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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9786306 No.9786306 [Reply] [Original]

Does it actually feel authentic? It's a fucking emulation box. Should I just buy real consoles instead?

>> No.9786308

Play the games in a way you find the most enjoyable.

>> No.9786341

how do i know if its enjoyable without first spending 500 genius

it doesnt look authentic

>> No.9786349

You can run the genesis core and a couple others with just the de-10 nano board. It actual feels pretty good.

>> No.9786353

At this point if you’re worrying about all this tinkertranny shit you probably don’t even care about the games anymore. It’s the act of setting stuff up, talking about it, arguing on Polynesian angle grinding boards, and consuming. Emufags and realhardwarefags do the same thing.

>> No.9786354

It depends on how much you care.
You can get SNAC adapters to make it feel as authentic as possible asides taking a cart in and out but Everdrive users don't seem to care about that.
>Should I just buy real consoles instead?
Again, it very much depends on your situation and what you want.
Mister is expensive at first, but if you use a lot of its cores it's cheaper and more convenient in the long run to just run a Mister given you don't care about it feeling 100% authentic.
If you're getting 3+ consoles + flashcarts or a few real games given how pricey they are these days you'll end up spending as much as a Mister and you'll have to deal with aging hardware and shells turning brittle and yellow. Plus the Mister takes up one power supply and one set of video cords. It's cleaner too.

That being said if you're super autistic about the authentic feel of using that particular console you're probably not going to care about how much the Mister can offer when it's not that console and never will be.

>> No.9786369

"Authentic" and "Original hardware" are real bad words to use to describe FPGA.
The games will feel exactly the same. It's up to you if it's the authentic experience or not. You might hate not putting in a cartridge, or you might hate just knowing it's literally not the actual SNES when playing an snes game. That's up to your autism, this is all autism. But at the least the games itself will feel and look the same

>> No.9786465

I don't own one but I have played on one. Games actually do feel pretty great on it. The time spent between powering the thing on and actually playing a game is very short, and it supports several popular consoles and arcade boards. It's particularly appealing to people who want to accurately emulate old PC hardware too, from what I understand.

But come on OP, if you gave a shit about playing video games you would already be playing them on whatever you used to make this thread.

>> No.9786496

>It's particularly appealing to people who want to accurately emulate old PC hardware too, from what I understand.
Which platforms does it support? Is there a PC98, PC88, FM-Towns, or MSX core? Or are those platforms too powerful for what the Mister can support?

I have bee considering picking one up for arcade games but if it can do PC98 I'll buy one in a heartbeat.

>> No.9786513

I don't know retard, do your research.

>> No.9786524

Just going off of posts I've read here I don't think there's very good support for the PC-98, PC-88 or X68000, but I at least saw an MSX and MSX2 core on the one I was playing on. I don't know if there's an FM-Towns core or not.
I'm mostly just going off of what my dad's reasons for buying his were: accurately emulating an Atari ST for music production purposes.

>> No.9786525


>> No.9786531
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>Which platforms does it support?





No but one is in development, you can download the current unfinished core to test it out: https://misterfpga.org/viewtopic.php?t=167




No, but like the PC-98 above, it's in development and you can test what has been developed of the core so far: https://misterfpga.org/viewtopic.php?t=104



>Or are those platforms too powerful for what the Mister can support?

Currently it's limit appears to be Gen 5 consoles, it can do PS1 and Sega Saturn but N64 seems to be far out of reach, just about anything older should be possible. There is even a WIP Atari Jaguar core despite how big of a mess that thing was and a very well-made 486 core, all those older PCs you mentioned should definitely be possible.

>> No.9786578

It's up to you. I personally buy real consoles because they'refun to mod & collect. I don't need this emulation box because it's junk to me. If I wanted emulation, my PC would be my primary choice instead of a MiSTer.

>> No.9786836

>weeks/months go by without a single mister thread
>a mister thread will appear and get some nice traffic
>some retard or retards will start 2-3 additional mister threads instead of just posting in the one thats been active for well over a day

>> No.9786850

Yeah, I thought that was weird. I've got my parts coming in the mail and I've been waiting until I've built it to make a thread and in the same day two threads are made.

>> No.9786887

I wonder what other types of poster do the same...

>> No.9786948

>I'm mostly just going off of what my dad's reasons for buying his were: accurately emulating an Atari ST for music production purposes.
that's badass. post more about your dad

>> No.9787001

well, i can understand his scepticism.
the PS2 for example has been emulated for years in a playable state but its still far from equalling the console experience.

>> No.9787232

The sad truth

>> No.9787249

it's a $300 emulator that autists insist is "more authentic" than other emulators

>> No.9787263

Guarantee if you play a lot of hard NES games on your real NES and tried out the MiSTer vs PC emulation you'd stick with the MiSTer.

>> No.9787856

Actually I would stick with the NES mini.

>> No.9787876

No, you wouldn't. You probably don't have an actual NES.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9787920

He’s a cool guy. He’s actually my stepdad, but the last time I called him that here I got owned by some guy who said that children of divorce always seemed to own Xboxes. That shit cut right through me.
I basically have him to thank for being obsessed with posting and video games. He moved over here from the UK (with said Xbox) and introduced me to emulation and piracy in general. I played a shitload of classic console and PC games growing up thanks to him. He was big into DVD collecting back then too and got me into a lot of movies and shows that I’m still into today. I’m pretty sure he still posts in Cinema Discusso.
He was a pretty enthusiastic user of the Spectrum, ST and Amiga when he was younger. He worked at a game store in the early nineties and imported some games that I actually have on my shelf at home nowadays. This has been a blog about my stepdad. Thanks for reading.

>> No.9787923

MiSTer FPGA is a hardware emulation device that uses FPGA technology to emulate classic consoles and computers. While it's not the same as playing on original hardware, it can provide an authentic gaming experience that's very close. Some people prefer it because it's more consistent and reliable than aging hardware. Whether to buy MiSTer FPGA or real consoles depends on personal preferences and priorities.

>> No.9788273

thanks chatgpt

>> No.9788360

It's unironically really useful. I resort to ChatGPT instead of google for when I don't know how to look something up. I even learned how to compile a NES tech demo with it.

>> No.9788365

The worst part with chatGPT is it’s a huge pussy, it never takes a stance on anything. At least humans on here will tell you pick X Y or Z or you’re a huge faggot. GPT just feels like the continual move towards overly permissive newspeak.

>> No.9788435

>it’s a huge pussy, it never takes a stance on anything
That`s because it can't, it`s not real intelligence

>> No.9788438

That makes it specially tricky when asking it random things like recommendations. I can't get it to learn what the difference between one niche genre of techno versus another one. For the average user, ChatGPT is really only good for established facts and theoretical stuff like coding questions. Definitely don't count on it for experimental stuff unless you have a good foundation to start from. It works best by guiding it towards your presumed end goal, but that also requires knowledge in what you're trying to achieve. I've already written 10 articles as a ghostwriter for a few authors strictly using ChatGPT as my info fountain and nobody is the wiser.