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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9776118 No.9776118 [Reply] [Original]

What went right with Resident Evil 4

>> No.9776157

Well, at least Mercenaries were kind of fun, so there's that.

>> No.9776160

It was fun with brief moments of minor thrills

>> No.9776167

RE4 got rid of the slow burn survival horror mystery aspect of the series and turned it into an action packed looter shooter, so that's a win in my books. As much as I hated old RE, it would have been nice to see the conclusion of the Umbrella story, rather than just brushing it off during the intro.

>> No.9776176

It got the remake that did the original concept justice. A real shame the original release was garbage.

>> No.9776194

Shinji Mikami, technical mastery of the GCN, and it was the change in formula the series needed at that point. 6 RE1 style games were enough by then and they're enough now.

>> No.9776198

inb4 the "it's fortnite" schizo

>> No.9776242

Nothing. It's absolute garbage.

>> No.9776251

>RE4 got rid of the slow burn survival horror mystery aspect of the series

RE has been more action than survival horror since RE2.

>> No.9776254

Everything. It's an absolute treasure.

>> No.9776261

it was made for the gamecube

>> No.9776263

It wasn't a Resident Evil game

>> No.9776309

Spoken like a true retard who thinks gunshots = action while being too retarded to understand the tonal differences between fixed angle and OTS RE

>> No.9776335

it's literally called A Resident Evil

>> No.9776340

Kill yourselves remake subhumans
And go back to your shithole

>> No.9776392

the remake of RE2 is OTS and more survival horror than the original.

>> No.9776436

>inept zoomer filtered by fixed camera

>> No.9776451

It's also not a looter shooter like RE4

>> No.9776474

Bad attempt to change the argument.

>> No.9776505

RE4 created the shitty 3rd person shooter goyslop that plagues the AAA today.

>> No.9776525

No it didn't, third person shooter was already a genre and with a handful of very explicit exceptions, like Dead Space, none of them have anything to do with RE4. Do you even play video games?

>> No.9776537

i fucking wish there were any modern games that play like resident evil 4. resident evil 4 plays so different from modern games that it got a remake

>> No.9776557

no game plays like RE4 because everyone knows tank control sucks for a third person shooter.

>> No.9776565

This is what's known as a distraction post. He tried to trollbait, lost, and is trying again.

>> No.9776601

Actually RE4 sucks because of QTE's, you're up against angry villagers who speaks Spanish & it's a reskin of a Devil May Cry game. The lack of zombies makes this game even worse. It also led to bad sequels, the remakes are selling better than the sequels as a result.

>> No.9776602
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suspense, varied locations that feel alive, cool characters, fun gameplay, perfect amount of challenge, perfect use of inventory management and ammo conservation without being super ridged about it, hot girl to save with big sweater puppies. basically everything

>> No.9776627

>varied locations
This is probably RE4's greatest strength. I think the entire game never once reused anything once. Which also means great pacing.

>> No.9777160

Solid fundamentals that are stressed to the max in a variety of situations, presented to you with superb pacing + great enemy design and arsenal.

>> No.9777246
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People tonguing the asshole of the remake has made me retroactively despise the original RE4.

>> No.9777283

>RE4 created the shitty 3rd person shooter goyslop that plagues the AAA today.

That's interesting way to spell Gears of War.

>> No.9777740

RE4 is a very unique game. People see third person shooter and think that is all there is to make comparisons. Also they think tank controls and being unable to move while aiming are limitations, when they were design choices.
Original Resident Evil 4 is based around planning, it's a game where almost nothing is random. Enemies will react the same way every time, so the enjoyment is in planning and executing (to the point that professional can feel easier than normal if completed a few times because it's less random than normal and you can plan better).
In the remakes you can plan very little, mostly because enemies reaction are random, and so they are a lot more action focus (despite a lot less wacky shit, wacky shit that may trick people into thinking RE4 has more action).

>> No.9777984

Maybe there isn't many games trying to emulate RE4 because RE4 is trash & it wouldn't work for many first person shooter games because not every game revolves around an unrealistic arcade-like third person shooter that involves killing angry villagers who look like aliens when you shoot them. Splinter Cell wouldn't work with RE4's formula for example because Splinter Cell is based on stealth & realism.

>> No.9777992

*third person shooters, not first

>> No.9778000
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Copying a good game

>> No.9778069

*bad game

>> No.9778070

a kino cinema

>> No.9778072

The main way you interact with the world is with weapons and they were good, each is viable till the end and each is kindoff unique (except riot and regular shotgun, those are similarish). Despite the uniqueness : example are strikers wide spread and sompact size, or punishers penning shot , or red 9 large size (8 sqrs) and stock
each weapon has a role in the game.
>Shotty quickly clearing a path (when cornered for example) buy killing or knocking back
>Rifle is a slow weapon to use but powerfull and accurate but sucks at shooting close fast mooving targets
>Tmp is good against most enemies but does not excell at anything
>Handgun is a decent weapon with plenty of ammo drops and opening up hand to hand
>magnums: compact (for their damage) quickaiming very high damage close / medium rangeweapons
>even the minethrower can be awesome when used properly (sadlerfight)
The weapons are tied to every other system in the game
Different guns take up different amounts of space,
>bigger guns =less heals and nades and spare ammo
Better guns are more expensive and sometimes more expensive to upgrade
>in a new game you earn between 2 and 4 milion psts i think, use them wisely
>Some weapons open up combo oportunities saving ammo and clearing crowds
You get different guns at different times making you decide between waiting to upgrade a better gun or waste money on a worse gun
The qte during bossfights( krausers grenade throwing for example) allows you to do more with limited controls
Also a lot of events and enemyes make the player change behaviour and the player changes the enemy behaviour
>Enemyes react to getting hit
>Enemyes can throw weapons, dodge , run, grab and hit you, a lot of different types too from crossbowmen, rpg, dynamite, helmeted, gunemplacementsecc
>plagas and instakill oponets quickly change the situation from not particularly dangerous to potentially very dangerous.

It has a combo of modern and rustic/old asthetic. Example

>> No.9778096

There are only 4 relevant guns in the game. Striker, Red9, Autorifle and Starting Pistol. MAYBE a rocket launcher for the room with 2 armored charger.
>>bigger guns =less heals and nades and spare ammo
This dynamic is almost always irrelevant. With supreme firepower, you can kill enemies before they harm you. On the off chance they do, healing items can be used as they're found.

>> No.9778104

It felt like devs applied The House of The Dead series action and cheesiness to Resident Evil exploration and puzzles.

>> No.9778135

It made all the shitters who died trying to play actual RE games feel like they were finally good at RE.

>> No.9778249

PC and PS2 bros we got too cocky...

>> No.9778349

Don't care, PC has the best version (2023)

>> No.9779732

>Striker, Red9, Autorifle and Starting Pistol
RG is also good, since you get it earlier and it has better range (plus faster headshots). You can also make an argument for the regular shotty but it and the RG are very similar anyway.
Blacktail is good for DPS and kneecaps thanks to the faster fire rate of you don't want to use the TMP (which is also good).
Regular BAR is very underrated. You get it super early and you get the exclusive before the island, allowing you to kill every human enemy with one bodyshot. It has worse DPS than the SAR but better ammo efficiency, which for the other weapons doesn't matter that much but it does for the rifles since the ammo for them is always super scarce.
>This dynamic is almost always irrelevant
It isn't in the early game. Only later the game throws healing at you like it's candy.

>> No.9779743


>> No.9779752

It had a lot of time and money behind it with the right people behind the wheel

>> No.9779759

The hd project is the best, I agree

>> No.9779868

As someone who started playing the series on the PC/PS1 and unlike the zoomies who started with 4, I find the game to be shit.

>> No.9780067

elaborate on that

>> No.9780262

I'm older than you.

>> No.9780539
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It's now obsolete.

>> No.9780667

Why do retards always show the worst videos to shill their new FOTM game?

>> No.9780680

>healing items can be used as they're found.

You are indeed better off filling your inventory with weapons. In case people haven't noticed, enemies are more likely to drop supplies if you're short on said supplies. If you have no healing item, there will be a greater chance of one spawning.

>> No.9780686

ah yes, let's make stuff blurry and glowy. Truly an improvement.

>> No.9780917

This but unironically.

>> No.9780928

If it doesn’t have Umbrella as the big bad it ain’t Resident Evil in my eyes

>> No.9781085

Literally everything in this webm can be done in the original game

>> No.9781119

>instant aim where the camera is looking at
>weapon quick swap
>reload while running
Sure bro.

>> No.9781130

woah a bunch of soulless shit, who cares

>> No.9781164
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>"Literally everything in this webm can be done in the original game"
>Another anon mentions some things that LITERALLY cannot be done
>le svoul
What an embarrassing non argument.

>> No.9781407

It paced flawlessly, it has long tense sections but it also has some funny shit between them. RE4 clones\sequels always failed this part being too serious, to ScArY, etc. RE4 is like a perfect action movie from the 80s.

>> No.9781625

You can look up at Ashley's skirt in the original so make OG RE4 is still the soulful defintive version.

>> No.9781675

Ikr. Anybody who pretends suitcase access to change weapons is a good thing is beyond fucking retarded. What a perfect way to break the flow of an action game. The mental gymnastics of perma/vr/gins is something else.

>> No.9782135

It's a perfectly balanced arcade-style shooting gallery game with progressively more over-the-top scenarios and setpieces that throw zombies at you in creative ways, and it gives you extremely satisfying tools to deal with the zombie hordes. Perfect controls, perfectly tuned aiming and gun feel, perfect level-design, and fantastic atomsphere. It's "scary" in the way a haunted house attraction is scary, in that it builds tension and gives you "oh fuck oh fuck" moments, like a thrill ride. That's a different approach than the previous Resident Evils, which tried to be scary morseo through atmosphere, but it makes for an incredibly engaging game. Trying to line up shots while the Ganados swarm you, and making you freeze to aim, with Leon having shaky hands, is such a brilliant move for the series, and it's amazing how modern games have completely missed why stationary aiming worked so well. Every single aspect of the game is masterfully executed. It's one of the very rare games you could argue is perfect.

>> No.9782197

>action packed looter shooter,
how the fuck is RE4 a LOOTER SHOOTER
fucking zoomer

>> No.9782349

weapon wheels are for zoomies with low attention span

>> No.9782358

You shoot the enemies and they drop loot, duh

>> No.9782371

No, we have long attention span so we want to keep focus on the combat because we can.
Boomers have short attention span, they have to take a break from the combat every once in a while to look at the inventory screen.

>> No.9782538

Weapon wheels are for retards. You don't have to use one in RE4make, not even on console you dumbass. On console you access the guns you want by using the DPad (two down press to get bottom most gun for example, and it's fast), on PC you can bind your guns around your movement keys.

However a weapon wheel would still be much better than pausing and entering a menu every time you want to switch weapons so your point is entirely retarded.

>> No.9782548

You think you have a "high attention span" because you want to access a suitcase to switch between weapons? Okay. You can still do that in RE4make so knock yourself out slowbrain.

>> No.9782735


/vr/, defenders of modern game design

>> No.9782946

100% accurate!