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9765251 No.9765251 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the GameCube so often referred to as a commercial failure?

>> No.9765258

The only console it outsold that gen was the Dreamcast, the one that bowed out in 3 years.

>> No.9765261

Because Nintendo came third place, losing twice to Sony AND the newcomer (Microsoft).
That’s pretty bad when “video games” and “Nintendo” were so ubiquitous that your average person would call any video game console a “Nintendo” in the 80’s and 90’s.

>> No.9765278

They didn't know what the fuck they were doing that gen outside of making games. NoA should have famicom'd it, put it in a black box with flames on it, and called it the mega nintendo or something

>> No.9765293

If they were smart they would have marketed it as more powerful than ps2 and $100 less. Could have sega saturn'd it, especially if they actually had tried to go after sony's software. Instead it was a purple cube and it didn't matter. It was just the cheapest one and it had nintendo games

>> No.9765317

nah, they shat the bed by not adopting dvd as their media
not learning anything from their N64 fiasco, it seems

>> No.9765324

This, and it sold fewer units than the N64.

>> No.9765328 [DELETED] 

every game on it was an N64 game only worse
shit controller
shit multiplats
the only good exclusive game it had (RE4) got ported to literally every platform that has excited since it released
and finally absolutely no one over the age of 10 owned one or cared about it, meaning it has 0 social impact or presence

>> No.9765334

good scotformers though

>> No.9765339 [DELETED] 

Everyone I knew who had just a gamecube grew up to be a really weird kid, like quoting things from video games in real life weird. I think the PS2 and Xbox guys were definitely more socialized.

>> No.9765347 [DELETED] 

Because despite what your ecelebs told you it was a fucking flop

>> No.9765445

This was at a GameStop, back when they did crazy trade-ins deals to get you in the store. A new store opened near me.. and the deal was this.. trade in any PS1, working or not w/2 controllers and you got a brand new GC w/2 controllers and 2 games (I got Super Mario Sunshine and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron). Not only that but every GC game was priced at $4.99 - No, I'm not kidding, every GC game. Within a month, that GameStop no longer had a GC section, it was all just PS2 and a back wall for Xbox. Shit was amazing back then.

>> No.9765457

Attention all gamers! Let's take a moment to appreciate one of the most underrated consoles of all time: the Nintendo GameCube. This little purple cube may not have had the same level of commercial success as some of its contemporaries, but it was a massive hit with those in the know.

So, why was the GameCube so successful? Well, let me tell you! First of all, let's talk about the games. The GameCube had some of the most iconic and beloved titles of any console ever released. Super Smash Bros. Melee, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, and Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, to name just a few. These games were not only technically impressive, but they were also incredibly fun to play, with gameplay that was both innovative and intuitive.

>> No.9765459

> Everyone I knew who had just a gamecube grew up to be a really weird kid, like quoting things from video games in real life weird.
mama mia! how embarrassing

>> No.9765462

But it wasn't just the games that made the GameCube such a success. It was also the console itself. The GameCube was a compact, sleek little device that looked great on any shelf or TV stand. It was also incredibly durable, with a build quality that meant it could survive being dropped or knocked over without suffering any damage.

Another reason why the GameCube was so popular was that it was incredibly affordable. Unlike some of its competitors, the GameCube was priced to sell, making it accessible to a much wider audience. This meant that more people could experience the joy of playing games like Super Mario Sunshine or Resident Evil 4.

>> No.9765463

That's just Italians though.

>> No.9765464

>3rd in a 4 horse race
>One of the horses died before the race began
I wonder...

>> No.9765467

Finally, the GameCube had a passionate and dedicated fan base. Gamers who owned a GameCube loved their console and were always eager to share their love of it with others. This meant that the console had a strong word-of-mouth reputation, which helped to drive sales and ensure that the GameCube remained a popular choice among gamers for many years.

So, in conclusion, the GameCube was successful because it had great games, a fantastic console design, was affordable, and had a passionate fan base. It may not have been as commercially successful as some of its rivals, but for those who played it, the GameCube will always be a beloved console that deserves to be remembered as one of the greats.

>> No.9765506

Mainline Mario game was a step back. Wind Waker was decisive and not universally loved, shows in the sales (OoT almost 40 percent more sales). Mario Kart was decisive (forced retracted reviews for a kart game?). No killer fps like Goldeneye, ps2 was flooded w them and Halo stole the 4 player split screen shooter scene. No GTA and that was a big deal. 2 Mario Parties in the top 15 of sales, but the series, again, felt like it took steps back and just weren’t as fun as the first 3 (2 is often cited as the best of the series) also original Mario party has more sales than the best selling GameCube version but comes in at 17 on the total list for 64 games. Math. Sonic Mega Collection is one of its top selling games. Beating a dead horse here but yeah.. not a lot of options.

Positives were it was counter programing. The system itself was neat-o, great bios, fun games even if inferior to the gen before it. And of course the king of party games Melee, is a pure joy of a game.

>> No.9765513

Why didn't they port the N64 library to GC?

>> No.9765517

And no direct follow up to Star Fox 64 was absolutely criminal. CRIMINAL!!!!

>> No.9765519

The Venn Diagram of Gamecube owners and Nintendo 64 owners is a circle.

>> No.9765529 [DELETED] 

Nintendo 64 is about as relevant as a floppy disk in 2023. Sure, it was a big deal back in the day, with its revolutionary 3D graphics and all that jazz. But let's be real here - that was over two decades ago.

Nowadays, we have consoles that are sleeker, faster, and more powerful than the N64 could ever dream of being. And don't even get me started on the controllers. That clunky, three-pronged abomination? Yeah, good luck trying to play any modern game with that relic.

Let's be honest, the only people who still care about the Nintendo 64 are a bunch of nostalgia-baiting boomers who refuse to move on with the times. I mean, come on - do you really want to waste your time playing Super Mario 64 for the hundredth time when you could be playing something like Cyberpunk 2077 or Halo Infinite? Get with the program, grandpa.

And let's not forget about the games themselves. Sure, the N64 had some classics like Ocarina of Time and GoldenEye 007, but let's be real here - those games are ancient history. We've moved on to bigger and better things, like Fortnite and Call of Duty.

So let's all take a moment to appreciate the Nintendo 64 for what it was: a relic of a bygone era. It had its time in the sun, but now it's time to move on and embrace the future. Farewell, N64 - you won't be missed.

>> No.9765538

I've never heard of it being called a commercial failure

>> No.9765581

It certainly wasn't a success

>> No.9765595

Pretty hilarious

>> No.9765607

You don't have to be first to be a commercial success. The PS2 blew everyone out of the water anyway.

>> No.9765608

Gamecube was 4th

>> No.9765616

Gamecube won we had the best games

>> No.9765628

Porting an old console's library en-masse as a major thing really wasn't done before 7th gen. Yeah you can find examples of sega having ports for sytems a gen apart, and their PS2 ports of Saturn games, but it's a far cry from when basically most major PS2 games got HD PS3 ports. They ported the N64 Zeldas, and enhanced remakes like RE1/2 might've been cool but probably eating up their time for wholly new games

Plus before the game market got stupid you could buy last gen consoles for dirt cheap. Before Gamestop got rid of their old consoles around 04/05, you could get an N64 for like $20 and games for under that for the most part.

>> No.9765629

Oh boy, a-fucking-nother "Why'd the Gamecube fail" history thread.

>> No.9765638

Did you write this with ChatGPT?

>> No.9765652

I don't know but I frickin' love the Gamecube!

>> No.9765670

Second comfiest console of that gen after the Dreamcast

>> No.9765678

All the money my parents spent on it came back thanks to its game retaining value. I owned something and I was happy to make money out of it

>> No.9765683


>> No.9765685

Dreamcast sold 10 million in its first two years, about what Gamecube was doing right? What a shame that the better console died.

>> No.9765693

To be honest it barely has real games
>mario kart
>kirby airshit
>mr driller
>that one with the long stick airplane
and that is it

>> No.9765708

>Dreamcast sold 10 million in its first two years, about what Gamecube was doing right?
Dreamcast sold around 9 million units over 2.5 years so I guess the GC outperformed it slightly. Although what really killed the DC was the release of the PS2 so had the PS2 came out earlier the DC probably wouldn't have even sold that much. And unfortunately SEGA were no longer in a position to take the hit after two big failures already.

The DC was however the fastest selling console on launch for quite some time so it has that going for it.

>> No.9765709

What's funny is that none of those are among my favourite GC games. Well maybe sunshine is.

>> No.9765713 [DELETED] 

Seems like your like movie shit or rpg shit which are not real games. The ps2 or xbox may be good for you

>> No.9765718 [DELETED] 

No it's not. The N64 was the only Nintendo console that ever had appeal to people who weren't children or members of their weird cult fanbase.
Goldeneye, Turok, wrestling games, even stuff like Wave Race or 1080 snowboarding made the console popular with the older college age demo. It was still flooded with Mario and Pokemon games, but it's the only nintendo product where you could have a solid library of games even if you never gave a shit about nintendo

>> No.9765726

Fine, let me fix that. The only people who buy a Gamecube already have a Nintendo 64.
And Goldeneye is Nintendo.

>> No.9765732

GC has two of my favourite RPGs of all time. Skies of Arcadia and Tales of Symphonia.

>> No.9765734

>he N64 was the only Nintendo console that ever had appeal to people who weren't children or members of their weird cult fanbase.
You forget about the WII? Super nintendo? NES that literally brought back video game consoles from the dead?

>> No.9765746 [DELETED] 

>2 consoles that no one over the age of 10 cared about, and a console that was used as a workout device
wow you really showed me

>> No.9765750

It's okay to admit you're wrong, you know?

>> No.9765754 [DELETED] 

Are you really going to pretend any Nintendo console other than the N64 had appeal to people who were not virgins either due to age or lifestyle?

>> No.9765801 [DELETED] 
File: 763 KB, 498x277, zoom-meeting-starting-soon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo 64 was a big deal back in the day

>> No.9765820

N64 was a huge deal back in the day and its still the most important retro console

>> No.9765826 [DELETED] 

he said COMMERCIAL failure, snoyboy

>> No.9765832

This generation of consoles was about playing online multiplayer. Xbox brought out Xbox Live, and PS2 brought out PlayStation Network. I think Gamecube had an online service, but for what? Maybe a couple games that were probably dead? Meanwhile, I was playing Madden, Halo, Socom, Tony Hawk, Battlefront 2, Need For Speed, and Twisted Medal. I met people over PSN/XBL 20 years ago that I am still friends with today. Meanwhile, Gamecube had autist classics like mario sunshine, and smash.

Nintendo has been fucking clueless for almost 3 decades now. They are a prime example of how powerful brand recognition is because without Mario and Zelda names, they would be dead.

>> No.9765839
File: 38 KB, 352x500, 518YMYZ314L._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care about sales
Love me 'cube
simple as
>Mario Kart was decisive (forced retracted reviews for a kart game?)
Can you elaborate?

>> No.9765848 [DELETED] 

God you're pathetic

>> No.9766363

>commercial failure
>literally the reason why Metroid, Mario Kart, and Smash hasn't phased out since

>> No.9766373 [DELETED] 

N64fags hate RPGs though

>> No.9766380 [DELETED] 

ecelebs are the ones telling me it flopped though

>> No.9766381 [DELETED] 

>RPGs are le bad!!
why are 64fags like this?

>> No.9766383


>> No.9766389

I own cyberpunk for the ps4 and have yet to play it because ive been too busy playing the doom 64 port. So yes, i am that person playing n64 games on ps4. Old games are better.

>> No.9766393

Old video games are more gamey, i spent last year revisiting SM64 and goldeneye, played them the whole way through on my crt and it was more entertaining than any of the current games i own, of which none i wish to revisit, and other which still are in the wrapped unopened.

>> No.9766412

As a huge fan of the Xbox and the GameCube it isn’t really a fair criticism of Nintendo. Nintendo was a GAME company. Microsoft was a COMPUTER company. When it came to creating the stronger device it isn’t surprising Xbox one. however sony and their pixelated dvd player box was the real one I would criticize. Sure it has the biggest library but even my favorite games on the PlayStation 2 look like shit because of there being no anti aliasing. I don’t care how good the lighting is, or how realistic the textures are, but if you have no anti aliasing it makes everything a fucking mess to look at.

>> No.9766413

>The N64 was the only Nintendo console that ever had appeal to people who weren't children or members of their weird cult fanbase.
So normalfags. Remind me why did you recommend here >>9765713 you go buy a PS2/Xbox when they have the same core audience?

>> No.9766416

We will never have peak soul like this again where a Sony console is beaten by a literal purple cube. Gamecube has brave little toaster appeal. It’s loyal.

>> No.9766426

Because it sucks.

>> No.9766445


Piracy & Bernie Stolar contributed to that death. But I'm pretty sure piracy did more damage than the PS2 launch, since the PS2 was only out for a few months when the Dreamcast died in March of 2001.

>> No.9766513

I want a hori digital pad so bad bros...

>> No.9766516

Me too man. I bought the knockoff that Old Skool sells, and it's alright. I've seen other people on here recommend a SNES controller adapter instead of what I use.

>> No.9766668 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry that you're so personally offended by common knowledge, but you need to accept how things actually were. I can tell you're underage and have 0 ability to actually offer a real perspective based on those time periods, so here's how things were.
Nintendo consoles were considered a fucking toy. In the same way a cabbage patch kid, or an action figure, or a lego set was. It's entire marketing strategy was for children. The games on it only targeted children. There was never a push, commercially or socially that anything to do with Nintendo was not explicitly for children. In fact Nintendo intentionally went out of their way to be the good, squeaky clean, sunshine and rainbows, kid friendly company. And in the moral panic about video games, they themselves started when Sega began outselling them, they quadroupled down on that image to the fucking US government saying they made games for children.
Sega and then Sony intentionally targeted an older teenage fanbase, and both had so much success with it that Nintendo tried to half ass their own version of that kind of marketing campaign with "Play it loud" and tried to release more edgy content. The N64 is the only Nintendo console where for the majority of people the games and Nintendo themselves were not being described as gay kiddie shit

>> No.9766682

Yea I’ve brought this up before and it seems to be scrubbed but I believe it was Frans Mirabella III who gave double dash a pretty mediocre review. I remember there was an apology or something issued and I know they re did the review and gave it a much more favorable score. Ironically, this was my gamer gate, soured me on Nintendo (64 is my favorite console) and I stopped going to ign after.

>> No.9766684

>PS2 looked like SHIT!!!!
>no, graphics didn't matter past the 6th gen
you guys are so awfully transparent lol

>> No.9766696
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I feel like the 6th gen consoles only get comfier the worse they sold

>> No.9766726

That's fucking retarded. Nintendo lost to newcomers 2 gens in a row. Sold less than it's predecessor and wasn't as technologically impressive
>but muh tech conglomerates!!
Nigga a lot of tech companies tried to put their hand on the console market and failed miserably
>but muh grafix and horse power
Never mattered, the wii showed us that

>> No.9766730

NEC was a computer company too and look how well they did

>> No.9766739

they did poorly?
supergraphx flopped
the cd system fmv box was a disaster

they fucked on the nes thats about it
but the pc engine library is literally godtier thanks to hudson so of course it did ok at first

>> No.9766748

"They were a computer company of course they dominated" doesn't hold up, if that wasn't enough take a look at the Apple Pippin.

>> No.9766757

because it was

>> No.9766762

probably would have done ok
if they actually waited for devs to get on board
and if they didn't try to push ridiculous hardware
the specs were far too expensive for the time
+apple tax was always a thing on top of it all

they should have just made toaster boxes that ran older mac\apple desktop software

if they had an apple branded system at 199 or even 299 it would have fucked shit up

>> No.9767136

So true. Must be why I have a soft-spot for the Sega Saturn.

>> No.9767228

Is it any good as an emulation machine?

>> No.9767246 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 634x475, polystation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 had a 1 year start and it could play DVDs, which for your zoomers was a big fuckin deal in a world where streaming was basically nonexistant. Boomer moms had one just to watch movies.

>> No.9767250

head start

>> No.9767254

just filter out that guy

>> No.9767381

Yes that’s right, I failed to state that Sony too was a newcomer.
So Nintendo got btfo’d by rookies twice in a row after being on top of the world. If it wasn’t for the Wii, they probably wouldn’t exist today.

>> No.9767584

nintendo hasn't had a truly successful home console since the original famicom/NES. the reason it never hurts them too much is because they always profit on their cheap stingy hardware. someone at nintendo of japan probably got a raise for limiting the n64 to a single memory bus, never mind if it crippled the system.
the only exception is the wii but it had a middling software performance so it's really debatable whether you could call it a success.

>> No.9767626

Cause it sold like shit. The real question is who gives a fuck, and why?

>> No.9767651

even if you ignore the wii for some dumb personal grievance about casualization, the switch is enormously popular among dedicated gamers

>> No.9767704

If this isn't a pasta or AI generated then congratulations you are officially the gayest fucking faggot on 4chan on this day.

>> No.9767708

>switch is enormously popular among dedicated gamers

>> No.9767742

I bought that one too. I didn't like it at all. It's just too low quality, specially the triggers

I have an SNES adapter and it's what I use, but I'm an autist and having to use B and Y triggers me. A and B on an SNES pad is not good.

>> No.9767768 [DELETED] 

>the switch is enormously popular among dedicated gamers
Subhuman just like wii faggots
The wii and its gen partners killed videogames

>> No.9767953

Based AI enjoyer

>> No.9767975

the switch is a handheld and played like a handheld...of course it's popular but it's nintendo cannibalising its own handheld market. sure you can still technically buy a 3ds but it's not supported.
the reason i say the wii is dubious is because it had a so-so tie ratio, and it seems to depend on whether you count wii sports or not.

>> No.9768015

>since the PS2 was only out for a few months when the Dreamcast died in March of 2001.
I wouldn't call 1 year "a few months" Also I don't see how piracy affects hardware sale.

>> No.9768016 [DELETED] 

I'm not reading all that cope and seethe faggot

>> No.9768018
File: 31 KB, 314x205, dreamcast sales number.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>piracy kil-

>> No.9768024
File: 308 KB, 628x767, Dreamcast vs PS2 attach rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compared to the PS2

>> No.9768297

The DVD shit wasn't anywhere near as bad as sticking with cartridges in the 5th gen (storage space wise). Cartridges were significantly more expensive than CDs and only offered a fraction of storage space and there were games like FF7 that could had never have been on the N64 without removing a significant ammount of content. Meanwhile the minidiscs held 1.5GB of memory which is small in comparison to the DVD max of 8GB but most games that gen could actually fit in the minidiscs (literally no game on the 6th gen ever went over 4GB afaik) and they could had just put it in 2 or 3 discs if needed It's not like CDs were expensive, problem is most devs couldn't be bothered since the GC sold so poorly.

>> No.9768448

DmC2 is the only game I can think of that came on two discs now that you mention it.

>> No.9768459

>literally no game on the 6th gen ever went over 4GB afaik
You need to know more games. I can count on one hand the number of games under 4GB in my PS2 folder.

>> No.9768497

False. PS2 was only out for a few months between it's launch in late October of 2000 to March of 2001 when the Dreamcast died. So no, it wasn't a full year. Your revisionist history does not match up with reality. And yes piracy killed the Dreamcast because Sega was depending on software sales more than hardware sales. The fact that people were pirating games & selling them for $5 on CD-R to friends, it was the end for Sega.

Heck if you had a PC, you could pirate the games yourself, as well as burning emulators such as DreamSNES. Which was the first time I played Super Mario World on a Dreamcast back in 2000. Piracy was super popular during time, downloading music, movies, porn & Dreamcast games.

>> No.9768503

The controller scheme and specially that button layout only ever worked for Mario games where you mostly just jump and Zelda with its multifunction button, but its a miserable experience with how you use B and A everywhere else, also as mentioned before the dpad is similar to the gba one but slightly worse.

>> No.9768506

Then it became the 360

>> No.9768510 [DELETED] 

time for the 406326th nintendo bashing/sony cocksucking thread

>> No.9768512

If piracy killed the Dreamcast, the PS2 would have been cancelled long before.

>> No.9768513

Come on fag. Single layer DVDs are 4.7GB and a ton of games use nearly all of that, but there's also a few dozen PS2 games on dual layer DVD-9s that can go up to 8.5GB, including both God of Wars, both normal Sakura Taisens made for PS2, Gran Turismo 4, Xenosaga I, and bunch of Guitar Hero and Rock Band games.

Armored Core Nexus comes to around 7GB over 2 DVDs for some fucking reason, considering a lot of stuff is repeated on both disks too. There's also MGS3 Subsistence having a separate disk for MGO, the last Onimusha, and several RPGs like Xenosaga II and III. Latter makes me think it must have turned out to be cheaper to ship two DVD-5s than one DVD-9. (actually the English release of Sakura Taisen V is two DVD-9s though, either because the ~1.5GB left wasn't enough to cram everything for another voice track in or NISA is just that incompetent.

>> No.9768529

>it's launch in late October of 2000
PS2 came out in march of 2000 in Japan and October in the west. So a year and close to six months
>Your revisionist history does not match up with reality
Jesus Christ you sound deranged.

Anyway, anyone old enough to remember that era remembers that it was the marketing campaign of the ps2 that killed the DC. The DC went from one of the fastest selling consoles of all time to collapsing in sales because most people wanted to wait for the PS2 that was marketed as being as powerful as a supercomputer and had a DVD player which was a massive deal for the time.

>And yes piracy killed the Dreamcast because Sega was depending on software sales more than hardware sales
Again, this wouldn't have affected hardware sales. This is absolutely silly logic. If Piracy was such a big deal they would have simply released a new version that had better security measures. Also in terms of game sales relative to hardware sales, it's only marginally lower than the GC that was impossible to pirate for.

>> No.9768531

False. DVD burners weren't nearly as common back then.

>> No.9768541

False. If that were the case, the PS2 would have killed it a lot sooner. But the main culprit is and always has been piracy, thus forcing Sega to go third party because no one was making money on the Dreamcast due tonlack of software sales.

>> No.9768546

Everyone had a dude in their dorms with one though.

>> No.9768551

>False. If that were the case, the PS2 would have killed it a lot sooner.
wut? As soon as the PS2 was announced DC sales started dropping. There is nothing to back up your piracy theory. Were you even alive at the time?

>> No.9768576 [DELETED] 

because only kids with down syndrome owned it

>> No.9768627 [DELETED] 

Ps2 fags were up there too, from over here

>> No.9768631

Double dash ain’t that guy my dude

>> No.9768639

Who fucking cares?
Jesus, how do garbage threads like this get 100+ replies?

who. the fuck. cares.
just play video games you fucking loser

>> No.9768645 [DELETED] 

Ur troon emotions are irrelevant to the topic, we’re talking about this plastic box lagging in third place, we know u tendies will cream over anything stamped with a big N on it

>> No.9768656

My N64’s job is now my Steam Deck’s job

>> No.9768659

Jak II > Super Mario Sunshine

>> No.9768662 [DELETED] 


>> No.9768671 [DELETED] 

How tr00ns make their money

>> No.9768676 [DELETED] 

The norms aren’t gonna give a shit whether tendie or whoever made a 007 game tho

>> No.9768682

Keyword being “retro”

>> No.9768685

It's so tiresome that I'm starting to think it's just literal bots cycling the same topics/questions. If I see another thread asking why ANYTHING Sega failed, none of you better be in school tomorrow.

>> No.9768705 [DELETED] 


>> No.9768714

Good luck to them if they can replicate that same mass appeal next gen, zoomers have a dogshit attention span and I doubt they’ll go for the same thing a second time

>> No.9768720

Call of Duty and Fortnite will never age like Infamous

>> No.9768725 [DELETED] 

I did . Good read actually

>> No.9768730

I want to congratulate you on falling my chatgpt4 baitpost, we are all fucked.

>> No.9768736

GoW II is worth 6.31 GB and it took my entire afternoon to download and install on my Deck

>> No.9768739

Lol whut

>> No.9768776

Well, well, well... I must say, you really had me going there for a moment. You almost had me convinced that your scheme was genuine. But of course, I knew all along that it was just a ruse. I could see right through it from the very beginning.

You see, I'm no fool. I may have played along with your little game, but I was fully aware of what was going on. I knew that you were trying to trick me, but I decided to go along with it just to see how far you would take it.

I must admit, though, that you did a pretty good job of making it seem convincing. You had all the right words and gestures, and you almost had me second-guessing myself for a moment there. But in the end, I saw right through it.

So, thanks for the entertainment, but next time, you might want to try a little harder if you really want to pull one over on me.

>> No.9768879 [DELETED] 

sonyfag cope

>> No.9768932 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 961x597, Sega-Consumer-Export-Revenue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are retarded. Sega was bleeding money as the Dreamcast launch. They were doomed to fail.

Piracy never has killed a system.
You are a retarded nigger.

>> No.9768941

Great job showing how absolutely brain dead this board is.

>> No.9769730

>p-p-piracy didn't k-k-kill the Dreamcast

"It’s an entirely academic point, of course. For all the side benefits of Dreamcast piracy, you’d have to be incredibly naive to have forgotten that people were also pirating the kind of games they would have paid for, affecting Sega’s bottom line (and those of publishers) and helping contribute to the console’s passing."

Source: https://www.kotaku.com.au/2014/09/piracy-killed-the-dreamcast-piracy-saved-the-dreamcast/

Piracy definitely killed the Dreamcast. Software sales would have kept the Dreamcast going. You'd have to be a complete moron to think piracy didn't kill the Dreamcast.

>> No.9769739

>Source: https://www.kotaku.com.au

>> No.9770078
File: 927 KB, 555x853, Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 11-48-04 NextGeneration_US_61.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source: Kotaku
Opinion discard, but go off
>"source" is just a link a dead medium article deleted by the author
You really should read your sources.
>you’d have to be incredibly naive to have forgotten that people were also pirating the kind of games they would have paid for
At a time when dial up was the norm, downloading games took forever, and it was easy to fuck up the burning process for games making the discs unusable. Never mind that Dreamcast piracy didn't become a thing until 2000, when Sega was already winding down hardware manufacturing because of unsold stock and the mounting hype from the PS2.

And that's all on top of Sega LOSING MONEY AS SOON AS THE DREAMCAST LAUNCHED and was hinting at leaving the console market as early as 1999, because again they were LOSING MONEY.

I've already accepted your concession, take your L , and so on.

>> No.9770104
File: 1.69 MB, 954x885, Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 11-57-26 CVG_UK_184.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just to prove how you're genuinely retarded, here's an article from 1997 when they were already considering a merger with Bandai in 1997, right as Dreamcast development started.

This in not something a financially stable company does: searching for a another partner to stay afloat while also trying to eek out hardware that *might* turn a profit you're company has already shed a third of its workforce. Piracy literally had fuck all to do with Dreamcst dying.

>> No.9770139
File: 622 KB, 586x780, Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 12-11-05 EGM_US_140.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One final ass reaming for you: an editorial from EGM that was in print right before the announcement they would leave consoles (which didn't come until January 31, 2001, after this issue was sent off to printing, and after Dreamcast piracy had only been a thing for less than a year, nowhere near enough time for piracy to put a dent in sales). Already there was speculation they were leaving because of low hardware sales (which isn't a problem if software piracy is that much of an issue, because being able to play free games on something would ENCOURAGE people to buy your hardware).

>> No.9770187

Kotaku is a dogshit source, and the Playstation made excellent profits in spite of rampant piracy.

Sega blew their Genesis fortune on stupid shit like the 32X, mishandling the Saturn, and desperately trying to prop up their floundering arcades.
The Dreamcast was a good console in itself, and it did pretty well to start with, but once Sega were out of capital, it goes into a freefall since they can't advertise the Dreamcast nor develop more games or sign on other devs to do so.
If the 32X had been scrapped on the drawing board, and they just scaled down their arcade business with the industry, probably they could have rode out 6th gen and done pretty well, maybe even better that pretty well if they had avoided a few other mistakes.

>> No.9770215

Meek sales, that's really it. Lots of good games, but they didn't market it well. Probably wasn't helped by the N64 doing lukewarm either, some great games on that thing too, but the cartridges brought limitations and expense. It's a fucking miracle that the RE2 port is as intact as it is.

I agree with the other guy, it's not even close to as bad as sticking with cartridges for the N64. The proprietary discs weren't great, but they were cheap and had enough storage to work with, and load times were pretty fast.

>Could have sega saturn'd it
You mean fuck it up?

>> No.9770239

By Saturn I was kinda talking about how the PS2 had the shitiest hardware outside of Dreamcast and sold for a hundred bucks more than the cube. And I feel like Nintendo could have played hard ball on getting the exclusives early on. Saturn just had no games, was weak, and expensive.

>> No.9770241
File: 195 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mnhc9fkPvK1rw70wfo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people defending piracy
>exaggerates on how difficult it is to do that back then

>> No.9770257 [DELETED] 

Even better, here's an archive of the source of the source of the article. If you follow the timeline of events you'll notice how the piracy argument has no weight.
>Dreamcast’s copy protection was broken by Utopia’s Boot Disc on June 22nd of 2000.
>That June, Utopia dumped the first ripped Dreamcast games online – Dead or Alive 2 and Soul Calibur
June of 2000, almost six months before Sega's announcement they would leave hardware manufacturing, and all that there was borked copy protection and two whole games ripped that weren't even self-booting. And even then:
>Just two months later on August 19th Kalisto released the first self-booting Dreamcast rips – Dynamite Cop and Virtua Fighter 3tb

So for all of six months you had "piracy" going on, piracy that wasn't feasible until after PS2 launched in Japan and hype for it overseas was mounting, and at a time when Sega burning through executives and revenue that axing console manufacturing was the only way to stay afloat after losing so much on the Saturn, 32X, lawsuits with 3DfX, and losing support from third parties like EA as early as 1998.

This is why anyone who parrots DREAMCAST DIED FROM....LE PIRACY is a genuine retard who doesn't have a source to back it up, doesn't really follow games or do research, and what sources they do have only amount to "my dorm room mate got me a couple of burned CDRs of MVC2 and SA2 right as Sega was already restructuring and moving projects to other systems and my other friends already decided buying a PS2 because they never were interested in Sega, therefor piracy killed it". Six months in a time when most were stuck with dial-up modems and waiting for pirates to properly rip games is nothing compared to Sega's other problems at the time.
Like this. This is what we call "a retarded faggot who can't read or do research, see also: redditor".

>> No.9770267

That's true and Sega could easily have patched the problem if they had an opportunity to produce new Dreamcasts

>> No.9770271

There is literally nothing wrong with piracy. You're also just trying to dodge his argument that it was already way too late for the Dreamcast by the time piracy for it got going, better copy protection would not have made an appreciable difference.

>> No.9770272

They did. The VA2 Dreamcast doesn't support MIL-CD or ODEs. You can't pirate on it even today.

>> No.9770284

>Sega could easily have patched the problem
They did. Again, it helps if you're not illiterate and actually follow this stuff instead of using fifth hand resources.
>if they had an opportunity to produce new Dreamcasts
They didn't, because they were already making a hail Mary pass of hail Mary passes with the Dreamcast itself BECAUSE THEY WERE RUNNING OUT OF FUCKING MONEY SINCE THE MID NINETIES.

Bringing up "Dreamcast" and "piracy" really does make a lot of posers with terminal dunning kruger syndrome come out of nowhere, it's like a legit disease where retards who don't understand history, video games, or business spout off debunked bullshit with no shame.

>> No.9770293

Hey mods, fuck you. There was nothing rule breaking about my post.
Even better, here's an archive of the source of the source of the article. If you follow the timeline of events you'll notice how the piracy argument has no weight.
>Dreamcast’s copy protection was broken by Utopia’s Boot Disc on June 22nd of 2000.
>That June, Utopia dumped the first ripped Dreamcast games online – Dead or Alive 2 and Soul Calibur
June of 2000, almost six months before Sega's announcement they would leave hardware manufacturing, and all that there was borked copy protection and two whole games ripped that weren't even self-booting. And even then:
>Just two months later on August 19th Kalisto released the first self-booting Dreamcast rips – Dynamite Cop and Virtua Fighter 3tb

So for all of six months you had "piracy" going on, piracy that wasn't feasible until after PS2 launched in Japan and hype for it overseas was mounting, and at a time when Sega burning through executives and revenue that axing console manufacturing was the only way to stay afloat after losing so much on the Saturn, 32X, lawsuits with 3DfX, and losing support from third parties like EA as early as 1998.

This is why anyone who parrots DREAMCAST DIED FROM....LE PIRACY is a genuine retard who doesn't have a source to back it up, doesn't really follow games or do research, and what sources they do have only amount to "my dorm room mate got me a couple of burned CDRs of MVC2 and SA2 right as Sega was already restructuring and moving projects to other systems and my other friends already decided buying a PS2 because they never were interested in Sega, therefor piracy killed it". Six months in a time when most were stuck with dial-up modems and waiting for pirates to properly rip games is nothing compared to Sega's other problems at the time.

>> No.9770301

It's time to go outside dude it's not that serious

>> No.9770305

There's an early run of VA2s that can still do piracy, I have one that is VA2 right down to the integrated drive hardware that boots burned CDs just fine

>> No.9770313

dude go outside, monitoring someone's tone in a discussion is a waste of time.

>> No.9770315

It still wouldn't have mattered, the system's fate was sealed when piracy became doable, no one can argue against this.

>> No.9770316

>dodge his argument
I'm not the same dude. I'm actually pro-piracy, but I'm not going to pretend that piracy was difficult to pull off on the Dreamcast. Nor will I pretend that piracy does no harm to the industry. I actually feed off the demise of any capitalist companies.

>> No.9770324

>but I'm not going to pretend that piracy was difficult to pull off on the Dreamcast.
Then ague against this
With actual sources (like quotes from executives and people who remember what Dreamcast piracy was like for all of six months that the system was still active) of your own.
>Nor will I pretend that piracy does no harm to the industry
Here's a thought: If six months of broken protection on a console is all it takes to kill, then the PSP and practically the entire PC gaming market would've been fucking dust.

>> No.9770567

Probably the "r*dditor" part, mods seem to hate that.

>> No.9770630

You would think the cube could have sold better. It could run sonic 2 battle, Dreamcast was too weak for that stuff, this was firmly 6th gen hardware. Prob would have been expensive to port to ps2

>> No.9770731

Because faggots only look at numbers and see that other consoles had bigger numbers

>> No.9770828

Only in the US dipshit, other parts of the world didn't get that crash

>> No.9771605

No wonder your opinions are all retarded
>other parts of the world didn't get that crash
Ah yes Console gaming in Europe was real popular pre nes, people were playing famous consoles such ... and ...

>> No.9771680

chocolate chip cookie discs killed it

>> No.9771718

>no argument, just culture war grievances

>> No.9771861

>no argument
You were already proven wrong. Your sources are shit and known to post bullshit. Cite something credible next time, loser.