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File: 39 KB, 770x902, sw704v9qkgd51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9766292 No.9766292 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate this sprite so much?
The shading makes it look more 3Dish like the title screen Sonic, it looks great.

>> No.9766328

It's the best Sonic sprite. Find a better one.

>> No.9766348

the diehard CDfag cult is as prominent as the Mega Man 2 cult in Japan.

>> No.9766392

I liked it more when I was little, not so much now though. Insonicnia ftw though

>> No.9766405
File: 30 KB, 500x400, 12a33f0114d91f989c44cbd5af8e26220b3f0f32_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too shiny, looks like a robot

>> No.9766423
File: 136 KB, 540x186, blue-streak-speeds-by.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no reason or objective measure to consider it better or worse beyond personal preferences, that's the root of the pointless argument surrounding it.

There's some actual arguable "worses" in the history of the Sonic sprites though; for example, the Sonic CD slow run was based on the original S1 cycle but removed the bouncing arc of Sonic's head for some reason, which could be considered a poor choice on the grounds of general animation theory.

>> No.9766425

Only schizos hate it
3K sprite is kino

>> No.9766438

but Mega Man 2 isn’t even the best one on NES

>> No.9766583

>The virgin SCD and the Chad S2

>> No.9766619

too little tummy

>> No.9767241

>bounce good

>> No.9767248

his hands are oddly emphasized

>> No.9767354

It gives the walk more weight to help contrast from the smooth full speed run.
Work to build up speed, effortless to maintain it.

>> No.9767364

It's autistic homosexuals with no taste, probably the same ones who turn a blind eye to the shitty western sprites from Sonic 2.

>> No.9767382

The extra animation detail put into his shoes always looked like a flopping sausage in my mind.
Whenever he takes a step I hear a gross *flop* sound in my brain and it aggregates when he runs. I've thought like this for decades. I hate the Sonic 3 sprite.

>> No.9767389

Sonic 2 has my favorite sprites

>> No.9767393

That one is my favorite and I love it.

>> No.9767398

2d sonic sprites at its best is S3K

>> No.9767449

"uhhh" what? Are you stupid?

>> No.9767484

Nta but there's well known memes regarding excessive, thoughtlessly applied bounce on "improved" classic sprites by modern pixel artists.

That anon simply summed them up for himself as a handy and safe BOUNCE BAD

>> No.9767493

Only faggits like the Sonic 3 sprite

>> No.9767504

Explain >>9767382 projecting his gayness as a reason to hate them

>> No.9767710
File: 79 KB, 770x902, 1679660007071892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, now it's perfect.

>> No.9767737
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im disinterested in the Sonic 3 sprite debate. It is what it is. Ill say with certainty Sonic 2 has the better title screen. Its a contender for GOAT.

>> No.9767745

Sonic 2 is the best Sonic game. It's only natural it wins at most things.

>> No.9767757

It looks bad in motion

>> No.9767915
File: 1.11 MB, 1258x772, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, OP here, wrong image

>> No.9767917

Counterpoint: no it doesn't, it looks fine

>> No.9767923

these sprites all look the same to me. you people have autism

>> No.9768542

Sonic if he a kirby character

>> No.9768821
File: 175 KB, 1190x906, 1651345964276574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cannot discern obvious differences therefore it is you who has the mental illness

>> No.9768847
File: 21 KB, 515x497, 1676706685679736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them both but honestly prefer the style of 3. It's just better.
Creds: I played 1-3 as they were released. All you zoomniggers with fake classic nostalgia can get fucked.

>> No.9769176

What game is the light blue on the right from?

>> No.9769230

That video was funny. It's even funnier that it was taken down not too long after the upload.

>> No.9769239


>> No.9769241

Soulless Mania

>> No.9769249


>> No.9769262

Thanks anon

>> No.9769478

Awesome image

>> No.9770146

LOOK AT IT, MAN! Look at it with your eyes!
What's with all the articulation in his fucking feet? That shit fucking flops! IT FLOPS! It's the only one that does that. WHY DOES IT FLOP? All the other shoes have more rigid. realistic bends and sharper points but 3's are these fucking ridiculous clown shoes that FUCKING FLOP! LOOK AT IT!

>> No.9770160

>if too much of something is bad, then that means that the thing is inherently bad and its absence is good

hello retard department

>> No.9770196

Nothing about Sonic 2 was "western". All Sega of America did to contribute was rent out office space to their visiting Japanese overlords

>> No.9770231

It looks bad on an LCD.
Seriously, that's the reason.

>> No.9770250

They tried to make stuff together, but Naka's a weird bitter asshole. Honestly feel bad for Cerny. He did a lot to make sure Naka's career didn't crater and the guy repaid his kindness with venom.

>> No.9770275

I didn't hate it until you made this thread.

>> No.9770283

Megaman 6 is the best NES Megaman.

>> No.9770295

How to say you jerk it to feet without saying it: the post

>> No.9770296
File: 474 KB, 1642x460, Sonic Sprites Walk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9770298

Only in versions where you can switch Rush suits with the shoulder buttons.

>> No.9770357

Can't wait to see this updated with Amy

>> No.9770395

The shiny spots were added in Sonic 2 and 3 because both had fake "3D" bonus stages. Hence why sonic was updated to fit with that. Adding any kind of texturing would reveal the trick pretty easily. But if it's a smooth, shiny surface then it's very easy to show pseudo 3D using the highlights (think shiny plastic kind of look doesn't require than many colours). At the time actual 3D was done with things like phong shading as well, which is another reason to have that look. The look probably seems strange if you're playing these games many years later. But if you grew up watching shows like ReBoot, this is what 3D actually looked like and it didn't seem out of place.

In the case of Sonic 3, the giant spherical world is just some palette swap trick, which you can't do if you have many different colours (like think dirt/grass kind of terrain, I've only ever seen it successfully done with waterfalls for more detailed things, and even that is just shifting in 2D).

>> No.9770456

Sonic CD's gait is so funny-looking, that's why I like it. Everytime I look at it, the Palmtree Panic present music plays in my head.

>> No.9770464

>on the grounds of general animation theory
Not everything needs to have Disney animation. Americans trying to shoehorn their precious principles in everything, even when it isn't fitting is why some of their products look so fake and samey.

>> No.9770592
File: 41 KB, 268x268, see-jim-run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sonic movement pattern was established in the first Genesis game; it was specifically in Sonic CD (apparently also in the Crackers prototype according to >>9770296) where the bounce arc in the accelerating phase was removed, defusing some of that nice energy buildup and contrast with the iconic "sustained" running form, in which Sonic's head locked into a smooth parallel with the ground enhancing the feeling of gliding speed. This criticism of the change in SCD is just that: criticism, based on general AND specific criteria (and >>9766423 does include a disclaimer of arguability).

But nothing in the reference to "animation theory" necessarily suggest Disney animation specifically, though I guess the mention of arcs may be interpreted as a reference to one of the principles usually attributed to traditional western animation (and certainly exploited to death by instructional/critical YouTubers lately). Anyway, good animators and good artists in general understand the difference between "principle" and "rule" and more importantly, that rejecting traditional principles is only innovation in the broadest semantic sense. Rejecting a point doesn't automatically create a worthwhile alternative point, which is a problem if you've come to rely on cynicism as a quick and easy alternative to critical thinking.

Even animators like Hayao Miyazaki who hate Disney with a fucking passion understand that blanket rejection of any possible merit in tradition isn't much better than blind submission to it as a rigid playbook. He makes a point of adding contrast and energy to motion in the right contexts, and a running character could be safely assumed to be one of those contexts (or as safely as anything can be assumed in creative work).

>> No.9771223

Extremely based art-passion anon.

>> No.9771248

embarassing ass video

>> No.9771591
File: 105 KB, 250x250, 1612546389922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post. Guess you're more or less agreeing with me. It just weirds me out that so many (western) creators get so fixated on following these guidelines and still end up being demolished by people that don't.

I don't think people need to think this hard when it comes to animation anyway. I like snappier, rigid animations too sometimes.

>> No.9772615 [DELETED] 

You may actually be stupid.

>> No.9772618

3's head
1's proportions
2's shoe animation
Mania's color scheme

>> No.9773768
File: 249 KB, 1732x406, Sonic Sprites Run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not terribly looking forward to updating it, since it's a pain in the ass to do, but I'll get on it eventually once it releases.

>> No.9773905

It's because he has specular lighting which makes him look like he's made of plastic.

>> No.9775608

Coming from Sonic 1, 2 and CD, Sonic 3 was a bit weird.
I still loved it, but you could sense it was different.
It's kind of like when Depeche Mode ditched the synth pop and started doing rock. Still good, but not the same.

>> No.9775671

What do you call such hubris?

>> No.9775691

Holy macaroni....I thought this was a shitpost or something dall-e drew and you wrote over. I refuse to believe anything about that video is actually what the narrator believes.

>> No.9775702

>it's a pain in the ass to do
not in photoshop. What are you using?

>> No.9775712

I really wish they had gone with darker blue sonic and red knuckles instead of pink on mania

>> No.9775783

Old software that I should probably replace already but I'm used to how it works.
I should rephrase. Updating to simply add something to it isn't a pain in the ass. It's if I need to make an adjustment to an entire row or column that's annoying. It's more a labor thing than anything actually difficult.

>> No.9776292

Please tell me it's not Ulead gif animator

>> No.9776297

Never heard of it.