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9780691 No.9780691 [Reply] [Original]

Are there actually people that think the SNES had a better soundchip than the Mega Drive?

>> No.9780724

Somehow, yes.

>> No.9780746

Mega Drive can't do samples
SNES can't do synth

>> No.9780774

They have two distinct sounds. No clue why people can't appreciate both

>> No.9780779 [DELETED] 

Those "people" are called Americans

>> No.9780784
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>When a SNES soundtrack tries to have a hard rock/metal feeling

>> No.9780808

Like DOOM, a soundtrack so popular there are actually mods to put in back into the PC version?

>> No.9780829

We just had this thread.

>> No.9780851

Y e s

>> No.9780858

what it could've sounded like if carmack didn't make the port in 2 days

yes, this is from a hack.

>> No.9780862

>what could've been
The life of a Segafag

>> No.9780870

I’m not saying the SNES sound chip was technically superior, but it least it didn’t sound like grungy farts

>> No.9780873

The most hilarious thing about the Saturn fiasco is Sega wasting Carmack's time on a 32X port and he was busy on Quake when it's time to do a Saturn version. Like, guys, couldn't we save our load for the non-stopgap console?

>> No.9780874


If you can't appreciate that bass I don't know what to tell you

>> No.9780878

Elf butt.

>> No.9780881 [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 930x565, apu super sniffer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BRRAAAAAAAPPP but in SNES soundchip

>> No.9780896

I'd biff her. I'd biff her real good.

>> No.9780969

Mega Drive gives me headaches after listening for too long. Also, it really feels like it has just one or two instruments that can imitate the others more or less, whereas for SNES, the possibilities are endless thanks to sampling.


>> No.9780984

snes music sucks compared to the genesis and pc

>> No.9781131


bonus track that (I know) isn't entirely representative:

>> No.9781136


Yes, there are people, after all. People do think that, all of them, except maybe some deaf ones who wouldn't know the difference, and infants and members of primitive tribes that haven't been exposed to computing machines. There are also other creatures, something like people but not quite the same, that "think" (if you can call their mental processes thought at all) the opposite.

>> No.9781139

low pitches and drums are hissy and buzzy as always - cheap crappy FM synth can do a pretty good job, but it can't ever match a decent sampler when doing bass and percussion
SNES hardware can't do everything this thing can but it's better overall, unless you hate bass and love buzzing hissing fizzing sounds

>> No.9781291

Realistically speaking, both systems have their share of great soundtracks, but the Genesis absolutely blows the SNES out of the water in the number of hidden gems. Plus most SNES music more or less sounds the same, whereas the Genesis had a bunch of different sound drivers, all with their own unique characteristics.
So it's a case of apples and oranges, and you can do a lot more with apples than you can with oranges so apples are objectively better.

>> No.9781297

People with ears, yeah.

>> No.9781313


>> No.9781345

Once I saw how SNES always did a better job at emulated themes from movies or TV shows compared to their Genesis counterparts I knew who was the clear winner.

Your just that weird Genesis kid and you still are

>> No.9781360

Where's the lie? It HAS better soundchip than Mega Drive's synthesizer farts. Only a few companies could make good music with Mega Drive's soundchip.

>> No.9782221

Ikr, so terrible

>> No.9782447

might as well put the rest

Vs Genesis versions

>> No.9782485

megadrive is a knock of pc98 fm sound chip, that means it can sound way better, but also way way worse.

>> No.9782509 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9782515



>> No.9782575

Both only have the best utilizing it to it's fullest potential, both exceed at things the other couldn't and both have a unique sound when done right. The console wars are long over, be civil for once.

>> No.9782880

>Mega Drive can't do samples
Old myth, long disproven.
>SNES can't do synth
This part is true though, along with many, many other things it cannot do.

The only thing this "puts to rest" is that the SNES can have muffled MIDI versions of oldies music. Is this meant to be impressive?

>> No.9782881

Genesis sounds like a fart machine

>> No.9782907

>Old myth, long disproven.

>> No.9782927

Neither is inherently "better" than the other. You might as well be arguing whether acoustic guitars or electric guitars are better. They're two different things.

>> No.9782929

Works for X3. https://youtube.com/watch?v=z26j4p0WI7Y

>> No.9782942


>> No.9782986


>> No.9782991


>> No.9782992 [DELETED] 

Tatsumaki Senpukyaku sounds like ass, sorry.

>> No.9783000


>> No.9783292

Thank you for proving >>9780784's point with this terrible MIDI music. The SNES is wholly incapable of rocking.

>> No.9783321


>> No.9783330
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People can.
Autists can't.
Simple as.

>> No.9783331

>(Real Hardware)
Shouldnt the video specify which model genesis? Dont they sound different?

>> No.9783360

Why gringos and their mindset are always
>IS IT "A" OR "B" huh?

In videogames you don't have to choose a side, is not stated anywhere, it's pure joy and you can enjoy it without being a schizo.
Some sega games sound cool other terrible, same with Snes.
Snes sounded better for things like orchestras and all that, sega sounded more rock and electro. You had tim follin and rareware on snes rocking everything, you had yuzo koshiro on sega doing amazing stuff too.
To me Sega genesis and Super nintendo are like brothers, the thing you didn't have in system appeared on the other one.

>> No.9783365

>Why gringos and their mindset are always
>>IS IT "A" OR "B" huh?
You've got to admit that insisting only gringos do this and not your ingroup as well is pretty ironic, anon

>> No.9783639

Kek last thing I expected coming back into this thread was to be called a gringo man I love /vr/

>> No.9783664

>This part is true


>> No.9783681

If Genesis won at one thing at least it definitely has to be the soundchip. Too bad we can't all agree on this. Listening to channels like Savaged Regime doing remixes of classic SNES songs proved this to me. Whenever a channel does the reverse the song always sounds worse. When its a SNES song done like if its on Genesis though it can vary from shit to good to just as good or even to being better than the original song.

>> No.9783703

And we'll keep having it until the faggot is banned because he's going to keep killing threads to keep making his fucking stupid console war bullshit.

>> No.9783708

chiptune metal fucking sucks

>> No.9783715


>> No.9783723

>chiptune metal fucking sucks

>> No.9783726

The SNES soundchip was way more technologically advanced but its the end result that matters, in my opinion composers simply did much better work with the Mega Drive, doesn't mean the SNES wasn't one of the best platforms for videogame music but the Mega Drive was on another level

You are a fag

>> No.9783749

> muffled
Oh look, it’s the clarity audiophile moron again

>> No.9783752

They don’t care about the console
These people are obsessed with the the Yamaha chip, they’ll take it out of the console to use

>> No.9783760

damn, that's cool. almost sounds like NES/gameboy at the beginning. then it kinda sounds like bowsers cave from SMW
I don't remember it in the game for some reason

>> No.9783873

Yeah they're called "people with working ears".

>> No.9783894

What the hell anon, X3 has the worst instrumentation of the three by far.

>> No.9783915

>Savaged Regime
His two SPC700 were sick lid

>> No.9783924

One More Time! - https://www.youtu.be/7TRL7F_sxdo

>> No.9783940

Native English speakers are the minority on this board and /v/ I feel

>> No.9783963

Well, this is an american imageboard.

>> No.9783969

>but its the end result that matters, in my opinion composers simply did much better work with the Mega Drive
That's completely untrue
there is way more memorable music on the SNES than the Mega Drive

>> No.9783996

Yet a otaku thread

>> No.9784010

Most Genesis music is pretty shit. FM Synth can be good, however, but usually not on Genesis.


>> No.9784124
File: 821 KB, 1600x1182, Castlevania Dracula X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis absolutely BTFO hard with this one post. Brutal.

SNES of course has tons of games with amazing soundtracks, but the quality on some are incredible like these. Konami knew what they were doing...

>dat baseline
>ultimate adrenaline song
>ultimate foreboding futuristic wasteland song

And the whole Dracula X soundtrack is almost as clear as the CD Rondo of Blood, but I think the songs are better; especially these. Most underrated 16 bit soundtrack by far. FFVI might be bigger and more epic, but this one is more quality dense. Not a single shitty song.

>> No.9784127

>"puts to rest"
I see reading comprehension is not your strong point

>> No.9784128

The thing about a sampler is that you can use any sample you want, including synth stabs. So from that standpoint the SNES automatically wins.

There are many soundtracks on the SNES that clearly show its capabilities in this regard, Donkey Kong Country and Yoshi's Island are great examples. Synthetic and organic sounds together, the MD could never get a bass to sound as good as Yoshi's Island does. I know the MD had samples too, but not nearly to the same extent. The developers of Toy Story 2 found a creative solution by creating new samples on the fly using interpolation to create the impression of multiple samples at the same time, but that's an example of overcoming limitation not a testament to how great the MD soundchip was. If it could be done on the MD it could be done on the SNES too.

But it's a pointless argument anyway because both systems had amazing soundtracks that surpassed the limitations of the hardware. I love the OST for Streets of Rage 2 as much as the OST for Donkey Kong Country. They're good for different reasons with unique sounds. The SNES could do more just because samples are useful for being able to atleast approximate any sound you can imagine so long as you can record or find or create it, but who cares anyway? For a certain kind of soundtrack despite all of that, the MD excelled without needing any creative workarounds.

>> No.9784129
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Comparing Bloodlines soundtrack, same tracks to this. >>9784124

>> No.9784137

Fucking bloody tears, LMAO
it's really no comparison

>> No.9784343
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>> No.9784457

SNES sounds muffled
Genesis sounds ear bleeding
Take the Amiga pill.

>> No.9784832

Amiga sounds like a stereo Beatles record. I prefer to not have instruments hard panned to a single speaker.

>> No.9784864
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>the whole Dracula X soundtrack is almost as clear as the CD Rondo of Blood

>> No.9784869

>SNES sounds muffled
Sounds clear and crisp to me

>> No.9784891

It sounds better than Rondo of Blood, it has much better mixing. Rondo of Blood's OST is drowned in reverb and the guitars sound really shitty, they sound more fake in Rondo than in the SNES game. The only thing that sounds objectively better in Rondo are the drums.

>> No.9784893

I dunno which one is better but when I think of the worst music I've ever heard on either system, I immediately think of the sonic spinball options menu
I'm sure both systems have way worse examples thoughever

>> No.9784895

Yeah, I like the Rondo OST but I feel it's a bit overrated. Dracula X, I don't know if it sounds objectively "better" or cleaner, but I do know I like its arrangements more than the Rondo tracks. Divided Bloodlines has much better guitar arrangements in DX, even if Rondo has real guitars.
Anyway, not trashing Rondo, it's still a good OST, just not the be-all end-all that some people say it is IMO.

>> No.9784908

Sounds like you played it on a bad emulator or something, sounds great to me playing on real hardware
Dracula X is definitely not better sounding

>> No.9784926

>b-but r-reverb
still sounds higher quality and more vivid

>> No.9784970

fuck off with that weebshit wank, this is how you make ambient

>> No.9785034

SEGA lost
Blast Processing is a myth

>> No.9785259

Do not forget the good old Master of Monsters

>> No.9785919

Everything sounds better in Rondo because its a fucking redbook audio soundtrack, are you trying to imply that the shit quality sampled music coming out of a SNES can compete? It doesn't in composition and certainly not in clarity, it was a vailant effort though.
Oh and it also lacks the greatest Castlevania track of the 4th gen

>> No.9785926

Growing up, I thought that most Genesis songs sounded like weird farts, and loved a lot of the cheesy rompler samples on the SNES. As an adult, especially after hearing the big brother of the Genesis chip - the YM2608 that was in the PC-98 - with soundtracks like those made by FM synthesis masters like Ryu Umemoto, I have absolutely zero doubt that the Yamaha chips have better potential for awesome music. Nothing sounds like that, it's a whole instrument. It just happens to be one that very few people can play well.

I guess by that comparison, the SNES chip is like a guitar while the Genesis chip is like a theremin or an erhu. The former is generally more accessible and can make decent but largely predictable music, while the latter requires virtuosity but can absolutely floor you when someone can actually play it right.

>> No.9785934

>The only thing this "puts to rest" is that the SNES can have muffled MIDI versions of oldies music. Is this meant to be impressive?
Holy cope. SEGAfags are delusional

>> No.9785969

I always thought the big brother of the Genesis chip was the YM2151, they sound very similiar after all

And for anyone that doesn't know Mad Stalker: Full Metal Forth got ported to Mega Drive a couple of years ago and it sounds pretty great
Mega Drive:

>> No.9786007

I think when people debate over the two, it's less what they were capable of and more what their drawbacks were. SNES had a very tight space for samples. So sample rates had to be cutdown severely. If it were spacious you'd basically just get Redbook CD audio or modern Tracker music. It's what leads to the SNES sounding like you're underwater. Genesis/MD was mostly limited by FM because samples frankly sounded horrible. So it was better to synthesize rather than use samples. I think people mostly rag on the Genesis/MD for GEMs "music" or the ear-blistering distortion that some FM patches have.
Ultimately it's about the composer knowing the strengths of their respective systems. DKC and SoR2 are bangers because of the composers at hand.

>> No.9786015

>The 16-bit audiophile project
>uploaded to youtube

>> No.9786073

I think the YM2612 is literally a YM2608 missing a couple features.

>> No.9786136
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>> No.9786576

>Cross a fear
But the Rondo version is pretty shit, https://youtu.be/48GC0QOgNyg

>> No.9786613

you can download the music on his site, as is the yt uploads are still much better than emulated shit.

>> No.9787284

Hey this is completely unrelated to the topic at hand, but who is that in the image that you have attached, and where can i find more art of them?

>> No.9787414

Yes, all snes music is better than the fart sounds the Genesis shits out.

>> No.9787436

1. https://www.youtu.be/0GKxIcoRvkU
2. https://www.youtu.be/EiT_tZOVbgY
3. https://www.youtu.be/smwVLeZhlKg

>> No.9787468

>Genesis does what Nintendon-

>> No.9787575

The main girl from Popful Mail, Sega CD

>> No.9787631

The SNES can sound like a Genesis.

The Genesis cannot sound like an SNES. Done.

>> No.9787818

fan covers like these mean nothing if you don't consider the memory limitation of a full game/soundtrack, the md can play whatever you want with enough memory too

>> No.9787916

not even similar

>> No.9787964

KEK - https://www.youtu.be/x-Rj_HhSI0Q

>> No.9787972

>but muh SNES coverinos!!!!!
Muffled MIDI shit version that pales in comparison to the original. All the author accomplished is sucking the life out of an excellent Mega Drive music.

>> No.9787973

yeah the md one is better

>> No.9788031

>Muffled MIDI
No way dorky dweeb

>> No.9788109


>> No.9788127
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I don't know to what extent and what's the failing point (possibly the concurrent sound layers as the mega drive has 6 and the pc-98 has 16 or something, but i don't think that's the chip's limitation) but the YM2612 is as far as I'm aware compatible the PC-88/98's soundchip, people have done conversion tools. I don't know too much about it, but I have read people mentioning it. And yuzo koshiro composed his famous mega drive tracks on a pc-88 and just ported them over (streets of rage, shinobi, etc)
Here's yu-no's soundtrack playing on the mega drive, also from the pc-98 and that same composer you just posted:

>> No.9788141

>yuzo koshiro
NDS series, etrian odyssey

>> No.9788145

yeah he still uses it to this day

>> No.9788150

sweet lawrd dat ass

>> No.9788159
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> play working design's popful mail
> expect i'm gonna get that sweet 90s saturday morning cartoon cheesy dub
> it actually crosses the cringe line it's not even funny anymore

I wish there was an undub and retranslation to go along with that patch that removes their gameplay changes.

>> No.9788165

>I wish there was an undub and retranslation
that'd be nice

>that removes their gameplay changes

>> No.9788180

I guess that's true, but I played the patched version so I never got the full working experience. Someone explained to me the cliffnotes and it was basically everything costs more and they messed around with the enemy stats. I'm gonna go on a limb and gamble away that I was better off with the original.

>> No.9788350

I tried playing the PC Engine version with a phone screen reading translation once. The translation method worked nicely, but unfortunately, the game is broken on Beetle core emulators, so it's impossible to finish.

>> No.9788378

ow I sniffed it<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9788457

The PC engine version has soul, slapping some electric guitars on top of everything isn't the best solution

>> No.9788508

How yuri of you, Princess Daisy

>> No.9788513

> the game is broken on Beetle
Huh, that's bizarre. It's not exactly an obscure flintstones pictionary tie in. Those are the types of game breaking bugs that devs don't bother try to patch up

>> No.9788575

The Mednafen devs seem to be aware of the issue, but it's been like 3 years and they still haven't fixed it. Can't blame them for focusing on more wide-reaching features and bug-fixes.

>> No.9788608

elf butt!

>> No.9788613

They seem to be the types of focusing on some sort of fundamentals and let the game-specific bugs iron themselves out as they hammer out the low-level emulations quirks, instead of trying to do hacky patches for each game.

>> No.9788624

Fun facts. Despite most games running better on the Sega, the SNES 1. supports DMA, 2. Had a more powerful CPU. Sprite limitations and poor implementations held the SNES back in regards to performance.

And despite all the farty music and the GEMS shit for the genesis - it had a far superior aound chip.

Here's a few examples of the Genesis in action and it's range.


Similar to SNES for performance, implementation of synth based systems to get exactly what you want is more difficult than samples systems. Of course, a quality sample based system would be equivalent to a quality synth system for what I hopr is obvious (you can just dample synths). But as far as older systems timbre quality is far wider for synth than samples for the bits but also again, harder to accomplish.

Even these examples don't flex the chip to it's theoretical max, but doing that requires stupid high audio/technical skills.

>> No.9789178

>the SNES 1. supports DMA, 2. Had a more powerful CPU
The Mega Drive also supports DMA, in fact it's DMA is quite better than the SNES, supporting a nominal 6.4369 MB/s transfer speed, compared the SNES mere 2.684658 MB/s, merely ONE THIRD the speed, further, the Mega Drive CPU runs absolute circles around the slow and plodding SNES CPU, running at 7.68 mhz compared the stock SNES mere 2.68 mhz, again ONE THIRD the speed, the Mega Drive having a 16-bit data bus compared the SNES 8-bit data bus, the Mega Drive offering 16 registers of 32-bit size, compared the SNES mere 4 registers of 16-bit size, this is the "blast processing" advantage that allows the mighty Mega Drive to perform effects the SNES could only dream of, including emulating the SNES hardware effects such as "mode 7" in software easily.

>> No.9789723

>including emulating the SNES hardware effects such as "mode 7" in software easily
Let me guess, unfinished tech demos running at half the resolution and framerate are your only examples of this?

>> No.9789802

impressive. I'm convinced.

>> No.9790174

>The Mega Drive also supports DMA,

Yeah no shit. That's what Blast Processing is. That's my point. The SNES has "blast processing" just like the Genesis. That's not overly special or enhancing as a console.

Both are good systems, but the common misunderstandings actually promote the opposite idea of what they are.

>the Mega Drive CPU runs absolute circles around the slow and plodding SNES CPU, running at 7.68 mhz compared the stock SNES mere 2.68 mhz, again ONE THIRD the speed,

Dude... shut up. Genesis has like 4-8 IPS compared to more typical SNES's 1-3 IPS. You gonna be like Oh it has 3x the clock speed while it's churning out clock after clock trying to get any instructions done. Making some calculations take more than twice as long.

Stop being the way you are. We're in an era where we know that Mhz don't mean shit.

Next you're gonna be over here screamin how a 3.9Ghz P4 is a "faster" CPU than a 3.6GHz i5-12700K cuz all da Ghz it has. FFS.

There's a whole lot of spec to compare that needs legitimate analysis. But overall, on average, the SNES puts out more MIPS.

>this is the "blast processing" advantage

Again, both had "blast processing". IE DMA.

Regardless, both were competent machines for putting out what they mostly needed for games.

>> No.9790394

If you want an unbiased opinion on this, Steve Wozniak (one of the two co-founders of Apple, the other one being Steve Jobs) gave an interview in 1984 (one year before the NES hit the U.S. market, and before anyone could think of the Genesis or the SNES) clearly stating that "an 8-MHz 65816 is about equivalent to a 16-MHz 68000 in speed". I am 4channer expert.

So, a Genesis and a SNES would be somewhat similar in terms of CPU speed. The SNES had more slowdowns, and this may have several explanations. Many would say that the SNES run at 2.68 MHz most of the time due to the use of LoROM carts. And perhaps the SNES CPU was much harder to program.

You can see the potential of the SNES in its later games. Look at Donkey Kong Country trilogy, for instance. These games do not use any add-on chip, and they are simply great and run smoothly. There are also some of these later games, which were released only in Japan, which show the true potential of the SNES, such as Violinist of Hameln.

The SNES had 15-bit color (instead of 9-bit as the Genesis), more on-screen sprites, larger sprites, more background layers, more RAM, and a better sound chip with more RAM accommodated to it. The sound in the SNES, although muffled due to the compression only early debut games, is miles ahead of what the Genesis could provide.

In the end, I think Nintendo may have made a poor CPU choice for the SNES. I read somewhere that it considered using a 68000 at 10 MHz, but ultimately dropped it to cut costs and to keep compatibility with the NES (which used a 6502-based CPU; and in the end, backward compatibility was also dropped). If Nintendo had used a 10 MHz 68000 instead, the SNES would be an unstoppable beast. Instead, the 68c816 seemed to have been more complex to develop for, and require more expensive ROM (HiROM) to achieve its full potential (and apparently most developers would use LoROM to keep costs down).

Also TG-16 was magnificent.

>> No.9790669
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Thanks for sharing this channel

>> No.9790681
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I love that Genesis sound

>> No.9790702
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a lot of their youtube uploads actually sound pretty bad, i don't know why. their flac/mp3 releases are obviously fine but either they fucked up the encoding or youtube fucked up the processing

>> No.9790724

For me is Undercover Cop SFC

>> No.9790791

nah you are just used to unfiltered shit

>> No.9791534

>Genesis has like 4-8 IPS compared to more typical SNES's 1-3 IPS.
The "IPS" means "instructions per second", less than 10 IPS would be pitifully slow by 1940's standards. Both the Mega Drive and SNES are thousands of times faster than this. That you make this very basic mistake is telling of your complete lack of technical understanding, because
>on average, the SNES puts out more MIPS.
Here's this "megahertz myth" yet again, please tell me, which instructions precisely only take 1 to 3 clock cycles on the SNES, to give it such a speed advantage to beat the Mega Drive 68000 processor at 3 TIMES the speed? Any proper analysis of the instruction set will reveal that, no, the SNES slow and plodding CPU needs at least 5 cycles to perform any of the actually useful arithmetic and memory movement instructions that will form the bulk of the instructions used in a program, this is compared the 68000 in the Mega Drive, which can easily perform arithmetic and data movement instructions in 8 cycles, or even as few as 4 if the 16 registers are put to their proper use. You are relying on this idea that "you cannot compare clock speed", which is true to a degree, but you can EASILY compare clock speed alongside with the actual instruction clock counts, and it is in this comparison that you will find the Mega Drive running circles around the SNES, to a degree possibly higher than the 3 TIMES faster clock speed would imply.
Simply put, you are wrong, cope.
>both had "blast processing". IE DMA.
Incorrect, "blast processing" refers both to the greater speed and flexibility of the Mega Drive DMA, as well as the significantly faster CPU.
>both were competent machines for putting out what they mostly needed for games.
Disagree, SNES games continually suffer from horrible and nauseating slowdowns, terrible physics, cut animations and contents, input lag, poor AI, and countless other flaws that were simply not apparent on the litany of more powerful 16-bit hardwares.

>> No.9791541

>more on-screen sprites, larger sprites, more background layers
This means very little when the SNES, unlike the Mega Drive, could only choose 2 simultaneous sprite sizes on the screen, meaning games had to use more sprites that were smaller in order to accommodate larger objects, further, the SNES limits sprites to a mere 16 KB of VRAM usage, a limit which, once again, the Mega Drive does not have, which renders it's "larger sprites" largely useless, in practice, the Mega Drive can do far more simultaneous sprites, because objects can be represented with single hardware sprites, rather than multiple smaller sprites stitched together, furthermore, the Mega Drive can multiplex sprites, allowing it to easily reuse single hardware sprites multiple times on a screen, this is why games such as Gauntlet IV were easily possible on the Mega Drive, but can never be done on the SNES.
>more RAM
Very near meaningless, as the SNES only allows free access to 8 KB of it's RAM, with the remaining 120 KB locked away in other banks, which have to be switched to in order to be utilised, this is compared to the Mega Drive, which is easily able to address all 64 KB of it's RAM without restriction.
>and a better sound chip
>The sound in the SNES, although muffled due to the compression only early debut games, is miles ahead of what the Genesis could provide.
This and all the other "SNES vs Mega Drive audio" threads seem to show otherwise, quite definitively.
>Also TG-16 was magnificent.
I do agree with this, however, the PC Engine is a very capable and quite performant piece of hardware. It's too bad the SNES was not the same way.

>> No.9791570

If you want to console war, then here's my honest opinion;
I don't know why anyone still likes Sega. I tried a whole bunch of Genesis games and the only ones that were halfway decent were Midnight Resistance and Subterrania. Sonic is made with quality but not my thing. Every other Genesis game I tried felt like it was a 10 minute time waster and nothing more.

>> No.9791573

There's two issues that usually pop up with these remakes on SNES.

First is that the SNES generally doesn't seem to handle note decays, pitch shifts/bends, etc. as well. And a lot of Genesis tracks make use of those techniques. While the SNES can do them, it's rare and most of these fan remixes don't try to do them for some reason.

Second is that the Genesis has 2 more sound channels than the SNES, and most games make full use of them. So many times these remixes come off sounding flat because some channels had to be dropped in order to work on the SNES.

>> No.9791578

This but unironically. Snes sounds way more clear and smooth overall

>> No.9791580

From the two you said you liked things like Alien Soldier, Gunstar Heroes, Contra Hard Corps, Red Zone, etc. should be right up your alley. What other kind of games were you looking for in the library?

>> No.9791589

Good recommendations, thanks. I just want games that I can either sit down and play start to finish (with mild difficulty), or something that takes hours and hours. Ecco was good too, forgot that one. I tried two zelda clones and they were really bad.
I play on real hardware btw.

>> No.9791594

If you like RPGs and Strategy games I'd take a look at the Phantasy Star games and the Shining Force games. Phantasy Star 4 especially is one I'd put right up there as one of the best JRPGs of the 16-bit era. The Monster World games aren't bad either.

>> No.9791601

Nah not a fan of RPGs for the most part. Only ones I've ever played are Pokemon Red and Earthbound, because they're easy. I tried Chrono Trigger and couldn't get into it. Anything with an anime look/influence to it I probably won't like.

>> No.9791613

I wouldn't really say Phantasy Star or Shining Force are difficult, but the Phantasy Star 2 can be a bit grindy. Though they do have an 80s anime look to them. Another that's pretty interesting is Star Cruiser which does have a translation patch if you have an Everdrive. It's kind of a 3D Sci-Fi kind of RPG.

For non RPGs things like Rocket Knight Adventures, Castlevania Bloodlines, Streets of Rage 1 and 2, the Thunder Force Series, etc. might be worth looking into as well. One that's technically multiplatform but I enjoyed was the Star Trek TNG game on it. The Genesis version has some additional features to it like being able to negotiate your way out of space battles instead of just having to always go in guns blazing like the SNES version.

>> No.9791767

>Gauntlet IV
Slow ass mid 80s shit, snes Smash TV or Parodius Da are better and more impressive, kys already auster.

>> No.9792786
File: 1.10 MB, 1440x1080, gauntlet4_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snes Smash TV
No scrolling because SNES couldn't handle it, far fewer simultaneous enemies.
>Parodius Da
Rife with nauseating, gag-inducing slowdowns.
Sorry but, these are not impressive when stacked up against what the much more capable Mega Drive was capable of.

>> No.9792982

>No scrolling
Why would you add scrolling to a game with no scrolling?, fucking retard.
>far fewer simultaneous enemies.
wrong, by the time there were multiple 8-bits ports of gauntlet that did the job just fine, the md one doesn't even look as good as the old ass arcade because MD's colors are garbage lmao
>Rife with nauseating, gag-inducing slowdowns
poser retard who never played the arcade detected, thunder force iv's slowdowns are much worse and completely kill the pace of the game in many sections.

>> No.9793117

>Why would you add scrolling to a game with no scrolling?, fucking retard.
You really thought you had a scathing, searing retort here, didn't you? Why did you put up a non-scrolling game with less objects (Smash TV, just so you don't be confused), against a game with way more objects and scrolling? (again, Gauntlet IV, try to keep up)
>there were multiple 8-bits ports of gauntlet that did the job just fine
Not with sprites, it's sad you cannot tell the difference, but I am used to tendies having zero technical proficiency whatsoever, that is the sort of mindset it takes to be invested in the 2.68 mhz nogames trash heap.
>thunder force iv's slowdowns
A game such as Thunder Force IV or Gauntlet IV can be forgiven for having some occasional slowdowns, given just how much they are performing. What does the SNES slow down for? Even the smallest modicum of action in it's games causes it to crawl to a halt, simply pathetic.

>> No.9793143

>A game such as Thunder Force IV or Gauntlet IV can be forgiven for having some occasional slowdowns
Literally "it's okay when Genesis does it"

>> No.9793171

you are the same mentally person that makes all these boring ass threads with the same shit

>> No.9793183

Original diablo

>> No.9793196

>You really thought you had a scathing, searing retort here
as opposed to posting an unimpressive port of an unimpressive 1985 arcade game? lmao
>m-muh scrolling
>m-muh objects
by your retarded logic the md port of smash tv should have scrolling and more objects, but guess what, it's shit compared to the snes.
>technical proficiency
your only proficiency is being a retarded console warrior nitpicking and trivializing random tech info to favor your toy.
>c-can be forgiven
>o-occasional slowdown
>i-i-it's okay when the md does it!!
pathetic cope
>What does the SNES slow down for?
for way less trivial shit than tf4, parodius da's hardest difficulties will make you beg for slowdowns, poser shitter.

>> No.9793238

Killer Instinct soundtrack on SNES still hits me like Pavlov's dogs.

>> No.9794347

Almost like Tim Follin did the SNES version and not the Genesis version you retard. Look at Time Trax, he did the Genesis version of that but not SNES. Guess which version has good music.

>> No.9794430

>an autist might understand that you like the color blue, but have no idea that it would upset you if they went to check out the balloons across the street
yeah me too? wtf is the connection there

>> No.9794452

>Almost like Tim Follin did the SNES version and not the Genesis version you retard
He and his brother did both unless you have proof otherwise

>> No.9794485
File: 7 KB, 268x253, 1676160016766974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are "people" who think Mega Drive had a better soundchip than the SNES

>> No.9795761

Sega sounded really "flat" most of the time, I don't know how to describe it, but the bass sounded like farting and everything just sounded flat.

>> No.9796384

Is that her butt?

>> No.9796530

yes and i want to penetrate it

>> No.9796814


>> No.9797608

your posts stick out like a cobblers thumb, madposter. Nobody will care when you die

>> No.9798303
File: 3 KB, 385x381, Yoshi&#039;s Island Beta - Final Bowser 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, but it still sounds cool to me even if it would benefit from a better soundchip


>> No.9798380

yes. and you can just tell that it's incredibly stinky and sticky from sweat. I would take but a moment of face-burying over that whole bag of gold.

>> No.9798445

>for way less trivial shit than tf4
The SNES Port of Thunder Force III stutters and slows down every time you shoot:

The Genesis version doesn't do this:

>> No.9798505

>outsourced shit
Cool nitpicking
>stutters and slows down every time you shoot
So just like tf4 except tf4 gets a free pass because, m-muh genesis!

>> No.9798694

>So just like tf4 except tf4 gets a free pass because, m-muh genesis!
TF4 "gets a pass" because it's doing far more.
>Linescrolling effects
>Tons of enemies
>Vertically scrolling playfield
The SNES screeches to a halt even without any of these, yet TF4 is fairly performant with only occasional slowdowns despite doing all this. Of course, that is to be expected, when the Mega Drive's CPU is wholly THREE TIMES faster, this gives it the capacity for more sophisticated games such as TF4, which simply never had any chance of ever running at any speed on the SNES.

>> No.9798706

can this thread please die, I keep getting distracted by that butt

>> No.9799639

>>SNES can't do synth
it actually can do something similar to FM synth*, although it was basically unused for it's whole lifetime.

both soundchips weren't even pushed close to their limits during their lifetimes desu

* - this uses pitch modulation (not exactly the same as FM synth) of a sample using a second sample as the operator, and can support up to four of these.

>> No.9799704

>b-b-but muh graphics!!!
so now you are defending shit performance because it's okay when the md does to salvage its terrible colors, got it.
>muh tons of enemies, muh scroll!!
Already a thing in Rendering rangers, Axelay, Parodius Da!, Macross etc. except the colors aren't shit and the performance is better, get fucked auster.

>> No.9799747

If you guys spent half as much effort learning to program these systems as you do in these threads you wouldn't be talking out your ass, and maybe you'd actually have something to show for it.

>> No.9799751

>Rendering rangers
You mean the game that has to stop everything for ONE large enemy to appear?
Runs like shit compared TF4, and is doing far less.
>Parodius Da!
Runs like shit compared Parodius on PC Engine or X68000.
Does not scroll, why do you tendies always have to lie to try to support your 2.68 mhz trash heap? What a boring and unimpressive selection, is that all you have?

>> No.9799837

>You mean the game that has to stop everything for ONE large enemy to appear?
That's how bosses work, retard. Most of those fill the entire screen, meanwhile TF4 bosses are much smaller and slowdown like crazy, lol.
>Runs like shit compared TF4
Completely wrong, Axelay only slowdowns when there's a shitton of sprites and not for long, TF4 slowdowns most of the time just for shooting which is pathetic.
>doing far less
Except TF4 doesn't have 3 backgrounds, nor transparencies, nor good performance nor mode 7, nor colors fitting for a 16-bits game, shitter.
>Parodius PCE
Complete garbage compared to the SNES version, less sprites on screen, lots of flickering, no parallax, much easier, worse resolution so need to scroll like other pce games etc etc.
>Does not scroll
And? it does more impressive things than mimicking a effect from old 80s games, shitter, if anything the PCE proves that vertical scroll is a crutch to improve performance.
Slowdowns as much if not more than the SFC version, it's a good port but the SFC one is much more impressive for the price.
Auster proving once again he's just a poser shitter who doesn't even play games, color me surprised.

>> No.9799858

big, fat elf butt, anon.

>> No.9799978

>That's how bosses work, retard.
You haven't even played this game you are touting as "technically impressive", but guess what, I have, and it is anything but impressive.
>Axelay only slowdowns when there's a shitton of sprites and not for long, TF4 slowdowns most of the time just for shooting
The delusion is laughable.
>mode 7
Neither does Axelay, you technically illiterate tendie.
>worse resolution
The PC Engine's lowest resolution is the same as the SNES NORMAL resolution, you technically illiterate tendie.
>And? it does more impressive things than mimicking a effect from old 80s games
A scrolling playfield means more maths, more CPU required, much more difficult to maintain a consistent framerate, you technically illiterate tendie.
Keep letting Australia live in your head, it's quite funny. Are you tired of being owned yet?

>> No.9799986

Damn that Rendering Ranger R2 gameplay is impressive in the shmup levels. If that level of action was happening in a Technosoft game on the Genesis it would be slowing way the fuck down.

>> No.9800049

>that RR clip
Most pathetic cherrypicking I've seen in a while, people will watch the rest of the video and realize you are full of shit tho, you know.
>Neither does Axelay
Yes it does, how about you play the game before being retarded next time?
>tech demo
Doesn't look near as good as the levels in axelay, mode 7 or not.
>The PC Engine's lowest resolution is the same as the SNES NORMAL resolution
>muh theorical totally possible resolution!!
Pathetic, but the sad truth is that most pce shooters were only possible by lowering the resolution/adding bars + shitty vertical scroll...
>A scrolling playfield means more maths
meanwhile most pce shmups used vertical scrolling to improve performance, delusional shitter.
>i'm not auster!!
sure thing schizo

>> No.9800112

>The delusion is laughable.
who's delusional again?

>> No.9800776


/Thread. Nothing on any 16 bit machine compares to this

>> No.9800792

that's not on a 16 bit machine, that's a cover using the ym2612 chip

>> No.9800814


>> No.9800823

Anon, show me the game on a 16 bit system
Use actual MD games

>> No.9800850

i know that you are a fanboy but let's see:
RR: it looks good but it has a lot of troubles, in general you can see generic patterns, boring set pieces and in general reduces ai, effects and more to mantain 60 fps with extreme optimizations, a lot of those effects were made by games like contra hard corps and even mega turrican, which is more impressive by adding rotation on sprites, high scrolling speed and it's even made by the same programmers, in general rendering ranger was a final effort from them which in general is shown by the need of using background instead of sprites for the bosses, something that it's really weird on megadrive and there's games like eliminate down which do similar bosses with just sprites like eliminate down
Ax:Axelay just looks like a normal shmup, it isn't bad but i don't think that it's something like TF4
Aside from that, the tech demo looks better, the pattern is more clear, the higher 320 resolution let's it show a less squashed screen making for a more beautiful scene and in general the effect isn't impressive on the first place (a lot of sega genesis games like high seas havoc, sonic 3d blast and jurassic park use the effect with more backgrounds using more as a complement instead of just being one background).
these games run on a lower resolution, with more difficulties running them, lower bullet counts and more.

>> No.9800854

thunder force 4 is seen as the quintessential horizontal shmup because it has extreme bullet counts (doubling the bullets from these games), has more resolution, has more detailed backgrounds with more original tiles, doesn't use addon chips, is quick, and always has more complex enemies, parodius da! for example uses more directed bullets or scenes where the enemies throw bullets only when killed to evade logic, something like a grind stormer port would have been impossible for example (even if that conversion has troubles even on megadrive).
thunder force 4 has big sprites with tons of bullets which are shot from the main weapons while at the same time each one of them makes a decal which is bigger while at the same time dealing with a higher resolution and more complex weapons with a logic which needs more math operations than direct bullets.
in general i haven't never seen a snes games which doesn't have the need to reuse assets (something which rendering ranger does) while at the same time going slower. the snes has good games but his inherently horrible architecture based around backwards compatibility with the original snes with the sprite limits based around rectangles, the limits of tiles and processor capacity to make real logic and graphic manipulation causes a lot of troubles, the games were good because the programmers fought against this shit daily and got to make great games by using their limits but that doesn't mean that the limits aren't there.

>> No.9800861

this is a demo but uses one of the savaged regime ost.
it's the same chip so it's totally possible to put them on the ym2612 of the megadrive, saying otherwise when it works to his full capacity thanks to the zilog is delusional as fuck.

>> No.9800865

you think that sounds better than the SNES version?
and you are the one that posted "Nothing on any 16 bit machine compares to this"

>> No.9800878

i think that it sounds good, the snes one is better on the orchestra and this is better on the more rock oriented soundtrack.
the post was to show that it's possible to put savaged regime music on hardware without troubles.
if you want a game which was sold and had excellent music that represents the gen adventures of batman and robin and thunder force 4 are good examples.
you can put this on a real console by using the vgm files and making a custom rom with the music if you want to know.

>> No.9800887

savaged regime music*

>> No.9800889


>> No.9800892

just as good

>> No.9800894

that literally means nothing, you can use any chip to create music
It's like saying a guitar is better than a piano at playing music
such a dumb post

>> No.9800901

the point is that it's possible to put it on the hardware with no problem, something which the first post point was, it was the personal opinion of someone saying that the song which he linked shows that it has the better sound chip thus it's better at playing better music than other consoles from the generation, which even if fanboyish i agree but i know that it isn't an objective statement.

>> No.9800905

>It's like saying a guitar is better than a piano at playing music

>> No.9800906

even more when thunder force bosses do a lot more and aren't background elements, so they can do more movements and be more dynamic than just a wall which was already possible on md.

>> No.9800919

yeah. but personally what i'm saying is that the guitar and the piano are equally good but i prefer the guitar.
aside from that, it's more like one of them being a classic piano and the other a 80s synth piano on a more literal way (even if the hz limitations of the snes makes it better for more classical music thanks to less pitched sounds being more easy to hear on low hz).

>> No.9801271

nice wall of cope and wishful thinking
>high scrolling speed
literally a nes-tier feature, not impressive at all.
>rotation on sprites
random gimmick that's barely used, if anything mode 7 on enemies tend to be more impressive.
>RR is le bad because of pseudoscience
nah it shits on TF4 on a technical level, cope.
>games like eliminate down which do similar bosses with just sprites like eliminate down
and it's an ugly flickering fest, not helping your case.
>it isn't bad but i don't think that it's something like TF4
yeah because axelay is better in every aspect.
>the tech demo looks better,
if you don't mind shit colors, lack of details and transparencies... maybe? lmao
> high seas havoc, sonic 3d blast and jurassic park
all look worse than axelay, your point?
>quintessential shmup
poser meme
>tf4 has extreme bullet count
>doubling the bullets
LMAO, this shit has been debunked many times already. TF4 has very low bullet count compared to Parodius Da or Super Aleste, not to mention it slowdowns much worse.
>has more resolution
not with that crappy black bar on the top.
>has more detailed backgrounds
not with those garbage colors and nes tier line scrolling, 3 backgrounds are more impressive.
>doesn't use addon chips
neither the games listed here, lying shitter.
>and always has more complex enemies
source: your ass
>grind stormer
garbage port compared to parodius da, doesn't even have revenge bullets like the arcade.
>thunder force 4 has big sprites with tons of bullets which are shot from the main weapons while at the same time each one of them makes a decal which is bigger while at the same time dealing with a higher resolution and more complex weapons with a logic which needs more math operations than direct bullets.
so much pseudoscience only to say you are a tf4 wanker

>> No.9801276

It was more soulful
hiding this thread so dont bother fags

>> No.9801908 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 196x265, d0013b5b1ae9825089792db050b2258941314c8c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL, this is the sort of people the tendies are, every time. Let me guess, you are on you're 5th booster? Diligently masking? Made sure to get all you're children their shots so they could start their public school curriculum? Who am I joking, we all know you have no children.
Nobody is impressed with you're Rendering Ranger shit, we can all see right through it, and you're attempts to push the SNES Parodius, which is totally outperformed by it's PC Engine and X68000 counterparts, or Axelay, which slows to a crawl at the slightest provocation, or even Super Aleste, a contender for slowest and more boring shooter ever, it is no wonder it doesn't slow down, it doesn't need to with how little it's doing, what a pathetic laundry list of unimpressive games that you keep touting, you're sad and pitiful SNES is completely flanked by ALL it's competitors, it was the slowest and most bottlenecked console of the generation BY FAR, and we're no longer buying into the dogma that it was "the best" at anything, much less even remotely good.

>> No.9801926 [DELETED] 

>still no argument
>still copes with inferior ports and uneducated poser opinions
sad, if only you took your meds.

>> No.9801938 [DELETED] 

>still no argument
This is quite sad at this point, all those vaccines must be clotting your brain quite severely, pseudoscience.

>> No.9801949 [DELETED] 

posting random manipulated trivia in a desperate attempt to make your toy look better isn't an argument

>> No.9801953

Rendering Ranger R2 is definitely a much more impressive game than anything Technosoft ever made.

>> No.9801969 [DELETED] 

>meds... le bad
yeah no wonder you are a schizo.

>> No.9801981 [DELETED] 

Don't worry pseudoscience, the science gladly affirms you're gender identity.

>> No.9801998 [DELETED] 

>already projecting this much

>> No.9802056

NintendoComplete too*

>> No.9802060

plus futa bulge, anon

>> No.9802691

>literally a nes-tier feature
the nes couldn't keep it at a high res and with higher speeds.
>rotation on sprites
rotation on sprites isn't a gimmick, it's a cute addition which had real examples aside from mega turrican and by tilting a lot of mode 7 effects can be replicated or even made in software.
it doesn't flicker that much from what i'm seeing.
by having worse graphics, speed and being slow.
>shit color, lack of details and transparencies
axelay doesn't really have transparencies, the colors look very similar and i like the detail of the background.
that the axelay effect is possible and looks really good or even better like in jurassic park rampage edition for example because it isn't just one background and even has reflection effects.
being a contrarian isn't an argument.
parodius da! has very low bullet counts from what i was seeing, tf4 isn't a bullet hell but i saw more bullets there.
>3 backgrounds
with shit colors, difficulties and more, following that, the colors are fine, the game has a limitation on that aspect but they made it look awesome, pretty funny that you deny that and even lie about the scrolling speed which can't never be seen on any nes game.
>addon chips
i was making a general breakdown of the snes disingenuous fuck.
one enemy moving up and down it's more simpler than one which moves to the sides and attacks you directly.
>garbage port
it has more bullets than parodius da! aside from that, the revenge bullets were impossible on any home console. except the borrowed arcade pcb
>no liar.
but it's true dude, play TF4 and be happy.
rendering ranger is an excellent effort but i don't think it compares to TF4, eve, it was excellent because it was made by the turrican devs

>> No.9802697

repeated tiles too.

>> No.9802708

the point of that post was to show that the axelay effect is possible, looks really good and can even be made better like in jurassic park rampage edition thanks to not being used as the main background and even doing reflection effects with it.

>> No.9802730

and better than axelay

>> No.9802738

and can squish all of the juice of the effect like in

>> No.9802898

no. you fucking ruined it

>> No.9802967

>the nes couldn't keep it at a high res and with higher speeds
>pretty funny that you deny that and even lie about the scrolling speed which can't never be seen on any nes game.
wrong, dumb faggot: https://youtu.be/HJ-ppS7HH9k, also most md shooters used black bars so the screen is about the same, it's not impressive at all.
>mode 7 effects can be replicated
let me guess, another brazilian tech demo with shit resolution and framerate.
>it doesn't flicker that much from what i'm seeing.
because you have low standards, that one ball boss in super aleste is similar except it didn't flicker like crazy.
>by having worse graphics, speed and being slow.
but enough about your brain
>axelay doesn't really have transparencies, the colors look very similar
wrong and wrong, axelay is pushing at least twice the amount.
for not being an uneducated tf4 wanker? give me a break.
>parodius da! has very low bullet counts from what i was seeing
you only saw the easiest difficulties, hardest difficulties are denser and add revenge bullets which tf4 lacks. TF4 slowdowns like crazy with a moderate amount of bullets as seen here https://youtu.be/i2DA5nj46Ts?t=314
>with shit colors, difficulties and more
but enough about tf4
>i was making a general breakdown of the snes
aka coping because you have no real argument.
>one enemy moving up and down it's more simpler than one which moves to the sides and attacks you directly.
good thing snes shooters have both.
>it has more bullets than parodius da!
source your ass
>revenge bullets were impossible on any home console
good consoles like the snes handle revenge bullets just fine, see parodius da! and super aleste.
>play TF4 and be happy.
I have 2 copies, not a bad game but overrated with severe pace and performance issues.

>> No.9803480

interesting, the game was never released but it's a good demo, aside from that, the black bar was for vertical shooters to put the score, horizontal shooters never used black bars, aside from that those games had those black bars to be more accurate, musha aleste for example never had black bars.
>tech demo
well. i can have an non country known demo, an uk hack and two commercial games:
and if you want here's 3d games without chips
and this is without an addon chip built into the console like the snes, removing the mode 7 shit would make these effects impossible.
>the ball boss
the ball boss is smaller, uses less sprites and in general doesn't have that many bullets like the elminate down example, it's cool but not impressive, even more when it could have been done in a background thanks to the non mode 7 effect (something that was very common on snes games).
insults aren't a point
transparencies which are just color swaps and muffled color count which looks similar or very equal to dark genesis games.
this is the reason UK should have bought super nintendos (now really, sorry if people bullied you when you were a kid because you had another console, snes games are excellent).

>> No.9803483

the game has similar counts to grind stormer with smaller sprites and without patterns, mixed that the bullets are even smaller thanks to the smaller resolution thanks to the compensation needed makes it a good but not that impressive game on the grand scheme of things, thunder force 4 for example has detailed sprites which are much bigger have a better artificial intelligence while at the same time uses all of the backgrounds possible detail which is 180% of an snes background. and if we are talking about grind stormer, then no, grind stormer has more bullets by simply better sprite management.
the same thing
>no argument
the arguments were given at the start, read.
in very small quantities and in the case of rendering ranger it's obvious that it is a background.
the bullets look 2x bigger too.
by making them microscopic and just having enemies which shoot one bullet, any console could do it with those limitations.
atleast you accepted thunder force 4, the pace in the later stages becomes really weird, i admit to that, for the first selectable 4 it's good with the fleet stage being perfect. the slowdowns are undeniable but it's understandable by how much shit the game had to pump (even if it causes issues, which even if don't break the game or make it unplayable they are still issues).

>> No.9803486

wacky races wasn't never released due to licensing issues, just like bio force ape.

>> No.9803490

a more comparable moments from both games

>> No.9803498

There will never be a single 16 bit console war thread post 2018 in which unfinished single screen techdemos running on Genesis are not posted.

>> No.9803502

it's to show that it's possible.
now pier solar:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG4V_kLL0NI

>> No.9803503

It's possible to run at half the resolution, framerate and with no actual gameplay. So not at all actually.

>> No.9803505

it has actual gameplay like snes rpgs, it has hitboxes and it's a fun minigame.

>> No.9803510

It's literally just floating around at half the framerate and resolution of mode 7. Like every other techdemo in every other console war thread.

>> No.9803521

yeah, it's done with just one chip and you can with this add 3d elements and slopes tho.
it's a racing minigame, forgot to include that.

>> No.9803554
File: 3.93 MB, 480x360, Hyperzone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's another techdemo that's at best a rough approximation of the real thing without even having gameplay.

>> No.9803568

i wish pawg elf warrior girls were real, and that they abducted human men

>> No.9803614

panorama cotton looks better than hyperzone and has more scaling and elements than hyperzone (the only issue that it has is the framerate) and it's a commercial game with a more taxing gameplayhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufVi3aL6ol0..

>> No.9803617

and doesn't just go in one direction too.

>> No.9803619

>(the only issue that it has is the framerate)
Running at a blazing 15FPS is more than a small issue. The game looks and plays like trash.

>> No.9803629

it doesn't, it plays well even with that framerate, it doesn't look like trash tho, a lot of the scenes are impossible on mode 7 and look excellent for 1994.

>> No.9803635

SNES could do choppy pseudo 3D with hills too.

>> No.9803639

not that good as panorama and with less elements, good try but mediocre.
you should have used road rash tho.

>> No.9803641

and without real sideways movement, meh.

>> No.9803647

It has way more convincing depth than Cotton's poorly scaling sprites.

>> No.9803653

nah it doesn't.

>> No.9803660

The Baja almost looks like a polygonal environment. Nobody is going to mistake the disco floors in Cotton for polygons.

>> No.9803663

it looks like ladders and if you want real polygons go to mega drive, it has a better cpu for real 3d instead of imitations.

>> No.9803665

and the point is that the sprite scaling looks good as sprite scaling, not that it tries to be 3d.

>> No.9803669

Actual sprite scaling looks good, the Space Harrier II tier stuff in Panorama Cotton does not.

>> No.9803689

but it's sprite scaling by 16 bits limit, the snes does a shittier job in this and you get nes effects which falsion did better.
you have never played space harrier 2 tho, space harrier 2 doesn't scale, it jumps tho, it isn't comparable to cotton at all.

>> No.9803697

>it isn't comparable to cotton at all
They both use the same fake scaling effect of using increasingly larger and more detailed sprites.

>> No.9803702

which the snes does worse because it has a shitty bus which cannot allocate for shit.

>> No.9803703

it isn't fake perse too, just more limited (this is for all consoles, scaling chips did the same thing just with more capacity and quicker)

>> No.9803706

Seems to handle it just fine in Hyperzone at 60FPS.

>> No.9803717

because it has a lot less elements, even more when the background doesn't shift at all, something like cotton is impossible.

>> No.9803732
File: 1.90 MB, 572x436, Melfand Stories.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of effects are possible when you target sub 30FPS. It's more impressive if the game actually runs well.

>> No.9803745

meh, puggs did it with a bigger sprite.
even then, no. see non chip 3d snes games, the only game that tried (being race drivin' was going at 8 fps at a microscopic resolution.

>> No.9803778

It would require playing more than a few minutes of Puggsy to see that sprite so nobody in their right mind is going to see that effect.

>> No.9803787

puggsy is the best physics puzzle platformer on the gen, it's an awesome game

>> No.9803793

It's literally Amiga tier and that is not a good thing to be.

>> No.9803794

amiga tier is perfect-

>> No.9803850

kek - https://www.youtu.be/Q_zIavFISug

>> No.9803856

>Melfand Stories
Switch online soon?

>> No.9803861

so it didn't go as fast and didn't looked as good? well, that's interesting.
i should have looked better.

>> No.9804206

>So just like tf4 except tf4 gets a free pass because, m-muh genesis!
TF4 doesn't stutter and slowdown every time the player shoots. It only does it when something more complicated is going on like a bunch of bullets being fired that track player or enemy movement, large enemies that track the players movement, etc. It's doing a lot more collision detection while also doing more complicated things like calculating pathing for homing shots in real time:

Thunder Spirits on the other hand literally stutters and slows down when the player simply shoots. There can be nothing else going on on screen at the moment, the game will still stutter and slow down.
The Parodius video is TAS video. Meaning it was most likely recorded from an emulator. You should instead compare real hardware recordings to real hardware recordings.
Please explain in detail why that demo couldn't work on a real Genesis. Explain exactly what it's doing special that the Genesis couldn't do with a proper sound driver driving the YM2612 and the SN76489.

Also before you make a bigger fool of yourself you should probably know the guy that makes those demos has also made the music for quite a few homebrew releases recently, including Xenocrisis.
>These games can run fast if we put faster ROM chips in them or add a 2nd CPU to the cart!
If you have to do that to match Genesis performance you've already lost.

>> No.9804220

>Pathetic, but the sad truth is that most pce shooters were only possible by lowering the resolution/adding bars + shitty vertical scroll...
PC-Engine shooters scroll up and down not because they are lowering the resolution or trying to draw less on screen. It's because the system only has one background layer and to draw the power up bar properly in games like Gradius and Parodius they would either have to use sprites which might cause issues, or use a window or interrupt to draw it on the BG layer. Konami typically opted for the latter.

The CPU in the thing is actually extremely fast and the system is quite capable in the right hands. There's actually a very strong argument one can make that the CPU in the PC-Engine is the fastest CPU of the 16-bit gen. If you want an idea of what the system can do take a look at this guy's demos:

That particular one is doing a 2nd BG layer entirely with sprites with no issues in performance or sprite flickering.

>> No.9804232

most snes games sound too muffled and soft for my taste. the best sounding snes games blow genesis out of the water

i really like the pce soundchip, its basically a better version of the nes soundchip, and was extremely capable in the right hands

>> No.9804309

>game was never released
there are tons of released game that do it though, guardian legend, zanac, sly hunter etc. It's time to stop pretending that a basic nes feature is some kind of secret technique exclusive to the mega drive, it only makes you look like an uneducated fool making up bs.
>horizontal shooters never used black bars
sega nigger lying once again, most md horizontal shooters used bars, included all the thunder force games.
>musha aleste
bar on the top of the screen, blind fag.
there are a few games that use the full screen but they are exceptions, not the rule.
>muh 20 fps tech demo and unplayable pseudo-3d games
this is how you know the segacel lost, if it can't replicate a basic launch game like f-zero or pilot wings, then don't even bother.
>chips are... le bad
not really, it was a missed opportunity for the mega drive to not look nor sound like shit.
>the ball boss is smaller, uses less sprites
both wrong again, the one in super aleste has 9 segments, the eliminate down one only 4 and the movement is very simplistic and flickery in comparison. the one in super aleste one is more dynamic and spawns a bunch of mid-sized enemies that follow you,
>wahhh don't be mean :((
maybe people would take you seriously if you weren't constantly making up bullshit to make your toy look better, baby.
>transparencies which are just color swaps
yet another seganigger lie, a bunch of bosses and other elements use transparencies in the game.
>muffled color count
laughable cope
>looks similar or very equal to dark genesis games.
no, md games completely lack the color nuances of games like axelay so they are often limited to more cartoonish styles.

>> No.9804336

>the game has similar counts to grind stormer
wrong, the bullets in v-v are marginally bigger but parodius is the denser game overall.
>smaller resolution
it's the same as grind stormer, lying sega nigger.
>thunder force 4 for example has detailed sprites which are much bigger
only a few them and even then they slowdown like crazy, parodius focus on having a lot of mid-sized enemies and revenge bullets with good performance, it's more impressive on the whole and more fun.
>muh background detail
1/3 the colors and nes tier line-scrolling isn't detailed at all.
>better artificial intelligence
another sega nigger lie, tf4 enemies are just typical fixed/aimed shmup patterns, nothing impressive.
>in the case of rendering ranger it's obvious that it is a background.
not all bosses in RR are backgrounds, dumbass.
>by making them microscopic
it's the same as the original game, retard.
>just having enemies which shoot one bullet,
wrong, there are different patterns and the revenge bullets add quite a bit.
>any console could do it with those limitations.
funny because i can't think of any md shooter with revenge bullets, meanwhile the snes has at least 5.
>the slowdowns are undeniable but it's understandable by how much shit the game had to pump
no it's not, good developers know how much they can push the machine without killing the pace/gameplay, besides there's obvious terrible optimization when you use some of the weapons.

>> No.9804354

the correct clip for that v-v section would be the bubbles stage in parodius, they are similar but parodius performs a bit better and the sprites stay on screen longer, not to mention it's 2 years older

>> No.9804373

>it's emu so it doesn't count!
>in an era of perfectly fine snes emus
cope, no one will make a hardware longplay of parodius in that difficulty, the game isn't easy like tf4.

>> No.9804393

>It's because the system only has one background layer and to draw the power up bar properly in games like Gradius
wrong, lots of console-only shooters have black bars and/or vertical scrolling because they obviously benefit from the lower screen.
>The CPU in the thing is actually extremely fast and the system is quite capable in the right hands.
come on now, the first gradius was a flickering and slowdown fest and that's a 1985 game, not to mention the silly vertical scroll.
>it can do normal things other 16-bits consoles do if you really really try!
sounds like inferior hardware to me

>> No.9805297

>Are there actually people that think the SNES had a better soundchip than the Mega Drive?

Yes, better in terms of non-musician programmers, and non-programming musicians being able to use it.

The music was uniformly better on snes. There are about a half dozen mega drive gems though. The rest is farts and staticky voice overs.

>> No.9805429

>in an era of perfectly fine snes emus
Do you know what emulator they used? How accurate is it? Are you sure it's accurately emulating what a real SNES does in that situation?

>wrong, lots of console-only shooters have black bars and/or vertical scrolling because they obviously benefit from the lower screen.
This isn't a one size fits all rule. With Konami's ports and a few others (Taito for example) they kept the resolution of the assets the same as the arcade. But they couldn't draw the HUD transparently over the rest of the screen like they did in the Arcade, so they drew a black bar. In order to avoid resizing everything for a smaller screen space they opted for vertical scrolling.
>the first gradius was a flickering and slowdown fest
Have you seen Gradius 3 on a real SNES?
> not to mention the silly vertical scroll.
Again, Konami didn't want to resize everything for a smaller screen space and used a black bar for the HUD that was originally transparent. Use your brain, I know it's difficult for SNEStards but please use it for once.
>sounds like inferior hardware to me
In that it only has one background layer? Sure. But there's other areas it does really well at. The fact it can draw so many sprites on screen to mimic an entire additional background layer without flickering or having issues really says something about it's sprite capabilities. If you tried to do that on the SNES it would shit itself because it has the most restrictive and crippled sprite capabilities of that entire generation. Sure on paper it says it can draw more (really means it can fit more entires in OAM), but in practice you're lucky if you can match what the Genesis and PC-Engine can do.

>> No.9805471

>but in practice you're lucky if you can match what the Genesis and PC-Engine can do
You say that like the PC-Engine doesn't struggle to run a downgraded port of Gradius.

>> No.9805474
File: 225 KB, 1050x700, alisold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably best you give Alien Soldier a miss then. That game will wear you like a fucking glove.

>> No.9805639

>Are you sure it's accurately emulating what a real SNES does in that situation?
the fun part is that you are totally fine with the md video being emulated but not the snes one, curious, totally unbiased take.
>This isn't a one size fits all rule.
except it is, the pce needed huger black bars and/or vertical scrolling to make the games playable, many console exclusives did it too so the arcade port cope is wrong.
>Have you seen Gradius 3 on a real SNES?
the one that came out 1 year before pce gradius? yes, it looks and sounds much better, doesn't have terrible flickering like the pce and plays at full screen so no need for annoying and silly vertical scrolling.
>Konami didn't want to resize everything for a smaller screen
Cope, this was never a problem in Konami's snes games who used the whole screen and didn't have awful flickering.
>Use your brain,
said the retard who pretends that pce gradius doesn't have performance issues, lol.
>if the snes' superior hardware was worse it couldn't match with the pce's inferior hardware!
autism, meds

>> No.9805756

My take is that genesis music was easier to fuck up, see 99% of western games on the platform. But it just has a different sound to the snes and both can do things the other can't. I don't understand the point of "one is good the other is shit" console war threads 30 years after it was current.

>> No.9805857

>the fun part is that you are totally fine with the md video being emulated but not the snes one
Pseudoscience, perhaps you are not aware, but it is well known that SNES emulators artificially speed up the CPU far beyond the original hardware, with some games running wholly twice the original framerates.
>used the whole screen and didn't have awful flickering
>said the retard who pretends that pce gradius doesn't have performance issues
>doesn't have terrible flickering like the pce and plays at full screen so no need for annoying and silly vertical scrolling
It is so obviously painful you have never played neither the PC Engine Gradius game, nor apparently the SNES Gradius, as SNES Gradius very obviously has vertical scrolling. PC Engine Gradius runs so much better than SNES Gradius, it is very funny to watch you flail about in this futile effort to try to defend this delusion that the opposite is somehow true, it seems those vaccines have really taken their toll on pseudoscience's brain.
>autism, meds
Shouldn't you be in line for your next hormone shot, pseudoscience?

>> No.9805876

>more autism, made up bullshit and wishful thinking
color me surprised
>SNES Gradius very obviously has vertical scrolling
only when it's supposed to have vertical scrolling, autistic retard lol
> PC Engine Gradius runs so much better than SNES Gradius
only in autistic auster's world
>delusion, hormones, vaccines, futile effort
keep the projection going

>> No.9806029

>the fun part is that you are totally fine with the md video being emulated but not the snes one, curious, totally unbiased take.
I have an issue with all of them being emulated hence why I posted a real hardware one instead. I pointed out the Parodius one in particular because that's the one he keeps trying to shove down everyones throats.
>except it is, the pce needed huger black bars and/or vertical scrolling to make the games playable
It has nothing to do with making the games playable. It has to do with having only 1 background layer and not wanting to resize all the assets to fit in a smaller window. Many of these arcade games like Gradius, Parodius, etc. were already designed to run in a 256x224 resolution. So the assets area already designed for that resolution. But on PC-Engine we don't have another layer to use to draw stuff like the HUD, so we have to find a way to draw it with one layer.

There's two options here, draw it with sprites, or draw it on the background layer with a window or interrupt to make a black bar. Using sprites isn't ideal for a shmup because that will eat into our budget for bullets and enemies. So we go with doing it on the Background layer. But now we've lost some of our vertical screen space which leaves us with two options. Resize everything to fit in a 256x192 or so resolution, or have the game scroll up and down and keep the Arcade size assets.

Konami and other devs typically went with the latter solution because it's the easier of the two and generally looks better.

>Konami's snes games who used the whole screen
Becuase the SNES has more than one background layer you stupid fuck.
>said the retard who pretends that pce gradius doesn't have performance issues, lol.
I didn't say it doesn't have performance issues, I said the SNES has similar issues in it's games.

>> No.9806036


>if the snes' superior hardware was worse it couldn't match with the pce's inferior hardware!
Nice way to twist words. This isn't what I said. I said the systems have strengths and weaknesses. And one of the SNES's most crippling weaknesses is the way it handles sprites. Both the PC-Engine and Genesis curbstomp it here with how much more flexible they can be with VRAM, sprite sizes, and reusing sprites that were already drawn on screen.

The point I was getting at is the fact that the PC-Engine can throw around enough sprites on screen to simulate an entire background layer without issue is proof of how good it is with handling sprites. If you tried to do that on the SNES to say add a 3rd or 4th BG layer in one of the modes that only has 2 or 3, you'd have serious problems.

>> No.9806124

Also if we really want to dig into this, here is Gradius II running on a real PC-Engine as far as I can tell:

As you can see with that one Konami seemed to finally figure out how to manage sprites properly and could use them to draw the HUD instead of relying on background layers. So gone is the black bar and the vertical scrolling. Yes there's still some slowdown and flicker, but it's mostly kept to a minimum. And the places where it does slowdown the worst, happens in similar spots in the Arcade version:

Meanwhile, here's SNES Gradius 3 from a real SNES:

As you can see, the game slows to a crawl in the first stage when the sand snakes appear. Even if the player isn't shooting, it slows down. Meanwhile in Gradius II on the PC-Engine when similar enemies are present on the first level, it doesn't slow down.

Granted Gradius III slows down in the Arcade too, but with significantly more shit going on:

>> No.9806179

>see this CD game run better than this cartridge game with more technical graphics
Amazing observation anon

>> No.9806184

>It's on a CD!
Unlike the Sega CD, the PC-Engine CD adds no extra graphics or CPU power to the system, it's just allows for more data that still needs to be loaded into a RAM cart. The same background layer limits, sprite limits, etc. all still apply as the game itself is still running on the base PC-Engine hardware. The only additional perks you get are CD Audio and an ADPCM channel.

There's no reason that same level of quality couldn't be done on a Hucard minus the CD audio. The only thing that really changed was Konami got a better grasp on the system and was able to manage their sprites better.

>> No.9806196

>The only additional perks you get are CD Audio and an ADPCM channel.
>RAM cart
Audio on CD alleviates processing power and extra RAM obviously is expansionary

>> No.9806205

>Audio on CD alleviates processing power and extra RAM obviously is expansionary
It's not extra RAM. It's RAM that's necessary to load the game into so it can run. The System Cards on the PC-Engine CD are basically an empty cartridge with a small ROM to allow the code to send commands to the CD-ROM drive. The current part of the game game is then loaded into the empty cartridge so it can run. It's not a RAM expansion like say the Saturn or N64 RAM expansions work. And the CPU is still running the PC-Engine sound channels for sound effects and in some cases the actual music.

You're wrong and clearly have no idea how any of these systems work.

>> No.9806216

What do you think RAM is anon

>> No.9806256

Do you understand how that memory is mapped and how it works? It's not more RAM attached to the CPU for it to do with as it pleases. It's more like how a traditional mapper works on a cartridge. Memory is loaded in from the CD and the CPU just reads it like a ROM cartridge.

All the PC-Engine hardware knows is that there's HuCard inserted with a special mapper that lets it bank switch in new banks from some large ROM. That large ROM just happens happens to be a CD.

>> No.9806270

Cartridges are literally expansional ram by design on the PCengine
It is random access memory, completely self describing

>> No.9806326

Not really, they're just ROM. The CPU can't write to it and use it as Work RAM as you are trying to imply. The same limit is true for the CD-ROM System cards. Those cards just have a Bios and Memory to load ROM data from the CD-ROM into for the game to use as though it was a 64-256KB HuCard at that given moment, or in the case of the Arcade card a 2MB Bank switched HuCard. But Gradius 2 is a SuperCD game so it's using the 256KB card.

The point is, there's no special hardware advantage to the CD-ROM add-on for the PC-Engine that would give it any kind of leg up when it comes to things like sprite management, background layers, slowdown, etc. If anything it's at a disadvantage because it's limited to whatever data can fit into the 64KB-256KB card that's being used. A HuCard that's larger than 256KB could actually beat it in graphical features which we see with games like Bonk 3.

>> No.9806358

>Please explain in detail why that demo couldn't work on a real Genesis
nothing to do with what I said but keep up the bait

>> No.9806372

If what you say is true, you should have no problem creating a custom non CD rom of Gradius 2 to be able to play solely as a hucard game

>> No.9806378

There's no real technical reason it couldn't be done with a large enough HuCard.

>> No.9806384

Holy kek - https://www.youtu.be/oc5_BZjZtzs

>> No.9806397

There's significantly more shit going on in the arcade footage.

>> No.9806418

Why are anti SNES tarts so disingenuous

>> No.9806428

It's not disingenuous. There's literally more shit going on in the arcade footage. For one the missiles actually have explosions in the arcade where as they just poof out of existence on SNES. There's also a lot more enemies and bullets appearing on screen in the arcade footage.

It's pretty obvious the arcade footage is being played in a way to deliberately get more bullets and enemies on screen to make it slow down more. If anything the SNES fanboy who made the video is being disingenuous.

>> No.9806495


>> No.9806549

he played the game so he's being disingenuous

>> No.9806640

There's a lot of shit happening in the original Gradius. The SNES wouldn't even fair as well as the TG16.

>> No.9806645 [DELETED] 

On the SNES video he keeps going up to destroy the spawner enemies, while on the Arcade side he deliberately avoids shooting them and lets them pump out more enemies which fire more bullets. Those additional enemies and bullets are what start causing the bulk of the slow down early on in the video which is what causes the two videos to get the most out of sync allowing the SNES video to pull ahead.

It's obvious he was making sure to kill the spawners as soon as they were in range on the SNES side to prevent them from spawning additional enemies that would create more slow down. So yes, that is a disingenuous comparison. I get it, you want your improvement hack to look as good as possible, but it's still not disingenuous as it's not like for like.

>> No.9806648


>> No.9806649

On the SNES video he keeps going up to destroy the spawner enemies, while on the Arcade side he deliberately avoids shooting them and lets them pump out more enemies which fire more bullets. Those additional enemies and bullets are what start causing the bulk of the slow down early on in the video which is what causes the two videos to get the most out of sync allowing the SNES video to pull ahead.

It's obvious he was making sure to kill the spawners as soon as they were in range on the SNES side to prevent them from spawning additional enemies that would create more slow down. So yes, that is a disingenuous comparison. I get it, you want your improvement hack to look as good as possible, but it's still disingenuous as it's not like for like.

>> No.9806653

So why not play the game with the same strategy in both videos so you get a like for like comparison? Why go out of your way to play differently and let more enemies and bullets pile up in one version and not do the same in the other if you're trying to give a genuine comparison that's not cherry picked and biased?

>> No.9806656

>cherry picked and biased?
you mean like your post?

>> No.9806659

How was it cherry picked?

>> No.9806748

yeah, games which scroll normally, even then, in that post i never said that the game wasn't good for that reason
>black bars
sorry, i do emulation, horizontal bars then yes, in general they are part of the window mode and are present on snes games even if these bars are present, axelay for example has them by mode changes (which were present and common on snes games, even if in axelay they are a gradient on the scrolling stages while it's very likely made by sprites on other scenes).
so the snes has black bars with a lower resolution or sprite bars which reduce the sprite number, amazing.
see above
>pseudo 3d
real 3d* they are still good demos which show the capabilities of the console, even more when there's games like panorama cotton which show more elements and graphics than snes games while at the same time not dying by more than 2 elements.
>chips good
nah, if we follow that logic then is better to buy another console like a neo geo, it has better graphics than any 16 bit console.
following this and, let's say that comparing consoles with chips is honest (which is inherently disingenious because it isn't comparing the consoles but the money spent on it while at the same time showing that the console on his base form cannot run certain things, something that is shown here because a lot of effects which the md has done have to be done with chips on snes) then sega has a more powerful 3d chip which butts the superfx2 and has addons which shit all over the snes (which guess what, one is a disgrace (32x) and the other costed too much and didn't had any meaningful reason to exist thanks to sega money pinching tactics (mega cd), the addon chip wasn't used because it was dumb and heated itself to death).

>> No.9806750

>boss big
no, first, sections don't mean shit when they show less on screen, the eliminate down boss it's bigger, has more elements and they are better used. sprites aren't sections retard but screen space and the mega drive shows more in the scene, including with this, this shows the better sprite management of the mega drive by letting him use all of the sprites of the screen at any size than being limited to two sizes, having the need to chop up the ball, making that scene in eliminate down is impossible on snes, even more when the simplistic movement is caused by being bigger and not having that much space and not having the need of breaking off in multiple sections to not overcome the sprite on a line limit.
if you didn't tried to talk about the power of a overpriced and underpowered console.
>no it isn't true, the game doesn't look like a dark sega mega drive game
it's true, it looks like a dark sega mega drive game
nuance of one color per scene.

dense by being 75% smaller and showing the same amount, you aren't very convincing.
without wasting sprites by window mode and not covering the screen, following this, much better to show more sprites which it's shown on v-v
all of the screen with all of the graphical effects*
by mid size meaning small cubes.
yeah, by showing original tiles, beautiful effects and cool definition
better ai, look at all of the bosses and the mid sized enemies in stage 6 for example.
>not all
the small ones, yeah, the big ones are backgrounds.
>the same
by being gradius, a game with small bullets, something which was caused by being a game inspired by a 1985 game.
yeah, thanks for conceding. the snes is fun but has lower specs, thanks for admitting it.

>> No.9806762

>the resize/layer cope, AGAIN.
still doesn't explain why the bars were so big and why so many console exclusives also used it, shitter, if they were that concerned with the hud they would use a more simplified one rather than fucking the screen.
>Becuase the SNES has more than one background laye
yes it has superior hardware, good thing you admit it.
>I said the SNES has similar issues in it's games.
gradius III has somewhat similar slowdowns to PCE gradius, but then again it was a launch title released 1 year prior and still much better in everything else.
>my inferior hardware is so good for mimicking basic things the big consoles do!
no one cares, autist.
>gradius II super cd
so it's okay for the pce to used
a expensive cd periheral and hucard enhancements you need to buy? and then compare it to a snes launch title? hilarious cope
>comparing a snes launch title vs an extremely optimized late super cd game
parodius da! came out the same year in a regular cart and still looked better without that ugly flickering.
>As you can see with that one Konami seemed to finally figure out how to manage sprites
no, they are just using more expensive hardware that barely excuse the price.
>As you can see, the game slows to a crawl in the first stage when the sand snakes appear. Even if the player isn't shooting, it slows down.
wrong, it only down when there's more enemies than the sand dragon and you are shooting with a bunch of options.
>Granted Gradius III slows down in the Arcade too, but with significantly more shit going on:
the same thing applies to PCE gradius II, it never gets as busy as the arcade.

>> No.9806767

>For one the missiles actually have explosions in the arcade where as they just poof out of existence on SNES
you can be this fucking retarded, can't help but just react like this anon >>9806418
>There's also a lot more enemies and bullets appearing on screen in the arcade footage.
only in schizo auster's mind, arcade gradius III only gets more busy on the loops.
>It's pretty obvious the arcade footage is being played in a way to deliberately get more bullets and enemies on screen to make it slow down more
by killing shit as fast as possible? stop making up bullshit no one believes, fucking retard
>If anything the SNES fanboy who made the video is being disingenuous.
in your retarded autistic brain anyone who plays a snes game is a fanboy.

>> No.9806772

because it's better to shoot more on the base game rather than having small bullets which are half the size while shooting less, different philosophies (and because snes games use revenge bullets as a mechanic, it's very likely caused by some exclusive developers being more based around strategic killing).
it is when the game is excellent and doesn't kill anything, ironic coming from an snes dude, which can't give graphics or speed.

the bubble stage looks cool but it isn't comparable to grind stormer, grind stormer has more elements with the explosions, there's 20 elements of a similar size, the upped shot and a similar amount of bullets, in general i can see more sprites in grind stormer, i will try to do tests with invincibility to see the real limit.
just to show that the md has more sprites
mixed this with a better management which can reduce sprite waste by 50% makes md the sprites choice.
>mode 3 & 4 512 res, 256 sprites
shitty modes used in two real games and which make the system shit the bed with 4 colors and 10 sprites on the screen by everything dying at just putting the high res.

>> No.9806776

30 to not put it that low.

>> No.9806780

i could be wrong in my assesments, even more when grind stormer has the issue of the optimal way of playing being based around killing shit fast so it doesn't show at all, showing less sprites as a result.

>> No.9806782

bioforce ape and nes games are excellent, i don't want any confusion.

>> No.9806784

snes games are excellent too.

>> No.9806785

>all that disingenious mental gymnastics to avoid accepting konami snes games ran at full screen
>real 3d*
the only 3d thing in the bike game is some ultra basic stuff in the scenery, and wacky races is just a 3d plane with shit fov, it's not more impressive than stuff like drakkhen, let alone mode 7 games.
>nah, if we follow that logic then is better to buy another console like a neo geo, it has better graphics than any 16 bit console.
it was also expensive as fuck to buy games for it, the point of enhancement chips is to have affordable upgrades on the cart, instead of making retarded shit like the 32x or SCD.
>then sega has a more powerful 3d chip which butts the superfx2
virtua racing was a $100 game and just a mediocre arcade port, can't compare to FX exclusives.
>the md can mimic native snes features with shity framerate and resolution!
again with this pathetic shit lol.
>wishful thinking and mental gymnastics pt. 3
ain't reading that shit

>> No.9806793

not a point, 90% of sega shoot em ups ran at full speed.
>real 3d
yes, try that on a snes with single digit fps or real movement
hidden* retard, those chips could increase the cost by 50% of a cart and snes carts were already more expensive, it's more expensive throught.
>can't compare
it looked better than super fx games and as a port was good for the specs, if we are talking about games that's another thing, here we are talking about raw power
yeah and sometimes better, in md there's cases of real sprite scaling on a more bombastic manner and mode 7 like effects on backgrounds, the only real trouble was full screen shit and in general it looks pretty well when it's done, obviously it won't compare to a hardware chip but it's higher variety of effects and having the capacity of putting things like slopes it's a plus.
>not a point
not a point dude, reading only takes 20 seconds if done right
well, that's what i call not reading.

>> No.9806794

16 seconds*

>> No.9806797

mode 7 shit on fullscreen*

>> No.9806801

and a lack of real movement*

>> No.9806808

of a cart by 50%

>> No.9806837

i want to fuck mail omg

>> No.9806905
File: 434 KB, 1200x1610, EB_1993_03_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% of sega shoot em ups ran at full speed.
funny how you keep pulling fake claims and numbers out of your ass and think people will take you seriously
>muh late pseudo 3d games that look and perform worse than snes launch titles
>those chips could increase the cost by 50%
that's virtua racing, retard, snes games with chips weren't much more expensive than regular games, if anything something unimpressive like phantasy star 4 was more expensive.
>it looked better than super fx games
not really, it has garbage dithering and colors, marginally more polys and it was more expensive than the super fx games that came out since one year prior.
>if we are talking about games that's another thing
good to know you admit it's the worst port with no play value today, then.
>real sprite scaling on a more bombastic manner
lmao no, it was extremely limtied and often led to extremely very poor framerates, mode 7 enemies passing as sprites looked and performed much better
>and mode 7 like effects on backgrounds,
that look and perform like shit compared to snes launch titles at lower resolution, not to mention they are extremely optimized modern tech demos.

>> No.9807232

>smooth brain

>> No.9807350

>still doesn't explain why the bars were so big
Yes it does you stupid idiot. The bottom HUD graphics are 8 pixels high. The Score graphics on the top of the screen are 8 pixels high. The PC Engine moves the score graphics to the bottom of the screen underneath the power up graphics. This results in a 16 pixel tall HUD on the bottom of the screen showing the power ups and score info. Then to account for overscan the HUD is raised up 2 more tiles making the bar a total of 32 pixels tall resulting in the gameplay window scrolling up and down by a range of about 32 pixels.

How stupid are you that you can't connect the dots on this? The scrolling is there to deal with doing the HUD in this manner so as to not have to resize all the graphics. Even further proof that this is the reason is the port of Gradius II. In that port Konami finally figured out how to manage sprites properly and did the HUD with sprites instead, so there's no unnecessary vertical scrolling or black bars.

>yes it has superior hardware, good thing you admit it.
In the area of background layers yes it's superior. But in the area of sprites the SNES is hilariously crippled and is the worst of the three. The SNES is so bad at how it handles sprites it's honestly almost impressive. You can only use 2 sprite sizes at a time, they're all only square sizes, OAM is horrible, you can only use 16KB of VRAM for sprite data, etc. Even more hilarious is add-on chips like OBC-1 which is pretty much an admission of "We fucked up and designed something that was completely stupid."

>> No.9807364

>my inferior hardware is so good for mimicking basic things the big consoles do!
That's not what I was saying. I was saying the PC-Engine curbstomps the SNES when it comes to how much better it is at handling sprites. And being able to do an entire background layer with sprites is proof of that.
>Gradius II is on a CD!
Cope more. The PC-Engine CD adds no additional hardware save for CD Audio and an ADPCM channel. As far as the PC-Engine is concerned when playing Gradius II it's just a giant HuCard with a memory mapper. Secondly by the time Gradius II came out the Duo had pretty much replaced the base PC-Engine which came with the CD-ROM drive and Super CD Card built in.
>Gradius III is a launch game! It's not fair!
Gradius III isn't a slowdown ridden mess because it's a launch title. It slows down because Nintendo was retarded and made their system's clock speed linked to the speed of the ROMs used in the cartridge. So if you wanted full speed out of the SNES CPU you had to shell out for stupid expensive Fast ROM chips.
>Gradius II is better because they used more expensive hardware!
Again, the PC-Engine CD adds nothing that would help with sprite management, background layers, CPU speed, etc. You could do something like Gradius II just fine on a large HuCard with a mapper chip.
>it only down when there's more enemies than the sand dragon and you are shooting with a bunch of options.
You can see in the video there's an entire point where it's just the player and the sand dragon on screen and it's still slowing down.
>PCE gradius II, it never gets as busy as the arcade.
It does when you put it on the same difficulty level, and it performs similarly to the arcade.

>> No.9807375
File: 432 KB, 1257x659, Missing Explosion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The graphic in pic related is completely absent in the SNES version. That explosion animation happens constantly in the arcade version when a missile hits an enemy or just the ground. On SNES the explosion is replaced with a much smaller and more basic graphic and it only happens when a missile collides with an enemy. If it hits the ground it just disappears.
>arcade gradius III only gets more busy on the loops.
And that's when it starts slowing down the most.
>by killing shit as fast as possible?
The issue isn't killing stuff as fast as possible. It's doing it only on the SNES footage and then deliberately avoiding doing it on the Arcade footage to make it look worse.

>> No.9807389

>tranny OP keeps bumping his own shitty thread so it stays up for almost two weeks
Fuck this shitty board

>> No.9807391

Jesus Christ dude if that’s you doing most of the green texting
I think I speak for everyone still here
Your insane ramblings amount to nothing, wow an explosion is not the same sprite, better say it’s completely different and not comparable
Go be a fanboy somewhere else

>> No.9807420

There's at least 3 different people in here doing the green texting. I'm simply responding to ones that were made against my post in particular.

The one doing the most of it is the same guy who shits up every thread like this by trying to paint the SNES as better than it is while shitting on the other 2 systems of that generation with no actual knowledge of how any of these systems actually work. The exact argument about PC-Engine flicker, Thunder Force IV having some slowdowns, etc. have all been posted by the same guy verbatim in multiple threads now.

This thread started as a discussion about SNES audio vs Genesis audio and is now going on about PC-Engine shooters vs SNES shooters. That's no coincidence and it's the same guy who's done it in multiple threads now. If you wanna be mad at someone and tell them to shut the fuck up, aim it at the guy that derailed this thread.

>> No.9807479

>more mental gymnastics to avoid admiting pce's garbage performance
like clockwork
>Konami finally figure out
The only thing they figured out was that the regular pce was trash so they moved out to expensive peripherals as a way to barely compete with regular sfc games, delusional shitter
>muh autistic pce sprites cope again
>Cope more
I'm not the retard using extra peripherals here though
>it's the same hardware!
If it was the same hardware it would run like your typical hucard game with mediocre performance, flickering fest, cut screen and vertical scrolling, delusional retard.
Even then, gradius II barely reaches the quality of a regular sfc game from the time like parodius da or space megaforce.
>Gradius III isn't a slowdown ridden mess because it's a launch title
Yes it is and later Konami games prove it. Gradius III is still an excellent launch title compared to garbage like super thunder blade and space harrier ii btw.
>It does when you put it on the same difficulty level, and it performs similarly to the arcade
No it doesn't the bullet count limit is lower, not to mention that arcade Gradius II arcade already ran on inferior hardware than III and Parodius Da!
so I was talking to an absolute retard all along, nevermind

>> No.9807495

>wahhh the snes boogeyman!!
not fooling anyone but yourself, austerschizo

>> No.9807526

>More refusing to admit to the SNES's garbage sprite performance.
Like clockwork.
>The only thing they figured out was that the regular pce was trash so they moved out to expensive peripherals
That expensive peripheral adds no additional hardware other than CD Audio and an ADPCM channel. The only thing it did was make the game cheaper to print since it was on a CD. There's nothing stopping you from hitting that kind of performance on a stock PC-Engine with a HuCard.
>If it was the same hardware it would run like your typical hucard game with mediocre performance, flickering fest, cut screen and vertical scrolling, delusional retard.
Please point out what additional hardware is in the PC-Engine CD that would help with sprite management, screen real estate, scrolling, etc.

If you look at release dates you can get a more accurate picture. Gradius, Salamander, Parodius and Twinbee all came out within a few months of each other from November of 1991 to February of 1992. Then Gradius II didn't come out until December of 1992. What most likely happened is within that year Konami got a better grasp on the hardware and learned how to use it more effectively.
>Yes it is and later Konami games prove it.
Then why is it substantially improved by converting it to FastROM or adding a 2nd 10MHz CPU like all the other Konami games that have those hacks?
>No it doesn't the bullet count limit is lower
Comparing the two side by side on the same difficulty setting it doesn't look like there's any less bullets:

And before you go on about flicker, that video is capped at 30fps, so the sprite drop out looks far worse. A 60fps capture shows the flicker is no where near as bad:
>Point out missing animations and action in the SNES port that shows the arcade is doing more.
>Y-Y-You're retarded!
Cope more.

>> No.9807530

How many times have you posted these same arguments in these kids of threads now? I've lost count.

>> No.9807532

didn't read, just kill yourself already but delete the thread first

>> No.9807534

I'm sorry that people pointing out how the hardware actually works upsets you so much.

>> No.9807552

Cool projecting, but we all know who is the autistic monothematic laughstock in here, buddy.
Who? Because the only thing we saw was an autist on his usual routine of compulsive lying, wishful thinking, insane delusions, data trivialization and mental gymnastics.

>> No.9807561

The only one doing the compulsive lying and being an autistic laughing stock here is you.

If you're not happy with the mess you've created here then maybe you should stop trying to engage in technical discussions about hardware you know nothing about.

>> No.9807571
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>> No.9807583

>The only one doing the compulsive lying and being an autistic laughing stock here is you.
>If you're not happy with the mess you've created
He said, after posting retarded shit after retsrded shit like this >>9807375
Sorry auster but you are just too stupid, autistic and desperate to take seriously, I'll grant you this last (you) out of pity.

>> No.9807590

Console warring is one hell of a mental illness.
So fucking glad I'm not you.

>> No.9807609

>Post clearly breaks down and points out what's missing and changed in the SNES port
>Y-Y-You're retarded!
Cope more.
>Y-Y-You're too stupid to take seriously!
I'm not the one who thinks a consumer grade CD Player magically increases a consoles number of backgorund layers, sprite limits, and CPU speed.

Again, maybe you should stop console warring and trying to engage in technical discussions about systems you clearly don't understand.

>> No.9807676

Just one last thing about the Gradius missile thing because I'm curious: are you really this stupid and ignorant about games, or just pretending to be retarded?
>CD player
Not only a cd player (which is already an unfair comparison to carts) but also has built-in/hucard enhancements that are mandatory, only the most delusional and insane PCE schizos pretend a regular PCE could run those late neogeo ports.

>> No.9807704

Are you really that blinded by fanboy rage that you can't tell that there's clearly more shit going on in the arcade footage?
>Not only a cd player (which is already an unfair comparison to carts)
There's nothing stopping you from making a cartridge that big with mappers. Hell you have something like that on the SNES in the form of an enhancement chip.
>but also has built-in/hucard enhancements that are mandatory
And what are those enhancements? What about them is special and linked to the CD-ROM add-on that prevents you from putting them in a standalone Hucard game?
> only the most delusional and insane PCE schizos pretend a regular PCE could run those late neogeo ports.
What's stopping it from running on a standard PC-Engine? What's stopping you from making a massive HuCard with all the data on it?

This isn't like the Sega CD where there's an additional CPU, RAM, PCM Sound chip, an ASIC that adds scaling and rotation capabilities, etc. The PC-Engine CD is literally just a CD-ROM drive that loads chunks of data into a small HuCard to run on the stock system. The only additional perks you get are CD Audio and one ADPCM channel.

>> No.9807710

Wavetable based (TG-16) act the balance

>> No.9807716

>this rambling post
Fookin lmao

>> No.9807727

You've yet to actually make a valid counter argument to those posts.

>> No.9808319
File: 25 KB, 763x402, 565D2F0C-8E16-4832-B78E-FAB3C140D7F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>counter argue my non point

>> No.9808461

the problm of flexing the max is having to take processing power out of the genesis. specially with sampled music.

regime and others do an amazing job but that's also due having modern better tools.


>> No.9808602

>fan remix
Come on, man. You can do better

>> No.9808616

snes only sounds muffled when they don't efficiently use the samples, when they do it sounds good

>> No.9808631

Wish Nintendo 64 had officially super tri 8 converter-like add on

>> No.9808807

they run on flashcarts that's all that matter.

>> No.9809024

I backtracked to Bomberman 3 from your link and stumbled upon this.


I think the muffled-ness actually enhances the song.

>> No.9809027

music for the 16 bit systems is designed for a 16khz rate
if you improve the audio quality it sounds tinny like on genesis

>> No.9810169

the muffled-ness enhances it because it's basically the same as the soundtrack cd version


>> No.9810296

all I have to do is compare rock n roll racing for snes to genesis to know who has the better soundtrack to me. cry more tears of dispair op

>> No.9810331

Genesis, TG-16 & SNES all did good music, it took the right composers to bring out the best in each system (ie. Yuzo Koshiro)

>> No.9810350

The power chords sound *terrible*, but the rest of the guitar sounds are frankly amazing for the time. The drums are mixed bag, with some of the later ones just sounding way too prominent. It's a good track on the whole, but everything's kind on the same frequency because you can only push a sample up or down so far before it sounds like shit.

Nothing sounds sounds the least bit like an *actual* guitar, but none of the guitar-like sounds are *bad*. They've got the right feel to them. It's like no guitar you've ever heard, and yet it's definitely a guitar, and it doesn't have that repeating-a-sample-at-different-speeds jank to it that really ruined green lantern's power chords.

It's got screaming way-high highs and some rumbling lows, a range the SNES struggles match, and it lends itself the hard, thumping, adrenaline-pumping energy that the Genesis/Mega Drive is so often known for.

When the sega crowd insist on the superiority of this sound chip, it's because they like *this* sound. It's a distinctly Genesis sound and unless it's a song written for the genesis, is won't have this sound. The Genesis sound chip is an FM synthesizer, and as anyone who deals in synthesizers knows, individual synthesizers are unique instruments with sounds that are unique to them.

>> No.9811063


>> No.9811115
File: 1.51 MB, 1600x1900, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake claims
but it's true.
dude, it has 10x the capacity of a snes at making 3d, it's real 3d.
yes and for that reason it costed too much, the same as snes, snes cartridges with addons normally costed normally 20 or 30 dollars more, something which was a lot on 90s dollars. phantasy star 4 costed a 100 dollars because of the memory, something which happened with snes games too and could happen on a more wide manner by the need of samples to make music which wasted more memory (unless you wanted to not put music in your game lol), including with this snes games could cost 10 dollars more (because of the memory chips nintendo used), so a phantasy star 4 would have costed 110 dollars and if you wanted to add non shit music it would have made the game skyrocket in price. (https://image.isu.pub/141018105100-e4238c46a34a945e70970f295ce93232/jpg/page_12.jpg))
>shit colors
the game has a color limitation but it shows the entire array of colors the arcade used and there isn't something which looks wrong (even if they are objectively darker than the original), but i will concede that point (the dithers are just to create the transparencies on certain areas).
the real problem of this port is the low poly and the low framerate in comparison to the arcade tho, it was an impossible game in that day, aside from that, it had more polys and ran faster than any super fx games mixed with an stock hardware which already is good with 3d.
it was in comparison to 32x but it played correctly and was good for what it was.
no, see the adventures of batman and robin for example:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDaIlrfxRnE
they had a lower resolution and ran slower but were more adaptable like i have explained.
not a point, they are typo checks. you are on autism land anon shut the fuck up.

>> No.9811224

Absolutely based, redbook or not Rondo sounded amateur, while the SNES much more polished and on point. Konami was always amazing at SNES music kino and Dracula X's OST was indeed underrated..

>> No.9811282


>> No.9811301

>while the SNES much more polished and on point.
I thought it sounded like shit compared to the original.

>> No.9811307 [DELETED] 

Is he right?

>> No.9811335

Like, compare the most obvious choice of track here - Divine Bloodlines:


I mean, it's clear the og PCE-CD version has much better instrumentation and mixing on average, while the SNES version just sounds like a rough demo of what the composer wants to achieve in comparison. Don't get me wrong, the SNES can have great sounding stuff on it, especially in the hands of a composer who knows their shit when it comes to sampling and arrangement (and trust me, there's plenty), but I don't think this is one of those cases necessarily.

>> No.9811436

I agree that the Genesis is way better at it and that most of the examples posted are fucking terrible and prove your point, but there's definitely at least ONE exception:

>> No.9811441

>SNES vs Genesis thread
>minimum 300 posts every time

imagine making fun of sports fandom and participating in something 100x gayer

>> No.9811449

Why do SNES guitars always sound like bagpipes?

>> No.9811464

Eh, it's definitely pathetic especially when this is a three decade old console war, but somehow I find the people who unironically argue over whether the PS5 or Xbox Series X is better to be significantly more pathetic

>> No.9811472

True, I don't disagree with you there. At least consoles used to have differences in both hardware and game libraries. Now it feels like variations on a goyslop theme at best.

>> No.9811784

As opposed to the MD sounding like an electronic Kazoo?

>> No.9812602


wheres your god now

>> No.9812923

>it's another muffled MIDI version
I wish tendies would stop ruining our music like this.

>> No.9812979

>he didnt play SMT

>> No.9812983

Per the video description:
>* Other notes:
>I still prefer the YM2612 chip, because we can create some complex instruments fastly, scalable audio fidelity, etc.
>Sample synthesis-based chips will need high quality sound samples, and on the most insane case, pay for good samples.
>Both are too good, for synthetic sounds and real life-like sounds, (orchesta sounds) respectively.
So, what exactly is this meant to prove? It seems the author only agrees that the Mega Drive's sound capabilities are not surpassed by the SNES.

>> No.9813018

zool had a good rock soundtracks. but snes is better for discoey electronicky popstah sounding music

>> No.9814564
File: 60 KB, 450x454, 470861-e1b4d0cc8b-00000033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is very ASS.

>> No.9814614

in a real game the samples would probably be WAY more compressed

>> No.9814637

is this official art of this mega man legends chick?

>> No.9815502

Stop bumping your own thread OP. I wish mods would ban you.

>> No.9815508 [DELETED] 

I will never understand why Kiddy Kong exists in the first place. They should've just put Donkey Kong in for DKC3, it would have been the perfect ending of the trilogy. Kiddy is literally the most forgettable playable protagonist in a mainline Nintendo game, ever. They really dropped the ball on that one. Or was it Shiggy's influence?

>> No.9815773

I swear every time the real one is posted I think it's this. Its just that bad

>> No.9816078

lufia 2 and chrono trigger have great soundtracks that are worth listening to even today. but i struggle to think of any sega game i played with music that i would want to casually listen to beyond reminiscing "oh yeah, that was a neat tune/jingle", because they all sounded so sharp, grating, and chippy.

>> No.9816476

Anon, the SNES audio chip is nothing more than a ROMpler. That means it takes Single Cycle Waveforms and loops them to create a string. There's really nothing special about it. Also the audio chip has low quality interpolation which causes the muffled sound no matter the quality of the samples.

>> No.9816525

>It's a non point because I said so!
The point was pretty clear. There's more shit going on in the Arcade version as missiles actually have an explosion animation when they hit the ground and the player is deliberately letting more shit spawn in the arcade footage.

>> No.9816852

>the SNES audio chip is nothing more than a ROMpler.
and a shit one at that, much like how the Genesis was like a shittier DX7 variant.

>> No.9817185

>mog gayenesis

>> No.9817438

Holy crap what a massive upgrade. Some of these devs mane, they just didn't know how to utilize the soundchip proper at all.

>> No.9817452

It is because it was the best console war and deep down this board at least knows it. No other console gen war will be as memorable. Genesis vs SNES truly felt like two entirely different consoles with different games going head to head and at least at the time were neck and neck in competitiveness. SNES did go on to beat Genesis but this was towards the later years when really it was already over anyways since newer consoles were on the horizon and Sega killed support for Genesis.

The difference between PS4 and Xbone is very negligible at most. It is hard to truly notice much differences. Switch is so different in what it goes for that it also feels too different to truly be comparable to its competition. Genesis vs SNES felt like a fair competition.

>> No.9817701

>Switch is so different in what it goes for that it also feels too different to truly be comparable to its competition
I feel like this is true for every post-SNES Nintendo console except for GameCube

>> No.9817773

moomin lookin motherfucker