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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9785721 No.9785721 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is going on with prices?

>> No.9785726

mental illness brought to you by nintendo

>> No.9785728

anon learns about the
>don't sell your old console and old games because the prices will skyrocket in the future trope
In 20 years that N64 will be worth $4050. In 40, $40500.

>> No.9785782

I started buying used Japanese hardware and I never looked back.

>> No.9785787

I've noticed most of the people that refuse to buy Japanese consoles and games and only collect North American versions are shelf collectors anyway (The fucking spergs like Pat who ONLY buy TG-16 and NES and have little to no knowledge/interest in PC Engine or Famicom).

>> No.9785863


>> No.9785870

>w/ 4 controllers and games
for that price the games must be top tier.

>> No.9785893

What games?

>> No.9785894

Jap SNES games are getting up there too. People are also starting to catch on that Smash Bros/Mario Kart 64/F-Zero X are fully playable with mostly English menus. The Jap Funtastic systems also used to be really cheap like 4 years ago. What really gets me is how expensive the most popular N-64 games are. I just don't know who's buying games that sold in excess of 5-10 million copies when you can pick up Saturn games anywhere between $30-$45 that didn't even sell 1 million copies.
Also what's the deal with 3rd party Expansion Paks? Are they not made anymore?

>> No.9785997

Emuchads have we stopped winning in the last decade, I don't think so. Excuse me while I buy another 8TB of storage.

>> No.9786053

obligatory that's a good deal comment

>> No.9786059

dont look at neo geo prices

>> No.9786060
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College students were leaving those behind dumpsters in my city a few years ago. What the fuck are these people smoking

>> No.9786069

I sold my copy of Power Blade 2 five years ago for over 400 dollars which I thought was fucking crazy at the time. I checked out what it's going for on ebay nowadays....it's worth over 1000 lmao

>> No.9786078

paying $405 isn't going to make the n64 magically have games

>> No.9786086

its the same shit at pokemon cards, people dont actually play they just buy up as much as they can so they can jack up the prices and sell it to suckers like op would buy that shit

>> No.9786095

I'm sitting on a very clean label copy I purchased 20 years ago for $10 (cart only though). About 5 years back I sold my copy of Little Samson for 2k ($CDN). Insane. FWIW I prefer Power Blade 2.

>> No.9786105

Yeah I have a pretty sizable NES collection that I purchased 90 percent of between 1998 and 2004 or so when NOBODY cared about NES games except for a handful of weirdoes on the internet. 30 bucks in a Funcoland would let you walk out with a bag of classics, overlooked titles, rare and weird stuff and shelf filler. I remember passing up a copy of Bubble Bobble 2 once because I thought that was too much.
I think my copy of Power Blade 2 was bought for 12 bucks or so. When I realized how much it was worth, I sold it a few years back to buy a PS4 (I really wanted to play DBFZ).
Nice job on Little Samson.

>> No.9786106

Sorry, meant to say I passed up a copy of Bubble Bobble 2 once because I thought 35 dollars was too much for it.

>> No.9786124

After Smash Bros Melee came out I went to a game store and bought metroid 1 for $13. It was the only NES game they wanted more than $5 for. And they told me it was directly because of smash.

>> No.9786153

Little Samson I purchased on ebay for $150 in 2011 or so--I felt like I had to do it at that point in time because the rare Taito carts I had been ooking at for several years were not going down at all. I'm glad I did because the rare NES carts all exploded in price in 2012, I remember it vividly. That said, I lucked out on Samson, but I was asleep big time when I sold my cart-only copy of Hagane for $20 on the Digital Press forums in 2009 or so. The infamous Mike Matei video had been posted and Hagane had already soared.

>> No.9786159

I remember renting Hagane from a Kroger video department. If I had any foresight, I would have bought it when they shut down the video department a year later and sold all their stock.

>> No.9786169

I stopped buying used retro game stuff years ago because if you're in the west you're battling with millions of low-T manchildren who make $200k a year at some tech company and fill the void in their life with a giant wall display of 500 SNES cartridges they will never play. they will pay anything for any hardware and game and they can afford to do so, and they hoard them and never sell them which drives prices up even more. an average first-party gamecube game is like $60 for a scratched disc only right now, are people serious?

Yea, I'm out. I sold almost all my consoles in 2020 when the inflation went into retard mode, and for me it's all just emulators and roms from here on out. I kept my N64 and just got an everdrive so I'm not paying $70 per game. Otherwise I'll happily spend $150 on some chinkheld that can play 100,000 games that I download for free, while I let the 'real gamers' sell physical black label copies of silent hill 2 back and forth to each other for $150 each time.


>> No.9786170

I bought Boogerman from a Smith's (Kroger) rental department for $3. It's now my most valuable SNES game.

>> No.9786180

My best find ever was a video store liquidating their SNES games around 2000 and I got a copy with Earthbound WITH box and guide. 10 bucks. The guide is a bit beat up and missing a page but the box is in good condition.

>> No.9786182

For some reason, in my home town, almost every video store had a copy of Hagane. I purchased a couple of them complete and so did my college friend I was hunting old games with.I sold off the manuals and boxes piecemeal for a pittance in the ensuing years though, lol. You win some, you lose some. Back in 99-00, the games my friend, my brother and I were after were specifically Mega Man X3, MM7 and Chrono Trigger--these three titles sold like hotcakes on ebay, it was wild for twenty-year old kids like us to grab $10 games at the rental store only to flip them for $100-$200 (complete) online a few days later. Those were new and exciting times. I never expected the western world as a whole to turn to shit so fast though.

>> No.9786184

Evolutions in FGPAs will slowly make these obsolete too, and the soys will be left with nothing

>> No.9786189

1996 to 2005 were the best years to find mega deals on NES and SNES (and Genesis) stuff. One of my favorite pickups was Sega CD Snatcher (without the manual) for $5 in 04 or 05. I had the disc resurfaced, bought the manual on ebay 5 or 6 years later and then sold this Frankenstein complete copy of Snatcher on ebay for $1500 a couple years back. Insane. It's a very cool game though and will probably get the Mega Everdrive Pro to play it again some time down the road.

>> No.9786206

by then sony will own all of nintendo's ips and will have released their entire catalog on their own hardware

>> No.9786212

>still betting against nintendo

oh no no no

>> No.9786238

Sony couldn't even keep CoD under their belt without fucking everything up. What makes you think they'll ever own Nintendo?

>> No.9786265

Supply go down. Demand go up. Woaow.

>> No.9786305

Sony was second place to a tablet with analog sticks that launched more than halfway through last gen. They also have a lower software attachment rate than Nintendo.

>> No.9786325

The more prices go up, the more I'm tempted to sell some of the systems I don't play all that much. I paid $30 for my DC that plays burnt CDs, $10 for each controller, $5 for each VMU, $20 for the mouse and keyboard combined, and $10 for the fishing controller. My entire DC setup is currently going for $340 on ebay. I haven't even turned it on in the past year.

>> No.9786326

Doesn't every dreamcast play burnt cds?

>> No.9786338

ALMOST every Dreamcast can. The VA0 and the VA1 serial numbers can. Sega patched the exploit to play games off CD-Rs with the VA2 consoles. I'm also pretty sure that the GDEMU doesn't work on VA2 consoles too. But the VA2s were only made for a brief period before the Dreamcast was discontinued.

>> No.9787773

false scarcity and perceived value. Everyone thinks "this stuff is worth money" and won't take lower anymore. As opposed to "I need to get rid of this old shit" attitude people had when selling stuff.

>> No.9787873

>childless millennial coomlectors chasing ever-diminishing nostalgia highs with their surplus dollars

>> No.9787896

A fair price

>> No.9788483

What games? This is a reasonable price, if you think N64 has maintained it's value + inflation.

It's $350 new, in today's dollars, with one game, AFAIK.

>> No.9788634

why don't people ever fucking clean the shit they're selling

>> No.9788868

>if you think N64 has maintained it's value + inflation
That's the key. I (personally) don't. I'm too young to have any nostalgia for the thing. I trashpicked mine in 2012 and I imported a Jap Funtastic system 3 or 4 years ago because it was cheaper than getting a 3rd party Expansion Pak. When I trashed a controller, it was more economical to hunt another one down at a fleamarket for like $5. I'm glad I held onto my junk ones tbdesu because of Kitch Bent. Because for $20ish I got enough parts to fix 5 controllers, and I still have enough left over for 4 more. When the inflation got bad, I just got the 3 or 4 games I was missing from Japan and got an Everdrive.

>> No.9788928

Yeah, that's nuts. Time to move to Japan before they lose their minds over there, too.

>> No.9788934
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>> No.9788941

Hope they don't also invest in security systems, because being a locksmith with surveillance experience has it's advantages.

>> No.9788945

Nintendo sold the N64 for 100 dollars U.S

>> No.9788952

In 2 years you'll be able to buy 1:1 Chinese clones for $45.

>> No.9788957

Any good clones that are out now?

>> No.9788962

Dunno desu.

>> No.9789007

Lol no, it was $199.99 at launch, after Nintendo got spooked about launching it at its previously advertised and promoted MSRP of $249.99

>> No.9789030

THOUSAND dollars

>> No.9789037

At launch it sold for that. In 1999 it was $99 in the U.S

>> No.9789163

>for that price the games must be top tier.
i wouldnt expect much considering its an N64

>> No.9789302

1. People are buying it for that price
2. Nobody is buying it for that price and you're getting mad at a schizo

>> No.9789304

>go to goodwill
>see bag of two n64 controllers and an oem rumblepak
>"the sticks are loose, but these are probably like $12 so I can use them for parts and get a rumblepak!"
>tagged for $27.99
Fuck Houston ghetto assholes for gouging the prices on these. Like 6 months ago I was able to buy oem gamecube and ps2 controllers for like $6 to $8 each.

>> No.9789308

Too late m8

>> No.9789343

You just gotta play it smart. I wasn't even looking to buy an n64 or Dreamcast but I knew if I didn't swoop them up at this price, I'd kick myself later when I wouldn't be able to find a deal this good. The DC was also 64 dollars picrel is the 64 I just bought

>> No.9789348
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Forgot pic

>> No.9789390

I found one, and a PS2, in a box in a parking lot ~2015. The PS2 had the plastic broken off the controller port, but it still worked. The N64 was fine.

>> No.9789532
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A Nintendo 64 isn't worth that amount of money. Not from an age or a rarity perspective. I got mine from Ebay for less than $100 including two controllers, an official bag, two games and a strategy guide of Turok 2 or all things. The cartridge stickers and strategy guide were water-damaged but other than that everything was in perfect condition.
The only reason they're selling basic bitch consoles that are barely 20 years old is because of faggots hyping up retro collecting on youtube like these things are going to all get hoarded up within the next few years or something.

>> No.9789540

It's the youtube zoomer tax. You had your chance before it was hip to get in on this but because you're a faggot who only waited until their favorite youtuber crapped out a retrospective you now gotta pay me a 500% increase if you want my consoles and games.

>> No.9789687

zoomers are getting into "originals".

>> No.9789805

as usual, show sold listings and then we can talk. showing a screenshot of some horrible price means nothing when no one is actually buying it. there will always be retards that think they have some kind of holy grail worth a ton when the reality is that the prices arent nearly as bad. especially if you settle for something less

>> No.9789821

I'm loving this, I already own all the classics I want. By the time I retire, they'll cost 10-20x as much and I'll be able to live comfortably even once the government welfare collapses.

>by then sony will own all of nintendo's ips
Microsoft is more likely judging by their recent acquisitions.

>> No.9789840

I bought a perfect working n64 2 weeks ago for about 3000 yen which is about 20usd

>> No.9789846

You think that is a fucking fair price lmfao for that price here in Japan I bought an original ps1, Famicom with disk system and super Famicom.

>> No.9789851

is it just speculators or greedy re-sellers. I know a big issue was people trying to sell for ebay prices, but now they are trying to sell for even more then that. I was at a used game store the other day, they wanted 850 cad for a loose earthbound. Even ebay prices are 300 - 450.

>> No.9789857

As much as I hate both Nintendo and Sony, it will be the other way around, if anything.

>> No.9791361

>Also what's the deal with 3rd party Expansion Paks? Are they not made anymore?
No, the Expansion pack (and all clones of it) use a type of RAM that isn't in production anywhere, and hasn't been in production for quite a few years.

>> No.9791367
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>didn't already own one by the time they were $50 on ebay 10 years ago

>> No.9791370

are the japanese power supplies interchangeable with us hardware and vice versa? the voltages are different

>> No.9791441

you honestly don't know that for certain unless you've tried it

>> No.9791456

If you're from the UK then congrats on finding my PS2. CeX wouldn't take it so i dumped it near a bin.

>> No.9791462

Honestly, I don't understand why people spend big bux on boxed/sealed copies of the most popular games on a system. If I autistic enough to spend anywhere between $500-$5,000 on games, it'd be Neo Geo. That shit is actually rare as fuck. I'd also buy up all the arcade carts while they're still (comparatively) cheap. That's the shit that'll put your kids through college in 30 years.

>> No.9791527

>Honestly, I don't understand why people spend big bux on boxed/sealed copies of the most popular games on a system.
Because they're not genuine enthusiasts who have been into games their whole lives, they're speculators or shelf collectors. It's not people that had Mario 64 as a kid that got the WATA graded Mario 64 to go for 1.5 million, entirely speculators.

>> No.9791528


>> No.9791553

I don't understand why anyone would pay big bux for Neo Geo.

>> No.9791625

4 copies of goemon

>> No.9791626

>guarantied replies

>> No.9791925

Well, it is people who "had" mario 64 as a kid too. That's a type you're missing. Had and trying to replace the loss feeling of letting it go. It's a bit of FOMO for those people, but yea, you're right otherwise.

>> No.9792095

Walked into a flea market, “woah tons of 64 shit…” however noticed earlier that a copy of a crap condition shadownman was going for 20 at another booth. See the price for C&C 64 at 50… afraid to ask for console price, “yo how much for a gold 64?”
That’ll be 400 dollars.
“Oh okay they were a special edition how much for just a used black 64”
250 dollars….
I look around, no one even speaks English as a first language except me. Have no idea who the fuck would ever purchase from this guy locally at all. Leave confused and check eBay to find this dude is literally just double the price of whatever he sees on eBay.
Again, a flea market where used old games are as expensive as brand new current gen systems.
Audibly ask myself who is this store for???

>> No.9793172

rent free

>> No.9793184

>the voltages are different
only by 10 volts, most stuff works fine

>> No.9793795

in my country oldhead boomer resellers, ones who would otherwise resell bronze, military gear, sneakers, dishware or gas canisters, got wind on the "retrogame mania" GREATLY exaggerating rarity and prices, specially from the most known IPs like Mario or Zelda. They buy from bulk flea sellers, who already marked everything up, and compete between them for whom has the most merchandise to skin zoomies or rich millennials. It's an ungodly issue.

I go to fleas and thrifts every fucking day (I resell mostly vintage clothes, toys, music, etc.), and these fellas go around on motorbikes assaulting vendors as they are setting up. I buy from them if they have something nice they know shit about, like "le hidden gems", bootlegs or other region games/gear. Recently I bought from one of them a pair of PAL SNES controllers for $20

There are also the oldhead boomer resellers who buy at auctions houses (sometimes they overlap with the flea ones), and pay A LOT for merch they aren't even allowed to see. They just glimpse a few Mario and they are already bidding. A while ago I found a NES game lot of 50 mediocre titles in pretty bad condition which I'm going to offer for one of these auction houses. I'm positive I'll make much more there than selling to collectors lol

>> No.9793996

I love these zoomer seethe threads.

>why are baseball cards so expensive?

>> No.9794512
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Let the butthurt flow through them

>> No.9796125

Ze bubble VILL pop

>> No.9796154
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I took a look at ebay real quick but all the USD prices I'm seeing are around $200 or less, and the ones with only one controller and no games are half that. Gonna assume that price is due to whatever games are included in the OP listing, or it's non-US currency.

>I've noticed most of the people that refuse to buy Japanese consoles and games and only collect North American versions are shelf collectors anyway
It's been that way since forever, people just prefer to get systems from their own region.

>> No.9796159

Anyone remember when they were selling the Gamecube for $99 in like 2003 and nobody wanted one?

>> No.9796280

Because people are thinking nowadays that these old consoles can be priced like antiques because retards are buying them back again after selling them 20 something years ago, or collecting them to set on a shelf to do nothing until the end of time.

>> No.9796283

I'll never understand why people get shocked about retro prices. Like yeah there were a few scams here or there that caused it to shoot up but the prices were ALWAYS going to rise. That's what happens when you get stuff that's no longer in production and has a set life span to them.