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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 7 KB, 282x179, star foxsuper weekend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
977242 No.977242 [Reply] [Original]

so, i went to a gamestore today and saw this for 100 bucks....

my gut is telling me FUCKING BUY IT. should i? is there something i should be worried about? do bootlegs exist?

>> No.977247

My arse it was for $100. I see that going for well over $500 online.

>> No.977252

also, considering that /vr/ is a slow moving board, I'll take a picture if I decide to go grab it tomorrow and show you guys.

>> No.977250

i'm not joking... i almost shit myself when i saw it. i left the store, but I'm considering going tomorrow to grab it (if it's still there).

>> No.977264

Buy it OP, and take glorious pictures.
Now if only you had the jacket.

>> No.977267

Someone probably grabbed it already. Ya blew it OP.

>> No.977269

What is this exactly?

100$ sounds suspiscious. You should ask to open it up to prove it's the real one.

Some NWC carts going aruond ARE repros so I wouldn't be surprised to see repros of this either considering they're probably easier to make than NWC ones.

>> No.977270

if it is $100 buy on the spot.

Or tell me the store and I'll do it.

>> No.977271

i really don't know if I should draw attention to it like that. if I ask the guy who works there, he might find out its true value and mark it up more... do i take the gamble? is there a way to prove if it's legit without asking to open it with a screwdriver?

>> No.977272

I'm going to change my judgement from buy now to ??? because I dind't know there were repros going around of this cart.

>> No.977274


If it's the real thing buy it INSTANTLY. That thing is one of the rarest most searched for carts on the SNES.
Let them demonstrate that it's real and that it works first though!

>> No.977276

If he didn't know its value it would be priced as a normal game...

also there is NO proof that there are repros of this going around; just saying NWC do

>> No.977280

well, there IS one repro of it i saw online, however, in the spot on the cartridge where it says "NOT FOR RESALE" it says "REPRODUCTION".... but i mean, this is the way I see it.

the guy clearly knows the game is worth SOMETHING, hence the 100 dollar price tag... but if he did research online, he'd know it's worth EVEN MORE than that.... so why the hell would it be at a high price above a normal game, but not as much as it really is? i'm just a little concerned

>> No.977284

>the guy clearly knows the game is worth SOMETHING, hence the 100 dollar price tag... but if he did research online, he'd know it's worth EVEN MORE than that.... so why the hell would it be at a high price above a normal game, but not as much as it really is? i'm just a little concerned

Maybe because he wants to sell it as fast as possible and knows that very few people would buy it at 500

You know, plenty of stuff is high priced on ebay; but it remains there for a LONG time before it finds a buyer

>> No.977295

that's true, however, this store is notorious for high prices. they had castlevania 4 for 45 bucks, and it was in shit condition. it's the kind of place that sells super mario/duck hunt for 20 bucks

>> No.977304

>that's true, however, this store is notorious for high prices. they had castlevania 4 for 45 bucks, and it was in shit condition. it's the kind of place that sells super mario/duck hunt for 20 bucks

Every store I know is like that where I live.

>> No.977306

and that's what makes me question if they think it's worth marking up common games, while devaluing super rare ones.... it just doesn't seem to make sense. regardless, I've decided to go buy it. I'll post pictures tomorrow.

>> No.977310

only buy it if you are okay with it possibly being a repro

>> No.977343

why would you want this anyways?
isn't this that starfox game used for a contest and you had to see how high you could get your score with a short time limit. you can only play it about half way through the second level or something like that. right?

>> No.977359

What's your income like, OP?

I'd just say get it, because one day it'll be gone and you'll be thinking "Damn, wish I got it"

>> No.977368

Yeah, only 2000 were made though.

>> No.977460

>I don't care that it's a shitty game. It's rare and worth alot and I can get it for cheap.

I understand someone who playe it in the 90s during that weekend wanting it for nostalgia purposes. But what's the point in buying that OP? Just "to have a rare game" isnt good enough.

>> No.977465

>What is a collector

>> No.977515
File: 585 KB, 969x511, snes_STAR_FOX_2_label.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be stupid OP. It's a repro.

You could buy it online for like $50, or make your own for much less than that.

>> No.977545

I would pop it in a SNES and make sure it works and is infact Starfox Super Weekend. If so, I'd definitely grab it up. I don't think anyone would want to try a repro with a Super FX game, at least I haven't seen one. I've seen plenty of Earthbound repros but those don't have any special feature chips.

>> No.977548

A Super FX repro would be WELL over $50

>> No.977601


an idiot that over pays for crap

>> No.977609


buy the game, keep the receipt, open it up at home, if its a repo return it for your money back.

there you go op.

>> No.977751

A miserable pile of cartridges!

>> No.977831

Cartridge! I smell your plugs!

>> No.977834

Hey everyone, sorry if my trip doesn't match up. I'm on my phone. Leaving for the gamestore right now.

>> No.977835

I honestly doubt this is the kind of store that gives a fuck. They'd probably pull some "no returns" bullshit

>> No.977847

If it's a bootleg and they refuse to take it back, threaten to report them to the authorities (Better Business Bureau, etc.) for selling pirated media.

>> No.977851

It's always lose-lose with this board.

If you don't buy it, you're an idiot for passing up such a great deal.

If you buy it and keep it, hurrr collector wasting his money


>> No.977852
File: 8 KB, 256x264, 1375810833217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really hope that isn't the case, if it is they have shady business practices and its most likely a fake.

>> No.977859

Dude don't think.

Buy it and that's it. 100 bucks isn't ten cents but it isn't 10 thousand dollars either.

>> No.977865

This. I'd take the gamble; if it's fake, then I'm sure you can find a way out of it.

>> No.977886

I didn't think anybody took the BBB seriously.
I can understand complaining about people who collect good games just for the sake of collection and never play them (although even then the validity of complaining about it is debatable). But complaining about someone collecting a shit game just for the sake of collection and never playing that shit game? Do you also complain about stamp collectors, coin collectors, rock collectors, and every other person who collects otherwise mostly valueless things without an intent to use them?

>> No.977898

>inb4 op comes back later today or tomorrow
>oh hai sorry guyz it sold

>> No.977916

Currently parked outside. They open at 11. It's 10:42.

And I collect games and play them. Hell, my NES gets more attention than any system I own, and I own a fuckton of systems. This will be my first time buying a game specifically because of it's value, and in all honesty, I doubt I'll play it much, because of what it is (game-wise and historically)

>> No.977918

OP after you get it or whatever tell us where you are and what store. So long as you get the game it won't matter. I'm just curious

>> No.977924

I was just saying that it's dumb to complain about someone buying a game for collection's sake when it's a game like this, which has no real gameplay value and is only good as a collector's item.

>> No.977930

Yes, I'll certainly you guys know, however, besides this game, this store is complete shit
YES, I 100% agree. It's the same as NWC. That has NO gameplay value other than the novelty of seeing your score and if you would have qualified back then during the event.

>> No.977939

So how the hell did it go?

>> No.977946

OP, deliver you bastard

>> No.977950

OP just got mugged in the parking lot on his way out

>> No.977959
File: 1.24 MB, 2592x1456, 2013-08-09_11-09-34_804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is guys! The store is called "Games for less" in fulllerton, california.

>> No.977968


Congrats man, hope it's legit. I would love a PAL copy of that.

>> No.977972
File: 1.23 MB, 2592x1456, 2013-08-09_11-09-45_325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a little certificate it came with, in the bag the cartridge came in. I'm not sure if I'll open it...

>> No.977973


Do you got a game bit to open it? Better check it bro

>> No.977976

If the game and certificate are authentic, you've got yourself an even bigger prize.

People will pay good money for that little piece of paper.

>> No.977978


All about it

>> No.977987

How much money?

>> No.978020

Reseller scum.

>> No.978039
File: 39 KB, 854x480, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay I'm home. here's the game cart and certificate. the bag was held together by two staples so, i just undid them. it didn't look professionally done at all. the game also had one of those nice plastic contact protectors.

>> No.978042

time to go test it on the super nintendo....

>> No.978050 [DELETED] 

is starfox 2 or what?

>> No.978069



This is the Starfox SuperWeekend cartridge, a special one used for a competition/promotion event for Starfox where people could play the game for a few minutes for score, therefore the cart is very limited

>> No.978079
File: 1.05 MB, 2592x1456, 2013-08-09_11-48-55_994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.978082
File: 1.08 MB, 2592x1456, 2013-08-09_11-57-21_501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i really fucking suck at the SNES star fox.....

>> No.978084
File: 41 KB, 386x387, 1250451017854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Excuse me, sir. but you are selling this game illegally. I'll have to call the police. Unless... we can work out a deal."

>> No.978090


A real Super Weekend Cart for $100. You got your lucky day OP. Keep good care of it. :)

>> No.978093

Woo! Nice job OP

>> No.978092

good job op

>> No.978103

You're an idiot.

>> No.978105


>> No.978104

Nope. Just another Anon with a Super Starfox Weekend cart.

>> No.978108

It is a good game, but why is it worth 100 - 500 + dollars?
I understand that it showcased early 3d, and that it was an limited edition of Super Starfox, but the game itself is just another on the rails shooter, the competition edition has only minor alterations to the original, and certainly doesn't seem worth that price.

>> No.978110

There are only a few thousand copies.

>> No.978115

well, isn't that similar to saying "why is the NWC cart worth 2000 bucks?" all the NWC cart is, is a compilation of Super Mario, Rad Racer and Tetris, which, I'm sure ALL of us NES collectors own. The point is, it has a limited release and a date in history that goes along with it. Obviously, the NWC takes the cake for rarest event-based game, but any game that is of that origin is going to be a collectors item.

at least that's the way I see it.

>> No.978119

oh, and the competition cart ISN'T the full game. The game has a time limit, so you can only get so far, and a score system that the original game didn't have. also, there's a level on the cart that wasn't in the original star fox game, so, exclusive levels are always kinda cool.

>> No.978124
File: 5 KB, 96x97, icon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're telling me I've had a game cartridge worth 100$ that's been collecting dust in my closet for 15 years?

>> No.978127

it's worth more than 100 dollars, it was just luck that I found it for that price. congrats! SUPER WEEKEND CARTS ERRRWHERE!

>> No.978131

Of an altered version of the original.

I never understood that either, seeing as buying the original games would be much cheaper than buying the compilation, but I can see the novelty I suppose.

>not full game
>time limit
>some exclusive levels
>this makes the difference from an 11 dollar game to a 100 dollar game
Somehow this honestly doesn't surprise me. Nevertheless, good find, OP.

>> No.978140

did he staple through the certificate? what a jerkwad

>> No.978146

>did he staple through the certificate? what a jerkwad
yeah he did. motherfucker... oh well. at least it's at the edge. I've never seen copies of the game with this certificate. I'll try doing some google research.

>> No.978147
File: 483 KB, 611x452, certificate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, here we go.

>> No.978149

>card is worth more than the game
Oh come on, this is just getting ridiculous.

>> No.978151

it doesn't say the card is worth more, and I certainly wouldn't believe that it is.

it just says that the card is rarer, and that makes sense, considering that most kids threw paper away, like most of us did. everything that was Nintendo 64 and previous, i just threw the boxes and papers away, as most of us did, because they would just get creased and fucked up over time anyway.

so, yea, I can understand how the card could be quite hard to come by, in comparison to the game cart, but it's certainly not WORTH more on it's own.

>> No.978263

>what is Star Fox 2?

>> No.978318

The BBB has no authority, but businesses know that some customers care about the BBB and will acquiesce to their mediation.

I had Amazon try to jew me out of an advertised price for something a few black fridays ago, so I complained to the BBB and Amazon gave in.

>> No.978334

That's interesting and good to know, thanks.

>> No.978398
File: 69 KB, 640x420, starfax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw original copy from my youth

>> No.978414

Why did you do this?

Why do you think anyone cares?

>> No.978417

I obviously needed that timestamp and otherwise would not believe that you have a pretty common game.

>> No.978426


>> No.978435


Are you a troll?

>> No.978441

Holy shit, I actually entered that contest. I came so very close to winning that Star Fox Jacket and trophy. But I had to settle for just the Star Fox T-shirt... Which I slept in... and destroyed...

>> No.978454

it's printed in allcaps text so it must be law!

>> No.978476
File: 26 KB, 660x468, 27-23-SlippyThumbsUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done OP

>> No.978481

I went to a music store yesterday in the next state over and bought a bunch of not for resale promo CDs. This morning in my hometown there's a police car within 10 miles of me. Should I be afraid?

>> No.978493


I ripped the tag off my pillow, should I destroy all evidence?

>> No.978496

You should be okay with a pillow, but if it were a mattress, I'd watch out for the party van.

>> No.978497

Nah, if you transported the CDs across state lines the investigation will be under FBI jurisdiction

>> No.978503
File: 687 KB, 700x500, child'splay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.978507


>> No.978564


leave this board

>> No.978562


what does the qr code lead to?

>> No.978573

Didn't read the entire thread, but if you haven't bought it yet then do it. I sold mine for about $300 a few years back. It's probably worth more now.

>> No.978576

It says "Put this in winamp!"

>> No.978579

Oh sweet Jesus.

>> No.980127
File: 462 KB, 2048x1232, 20130806_130518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not getting a copy of StarWing for 10bux.

>> No.980136

The OP's cart isn't starwing.