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9770406 No.9770406 [Reply] [Original]

Does any game have a better twist than FF8?

>> No.9770451
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7's story is unironically more interesting, and more solid and cohesive as a whole. In fact it's obvious the following games were simply taking cue of similar story turns and the results were noticeably overwrought as a result

>> No.9770768

>plot of FF8 is so garbage people have to come up with fake headcanon fanfiction

when is someone gonna make a video talking about the FF8 rewrite mod? is it something I wanna play? I want a good FF8

>> No.9770856

>>plot of FF8 is so garbage people have to come up with fake headcanon fanfiction

Why are 8 fags like this?

>> No.9770883

Lmao, another one of these threads.
Squall is alive.
Ultimecia is just Ultimecia.

>> No.9770894

>rinoa goes from seifers gf to in love with you
>no wound
>enemies suddenly become aliens
Not a single refutation for ANY of these points

>> No.9770909


>> No.9770913

I wonder if the Japanese 8 fanbase is also this retarded. Though come to think of it I don't think I ever such much Japanese stuff in regards to 8 either.

>> No.9770914

That screenshot is an edit right? If the game were actually that daek I'd wanna play it but iirc its just fanfic

>> No.9770916
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Persona 3

>> No.9771116

not exactly a plot twist but in Wild Arms 4 a villain character suddenly dies in a retarded & insane way that I think about and lol on the daily

Alundra had a cool plot twist near the end

FF8 is stupid and the twist is not unironically good but stupid is fun sometimes...

>> No.9771124

The problem with the FF8 plot twist is that it doesn't actually serve the plot. It exists for the sake of itself. They want to have a cool GOTCHA moment but what does it really add? Honestly I feel like the game would probably have been better if it was established already that they knew each other prior and then spent the early game playing up their "family" dynamic with the twist just being Edea is really their former foster mother. Maybe it is too Star Wars but it would at least be functional. It would at least have emotional impact. Hell if it does anyone thing it would just be establishing why everyone is so obsessed with Squall when by all accounts they should be telling him to eat shit.

>> No.9771142

>The problem with the FF8 plot twist is that it doesn't actually serve the plot. It exists for the sake of itself.
The orphanage twist is only there to drive home the memory loss plot. What's the purpose of the memory loss plot? Why it's integral for R=U of course.

>> No.9771160

The twist was tricking you into believing you were playing a good game.

>> No.9771225

>Sephiroth's actual weapon back then was a butcher hook

>> No.9771229

a sickle, he was a farmer before he went mad

>> No.9772178

it's in the ending

>> No.9772263

>What's the purpose of the memory loss plot?

Two purposes, one the theme of fate which is essential to the game. Despite not remembering each others, they end up all finding each others and fighting together, it's fate. This ties in to the fact that the story is a time travel loop: the beginning of the story can not exist without the end, so no matter what happens in between, fate brings them together. And THIS is what they have to fight against: break the time loop. It shows that the stakes are high.

Finally it also serves the entire behind-the-surface story point which aims at showing that the story is more than your typical "good vs evil" shit. We're talking about orphans which were enrolled since they were little kids and brought up and trained to be soldiers, and to use weapons that will permantely damage their psyche. This is the "good" guys. There are also parts of the story that show there is more to the "bad" guys.

>> No.9772265

Most games do.

>> No.9772276

I quite like in planescape torment where it turns out the companion you meet in the first room knows that you can reach the final boss from the first room and you only find that out much later.

>> No.9772292

dont trust the skull

>> No.9772295

I'm sickle people like you correcting me over the smallest details.

>> No.9772318

they're like Phantom Menace fans, perpetually coping because they got a bad FF game

>> No.9772941


This is something that gets posted in /vr/ from time to time

I ALWAYS monitor ff8 threads when i see one. What are your favorite headcanons? Rinoa as Ultimecia for me is what makes the game go over the top

>> No.9772987 [SPOILER] 
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>What are your favorite headcanons?

>> No.9773034

it was obvious from the first time he showed up

>> No.9773282

Rinoa imitated certain traits from hwr closest "strong woman role model" when he decided to become Ultimecia

>> No.9775019

I don’t even remember the plot. The sorceress wants to merge time together or something?

>> No.9775115

Maybe thinking he and Strega were working towards something, but the reveal that you accidentally reformed Death and set in motion the unstoppable extinction of mankind literally changes everything.

It's just like real life; you learn you will die and you can't find a purpose in living anymore until you accept death as something that will happen to everyone.

>> No.9775148

So basically it adds nothing to the plot beyond a bunch of retarded theming so we can grasp at straws to pretend this game is more complex than it actually is. That's retarded. The game's about as morally complex as a childrens book and none of this shit actually explains or helps anything. Hell being a SeeD (retarded spelling) honestly seems like a pretty prestigious gig and there's no reason to assume it's mandatory once you graduate.

>> No.9775151


>> No.9775212

I really liked the Edea = Matron twist

Fucking Edea was cool fuck you guys

>> No.9775215

>there are brainlets who still don't get what FFVIII was all about

>> No.9775216

Someone has a low midichlorian count

>> No.9775219

It's The Wizard of Oz

>> No.9775223

Any aconym with Danger Zone in it is better than you will ever be

>> No.9775247
File: 964 B, 94x94, NewCanvas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. I never ever hear anyone talk about this.

Laguna is Joseph Joestar, the silly man with silly antics who always has a backup plan and blasts his ultimate nemesis into space.

Squall is Jotaro Kujo, a sort of estranged offspring who is edgy.

Coming together, they vanquish their greatest foe. Someone with time powers.

This is not the first time the series made a prolonged allusion to Jojo. Sabin's route in early FF6 is a nod to Stardust Crusaders, which was the newest completed arc at the time of that game's release.
Don't reply to me if you disagree, I'm right.

>> No.9775349

I didn’t realize that people were only allowed to ‘get’ one final fantasy game.

>> No.9775352

>Fucking Edea was cool
I don't remember that part in FF8 I certainly imagined it though

>> No.9775358

Anon, I ....

>> No.9775401

> Don't reply to me if you disagree, I'm right.
You’re dumb, that is stupid, and fuck you.
Persona 4 is totally Jojo part 4 though.

>> No.9775506

FF8 needs to be rewritten from scratch and the gameplay get a serious boost, even copying the old FF ideas. That game might have had some potential, but the choices made definitely broke it down.

>> No.9775613

>why is a teenaged girl fickle
>why doesn't the game have a 2010s scarring system for a cutscene injury?
You faggots are so fucking desperate it hurts.

>> No.9775636

Jojo didn't come out till 2010 idort

>> No.9776692

You have to admire that no matter how hard you try to put FF8's story into one cohesive bucket of plot, you can't. As soon as someone thinks they almost have it, they'll pick up one more piece of the story and look at it and be like "See, they were trying to just control the machine, they didn't mean to be attacking their own friends with it while they were inside constantly pulling random levels. Wait. Wait a second. Moon Aliens? They cry AND THEN...!? WHY? WHY?" and all the plot starts hopping out of the bucket like frogs.
I don't know of many stories that go that far.

>> No.9776704

based squall is dead enjoyer

>> No.9776809

no, its in one of the last cutscenes. i remember recording the ending on a vhs tape because i liked the song, and i remember pausing the tape on this frame because it only flashes for a moment and i wanted to get a proper look at it.

>> No.9777000

>Wait. Wait a second. Moon Aliens? They cry AND THEN...!? WHY? WHY?

Asking "why" is like admitting you're a retard all in yourself.

Having enemies and random encounters with NO explanation whatsoever for the party, and with not a single NPC or bit of story even mentionning the fact that random monsters are there, is like in the top three major typical flaw of the jRPG genre. It's like having a story focused genre and the gameplay is completely disconnected from the story.

Even FF games are guilty of this. Like FF7. So you go out ot Midgar and you fight random shit including a house... why? No explanation, it's just there, completely disconnected from the story.

FF8 is one of the few that acknowledges the random encounters and enemies within the story AND actually manage to make sense out of it. And then retards like you be like
>hurr durr why this doesn't make sense

>> No.9777570

>FF8 is one of the few that acknowledges the random encounters and enemies within the story AND actually manage to make sense out of it
They really shouldn't have.

>> No.9777879

Evangelion is the one thing that takes this to the furthest extent I've ever seen something do this.

>> No.9778459

I'm just glad that fan discussion of FF lore is finally moving beyond developer interviews and translated bits from art books.

>> No.9778463

>No explanation, it's just there
The lower levels of Midgar are a dangerous place and it is a fantasy world with fantastic elements like demons that impersonate houses and then attack you.

>> No.9778518

It's the same damn masamune as always.
Look at the shadow on the ground.
It's always been very long and very curvy.

>> No.9779332

I mean I can

>> No.9779614

Sometimes it's just better to have no explanation than a really dumb one. You just call more attention to how silly things are when you give a half plotted answer.

>> No.9779671


A smattering of knowledge doesn't eliminate ignorance, but rather increases it.

>> No.9780414


No, because a line from Ultimecia explains it. Before you fight her she talks about them being absorbed in the algorithm of time compression, which is what is happening to Squall in the ending. For some reason this line was totally changed in translation. It's like how English players have (or had; I don't know if the fanbase has figured it out by now) who's speaking in the ending of FF IX, but in Japanese it's unquestionably Vivi; you can tell by the way he speaks. Characters in Japanese IX each have a very unique voice.

>> No.9782002

There are people who aragued that wasn't Vivi? Even in the English version it was pretty clear it was him. It's not even a matter of a dialect he's literally the only character who any of what's being said applies. Oh who am I kidding of course some retards are that dumb. There are people who still try to say Ramza died in FFT despite, you know, LITERALLY BEING SHOWN ALIVE!

>> No.9782015

They do explain monsters in FF7 and explain what's going on. It's all bits of planet lifestream stuff, materia and monsters and whatnot. Monsters are worse near the reactors, etc. It's discussed several times and relevant to the plot. There's way more to it than what I'm explaining here, give it a revisit somehow.

>> No.9782252

It was magic. Magic can't kill you

>> No.9782253

Squall even says "no wound??? Oh it was a magic icicle that's why I'm fine"

Magic doesn't kill on gf and actual weapons do.

>> No.9782263

Not to me. In fact, I was extremely dissapointed THAT'S what his endgame was.
Ikutsuki was alright as the senior figure with his quirk of forcing puns.
Making him an antagonist completely out of nowhere just ruined him for me.

>> No.9782264
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 6-FFVIII_18746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except squall was dead at the end of disc 1 the time loop is squall always does somewhere right after becoming ultimecias knight

Unless he somehow with ellone this time body hopped and crossed dimensions and this is why there's a cryptic "no wound?? how??" So this version of the time loop has him alive but he's possessed his alter self

So in this version of the loop he kills rinoa in the future who doesn't realize it's him? Which is sad meaning there isn't a happy ending in any time loop cause ellone sucks

>> No.9782265

Wants to take it back to the beginning to save someone precious she can't remember.....
She's trying to fix the time loop of squalls death.

>> No.9782267

There doing that to show you it's not squalls original timeline. Its why he doesn't know when he's asked in eshtar. It litterally showing you he body jumped when hes was killed by the icicle.
Its a different multiverse he's in. Only way to shift his timeline and keep himself alive

>> No.9782270

Uhh it's explained that disembodied souls that come back as monsters when exposed to high level mako radiation read minds and become scarier monsters. Ie. Like haunted houses.

>> No.9783756

Evangelion actually does make sense if you take into account all the supplementary material they released later.

>> No.9783792

I dropped this game right before going to space or whatever, I thought things in the story were starting to get way too dumb for my tastes, I couldn't bring myself to keep playing it.

>> No.9783798
File: 149 KB, 800x450, m8j8n7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was only because of 7s popularity that it got so many additions to the story making it good. Xenogears didn't need that as it was all compiled in there, but the same editions that were going to be like FF7 were laid out and we saw them in following Xeno games and the Perfect Works.

pic related
it's you

>> No.9783823

Hell House is one of Shinra’s many creations

>> No.9783956

The easiest explanation is that Edea was holding back, despite Ultimecia's control.