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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 22 KB, 758x716, blade_buster_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9781282 No.9781282 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.


IPS/BPS Patcher:

Homebrew Lists & Links:
RIP (gone and forgotten next thread unless anon updates it)

Quality of Life Improvements:

/vr/ Desplash Patches:

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>> No.9781285
File: 545 KB, 792x524, akira_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your dream game /vr/ ?


what are you working on?

>> No.9781301

I wanna make a SMW hack that feels close to the original, like Return to Dinosaur Land. I hate how hacks are designed these days, and so I need to make one I'd like myself. I'm working on it slowly. I'm too much of a perfectionist though and I keep restarting after the first few levels I finish.

>> No.9781304

Not a game, but I wish I was smart enough to figure these guides out on how to build skins for Xbmc4gamers.

>> No.9781317
File: 73 KB, 200x200, iwbtg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I keep restarting after the first few levels I finish.
don't. ya got 96 or more fuckin levels to fill up. they probably are more awesome than you think.
you can't get better at making shit without making shit. keep at it.
> I wish I was smart enough to figure these guides out on how to build skins for Xbmc4gamers.
honestly ask ChatGPT, it may spout some bullshit but it can get you unstuck and lead you in the right(ish) direction

>> No.9781336

If you'd like some custom music, you can use this from the previous thread, maybe for an overworld.
Good luck making any progress. If it's meant to be vanilla style then I imagine it should be easy to get people to playtest it if you haven't already. If you're the one from the last thread who wanted to post gifs or webms of the levels then you can do that too.

>> No.9781369



>> No.9781394
File: 3.76 MB, 450x359, level1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am that anon. Also here's a level, I figured it out. Simple world 1 level. I still have to add the bonus areas for the last dragon coin, and maybe an additional one.

>> No.9781431
File: 486 KB, 475x347, 1547680465710.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feels close to the original
>world 1 level
>full of charging chucks, high jumping koopas, and sections of moving pipes over pits with piranha plants jumping out of them

>> No.9781504
File: 43 KB, 451x388, skateOrDie_lester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it could use a little more background stuff to spruce it up a bit, platforms, pipes instead of ground, etc. the pipe jump at the end could be tougher too.

>> No.9781508


>> No.9781510

I think he wants to make a vanilla romhack then

>> No.9781526

Pretty genius actually but I think it’s a failure on my part. I’ll give it a shot tho!

>> No.9781536

Wow that looks really good. Not even the biggest SMW fan but looks straight out of the og game to me!

>> No.9781538

maybe it could be a world 4 then. by close to original I more mean the style of level design. I normally try to make interesting land masses and place enemies on them, but then I see how simple many SMW levels are, so then I simplify it a lot. maybe I should just forget about that and just design them my own way.

>> No.9781540

Also basically trying to do this w a matrix theme. I think my windows 7 OS is messing w me on the tutorials I’ve found. If anyone cares lol: https://youtu.be/kn6qUDgqhaU

>> No.9781774

Ok so I’m trusting to unpack frontier.exe for frontier elite 2 but UNLZEXE says it’s not a LZEXE file. Any help here??

>> No.9781810
File: 18 KB, 256x256, aca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to get help with translating Japanese? Working on a PCE translation hack and image translation can only get you so far. Pic related is the kind of stuff I'm working with.

>> No.9781852
File: 56 KB, 450x280, duke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open a hex editor and check the header in frontier.exe? UNLZEXE might be looking for specific LZW parameters for unpack information.
also are you sure frontier.exe uses LZW compression?

>> No.9781923
File: 1.21 MB, 1105x720, sotn64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two Megaman fighters, Misadventures of Tron Bonne, Darkstalkers 2 & Aliens vs Predator on N64

>> No.9781969

Every guide I looked at says use unlzexe to uncompressed frontier.exe I got pkzip to do it but none of the offsets or hex strings are tight or searchable

>> No.9782196

Every version of the game I download also has a mz header and nothing properly decompressed it. I’m so lost rn

>> No.9782215

> frontier.exe
ok, you said you're working with Frontier Elite II, are the guides you're reading for the first game? maybe try UNLZEXE with the first game to make sure the rest of your setup / toolchain is good?
i wish i could help you more...

>> No.9782219
File: 46 KB, 623x544, 386_deskpro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...wait ...are you in DOSbox? that could also possibly be doing some screwy ass shit especially with decompression programs like UNLZEXE

>> No.9782776
File: 2.17 MB, 480x320, english_whorehouse_no_sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the whorehouse.

With sound: https://files.catbox.moe/spd7qm.webm

>> No.9783070


>> No.9783103

>back from a year-long absence
>find out some paid ROMs I was after for a long time were out under some GlobHack label
>WTF is that, can't find the damned site if that's what it is, like a ton of google tabs
>check back here, turns out you guys already had the ROMs in the archives anyway
I have to put more faith in you guys, thanks a lot!

>> No.9783201

Dance from 90:


>> No.9783354
File: 95 KB, 1280x1024, bernard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm making a /v/orld styled hack with some autismo rom hackers

>> No.9783391

make sure vidyabutts gets in

>> No.9783432

Well unlzexe says frontier.exe is t a lzexe compressed file but the header has lz91 at the exact offset for it to be compressed with lzexe. I got it to work on dosbox by speeding up the cycles but it pops out the error saying it’s not lzexe compressed. I’ve tried und, exepack, pkzip, amber (best one so far) they all say it’s lzexe compressed but none of them can properly decompress them. I’ve downloaded 4 different versions of forontier and each one is a little differeand none of them decompress. I’m at my wits end

>> No.9783460
File: 127 KB, 256x224, solstice endless loop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9783616

Shantae (TG-16 & PC-FX)

>> No.9783673
File: 654 KB, 1920x1720, simcity_mouse_add0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Year Is 2023: Somehow, no one has added SNES mouse support for SimCity. WTF?! How has no one done this?!
Since a FastROM hack was just released, i am going to take on this project. It's a good excuse for me to test the new version of Mesen and it's SNES debugging tools and get my feet wet with SNES development; i've already knocked NES and Gameboy development off my list so, hell, seems like a good project that shouldn't be too brutal.
What you see in YY-CHR is some blank room in the graphics and code portions to work with. The plan is to inject mouse support into Port 2 since it isn't used in the game (though it is being read oddly) and keep Port 1 completely vanilla, so you can play the game as you always could but also use the mouse.
I already realize the project isn't just "chuck the mouse in the game and call it a day"; various menus will have to be reprogrammed as they are built to toggle with the dpad and move the cursor into various hardcoded positions.
It should be fun, and really improve the experience of the game. I guess i'm ready to experience the joy (and horror) of 65c816.

>> No.9783679

>i'm ready to experience the joy (and horror) of 65c816.



>> No.9783710
File: 582 KB, 1600x978, snes_playlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i enjoyed those, i'll check the latest one out later

>> No.9783865

>using image translation
No no no, no sir. I machine translated an entire episode of GCCX, and text recognition was completely worthless in 99% of cases. At best, MAYBE, it might help you figure out what some Kanji is, but it usually fails at that anyways. A joke translation would probably be more accurate.
If you wanna do a machine translation and don't know any moonrunes like me, your best bet is to get a chart of all the Katakana and all the Hiragana, and one of those Kanji look-up sites. Character by character, figure out what it is until you have the entire line, then put that through the machine. Results won't be perfect, but they will usually be close enough. For those that aren't, you will want to break the sentence down into individual words and figure out what each word means, and try to figure out what was being said from that.
With a little practice, you'll soon be able to figure out if a character is Katakana or Hiragana or Kanji just by looking at it. The Kanji will be a bastard to look up sometimes, but the others will go pretty quickly.

>> No.9784008

kEk bro

>> No.9784020

Whose Bern? Where is he from?

>> No.9784045
File: 30 KB, 512x512, bernie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so much more important to understand and internalize the pitfalls of retro game dev, these videos are invaluable in explaining avoiding the problems you will eventually run into

>> No.9784049
File: 299 KB, 430x430, jaguar_do_the_math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you like to imagine this perfect world right? where you read or watch some tutorial, you type code in and the result is expected? that just ain't how it is. reality is fucking messy. chips are fucked and people are wrong.
i can't imagine how these poor jaguar devs felt with buggy ass devkit software on top of buggy ass hardware... you know what? actually i can imagine it. because i've actually been doing retro game dev...

>> No.9784278
File: 417 KB, 1600x1200, poltergeist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I made a post complaining about the sounds in Super Bomberman. Now there's a patch for it on RHDN. https://www.romhacking.net/games/5063/
Thanks anon.

>> No.9784385
File: 13 KB, 256x232, Ai Chou Aniki (J)-0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried all of that. Just thought there might have been a place where you can get help from human translators by giving them a few images to work with, so the process could be a little faster and wouldn't sound like it came out of Google Translate.

>> No.9784389

You can hire translators, that's not much of a problem. If you're looking for people to translate for free, good luck. If I had a bunch of people willing to translate shit for free, we would have all the GCCX episodes translated already.

>> No.9784446

The RHDN Discord does have some people that help with random image translations. Talking to someone in the doujin/manga translation scene might get someone interested. If you're trying to identify the characters, there is KanjiTomo that can do image scans. If it doesn't give you a correct character, you can take the screenshot and edit out anything touching the Japanese so that it has a clean, one-color background.

>> No.9785494
File: 89 KB, 640x480, Intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to B3313?

>> No.9785585

Ok I found a working unlzexe, fucking finally. For anybody trying to decompress lzw DOS executables, use the 32/64 bit unlzexe for modern operating systems, dosbox will not properly run old cams unlzexe

>> No.9785592


>> No.9785883

That Vash cosplayer:


>> No.9785913

>I'm too much of a perfectionist though and I keep restarting after the first few levels I finish.
Stahp. Levels always start off bad, your supposed to come back to them periodically throughout development and tweak them until they are perfect. You dont just build one good level and then move on, you always have to build up the entire game gradually throughout the development process. Nothing is actually "done" until the game publishes.

>> No.9785924
File: 79 KB, 900x600, bill_gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dosbox
hah i fuckin knew it ...guess how? =)
The problem with Dosbox is that it doesn't perfectly emulate x86 instructions, and unzip / code compilation programs can rely on precise x86 tricks to speed them up. Dosbox is great for games but it can / will goof up actual software.
Better / more accurate options are starting to exist like PCem, which has a much better shot of running those programs properly. though PCem is more complicated to setup, i think it's about high time i got on that train myself.

>> No.9786028

I've been telling people for years that DOSbox isn't real DOS and is instead very hacky, but everyone just kept saying "muh edge cases" and ignoring it. It was always a 75% complete good-enough fakeDOS that had a lot of hacks to make specific games work. It was never designed to be accurate. Even more recent forks of DOSbox still can't play the CD-ROM version of Ultimate Domain without crashing. PCem was great, but now 86box has completely overtaken it in terms of accuracy. Unfortunately 86box's UI is no where near as user friendly as PCem was, even with 3rd party management programs recommended by the devs.
It's worth it though once you get a decent system rolled up and OS installed and all drivers and tweaks the way you want it. From that point forwards you just install game, then play game. Or boot up the VM and play a game you've already installed. Unless you're trying to make an all-in-one DOS machine that covers everything from Wing Commander to the Voodoo era, you don't have to do a bunch of per-game tweaking to get things to run properly like with DOSbox.

>> No.9786037

Do people really think DOSbox is real DOS?

>> No.9786083

You have a guy in this very thread who tried unsuccessfully to use it to run an archive program. People assume because it runs some DOS games that it is DOS.

>> No.9786107
File: 543 KB, 720x794, 20230330_033312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even more recent forks of DOSbox still can't play the CD-ROM version of Ultimate Domain without crashing.
Wasn't Ultimate Doom's CD release bundled with the Doom95 source port though which isn't even a DOS program?

>> No.9786270
File: 994 KB, 1488x2456, simcity_20230331_213922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought an SNES mouse today. it's in pretty good shape and seems to behave exactly like the SNES wiki said it should, which is good. my code is now detecting and reading it properly from the second port.
i wanted to use Mesen to develop this hack because of its wonderful debugging tools, however, it turns out that SNES mouse support in Mesen currently is ...horrifically inaccurate. i bugged the author about it, but i might just go into the Mesen source code and fix it myself =)
the situation kind of surprised me honestly, Mesen usually gets the hyper-autismo details extremely correct, but it turns out that SNES mouse support was just a quick ass hack job, heh.

>> No.9786273

It's happening

>> No.9786278

I wouldn't know. I was talking about Ultimate Domain AKA Genesia. Why are you bringing up Doom?

>> No.9786381

Guess I glanced at your post too quickly.

Nevermind :3

>> No.9786454
File: 606 KB, 3200x1084, simcity_accurate_mouse_fuckin_sucks_lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i bugged the author about it, but i might just go into the Mesen source code and fix it myself =)
welp, i just implemented a perfectly accurate SNES mouse in Mesen, and ...it feels Absolutely Fucking Horrible LOL
> but muh hardwear accuraceee
the slightest little bump will make the cursor fly halfway across the screen. it fucking sucks.
what i'm gonna try to do is keep track of the previous movements and scale them like 1:4, like 4 modern computer pixels for 1 SNES pixel, or just take the scale Mesen is rendering at and divide up the mouse that way, like if it is rendering at 3x make the mouse move at 1:3

>> No.9786520
File: 77 KB, 1124x828, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote down some guides for me. Is any of these good enough to share? Or is there any errors?

>> No.9786590
File: 338 KB, 527x484, chuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ST_ store into _ register
ST_ store _ register into memory
i'm glad you're taking personal notes, it can certainly help, but much better alternatives exist with opcode listings, cycle counts, byte counts, flags affected, etc.
this is the one i use:

>> No.9786709
File: 964 KB, 1494x2176, simcity_20230401_023921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good enough to dev with, my mouse feels close enough to the real thing now on Mesen. it's not perfect, but it can't be; you cant make a 2010s optical mouse into a perfect ball mouse from 1992.
i am pretty psyched to play some SimCity with this stupid thing though.

>> No.9786774

I don't think it's being worked on anymore because I haven't heard or seen anything about it for quite a while

>> No.9786781

Looking further into it, this says the development is in an indefinite hiatus due to the dev having health problems

>> No.9787023


Can someone rehost this? I can't download it without premium

>> No.9787101

Star Fox surplus click support.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9787165



>> No.9787496

Really ai?

>> No.9787981

SoR1 have TG-16 demo yet?


>> No.9788124

>fl studio
How about xmsnes or snesmod or c700

>> No.9788173
File: 154 KB, 997x797, famitracker_pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't made music in a while honestly, and haven't done any SPC700 stuff in my life. the only tracking software i've ever used seriously was Famitracker, and i remember using VOPM as a VST to get legitimate genesis sounds in FL.
as far as using Famitracker FTMs in actual NES games, they are extremely bulky and don't utilize all of the built-in soundchip features properly. 0CC Famitracker aims to correct this but breaks compatibility with many of the FTM text import to NES sound engine solutions.

>> No.9788223

Famitracker sure hear good dpcm.


>> No.9788290

Bad bot.

>> No.9788293

Your going to release a romhack right Anon? Right?

>> No.9788308

Dat my post.

>> No.9788392

I know.
(I'm watching you, you dirty BOT.)

>> No.9788396
File: 47 KB, 170x270, dr_wright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is the plan as much as i like half finishing projects, hoarding shit and keeping things to myself.

>> No.9788491

>watching you
>homo bait
April joke

>> No.9788867

Yeah. I used to hav a vm of win98 but I found it to be more bothersome. Though now that I’m getting into coding and hacking win98 and xp are still handy for old tools

>> No.9788890
File: 1.63 MB, 320x240, anotherlevel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9788967

That's a bit more in line with a world 2 level. A few pinch points but nothing too challenging. Also the pipe you need a cape or yoshi to get to is a nice touch for an alternate exit.

>> No.9789096

Looks good so far, would like to try it out once it's finished

>> No.9789114
File: 61 KB, 300x276, mario_isScrewed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks interesting and fun, nice variations!

>> No.9789317
File: 217 KB, 1080x529, Screenshot_2023-04-01-09-49-11-926-edit_com.google.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9790039

kek - https://www.youtu.be/V9ip223TmuE

>> No.9790112


>> No.9790521

So what exactly is different in this update form the previous decade of updates on this project? It looks the same.

>> No.9790574

He got rid of those whiny entitled Nice Guy TM assholes.

>> No.9790684

The stage longer, some background layer music sound clearer and animation fix.

>> No.9792183
File: 5 KB, 256x224, !solstice-480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9792352


>> No.9792490

Making a tranny lockout patch for SMW

>> No.9792610
File: 14 KB, 514x525, 2023-04-03_10-24-34_nestopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't exactly the right place to ask, but I didn't find a "questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread and honestly this doesn't warrant making a new thread.

Is there any way to make bsnes let you choose what version of a game you want to run? Pic related, for instance, Nestopia let's you open a .7z file and then you're presented with a list of files inside that archive where you can pick the version you want to run. However I didn't find anything like it on bsnes v115. Should I just try another emulator? I picked bsnes because it was at the top of the snes emulator list in the wiki.

>> No.9792965

This getting better by the day.


>> No.9793071

You wont fool me with your bot mind games!

>> No.9793119

Based anon, based

>> No.9793878
File: 175 KB, 474x363, nintendo_quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Nestopia let's you open a .7z file and then you're presented with a list of files inside that archive
i've used a ton of emulators and have never seen (or noticed) that feature before. many force you to run uncompressed games, some let you run single compressed files, but running games within a zip file of multiple games is a nifty feature that i have never seen before. i wouldn't expect most emulaors to have that.
> BSnes
it's a fine choice, 9x is fine too if you need something a bit faster, but Mesen is the new hotness for it's debugging features (if you care about that)

>> No.9793985
File: 23 KB, 514x505, 2023-04-03_20-30-14_Mesen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I think it's a nice way to keep your ROMs organized. I didn't organized them that way, I downloaded some pack a long time ago and it came like this. I tried Mesen and it has the feature so there's that. Thanks.

>> No.9794045

Project N

>> No.9794146
File: 8 KB, 512x448, 1656953214007167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9794206

Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions 2
When the MGS decomp is available, I really want that to be a thing.

>> No.9795059
File: 814 B, 128x128, BombMarioHype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loving this vibe

>> No.9795131
File: 127 KB, 1356x1042, gpt_lul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was able to build WLA-DX with the help of ChatGPT, absolutely invaluable, but i started asking it for example repositories of romhacks using WLA-DX and it just starts making shit up repositories that don't exist for existing romhacks with completely made up authors lol. picrel.
GPT it is a great tool for getting unstuck and sometimes it is right but for god sake DO NOT JUST TRUST WHAT IT TELLS YOU. always verify what it spews because it just fucking makes shit up.
...i have a feeling this thing is just the Model-T Ford or the Wright Brothers biplane and in a few years time (or the end of the year) we are going to have Forumla 1 racecars and supersonic jets; these GPT AI's are going to be right 99.9% of the time soon and doing some fucking ridiculous inhuman tasks. some shit is happening here.

>> No.9795158
File: 9 KB, 512x448, 1657557887277938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!

>> No.9795215
File: 767 B, 80x80, kibbi_hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always loved those KA tiles. great choice.

>> No.9795412

StarCraft Ghost revival project

>> No.9795836
File: 846 KB, 1000x700, von_neumann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun Adventures in SNES development today:
the latest WLA-DX assembler has no binaries
so i built the latest WLA-DX myself, but the object files it generates contain corrupted ASCII characters and will not link for god knows what reason
current WLA-DX is not compatible with the (now 20 year old version) version of WLA-DX that compiles the SNES demos
various SNES demo source code examples are missing image .bin files and other dependencies
Mesen debugger will not import no$ .sym files correctly for SNES, apparently it works for gameboy
I converted the .sym label files to Mesen .mlb debugger format myself, but it has decided that $8000 labels apparently belong at $18000 where no code is, to get labels in $8000, you need to label them $0000. because that makes sense.
This is all after fixing the mouse IN THE MESEN SOURCE CODE with the author
I found a blog of SNES Simcity romhacking examples, and it even has WLA-DX code injection examples (the thing i want to do). this blog is gone from the internet. i can read the content on archive.org, but the examples themselves were not archived. these files are fucking GONE FROM EVERYWHERE.
I haven't even made any real progress on the actual project yet
How does anyone do SNES development?! jesus fuck
> Where is muh SNES homebrew
Holy fuck SNES development is broken. this is all just toolchain shit. i haven't even started dealing with the code itself... i can see now why Genesis is so much more popular.
Getting into Gameboy and NES development was not nearly this frustrating or broken.

>> No.9796025

Emulation but backward compatibility


>> No.9796029

PVsnesLIB get some updates.

Here other references>>9783679

>> No.9796074
File: 252 KB, 470x470, bjarne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> PVsnesLIB
i'm doing a romhacking project so that isn't really viable. thank you though.
> the latest WLA-DX assembler has no binaries
it does, i found them, they were just not on or mentioned on github, they were somewhat hidden on the authors personal website.
> current WLA-DX is not compatible with the (now 20 year old version) version of WLA-DX that compiles the SNES demos
it actually is, i got my compiled WLA-DX to build the examples, it was my fault (kinda), you needed to define a linkfile with a list of object files. not very intuitive but i should have figured that out.
> ... to get labels in $8000, you need to label them $0000. because that makes sense.
ackshuyleee it kinda does, it's the actual byte address in the file, and it seems to (have to) be that way for bankswitching. i'll have to either fix Mesen imports, write a script to convert the no$ format to Mesen .mlb, or figure out how to get WLA-DX to just output the byte address in the file...
anyway, i'm now figuring out how to inject portions of code into the Simcity ROM. we should be rocking and rolling soon...

>> No.9796220

MS e-boy?

>> No.9796408
File: 475 KB, 1920x2160, simcity_were_in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am now able to hotpatch on top of the SimCity ROM with WLA-DX and spit out full labeling in Mesen. There is plenty of blank space in the ROM to work with. This took all fuckin day but finally i have a good environment to work on this project.
This powershell script that converts .SYM labels to Mesen .MLB label files was written by ChatGPT! ...well, most of it, he made a couple fuckups, but i was able to polish up what he did. i just described the Powershell script i wanted in plain english and ChatGPT got me 90% of the way there. It saved hours of hassling with Powershell / regex bullshit. What a world we live in...

>> No.9796821

So you bot too?

>> No.9797786

MWIV (SNES) as Shantae creator original intended.

>> No.9798237

Where I can find a rom site for Nintendo 3ds

>> No.9798437

Not retro, but hshop.