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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 165 KB, 780x768, gunstar_future_heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9765164 No.9765164 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude, let's take Gunstar but make everything about it shittier
You're supposed to IMPROVE on the original when you develop a sequel, Treasure...

>> No.9765768

The whole thing was probably thrown out unfinished.
And I'm not just talking about those sprites of all those other Sega games found in the ROM - even stuff that made it into the game seems unfinished like lots of bosses having glaring blind spots and barely any attacks, especially compared to their console counterparts, or don't even have any attacks or means to damage you at all like Bravoo Man.

>> No.9766039 [DELETED] 

>Future Heroes
Kek. Jewrop is so fucking gay.

>> No.9767243 [DELETED] 

Meh, 'Super' makes it sound too much like Snezz shite anyway

>> No.9767350 [DELETED] 

>bong, dan, and aussie

>> No.9767379

>The whole thing was probably thrown out unfinished.
>let's make what was already made but a sequel and better!
>oh no, this is actually a lot of work!!
>whatever, just send it

it happens all the time

>> No.9768112 [DELETED] 

Serves them right for going back on their "We're too good to develop sequels" philosophy and reason for quitting Konami.

Fuck Trashure.

>> No.9768126

Dude it’s a mobile game, they’re always worse

>> No.9768474

I think FE creator a joke?

>> No.9768492

>The plot is both a sequel and a remake of the first game.
>The game's story is different based on difficulty and character selected. Each story is incongruent with the others even though you are doing the same levels and bosses.
>Red is really androgenous, so much so that people only realised her gender after the protagonists proclaimed their love for each other in one of the endings.

>> No.9768694

sex with red

>> No.9768727

The player sprite ratio is far off. But some how I find AstroBoy Omega Factor ok. Maybe because they took the time to polish the game. Also it is highly repetitive almost too many boss fights, nothing really clever just beat em up. But some how OmegaFactor is generally good IMO and SuperHeroes meh.

>> No.9768858

I remember playing it as a kid and i quite liked it, so all the negative posts surprise me . The gameplay is faster and tighter than Astroboy and overall while not perfect it delivered some good fun.

>> No.9769110 [DELETED] 

>american calling someone a jew

>> No.9770226

If you haven't played the Mega Drive version, you should, then you'll understand. GBA Gunstar has worse gameplay (why did they get rid of throwing, weapon-mixing and co-op?), worse level design with too many gimmicks, worse sounding audio and worse aesthetics (dat shitty soulless nu-anime art style). Even if the game'd actually been finished, it still would have been vastly inferior to OG Gunstar.

>> No.9770353 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 221x220, AdvancedGuardianHeroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I liked it.
Then, I eventually played the original, which was honestly superior in ways I didn't expect.
Fuck you, I still like it despite that.

>> No.9770481 [DELETED] 

You've been sucking us and our money off ever since NATO existed, brownie.

>> No.9770958

The worst thing that game did was get rid of the Street Fighter-style command inputs.
I know it's a handheld, but why did they have to simplify the gameplay so much?

Also parrying is a cringe as shit mechanic.

>> No.9770959

Even shittier Gunstar Heroes, which it was going to be due to that shittier resolution of the screen alone, is still better than 95% of the library.

>> No.9770962

I had no fucking clue Red was a girl until about 2 years ago. Blew my mind. Always though she was a genki as fuck generic main character boy. Shonen protag type.

>> No.9771026 [DELETED] 

>Gunstar Future Heroes
Kek. Jew-rop is so fucking gay.

>> No.9771058 [DELETED] 

>seething hate for Treasure
Schizo or memelord? I'm convinced there's no in between. If you like retro action games, how can you even think they're worse than 'okay'? I legitimately don't get you weird, weird people.

>> No.9771068 [DELETED] 

Do some people just exist to hate on anything renowned? Man, oxygen and cake fucking SUCK. Fucking NORMIES.

>> No.9771079 [DELETED] 

>Do some people just exist to hate on anything renowned?
It's called modern, continental Europe: the land of soi and effeminate backbiting and complaining.

>> No.9771095

Most of that is down to the platform. No one plays coop action games on GBA. Shut up. No one does. GBA has shitty sound baked in. Even games with fantastic OSTs like the Wario games and Mother 3 are gimped. There's less resolution and screen space to play with. For a GBA run and gun it's pretty fucking good. Name two better run and guns on the platform.

>> No.9771184

>Even shittier Gunstar Heroes, which it was going to be due to that shittier resolution of the screen alone, is still better than 95% of the library.
Sadly true.
Are there even any other run 'n guns on the GBA that aren't ports?

>> No.9771192

I'd like to know if there are good ones regardless. Plenty of westoid license-trash I'm sure.

>> No.9771263

OP maybe I agree with you but the way you "communicate" makes me think you're still a braindead piece of shit NPC. Kill yourself ty

>> No.9771280

>Making a shit game shitter
I find that hard to believe.

>> No.9771353
File: 1.65 MB, 934x960, 2292688-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs your kusoge

>> No.9771783 [DELETED] 

>noooooooooooooo you must unconditionally praise everything presented by Treasure
Fanboys... were a mistake...

>> No.9771808

only downside is no 2 player, then again at our ages all games are 1 player

>> No.9771864

>not Yellow or Pink
nibba you gay

>> No.9771959
File: 1.99 MB, 846x628, Bravoo Man.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, what the FUCK were they thinking?

>> No.9771962
File: 1.73 MB, 628x406, Kusoo Man.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9771985

Skill issue

>> No.9771998

it is a GBA game, lol. What do you expect? Just appreciate it as a weird little spin-off.

>> No.9772075
File: 151 KB, 1242x1080, 1676215625628598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's happening here, cheat mode activated?

>> No.9772157
File: 43 KB, 373x610, GSH-Golden_Silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing has no attacks, AI or anything in the GBA game.
Back then I thought that it was something like in the original game where changing the difficulty would change its attack patterns, only in a more extreme way here, but no - it does NOTHING, no matter the skill level.
Even the Pinky Roader afterwards does nothing but jump around while you can jump on it and just fire away.
Hell, even the final boss, Golden Silver, does nothing but stand around despite having a full sprite sheet in the ROM. The game must've been rushed as fuck.

>> No.9772240
File: 726 KB, 1453x986, 86367387_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think tomboys are cute.

>> No.9772290 [DELETED] 

>American localisation
Japanese Red is a trap.

>> No.9772332

I know this feel. I was honestly baffled at how badly it was relieved when I was younger/

>> No.9772358 [DELETED] 

as usual the japs give eagle land the better version of a game

>> No.9772359 [DELETED] 

yeah i would rather fuck a tomboy than a trap

>> No.9772439 [DELETED] 

>nu-gender bend
Go back.

>> No.9772580

No, she's not, this is a meme by trannies and fags.

She's referred to as female in a japanese interview. Japanese fans all overwhelmingly acknowledge her as female (look up any fan art of the game, they always show her with tits).

>> No.9772581

*JP fan art, that is.

>> No.9772583 [DELETED] 

You’re fake new

>> No.9772594 [DELETED] 

>rainbow flag is mad that he can no longer claim a character.

>> No.9772603
File: 411 KB, 894x735, GUNSTAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell this very piece of japanese fan art right here tags her as a girl.

Honestly I always hate when something gets written on fucking tv tropes and then all the retards run around repeating it until it becomes common nerd knowledge, when you can look up that it's fake and gay in 5 minutes.

>> No.9772940


>> No.9773165 [DELETED] 

>it is a GBA game, lol. What do you expect? Just appreciate it as a weird little spin-off.
No excuse, the Game Gear got a great port of Gunstar Heroes (arguably better than the 16-bit version in some aspects). This is just Treasure shitting out a worse product because they just didn't get a fuck, yet people still eat it up.

>> No.9773439 [DELETED] 

It is not better than the 16bit version in any way, and not better than Super Heroes. Fuck off you contrarian lamer. You people are a disease.

>> No.9773448 [DELETED] 

I just don't get the unhinged hatred for them. They make okay to pretty good games. What's to hate here except for their truly bottom tier shit?

>> No.9773452 [DELETED] 

No it fucking doesn't lol, hipster dumbass. It doesn't have a fraction of the rewarding and frictional feel of Gunstar. I bet you played the 50hz version at Euro-cucked speed too.

>> No.9773454 [DELETED] 

It's seriously just one really loud obsessed dude.

>> No.9773459

Was hoping for a (You) on a better run and gun on GBA by now. Minimum requirements: not a port.

>> No.9773460 [DELETED] 

No, it's that guy and a bunch of (You)fishing copycats in his wake. It's childish absurdism.

>> No.9773563 [DELETED] 

The real reason this turned out shit is because Sega-Sammy is incapable of making anything good. Sega was only good when they were making their own hardware still, once they went 3rd-party it all went to shit for them.

>inb4 but muh Yakuza
Nope, those games are shit too.

>> No.9773575 [DELETED] 

Your opinion is invalid

>> No.9773589 [DELETED] 

This is the most plausible theory, which explains why Astroboy Omega Factor turned out good, seeing as it was made before SEGA got bought out and raped by Sammy (came out 2003, one year before Old Sega's demise).

Anything related to post-2004 Sega is cursed and doomed to be janky, glitchy, rushed, horrendously inferior garbage.

>> No.9773591 [DELETED] 

If a game has no jank it's shit. Can you name me one game without jank that's a masterpiece?

>> No.9773657 [DELETED] 

I think as long as the jank doesn't affect normal gameplay too badly, it's ok.
But the problem with Modern Sega is the jank is so extreme that it ruins the games.

>> No.9774030 [DELETED] 

But Super Gunstar Heroes is better than Astroboy tho???

>> No.9774165

Turok Evolution despite being a "port" is completely different than the main game and is a run and gun. It's okay but pretty difficult. Honestly there really isn't much for the GBA that is worth playing IMO.

>> No.9774939

>western licensed run and gun
Oh boy I just know this'll be great.

>> No.9774940 [DELETED] 

Based australia-kun forever obsessed with Treasure and Nintendo.

>> No.9775097

I tried it. it's actually not so bad, thank you

>> No.9775471 [DELETED] 

~ Top 10 Trashiest Treasure Games ~

#10: Alien Soldier (Treasure's boss-rushiest gimmick game, the little level design it does have is pretty much a complete joke; controls are fucking garbage)
#9: Sin & Punishment (gimmickily turns into a sidescroller on the final level; gimmicky bosses like the Tetris one or Missile Command one; tries to incorporate jumping in a rail shooter but the platforming designs blow dick)
#8: Astro Boy - Omega Factor (basic bitch bmup gameplay which has to be expanded via a lame collectathon gimmick; boring filler shmup gimmick segments almost break up the inane bmup monotony)
#7: Silhouette Mirage (polarity system makes the game feel too contrived leading to some of the most annoyingly gimmicky boss / level designs in Trashure history)
#6: Radiant Silvergun (scoring system makes it feel too much like a puzzler, punishing you for killing an enemy that isn't the right colour; cringey jarpig elements; like Alien Soldier, too many bosses and too little worthwhile level designs)
#5: Ikaruga (combine RSG's gimmicky scoring with SilMir's gimmicky polarity shield, double your gimmicks double your fun!... if only you COULD have fun playing a Trashure title...)
#4: Dynamite Headdy (over half the Scenes in the game flat-out suck, lacking proper level designs that focus not on platforming but instead on fighting bosses or shitty gimmicks like turning into a shmup or showing off a 3D floor; also the shittiest bonus rounds conceived for a scotformer)
#3: Gunstar Heroes (Dice Palace consists of braindead puzzles and worthless mini-bosses; second to last level turns into yet another terrible shmup gimmick section; final level isn't a real level, but just another lousy boss rush)
#2: Gunstar Super Heroes (takes Gunstar but makes everything about it shittier, most notably the inclusion of horrible "homages" to several SEGA classics)
#1: Mischief Makers (Olympics is a marathon of retarded mini-games, plus many more shitty gimmicks in this overrated kusoge)

>> No.9775474 [DELETED] 

>australia-kun has logged on

>> No.9775481

Lilo and Stitch

>> No.9775626

>Japanese listen to localize crap
Sad state of nippon

>> No.9775628 [DELETED] 

>retarded for pretending that shit sounds of projecting

>> No.9775635 [DELETED] 

Nickname of TheDeviantPro?

>> No.9775701 [DELETED] 
File: 1.91 MB, 806x1127, star_successor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're supposed to IMPROVE on the original when you develop a sequel, Treasure...

Say no more...

>> No.9775761 [DELETED] 

lol, no

>> No.9775983

Gunstar Heroes metascore: 89
Gunstar Super Heroes metacsore: 83

Doesn't reek of a game that's notably worse than the original. Hell, the originals score is likely inflated by fewer reviews fueled by nostalgia/hype. Seeing as Super existed during the era when metascores were a thing its rating is likely more accurate.

>> No.9776201 [DELETED] 

How about actually playing the games and determining their quality for yourself instead of listening to the plebian unwashed masses who don't know shit from shine-ola?

>> No.9776209
File: 145 KB, 600x465, q3hgh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Treasure doing anything right
What the fuck is wrong with the millennial autists on this board that worships that c- coke addict company. All their games suck by princess crown and bangai-o (the first one, the DS one is fucking AWFUL)

>> No.9776245 [DELETED] 

~ Top 10 Trashiest Treasure Games ~

#10: Alien Soldier (Treasure's boss-rushiest gimmick game, the little level design it does have is pretty much a complete joke; controls are fucking garbage)
#9: Sin & Punishment (gimmickily turns into a sidescroller on the final level; gimmicky bosses like the Tetris one or Missile Command one; tries to incorporate jumping in a rail shooter but the platforming designs blow dick)
#8: Astro Boy - Omega Factor (basic bitch bmup gameplay which has to be expanded via a lame collectathon gimmick; boring filler shmup gimmick segments almost break up the inane bmup monotony)
#7: Silhouette Mirage (polarity system makes the game feel too contrived leading to some of the most annoyingly gimmicky boss / level designs in Trashure history)
#6: Radiant Silvergun (scoring system makes it feel too much like a puzzler, punishing you for killing an enemy that isn't the right colour; cringey jarpig elements; like Alien Soldier, too many bosses and too little worthwhile level designs)
#5: Ikaruga (combine RSG's gimmicky scoring with SilMir's gimmicky polarity shield, double your gimmicks double your fun!... if only you COULD have fun playing a Trashure title...)
#4: Dynamite Headdy (over half the Scenes in the game flat-out suck, lacking proper level designs that focus not on platforming but instead on fighting bosses or shitty gimmicks like turning into a shmup or showing off a 3D floor; also the shittiest bonus rounds conceived for a scotformer)
#3: Gunstar Heroes (Dice Palace consists of braindead puzzles and worthless mini-bosses; second to last level turns into yet another terrible shmup gimmick section; final level isn't a real level, but just another lousy boss rush)
#2: Gunstar Super Heroes (takes Gunstar but makes everything about it shittier, most notably the inclusion of horrible "homages" to several SEGA classics)
#1: Mischief Makers (Olympics is a marathon of retarded mini-games, plus many more shitty gimmicks in this overrated kusoge)

>> No.9776271

still the best thing to come from the sega dumping off their properties to thq for trash gba games thing

>> No.9776273

Princess Crown isn't a Treasure game, dumbass. Great argument.

>> No.9776282

You are a retard.
Bangai-O ludo masterpiece,
improved by Missile Fury on 360
Alien Soldier
Rocket Knight
Gunstar Heroes
Mischief Maker
Radiant Silvergun
Guardian Heroes
Sin and Punishment
Sin and Punishment Star Sucessor
they are great and just didn't have enough time to fully develop the GBA games

>> No.9776409

Pretty sure the devs referred to her as female in a jp magazine interview around / pre-release. Pretty sure there's also zero basis for her being male in the jp script besides some autist saying there was one less line of dialogue or something in the jp script and running around writing that she's a man on tv tropes and shit.

Sorry tranny, she was always a cute tomboy in the canon, original Japanese script. Dilate harder.

>> No.9776428
File: 80 KB, 282x300, 56783y2h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That game is nothing but the first one with tweaks so I got a re-release just like how things got republished on PSP if they had minor new tweaks.

Doesn't count
The rest are total utter fucking stupid crap that is flimsy and you can not return to like Streets of Rage, Sonic, Guilty Gear, Jet Set Radio, etc.

>> No.9776430 [DELETED] 

>a room temperature IQ /v/ tourist.
These can get along with auster.

>> No.9777001

>tv tropes
Are those faggots still seething about Lotte no Omocha?

>> No.9777003 [DELETED] 

Just because americans are obsessed with faggots it doesn't mean that their fanfics are canon.

>> No.9777009

Brain damaged or just shit taste in general?

>> No.9777091

Maybe he's thinking of Guardian Heroes, which is another Sega Saturn hack 'n slash game

>> No.9777117

Probably both.

>> No.9777249
File: 3 KB, 66x153, GSH-super_red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's referred to as female in a japanese interview.
I don't doubt that Super's Red is supposed to be female, but definitely the final design was made more androgenous. Also, I seem to recall an interview with a designer back in the day being asked why that is, and he said "sorry, I cannot say," almost as if they were toying with making her an effeminate guy.

>> No.9777291
File: 230 KB, 980x1308, traysore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon recently figured out that just about everything decent past Bangai-O was co-developed, not solo-developed.

>> No.9777404

>An anon
Why do you always speak in 3rd person?
Anyway, yeah some of these games were assisted by Sega or Nintendo, but the main director/programmers were Treasure. The role of the other companies was more that of the producers, the ones who had the money.

>> No.9777557

Why do you keep confusing publishers with developers?

>> No.9777578
File: 311 KB, 1024x768, deyhpw-4a61d1be-7a71-41d0-9f22-f216e1a96f48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play devil's advocate here
>She's referred to as female in a japanese interview.
Which one, specifically?
>Japanese fans all overwhelmingly acknowledge her as female (look up any fan art of the game, they always show her with tits).
Doesn't mean anything, the majority of Japanese Kirby fans think he's a girl iirc, what matters is what the devs/company says.

>> No.9777642 [DELETED] 

Treasure was the WayForward of Japan. They could develop stylish looking games with fancy and impressive graphical effects, but the game design is extremely lacking and poor, and they often need assistance to make something truly good (see Contra 4 in WayForward's case, or Gradius V in Treasure's case).

>> No.9777886 [DELETED] 

>Sorry tranny
This projection

>> No.9778023

Most of this does not seem to be listed as co-developed including some of the all time greats like Radiant Silvergun. Also you're seriously telling me that Sin and Punishment was the way it was because Nintendo? Treasure is the reason the game didn't suck total ass to begin with. What a weird way to try to "own" Treasure

>> No.9778029 [DELETED] 

>but the game design is extremely lacking and poor

>> No.9778205

>Most of this does not seem to be listed as co-developed including some of the all time greats like Radiant Silvergun.
Radiant Silvergun released a year before Bangai-O. Might wanna re-read that.
>What a weird way to try to "own" Treasure
Not even "owning." It's just a basic observation for people who feel like their output has definitely changed since the 90's.
/vr/ appears to be entrenched too deeply with that weird "Trashure" anon lol

>> No.9778254 [DELETED] 

You will never be girl gamer.

>> No.9778318 [DELETED] 

>Also you're seriously telling me that Sin and Punishment was the way it was because Nintendo?
Star Fox 64 is better than any game Trashure has ever shat out in their irrelevant, pathetic existence.

>> No.9778365 [DELETED] 

>the "Trashure" guy was a butthurt Nincel with a grudge all along who seemingly hates them because they preferred putting more good games on Sega's platforms to Nintendo's
holy shit lol

>> No.9778405 [DELETED] 
File: 429 KB, 1056x2260, 1677435489453824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trashure guy is australiakun and nintendo is like his number 1 enemy.
But he often falseflags just to shitpost, for example, he falseflags as a Sega fan even though he also hates Sega, or any other japanese company.
He only likes spectrum and other britputers.

>> No.9778530 [DELETED] 

>no rebuttal
Utter state of Trashure losers.

>> No.9778543 [DELETED] 

~ Top 10 Trashiest Treasure Games ~

#10: Alien Soldier (Treasure's boss-rushiest gimmick game, the little level design it does have is pretty much a complete joke; controls are fucking garbage)
#9: Sin & Punishment (gimmickily turns into a sidescroller on the final level; gimmicky bosses like the Tetris one or Missile Command one; tries to incorporate jumping in a rail shooter but the platforming designs blow dick)
#8: Astro Boy - Omega Factor (basic bitch bmup gameplay which has to be expanded via a lame collectathon gimmick; boring filler shmup gimmick segments almost break up the inane bmup monotony)
#7: Silhouette Mirage (polarity system makes the game feel too contrived leading to some of the most annoyingly gimmicky boss / level designs in Trashure history)
#6: Radiant Silvergun (scoring system makes it feel too much like a puzzler, punishing you for killing an enemy that isn't the right colour; cringey jarpig elements; like Alien Soldier, too many bosses and too little worthwhile level designs)
#5: Ikaruga (combine RSG's gimmicky scoring with SilMir's gimmicky polarity shield, double your gimmicks double your fun!... if only you COULD have fun playing a Trashure title...)
#4: Dynamite Headdy (over half the Scenes in the game flat-out suck, lacking proper level designs that focus not on platforming but instead on fighting bosses or shitty gimmicks like turning into a shmup or showing off a 3D floor; also the shittiest bonus rounds conceived for a scotformer)
#3: Gunstar Heroes (Dice Palace consists of braindead puzzles and worthless mini-bosses; second to last level turns into yet another terrible shmup gimmick section; final level isn't a real level, but just another lousy boss rush)
#2: Gunstar Super Heroes (takes Gunstar but makes everything about it shittier, most notably the inclusion of horrible "homages" to several SEGA classics)
#1: Mischief Makers (Olympics is a marathon of retarded mini-games, plus many more shitty gimmicks in this overrated kusoge)

>> No.9778631

Projection much?

>> No.9778716 [DELETED] 

>Gimmicks are... LE BAD

>> No.9778773 [DELETED] 

>dude i love being /vr/ lolcow lmao

>> No.9778808 [DELETED] 

>nu-gender bender
Go back.

>> No.9779108 [DELETED] 


>> No.9779328 [DELETED] 

amiga sucks

>> No.9779372 [DELETED] 

better than nintenshite

>> No.9779389 [DELETED] 

But I like both of them.

>> No.9780390
File: 585 KB, 923x695, 98c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wario World was all on Treasure
..why does this explain so much and yet so little at the same time?

>> No.9780505
File: 186 KB, 850x788, sample_1c0a883e0ab0bd0889199efd798d7220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9780747 [DELETED] 

It may be worse in some ways, but at least it doesn't have a stage as boring and repetitive as the fifth level from Gunstar Heroes, which is just a flat line and fighting the same handful of enemies over, and over, and over...

Why is Trashure so horrible at level design?

>> No.9781238 [DELETED] 

All shit except for Rocket Knight, which is like a Treasure game done right.

>> No.9781891

Some Nintendo guys did work on Wario World, that wiki list is wrong. For example the Panel de Pon creator designed WW's puzzle-platforming special stages.

>> No.9781917

Megaman ZX tomboy…

>> No.9781924
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x1576, 109_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually Kei from the 90s anime Dirty Pair Flash.

>> No.9782236
File: 990 KB, 750x734, 1664554153706618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dirty Pair
Having grown up with the classic Dirty Pair, I never got used to their modern look.

>> No.9782256

the classic look was better anyway

>> No.9782841

>improved by Missile Fury on 360
Switch and/or Steam port fucking WHEN?

>> No.9782859

>improved by Missile Fury on 360
I never played that one, but as far as I could see it's a totally different game than the original. Even the Dreamcast version has a lot of differences with the N64 original, but those 2 are more or less the same game (same levels, same characters/story), Missile Fury I think it's like a proper sequel.
And yeah they should port it, or just release a full Bangai-O collection with all 4 games in the series + level editors for all of them.

>> No.9783058 [DELETED] 

>Gaydiant Shittergun
Ah yes, I too love shitty puzzle games with jarpig elements disguised as shmups.

>> No.9783157 [DELETED] 

Honestly thought Red was just a femboy

>> No.9783175 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 630x630, 6471997_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"this character's sex is up in the air"
What Japanese devs mean by that:
>exactly that, nothing else
What modern West thinks of that:

>> No.9784018 [DELETED] 

- /vr/'s official Treasure sequels tierlist -

God Tier:
Bangai-O - Missile Fury

High Tier:
Sin & Punishment - Star Successor

Mid Tier:
Advanced Guardian Heroes

Low Tier:
Gunstar Superheroes

Shit Tier:
Bangai-O Spirits

>> No.9784341 [DELETED] 

>Bangai-O Spirits
I constantly forget they ever made that piece of trash, tried way to hard to use the DS stylus as a main feature

>> No.9784702 [DELETED] 


>> No.9784821 [DELETED] 

What's with your weird obsession with tierlists, auster? Also you're aware that, basically, you're /vr/'s lolcow, right? Anything you say will be taken completely in a non serious way and people will think the opposite of what you say.

>> No.9785686 [DELETED] 

Heh. Based as fuck.

>> No.9785842

That the joke.

>> No.9786284 [DELETED] 


>> No.9786687 [DELETED] 


>> No.9787660 [DELETED] 


>> No.9787787
File: 449 KB, 1438x1080, Yuri_waitress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never got used to their modern look.
They're not that bad, especially considering they were (re)designed by Takahiro Kimura RIP.

>> No.9787801

>Seeing as Super existed during the era when metascores were a thing its rating is likely more accurate.
How young are you...? Metascore didn't exist until late 00's

>> No.9788128
File: 321 KB, 640x542, cyborg_kurochan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the best Chadstation run 'n gun

>> No.9788147

Best Konami player

>> No.9788157


>> No.9788204
File: 982 KB, 1142x840, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't look very good

>> No.9788516

Shadow the Hedgehog before edge lord was a thing?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.9788530

Metacritic has been around since 2001. I remember checking out THPS3 on there when it came out for the N64.

>> No.9788537


>> No.9789309 [DELETED] 
File: 531 KB, 960x1440, mfwhenever I see a Trashure character design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's fuck Treasure and their ugly-ass, gimmicky-ass piece of shit garbage games.

>> No.9789319
File: 3.27 MB, 640x428, metal-slug-fat-game.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not posting the best Chadstation run 'n gun
>>mogs your kusoge
kek not even close bois

>> No.9789354
File: 7 KB, 240x152, GSH_betatrio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, wow. A long time ago, I found palettes for not just that version of Red, but also graphics and palettes for Blue and Yellow, too.

>> No.9790025

>not Wild 9
Fuckin' weebs

>> No.9790108

Maybe look up how GH games play before posting unrelated crap

>> No.9790113

No way, she an official futa (jk)

>> No.9790132

Wild 9 is a 6/10 game if you're feeling charitable

>> No.9790774 [DELETED] 

>Red and Blue get genderbent
>Yellow doesn't become male
Coomerism... was a mistake...

>> No.9792012

I think it's pretty clear that the designers wanted Red to be female but some Jap producer got in the way because Game BOYS aren't for GIRLS or some shit and they had to compromise. The 'murican ver is prob actually closer to the intent.

>> No.9792886

Nah. Shadow is a ripoff of Megaman's Bass.

>> No.9793487

>The whole thing was probably thrown out unfinished
Why do you think Golden Silver doesn't move his ass in the final battle?


>> No.9794187 [DELETED] 
File: 1.91 MB, 806x1127, star_successor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're supposed to IMPROVE on the original when you develop a sequel, Treasure...
Say no more.

Also, how come 7th gen's not considered retro yet here? It'll be 20 years next year since the DS came out...

>> No.9795259 [DELETED] 


>> No.9795382
File: 5 KB, 253x122, GSH_ABDragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That TCRF page has so many issues...

>> No.9796424 [DELETED] 

Yea, I'm thinkin fuck Treasure.

>> No.9796425 [DELETED] 

Sup austroon

>> No.9796470

This feels like Smash on the GBA for some reason

>> No.9796482

Why yes, I was recycled into a better Treasure game on the GBA.
What gave me away?

>> No.9796487

I dunno what's more of a tearjerker, Green doing everything to stop Golden Silver from activating or Astro Boy having to sacrifice himself?

>> No.9796501


>> No.9796504

But Kaga makes good games

>> No.9796519

>Takahiro Kimura

>> No.9797585 [DELETED] 


>> No.9798352

>better Treasure game
Literally no one thinks GBA Gunstar is better than the Genesis version, silly Nintendildo.

>> No.9798479

Based auster seething about nintendo until his last day of life

>> No.9799538

not everyone that realises treasure made shitty games is your imagined boogeyman, schizo.

>> No.9799693
File: 103 KB, 640x628, Omega_Factor_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading comprehension

>> No.9799754

How can Gunstar Superheroes be recycled into a game that was released before it?

>calling others retarded
The irony...

>> No.9799809 [DELETED] 

If this game released in 2023 Red would be non-binary

>> No.9800213
File: 837 KB, 2220x1080, Omega&#039;s first debut game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe because they worked on it simultaneously, development wise, then recycled what they had left to the other project, Retardaus?
>"How could have Omega exist when Sonic Heroes wasn't even finished before release?"
The irony is on you.

>> No.9800243 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna be honest with you, we're better with guessing than having the character ruined due to non-genuine "modern sensibilities" with the following of that being massively alienated.

>> No.9800394

>Maybe because they worked on it simultaneously, development wise, then recycled what they had left to the other project, Retardaus?
Maybe if they'd been released days within each other like Sonic Battle and Heroes were, but GSH came out a whopping 2 years after Omega Factor did.
Sounds like you're just goalpost-shifting after realising you fucked up, mate.

Also, the game you're thinking of is the GBA Tiny Toons game, which is the prototype for OF that Treasure recycled from.
GSH and OF don't really play anything alike.

>> No.9801017

>GSH came out a whopping 2 years after Omega Factor did.
What difference does it make? They were still developed together
See, he's at it again.

>> No.9801590

Great game