planet full of guys who act like they're alive all driving around blowing each other up and stuff. Favourite parts of Halo was the open spaces where marines and covenant and you would all be fighting at once.

And you, I suppose, lament that we didn't get more utilitarian hallways to bounce through fragging each other with flakguns until the end of time. So you'd have something to pretend to be better than other people at anonymously online that you could tell yourself was a more plausible lie than saying you're good at sports.

That's what Halo took us away from. Meaningless tech demo void which certain fat retards turned into sport because they were just spiritual koreans pretending to be humans up to that point in their lives. And faggots like you have complained for so long online that games like that are in fact made again. And they're huge with warehouse-workers and transsexuals. Go join the Ultrakill community today. I'm sure you'll fit right in.

>> No.9789895

Good combat, bad level design.

>> No.9789903

that's basically my criticism of this g-d awful game. replace the gameplay part as the gameplay was so slow in big mp maps and that's it.

>> No.9789908

Anon you're replying to a shitpost mocking bad criticism. This is an obvious collection of personal preferences, general descriptions of elements of the game with no explanation of why they're bad, and obvious falsehoods. All written in lowercase to suggest a casual superiority and general disregard for the discussion up to this point, alongside out of place intellectual affectations.

If you read this and saw sharp and accurate criticism of anything it figures you would dislike Halo CE.

>> No.9789912
File: 186 KB, 600x443, 1660856848710048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level design fucking sucks in the tunnels and alien bases since everything looks the same. But, the more open areas are fun and the vehicles are great. 7/10

>> No.9789913
File: 97 KB, 540x960, 1659639841682261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring as hell.
Never understood what people mean when they go
>Bungie understood that it's all about 30 sec gameplay loop being interesting, that's what made Halo so great
because even if there was a 30 second loop in this game, half of it would be waiting for a fucking shield to charge. Yes, I know Bungie said that in an interview, I don't know what the fuck they meant by it. Seems like people just parrot that shit without understanding it. Is driving a car a part of this loop? Walking around doing fuck all? What?
Anyway, music is great, so are the visuals and the scope. AI is fantastic.
But playing it is just boring. I didn't like multiplayer either, but that's another story.

That being said
>Halo ruined fps games
retards should shut the fuck up and eat a bag of rotten dicks already, annoying as regenerating health and 2 weapon limit was/is, it's not as annoying as this stupid ass narrative.

>> No.9789971

Halo CE aged like milk. I used to play this game religiously and even did a bit of speedrunning on it but going back to it recently: the guns feel awful to shoot (except the Warthog minigun and the sniper), everything moves like molasses, the AI is pretty retarded and at higher difficulties they just upped the damage the enemy guns do into a retarded level. If you're not sitting in a Warthog you move at a snail's pace, so the game pretty much requires you to always be in a warthog and that's how I played it too back in the day. The atmosphere, the music and level design are still top notch and that's where the game shines a lot I think. Halo 2 is an improvement in a lot of ways despite the worse, more cramped level design and it being a rushed product.


>> No.9789976

Animals like you don't deserve media. You should live in a hut and spend your entire life picking cabbage. You played "religiously" and at no point felt the mind behind the work. Nothing means anything. Games are a more expensive alternative to sudoku. We can rate them by the "feel" of their modular and interchangeable elements and all games "age" as we get closer and closer to the perfect "feel" of a game which will have perfect traversal, perfect weapons sandbox, perfect enemy variety, perfect balance, perfect replayability, does that sound right?

I ought to kill you.

>> No.9789989

>blah blah blah
Sorry I can't hear you, what did you say? Either refute my points or fuck off.

>> No.9790004

Do you actually think you've said anything that matters? Speedrunners, people who pretend to like Quake, I hate video games so much. I am answering the actual point of what you said, which is that you got bored of Halo as a "game". An alternative to Sudoku. A puzzle you solve over and over again to occupy your mind and avoid ever having to actually think. If you can't read any humanity behind any work of media this is all you're doing. And this is why you belong in an Amazon warehouse moving boxes.

Now I'll actually answer your "points" like we're writing IGN reviews at each other. Because that's what gamers think critique means.

>the guns feel awful to shoot
So does your mother. You can do better than this. Some kind of attempt at describing tactility, visual design, animation, or soundwork could have given this some weight. I personally think all are handled quite well. There are gunfags who praise the design of the guns in Halo. I personally think they all are cool enough in concept and fun enough to use to cycle through them all to give them a run whenever I play.

>everything moves like molasses
Yes. All of the physics are deliberately tuned for effect. Not trannymaxxed visceral bunnyhopping SPEED you can pretend to be immersed in to youtube traversal montages. The way that an explosion launches a physical object in Halo is comparable to how Jackie Chan moves in and cuts his own moves in a fight scene. Unnaturally slowed for effect. Stuff flies through the air at a speed calculated to be processed by a player who isn't even entirely paying attention.

Call of Duty campaigns are fast. The guys making them couldn't give you a good answer why. But they are. And the effect is disgusting. Physics and force are being applied all around you at all times and the effects are practically meaningless. You can neither manipulate nor appreciate the results. Just limp, spazzy ragdolls and little dropped gun hops going off all over. Dumb.

>> No.9790023

Things flying through the air are slow, you are slow, marines are slow, aliens are slow, rockets are slow, even vehicles are relatively slow. This is so that everything can be processed both as sensation and things to be tactically considered. The game moves slower so that its parts can be better appreciated and have more and more in depth reactions with each other. From here you might as well complain that everything doesn't die the instant one shot connects to the head. Wouldn't that be fun to participate in? There's a reason everyone has Halo marine lines burned into their minds but no Call of Duty soldier ones (aside from a few memed lines of non-incidental narrative focused radio talk that's also displayed in subtitles, different thing).

>AI is pretty retarded
The AI is not built to win, it's built to do cool stuff. What do you want it to do? What do you expect it to do? Does every game have to do the FEAR thing since you saw that stupid video essay? Do you want the elites to say "THE MASTER CHIEF MOVED BEHIND THAT TREE, YOU SUPPRESS WHILE I MOVE AROUND, THIS IS TACTICAL EMERGENT BEHAVIOUR WE ARE EXPRESSING! PLAYER, MAKE SURE YOU RECORD THIS FOR YOUTUBE!"

The depth of interactions and ingenuity of setups make the "AI" do more interesting things than NPCs in the overwhelming majority of video games made both before or since Halo CE. Again, people remember them. They talk to each other, have distinct psychological profiles and reaction possibilities to different situations based on who they are, the level of dynamic reactivity you can actually do stuff with is amazing. It ties together with the slowness. Fights are long and drawn out and every moment can branch out based on countless factors, each enemy's reactive behaviour being another one. And your allies too of course. And enemies reacting to other enemies and even fighting each other. If this is retarded what is a smart game? Are you still going to try to say FEAR?

>> No.9790046

If you want to go down that road, then go ahead, name the RPGs that surpassed the games by Origin, Bethesda, Westwood, Black Isle, Troika and Bioware. And RTS games more impressive than what Westwood, Blizzard, Ensemble and Cavedog made. Creative assembly comes to mind, but not much more.
>Nobody really lastingly remembers FPS for how they were put to use.
Except hundreds and thousands of people constantly making new maps for Doom and Quake, putting them to use in the way and style of the devs but with removed hardware limits. What do you even mean by "for how they were put to use"?
>I've always found what we might call "pure FPS" to be shockingly boring
Sounds like your goddamn problem. What is "pure FPS" anyway? Being narrative heavy started being the norm as early as in 1995 with Dark Forces, and even Duke3D's plot is fully realised, if simplistic. And levels never truly were *just* mazes, even in Wolf3D.
>The Japanese are right not to bother making them.
Lmao. Yeah, for sure that was the reason. Not the fact that 4th gen consoles weren't able to run them without significant sacrifices and even if 5th gen could have, controllers were still too imprecise for them to feel as good as on PC.
>Remember what I said about 90s to 2000s America being a cultural wasteland? CRPGs and American genre fiction in general are a big part of what comes to my mind when I say that.
You didn't name any better games though, and didn't say why do you consider american vidya at the time a cultural wasteland.
>RTS were made largely around novel tech innovations by STEM retards who had no idea what the potential human interest was in any of their work
Oh man, those STEM retards. Like Joe Kucan, who shaped CnC, for example, because we all know theater is a STEM field. Or Brett Sperry, a self taught coder who studied psychology and by now spent more time as an art photographer than game designer.
Honestly, anon, you sound like an insufferable weeb.

>> No.9790048

-> >>9789716

>> No.9790073

I think I've been misunderstood on several key point.
I just hate them and consider the mark against America to be that they make them at all.
I liked them but think they all went down the wrong path. I loved how AoE1 looked and sounded. They're all outshone by Pikmin. The Japanese looked at what was being made and thought what I did. The cool part is presenting a lot of stuff that feels alive at once. Westerners eventually mutated these cool living toyboxes into sterile competitive sudoku boards. Japan took a few RTS conventions and built something entirely novel tuned from the ground up to be a cohesive vision that worked around what you were doing within this world of tiny living interacting things that act on your orders. And Creative Assembly are way better than the Americans even if they forgot how to make games that work. They understand living world, stakes, and spectacle. They aren't making a "game" to be won in that sense.

>new doom and quake maps
I'll be fair and say I didn't elaborate too much here (4chan character limit). By how they were put to use I mean something like the original use of the tools and parts they created. DOOM is not remembered for the experience of playing its original levels. And neither is Quake. They were basically technical showcases for the lives they could and did have beyond their initial run. Back to what I originally said. Id are STEM guys. The vision was all under the hood.

And by pure FPS I just mean the plain experience of moving around shooting things in 3D virtual space. I don't find it inherently interesting.

They could and they don't. They greatly appreciate guns over there. Guns fascinate me too. Doesn't make me want to play FPS. Makes me want to disassemble them in World of Guns. You know what I see on top of those leaderboards? Japanese Steam users.

And I said all of America was a cultural wasteland. Not just video games. Observe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGU8cOHxSxo

>> No.9790093

I think I missed a couple of points. I prefer forum posting for this. More room to think.

The general American cultural problem, which bleeds into video games, is the dearth of vision. America is a spiritually communist country which hates greatness and distinction. It's not a safe capitalistic or pragmatic interest. It's a sheer underman's instinct to hate civilisation and humanity.

Pretty much all Japanese pop media that makes it overseas is pop art. It's personal and expressive. This goes for their video games. They aren't really video games mostly. They're multimedia art. They don't have to justify themselves against later iterations or successors because they're one of a kind. American works on the other hand are mostly impersonal strivings towards some kind of perfect abstract form. When working within that frame redundancy isn't only possible. It's inevitable. That doesn't just go for video games, most American popular media which made it overseas is also of this kind. American action movies were made redundant by action video games. They were trying to make the most efficient retarded pointless waste of my time and eventually someone came along to do better. Now it's all so much trash.

This ties into another pet issue of mine. Everyone who wants Japanese games remade is a retard because they're reading Japanese media as American. They think that Capcom are 2K and that Resident Evil is some kind of tard-fodder time waster that was spawned from the void for no reason but to spare idiots from their own thoughts. Shinji Mikami's personal tastes and idiosyncrasies, now he is to be discarded by people who never even noticed him in the first place. His games are now Sudoku. You ready for your S+ Run anon? You looked up the guides on youtube? Isn't gamer culture great? It's like Sudoku with the solutions open. Everyone can ride the wave. Everyone is in on the hot cool thing.

I hate you all so much. I hate video games. I hate Americans. Hitler.

>> No.9790117

Good sound and music design.
The weapons "feel good" in usage.
But the poor balance, low movement speed, bland level design, and for the PC - worst netcode in history and no coop either. Also, the game is awful for vs FPS due to the slow movement and the level design in the first place. Story is also absolute trash (nothing new there for video games though).

Not a good game overall.

It basically thrives on three things -

-It's nostalgia for pandering motif to military fascist circlejerkers. Lots of little boys and their hoohah power fantasy.

-It brought less shitty dual analog controls to consoles in mainstream. (It wasn't the first, I think one of the Aliens on PS1 was)

-Coop on the xbox.

The last two are nothing for PC. And the first one - once you're not basically trying to jerk off to the space nazi element, you get a bland game that doesn't have much redeeming qualities. It's one of the more generic FPS games that has worse game-play design than most others.

The whole of the thing basically went to shit after multiple transfers trying to be "tribes killer" and then getting sold to be a mac exclusive and then xbox.

>> No.9790131

People like you are like the little captains in Dynasty Warriors. A sea of peons to just be stepped on and then occasionally one who can do a couple of little jabs you'll feel if you get too complacent. In every anonymous mass a bunch of your kind show up putting on this affectation of the sighing adult on the room who has to set everything straight with baseless moral cant and superficially authoritative babble.

Maybe my imagination is doing you favours but this actually feels like a halfway intelligently structured joke response to my own posts. Like you've been doing this for a while? Were you an SA poster at some point? Did you go bald and then go on estrogen and start telling everyone who believes in things that they're a child who will one day see the light of ironic lower case cum posting? Don't call me a schizo you know exactly what I'm talking about.

>> No.9790139

You’re probably not wrong, but god damn anon. Long week?

>> No.9790152


>> No.9790171
File: 2.10 MB, 1242x931, EvQJAxkWQAIw8EI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long life.

>> No.9790540

Doom? Naughty Dog games? I'd say a good chunk of the games I enjoyed back then were by American devs.

>> No.9790819

>bad ripoff
Unironically the most kino level in the game.