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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 7 KB, 236x268, headdy_in_a_kart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9775061 No.9775061 [Reply] [Original]

Could a Dynamite Headdy sequel be made today and still have the soul of the original, or would they fuck it up?

>> No.9775081
File: 55 KB, 640x480, headdy_stage6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your 15-minute-long shmup section to take away from your scotforming, mate

What were Trashure THINKING? Can they go just one game without going full retard with gimmicky bullshit?

>> No.9775297

Bangai-O came pretty close, but then Treasure fucked it up by giving it kind of shitty bosses.

It's like they almost make a good game but still end up fucking up anyways, no wonder these hacks got booted out of Konami back then.

>> No.9775312

Say whatever you want about the shmup level, but the music in it is an underappreciated gem

>> No.9775341

>brings up valid point
>says scotsformer
>immediately loses all credibility and the respect of his peers

>> No.9775418

It could be done.
Treasure games have inherent soul, hence why soulless golems like Australia-kun get triggered by it.

>> No.9775429

The whole game is gimmicky bullshit after gimmicky bullshit (Which is GREAT!), what's your point?

>> No.9775435

Auster thinks that by adding the word "gimmick" to his posts, it's like actually making a real argument.
He thinks that he can fool anons into thinking Treasure games are, like, baaaad, because they often make genre crossovers, or add new gameplay ideas within the stablished game's gameplay.
Basically, he has no arguments, but he must shitpost, because Treasure started working for Nintendo at one point, and he must convince people on the internet to stop liking Treasure.

>> No.9775462

Weebs will attack such games as Earthworm Jim for doing what Treasure games do but won't bat an eye when Treasure does it because muh glorious nip developers.
Good on Australia-kun for exposing Treasure being the hacks they were and making their weebcucked fanbase salty with the truth.

>> No.9775469

>If you like japanese games, you're a weeb
You don't really belong on this board.
I can't speak for everybody, but I actually like EWJ's gameplay variety BECAUSE the base gameplay has that typical dave perry jank to it, I don't know why people pretend the run n gun levels are good, they're decent but a full game of them would be boring.
>Good on Australia-kun
Patting yourself in the back, eh? Natural, as you're a lonely individual.

>> No.9776214 [DELETED] 


>> No.9776231
File: 6 KB, 151x127, My Freak When.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone still thinks he's a cat anyway

>> No.9776265

You're on /vr/ wtf do YOU think?

>> No.9777083 [DELETED] 


>> No.9777952
File: 11 KB, 320x224, headdy_basketball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget these awful bonus rounds that you have to do in order to get the true ending.

>> No.9777956

They're fun in the beginning, but the last 2 drags on for way too long

>> No.9778520

No. It is perfect as it is. Leave Headdy to rest.
A game with a similar aesthetic would be a better choice, 4th wall breaking is more popular than ever. Make it about the cat/bear.

It's kind of pathetic, honestly.
I am starting to wonder if he's even human or just a bot at this point.

>> No.9778524

>True Ending
Feels more like a joke ending

>> No.9779272

Pwning your former money-hungry boss who forced you to do soulless rehashes of the same games is no joke

>> No.9780032

"Soul" is subjective to every person so it would have soul to some people and not to others. And how the game turns out would depend entirely on who the staff was, how they were managed, and their budget and time.

Think for 2 seconds about whether your question is even answerable or just a stupid string of words before typing it.

>> No.9780756 [DELETED] 

ya got a secret bonus point

>> No.9780820 [DELETED] 

~ Top 10 Trashiest Treasure Games ~

#10: Alien Soldier (Treasure's boss-rushiest gimmick game, the little level design it does have is pretty much a complete joke; controls are fucking garbage)
#9: Sin & Punishment (gimmickily turns into a sidescroller on the final level; gimmicky bosses like the Tetris one or Missile Command one; tries to incorporate jumping in a rail shooter but the platforming designs blow dick)
#8: Astro Boy - Omega Factor (basic bitch bmup gameplay which has to be expanded via a lame collectathon gimmick; boring filler shmup gimmick segments almost break up the inane bmup monotony)
#7: Silhouette Mirage (polarity system makes the game feel too contrived leading to some of the most annoyingly gimmicky boss / level designs in Trashure history)
#6: Radiant Silvergun (scoring system makes it feel too much like a puzzler, punishing you for killing an enemy that isn't the right colour; cringey jarpig elements; like Alien Soldier, too many bosses and too little worthwhile level designs)
#5: Ikaruga (combine RSG's gimmicky scoring with SilMir's gimmicky polarity shield, double your gimmicks double your fun!... if only you COULD have fun playing a Trashure title...)
#4: Dynamite Headdy (over half the Scenes in the game flat-out suck, lacking proper level designs that focus not on platforming but instead on fighting bosses or shitty gimmicks like turning into a shmup or showing off a 3D floor; also the shittiest bonus rounds conceived for a scotformer)
#3: Gunstar Heroes (Dice Palace consists of braindead puzzles and worthless mini-bosses; second to last level turns into yet another terrible shmup gimmick section; final level isn't a real level, but just another lousy boss rush)
#2: Gunstar Super Heroes (takes Gunstar but makes everything about it shittier, most notably the inclusion of horrible "homages" to several SEGA classics)
#1: Mischief Makers (Olympics is a marathon of retarded mini-games, plus many more shitty gimmicks in this overrated kusoge)

>> No.9780913

I mean he literally is, even his dialogue references it
it was only the american release that turned him brown and gave him angry eyes and called him a bear

>> No.9780936

>even his dialogue references it
When? Post screenshot

>> No.9780972

Is the GG game different and good enough to play?
Japanese version of the game actually has a bunch of dialogue boxes that were removed from the western ver

>> No.9781012

I know but even the translated JP version never mentions his species AFAIK

>> No.9781373

Treasure has been a ghost company the last 10 years. Their last proper game was Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury for XBLA at 2011 and the last games they made were Capcom's Gaist Crusher for 3DS.

>> No.9781895 [DELETED] 

Based auster btfo'ing trashure once and for all

>> No.9782372

Nothing being made today can have the soul of the original

>> No.9782672

>Make it about the cat/bear
Hell yes, I like him

>> No.9782684

No because Treasure only exists in name only, and to release ports of their old ports once every 2-3 years.

>> No.9783028
File: 91 KB, 394x246, Headdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DID YOU KNOW? Headdy's design is based off a Tezuka character.

>> No.9783731

The GG/SMS version is a pretty decent game,although I still don't know why they used You're Izayoi as a normal boss theme.

>> No.9784210

Both Gunstar and Headdy are actually better on Game Gear because they removed the worst levels from each game (Dice Palace in the former and the shmup one in the latter).

>> No.9784696 [DELETED] 


>> No.9784902

Treasure doesn't exactly exist anymore aside from a bunch of dudes who port Ikaruga again and again, so it's not happening.

>> No.9785556 [DELETED] 


>> No.9785798

Tell us more.

>Actually better on gg
I can't speak about gh, but holy fuck no dh is not even close to the real deal.
And anyway if you played at least one gradius game in your life the shooting section is a joke.
The only part that gave me trouble as a kid was the haruyama fight and the following speed section, which again are a damn joke compared to the real deal.

>> No.9786168 [DELETED] 


>> No.9786713 [DELETED] 


>> No.9787883 [DELETED] 


>> No.9788871 [DELETED] 

b-b-b-b-b-b-b-based<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9788956

I don't see how any of the Treasure games could fare well with sequels, the ones that did didn't have a positive reception from my recollection.
What i specially don't get is how he first shits on the SNES because it didn't have any Treasure games, then on the PS1 for having the least ammount of Treasure games, what's next, he shits on the OG Xbox for not having any Treasure games? I probably shouldn't give him any ideas.
Fucking hate how any Treasure discourse gets ruined because of him.
That's a shame, i'm sure they could do well if they went down as an indie studio.

>> No.9789213 [DELETED] 

Hmm, four separate active Trashure bait threads… I wonder who could have made all these….

>> No.9789217

Gunstar, Headdy, and Alien Soldier ALL have these retarded boring shmup sections, but at least in Alien Soldier your moveset remains context insensitive

Treasure discourse is better on /v/, in fact everything is, I'm going back there now

>> No.9789272 [DELETED] 
File: 538 KB, 1548x685, headdy_data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynamite Headdy stages ranking:

Stage 4 > Stage 8 > Stage 5 > Stage 9 > Stage 3 > Stage 6 > Stage 7 > Stage 10 >>>> Stage 1

>> No.9789278
File: 538 KB, 1548x685, headdy_data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynamite Headdy stages ranking:

Stage 4 > Stage 8 > Stage 5 > Stage 2 > Stage 9 > Stage 3 > Stage 6 > Stage 7 > Stage 10 >>>> Stage 1

>> No.9789957

>Treasure discourse is better on /v/, in fact everything is, I'm going back there now
nice april fools joke, m8

>> No.9790578 [DELETED] 


>> No.9791464 [DELETED] 


>> No.9792765
File: 418 KB, 350x263, headdy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of Headdy's transformations did you like best?

>> No.9793836 [DELETED] 
File: 590 KB, 852x1278, australiakun_bingo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder...

>> No.9793858 [DELETED] 

At least he's aware of the kike problem, australia-kun's good in my book.

>> No.9794864

Why is stage 7 just a single boss fight? Always found that rather strange

>> No.9794878 [DELETED] 

People like auster make actual smart people look bad because he repeats some things to fit in, while at the same giving the rest of us a bad name.
We don't need someone like him saying the jews are a problem, because he is a problem with his autism and mental illness. He wouldn't survive a Reich. Also he's pro-UK as fuck, he's basically a jew.

>> No.9794910 [DELETED] 

You can like nazis and still be pro-UK. There were some bongs that wanted to side with nazis back then, after all.
Also, Hitler was a massive Angloboo and tried everything he could to not start a war with them.

>> No.9795004

The spiky head that lets you climb walls and stick to ceilings. It was woefully underused in the game.

>> No.9795736

Condorito is a Tezuka character?

>> No.9795752
File: 410 B, 94x68, ヤックん Beau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if new era voice samples would add or detract from the game overall.

>> No.9795782

Nothing good could be made today.

>> No.9796393

Tempo is better

>> No.9796467
File: 546 KB, 828x614, 1A5E4220-5A49-453B-AB23-5FDDD235A061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst was them cheating us out of a boss fight.

>> No.9796768

>Game changes it's genre for a bit
>It's actually a highlight of the game

Based Headdy. Only other game I can think of that pulled this off was Conker




>> No.9797027 [DELETED] 

Lazy Trashure... no idea how these frauds became so overrated with gaymers.

>> No.9797342 [DELETED] 

>replying to yourself
You will die, along with your irrelevant opinions, and Treasure will continue to be cherished by many generations to come.
Cope, seethe, and dilate, austroon.

>> No.9797952 [DELETED] 
File: 531 KB, 960x1440, mfwhenever I see a Trashure character design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~ Top 10 Trashiest Treasure Titles ~

#10: Alien Soldier (Treasure's boss-rushiest gimmick game, the little level design it does have is pretty much a complete joke; controls are fucking garbage)
#9: Sin & Punishment (gimmickily turns into a sidescroller on the final level; gimmicky bosses like the Tetris one or Missile Command one; tries to incorporate jumping in a rail shooter but the platforming designs blow dick)
#8: Astro Boy - Omega Factor (basic bitch bmup gameplay which has to be expanded via a lame collectathon gimmick; boring filler shmup gimmick segments almost break up the inane bmup monotony)
#7: Silhouette Mirage (polarity system makes the game feel too contrived leading to some of the most annoyingly gimmicky boss / level designs in Trashure history)
#6: Radiant Silvergun (scoring system makes it feel too much like a puzzler, punishing you for killing an enemy that isn't the right colour; cringey jarpig elements; like Alien Soldier, too many bosses and too little worthwhile level designs)
#5: Ikaruga (combine RSG's gimmicky scoring with SilMir's gimmicky polarity shield, double your gimmicks double your fun!... if only you COULD have fun playing a Trashure game...)
#4: Dynamite Headdy (over half the Scenes in the game flat-out suck, lacking proper level designs that focus not on platforming but instead on fighting bosses or shitty gimmicks like turning into a shmup or showing off a 3D floor; also the shittiest bonus rounds conceived for a scotformer)
#3: Gunstar Heroes (Dice Palace consists of braindead puzzles and worthless mini-bosses; second to last level turns into yet another terrible shmup gimmick section; final level isn't a real level, but just another lousy boss rush)
#2: Gunstar Super Heroes (takes Gunstar but makes everything about it shittier, most notably the inclusion of horrible "homages" to several SEGA classics)
#1: Mischief Makers (Olympics is a marathon of retarded mini-games, plus many more shitty gimmicks in this overrated kusoge)

>> No.9798069

Treasure's top 5 best games:

Contra 3 (SNES)
Castlevania IV (SNES)
Axelay (SNES)
Buck O'Hare (NES)
The Simpsons (Arcade)

>> No.9798229

Bucky O'Hare I'll give you, the rest are garbage though.

>> No.9799489 [DELETED] 


>> No.9799616

>>>/v/ is the contrarian bait board, anon

>> No.9799698

A lot of the appeal from the games of that era is them pulling off all sorts of tricks that are impressive for the hardware

It's not really possible on modern consoles

>> No.9799761

Not contrarian, lots of people dislike Contra 3 for the shitty top-down levels, Axelay for the shitty forward scrolling levels, The Simpsons Arcade for being a basic and repetitive quarter muncher, and CV4 for being the most casual and dullest Classicvania entry of all time.

>> No.9800026

This is a legit criticism.
Neat tricks like most of scene 5 in Headdy are difficult to appreciate for modern audiences.
Still, some of the most bizzare parts like Baby Face or the scene 8 boss are timeless in my opinion.

>> No.9800789

I genuinely haven’t gotten past the tower level.