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File: 548 KB, 529x768, sonic 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9769045 No.9769045 [Reply] [Original]

how are people depressed when Sonic 2 literally exists?

>> No.9769063

Played it too many times. Like an old marriage, the peaks of joy are gone. But just knowing that it's still there is a comfy feeling.

>> No.9769082

good analogy

>> No.9769097
File: 345 KB, 920x1304, 1647898392566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool poster. but check mine out

>> No.9769107

why does eggman have normal eyes??

>> No.9769157 [DELETED] 

why are you complaining about my eggman eyes? look at OP's eggman eyes

>> No.9769163

>Sonic 2
More like, most depressing sequel of the early nineties.

>> No.9769205
File: 64 KB, 625x626, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9769215

Fuck you and the pony you rode in on.

>> No.9769220

how are people depressed when Sonic 3 & Knuckles literally exists?

>> No.9769227

Crushing inner turmoil & Knuckles.

>> No.9769248

You can't fuck Sonic 2 I've tried

>> No.9769597

Because, like me, for a bit they get distracted by new games just long enough to remember how awful new vidya is until they go back, play old games, and remember everything is still fine.

>> No.9770468

Final boss and constant glitches ruined it. It will go down as the lesser of the trilogy, at least 3 is still fine.

>> No.9770480

It’s usually because of circumstances outside of their control. It can also be due to circumstances they can control but feel incapable of doing so, which can in turn lead to self-loathing and even less control over their situation.
Depression sucks! It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. I prefer Sonic 2.

>> No.9770491

this is the greatest video game cover of all time

>> No.9770508 [DELETED] 

Depression is just an umbrella term for long-lasting sadness/grief. It doesn't explain anything about what the person's actual problem is, it just makes them pretend that their life problems can be solved with medicine. This buzzword should stop being taken seriously by now.

>> No.9770915

>Final boss and constant glitches ruined it
the death egg robot is hard, yeah but if u take ur time avoiding his spiky arm attacks, you'll be fine. also, what *constant* glitches do u encounter that I don't?
>It will go down as the lesser of the trilogy
someone has never played sonic 1 - lacking a spindash and has shit pacing. going from green hill into marble and spring yard into labyrinth is miserable. you can't go fast in the latter levels and they drag for what feels like forever.

>> No.9770921

I like 2 but Aquatic Ruin is such a hateful third zone that for me S3&K wins by a mile. I just played up through Casino Night and every part waa fun except that hateful water level. The sensation of moving through molasses is the most joy killing thing they could have done.

>> No.9770942

there are other retro games besides sonic

>> No.9770943

respectfully disagree. aquatic ruin is based. some of the best music and graphics in the game. i like that taking the top path rewards the player with not having to go underwater, unlike labyrinth zone where you HAVE to go underwater to progress through the MAJORITY of the stage.
>S3&K wins by a mile
that game also has hydrocity zone, another water level done right, and arguably the best one in the trilogy. why hate aquatic ruin but not hydrocity, the 2nd act of sonic 3?

>> No.9771404

I respect that, and in fairness I had not played 2 in a long while. I'll agree it looks nice and the waterfalls are comfy. My issue is it just does not feel good to move underwater, the physics are grueling and it takes forever to change direction, it's like the feeling I get when I'm trying to run in a nightmare.
>2nd point
I LOVE Hydrocity, I find the music and aesthetic and level design to be superior and, I have not played in a while, full disclosure, but I don't recall the underwater physics in 3 being half as sludgy. To me it sticks out as one of the best water levels of all time.

>> No.9771407

Because I'd rather have a sexy teenage girlfriend.

>> No.9771410

Do you have the Sonic Spinball one?

I used to have both of those as fold-out posters with the games lineup on the back. The Spinball one had Megadrive 2 hardware & accessories on the back.

>> No.9771412
File: 21 KB, 623x668, 1651984897666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Robotnik supposed to have a beard in this image?

>> No.9771442
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still posting it and trying to make it work
Not even mad, respect honestly, keep up the good fight anon kek

>> No.9771454

do you have something against this picture? im not that anon but when ive post it someone usually tells me the same shit and i'm only randomly selecting an image from the folder.

>> No.9771465

Nah not at all, it was one specific anon that just posted the shit out of it and tried to make it a thing and it was like a Millhouse situation, just very specific and goofy which wraps back around to being funny.

>> No.9771484
File: 681 KB, 400x297, hilltopzone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a very janky game, like all Sonic games, but in this particular game these will kill you 99% of the time. It might not be apparent to boomers who played it when they were 9, but now it's very clear how rushed and lame the zones get after Mystic Cave Zone. Pic related would never happen in Super Mario World...

>> No.9771496
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, but i prefer tiny tunes

>> No.9771509

What was a harder kick in the balls, Metropolis Zone Act 3 or Labyrinth Zone Act 4

>> No.9771521

ohhhhh okay. from my recent playthroughs (like a week ago) I never had any of this bullshit happen to me but damn that stings. i actually just now remembered this one part in metropolis zone (either act 2 or 3) where you can get stuck on those flippers that send sonic up for an eternity. the vid below is EXACTLY what happened to me and I had to wait for time to run out. it was dreadful

>> No.9771528

metropolis zone act 3 hands down. just take the shortcut under the descending platform on scrap brain zone act 3 and say goodbye to labyrinth zone act 4. shortcut route is much easier.

>> No.9771529

I have to work at a job when the guy down the street gets like 5 types of assistance and is in great shape with no disabilities but the state doesn't give a shit.

>> No.9771535

Because it's the only good Sonic game, and the franchise will never improve.

>> No.9771564

Aquatic Ruin is a fine example of top route = faster and bottom route = slower. Honestly one of my fave water levels.

>> No.9771568

Segoomers on this chat don’t want to hear it (because they’re constantly thinking segas just around the corner from being back) but the franchise has been a stagnant mess for I can’t even remember how long. Mania was good though. But no one young gives a fuck about sonic except furfags maybe, the game has moved on from the collective consciousness whereas Mario is more relevant than ever.

>> No.9771571

Scrap Brain act 3 has probably the most variable runtime out of any sonic level ever. Its doable in 30-ish seconds if you know the correct route, but can also easily take several minutes if you don't.

>> No.9771598
File: 47 KB, 632x472, sonic_2_crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you fall for one of Robotnik's deadly traps on your very FIRST playthrough of this game
I swear this game just hates me.

>> No.9771616


>> No.9771621

what is going through his head

>> No.9771626

Because it makes you realize Sonic 2 was a fluke and Sega could never make a game as perfect it was ever again.

>> No.9771647

That's CD, silly.

>> No.9771668

Sonic 1-3 are the best video games of all time

>> No.9771681

>Pic related would never happen in Super Mario World...
Bitch, there are only like 3 or 4 level themes in Mario World and they are reused all the damn time. At least Hill Top still has its own background.

>> No.9771765

To me, Sonic 2 ends after Casino Night Zone does.

>> No.9772067

This made me sad... Thanks, anon. I sadly feel that way about all Sonic games for some reason. I couldn't even enjoy Mania even though I beat it before the plus update came out. Beat it with Knuckles, Sonic, and Tails. I loved Mighty and Ray, but I didn't even beat the game with them fully. Fuck, sorry for the random tangent.

>> No.9772072

The final boss is straight crap. Completely cheap. And the level before it on the plane sucked too and has one of the worst songs in a platformer. It's so bad.

>> No.9772078

Final Boss is very easy. It is just really slow. Honestly, the bosses in Sonic were never good. CD came the closet with interesting boss designs but they fucked it up by giving the bosses 3 hits.

>> No.9772081

>how are people depressed when Sonic 2 literally exists?
I'm nearly 40, fat, bald, unemployed, single, my parents are dead, the money they left me won't last forever, the paltry skills I have that could potentially get me a job (with a lot of effort and luck) will likely be replaced by AI pretty soon.
But hey, I can play Sonic 2.

>> No.9772085

>very easy
>weak spot hidden behind giant moving hit box
>only vulnerable for a few frames
>you can't get hit

>> No.9772086

Fuck, this is gonna be someday... but it will all be okay because I'll have Sonic 2.

>> No.9772087

Try hitting it when it lands.

>> No.9772095

Sounds like you should've played more Sonic 2
Don't let this happen to you kids, play Sonic 2

>> No.9772101

get a job, work out, and eat good food you mopey sack of shit

and for christ's sake play sonic 2

>> No.9772869
File: 10 KB, 320x224, 1663179902597730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know how you can complain about bosses while praising 3 in the same breath

>> No.9772876

>But hey, I can play Sonic 2.
darn tootin' you can, always look on the bright side

>> No.9772889

>Glitch through the chestplate and die by touching the arms
Enjoy your gamble.

>> No.9772892

Which do you think had the best bosses then? I thought 3 had by far the best, more creative designs and gimmicks, great boss theme, cool use of graphical effects, alll pretty fun imo

>> No.9772894
File: 821 KB, 1280x720, 1667422502436401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more creative designs and gimmicks
lol. Lmao even

>> No.9772910
File: 57 KB, 500x500, artworks-000174005841-yps9xc-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean do you want to have an actual human discussion about it or are you just going to do canned replies?

>> No.9772914

Not him but that only happens if you jump right into him.
Try jumping from standing still.

>> No.9772919
File: 399 KB, 480x360, 1651570094230669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is posting awful boss designs not an argument?

>> No.9772920

I've tried that, especially with Knuckles since it's the only time he can "safely" land a hit. It's still a random Fuck You no matter how you stand or move.

>> No.9772927

In a good world we'd be up to 10 games in the series at least as good as Sonic 2

>> No.9772929

Because I find Sonic 1 better for being simpler and quicker to finish in an hour. 2 and 3 just drag and I lose all interest by the fifth zone.

>> No.9772947

Alright cool I'm good then, you can win, good talk

>> No.9773068

ya i feel that. i autistically played the shit out of 2 and S&K as a kid. playing them now feels almost mechanical. i rarely played 3, but now that one’s the most fun for me.

>> No.9773339

because I cant beat the final boss, fuck you. I'll never legit 100% this game.

>> No.9773352

As someone who was a kid when Sonic 2 was released and who bought the cart a couple of days after "Sonic Tuesday" I can confirm that of all the media (film, TV, books, music, games) ever made in the history of human consciousness, Sonic 2 had the smallest gap between hype / expectations and actual experience delivered by product. In fact it was an inverse gap, no amount of hype could prepare you for the sheer awesomeness of actually playing an S2 special stage for the first time

>> No.9774956

The Depressing Dyonisians

>> No.9774974

It's too hard. I can't get the 7 emeralds.

>> No.9774979


>> No.9774983

The special stages were programmed by Americans, so don't expect them to be intuitive or have good gameplay. You KIND of can predict certain patterns in some turns (like if the road starts bending to the left, position yourself on the left because rings are probably gonna appear there), but then there's a lot of random stuff that you just have to memorize.
I'd say, if you WANT to complete Sonic 2, do it, but playing it regularly without getting the 7 emeralds is fine. I only bothered to get them all a couple times.

>> No.9774997

Someone who is truly depressed would lose weight naturally. You're just a fatass with no motivation

>> No.9775763

I'm younger than you by a decent bit but I grew up just with a NES until I was like between 7 and 9 - had no idea 3D gaming existed, none of that.
I first played Sonic 2 in a Genesis kiosk at the dentist, and it absolutely blew me away. Every time I would go there it was internal turmoil whether I'd spend my time playing Sonic 2 up through Chemical Plant Act II vs. Playing up through the first boss in Ristar. I couldn't believe how gorgeous and futuristic both games were, and the speed of Sonic 2 was just mind blowing, much less the graphics on the special stages. What a cool time to be alive.

>> No.9775815

Why are people happy when sonic '06 literally exist?

>> No.9775978

>ya i feel that. i autistically played the shit out of 2 and S&K as a kid. playing them now feels almost mechanical. i rarely played 3, but now that one’s the most fun for me.
Opposite for me. I never liked 2 or S&K as a kid. Sonic 3 was, and still is the one old Sonic game I find to be ok. Its less that I tired of those games, and more that as I grew and played more games I could admit I just don't and never did like those old Sonics. Much like how my mom asks me why I don't eat fishsticks and tatertots anymore when I liked them as a kid. Truth is, I never liked them and as an I grew I found so many other foods I'd much rather have than that junk.

>> No.9777281

> TFW still haven't beat Sonic 3
> TFW only beat Sonic 2 saving between levels

>> No.9777405

They're not very hard games, especially with the ring system, come on.

>> No.9777529

limited continue system is fucking dumb, enda story

>> No.9777535

Sonic games have a level select cheat, in the case of Sonic 3, you can even save so there's literally no importance to the continue system.

>> No.9777543

> cheat
same as saving States between levels but it's still dishonest and illegitimate

>> No.9777560

Save states is emulation, the level select is on real hardware.

>> No.9777594

> requires secret password = illegitimate
Still better than not having even that desu

>> No.9777636
File: 267 KB, 600x900, s3k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 2 is nice and all but why settle for second best

>> No.9777703

Uh. What?
I'm not who you think I am.

>> No.9777730

S3K is objectively better but Sonic 2 has more soul. Sonic 3 is really good at what it does and does it nearly flawlessly (let's ignore Marble Garden, Carnival Night, and Sandopolis), but Sonic became such a science by this time that ChatGPT could have designed the levels. Comparatively, Sonic 2 was still an experimental game made by a bunch of lads having fun trying to come up with cool shit, which results in every level being different, even if none of them are ideal. Sonic 3 is a mathematically perfect circle, but Sonic 2 is the golden ratio, which is just more interesting to me as I grow older.

>> No.9777749

no need to ignore good zones, especially when muh sonic 2 has metropolis and sky chase.

marble garden is just straight up great once you have the emeralds

>> No.9777760

Not that high of a bar. Mania has already replaced it as the better introductory entry, so there you go.

>> No.9778071

I disagree. I think it only seems that way because future titles like Mania didn't really add much to Sonic 3, it became the standard.

>> No.9779115

I'm talking about the game in its own right, it's so good that it doesn't even feel like a game, you're basically on autopilot when playing it because there's something about it that makes sense on an evolutionary level

>> No.9779454

how do people have asthma when air literally exists?